London Missionary Society handlists

Material Information

London Missionary Society handlists
Series Title:
Christian World Mission archive
London Missionary Society
Place of Publication:
London Missionary Society
Physical Description:


Subjects / Keywords:
Missions ( lcsh )
London Missionary Society ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
1795 - 1923
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Madagascar
-20 x 47


Handlist of correspondence, journals, etc. documenting the London Missionary Society's global mission
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : London Missionary Society : URI
General Note:
Warning: descriptions in this catalogue may reproduce terms found in historical publications and archival documents, including some terms which are now considered discriminatory, harmful or offensive. Such terms have been retained in the catalogue in the interest of historical accuracy and should be seen in the context of attitudes of the period. These terms will appear in inverted commas or will be signposted by other means to indicate that they do not reflect the views or opinions of SOAS Library or our staff. We apologise for any offence that our inclusion of these words may cause.

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Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
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Full Text
Esse acess ES see Senet Senta Ta peveSaeaesesasad daadateastebadey oieTenet ee er eebeaeee eee rea ee eee eee ee ee
= 63 a Lo ACONE } e ‘ “
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Py : 8 sai be3do a fo yes Ke Od en
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Ses Ear see SENG SE MET Seog tg ara SAS aaa geRanU EGET spe acAS SUS STEPS TaL TRE A STORY eee ee a eT SERA ESR Re eT ee eer ee et -
~]- BOX NOs Bf
DAs cie Leenks
ne A . x MSA (ease ns ia R PRA AU eP cy eCIe a eat
Wi A Dp A ( oe Ww ww Lie
LE? 7 ERS ely TT fh dod Ld LN Nis. iL CA neh Art ad ¥ AIZEN ON 2) Loan x U tod oN aE $
Rie LA, mM I Vi RO THE ARRA ERS: Oise bebp= Bei. Spel Et ON :
ale i 74, &
mes 7 2 hes A MARK in eee fh TD pea wie pacers on Tin eas ie c
A Seu.i5 AS Commander of Ben YOWS £9 Ves
Prats nte cy ema yt ec: ya © - maonna
Volunteers gran ts?) & Gommend
+ Wanaienw® de nanvlian
tO MONSLEUM ae pyanes1ier,
‘ + 4. oy (ft Re Ge ral 2 ey sn PM At pata te Ane
a UG tober 10h eWON LO ENS CLUE PaALOns
NMA VAP ano th ea VYolunteers at
f Rio ue ; Whe So mw} Ser Ars ry ype LARPANRTAG
A May 10 fhe Samburive men are accepted
: for service and are to be trested
gi 2a at ? Aya t sD deen fn f OY
Was our gwn.! Another tribe (%
: SAX ee aetna rs a. iris aetna peace tae cate SpA ests
who refuse to serve with them,
being their "mortal enemies" ere
© . ~ 1 £4 a. Vy sg - gee ae mite - KNIT
to come to him at once, or they
oer ae - eae ey NAT Se EY pans ts MA a
will be regarded as fcas; The
As mwh- cee mac cn 5 os + ya +1 4
pamburive inmay need nelp aha this
2 ae % Cun sy
: is to be renderad.
Tia a ha A m “WITH har Ganeliavn Sy haws aty
A Unu3. ted fo ‘Mon cher Sanglier! authorisim
Pees Crean ieee mb OMEN al Asthma RG Bet
embarkation! ?); and thenking tim
p ee AS en ‘ a aide mat R Le pe 1 = Ra eri ttne
; LOL Uns: SQ@rts 1 Ce nee fas Maks.
o : f
for him.
us ‘ of Mn WW te YL4aen
crabs LG. Li ze 9 avi ge yD angl Lor °
yu aes treed prone “es cin eve ERA eM ew 4. DAE ne
Asks for reassurence as to his
aCe Fie en eer ee ae
wife's well-being,
Mey ee A mr Re I an a. Soy “ ce ae ye
A May 15 To Moasangiier. or in tis suseceq
Ur on tae RO WNL A CAA a i hao Peale a irasiamaret hee 5s gen
M.Perthui(?’) ginstructions to use
7) - ae ROR Sen eae aa ROT Caen ta a naa rent ac hg ek aN
Sle Canon ehargé sans bonlets a
Te stots eneh eras fe Wea Dd ate see UN Giles
DUO See Ee Gee x Cua Y . LAS
tnt ahs Pik gL Sire FT re Tmt ae Wa 1 ee eek
: Zatve GL tie HOLrt vO OC guRPragcad
Pitent a a a mint sal fe, a a o BR ivi gn mae sha oe
Gay @82na Nigne, but “voiding any
cy + entice oft Foy of eo BA pe ey
S appearance Or deliance,
alee du yace 4 avon Settee een tee
‘ a ORT her SNStrucus wae 2
ae SOO s
t hy Be ae ae ee ae, sy Aya SNC TEP iteatd pl pga eure
3B Communicated CY Wwemosancum on Ladazascal
ur * $ Oe phe Pee ee Ate ha Giclee Nie Pa Vara lan
Monsieur Lebel. by one who lived there
Se ATR ie a Di cate ea a Ee oe sg EDN open tk atid TAIN
: =a aes 10 Years about Lovo.
4 e
. mA
2 Drawn 7 aa foes e, : ty on 5h esate: FAA oxy piatig OM eeat aE! Re at argo Core ees
38 POrt. Louis .<7= Copthed by Le Memorande on Medazascar
2 f Th 2D 1Â¥} 2 4A Thaees pyre + len 4 oo mf
ph 2 heaCeLs se iki Dye eevee 2 Eee i ike Eb a ob li M24.
a people poison, with tu
: a = 3
CESerip son Of Ces UCia.
0 ep sa et oe fe a flees
‘ VOD RS Re eR OM fel Get Vie ss
: Pmawm Meayratia.a
ae oe Ox . ab cul. ae oe ba e] ©
: xo came m 654 BH as gee s i Tt ee S80 ie and tare
B ese ae nae samples of Malarasy in fnslisa
s ANY 3
PULA tara en on Pe ie ew 4 eta Comnm toa At
: ee Co re aS 5 Aol BO DoMpDLes Of
Typo ah bet ds Bnet hse AN ite Oe di pices
HPVENCH Writ LOE PO Aa 2 Gai ies an
VL we
— £4 — TT pe eae ee Aly Tee ite an ms sf ae EN ee ata a BIR eer - } -
B C.0f G.Hope.Dec.18l2. Campbell John. Information concerni-
So Sdie LVLCH SAGA es Cle NDS 2 Sith: g Lee dy
: “~ vis a5 er 2 ‘ ‘
jeetes ein tt F 47 hy Hs Sey
* A = oy F

Pa Seas aT aS aah SS SE TES SSS EP SS eats EERE eS SOS ed RE a
re 2s BOX Oe an
FOLDER 0.2L (cont.)
; we —_ eterna Serie Fen e Reaee ar = TAR be VOeree 4 3
(tithe es SZ nde. Sen te hes + me Me aa :
Lex pre Frvdas. P.2, ©. 8.1,
Fix thine ann Dec 7 Es
6 Stellenbosen dJan.7 Cainpbell Covy of letter to Mr.Messer
ee re Madacasck> Massion.
G » Atrica Aprid Hilne.W. Copy of lemorial presented
en route -to B.S varcnhar. Cove ce
for Chine Mauritius, on behalf of ie
7 of zr ~ pea * . 2 An 1g. ma
ce VMaukwascer.
CG PP. Tous ores Rossi.F. Réoly to above lMetoriar.
U Mauritius Apr-12 dilne.W. His voyage from Cave to
Mauritius.Impressions of
Jatter place.
C Isle de Franee Apr.28 Miine.W. Vo UscCampbell |S Africa. He
Gives information of the
istend, its inhsbitants &
cust ons.
G Isle de Apr.50 Milne.W. His activities wnile waiting
: Yrance boat for China.Found Gatech-
-~ism in Meélagasy, also short
vocabulary of Malagasy words.
D Mauritius april Milne.W. Detailed account of Medagac-
: -~Gar-inhabitants ,customs ,ete
Reasons for establishing: a
Mission at Mauritius ¢
D P. Louis april. Miine.W. Cony of above.
D - ~ Judson... Infortation re Madarescar
L816 =
A Mauritius ay 20 PFerquar, Hducttion on Mauritius. Wig
Gove help with Mecsecascar hission,
Vocabularies & translation,
{Copy-for origina) see B.1.1.
Mauritius letters)
1818 ;
A London Jan.h Jones.D. Asking for books & instrument
Bevan.f. to take with them.
A - Port Louis Ole
Apr,.6 Le Brun. guotes from D.Jones letiers
es from Tamateve ,comaents on
Beveu's déauth. subscription
TaSe- Ot Port “Louis Aux; bites,
1818? .
A tlauritius HovelQ Jones,D. Arrivel at Vameteve.lir. Braces
to a friend /nelpfulness Sturtine senool
1819 :
A wematave Aprei? Jones.D. Illness and death of wife &
to friendsenile,
A fanatave hay <3 Jones.D. Tilness ane death of al? pus
himself?.Plans for carrying on
Mission. Hears of lies told o
Radena when he sent mesione~
“ers tO prina them -to @ne
P.S by ecnoe.The peonle aod shei
behiefs.Confirmation of prem
2 -ature birth of his chilé,

“a 25 ™ Per INNA sat na G
FORDER 70, 2. cont. pi
ee one L819 © e
A Mauritius The. 2 dones:D. Mr.Brage's hypocrésy.kiidness +
of Malagasy.Plans ror return.
Mr.Teifair.Stsrtea schou.
; for slaves « Ehglisu service.
Arabic,& Hebrewrintluence on
Malagasy languase.Has seen on im
, R.C.Catechism.
A Mauritius Dec. Jones.D. iI11 sgeain, but still wo.kings 7
end planning for Madagsesca:.
Studying Green ,Hebrow,arabic,
Persian & Malay,comparince
With Malegasy.His opinios of
Meuricius.Radamats invitation
to visit him.
A Jones.D. Fragment - Illness & deaths
L82C at Tamatave.
A ‘Pananarive Oct.l¢4 ‘Jones.D. hex treaty. Public rejoicing
vO His vians.
Telfair. eo Meee, oan one
-. Od. —-Rapaian . Prana tant, LECT 9) tn erencdr English OP
< B Tanenayve ve Oct.18 Jones.D. His welcome by & impressions
of Radama.Dialect different
from coast: speech. Will stey
: ‘in Capitals.
E Teananarive lov. 3d Jones.D. Deseribes his journey to
Imerina & reception by king
Radamg,who begzed Tor more
B Tananarive Novede Radema Asking ror more missionaries
- in French. :
oe B Ji. ne & Malagasy youth in Engl-
-1nd Leerning a trade.
ee Port Louis Feb.l18 Hastie.d. Copy~Devails of negotiations
to and treaty. Description of
Griffiths.route to Tananarive .Biocgrapi=
De -ical details of youths
\ going to England.
B Port Louis Mar.16 Farquhar Pledging loyalty and assist-
: GOV. -ance to new Mission,
ae Tananardve © May 3 Jones.D. Introspection.Need of colle-
: : -ague .Climate.Lansuaze ,Schodsc
: and children's attainments,
Special temptations.xKing
going to waz to subdue the
G London May LelieSe Sroposals re Malasasy youths
oe -eanvi ted to. taglond to tears
- trades.
GC London dune 4 burder.G Re 9 Malagasy youths invited
to Englend to learn trades.
C Port Louis duly 25. Jones.D. Progress cf Malagasy school.
: Engaged to be married.Generel
; ¢ Port Louis Aug.c7 dones.D. Re establishing schools in
to Gov. Madagasear and obtaining
Farquhar suitable books.
CG Madeira pep.1l Jveffreys.Describes his voyage to
; Je Madagase. 2.

wai ee 5

FOLDER NO. 6 cont, Bes


ee Tee Teel

CG Port Louis Sept.18 Jones.D. Account of nis wedding.Govr. Z

Farquér's provisional finan-
-Gleal help tc new Mission.
FirstMalagasy dictionar;.

C Port Louis sept.20 Jones.D. Copy of letter from Gore.
Farguar testifying to value fe
of new Mission.

G Temata Te Oot.l Jones.D. Tu Directors after arrival ;
at Tamatave from Mauritius,
3 Tananarive Nev.6 Griffiths. Describes journey from Tan-
D. ~anarive to Tamatave.
¢ Port Louis Dec.& Jeffreys. Describes voyaze from England
Je L1S.aays.Death of Mr.Newel..
of Bombay.
20 Port Louis Dec.lé Canham.dJ. Account of voyage and complad
“ints of Cattain'ts treatment,
G Port Louis Dec.l2 Jeffreys. é&nd letter after arrival,
Je with further news of voyage.
6 Madagascar Ena of List of names of Malacasy
L621 youths & trades they were to
learn in England.
an) ~ f ta?
: Leze sues | :
A London J2ne8 Tiarl of Re youths from Liedavsear in
(Downing St.) Bathurst England for study.
; A London dJanetO Gillham. Re Malagasy youth,Coutamauve.
Dirsidtse -Kotomave- who is in England.
(2 letters)
A London vaneLe Morlsok Re vassage of Malagasy youtis
Bathurst for Madarascer,
A Clapham Janel4 Gillham, Medical report on health of 2
DY J eAe Malagasy youths ,Drynav &
Coutamauve. (2 Letters)
A London Jan.19 Sarl of Re & Malagasy youths who are
Bacnurs ts 2a, i
A. London Bebe Penn.R. brati form 220 Lorseducatizon
cof Malagasy youths,from govt.
A London Feb.9 Gillham. Re Couteamauve'ts health.
: Dr eo oak e-
A London Peb.lO Darling, Re dtiness of Coutsmauve.
B London Feb.ll Gillham, -Gdvering Lette to GC. surcer
Dredetic with medicel certificate.
cE London Pebetas asl or Dratis of Aehter vo Hers or
eo Bathurst re 6 Melezasy youths,
nawed above.
B nondon Feb.l9 Hact of Information trat Coutameuve
Bathurst cin sail for Madagascar.
5 Admiralty Dyeryd. Re Coutamauve who is ill.
B London Mer 5 Pickton. Couvemauve with oir Grricin ot
de Portsea until ship as recay, .
B eii.o 6 Death of Coutaneuve at sea.
ahdromache Mar.28 Rutherford Detith of Coutamsauve at sea.
B do. Mar.c9 Rutherford. fo Dr. Gildmam re death of
B Clanham Mar.a3 Gillham. Death of Coutamauve.
B »t.Helens Mar.29 Nourse, Desith of Couteamauve,.

oe Aes ae
BOX 0. 15 :
; De to =
FOLDER NO’ 6 Cons. |
B Sananurive Mar.c9 dJones.D. Re progress of lission S¢hoo.
s. Need of more buildiness.
B MeHeanarive Ver.,e% Jones.D. Copv of part of D.Griffiths
Journal describing bantism
: of Griffiths' son.First
Protestant baptism in @, te
C Admirelty Mar.d0 Dyer.d. me desth of Coutamaure.
C Clapham Mar.3C Gillham. Account of post mortem. on
: Ded ere Goutamnauve .
C Helle. (Mar .3 Nourse,d. Copy of Letter re. funeral at
Andromache { Commodore sea of Coutamauve.
C Admiralty (Apr. es Covering letter .
G EMinai" May 3 Jeffreys. Describes voyage from Hurope
i: e
C Tematave May 8 Jeffreys. First impressions of Nadas-
de ~&SCaLl .
GC fananarive June 11 Hastie.J. Letter to Farquhar re safe
arrival of new missionaries.
CC Wananarive June 14 Hastie.J. To D.Jones asking of progress
of Mission.
G Tananarive June 15 Jones.D. Revly to above & revort of
G Taduanarive June 17 Jeffreys. Letter to Farcuhar giving
De particulars of Mission.
Hastie.J. “School examinations.
G Tananarive Wer 14 dones.D. His re-marriage. schools,
to sister- Generel affairs.
A Tananarive June 1.7 Jeffreys. Copy of letter to Farquhar.
de ee eee
aA Tananearive June 22 Jeffreys. Describes his work.Radama
J gone to war against Seakalava
A Tananarive dune 2% Jones.) Gives account of progress of
A Tananarive dune 30 Canham.J. Re his arrival & reception
: by king & people. Death of
tT Brooks.
A Tananarive July So Cniek GC, Asks Directors to send out
Mary Litechell.
A Tanansrive July 20 dones.D.- Re death of T.Rrooks.4sks fa
Asks for tools & medicines,
B Tananarive Juiy @& Jeffreys. Re death of 1.Brooks Aske
Je for more money.
B Tanenerive July 25 Jeffreys. Report on school.Re death of
; do ? .Brooks.
B Made gascar duly 29 Jones.D. Re grant of land by Radama,.
weneral progress of work.
B Tangnerive duly 2? Gritfiths. Re advisability of sending
D. out warried missionaries.
B Hellen s Dec.le Nourse,.. Re belongings. of Jece Couga=
andromache Clip ib. =MEUVE «
B Tananarive De eel. sOnes.D. Re hymn-books,school-books,
weaving,also fevers.
B London Lees Burder.G. Draft of letter to Govr.
Farquhar re Covtamauve.

ae SEL Ss a SSPEARS NSAP ezahes Sag eacHRe RSE TSS PS LORS Sao eee GE ee ee RRC TT eae ee Pee ee eee ee :
FOLDER NO. (Consd)}

G 1823(7) No name. Draft of a contract between :
Govt.& B.M.S. re Education
of 9 Malagasy youths sent by Hi

RS Radama to Eneleand. :

G Tenanar- Feb,l2 Racama Copy of Treaty with Her Brii-

ive. (King) aniets Govt. re Slavery.

6 London M35 519 Wilmot. Re teaching trades te lela-

(Downing St.) gasy boys.

C Woolwich Feb.21 Parker.M. Re education of Nealegasy

youths in England,

G Tenet St. Mar.g4 Hankey Letter to Ifo. Wilmot te Ma.a-

gasy vovES.

6 Tonanar~ Mar.c4 Chick.G. Deseribes his work as an are

ive tizean to the Malagagy.

G Pananar- Mar.25 Griffiths Refers to objects sent Zor

ive E> Dav the Museum.
C Tananar~ Mer.,.6g9 Jones.D. Re Sills of Exchange & endol
ive : singe application of artizans
for Leave: to get married.
oe fTananar- Mar.dl Jones. PD. ne @ List-of words which are
ive incomprehensible te him.
G Tananar~ Apr.4 Jerireys Egspresses to David fonss «
: Ve J. desire for reconciliation,
D feaenar- pred Jeffreys Re diifereness ih methods of
e ive J working the: Mission.
D Tanensr= Apred Jones.D. Copies of letters vo vetire:
ive Chich.@,
Rowlands re diffsrences.,

D Mananar- Aot.a dones.]). Personad matteis & differen-

ive ces with Jerfreys.

D Tananar- Apree cones .D.

ive Griffithse.D. 7
Chick.G. Reply to Jefireys re
Rowlands. differences.
Tnywaneas Neen ee rete i che be Apt eek See 2 eee i ‘ i fee
D Tananear- TVe aliferences.
D Tesanare- pred Jeffreys.d. To David Jones re
VE at¢iTeren cea.
D Tenanar-. Ar. 7 Jeffreys.d. To jones invoriaing misaion-
SEVe atieg=cf his Letter Go the
& a
D fanunear~- Avr.7 JOres.D. DowdeLprevs Inrormine pia ee
ive meeting to hear his end his
witets eorplenations,
Do. Tananar- Apr.s doOnes.D. Full account.of mescting con-
ive Rowlands.
Chace 7G cerning differenced,
Gan Hera 6 5) °

D Tananer-
fake jo ¥ y ae 4 WML NP AA tee, Ae kd he Ee We ae Lt he
ive LUCY! SelSeuter 4.441800.

