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“...F~ 3.SCHOOLS ASWIAtlOi ©5$ |jg| •<■'?■ H T-k’o ~ ‘.15V ~ THE ORGAN OF THE CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION. i a VoL IV., No. 1....”
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“...REUNION IN SCOTLAND. o. N the bright and glorious afternoon of the 10th day of June, 1911, the Chefooites in and near Glasgow had once again— after a lapse of two or three years—the pleasure of having a Reunion ; and all told, we mustered two dozen and two, including three daughters of Chefoo. By the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Judd (the former the President of the Chefoo SchoolsAssociation), we met at their house about 4 p.m., and proceeded forthwith to the Giffnock quarries ; some on shanks (energetic, weren’t they?), some in trams (how lazy !), and the rest in a “ one-horse open chaise ” ; and so we all arrived safely. Having chosen a nicely sheltered spot for our picnic, we enjoyed a game of rounders while tea was being set, and just as one side was caught out the repast was ready and we commenced operations. The next item on the programme was a photo, and after keeping us waiting for a quarter of an hour in an attitude unnatural to energetic young sparks, the operators finished...”