: - Oo ~ OA CO oil B
4 Oflice Apr.24 No name Concerning a Malagasy yout! :
of OraLnance. - Verksy - to enter Royal
Powder Mills. :
A . fananar- Apr.2z8 Jones.D. New school for 200 children,
ive Interview with Hastle and
Rodama re exsending work
outside Tananarive.
A fananar-(lst and 7ones.D. Re progress of schools and
ive 4th pages Griffiths. methods of earcation. Also
missing) D about diseases & medicines.
A London May 2 Miller Reporéi on the 7 Malagasy
youths studying in England.
&£. Tananar- May 2 Canham.Jd. Report on work of artizans &
ive Gifficulties in getting mate-
Viale Lor tannins.
A Tananar- May 5 Jeffreys Re differences in fixing the
ive ef language.
& Tananar- Nay G6 Griffiths Giving Mr.Burder favourable
ive De
Canham.ed. testimony re David Jones.
A Weltham May 8 Wright.d. Coneerning Verkey studying at
Abbey Royal Powder Mills, Waltham
5 Tananar- May 10 Griffiths Reply te Jeffrey re differ-
ive David eNneEs.
= B Tananar- Way 15 Hiblenbers.Testimony to missionaries at
_ive Karl.fheo. Tananarive. (In German)
B Tananar- May 18 (Letter ini German.
‘ B Tananar- May 25 Radama. ToT Mise in Frencn. Apprecis
ive (King) ation of work of missionaries
and agks for another artigan:
B Tananar- May 26 Jeffreys. Letter of 57 pages tendering
ive d his reslenatlon,with reasons.
C fananar- May 27 Jeffreys. Further to his letter of the
ive J 26th.
C fTananer~ dune 8 deffreys. Enquires about disposine of
ive Jo books provided by: hiss
O Clifton July 14 Buchein Re stertins Mission stations
at St.Augustine's Bay % West
C - Pananar- Aug 26 Jeffreys haplains to Mp.Burder his de=
ive dee lay re previous letters.
C fananar- Sap.15 Griffiths Re money drawn on 1.4.5.
ive Devid
C Harrogate Oct.14 Buchan.iir. Note to ir. .Burder reminding
him or previous letter re bt.
Augustine:s Bay.
C Tananarive Oct.15 Jeffreys Expladnatory account of his
J expenses. i
; ;

aw Fe POY yea B 1h
FOLDER NO. (Cont 4}
Lé eaCee
D Minsion
TAGE At OF imdar 7 f PED tar FA Brn Darnhe ts ;
House ° 0& & a vo Purder e We oT Spay CO hire HDUCHEIV'S
‘ +3 5 ee ad beg, she ds BA
Austin 26tter of Oct.14 ;
D isle 2e Nove? No name Dealing with cost of
France living in Maaagasecar.
oles eas Sere WT ry + 2 yahnan it 1 nNrAnNAaaAC a eegcentee Mac ae a
D Clifton Nov.ele Buchan.lir. Re proposed Mission to St,
Augustine's Bay and West
D Tananar= Wovel5 Canham.Jd.
ive Chick.G. Mestiy re money matters &
Rowlands. articles bought.
7 le c \ iG _ + A am eu ove te ee pists Cae peed ee a are
D Tananar- NovezO JoneseD. Report on progress of work.
Sarees Ning PO 4 tt "
ive Griffiths.D.
Ste nm Nar ~ p she Why Da, . - ic Bo ONS a eee ee aie
D Clifton Decoo Buchan.iir. Reply to Rev.G.Burder's
Letter of 4412.1823,
Wf 4. oO Ds aut N fake ones T° a ¥ + Cx A eo
D Clifton Dec.cO0. Buchan.lir. Re new Mission to St. Ausus-
ae i ; Fe ec on ge
Line's bay. (To. Mr. burder})
fintiw :
Try n eo 24 rion! Wan yaho Bie heccfeiiary coin tc
D Halten Deceet Taylier.d. Re Mr.Buchay's letters on
Met 7 TS, Ae roe nAS
Garden. VWadegascar.

Sogo Se peat nese asta area agree Gira aes teestes eeseete rae eee Te TT TT TT Sra SHU
car Nis Rriyy aes :
= Ce ee ee $
PGnDon: NOwls
A Janel Ancny- Notes sent with £2 to help
mous work ef Mission in ledagas-
: Car. ae
A tananar- Apr.2l Jdones.D-. Jeffreys establishing nev
ive Station «ut Ambatomanga. 1S"
sionaries translating Bible.
News cf Mission work,
A Ambato-~ May e4 Jeffreys Details of expenditurs.
manga d 6
A Amb» to- May @4 defireys Re new country Station «&
manga, de account of his work.
A fTeananar- dune-2 Jones.D. Differences settled. Report
ive Griffiths.D. work & new school.
A Monanar- dune @ Jones.L. Duplicate of Report.
ive Griffitha.D.
B Tananar- dune 14 Jones.D. Re money crawn.
ive Duplicate of this alsa.
B Tananar~ dune 17 Rowland$7. Account of his work as a
ive weaver. Lack of materials
and students.
B Tunanar- June 17 Griffiths. Reply to Mr.iungtea'ts let-
ive David ter & thenking him fer
“ school metverialis.
B ambato- June 20 Jeffreys Muonks Directors for thsir
manzZo de Letter re differences in
o ; Mission circles.
B Tananar- dune 24 Griifiths whanks for schoul materiais
ive David Re chessing Malagasy Alphat?
B Ambato- Colo Seri reyG To Mr-Heankey sé some money
“ manga J drawn. News of Mission.
G Ambatoe Sue. Lo: gerireys Re a Wesleyan Mission being
Menges, d established in Madagascar.
G Ambato- pep.p Mange. J removal to Africa.
: C fananar- Sepecd Griffiths Progvess of schools. New
AOS: David country stations,
G Tananay:- Sepeso Griffiths Part of letter to Mr. Lebrun
1.Ve david Encouraging state of Missio
G England Oct. & Notes of an address at chri
tening of Verssy,ct Surrey
< C Ifonoar~ 0ct.24 Canham.J. Asks permission for Canam
ivo Jcnes.D. to retury. to England to be
Gritriuns: Merraec,
~ 3 Dav at dG
: C Tananar- QOcte? Chick.G. Re Mary Mitchel &@ marricge,
G Tahanar- Noved Griffiths Character of natives. 6
ive David natives in England.” trens-
lation of parts of Bible.
= ee fists for printer.
G Ifenoar- Nov.e5 Canhem.d. Report of new Station -
: ivo materials received.
C Yananar- Nov.5 Griffiths Acknowleiges receipt of
ive David tracts & gives newo of new
2 Aiea oes 2 a Stations, eae :
; Zenanar=~ Novell Jones.D. Account of transiaclon OF
ive --G@pifriths.D. Bible. Duplieste of ents,

A Isle of Feb.24 Verkey.d. Writes Rev.Arundel abcuat
France his journey tO Madiragsear.
A Ambato- Mar.9 Jeffreys School and Building.
manga de
A Manenar- Mar.17 Hastie.dJ. Report on Mission schools.
ive Visit of King Radeama.
A Mor,ls: Jeffreys Copy of a tetter to D.Jones =
. nanga J Iliness oP lites .~etireys.
A Taneanar- MarelL’ Hastie.d. Report of Missionary in-
ive struction in Imertna,.
A Tananar- Mar.18 Jones.D. Money accouns re trades,
& Tananar~ Mar.l@ dJones.D. Duplicate of above letter.
B Ambato- Mar.18 deffreys Is taking his wife to
manga de Mauritius.
B Tananar- Mar.2l Griffiths Asks for printer & press.
ive David :
B Tananar- July3® Griffiths Jeffreys & family gone to
; ive David Mauritius. Extracts of his
Journals. Mission accouns.
Proposal of School for Fort
: : Dauphin.
B Tanansr- July 30 Jones.D. Duplicate of Journal sams
ive Griffiths.D. Gate as above.
B P.Louis July 30 Jeffrers. Death of Mredefireys & her
Mrs. dau thter.
B Tananar- Auge4 JONES eD. Death of Bliz.Jeffreys ¢
ive Griffiths J.Beffreys while on way to
David -- Mauritius. Verkey has
arrived at Tananarive.
¢ London Aug.25 Henkey.W. To J.Jeffreys re happy
Burder.G. settlement of disputes.
(Not delivered) —
C Tananar- Novel4 dJones.D. Rules,eéte. concerning "The
ive Hastie.dJ. Madagascar Missionary
Griffiths.D. Sehool Society."
C Pananar~ Nov: (As above) Appeal to "Christian Worla"
ive on behalf? of Malagasy.
C Ifenoar-
ivo Des.13 Cannam.d. Tannery commenced. finance.
Cetseaticn of Govt .allowanes
from Mauritius. Eduesation,
C fananar- Deea.l6 Jones.D. First pravor meetings 2
ive uriffiths Malagasy lansuage. Radama
Davida becoming patron of "Mada-
; gasear Missionary Scnool
G fananar~ Decel9 Jones.D. Concerning new NMsdagascar
ive Griffiths Missionary School society.
G _fananar- Déec.lo Chick.G. Death of J.dJeffrevs. News
ive of Missions Working on irex
for Radamats Palace,
D Tananar—- Deec.i9 Griffiths Report on Malagasy bers
ive David educated in Unglend.
D Ifenoar~ Dece20 Cenham.J. Asks for fiancte to be
ivo sent out. Jeffrey's death,
D Tananar~ Deo.c4 Jones.D. Financial, Progress of new
ive trades.
: D fTananar=- Dec.24 Gwetft€iths. Certain missionsries agree
David to raise money for Hepoci-~
S = tory of Missionary School &

FOLDER NO.2.(“ontda}
D Mananar- Dece.26 Rovland.T. Hdueational news. Appeals
ive for books. Introduction of :
s mulberry-tree. e
Do Yenanar- Dea.26 Griffiths Some cherecteristics of
ive Davia natives. Asks for printer.
A Maunrit - Feb.l2 Verkey.J, Greetings Death of
ius Larcvoae
A Tananar- Mar.2? Coppsalle. (In French) Report of ex-
ive A amination of schools.
A Mananarc— Aproie Griffiths Financial. Need of &
ive Navid printer.
A Tananar- May 28 Radama Declaration that slaves
ive (King) freed by missionaries
become free subjects.
A Tananar- June 4 Zafinear- Personal matters.
ive ine
A Tanenar- dune 6 Chick.G. Cannot lleave hic work te
ive come howe, Destructive fire
Commercial agreement witty
Radana o
A Wananar- June 9 Jones.]). hepert on Schools.
ive Griffiths.D.
A Tauanar- dune 12 Chick.G. Weeds Loan to purchase some
ive thines for Readama's Palaces,
j A Antsahai-~ June 15 Rowlancds. Conduct or his arprentices.
inta Te Asks to visit Englend.
B Tananar-° dune 14 Jones.D. Influence. of printed matter
ive Griffiths dJefirey's estate & his. jour
David nal forwarded. Missionaries
& slave ownership. Needs.
B Tananar- June 16 Jones.D. Finance. Proposed purchase
ive of horse for Mission.
B Tananar- dune 16 Griffiths Edveational work. Yalue of
ive David Madagascar Miss:Schook Soey
Value of a horse.
B Fananar- dune 16 Griffiths Recommendation of J.Canhanm,.
jrmmes LVé oes Asks for bookss .
foe Tams.teave July 1 Ratveffy. Wishes to m-intain relatior:
; (Prince ) with the Society.
B Meurit- Aug.1 Cole Lowry Promises protection & help
ius Deka wil to Madagascar Mission.
0 Maurit- AUS es. Cole.Sir. Duplicate of a letter “«
ius OU olie Mr.Hankey acknowledges
various articles sent.
C Tananar- Sep.d Bolan.R. His voyage to Madagascar.
Lag Tananar=- Oct.23 Radama Offielal acceunt of Hastie
ive (King) death & funeral.
CG sananar- Wov.s JOHNS «Lo His journey. Mission acws
| ive here & Ambatomeanga. Wreck
Of Portuguese boat,
C Tananar- Nov: JohnseD. Finance. Bad influence 2%
ive Atmbatomenga. Re conduct of
2 lads educated in Bnelandg
+6. Tahanarive . Junew Radama+ -Nelagasy. Proposed clini-
Bee to. cal education for some
Fant {ar San MAI pupils.

Se Sara eRe See SD TE SEAS I aeoere aga cs Legat saa gaaP Caos es sats eres each wes wah cee at cercsersetraseripaceytrtrtact states etree eee ee Se PLT Tati eee Set . ae eb? r
~ ll - BOX W- e
FOLDER 10.5.{ @ontd:
1 > a -
D Tananer~ Nove? Jones el. Arrival of Johns ,ete.
ive Griffiths Death of Hastie, Grammar
Davia of Jeffrey. “ommercial con~ i
ae cession harmful.
D Tananar-- Nov.9 Bolan. R. State of Madagascar.
D Tananar- Griffiths Arrival of Hovendens.
D Tananare- Nov.2ge Jones. D. Arrival of printer,
D Madagascar Undated No name List of books.
+m Do a > =r g :
ki nenort of Madagascar Mis-
sionary School for iG26
u Tananar- Detailed report of School,
A Tananare Jan.6 Griffiths Death of Hovenden, his
ive David child & Cancron's aise
Health ay others, Nesds,
A Tananar~ Janes Hovenden Death of husband & child.
ive Niners
A fananar- (Jan.24 {In French) Acknowledres
ive (Tob.14 Report of schools. Rowlzis
vo resume work as wefver,
A Amparibe May 15 Rowlands.@. Re bringing spinnine mach-
ines into Ma@dascagcar.
A Amparibe May 17 Cummins.3. Uonditions under which ke
ae Will ply his trade as apinns
A Tansner- May 19 Cameron.d. Describes machinery for the
* : 31
ive cotton factory ih Magger.
be Tananar- May 19 Cameron.J. Suggestions &£ estimated
ive cost of improving machinery
fo: spinning.
A Payenar~ May 30 Jones... Mission news. Interest of
ive GeifM thea Racdema in education, Re
Davida paper-meakine ,Finence., Ex-
: tension of srinning.
. t :
3 Antsaha- May Rowlands,.7T. Asks to return Encland.
dinta Re spianing machine.
3 fananer- June 10 Griffiths Criticisms of Rowlands.
ive David Welcome news of deputation.
B fananar- dune 15 vones. D. Finsnce. Spinning macninery
e ve Need for deputation.
B Tananar- Jun.16 gohns. D. Books needed.
B Tananar- dunsc6 Jones.D. Problem of Hastiets estate,
B P.Louis July 9 Freaman.d. Voyege to Mauritius en
= ees eek ee ; routs for Nadagascar.
B £eLOULs vULyY if Hreeman.J. VOyage experiences. Le
Brun's schools suecesseful.
: Death of Hovenden,.
C Tananar—- July 18 Chick,.¢ Personal finan
: mobs «) aS WILL OK» Ute a ae ta Led LOA gee “
G P,Loais July 26 Freeman.d. Finance. His gourney.

- le - BOX NOwc. #
. 1827 7
C Tamatave Auge’? RobineA. Refusal to grant Ganham ex-
(Sec.of Radama)emption from export duty. :
(in French!
C ifenosar- Oct.d Canham.JdJe Re Radama's violation c* his
ivu promise. Decline of Brivich
sanfluernce. PimMance.. Tribute
tO. Prauce Reveacte.
q P.Louis(?) Lyall.Mr. Recommends missionaries com-
ing to an agreement with
rs. Hastie.
C Grand Oct.c?. Kelsey.?.. Re complicated nature of ia.
River Hastie's Will.
C Qs8238) Proposals to Radama re cotvte)
Se fe factory in Medagascar.
D Tananar~ w Jpnes.D. &ceount of death of ir,
ive Griffiths.D. Hastie, also Funeral.
D ot .Peterg-
burg 14/26 Feb. Knill.R. Obituary notice of ¢.Hoven-
@en. Donations to Widows!
XXX Fand.
2 fananar- June Griffiths. Report on Schools.
ive David.
D Tanarnar- Sep.i0 dJones.)D. Death pf nsadama.
D fananar- Sé¢p.di Freeman.d. Message from Queen Ranava-
ive , Lona.
= Taneanar- Ser.1l8 Lyall.R. Personal letter to ir,
ive Hankey.
D fananar- Sept; Bennett.G. Copies of ietters after
ive Fresman.J. visit of G.Bennett,
D Tananar- Oct.2<0 Griffiths Conducts GeBennett to coast
ive David & bring Baker 9 printer -
to Capital,
D Meurit- Deco? Colville. ius Dit. Cs
D Tenenar- Dec.8 Missionesries thanks to G. Bennet for
ive at Tananarive tielp during his-visiv to
D C.Town Decs28 Rennet. Geo. Printed account of Funerel
of Radama.
XXX. 0... Pananar- May 1é. Jones.D. Leaving for Coast to meet
ive ' Deputation. Printing Press.
_ D Tananar= Octee Johns. Dy Re Bills dravy.
LVIC: « -
D Tananar- Oct.15 Jones. D. Re expenditure & aa justment
ive of Bills drawn.
1S27 and 1828. Po
‘ . é E

ee ee eee ree ee '
ae I 3 < Bis BONE Ors is
A Tananar- dJan.9 Fresmaned. Schools reopened. Weak
ive heal th of. Mr. Baker, a
A Tanansr- Janel6- Uyatl. R. Copies of letters to
ive:— missionaries in Madagaseur,
A Teannnar- Feb.lO Freeman.d. Order from Queen - school
ive . teachers not to be paid,
A Lenauare- -4ebe28 Freeman.d. Kind attitrie of te Levey A:
ive towards Mission.
A. Tananar- Febs Committee Minutes. Dispute re Mr.
ive Lyall.
B fananar~ Mar.15 Lyall. R. Dispute with Jones and
ive Grierithsi.
B Tananar- Mar.2e3 Chick.G. fakes work with Government.
ive :
B Tananar- Mear.25 gones, D, Dispute with Mr.Lyall.
3B Tananear- Mear.28 Honns, ). EFrogress of Mission.
ive Hapulsion of Mr tye.
E Tananar- War.29 Bakes. B. patisfactory vrogress of
ive Prega.
B Tauanar- Aprecd (Jones.D. Dispute with Mr.Lyall.
ive (Grirfiths.D:
<5 Apr. - FPorsBible ce Malagasy Scriptures,
G Tancnar- May 4 Jones. D,. Better outlook.
C Pananar—- May ¢ Balcer. EH. Printing work going on,
C Tananar- hay 7 Johns. D. Mission work at a
ive standstill.
C London, Aug:7 "Times" State of Nedagascar,
C PeATricen Oct- Death of Radama,ctec,
Advertiser Nov.1830. (More fully ziven in
; Quarterly Ghronicle,Vol.1}
A Tananur- May 4~ Committee. ixtract of Minutes.
ive to Jaly &.
A Tananar- July 10 Volave Avrivel at Capital.
4 @Vananar- July 24 Jones.D. All artizan misgsionsries
ive at work,
A Tananar~ dJuiv 29 Jones.D. Description of Rademats
ive vOmD.
A Tensner- Aug: Griffiths.n. Death of Mr.Tyerman.
A. Tanenar- Sep 3 JOhns. D. Jedetreeman leaving for
ive Meurivius.
5 Tenanar- Sep.25 Cameron.d. Starts making soap. Asks
ive for chemical apparatus,
B Tananar- Sep.26 Baker. =. Progress of Press,
ive jae :
5 Zanonar- Sept: Razifinka- Wants watch and compass.
ive refo

SPSS SESE SSS Gea aga aS Sass aE Sa SP SE Md SSS Sa ee Res aD PES EASOSat ge aE PRLS ESS oS S aA REESE PR ached RR cece CEE ENE pacientes pe
= LS = BOX NOw. a
FOLDER NO. (Sonte)
mB Ambohi-~- Oct.25 Canhamed. Leaving the Island. é
a mandroso. 3
B Teananar- Novede Printed acecunt of an oh
ive expedition in Madagascar.
(In French)
B On bd. Novezl #reeman.J. On his way to Mauritius.
C Maur it- Dec..0 Freeman.J. Reasons for leaving
ius : Madagascar.
G Tananar- DececS Comittee Minutes.
ive to Mar.2d
0 Tananar- Dec.29 Baker... Asks for "Cagster's Poly-
ive g@lot Bible."
G Fananar- 1829 (Geiffiths.
ive : ( De Report on Schools.

(Jones. D.
¢ Tananar-. 1829 Sketch of Roya} Courtyards
ive & houses in 1829¢
1850. FOLDER NO. e

ae Ambokiman- Jano5 Canhamed. Returns £600.
A London Jano.5 Buchan.€. Re ectablishing a Mission
= at St,Augustine's Bay.
de P.Louis eS8necl Freeman.d. Refusal of Queen to sign
' Fronch Treaty.
A Tananar- Feb.19 Johns.D. Brighter prospects for
- ive pchools.
A Tansnar- War.l? Baker. HE. pends copy of completed
ive New Testament.
A Tananar- MWar.19 (Griffiths. Minutes.
ive { D
(Jones oD.
B Colonial March The Coronation of Queen
Oftice Ranove.lona.
B. Tananar- May le dJones.D. Leaving for Mauritius.
B Maurit~- May 35 Freemano.J. Ass for insvuructions as
ius ‘ to future movements.
B Maurit- May 37 Freemean.d,. ~Divinotion & Iriel py Oraee
lus restarted in Macagescear,
= 8B fananar- May 27 Jones.D. Leaving for Vauritius
B Manrit- Jdun.l4 Freeman.dJ. History of Mission in
ius Madagacear finished.
B la@urit- dunel9 Freeman.d. Forwaras History of
1us Vadagascar,
B Pananar=- dunoed Johrsa.D. Revolt of Sakalava.

-~ 15 - BUN Oe Oo .
C Tananer- Jun.28 Griffiths.D. D.Jones has left for
ive Johas. >. Mauritius. Great demand 2
for Testaments.
C Vaurit~ Jun.c9 Freeman.J. Advises having sent a boc ;
ius to Sestety.
C Tananar- duly 1 Baker.E. ‘Testaments ulstributed to
ive - Coast & through Imerina,
CG Austin duly el Bennett.G. Encioses account of Queént
Friars Coronation. (Missing) The
ceremony demonstrates need
of continued prayer.
C Tananar- July 12 Griffiths. Vindication of dispute wit!
ive De Dr Lyall.
G Maurit- July 19 Freeman.J. Asks instructions for Luts
ius : work,
C Maurit- AUZ.2 Freeman.d. His ideas for Mission:
lus work in Madagascar.
D Veurit- AugelO Jones.D. Arrives at Mauritiua in
ius . poor health.
D Maurit- Augoél Freeman.7. Leaves for Cape Town.
D Tananer- Sep.l Baker.E. Encouraging stave of
ive , EMSS SHion:,
: D Tananar- Sepel Griffiths Is séuding home his wife
ive Ds and children,
A Tananar- Sep.2 Griffiths Malagasy-English diction-
ive De ary completed,
A Tananar- Sep.4 (Griffiths
ive ( De Mission still progressing
(Johas. D.
A Tananar- Sep.2 Baker.i. Is building a house,
- ive
A Meaurit- Sep.l6 Jones. D. Vinelcstion of dispute
jus with hlir. Lyall.
A Tananer- Sep.20 Griffiths Prospects brighter,
ive De
A Mauriti- ‘Sep.22 Telfair.Mr. A letter of encouragement
us to Mr.’ones. Mentions the
manufacture of leather.
A Tananar- Nov.16 (Griffiths. Replyfto Mr.Ganham's letter
ive ) Ds of lst .attached,
: A Ambob+man- (Jones, -D. | :
Gross. Novel. Canham.c. Re his ieavine the country,
. awaiting instructions.
A Tananar- Novee canhamed. ASks to be taken on as a
ive missionary.
B Tananar- WNov.<é9 Griffiths.pD. Brighter propsects for
ive . Mission,
B Meaurit- Nov.d0 Freeman, J. His arrival in Mauritius.
B C. Town Novs Freeman.d, Memorial to Prenen Goyt.on
Philip.Dr. behalf of Madagascar.

niles BOs NO <3. bes
FOGDER BO.4. (Gonta }
C Tananar=- Decel Rafaralahy General Mission news. Ula
ive change of name from Volheyve Be
G Tananar- Dec.4 Johns.Ds Is building a Chapel at ZB
ive Aphbatonakanga.
C Tanauar- Dece4 Griffiths.
ive D. Prospects still brighter,
C fTananar- Dse.d Rahaniraka
ive and Progress of Missior.
_ Rafaralahy
C fTananar- Dec.6 gohns. D. Building a& new Chapel.
C Maurit- Heese - Jones, D. Visit to Fort Dauphin, |
D Maurit- Dee.26 Jones. De Documents relating to his
Las visit to Fort Dauphin.
D fTananar- Dec.2% Baker. HE. Progress of Press.
2 rs Geta 2
ive 1S29
D England L230 Hankey. WW. To Rev.WmHtlis re Baker's;
Paper on Meauagasear,
Haha 7 2 : i ; D> aeeA Mawr ato. ry
D Ma@agascar 1850 Baker. E, Proposed Memorial to Right
Hon Stanley, sec.of State
for Colonies, re disputes
tony ny TR a) hh (Mew apt s ao,
between Fiench Gavt. and
Queen of Madagascar.
gaa ie |
800:.-: sb. Pie
: {

“=a SIV \ steed
A Nanrit- JaneolO Jones.D. Hopes to leave for Encisnd
tus soon. ee
A Tetanar= dJanelO beker.k. Acknowledges paper & tyne Be:
. ive & asks for binding material
A Tananar- Feb,.6 Baker. E. Printing of Bible progresses
A Tananer- Ap2.d Baker. bs Hopes to stay in Madagascar
ive until Bible is printed,
A Tananar- AprelO Razafincara- Ask3 for Bible & Concor-
ive fe dance
& fananar- Apr.lée Johns. D. asks for money to finish |
ive building Chapel.
A Tananar- Apr.le Johns. D. Mascion progressing. Asks
ci ive for books.
A Mananar- dJunec? Baker. H. JOins Mr. Griffiths! Church.
ive List of baptisms.
A Nanenar- duly 15 Johns. D. Quecn cives pernission to
ive natives to be baptized end
receive Communion.
B Tananur- duly 15 Johns. D. New Church opened,
B Tananar--. Augel4. Griffiths.)., Speaks of his 16 years in
ve Madasascar & desire to sty
B Tauanar- Aug.1S Griffiths.D. Sends copy of Rules of :
ive Baker. i. Cnurch at Andohals.
B fananor- Aug.20 (Griffiths.D. Re a dispute.
ive (Johns. D.
5B Tamatevs Aug.ed1 Freeman. J. On his return to Madavascer.
B Tamatave Sep.l MES887. |
C Ambatolam- Sepe5 Freeman.d.3. Journey to the Cavitel.
py Z
C Andovor- Sep.6 FreemaneJod. Further on his journey.
anto 2 ;
C fananar- Oct.l2 Griffiths.D. Re dispute between mission-
: ive aries.
G tananar- Oct.b2 Freeman.?.d. Has arrived in Capital anda ¥
ive gives encouraging rccount
: ee ae ee. _ of lission. ;
fananaz- OCotels Freeman.d.3. Written to Dz.Philip at ¢.
2Ve Towa. Re his journey, ane
gives news of “ananarive &
€ Tien wawn we TA rt Tae 24. 7 the ssi oe * fs
ananar- Dege2 Criffiths.D.: Opposition of certain of
ive Baker sii. the Govt,to.the Mission.
e Tananar- Decol6 Freeman.d.J. ifC of expenditure fron Cx%
6 ie | ee oe Town to Wada gascaxr.
SON9NaD= Vecelf AtKinsen.T. A/e of his exnenditure
ive from C.own to Madesascer
G 183) eM S Questions put to David Jones
. = zs 443. @ 6 MALS sv UTILS pu U0 PAVE Jones
regarding Madagascar,
Hs : ee aay
n Bordeaux June 3 Jon oe David On his vay horne te £ AGVANS
: > .

Pe é
: ~ 18 - BO. NO.¢ |
ets Se. Hy
Seesaw enone ahoneoaenetatane Ose i Heel A
AE Rea TTT Pt RT eee i ch: a
ze j }
1832. ] H
| in
fs Tananar-. Jan,.6 Griffiths. Disagreement with mis- ml)
ive De sSionaries. yi
Moawmapon D1 Olan WT - * 1 :
A Tananar- Jane9 Bakeas i, Wishes to go on printing ny
LES the 0.festament. Asks ns
leave for furlouch home |
A Tananar- dJanele Rahamiraka ee 1
ive and Praise missionaries aud We
Rafaralahy their activities. ie |
at |
Mana, 2 a A ath ’ Bin ; ; pa
A Tananar~ Jan.l6 (As above) Account of quescn's dealin Hi i
TUG oOo eke: * . : ee tM
ae vG 2 a with missionaries. i i
ley sq ey ovr 3" 2 c QT, it} ned ti
A Tananar- Jan.c4 COanham.Jd. Thanks Directors for ea- i
ive cepting him as missionary. IM
A kperest ce oe ae Ges eRe ek a on ee eS
\. Aberyst~ Janec8 Jones. TD. wends copies of letters |
a bh BSW US Lon 4 {
with received from Melagasy. me |
A Tananar- Febh.6 Baker. i. Asks for an inerease in \
ive salary - gives reasons, We, |
Bae |
: Vainte = Siena om 5 HM
B Tananar- Feb.ll Freeman.J. Mission prospects not so a
ive | bright. mi
B Tananer- Mer.25 Atkinson... Has arrived in Capital < ia
ive becom Veryeatl 1]. |
B Tenanar- Mar.26 Griffiths. Recommenis increase of Wi
ive De salary for Mr.Baker. |
B Tananar- Baker. E. Financial - asks for in- ve
ive crease in salary. Mission a
7 NEWS o an
: B Ranahar- Warec8 atkinson.t. Dissension with Mr.Grif- a
; te Onis) «|
ive fiths. a)
B Tananar- |
f an nae ; , Wh
ive Apr.6 Freeman.d. Disagreement with Mr. _ |
Griffiths. mi
B Tananar~ Apr.lO Chick.Geo. Is helping iir.Cameron with #iiy|
: ive 4 powder mill for Govt, i
B Tananar- Apr.iO Chick.G. Asks for 150 % per year on |
ive salary for 4 years. |
: il
: mii .| |
oe Tananar- Apr. ll Cameron.J. Acknowledges letter & oe |
ive icsl apparatus from home, |
& gives detail of disnuies. Ml
C Tananar L 1 Atki As eh Nea 2 s ac Og aes ara a
ananar= Aprell Atkinson.f. #itansial, ke, inereass .or i Bi
ive 4 years of Ma .Chick's money iil)
C. .. Pensnar- Apr.lo Jobs, 0. Trouble with Mr.Grizfitns n
lve Pl
e fananar- a4 . 6 begat |)))
ive Personal & general news il
: of Mission. H
C Taranar- Mey 23 Griffitnus. Is sending nis wife home. ji
: ive David | i!
C Tananar- May 23 Baker. E. Is returning to England, _ a
ive Thee, Pecks permed tntine'. Amt a i)
G Mawyoyne4 ae aA ep ey Treams Sees ante o oe % “ Wire tte Pe HA ti }
LaNanearl~- UN ob Freemanede ~Srsonar o gene rad news: Q2 if i \
5 . Be it mate {| |!
1ve people & work sent to Dr. i
Philip,of Cape Town. i
mae tt? |
a, |
D Mongnayre meet oe) Atind aon Mm Mya Os n¢ Ana GA at
; +Snanar dunet8 Atkingon.7~,. The qu 2H has ordercd him Hl iM ||
ive ; to return home. |
ny nw my Ps ft oe ~ + ay it
D Tancnar- Jun.l8 Freeman.J. Government opposition vo ae
- Ave Christianity, Hh
D Tananar= Jun cO Griffiths. He has decided to return i
ive David ° home . i
eS ie

ee se ee —
e !
: Wd
te il
~ 19 « BOX No.4 | i se
TOLDSR NO.2. (conta) [i
— ann —— ee Sees es re Nf HF :
18526 . I i
D Tananar- Junecl Rahaniraka |
LVS - end wpesk well of ir.Grif- i
é : Rafaralahy Pathe, Wi es
D _ Tananar- Juneal VWreeman.d. Mr.Atkineon is not to be i
D ae eee oo Ee eee ; allowed to stay in Medazs ac: |
£ONEO8T~ dunoeé Atkinson.¥. Is leaving the Capital, WM
: LVe ; : a |
D Tananar- dun.22 Freeman.J. About a History of iMada- T
ie " pacoar. ,
3 es |
A Tananar- Freeman.d. Sends copy of a Grammar. 1
ive Wa) |
A Ambohi- Jun.c5S Canham.d. Queen has been told he is a
mandroso. accepted as missionary,but |
does not know if she will Wi
allow him te remsin. i
A Tananar- duly 5 Freeman.d. Minutes from June to July, a |
ive i ||
A Tamatave July 21 Atkinson.?. Has left the Capital and “f
: his way home. i
; A Tananar- “ve David stay on. 1
A Tananar- Augell Ranovdlona Letter from queen re Wir. i
ive S Griffiths with copy,d/or a
. L, Tananar- Augel4 Rahsaniraka ||
ive and Again vend praise of Mr. Hi
: Rafearealahy Griffiths. _
A Tanznear- Aug l4 (Ag above) The Queen has asked Mr. i |
ive Griffiths to remain. |
a |
B . fendon Aug.l6 Jones. D. Letter relating te Prince P|
Corollar. : :
B Meanjak- Aug.i? Freeman.J. stersenal letter to Dr, a .
andriana. Philip,of Cape Town. a
B . Pananar~ Aug.l8 (Johns.D. |
ive (Freeman.d. Copy of Accounts, |
(Canham.d. a
B Wananar- AugecO, Treeman.d. Re History of wadesascar., ne
ive |
B ~ feynanar~ Avgocd Committee Copy Of Minutes July — Aug, He,
ive i |
B Tananer- Aug.eet (Johns.D. : |
ive (Freeman.J. News of leaving of Mr.& Mrs i |
= (Canhem.d. Atkinson. | a |
B Tananar- Augec8 Johns. D. Re English-lMalagasy dic- |
ive tlonsry. a
| C Tananar- Aus,50 Griffiths. A- Letter in praise of a
| ive favid himself. 2S 7
C Tananar- Sep.6 Johns.D, ‘Reports Press going well. i
ive Ba
C Ambohi- Sep.13 Canhan.J. Accuses Mu .Crifritnhs of.
| meandrogo bribery. f |
| : CG Maurit- Sep. 14 .Atkinson.?,. Tells-of his homeward a |
ius journey. : a
C Tananar- Sépecd Freeman.’. Rules for slaves about ao
are reading ,&¢. dl
: x Hi, {

| TD
VOLDER NO.3. (Contd) ih
1 ee ae le aceasta eee etree neon t i {|
‘ ae
2E52. | |
C Tanan- Sepe26 Johns.D. Re not being alloweu to | | 1
arive form a Native Church. a |
S tanan~ Qet.4 Freeman.d. Asks thet his wife my Hi
® arive be sent out. el |
G Tanag~ Oct.25 Griffiths. Re Schools - vllowed bye |
arive David Queen to be continusd. ta |
C Tanan- Nov.5 (dohns. D. Coneering expenses of i Hh
arive (Freenined. ti |
(Canham. J. the Printing Press. i
’ | |
G Tanen= NoveS Johns. De Copy of Mr. Griffiths’ i
arive Freeman J. letter to the Queen. I)
4 ne
D Tanen- 1831- Committee Narrative of enimosities 1 |
- ative 1836. in the Madagascar Mission, i
Te “DCs ; uven's orders, Hh
Â¥ C lananarive. Oc. 4 Griffiths . Bere on ee a | i |
Srneng J. Prilip papers) ; | i |
FOLDER N04. te
et P|
A ‘ Panan- veb.20 Freeman.d. Re History of Madagascar | |
arive | He
es A Tunaon Feb.23 Baker. E. particulars of new Press | ||
required. - |
| A C,fown Var.6 Philin.d. Fxtracts from letter te- |
ceived by MceAtkinson Te | |
Medagasear Mission. a
A Tanan- May 14 Freeman.d. Written to DrePhilip, of | a
Po OP eye C.fown,giving news co ’ i
Mission & missionaries. E aa
: A Tanan- Vay 21 Freeman.d- Expresses hope for Devid | 1
arive Jones! return. Mr Kitching me ||
working during We faker's | ae
absence. : a
eo a Tanan- May 25 Wreeman.d. Finance — expenses Cf a j a
arive Painting Department. { 1
B Tanan= Mey 28 (Johns.D. |
arive (Freeman.ed. Yearly Review of Mission . in
| (Cunhem.d. r
a Tanen- May 29 Johns.)D. Negeribes idol worship. a
arive Freemeanede oan
B Tanan- Ney 30 Johns .De Sends 2 idols & gives He |
arive customs connected with i
: thea. | [aml
B Tenan- Mey Committees Copy of Mi.utes. : |
arive : i
B Ambohi- June? Ganham. Je Speaks of his fear that ¢ in |
mandroso. ee Ladagascar. ; i |
B Londen Jun.1l4 Directors Draft of letver to beker i
valo,queen of VaAdagascar, a
asking help for mLEslLou- i
: aries returning nome. Aa
B Tanean- July 3 Committee Minutes. Hh
arive ce = ||
B frbohi- duly 20 Ganhamed. SPCS&KS of queen's orcer . |
mandroso thet he shadt go Nome. i:
B Meurit- Aug.29 rreeman.d. Came to mecv wifes bub nov | i
os ius. nears she remains at oie |,
eas nuaomen i. congratulates MreBaker Of HT

ae at
: eo a AG Wi
oe ee BOX NOs. ai
FOLDER NO.4.(Contc #i) Zi
/ ia a ;
f A “TF KA IT ‘ tT Arr kKMAMNC HA ‘
x S72. |
¢ 34. ™amatave Oct.d Freeman.J. He may not return to Capita fim Bs
eee eg 1A
| because of carrying out vac Wl
{ eination on certain persons i @
C \.4tanan- Oct.10 Freeman.J. Personal ietter to Dr.Phil~ 7a
arive 16 | ip,of C.fown,giving news of i
Mission jac. |
C Vohit- Frecman.d. Now on his way to Capital. jiiy)
gare. a
C Tanan- Novell Chick .Mary Suddan illness of MeeChick. (ily)
= : arive I : i!
G Tanan- Novels Committee Copy of Minutes. it
arive Ve
C Ambohi- Nov.2S Canheam.d. Writes that he is being al Ti
meandroso loweg to stay for another ih
year. We |
U Tenan= Novoeo Johns... Expenses in connection with (al
arive Freeman.d. Printing Press. Ha
C Tanan- Novec6 Freeman.J. State of schools not go Na
. piles we HA HI
arive flourishing. ale
C Tanan- ' i |
arive Dec.9 Freeman.J. Re Mr.Griffiths' return i |
MONS. i |
C Tanan- Dec.le Colmittee Re cash in hand School ae
arive Society. Lae |
Te aes - 2 erro atc¢ rat ayo sy Pana ki He sl}
C -fanen- Dec.l4 Johns.D. Suggests starting a Paper 1
arive Freeman.d. Mill. Ae
. | a
Heit |
: a i
BB |||
oe eo fi
Sa SS. . we
i i it
z | He |
1832. Pees :-
ore erece mah tein re REL IV) i}
a i
i }
; a Ad
al Ht
: : | ‘| i |
ma |)
We ||
He |
7 a
H i i
Pe apt i {

He |)
meee |

: : | i |
| | |
an |

ny |

‘ Patil
ant i
3 . Han |)

: Ha}
: ot Hl) }
eae eer an ce ee ee ee Ch I ‘ st es sista i “4 to

Neen eee ee eee eee Sn
7 i i
Sye NM 9 Oe ||
1834 |) ;
A onan Janel Johns.D. Copy of letter to David Hn |
arive Freeman.J. Griffiths on his sttitude a | Z
Tass to Mission & Directors. Ball |
Advising him to return hone
A Tanen- Feb.15 Freeman.J. ne an arvangement batween 1a)
arive Cameron & Govt. also positi |
of D.Griffiths. En!
A Ganan- Feb.15 Camseron.d. Asks advice about Iron iin |
arive Foundry. We |
A Te ner Feb.l5 Johns.D. Re Mr .Camervon and Iron |
arive Freeman.d. Foundry. Pai
A Tanan- Feb.18 Johns. D. Is sending his daughters |
arrive to vape Town. Te
: & Ponan= Feb.26 Freeman.d. Copy of letter to Governor [ff
arive of Mauritius re friendli- iM |
ness of British Govt. to a
Madagascar. ae
A Tanan- Feb.26 Griffiths. Hefuses to return to tng- HAT |
arive David land at request of the Oe |
Diveciors < Hi |
B Tanan- Feb.a? Freeman.d. Re position of Mr.Griffiths i
arive Le
B Tanan~ Feb.é7 Freeman.d) ae
erive Johns.D. ) Re case of Mr.Griffiths. ae
Canhamned.) a
: Hae
B Taran Mar.1O Johns.D. Expecting that all mission- i,
arive Ley Freeman.J. aries may have to leave, H
x - |
B Tanan- Mar.1l3- Freeman.d. Copy of letter to Governor . |
arive Ze of Mauritius re Mr.Griffiths Ia)
leaving Madagascar. |
B Tanan- Mar.25 Jolns.D. Queen calls a meeting re it. iy ||
arive Freeman.J. Griffiths' remaining in the #
Canham.J. Island. : |
B Tenan- Mar.28 Griffiths. He still refuses to leave a
BELVO: =. David Made zascar,. Hn l
B Tanan- Apr.l Griffiths Encloses letter from fellow [fy ||
arive David missionaries asking him to ,Ri)
return home. an
Cc Tanan= Nay Committee Copy of Minutes. a
arive 1
C Amb¢h- eune 1 Canham.d. is leaving for home. Hi |
imandroso e me |
GC fanan- dun.le Freeman.d. Letter te Dr.Phiiips, of |
oe arive qs VO cape Town,with news of irda
pe rMaryane/"" cascar position & people. i
C fanan- dunedO Freoman.Jd. Half-ycoarly report of Mission il
arive Be |
GC famatave duly 15 Paker.Mr, Speak of journey and arrival Bi)
ce MES. at Tamatave. a
Cc Vohitsare July 50 Baker.~. Of his journeying on way to Ha
Capital . |
C Tewatave Aug.lO Shipton.s. On the dispute between mis- a
. sionaries. He |
C fansn- Augel9 Freeman.d. Re Foundry for Casting. i
arive i
C Pangan SCD ea baker. EB. On His arrival in CGépical, i
arive me
C Tanan= Sepe4 Freeman. d. Financial, Z ‘ll
arive 7 a

ee ee epssciinuveien . Sen ne
: Lie
- £3 ~ BOX NO.5. a)
i Ef
FOLDER NO.1.(Conti) Vea
SM Vet oe AMON UE) H | |
cance aniinasetinnia ates: sawennen han rvetinaet® Screen ere einen CckeeNacemnaieanrprimmnemaatan } 5
Hae B
1834, a
a ear senna 1 an :
i) &
D Tenwa- Sep 4 JOHNS «De Re firancial matters. AM
arive |
) tana a~ Sep.22 Chick.G. On his leaving lidagoscar. ie
arive iF
D Tanan- sepecé Freeman,d. fo \r.Philips,of C.own, on
arive persenal and general news. qi
D Tanan- Oct.2 Hreeman.d. Financial matters. me!
arive Ae
D Tanen= Cet .d Cameron.d. On his leaving vor England, Wi |
arive i Hl
hy Tanan- Oct .7 Freemaned,. Reviswa the past and praises bin
arrive God. |
D Tanan= Noves rreeman.ed. They enclose Minutes of the Vy
arive Johns.D.. Mission. Ye
2 Tanan- Nove6 Freeman.d. sending half-yearly q |
arive Johns.D. Report. ms)
D Pane. Freeman.d. Re decease of Mrs.felfair of jail)
arive Mauritius. Mi
aa ||
fees : FP an ae. ury - puk 4 ace = ee : i : {|
1835. A Guat Fae Py eee PORDEER NO ek We
f Gee WHE % - WWE
A Tanan- Jan.24 . rrecnen.d. KS the revision of the New He) |,
arrive Testament. a
A Tedan- Fed.2l / Rainama- Copy of cueen'ts letter to i
arive Now .(0—/) haro Huropeens. Ma
A Tanan- Johns... Wot allowed to talk religion a
| arive with natives. a
A Tanan- Marel4 Johns.D,. Copy.of- istter te the Queen ||
arive Wreemanede and her reply. a
A Tanan- Mar .l7 Baker. EB. Natives ordered to send ell |)
arive poeks to Government. we
A Tanan- Liareh ¥Yreeman.d, Copies of personal letter. to a
arive his friends. 7 |
A Tanan~ May 18 Freeman.d. He, with Baker & Johns ean ae |
arive stay in Medagasear until 1036 |
A Tanane June 4 Freeman.d. Report that whole of the Bible iy i
arive is printed. a |
| B Tanan= ‘une. Freemean.d. He is leaving for home. Whéle Uy
arive of Bible translated, i
RP Panen- Hit. ve SC ONNS =. Ds Re. the passage nove co? ia, a)
arive Froemaned, Griffiths. a
8 Tanen= dUuseid Johns.D. Cameron & Chick leaving. Asks a
arive Freeman.d. fou instructions re othera, |
B Vana Jun iS Baker. All missicnaries have left, i |
arrive except Johns and himsel?, aad
B .fanan- Jun f= SetLyos. Teuters from natives to J... Bg |
arive Freeman. : I i i
b Tanan= Jun.el3 dJohus.D. #Freeman,Chick & Cameron have He |
arive — LELG Tor ome. a
= 2B Fanean- Jun ,27 Baker.i, ° Inventory at Mission Press. vi
arive |
R Tamatave July 17 ‘Freeman.d. Re argvival of missionsries |
at Tamataye on way home, — a
B Tameiave duly 18 Freemean.d, Cameron, Chick & Kitehing | a
leaving for the Cape. I
4 ) }
mie! |
3 ne
: : | t

3 HT
‘ Hae
~ of , BOY NO.5, aw eS
. anaes cron Ay
HE 5
FCLDER NO.2.(Conta' Ha |
1835 ce de ee
Cc Leadon Aug i St Jones. DM Weean MCLAREN in M3 aasecay . Sormnily news . in f f
C Teuane Aug.26 Rainimaharo. In praise of David eh |
arive Griffiths. |
C Ssnan- Sepee6 Johns.D. speaks of the growth of ni
arive superstitions.
(y CeTown pepecd Cameron.d. Tells story of leaving mi |
Madagascar, Will discuss Mi
future plans at C.Town | a
C Tanan- Nove? Baker. Ee Brief account of suppres- Me |
arive sion of Christianity in Th |
Madagascar. be
8 Tenane NOovecl Johns.D. Speaks of the present pos- hi iJ
arive iticn =~ no improvement » Hi)
‘C Tanan- Nove2l Johns.D. Sends Mission a/c. a
arive i
C Tanan- Undated Johns.D. Letter written in days of |
arive 1855 Griffiths. Radama, re Tan Yard. a
§ David Haass | |
a a a ee Jones.D. Detained here by weather Hh i
Rae We eee . a EOLDER M005. We
x off (de. oes Aji. 26 Jones. D. Boon in collision with anofKer eoal. Goingly Portimouk | Hi
rok Tanan- Mear.2£6 Johns.D. "oables 2 perveeution stil: Wy)
arive rife. Mentions certain trans-
: lations - Pilgrim's Progress ne
A C.VOwn Oct.l4 Canham.dJ. Sends copy of letter from on
TOS? Madagascar - nétive. Me
A London Mar.6 Directors Copy of certain of thelr let-Hie
ters to Queen of Nadagascar. mnt
A Tanan~ Mar.2zO Andrianja- Asks Mr.Johns to help him é i
arive fy some others to get to Meurit-[eil
ius. i,
A Tenen= Jun.24 Malagesy Letter from certain Melegasy 7
arive Christians.Christians giving news of . n |
their Christian friends. |
A Tamatave July 21 Johns.D. Hears Christians are holding no
their faith & even inereasin: Ae i
in the Capital. el
A fanan- Aug.2? Natives. Some letters from natives to Me)
arive . D.Johns. i |
A Tamatave Dec.19 Rama Letter from a native, in th
Malagasy, to Major General am
: A SECRETARTAL. Sit W.Niccley. = = ss
: : Bejebing, te aifeirs of nedagas Heal)
B London 1837 Directors Copy Of Gnetr letter to the ae
Madagascar Embarsy. q
QZ Va ))
1838. i
B Tamatave dun.dO dJohns.D,. Hears that many Malagasy Hey. |
Christians have been put to |
| death. ie
B Antanaman-July 28 Natives, Letters to D.Johns. |
jaka, Le |
B Tamatave Aug.e6 Johns.D. On his way to Meuritius. <4 ay
(ee encloses translations 2 ex- [iy
: ae tracus of letters from no++ > Be
1840. Christieus. . ie
C fematave Ney 8 Powell.L. Waiting to help persecured 1
Christians. |
C Mananar- dun.2” Griffiths A letter to Mr.Powell re il
ive David "lamentableâ„¢ news. Wie
C fananar- July 4 Griffiths A further letter as 2bOvS- [MRM
ive - ‘David. i
a o a
¢ Tamatave duly 9 Powell.L. Awatt persecuted. Christians? i
arrival, i.

Bese Segre ad scaeea Sora eases aestienemev sno sterd atManen SPS EFT TOES HieSED Food Or eds Sed FESEEMEEE TENET BME SCRA Seed na Raed oe Leadon ante A PLA cea eee ees EPO Cs oe ied sd ¥ : 7 : é ts aie
| | i @
ce BOs fac Cilia yes, thal 1} es
TANT TNT =e eouiay - Hl |
Dy SIL Oe eg FOOL LAT: fa ‘
; Sn
i a | :
HWA |e 5:
re | | |
; g ah |
1840. 1
oneecencactinone i Hi i
i i
acs aie cM 7 # Aap Rear oy at cae anttar? Arak Want} 5
¢ Tanan= July 20 duones.D, Arrived in Capitel, Nine i
wey ft Se } Set >wie . 2 ‘ way
arLve Christians have been spear- ‘| :
Ae ee pers i Hy s
6ead uo death. I
38D 6] falacasy Bran: Sah i Sih ee Lh
C Maur t= Nepel? Malagasy Translation of letter fvror a
ius \€$9 Choeistians Malagasy Christians to L.H.S \
in Loncon,giving account of i
persecution, Wn |
C Maurit- Sep.l? Malagasy Another letter in lelacasy |
D E i
eran — tliat ate; ma 4 tier oe tengo a Cae ipa ehvice stb paaeAE
ius WSO Christians. 40 Directors with news of Hi
persceuted Christians. Liss Vn
va es e . e 3 eS mace ware te | |
Or names of those in Maurit- ih
ius. Wl
1830 yi
Manche 24 i. Aa pee dase: n ¢ bt
Ce Mauritius May is Jones. Dd. AcKnowiedgina Gune trom Goss ure 3.3. iM
¢ re, Esse < Wipes 3 ‘ . eis )
Co sisSer-in- Wore among se i hata gary in Meuricis | i
law NewS trom Maa SO ASCOT ~ i
Wea |
ee 1}
Weal) |
3 Hh
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; We |
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a may
: |
‘ } ; i |
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HE) |
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hai hy i
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eee i ys
in FE Pe
% wv {| Vey
| oe
¢ Hi se
~ £6 = BOX NO Ha oe
seeps Oe aa
= | Hi) t
nA x Rieu ere eet at ae :
Snares mem eterna, a i
TACT RA Ppricgn Th ap ATA RET Hl :
PAUL jot Lack Git went dh NAME TTR Tram] a
te Frthoenan teen ae ee Hee SS SUBL. LOLS Ha f
Lee Te aes i f
1859, iy
OOd Vine | a
| RaT |
f Toandan Aare nat > 7 i Hae
eo Seas Augell Foreig. Relating to the Yrench Bh :
1 i Pipa ae pars : ep = te we ~ + SLi sd 1a |
HOTMOTTL Ce Office in Madagascar, |
A Tanan— 1861. "| B
s ee (AMET 5
sia aes Cea ree eee Roden malt f
BEL Ve wep-Dec. Natives, Letters to ur.Eliis savino 7
that Queen is dead & asi-- TM
fananarive do. . dos, -ing that missioneries my |i
Al G. transletions wilk CONEI UN ae ieee, Stas eo pee aes eee
Z lopter Frew ©.6riici Oe Sent back. Hi |
A Panan= Wom. 6 ~ Patel Tas ite, , Wa) |
Se NOw, Ratsilain- A letter to Mrs.dohns tei~
icive tg : 3 a
aLI.V ; ga Lisg of persecutions 3 We
death of many. Queen now ji
re dcad. ae
2868 is | ij
Pena Tee ah A 2 ee - 5 NW
B P.Louis Jan.4 Hllis., W. On the way to Madagascar, 7M
ata isan 7 3 made on am § og a 4
4130 Guplicate of letter i
Via oad ax fs me THe tai im 72 s Be = gees aug ome a if
B Maurit Jan.6 Hllis.W. His journey to ladagascar [
lus and a duplicate of this. Me |
e tre oa C 7 ” or * Hi
C Maurit- Febed Ellis .We Written to Dr.Tidman on hi i,
Lugs ee Ae z ee ee aa
ius experiences, & position in Tl
regard to Msdagasear af- Hi H
Pen of 5 nS a : 4 Page]
Fairs. Mr.Le Bruna arrived. 7m
. Natives wanting missioner- I
tes and books; % soa f3- a
nn, on Q + ~ Hf |
: plicate letter, i |
C Sn Veh J wey ay 8 e a > yy oh at
C Tansn Feb,6 Rahanira- Will welcome Rev fllis,ani 7
| arive 6 send= an account of Raden. We
: : A es ; He 1ih|
= C Rose rsbel5 Ellis .Mro. Sends Dr.Tidman extracts ane
T2749 ies a ny id i
- Hill knee from her husband's lotuore Maal
¢ Tananarive Feb.2l Radama II He grants freedom of worshiaa tl
Teo a Vs >) ~ Tle 144 + Tey fixe 7 > fe . ae 2 es ie 4
: eae) Tanan-~ Feb.fl RaHaniraka Acknowledges gifts é Let teria
arive vo Radama IT. |
| BD Tanan— Mar .3 RaHaniraka Speaks of a book about late Mma ll
: 9 re .a4 Sy pS are arive Queen, which is very much ah
over-drawn,as ta her bad Meet
: cnearacter. a
D Meurit- NWar.5 Ellis. W. Writes to Dr. .Tidmen ebout Ht
2 Teta et * we Pr Shae Ese , A os ae i}
LUS @L2alTS in ladagascar gen-~ i 1 |
, * ne 5 Ses ee A ih ij
cz : erelly, Also & duplicate, a |
D Maurit- Api 4 Bilis .W. Re Mr Le Brun & his infiu- a
A u-
ius ence .Encloses one of his an
ss — letters to himnsel?, Pa
D Tanan= Apre2? Rahamiraka 4 welcome to Min. Hillis, te
ace =! ee ; a
arive date of new king's cozonn~ [an
tion. at
P § + r, Te Soc CF LF an, aye P. ~1 ~ % wT > al 1
D P.Lovis May Ellis... W. Offers Agency to Messrs cre |
eee aie ae se ney |
lend,Fraser & Co. [aia |
5 ‘ qt , mt ad 5 ‘ ae Re - poate {27 it
D Maurit~ Nay 3 lreland, Accept Agency for Mission |
5 xy ; 9 oon ian gets oy Es zs Ba }
ins . Fraser ¢& Co. in Weédcgasear. |
Te paca FS at emigre oe ee “ i . a BS ||
D P.Louis May 3 MeIrvine. Accommodation for mission— (ae
eras pce Cae ate . TR | |
Geo. aries coming from Sneland a
will be given at Sailor's ##ay))
Yoms at Port Louis ape |
: = : a = ats oe eS Wa A Ad, @ wi {
| D P.Louis May. Ellis .W Gratification of the Hove a
Bing and chiefs at the We
coming. of the missionaries Hae ||
2 ea |
and & ~3ctor.Great need Wi |
for educational and religion #i))
books. 3 a
it f ' }
i et |)
Wa |

ae in: ee
| :
a lit 4
abe ROX HO.6. | i
ae. Hl |
oe a
oe ' fF
A P.Louis May Ellis.W. Plans for recommencing is Hl
sion in Madarasear. Site wit
Lor Mertyrs' Jiemornsal Ce. me
eranted. Question of eo- 1
operation with others.(Also |
Guplieate of this.) Wt
A PeLouis . May 1’ Hilis.W. Finance. Rerorted death of
Ramboasalama. We |
A Tamatave May 50 Ellis.W. Speaks of his warm welcome [ii}))
to Jadeeascar. Ant |
A Tananarive July 2 Ellis. W. Journey to Capital. Sees thei)
B Tanan- duly 10 Ra Hanira- Personal affairs. Kine
arive ka Aa 1 | t
B Tanan- JULY of Blits.y, speaks of Royal interest, |)
arive also of financial business. i a
B P.Louis Auge 5 Toy Rbt. fhe value of Me, bliss in vA
Tananarive. Coronation of jill
King.Death of Ramboasalama. Hy}
B Tanan= Aug 12 Ra Hanira- Acknowledges some sifts to a
arive ka Radama I1,who welcomes nis~ iM
sionaries. : ae |
B Tanan- Aug.18 Hllis.W. Heec for more rapid aev7100-Ial
arive ment of Mission. Desiranle |i)
to cdoperate with apiscops- Wy}
lian Vission. i
B Tenan=- Augel8 Bishop of Appreciation of Mr.Ellis's (iM
: arive Vauritius kindness and work. til
B Tanan~ Aug.@ée Z1lis.W. On Bible revision. ae
arive i |
B Tanean- Auge@3 Ellis. W.>> On the enlightened reien of a
: arive Radama, II. Memorial sites (aMji)
readily granted. i
C Tanen- Aus.cO- Hillis. On supply of Seriptures ae
arive needed. Memorial Churches, |
C Tanan- Sep.8 Ellis. %. Surprised at anpointment of Hwa
arive(?) Mr.Pakenham as Consul - © :
not suitable. a
C Tanan~ Sep.ec5 Davidson. Speaks of inadequate medical im |
arive Dr of e Supplies. Hh
C. fanan- Sep.c6 Ellis.WÂ¥. Copy of & letter to the ee
arive Bishop of Mauritius. an
C Tanan- Sen,26 Ellis.W. “rites generally about work |
arive in Madagascar, its future, |
¢ Tanan-. Oct.i. Ellis.W. Radama'tii's Coronation. We
arive Progress of Mission. |
= <0 Tanan- Oct.6 sishop of Speaks of the value or |
arive Mauritius sionsry work in Madegascer. [7%)))
C Tanan- Qct.5 Bllis.W. Rehilainga desires English ane
arive education for son. sArsumen: |
against his proposed Leav- |
| ing the Island. P|
| C Tanan= Oct.6 Hillis .W. Wanting cloth for dTessGs a
| arive for poor women of Island. uh
| He ||
| D Tanan= Novel4 Hllis.W. Speaks °f the remarkable 1
arive spread of Christianity. a |
D Tanan- Nov.i5 @llis.W. On. the fartyr Memoria We
arive Chumenes, |
: D fonayn~ Wovee? Ellis. W. Christianity being preaenes a
arive in Ambohimanga. Death o7 ne
. Ra Heniraka, AH 1

| th)
~28< Bas, NO.S6. i
rormn no.z-(conra) | I
a eee ee ah
1864 | ay
Tae i
2 fananarive Nov.2o #llis.W Asks for sopies cf voecb- qi
ulary to be sent. ei
D Tananarive Dec.16 Ellis.W Satisfactory progress of a
Mission under Royal protect-/Il | ces
ion. i vi
D Nov- Journal On sncouragement of Carist- i
Dec. of W.Hllis ianity by Hadama TI. Hi
Signing of waglish Treaty. |]Ml
D A MSS.on "Religious Liverty in)
in Madagascar" i i
2 Tananarive 1862 Ellis.W Radama II's Coronation. We |
3 | 7 FOLDER NO.3. Ht
1.865 nen wae i
A Tenanarive Undated Jouen.Pere Narrative of @ voyage to |
Tananarive on occasion of ji)
Coronation of Radama II. Th
A Tananarive Feb.l15 EHllis.W Preliminary arrangements He
for building Memorial Chur~ /Mj) |
ches. a |
i Vananarive Feb.24 Ellis.W Death of Sir W.Stevenson Way
(Governor of Mauritius) .Re i
: . the builéing of Memorial WE
Churches. a
A fananarive Feb.c5 Eilis.W Lapse of Rahamraka to page -iil
jem and his death,but his (ie
gon was inclined to Chris.~ (a))|
janity.Fear of Church of al
England competition in the )))
~ gapital Educational books We
needed. a
: A Tananarive Mar.235 Cousins.W His opinion of Madagascar. |
State of Mission at Ampar- | |
; ibe. a |
A Tananarive Mar.25 Hllis.W Financial and business natt-|) |
ers Request for English We |
' military prints from the [
Kins. i |
A Tananarive Mar.26 Ellis.W French press attack on Mr. ji
: Ellis and Mr Davidson.Re ey
Radame.ts Coromation.Christ- (i)
ian teaching needed. 1)
A Tananarive Mar.28 ToyeRott King's interest in edicatio: I |
of girls.Erectio2 of new jy) |
: church. nt
A Tanonarive Mar.28 Parrett.J Preparations for setting up |
. printing press. a) |
A Tananacive Apr.l4 Pakenham. Reasonse for certain polit- A ae
M.C. feal @ivficulties. |
| A fananarive Alohotsy Unnamed Note in Malagasy. Hae |
| 28 | a
& fenanarive Apr.16 Hllis.W Progress of Memorial Church ~ aa
| es.Friction with British A
and French Consuls. |
| Lettes. from Livingstone. i
; A Tenanerive Maye4 Davidson. Tells uf week in fores’ He |
Ae collecting medicinal herbs. aj
: Character of Redeama II. We! |
A Tananarive May.5 Ellis .W Cameron's acceptance of a
ie We

Hl |
HO NY oe CONLG) i i
i muh |S
1.968 |
B fananarive May.5 Bllis.W offer to help build Memoria |My
(contd) Churches. fh | :
B Nananarive. May.14 Toy Robt Gives causes of the Revol- qi | ne
ution. Van |
B fananarive Mayel4 Eliis.W New Constitution signed by |)
Gueen and Nobles. me
B Tananarive May. 15 Ellis.W Tells of the Revolution. We
B Tananarive May.17 Ellis.W Gives summary of events. 7
B Tenanarive Jdun.5 Dutius:. Tells of journey to capital |)
John fook charge of Mission at [MMi
Analakely. Hl
8B Tananarive dun. d foyeRobt Revolution nad replaced i,
Radama IT by Queen Rasches- ||
ina.Re legislation. a
G Tananarive Jun. Ellis. W New Government and freedam ih
: of religious worshin.Prog- Mh (|
ress of Memorial Churches. |/Mi)|/
G Tananarive Jul.e BRllis.W Queen and freedom for nise~ Ty |
: ionary activities. Proposal i
) for 2 Bisher. i
G Tananarive Jule HlLis W Revolution prevented the He
presentation of gifts to a |
King sithough the Queen a
would receive hers.Careron? Jal
. arrival eagerly awaited so |My)
that the building of the [MM
Meneorial Shurches could ia
commenes .Need Lor alnanacks Il
G Tfananarive dul .e20 Hilis.W Progress of Memorial Churen4miayi|
ee es scheme. me
= 6 fananarive Jul.dl1 Ramanisexke Acknowledges books.
| | Le
G Tananarive Augel2 HLLiis.W Arrangements for new missiodMa |
arles Dispensary in operat— lat |}
| iou.French hostility over He
Lambert concession delay. |
CG Port Louls Aug.15 Cumeron.¢ Translated letters for |
Mauritius Govt:on Melagasy We
affairs.French and Lambert |i)
BOnCESS1O Nr. oe a
G Tananarive Alakasaty (A Mals- French and Lambert Cherter. Gai
6&7 gaog) |
G. Wananarive Aug.l4 Ellis.W Re murder of Radama and new I)
Government's policy. 1
G fananazive Aug.l9 Zllis.W Rumours of Padama being |
Ve. Hee |
CG Tananarive z rens generosity for the |
: Memorial Church .at Farayvol- a
itpa.Details of the Churches)
and school buildings. . Han
Ha |
D Port Louis Sep.5 Kessler.J On his arrival from Sngland.IMll|
: a an
p Tananearive Sép 10 Hilis.W Radama alive and would proh-ii
ably re-ascend throne. a
D Tananarive Undated Geusine.W Conduct of Duffus. i I;
i i

. Tey
FOLDER NO.3. (contd) i |
vee i |
1893 i
f Mt} ‘
D Mananarive Sep.iS Duffus.J His decision vo leave the jill
Mission. Wi
D Amparibe Hep eld Duffus.J His decision to resign y ;
. and return to Englanc, i
D Tananarive Sep.14 Cousins.W His visit to outlying areacil! i
proved encouraging. A)
D Port Lowis sep.el’ Kessles. Re Radama's reported sur- |
Julius vival. ; H
y Tananesrive Sepelo Ellis.W Defends himself against a (|i |
charge by Directors. Wie I
D Port Louis. S6p.19 Pearse, His journey from fngland ME
Joseph and present novements. We |
D Tananarive Sep.c6 Hllis.W Fear of French hostilities. ||) |
Radama's survival report iH)
unfounded. I
D Port Louis Sep.29 Briggs.B Madagascar unscttled.He i |
remaining temporarily at a
Mauritius. HL
D Tananarive Oct.4 Stagg. Educational progress. Kl
aa elt
D Tananarive Oc5.0 Hillis oW Justifies his teports te [ite
Directors re Radama. i
D Port Louis Oct.5 Hartley. Had secured employment at We |
RG. Mauritius temporarily. ee |
D fananarive Oct .6 Hilis.W yvorry new missionarice ae
n 8 staying at Mauritius. LH
Lambert Charter and —
1.663 FOLDER NO.4. | il
A Tananarive Oct. Kessler.J Tells of his journey to ovo ll
Capital. Hae
A Tananarive Oct.9 Toy.Robt French attituds difficult, T
Re Mr Ellis and scheme of |My)
| Memorial Churches.the shar~|//7
acter of the Queen. Mi
a Tananarive Oct.9 Ellis.W Re occupation of Capital. jim
: Native Churches and lack of |ja)i~
principlie.French ang |
Malagash dispute. et
A Tananarive Oct.l0 Davidson. Sends a business note. ee
a (et
fe Tananarive Oct.135 Bl1is5.Â¥ Refutes certain charges i)
aga ust him. A
A Pananarive Oct .19 Cameron.d Refuses to work under Wr ay |
Sibree.Criticises plans i
for Memorial Churches. ~ jMMMil
A. Tananarive .Qci.29 Duffus.dJ Writes to say se has given |
up his post. ||
A Amparibe Oct.31 Duffus.J Letter of resignation. ie
A Tananarive NOVea Bllis.W Re sesignation of Duffus. |
A Tananarive Nove4d Pearse. . Tells of his journey to a
Joseph Capital. |
A Tananarive Nov.6 Sibree.J Approval of sites for she We) |
oe Memorial Churehes. i
HL |
B Tans narcive Nov.6 Cameron.d Tamatave should not be han- |!
iy ded over to L.M.S.Unsuit- [ia
ability for scheme of ienor- iy
lal Churches. Vi
| ee
ee "fF",

3 —
7 re
A : 2 it :
= : Hit a He
Feo Cora Hi
; cqsuccomtnirieeeies Seite ceomebaane eigen rec reeeeetet ne ne ) i| :
1803 ne
B Tananarive NoveS Davidson. Fever attacks new mission: |e
A aries.Dubious value of | :
Embassy to Europe. We
B fananarive Nov.é Ellis.W Details of o?ficers formin. My &
eT Melagash Embassy. a :
Condemnation of Lambert =
Charter. Hy:
B Tananarive Nove? Ellis .W Finaccial watters Diffloul il
des over erection of uew |i |
Cherches. CH
: B Tananarive Nove? Rassila- Tolls of advance of Christ-/
ingia lanity in Madagascar. i
B fananarive Nov.8 Toy Robt State of Mission.Return of |i)
Duffus.Impracticability or il |
Memorial scheme. I
B Taneanarive Nove? Parrett.J Re work cf printing press. |i)
: B Tenanarive Nove? Ellis .W Mr Fowles present received |i |
by the Queen.Forwaris Wi ||
photographs. a
EB Teananarive HWoved Ellis.W He dissociates himsel? ae tek
from Malagash Embassy. mae
B fananarive Nov.l0 Ratisetrana Introduction of officers
&Ce of the Jmbassy Hee
C Tananarive. Nov.el4 Kessler. Condemns Bllis's action i
Julius over reported survival of |)
RajamaeRe Duffus.Menorial i |
2 @Shurches ,«c. i i
C Tfananarive Nov.22 Cousins. Expresses regret at the ae
Weil. action of Duffus. ae
C. Tananarive Alaka- .Andrisn- Testimonial from deacons i
valo.22 bahiny.ée to Mr Duffus. ce
G Pamatave Wov.26 Duffus.J Re his expenses and his ie
return home. He:
rae ¢ Tananarive Nov.g? Kessler.J Discusses his difficulvies || |
in agreement with Bilis. j/#yy)|
| C Tananarive Nov.28 HEllis.W Re his trouble with Mr we |
: Kessler. ae
C Tananarive Nov.dQ Kessier.J dustifies his actions, aaa
$ a ita |i)
i dat te)
C -Dec.l Kessler. Re his dispute with Mr we
Julius Bllis and Rules of prop- [i
osed Buiiiing Committee. Hi |
Ps C Tananarive Dec.8 Stagg.¢.T.H. Speaks of lack of Hh
é informatica in Press on ll
VWadagescar aifairs. a
a Tananarive Dece9 Toy Rebt Re disnute with Hillis and a
reasons.Hopes Embassy |
will be successful. i)
| ‘il
D fananarive . Dec.9 Parrett.d Progress of printing press jj] |
Eeucational activities. We | details. te
D Tananarive Lec,9 Davidson. Forwards appeal for eai.calill |
A Missionary Hospital. a
D Tananarive Dec.9 Ellis.W Tells of satisfactory ae |
ress. Majunga suitable for a
Norwegian Wission. og

ir |
| 1
We if
! ~32- BOX No.6. |
i) =
FOLDEE NO.4. (contd) Hin
1863 y :
= i
: D Tananarive Dec.10 #llis.w Rumour of Radama's survival 1 =
prevented the revurn of Wa
Fowle's present.Shortage of ||) ei
tools prevents the progvess ji
of the Memorial Churen. aa
. Anxiety over French attitude ill
and Qysen's pagan inclinati~ |i
OS « ie
D Tananerive Decei2 Hllis-W Financial.Re Building Comm- i
ittee ,also Hospital pad Laing fl
D Tananavive Dec.-dl Eliis.W Three years Review of the (|i)
Mission. |
i |
| z 1H) |
Vik |
(qu iii
esa |
au 4
Se Pl
: mt
‘ are a
ae elt
: ag
Herat |
: Z Haan ani
. : i
| { Hy
! a |
: : a |
: A i
ae |
a |
: ae |
ee |
Ae |
: fa
= Ses ee SE ieee

i) &
“35 BOX NO.7. Ht)
fain a Se Hl) i
"1864 |
: A
A Tananarive Janel Cousins,W.eE. Wew chapel built.Charact (|
er of the Queen inspired |)
confidence Rumours o2 HI
‘Radama's survival 7ti31 |
appeared. Private business
" re marricge. Wh
A Tananarive dan.ed Pearse. Progress with language. |||
Joseph Describes Mission. a |
Completion of Memorial |
Ghurches far distant. bit
Wife to return through — ii)
ill-health. |
A Tansnarive Jane4 Davidson. ir Progress of hospital i,
building scheme. peful |i
future for the Misaion. |i
Lack of medicines. i
A fananarive Jdan.6 Ellis .W Need for identical Hi
instruction over church i ‘i
building.Uncertainty ei
: over French attitudes. Wi |
4. Mananarive Jane 6 Ellis. W Prime Minister's supply (ge)
of cheap timber for the (igi)
Memozal Churches. Meet |
: Financial business. re
A Port Louis Jane? Hartley.R.G, Desire te take up his i
work in Madagascar. ||
Financial business. Hy
A Tananarive Jauel9 $Rainimahuravo Acknowledges the gcod i
wishes of the Socisaty ia |
; ee to the »ueen on her ay
accession and guarantees |)
freedom of worship. |
A Tananarive Feb. Ellis.W Christianity still pro- jiig;)
gressing.Justifies his (fq)
reports home. Regrets ee
Cameron's refusal of co~ iy)
operation:Kessler was Ha |
prejudiced against him Th
and was provins difficul ji] |
to work with. Radama's a
survival was still repor ii
: ! ed. 3 i
A Tananarive Feb.l Kessler. Stagg was seriously Le
Julius Educational rrogress eee
a but now linguistical. Hg
State of the Church not |#m) |
Se : . entirely satisfactory. |)
Hopes that political |
interference by mission- jy)
aries may not prove 4 Hae |
: danger to the Mission. a |
A Tananarive Feb.2 Davidson.Dr Foundation stone of the |] |
hospital laid under a
royal patronage Urgent a
need justified immediate 7m)
bui “ding.Danger of polit-(ay|
: ical interference in the |
island by missionaries. A |
Condemnation of Redaue’e (ie I.
character but more nove |e
ful conditions at presenta | |
| 3 he

i) &
=54- BOX NO.7. He
. ee Vie
FCLDER NO.1.(contd} i _
Wek ff
LG ot | i |
A Tananarive Feber Sibree.J Building or one hemorinl i
Church had begun.Vetails,. Wy |
A Tananarive Feb.d Ellis.% First’Memorial Church becun a
Almanack completed.Stagsis i
health was sevious and srs |i
Perarse's.School-mistssss (fy
rather than master needea,. | )
B fananarive Feb-4 Cameron.d Forwards translation of let-)})
ter from David John stress- |i) |
ing financial hardship and (i
recommending Tamatave as a ji)
missionary centre.Condemns (jit)
Ellis's agreement with the |f
Bishop of Mauritius which (/@)))|
handed Tamatave over to the ||]
Church of Hngland. ae |
5 Tananarive Feb.5 Kessler. Death of Stagg.Abortive plo’ i
Julius against the Prime Minister. |i}
: Condemnation of Ellis's aa
political activities .Freneh jij)||
: offer of help during Stage' iia)
illness.Stagg's funeral. fee ||
Educational readjustment Mie)
ie followings Stage's deat. Hy ||
B Tenanarive Feb.15 Ellis.W Stagge's death and funeral. ee
Eaucational needs.Radana HP) i
II's land grant to the Kissa
; ion re-affirmed.Rumour oi |i)
Rafama'ts survival.Progress |) |
in duilding the Memorial |
’ Church at ambatonakanga. ia
Po Cameron engaged on other v
building activities. |
=o Tananerive Febd.26 Ellis.W Educational needs.Progress |i
of the printing press. |
: Labour obstacles in the way iq)
of completing the Churches. |)
; Disbelief in Radama'ts sur-~ a
vival.dnxiety re reported jai} |
sluve trade in the Pacific. i
B Tananarive Feb.27 Pearse.J Death of Stagg:had taken es
over nis educational work. |i
{ll-health of Mrs Pearse. j0)))
B Tananerive Feb.89 #Sibrec.J Shortaze of building matere |i Til
| ial hindered the progress ay |
of the churches. i
‘ =p Tananarive Feb.29 Davidson. Death of Stagg.Serious stately
; Dr of Mrs Pearse's health.Work iy)
on the hospital health vork
Christianity hangicaps the //i/| |
Sunday markets in the capit-|[// |
al.Radama's death now prover ||)
B Tananarive Mar el Eliis.W Shortage of building maver- a
| ials and labour.Unobtrusive |)
spread of Christianity. Fe |
Financial business. Wee |
B fananarive Mar.lO Kessler. Mrs Pe.rse's ill-health. a
Julius Dr Davidson and Mr Aitkin. i
Volunteered for educational iy
work in addition to his ee |
: missionary labours. i
ae |
é . ue |

| ry
1) &
ne |
~35= BOX NO.7, | &
FOLUNR WOd.(eonta) |
1864 ||
eS | ih
: : Ae |
B Tananarive Mar .50 Pearse.J Illness of Mrs Pearse We
necessitates return to Hi :
England. | Z
B Port Louis Apred Hartley. Rumour of Tor's death,Dr i |
RaGe Davidson's illness ana |
Radama's survived .Room for iii
missionary sctivity among ji
the Indian ccolies in if
Mauritius. He 4
B Tananarive Apres Ellis oW Iliness of Dr Davidson.
Proposed return of Mr ane i
Mrs Pearse. Details ef the |
progress of the Churches. {ff
Political conditicns in 9
Vie.d2,285 62,2» 1
G Tananarive Avr 4 foy.Robt Summary of proceedings for iff
last six months.Norveetlen i
missionaries recommended aa
to settle on the West ccasi.i
Preparations for the return | i
of the Pesrsets.Strong Gov- I)
ernyent rerression of Tie |
rumour cl Radanme’s escape. i
Unsatisfactory condition li
of the Malagasy Government. /MDi|
: Criticism of 8111s. - wen
G Gananarive ; Dr Tli~health. Hi
C Tananarive Apres Billis.W serious loses when Mrs Pearsci@
' departs.Need for extending i
the work of the Mission. ae
C Vananarive Apr .6 Sibree.J Work on ths Memorial Chorchiial
es held up by shortage of a
building material and lebouz
and Aitken'ts health.Cameron 9M)
S$ presence also a hindrence My]
Forwards a list of supplies Jal
C fananarive Apr.l9 Gousins. Recommencement of religious |
Wells persecution but deference vt
shown to the missionaries. 4
G Sananarive Apr.a?7 Sibrse.J Oncurecy of Gemeron. Progress iam)
of the Menorial. Churches. a
G Tananarive Apr .28 Bilis. W Dispute with Toy over finangiy
ial matters.Forwarded to a
: Cameron the Diresctors'views —iaiy
of his duty towards Sibrss. ey)

: Dispute with the Govt.over a
the title of the land for | |
the Memorial Churches.Camer-m

on’s attitude prevented |
Ellis's return. Financial ae
dealings with the Malazesy (ai
Prime Minister.Enclosing let
ter from J.Cameron,dated Apri
27.1864, justifying his attivmils
ude.(bjLetter from Ellis, |
dated Sananarive ,Anr.25,i1964 qi
stating the Dirsetors views Ml
(e}letter from Hllis,dated ie i
fananarive ,Apr.30.1364.renl 7am
ing to Cameron's letter. 7
| Vat
SS ge ee aoe

be hea
“56 BOX NO.7. | ee
| ||) a
FOLDER NO.1. (conta) i
ese atria rae re wee egeweT ceuneeremrceniret Scomacaran’ sien panda aianeececemenalas Hi i 2 ee
1864 |
ae i) e
G Tananarive Apr.28 Ellis.W Business dealines.Dr Seatvedll :
an adherent to Cameron's I :
Cause. wt ae
. “iG Tananecive Apr-30 Cameron. Reviews his past services to Hl) :
: d the Mission and demands i
justice. i
C Tananarive MAY. é Ellis.W dJustifies his attitude touar-fil
ds Cameron.His influence witli
the Govt.was, beneficial to We |
: the Mission but extreme errs |
was necessary in prblishiug 7
news from Madagascar. Hopeful
. outlook for the Mission. iI
Deprecates the Directors'cen-j
. sure of himself.Resume of thell |
Cameron controversy.lirs Pear-| |
se seriously il1.Question cf |
unmarried missionaries in the}
island. Serious destructive Hi
fire. ‘i |
C Mauritius Mayo Briggs.B On the eve of the departure i i
, : for Madagascat Reference vo lh |
) recent har.penings to the ae |
; Madagascar Mission. el
| C Port Louis May 4 Hartley. Financial arrangements - |
; ReGe ' |
sa |
D Vanenarive May.5 Cousins. Proposea return home for | |
WH. marriage. a
: D Tananarive Lay ele Ellis.W Departure of Aitkin.Encloses al
letter from Aitkin announcinz |
b his departure. ih
D Tananarive May.l13 Hllis.W Departure of Aitkin.The Cam- 7)
| eron-Sibree dispute.Criticisa]] |
of Kessler.Question of hospi gid)
: al expenses.Gratification at 77
the Embassy's reception in (7 |
\ England.Extension of mission-7 ||
ary activity.Enclosing lettex|l| |
s to and from Cameron. wi
D. - Tamatave May.24 Kessler. Death and funeral of Mrs Peaxgiy)||
Jw.ius se.Approsching departure of jl
Aitiein, a
D Tamatare May. a6 Pearse.d Deatu of Mrs Pearse Return ec
Wananarive . a
| D fTananarive May.26 Cousins. Preparations for his Brothers 7)
Webbe arrival will pospone his own i
| ; departure. aa
D Tananarive May.2@ Cameron. Justifies his refusal wo act 7 |
J in a subordinate capacity anal),
! requests compensation.Copy of) |
| -« @orrespondence with Ellis. at
D Tananarive May.3l Davidson. Glorifies the work of medic-]j]i)))
Dr al missionaries.Progress of jy)
the hospital and need for aE
} . medical assistance.Deatn of (ay)
Mrs Pearse.Champions Cameron") |
S Cause. a
nae es|
vee |
eae mn aaa nee

)) @
oe BOX NOT. | &
FOLDER 110.2. |)
“ i
A Tananarive eunel Sibree.d Details of the buisdine of Wi
the Churcnues.CGondemns camer [ill
on's attitude.Departure ct i
Aitkin was a serious handi call :
A Tananarive JUBeS Toy Robt Juséifies his action in ves- [| :
enting the assumption of HI
superiority by Bilis.
A Tananarive dun.2@ Ellis.W Death of Mrs jee
of Kessler anc Cemeron vas |
unsatisfactory. Malagasy Emb-|(i) |
assy well received in Englan
z Personal ill-health. i
A Tananarive JunelO Ellis.W Inereased native contribut-
ions towards missionary cxp-|
enses.Not aavisable to re- §
build at Tamatave.Indiffer- j]/
ence geners.lly of the missici ||
- naries to the Memorial Chur-jj]
GhES o I
A fananarive Jun.lO Hllis.W Arrangement with the Bishcp |] ||
of Mauritius prevented greatli)) ||
: aetivity in Tamatave where |]) ||
the natives could furnish ff
their own capenses Dest ruct~|) HI
ion of the churen at Aupam- I Hi
aringns.Migstonary disappro-|) |)
val of Memorial Churches. f)/)/|
Cameron's attitude was prev-iia))||
enting the completion of tha#
Chvyreh. uy
| 4, Tananarive Jun.20 Kessler.J Returr to the capital. He |
-- Binencial Susiness. He
oe A fananarive dun. 23 Ellis.W Return of and arrival of ih
missionaries.Arguments agai)
: st building a Tam]
atave. Question of a building)
committse Native appeal to
rebuild the church at Ampar-j]) ||
: arinana.Hova Prime Minister 7)
; gratified at the reception 7]
of tha Embassy in London. ||) |
Increasingly pagan attituce 97)!
of tle Queen and fear of eat
. Christias persecutions. en
Suitability of the Betsileo (Wi)
‘country for extension of we
: missionary activity.Need coum |
; Bibles.The Cameron-Sibres ae
: controversy, Various exeios~ ili!
' ures. ae |
| A Tenanarive Jdun.26 Hllis.W Pressing need for school- |
master and mistress follow- Wy)
ing Stagg's death.Gratific- |) |
atioh at the treatment of Gy)
the Malagasy Embassy. Questiqi]) |
of native pecuniary supp- ne
ort for preachers and schoo.) |
| 1s.Inavpendent attitude of jy) |
Dr Davidson towards the prow)
posed hospital. My
4 Amparibe Jan.30 Cousins. una of the Mission Commiticdyy |
Welle i
’ Heal) ||

, eu |
~38- BOL NO... i
Bite Reh Wey
FOLDER N2.2.(conta) li Ly
1064 . ! &E
A Tananarive JuneSu TeyeRobt. Dissolution cf the Mission Wh |
Committee Denies attempting al |
to overthrow Ellis although | i
he criticised sis political | Hl oe
actions.Slow puogress of Miss~ qi
jon.queen dislikes but toler:
oie eases Christianity Ancrtive |
plot te overthrow the Govern- | l
: ment and growing unpopulsrity | !
of the Prime Minister. © |
A Tananarive Jun.30 Hartley. herival at the Capital. } |
Reve ba
A Tananarive Jun.30 Davidson. Financial Difficulties *e tran
Dr ining nurses.Growing antagon-
ism to Prime Minister not tl
likely to prejudice the miss~ | i
jonaries 'cause . ea
B Tananarive Jun.30 Kessler.d Educational matters. a)
+ 4h
B Tananarive dun.dO0 Sibree.J Progress of the Ambatonakange. | ji) |]
Memorial Church. Fill
B Tananarive Jun.30 Briggs.B Journey to the Caritai. Ea
: Hn
B Tananarive Julel Pearse.d Financi.l. rae |
B Tananarive Avgel Ellis.W ature of Mission at Tanatove |
Qameron's influence on rearss i
sud Lis future. Dr Davidson's @ |
propusai to TeMmove to Analak- Hh
ely Society of Friends'willin- Walt
a gness to send out teaching iF
Mission distasteful to Pearse #
and Kessler on doctrinal i
grounds Prime Winister replac- |)
: ead by his prother.Proposea tel!
journey to the Rotsileo eoun- | |
: | try. | |
B Tananarive Aug. Sibree.d Reseuts the impression of worn? ||
king in @ subordinate capaciti|
to an architect in England. an
Removal of Prime Minister ch
meant edditional building mathe
erial. aii}
0 Tananarive Augel Davidson. Promise of efficial support ni
Dr .+=s for =the hospital. a
B Tananarive Aug.8 Ellis.W Malagasy Government's anxiety
: over delay or their Ambassad-]j7/]
ors in Bugland. Educational |
needs. nats |
B Tananarive Auge8 Davidson. Order for supplies. a
Di ag
B Tananarive Augeé Ellis .W Necessity for Limiting medic) )
al expenditure.Delay in the Haan
Betsileo expedition until thai
arrival -~f Cousins Recommendail
the Friends'feaching Mission}
Death of Father Joseph Webbe)
B Mananarive Augel® Kessler.J Justifies independent att: %- ql]
ude and gives evidence of nie) -
exactitude.Copy letter tc Lh
J Sibrec. a

' ey
| “eS 30X_NO.7. i
: FOLDER NO .2. (contd) Hit
1.864 : il)
C Tananarire Aug. #4 Kescier.g Renort on educational and Hh)
church matters. Hi :
C fananarive Aug.2? Pearse.d Ili-hsalth curtails activit-|]j} :
jes.Deprecates missionary th e
political activity and fearsh
veligious persecution.Preo- |
esed building at Analakely. HI
C Tananarive Augeeo Briggs.B Opening of church at Ampam- |}
C Tenanerive Aug.d0 Ellis.W Future of Aitkin whose dep- |
arture handicapped complet~ |
ion of chuvches.Proposal to i
build new church at Analak-
ely Denied working for Kesa-]]
ler's recall. .fransference off
Briggs to a new station. ae
Proposed visit to Betsileo ff
country discouraged offic- |)
daliy on ground of danger. (iii)
Arrival of the Cousins. ti
C Tananarive Aug.51 Sibree.J Shortage of labour as well i l|
as of materiels prevented Hi Pane
completion ot Church. Hei |
G Tanauarive Aug.5. Davidson Justifies his advice to Mrs Way
Dr Pearse and claims profess-~ Wey
fonal privilege. ||
CG fananarive Aug.dl Ellis.W Letails of Mrs Pearss's at
death. Hiducationas needs. Post) |||
; ponement of visit to Betsil-|}
eo couutry.Return of Malag- #77)
asy ambassadors anxiously ih
. awaited. a ||
: G Anparibe Aug.Sl Cousins.G Journey to Tananarive. |
C : Education in Madagascar. |
C South Austr- Sep.20 Bakar.E Propesal for sale of copy- (ay)
alia right of a Malagasy-Englisn |]
Dictionary. th
C Amnaribs sepee? Cousins. Proposed return to England. a
| WeBe ne) ||
: Na Fil
Dv Tananarive sepeco Ellis.W Return of W.E.UCousins Attit~-)))
ude of Yameron.Private char- |) |)
acter of new Prime Minister. @))
Regrets aecisiou to build | |
| ; church at Tamatave.Arrivalof |i) ||
of S.P.G. missionaries with |)
| the Hova Envoys.Financiel. fy)
Proposed improvement of ure
| pean cemetery.Slightnbut ste)
, ady progress of Christianity)!
' Enelosing letters exchanged [j)){
between Hartley and Ellis. jy)
' . yegarding house. i
D Tansvarive Sep.2? Hartley. Personal diary since arrival 7)
R e G ° ih j
D Tananarive Sep.ea? Sibree.d Difficuities in way of com- ji))
| pleting Memorial Churches. jy)
Hnoloses printed appeal for fy
the European cemetery. ie i
“SEES ON ee Oe ee oe

cool apes ee ee — ———
| ~40= ROX No.7 :
FOLDER NO.2.(contc) |iily
L864 |
Tae |
fini |. al
D Tanauarlys sep.s7 Pearse.J Requires the remeval of the Hl
implied censure on the eround Hill :
of unnecessary expense. Hy
He Tananarive Sep.28 Ellie.W Inereasing paganism of the i B
Govt.But Christianity spread- Hill) || ;
Lag among peopl: .vesgler |
hinting at his return. Wa
n Tananarive Get.24 Hartley. Financiel concerns of the new ji)!
R.G. chapel .uritisism of Kessler's Wwe
policy in building the Memor- |i)’ ||
jal Churches. |
D Rose Hill Oct.238 Hillis. laterest of ths Society of
LaypzdpaN Mrs.Sereh Friends in Madagascar. |
Forwards a snaracter sketch i]
of the new Malagasy Prime Hi
Minister. Hh
D Tananarive Oct.28 Ellis.W More conciliatory attitude of |
Cameron.Criticism of Kessier. |]
General advice about missiocn- |i
ary journeys.FPinancial .Fropos-|j|
ed additional medical help Fert
from the Edinburgh Society. [iy
Progress of the hospitaz. Hist |
Problem of the appointment of Wal ))
- @ freasurer when he had Lert. #7)
Change of Govt.mainly advan- jy) |)
tageous to tne Mission.Govt. 73/7)
prepared to pay reasonabic i
| compensation to Lambert. if |
| : a FOLDER NO.35. Hi |
A Tananarive Oct.3l1 Ellis.W Improved conduct of Kessler. |
Excessive demands of Mr and if
Mrs Hartley. i
A Tananarive Oct.31 Sibree.J Cooperation of Cameron now tt
likely.Insecurity of the tit- [y)
; les to the land for the Memoxr-W |
: ial Churches.One site of quesijl||! |
Tonable value. | |
A Tananarive Oct.31 Davidson. Progress of hospital and a
Dr mission.Encloses Cameron's me
report on vrogress of hospital
and photograph of building. ti
A Tanararive Nov.26 Pearse.J Review of past year. He
A Tananarive Nov.50 Hllis.W Cameron's cooperation in the Hh |
; . Memorial Churches assured, Ha |
Criticism of one site.ceaty Fai)
| with England secured protect~ 1/7/71)
) ion for the missionaries. i |
Enelcsing financial statement fy)
| - of Kessler's journev,also let-]iRi
| ters to and from Cameron re [aii
lLatters cooperation with a
Sibree. |
A Tanenarive Nev.sO Ellis.W Conditions at Tematave.Fear of | |
| religious persecution not i |
| smmediate.Preliminaries to Ha
Signing of Treatynwith Inclanciiy)
Review of educational activit~] |
ies.Froblem of new Treasuxer. |i

unt ees sssrunrasuinen on mest ee <<
iM i} :
“ake BOX NC .”. 1) &
FOLDER NO.S.{conta' MM
| £864 i
A fananarive Nov.00 Kesslar.d Required an official state |
ment as to his future. Hl :
A fanauarive Dec.l Sibree.J Progress of the first Memor- |i}
tal Church. We
A Tanararive bee.d wllis.W Re Queen's gift of, piece of
: ground anc members consequcnt |]
wish to build on it. i :
E Tananarive Dec.28 Davidson. Business matters.
Dr |
B Tananars ve Dece29 Hartley. Resents Directors'reprimand
ReGe over allegec extravagance.
3 Tananarive Deo.50 Toy.Robt Helpea to frame Treaty with ||
es Ergland favourable te Mission,
Imprevement in political situ:
ation. Rearrangement of church-j]
‘@8 advisable ,and extra educet-l
jonal activity.
& Tananarive Nec.5O0 Briggs.B Review of personal activities.|)
Business matters.
B fananarive Dac.50 Sibree.J Defends his professional stan-)|/) ||
ding.Modification in the Mem- 17)/|
orial Church.Enslosing copy off
: ietter to Messrs.Heabershor ancyay)
Pile.Declines to use plans rou
Memcorigi Chureh. ee
B Tenanarive Nsc.d1 Ellis.W Financial details of ths con- @
struction of the Kespival. ie |
B fananarive Dec.dl Hllis.W Kessler's determination to rev
= urn to Exglend.Cameron récomn-@
ended changing site ef ene i
Memorial CGhurch.Friendliness |) 7 ||
of the Prime Minister.Disoutesiay||
. with Hartley.Johngs joined $.P.i)
G. at Tamatave Sibree's profe-i
ssional pride. Educational mate
ers.Dr Davidson resents Bllis'#),
check on exvenditure.Financia lial —
business of hospital .Encloses Building estimates for hogspit-]iy
— gal and statistics of Mission (i)!
Churches. Me
5 Tananarive 036e31 kassler.d Defence against the charge of |)!
extravagaice eae
1865 FOLDER NG.4. a
A fananarive Ellis.W Cameron now actively engaged |) |
upon the Mission Churches .ed iy)
to difficulty over the appoint
ment of Poola,Modification in |) |
. the building of the Churches, [iy
' Hneloses letter from Cameron mae
to Ellis urging the completion#iiy)
of the hosyital.Also latter Pe
from Davidsor to Ellis diseclai iia
ing any privates claim to the a
hospital, |
A fananarive dan.31 Sibree.J Modification in the Memor..11 jy)
Giursh at Cameron's suggestion iim h
A, fananarive Feb.22 Ellis.W Weed for school-master.Prograstmn |
me of first Memorial Ghurch makes
: Pool's appointment redundant. a] |
oS cece pee

. ~_— He

: it
| ie
~42- BOX NO.7. ie

| ! FOLDER wO.4.{eorta) |
a Hie oe
A Tananarive Febee2z Lilis.W Quiet political sitcation. Inv--[ll|
(contd) ites instructions re newly april :
ginted school-mistresses.Pro- i :
posed visit to vhe Batsileo Ha e
country with Toy. Banishrent off]
the late Prime Minister und {fi
his alleged accomplices from ii
the Capital.Resignation of the}
pastors misinforming Ellis of }/f) |
Radamea’s survival. ti
A Amparibe Mar.2 Covsins.G Review of personal activities}
Since his arrival. I
“ee Port Louis Mar.” Irvine. Journey from Sydney. Hil
| Margaret I
A fananarive Mar.e25 Ellis.W Collision between the mission-])
aries and native military et]
A Taneanarive Mar.27 Cameron. Personal account of the collis)
d ion between the missionaries
and military authorities. i
A On Board the 1865 FooleW The outward voyage. He
t Mutlah " va
ek Tenanarive Mar.30 Ellis.W Commencement cf second Memor-~ }))) |)
dal Church desayea. Arrange men-|iai||
. ts made for the senool mistres||—) |'
ses and Pool.Correspondsnes ee
with Kessler re his recall. nae
Advive to Dr Davidson re ar :
additional medical man.foy to |}
| act asi temporary Treasurer. [7 |
No obvicus si2n of Queen's aati
digapproval.Cameron's assigst- |
xe ance in building the queen's (fi)
house would secure additional |
building material for the Missy)
ion.Inereass in Catholic activi
. ities. Te
5 fananarive Mar.30 Sibres.J Desires delimitation of Pool's |) |
| authority.Question of title tcj|)) |
the sites of the Memorial Ha Wt
Churches. .Kesslei'*s intention (77)
of attacking Ellis's reputat— Gai
Jon on his return, nt
B Tananarive Toy.Robt Rumour of e>.--Prime Minister‘s (aj)
bid to return to office.His i
exile robbed mission of friend] |)
| | Critical nosivion of missions qj)!
| in country largely due to in- |)
: judicious missionary pehaviour |) ||
Needless extravagance of Hart~ ///)|
ley's request.Hllis's proposed) @iay)|
| visit to the Betsileo country, |)))
B fananarive Mar.3l1 Sibree.J Unnecessary appointment of ae
| Pool .No real insecurity to the gig)
tities o. the land for the Ho
| Memorial Churches.Alieged miss/[j]])}
| jonary assault on the native |iiy!
| guards. ae
B fananarive Apr.l Ellis.W Hducational arrangements. |
- Desires definite arrangement = F
‘for his replacement. — Wie
ae RDN pa Oe ee

= Hi Ht Py :
yy Es
I . | |
| |)
\ a4 3 BOX No fi ” S | } ! es
FOLDER "0.4, (conta) | |
1865 ij |
cenenaentome + BHT |
B Tananarive Apree@ Ellis.W Financial.Cameron engaged on Hi 2:
Queen's house.Part payment infil!) es
materials for mission buiidindim| :
Kessier's return.Govt.bucomini
= more anti-christian.Royal in- fl
vitaticu at tie "foundation "IIHF
stone laying.sSibree inconsist
ent towards Cameron.Governmen’||
el opposition to his journey |
to tos Betsileo.Enclosing let
ter from Cameron re mission- |
ee aries visit to Palace. |
B Tananarive Apr.2d Ellis.W Return of Kessler and arrange;
ments for his own return,
Christianity spreading in. rem |
eo ote areas. a
B Tananarive Mayet Sibree.J Defends his professional sta-
: tus.Shortage of labour preven |)
ts the completion of the Chu- |
' rehes. |
B Tananarive May.2+ Pearse.J Defends himself against the [|
chargs of exvuravagance Person
| al missionury activities. bl
| B On Board the May.29 Pool.W Outward journey, Fe veal
B Tenanarive Maye29 Hartley. Review of past year.Hova ant- |
RG» ipathy to land holding pv
: : foreigners.Reappearance of th |
| dancing mania. |
| C Tananarive May.31 Toy.Robt Hostility of the British Con-|/
gsul.No ownership of land by j#aini|
foreigners. Growing hostility |
to christianity end foreigneriy
aes Rearrangements necessitated, | |
: by Kessler's return. Vy
i C Tananarive cUned Ellis.W Had determined to postpone Ht]
departura owing to great un- 797) /|
certainty prevailing in the |
| island. Wa
G Mauritius Jun.l? Pool. Difficulty re cites.Norwesien i
| missionary in madagascar. Ghu- |7/))
| rch of England contemplating jy)
: wreaking their pact wivh |
tle. Hi
| C Mauritius dun.24 Pool.W Public interest in missionary |) |
. disagreement in Madagasva. ae
| SS Oppositicn of Wilkinson to (777)
missionaries.Enclesing eutt- jl)
| ings from the Port Louis at
Commercial Gazette, ae
| C Tananarive Jun.e30 Toy.Robt Agrees to act in placs of cy
| Ellis.Satisfaction over the jf)
English Treaty apart from the Wii)
: : question of sites. |
| CG fananarive JULeL Ellis.W Return wt England.Consul Pak- hi !
| enham absolved himselr from j7)) |)
responsibility regarding the jai)
| unsatisfactory clauses in the #MRy).
English Treaty relating to thaiigi
Churches. .Attempt to secure Tl

|) &
| “— BOX NO .7.s |
| FOLDER NO4(contd) | a
1865 i
C Vanadarl ve Jul-L Ellis.W more securit; for the Miss ior. Jill
(contd) He es
G fananarive Jdul.2 Ellis.W Declaration of the Government ||| e
of Madagascar respectin>s the |iilll) es
Memorial Churches.
C Cape Town Jus.26 Cousins. Outward journey.
Wei. He
o Tananarive Jule2? Pool.wW Journey to the Capital wher hej}
occupiea an invidious positio:
Desires instcuctions strictly |
| defining his duties. Hi
C Tananarive Jul.oSlL Milne. Avrival at the Sapival . Hi
| C Tananarive Jul.e31 Sibree.J Signing of the English Treety |
left the way open for the
| commencement of tne other chu-
rehes.Pool's unwillingness to
work under Camcron.Had commen:
ced to preach. ‘ |
C Tananarive Jul.31 Toy.Robt Financial.Ellis's success in
| regard to the question of site|) ||
| Government insecure. S3
Replacement of the Ghriscvian
Governor of Fianarantsoa.
D Imarivol~ Jul.3L Parrett. Progress of the printing pres: i
anitra J and school.
D Tananacive bugel Davidson Opening c® the hospital. i |
D Tananarive Auge d Toy.Robt Directors'censure of the miss] |
donaries clash with natives ea
| : guards. Malagasy agreement to
| pay compensation for the lost
Lambert Concession.Progress |
| D fananarive Aug.31 Pool.W Invited to recoustruct the la!
country house of the Chief |
Secretary of State.
D Ambatona~ Aug.31 Cousins.G Review of past year.Payment |)
| kanga of compensation for the Lam- ai |
pert concessica. Ha
D Port Louis Cousins. Forwards lettex from Valagasy i
We. Christians sulogising the Hh
| work 01 Parrett. aa
= D Tarnsnazive Sen.29 Pool.W Commencement of second Meuwor= |1))))
| fal Church. ed
| D Tananarive Sep.29 Cameron. Future activities depended on | |
J his re-cngagemernt Malagasy ay
| Government's willingness to Aan}
| welcome French Protestant Mis-)))) |
| sionaries. |
| D Tananarive Sep.30 Hartley. Grieved at the reprimand of |
| RG. the Directors'for his condust quia
| towards the native guards and ma)
| Pakenham,for which he hag a
already apologised. Hi
| : SD Tananarive Sep.30 Sibree.J Defence of his action in the i
| : alleged assault of the native qi}
| suards. He
| D Tanane vive Oct.l Sibree.J Arrangements completed for Be
| commencing the second Memoria igi, |
Church.Enelosing tracing show-#

— ie
a wn Gh, Eom BOX NO.7, | Be
| contaienuaentaiten nie tae | | i| ies ef
. FOLDER NO,4. (contd) in
1865 Hd
Pe Hi
D vananarive vUct.i Sibree.J the size of the respective Wi eo
(contd) places of worship in Macagasc-lll |
al. Vi ie
0 Tananarive Oct.J. Hartley. Wiches to know the results of Hi
ReGe the Directors deliberations
and the refereness to his |
conduct’ made by Pakenham. er
DU Port Touis Oct.2 Cousins. The outward journey.
Wak. |
D Tananarive Oct.e Toy.Robt Statement in conjunction with
Messrs.Davidson ,Bri +28 ,Pea. se J]
Parrett and Cousins(¢) in |
defence of Hartley and Sibreée.
D Tananarive Oct.30 Cousins. Journey to the Capital.
Wee Financial.
D Tananarive Oct.30 Pool.W Arrangements for the second
Memorial Church.Increase in
the congregation since Kesslezii))))
left. Earthquake shocks.
D Tananarive Oct.d1 Toy-Robt Financial.Return of Cousins.
Increasing prezress of Mission]
Arrival of che school-mistressiiii)|
; e3 at Tamatave. Na
D Tananarive Nov.6 Toy.Robt Financial.Unjustified acsusat-]}/))))
: ion by Pakenham against Dr
Davidson.Dispute of the Missialla ||
| with Catholic priests. n ail
| |
| E Imaromby Noved Pearse.dJ Notification of his marriage. | ae
| E Tananarive Novee8 Pool.W Dispute with a Roman Catholic @ |
| : priest prevented work at the |
quarry.Progress on second Chu-||
| reh held un. oe
Ez Tananarive Wov.28 Davidson. Copy of his explanation to thei
Dr Secretary of State for Foreigni))|
Affairs(Harl Russelljof the |
charges brought against him bye)
Pakenham.Attack on Pakenuam. gi)
| Also copy of his correspond- ji
ence wiith the Malagasy Prine ji)
Minisver re the Xavier case. ata
gE Tanauarive Nov,.30 Perrett.J Marriage wili not prevent his He
wife's educational labours... i
E Tananarive Nov.30 Pearse.J Marriage necessitates journey 7)
to Tamatave.Completion of new I)
cuhurch.Enelosing letters from qi)
Pakenham re this matter. aa
E Amparibe Nov.d0 Cousins. Statistics of the Church at i
WE. Amparibe, fe |
| E Tananarive Nov.50 Toy.Robt Need for schoolmaster.No devel
| opment of dispute with French ji)
over guarry.Dr Davidson and piv
the Xavier case.Press recuses |]|)/||
an advertising zommission frou iy |
| the Malagasy Government.Open~ jai)
| ang of Pearse'ts new chapel, Hay)
| Progress of the Church at Mel
Ambohipotsy. ie

(ier : ;
,) &
| =46~ BOX No.7. )
FOLDE: NO.4.(conta) |) i
1865 | @
i Tananarive Dec... Sibres.J Progress of the Memorial a | |
rehes, Hin os
H Tananarive Dec.30 Pooi.W Progres3 of the second Nemor- If j
dal Church and general inissio:)|||| as
ee ary activity. i :
B Amparibe Dec.50 Cousins. Christianity firmly establish-|/))
ec in the isiand.Review of thalin |;
ee missionary position, re
| 1866 FOLDER NO.5.. He
A Tananarive Janel Briggs.B Review of past year.Very fav- |||) |
ouranle position of Mission. |
A Tananarive Janel Toy. Robt Half-yearly statement of Ace-
ounts. Prosperous sondition of |) ||
a the Mission.
: A fananarive Janecd Pool.W Progress of the Church at Anm- |
bohipotsy.Prevarations for i |
commencing new churches.Repor-||| i
ted governmental opposition tc) |
ae church building.Hducational || | |
A Tananarive Feb.10 Pool.W Regrets the Directors! decis- jij)
ion concerning Farovohitra andi!
his hendicap at Ambohipotsy. |) |
A Tananarive PebelS Pearse.J Requests permission for build-| |
ing a larger house. eh
| A Tananarive: Feb.l4 Toy.Robt Financial.Review of personal i
, activitios.Dstermination to ral
: send native preachers to the jy
Betsileo country.General pre- |
egress of the mission.Payment |i)
of compensation for the Lam- ||
bert concession.Issue oF a i
Missionary Magazine. a
, A Taneanarive Feb.15 Sibree.J Progress of the Memorial Chu- 97)
rehes. :
A Bloomfield St. i
Finsbury Feb.2?. Tidman.Dr Time not ripe for S.P.G. ~~ 4
missionaries at the capitel. j]//))))
Enclosure:dratt of the letter (i)
and undesirabilisy of extend- ve
ing Sibree's stay in Madagas- al
Cal Ha |
A fananarive WMar-ll Harvley. Relief at xon-recull.Greatly ||| |
R.Ge increased congregation needs Hl
: new church.Review of the iss-al
ion at Andohalo ad
a Tansnarive Mare13S Pool.W Handicans to the progress o2 i ‘|
the building operations at pe
. Ambatanakanga. We]
A Cananarive Mar.13 Sibree.J Gratified at less esnsoricus a
tone of Directors! over the ee
assault uron the native guards]
Architectural business. Hae
A. Tananarive Mar.13 foy.Robt Financial .New regulations sat— qe
isfactory for missionaries. He |
Extension of missionary a:tiv-]y)
ity. Progress of the Church at Wig),
: Ambohipotsy. ie

| | iP
he | Pd
| “a2 BOX NO.” wey |
| earner |)
FOLDER 110.5. (cortd) ee
L866 | 1
=, any |
| ae i
B TananaLrive Mar.,ci CGemeron. Prime Minister's services in ll
J securing the site a. PFaravo- i .
hitra.New chapels built,one 1h) :
upon = site: given by the Cnueeni|
Apprebation of the suggestion | ;
for French Protestant Mission-ff
aries ani of the escablishmeni||
of an caucatioudgl Missionary |
Sees Institute at Cape Town.Ruman ||
Catholic preparations for ithe ||
ecavession of Madagascar. |
B London Apr.Z5 Ellis.W Letters to J.Cameron and J.Siviiii)
ree.Desire of Directors'ta see}
plans before the buildings
were commnenced.Willingnsss to |
| extend the period of enguse- | |
ment till the Church at Faray-~ |
: ohitra was finished.More sim |
| ple design urged for the Mem-
| orial Churches. Te
} B London | Apr.26 Tidman. Protest against the proposal ||) )//)
| Dr of the send mission-~ | |
| aries to Tanauarive.
B Pfananarvi ve Apreé8 Pool.W Disappointing progress made sil Ii
building.Great need for missiclii |
nary activity. He el
B Tenanarive Apr.50 Toy.Robt Financlal.Intention to carry |]
: into practice Hllis*s intended)
visit to the Betsileo country.
Progress of the Roman Cathoiiq)
| Critical etats of Mrs Pool's sig
ae health. aa
B Tanénarive May.16 Toy. Robt Financial.Proposed establish- i)
| ment of Church of England il
missionaries at the capital. fi
B Tananarive May.29 Hartley. Educational and missionary fan
R.G. activity.Church statistics. iii)
Increasing governmental iutol-]
erance geen. |
| B fanansrive May.ed0 Pool.w Prograss of the Chureh at An- 7 |
bohipotsy.Serious illness of [|||]
Mrs Pool.Governnental uneasin- |) 4}
BES. aa
B Tananarive May. 31 Toy.Robt Malagash Governmental attitude al
| led to the postponement of hig)
: journey to *ianarantsoa which qi]
had suffered a serious fire. i
: Queen's reaction in favour of 7)
heathenism.Roman Catholic dita)
iculties with the Government. 47 |
B Tananarive dunelL Sibree.J Progress of the Churches. hell
= |
B Tananarive June? Sibree.J Justifies his plans for the } a
Memorial Churches. Va
o Tananarive June td Pools Does not fear governnental nog |
tility to completing the Chu- qa]
reh.Progresa of the Churches. Wi!
Tnterference with building, of i L
French Clurches.Reversion to Wai)”
heathen practises by the Queem
Me? gukes's future sphere. i |

1 ie
1) g
) | i of
1H i ee
| : FOLDES NO.5.(conte) || i
1866 il)
peo? i
CG Tananarive dunel4 Poyenobt Finencicl .Government interfer-|[lil| i
ence with missionary activit- |l/Ml zs
ies walikely for time being UT
: so the Memorial Churches she- |i)
ae wld be completed raridly. Caan 4
C Tananarive Jun.z22 Cousins.W.d. Report on Amparibe and |
s surrounding villages.Rumours |i!)
of governmenval anti-christia;| 7)
intentions.Il!ness of Mrs He a
Cousins. Het
C Tananartve dunedO0 Pool.W Delay in the completion of th:
Memorial Churches.Ratificatio:)
: of the English Treaty.Comparis|
ons cf the dispositions of the
English and Freneh Consuls.
' Preparations for Hartley's
a... Church.

C Tananarive Jun.50 Cousins.G Inefficiency of the schools.

Enclosing statistics of Chure;) |

: hes and Schools throurhout the!

C Tananarive Jul.2 Sibree.J Little progress with Memorial |/))|)/|
Churches owing vio mesons bein:||
ealled away.Mr Cameron's fail |

ure to superintend his cepart-)) / ||
ment. et 1
FOLDER Ne.6. ia
nea |
A Tananarive mal .9 Pool. W Definite instructions required) 7) |
re the church at Audohalo and jj)
the restoration of the burial |i
ground.Ill-health of Mrs Pool, |
Inability to reeeive Jukes, |
Enclosing correspondences with ||)
Consul Pakenham and the Prime ||
Minister respecting the churcni@)) |
at Audohalo. Ha
A Tanacarive:- Julell Cameron.J Criticises the Directors'dec- |i
ision to terminate his engage-||| |
, ment.Proposes to prolong his ||//) |)
stay in Madagasesr “o execute |i)
certain building operations =|) |
es : for the qusen. eu
A Tangnarive Jul.3l Hartley. Obstacles preventing the comm- ||) |
ReG. ence ment of the church at i)
fAudohalo. aa
A Tananarive Jul.3l1 Pool.W Encloses cash vouchers fo. the|| || |
Church at Ambohipotsy.Does not)
think the church at Ambatona- || |
kanga will be completed before |
. Christmas.Desirability of a ae
resideit consular agent at the ))7)}
Capital Airival of the French |j)})
Embassy. ed
A fanansrive Jul .dl Toy.Robt Heathen members of the Govern- |) |
ment proposed to pull down Ha
many of the churches but fear ji
of violating the Treaty prev- 7]/)|
ented this at present.Govern- My.
ment measured the mission prop |
ea i
a a re ltt

7 )\ &
“a BOX _NO.7?. i ES
FOLDER NO.6. (conta)
1866 il |
oe |
A Tananarive Jul.e3l Toy.Robt property with the rumoured 1
(contd) intention of resuming owner- |] oe
ee ship of part of it.Lack of a |
resident British Agent at a
Canital was distinet handican iin
Defence of Cameron and future |
: of Jukes settled,
A Tananarive Aug.d ToyeRobt Partial reaction of the Govt.
against Christianity. Proposed
charge by the Government cf
19% of all goods imported by
the Mission.
| A Tananarive Aug. Pearse.J Unsuitable residence provided.
Educational work of Mrs Pearse
was continuing although her
; : marriage terminated her engage
ment as a school-mistress.
Need for a more clearly defin-
ed missionary organisation in |
Madagascar.Personal diary. ii |
A Tananarive Aug.27 Briggs.B Urges the rapid completion of |
the Memorial Churehes.
vhristianityv spreading ameg |
the tuling classes although |
the Govt. was divided on relig)|
ious matters. mal
& Tananazive Aug.29 Cousins.G Governmental attitude has led ii
z to a decreasé in the congregst|
ion in certain piaces although]
in genersl steady progress is
reported.Delay in the compiet-i7)
don of the Ghurch at Ambaton-
akanga but progress with the |
school~house.Children of tmulir
classes taken away from Uatho-~- 7)
lic missionaries and entrustsd/})
to one of the L.M.S. native a
pastors.Heathen opposition to |] |
missionary expansion. arrived, Re
of two Norwegian missionaries. ||)!
Govt.policy of annoysnce alth-|/iiy
ough Pakenham promised to end= |
: savour to obtain exemption Hi
from the inmort cuties for the iim
missionsries.French treaty not ji)
yet concluded. Wat
ins . | i
is Tananarive Aug,.50 FPool.W Progress of the Church at amb- |)
ohipotsy.Regrets delay in Mite
erecting Hartley's church.Inin i
- ical attitude of the Govern- |
ment.cirm attitude of the Fre- qian
nch embassy over land holding’ jj
and import duties.Regret that (ime
no British Agent is resi¢ent jai
at the Capital.Arrival of the jMijMi
Norwegian missionaries.soue a esi
masons in missionary employ Neti |
are engaged in slave dealing. | [ .

| yy e
|) &

50 BOX NO.7- | |) ae
1H hea] ee

| FOLDER No.6.{conta) |i i
1 AR Hie e

| 1866 | | |

| : . wee |

B Tangnarive Aug.dl Sibree.J Tracings of the Faravolutra |i ce
; Church forwarded.Readjustmend il] :
of boundaries following the |i)
Government's measuring of 1 Bs
mission property.Unsatisfact-|)| |
ery superintendence of Camer-| |!)
on at Ambatonazanga led to ji] .
extra delay for which he sim-|/))|
self was net responsible. Hh

| Proposed tc return to Englanciie)))

| at the termination of his |

| ,+ G@ngagement.Specifivzation of |

“~~ the Faravolutra Church.
B Tananarive Auge3l. Cousins. Had entered a new house.Ili-
Welie ness of Dr Davidson demanded
& holiday. i
| B Te nanarive Aug.dL Toy.Robt Encloses reply from Pakenham
over the question of exemptic |
| for the missionaries from ¢£ i
the import tariff.Governmenz ‘
s attitude against Christian- ||) |
ity seemed to be hardening ne
although no infringement of || |
: the Treaty was expected. ba
Obstacles in the way of the || 8uii
French Treaty.Illness cf pr jai)
| : Davidson madés the missionari-|
| es anxious for his welfare. |
Arrangement for dJukes.Arrival
| of the Norwegian mission. Hea |
Enclosures. i Ki
B Tananarive DEP e& Davidson. Proposed holiday to Mauritius)?
Dr and possibly to the Cave to |i)
recover his health.Great suc-
cess of the hospital.With
Supplementary letter signed |i)
by ten misstonaries ,éc,argins)
; him to take a holiday for his | —
| health's sake;Pearss to Davia |
SON. if |
B Tananarive Sep.29 Hartley. Ill-health hed interfered wit |
R.Ge work and if it necessitated 4///)]
his return to Unglana,he hon-) |)
ae ed his services could be uviliaa
1860 in training missioncry rai
| candidates. il
B Tananarive Oct.t Jukes .C Arrival and welcome at the. Hat
Capital. a
B Tanenarive Oct.1 Pool.W Delays in the erection of thea
Churches.Fear of hostilities |) |
between the Malagasy and the 7] ||
French. Financial. |
B fananarive Oct.l Toy.Robt Financial.Departure of Dr i
Davidson.Arrival ot Jukes. A
Delay in signing of Franco- |)
Malagasy Treaty led to lear o ia)
s war. Quarrel between the Prime a
Minister and tue civil popul- |i
ation.Reported order from the)!
Prime Minister to exempt the Hay)
Missionaries'private possess (NM | -
ions from the tarif?., i

, i)
~Si- BOX NC.7. id
ew es
FOLDER NO .6. (contd) 7 a
1 a
C “ananarive Oot.00 Cameron. Acknowledges she Directcrs' | Hl
J letter terminating his engage-i§
ment.Slow progress in buildins||}
of churches largely due to the | oe
neglect of his advice. Leas
C Tanevarive Oct.3l Pool.W Wife's ill-health.The progres:| i
of the Church at Ambohipotsy |i
| and Andohalo.1867 ,the Circun- |
Gision year was likely to
| ; delay building operations.
G Tananarive Gct.31 Sibree. Will suspend all work on tue
d Feravohitra sive Rezudiates
responsibility for delay in
the progress of the churches.
Decided it was in Society's
i interest to remain in Meadagas-~ il
car until the end of the rain:
| season.The church at Ambaton~
akanga should be finished by |
the end of the year.
Comments on the discrepancies
between Ellis's and the Board 4) |
letters.Officers to draw 8
| Plans of the Society's p.wjop- a
| erty in the Capital. pid
C Tananari ve Oct.31 Toy.Robt Financial.Hartley had left tha el
| Capital in scarch of health.
Withdrawe). of Governmental eat
oppositic. to Hartley's Crane.
Government preparing for pcss«|| |
ible war with France. i
C Tananarive Nov.50 PooleW Statement of expenditure and —
progress of the Church.Sugges-
ts that Sibree should leave |
behind certain property ailes-
ed to belong to the Society. |
G Tananarive Nov.30 Pearse.d Socially,the Mission an elevsi) Gg)
ing influence. Review of nerso:
&l activities.Educational act-
ivities and progress.fameronts|| |
* popularity with the natives. ae]
Native interest in micsionary A
expansion.TVvo massionaries en
eS from Le Church Missionery eit
SS Society had settled at Ancs- Hl
vyoranto.Need for a Committee Hei
of Missionaries. \
G fanenarive . Nev.30 Jukes.C WNon-arrival of luggage necess-|| 7)
1tated extra pvrchases. aan
Increased activity among the
Roman Catholics.Missionary |
Prayes Meetings held in rotet- i|
jon at the different churches. ]
C Tananarive Dec.d1 Pool.W Progress at Ambohinotsy.Iil- il
: healtu.Church at Andohelo.
| Appointment of American VonsuiM
: and the negociation of a Tre- Iai
| aty of Commerce ieath of the Hae
- pe French Special Commissioner. jie |
| C ie - ee ; Per (oe ee
Re At j tale ee LN nates 1] Peat 9 NAA yc ui T.
dtedhane Chinen melo er OS Eat UE i f
~ pw Ar kaa POR Dat Leaf i
s ei, ee)

, ; — zee
| ~52~ BOX NO .E: | | Ly
| A Amparibe Janet Gousins.¢ UNDER NAMS AND DATE i 7
S Tananarive Jane Parrett .J | A
A Tananerive Janed Sibree.J
A Tananarive Jane? ROR i
: A Tananarive Jan.ei8 Cousins.W.E.
| A Tananarive JaneZ). Cousins.G
| B Tananarive Feb .l PooleW
228 Tananarive Feb.l Missionaries
3 in Madagascar. (9)
B Tana narive Febel dukes.€
| |
B Vanangsrive Feb .4 Toy ek |
| B Mananerive Feb.26 Cousins.G | |
--«~B Gananarive Feb.26 Cousins.W.E. a
B Tananarive Harel Pool W |
B Tananarive Varea Cameron. J i |
B Tananarive Maree Toy RB = 3 |
5 Tananarive Mar .2 Cousins .W.E. (Secy) Appointed |
newly formed Missionaries jj
B Tananarive Mar.26 Cousins.W.i. Committee.
oo Tananarive Mar.26 Cousins.W.E. |
| B fananarive Apri Pearse .d : |
| a fananarive Apr.l Pool.W ae
} | : Hi
C Tanenarive Apre2 Toy eR nt
G Tananarive ADP. Sibree.Jd |
C Amparibe Apr.2 Cousins.W.8. : : |
| =e fananarive Apr.2 Hartley. RG. | |
| é fananarive Apr.29 Pool.W. a
| C fananarive Aps.30 Sibree.d ee | |
| C Tenanarive Apr .d0 Jukes. | |
G fananarive Apr.dO0 Cameron.d Wa
C Tananarive May.oJ. Cousins Wei. (Secy) u r.

-53= BOX NO.3. | | ee
FOLDSR NO.1. (contd) iy oe
ERR RARER? ~ erence Neen emma enna * I} i
| ie (i
C Tananarive May.l briggs.5 UNDER NAME AND DAt= — Hi
C Tanansrive May 16 Jukes eG i Zi
D Tananarive Maye 24 Cousins (Secy) a
D Amperibe Vayesh Cousins .G : |
| : 5 : 2 arti { |
| D Tananarive duneol Peerse.d
| D Tananarive dun. Cameron.d
| D Tananarive Juned Pool W
| D fananarive Jun.3 Toy Robt
| |
D Tamatave Jun.l2 Hartley.R.G. |
| D Tamatave Jun.24 Davidson.Dr |
» Tananarive Jun .2o Cousins.¥.i. |
| D fananarive Jun.28 Pool.W a a
| : yt
| : FOLDER 0.2. |
| — A Amparibe Jol.2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy)
| A Tananarive Jul.2 Toy Robt _ |
a A Tananarive Jul .d3 Toy Robt
| A Tamnatave guL. li Hartley.ReG.
| A Tananarive Jul.22 Missionaries in
| Tananarive.(9) :
| B Tananarive Jul.50 Cameron.d Plans for Faravohit- || |
ra Memorial Church. ||
B Tananarive Jul.50 Pool.W Hat
: 28 Tananarive Jul.d0 dJukes.C ae a
3 Tananarive Jul.31 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) a
a <5 Menenarive 01,6) Soyenouu al
| : |
| B fananarive Aug.5l Toy.Robt P|
Hi |
| : | | |
| C Tanganarive Aug.31 Poo1.W : Drawings for chapel i
; at Amparibe. ad
| C Tananarive Ssepel Jukes .C a ei
Wa |
| 6 Tananarive Sep.22 Hartley.R.G. S Hi
: a
| C Tananarive 90230 Cousins.W.i. a |
Ht | |
| C fananarive veep .a0 Cousins .Well. |
C Tananarive Sep 60 Daviason.Dr i |

Ny : 2 ene eee eees si Dee 7, 7
opus BOX NO 3, He yy
, FOLDER NO.2.(onta) | i
D Tananarive sep .d50 Pool .W Plans of the Ampamarinana i ee
Memorial Church. Hi :
D Tananarive Octel dukes. “
D fananasive Oct 1 Briggs .B a :
D Tananarive Octel Toy.R | ,
D Tananarive Octet ToyeR |
D Tananaxvive Oct.2 Parrett.
D Tamatave Procter.s
D Tananarive Oct.l6 Davidson.Dr \ :
D Tenanarive Oct.29 Pool.W
D fananarive Oct.31 Toy eR |
D fananarive Oct.d1 Cousins.W.%. (Secy) |
D Tananerive Dec.2 Toy.R |
D Tananarive Dec.d Hartley.R.G. 4 (|
D fananarive coc.2 Pool.W a
: A Tananarive Janel Cousins. Web. (Secy)
A Tananarive Janel Jukes.
A fananarive Jane) Toy eR | a :
A Tananerive Janee ToyeR | '
A Teananarive Jane Pool .W | |
A Tananarive Jan.d Poy lk a
| b Tananarive Jan.3l1 Hartley.R.&G. va
B Tananarive Feb.l. Cousins.W.E. (Secy) i
B Tananavive Feb.l ToyR ||
B fananarive Feb.l Toy. | |
B Tananarive Feb.5 Cousins WL. [|
B Tananarive Feb.28 ToyeR : 2 “ | |
B Tananarive Feb.29 Cousins.W.E. (Se: 7) i |
B fananarive Maree Cousins.G L.
B fananarive Mar.d0 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Minutes of Madag- ag
ascar Commiutec. if |

= apes ee ana een a
: ‘ i ’
: vie
| k
=i Spee teat Hi)
BE 3OX.NO.3. Wi
fe oN i
FOLDER NU.3. (contd) i) ff
1868 Vi
6 fananarive Mar-30 Covcuins.W.E. Hl |
C fananarive Mar.30 Toy.R WOR GENERAL SUBIECTS i
C Tanaaarive Mar.30 Pool.W UNDER TANS fu) DAS
C Tananazxive Kore foveR el
G Tanansrive Apr .28 Cousins.W.E, (Secy) Committee Minutes.
| C Tananarive Apr .30 Toy eR
| G Tananarive ApredO Pool.W
C Tananarive May el Davidson.Dr
G Tananarive Mayes Hartley.R.G.
. |
| G Tananarive Way.4 Toy R |
| FOLDER NO eke |
A Madagascar Maye2d Church Members Eneloses original & |
Andohaloc. translation by Rev.B.&.
| b. Tananarive May,85. Hartley.®.G. Hartley.
' My
me eae
A Tananarive Maye dQ Pool .W
| A Tananarive JUN ee Cousins.W.â„¢. (Secy) CGommivtee Minutes
A Tananar ive. JUN Z Toy R
A Tananarive Jun.3 Tov.R
A Tansnarive Jun .28 Pool.W
A. Tananarive euned0 Cousins.W.k. (Secy) Committee Minutes |
A Tenanarive dull Pool.wW |
< A fananarive dalel dukes .C oe |
: WEE 4
f Tenanarive Jul.d Toy.R Die tay
: : ki
3 fanangzrive Jul.3 Poy .R |
2 ee ge i
B Tananarive JUL.O Church Members franslation by Rev.R.Gi/ii
Andohale. Hartley. |i
3 Address to ths Quecn
3 Tananarive Augel Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutss |
B Tananarive Augel Cousins G |
B Yananarive Aug. Pool .W Bil
B Taneoarive Aug.d Barcker.d s
b Tananarive AUE.S Cousins. .WeHe * Extract from Letter | |
to Rev.W.Ellis. aaa
B fananarive Aug.dl Pool.W ae
ae é

. Eee AVowe COM aG Fie 4
JACKED PLAGE Bete RANE suBeacrs | 4
| SE ree E A x | | } 4
| B fananaraye Jap.) Couging.WeEs (Seay) Committee Minutes, ITE §
B Tananarive Sap. % Foy oR el “f
B SALBNALLYe Sep od9 “oyeH and Jukes.€ He |
5B faneanarive SSped POC). W She cOvnas fe > Oe
| B Tananerive O6tel JULG BC FE Oe ae i g
is Ganeanarive Ooot.2 Cousings.Wehe {Secy) Commnittes Mirateas, |}
. G Venanearive OGtow Parretted
C fanansarive O6t .dG Gorsing. fae (Sesy) Committes Minutes,
G fananarive Nov.2 Poole’
. G Tananavive Nov.d Teyeh
G Ganmanardve Deged CousingeWek. (Seoy) Gammittes Minutes.
G Yananarive Dee,.2 Sigy el |
; |
G Tananarive Degex Poole® — |
| A Tananks se JaRed Pooled |
4‘ Tarenarayve SHS! POO).
. S |
e =f 3 ? ees |
di Tananarive e@R od IUXEB «CS
bh Tananavive J&rnel POATEO oc
A Tonanard ve JONek GoueinsetieE. (Secy) Gomultitee Vinutes.
7 A Sananarive Janse Peol..W
A Tananarive Janet Ley oR
i —o Tananarive dane4 Barker ed aat|
\ | |
m4 ¢ Hl |
| 5 Tenanarive danec®? Briggs.t A
‘ { 7 }
a = Varanariye aredh Pearsass ait
% . fe | )
| iy
| 5 Tunonerives ob.t Parvetisd Wi
| E fananarive Feb of Couninieiiese ({Seoy) Gomnittes Minutes. |
) B Tenancecilve Feb.2 Consinga.eG . Ven)
| B Pananass ve Fobed Pook wW !
| | ) na
| G Tananaxsive Yebed ToyeR ie oh !
eG Fananuerive Fob.d Btreet.. Ee : a
F : ve
F oy
i 2 mee mares emamnarnnn sae br er RARE REET TASTES NEO ESSE TE SIA TESA LN IIE USENET ETT Seti Sie { j
; 3

tie Fy LRP . ry | | f
FOLDER NO.5.(contd) | |
1869 i
C Tananarive Feb. Parcett.Jd incloging Annual Renort |
(printed) of the L.M.S. Hi |
Frinting Office, Tananarivell) ie
C Tanenarive Marl dukes oC
S Teananarive Mar.l Cousinc.W-E. (Secy) Committee Minnves.)}
C fananarive Mar.2 Briggs .B UNDER TAMN AND DATS |
D Tananarive Mar.2 Barker .d
| D Tananarive M2are2 Pool
| D Tfananarive Mar.2 Cameron.d
| D- fTananarive Mar.2? Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.| |||
| , | |
| D fananarive Nar. 29 Cameroned
D Tanararive Mar.29 Rainilaiarivony
| (Prime Minister)
D Tanunarive Aprel Cousins.W.E;
D Tananezive Do Tananarive | D Tananarive Apr.8 Pool. W |
| D fananarive Apr.9 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
| A Tananarive | A Tananarive Apr.9 Cousins.G | |
A Te nanarive Apr.29o- Briggs.B and ii
Cousins .Wele i
A Tananarive May.6 Cousine.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, | |
A Tananarive May. Pool .W i
| ‘A Tananarive May.7 Toy.R ei
A Tananerive May.8 Barker. d
A vananarive May.8 CameroneJ Encloses letter from |
Antananarivo. :
| B fane.arive Juned Pool. W :
B Tananarive Jun.4 Cousins. (Secy) Committee Minutes. i
B Tananarive dune4 Toy. a

N ze ce ees Wz 7
-O8= BOX NO.8. ia ae
B Tananarive Jul ol Pool .W Ht
3B Tanauarive Jul.l Ronald. ,
Miss.Jane E.
- B Tananarive bUL 2 Toy |
B Tananarive Jul.é Richardsoned
3B Tananarive Jul 27 Jukes.C |
BE Tananarive Jul ede Cousins.W.s. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
B Tananarive Jul dO Cousins .&
| C Tananarive JuL.30 Pool oW
C Tananarive Augel Toy.R
C fanerarive fugea”? Cousins. W.E. (Secy}) Conuittee Minuies, |
C Tanenarive Sep eel Fool.W il
C Tananarive Sep 24 Toy .R |
C Tanarerive Sep .44 Cousins.G |
2G Tfananarive dsep-.a4% Cousins .G : |
C Tananarive Sepee4 Richardson.d
C Tananarive Oct.22 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committse Minutes.
C Tangnarive Oct .23 Pool .W
7G Tananarive Oct.25 Toy R | |
¢ Tananarive Nov.l? Pool.W ail
D fananarive Nov.22 Pool.W i
D Tenanarive Nove 25 Cumeroned |
De Tananarive Wov.e25 Ronald. Wiss | |
D fananarive Novect dukes .C ; |
D Tananarive WNov.eet Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, |
: D Tananarive Noveé4 Toy.R
D Tananarive Noveeé ‘Cousins.G |
v Tananarive Dec.2z8 Barker.d |
: L870 : |
5 D fananarive Janeegd Pool.W L,

a nS LE EEE EEE eee <<
ei 6
: “5¢— BOX NO.% | &
| BIE GOVERS O08 Letters fil|
| A Ranenarive Jane25 Toy.R UNDE NAME AND DATE :
| A fananarive Jan.25 Jukes.C | ze
| A Menanarive Jane25 Cousgins.G a
7 : Hf
: A Tananarive Janeeo Richardson.d :
| A Tananarive Jane2d Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
A Tansnarive Jan. 25 Pearse .d
A Tananarive Feb.22 Pool.W
: A fTananarive Feb.25 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
-— |
ae B Tananarive Feb.23 Barker.B
B fananarive Feb.e25 ToyeR |
B Tananar ive Feb.26 Parrett.d
B fTananarive Apr.l vukes oC |
B Tenanarive Apred Toy eR
| B Tananarive Apr.7 Pool. W |
| B Tananarive Apr.8 Briggs.B
2 B Tananurive Apr.9 Cameroned
B fananarive May . Pearse .Jd Report of Imerina Consreg
ational Union's Half-Yearly
B Tananarive May.l5 Pool.W Meeting.
B Tanaierive May.16 Pool.W | |
CG fanacarive May.18 Cousins. WeE. (Secy) Committee Minutes. 4
. C fanenarive May.18 Richardson.J a i
| G : Tarnanerive Mayel9 Toy .R i
C Tamatave VMay.e2cO0 $Procter.Bros : i |
| 4 @aranarive Meye3l Sibree.J oe! | |
| ee
| G Tananarive Juned Wills.James : |
, |
) G fananarive duned Ronald.iliss ha
) G Tananarive Jun.1loO Cousins.W.eE. (Secy) Committes Minutes. | |
G Tananarive Jun.l0 fPool.W | | |

Pe een eee ee ee eae Eee ss
IL ‘| Ye
hi yl

-61- BOX NO.9. |
FOLDER NO.2. (conta) Hi oe
— 1870 |
C fananarive Oct.21 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes H | oe
C Tananarive Oct.22 Cousins.W.E.
C Tanenarive Oct.24 Attwell.W Ske COVERS OF LalTEss
G Tananarive Oct.24 Pool.W
G Teanesearive Oct.2 Matthews.?.7.
C Tananarive Oct.26 Cousins. WE. (Secy) Special Committee
C Tananarive Oct .26 Briggs .B
C Tananarive Oct.26 Cameroned
C Tenenarive Novel8 Cousins.W.l. (Secy) Committee Minutes
C Ambohimanga WNovea2. Sibree.J |
D Tananarive NoOVedl Briggs B |
D Teananarive Nov.2l Montgomery.W
D Tananarive Noveal Peake.P.G.
D fananarive Noveee Brigges.B
D Tananarive NEC. Wills.d |
D Tanatave Dec.1l2 Carter. John |
D Ambohimanga Dec.1? Sibree.J
D Tananarive Dec.l9 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
D Tananarive Decel9 Moss.C.Fe
D Tananarive Dec.l9 Pool.W | |
D fananarive Dec.cO SBriggs.B na
18th | FOLDER NO-5. - i
A Amparibe Jauel6 Gousins.G i
A fananarive Jan.16 Pool.W
A fananarive Jan.l6 Barker.d
A Ambohimanga Jan.1¢ Sibree.J |
A Tananarive Jan.16 .Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Minutes Annual
Meeting of Committee.
A faneansarive Janon7? Parrett.d Enclosing Report (ccinte dy
of L.M.S. Printing Offical
at Toenanarive,. peut

2 Bese eee ee spa tua enn bn ey pane : a ry 4
i 3
*G0- BOX NO.9. 1a ee
FOLDER NO.L.(eonta) jf} E |
a — SEE COVERS OF Tsrcsas il
| D Mananarive dun.L0 Briggs eB UNDER NAMG AND Daath” Hi | S
| : D fananarive dumelOQ $Richardson.d eo
D Tamatave Jun.l18 Wiikinson. |
D fananarive Jul.d Cousins.WeE. (Secy) ef
D Tananarive Jul .d Cousins.G
| D Tananarive JUL 66 Briggs B
Po D Tananarive Jul .6 Sibree.d
D Tananarive Jul .6 Richardson.
A Tananarive Jul .6 Peake .P.G.
A fananarive JvlL 12 dukes .C
| A Tananarive euleld Toy eR
Ambohimangea Aug l Sibres.d He
| A Tananarive Aug. 4: Pool .W |
| A tanauarlve Aug. 5 Cousins WeEs (Sec) Committee Minvtes. |
| A Tananerive AU. O Briggs .B_
A Tananarive Aug.5 Cameroned
A Fianarantsoa Aug.22 Richardson.J
A fananarive Aug.29 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) | |
B Tananarive Aug.2? Gone sc | |
B fananarive Aug.29 Brisgs.B i
B fananarive B Tananarive Aug. Wills.d |
B Tanavyarive Sen.1O0 Toy.R ee
| (St.Helena) Wl
... B Fianarantsoa Sep.18 Richardson.d : |
| B fananarive Sep.26 Cousins.W.E. {Secy) Committee Minutes, |
| B Tananarive Sep .26 Moss.C.F. :
| 5 Dananarive Cep.66 Pearse.d | |
B Tananarivs Sep eac Cousins.G | |
B Tenanaisive Sepe2? Pool.W a
B Fignerantsos, 0cb.15 Richardson.d

x ee poe eee eee eee ee r) t
| re BOK NO ow. i
| | POLDER woO.S.{conta) [i i
SEE COVERS OF Lammers iil
| A tananerive Jan.l? Pearse.d UNDER NAME AND DATE |
| : 4. Taneanarive Jan.l? Brigegs.B ti
| & Tananarive Feb. Cam2ron.d :
| A Fianaranisoa Feb.6 Richardson. J . |
| B Tananarive Feb.135 Cougins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
BR Tananarive Feb. 14 Pool.W
B Ambohimangea Feb.15 Sibree.d
| a} Tananarive Feb.1l5 Briggs.B
| B Tananarive Feb.l5 Wills.d
5 Tananarive Febel5 Moss.C.F. |
B Mananarive Feb.16 Barker.d , |
B Fianarantsoa Mar.7 Richardson.d |
| B Tenanarive Mar .13 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
| B fananarive VarelS Pool. W |
B Tananarive Apr.7 Pearse .J |
B Tananarive Apr. LL briggs.B ;
B fanansrive Apr.l2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Gommittee Minutes.
B Tananarive Apr.el2@ Pearse.J
| C Tananarive Apr.12 Pool.W |
| CG Tananarive Apr.l2 Wills.d | |
| Cc Tananarive Apr.l2 Barkered | i
C Tananarive Apr.24 Cousins.WeE. (secy) i
| 7 C Fianarantsoa Mayel Richardson.d ||
Q Tananar ive ‘“May.1l0 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) . |
C Mananarive May.10 Briggs.B
C Tananarive Mayell Wills.d |
G Tananarive May 12 Pool .W ; |
| C Tananarive Jun.S Wills.d | |
| ¢ Tananarive dJun.5 Cousins.G
| ey
| Be
; |

— : —— : 1 :
| @
| ae BOX NO .9. ||
FORDER wo.S.(conta) | fl
é SHE COVEOS OF Ta™TEnS ill ce
C sananarive dun. Pearse ed UNDER NAR@ agp wits :
| | C Tananarive Jun.6 Pool.W 1 ze
D Tananarive Jun.6 Briggs .B | Cd
D Tananerive dune? Metthews.2f.T,
bi D Tananarive June? Wills.d
D Mauritius Jun.e28 .Brockway.T
D Mauritius Jun.30 Shaw.G.A.
D Mauritius JunedL Shaw.G.A.
D Tananarive Jul .o Cousins. .WeE. (Secy) Minutes of Annval
| . Meeting. |
D Tananarive Jul .d Cousins. Web. |
D Tananerive Jul .d Cameron.d , |
D Tananaivive JUL adi Peake .PeG.
, D Fananarive Jul 4 Matthews.?.7,. Enclosing Ground Plan |
of proposed house a6
D Tananarive JU 4 Pool W ' YVonizongo.
, |
: E fananarive oauled Pearse.J ~ Report of Union Meeting
E Tamatave Jul.Ld Procter.Bros
| B Fianarantsoa dul.25 Attwell.W
E Fianarantsoa Jul.26 HRichardson.Jd |
| E ananarive Jvl.26 Stribling.£.H. | |
E Tananarive dJdul.dl Shaw.G.A. |
E Tananarive Jul.edl Cousins.W.E. (Seay) Committee Minutes. |
E fTananerive Jul.dl1 Pool.W | i
E Vonizongo Aug. Matthews.T.2. i |
i fananarive Augel Moss .Gele |
A fananarive Aug.5 Pearse.d
— A fananarive Augel& Brockway. |
A Tananarive Augel5 Brockway.£ s ' |
: i
A Tananarive sug.16 Shaw.G.A. |
A Teananarive Augel9 Houlder.JeA. a
_ |
| _,

| = 6dq BOX NO.9. |)
| comessaomtlcabeseg eatin | | | fe
| : FOLDER NO.4.{eonta) Ji i
t Ss ; | 3 es
| A Vilen.rantaoa Richardson. d Ht |
A Tfananarive Auge 27 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minntes.|)
5 Tere fee) Be FOR GENERAL SuzJecrs ||) i
A fananarive Aug.£3 Pearse.J UNDER KANE AND DATE | |
A. Dananarive “Aue, 20 Moss.C.F.
| A Tananarive 4éug.d0 Wills.Jd
| A Fianarants¢a Sep.19 Shaw.GeA.e
| A Tananarive Sep.25 Cousing.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutss.
B Tananarive pepesd Parrett .d |
28 Tananarive Sep.26 Pool W |
B Tananarive Ssepesl Davidson.Dr Encloses ascount of vis-. |
it to Beusileo country.
B fanarnerive Oct.2 Houlder.J.A. Account of visit te
Betsileo country. it
EB Pamatave Octe9 Procter.Bros
B Tame tava Ostell Carter.John
B Fianarantsogs, Oct.18 Attwell .W |
B Tananarive Oct.18 Brockway.
B Taneanarive Oet.23 SPcripling. teu. .
5 fananarive Octeé3 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes,
: oC Tananarive Oct.24 Hainilaiarivond ;
(Prime Minister) |
: ; : =
C Pianarantsoa Novels Richardson.d aad
C fananarive hovel& Brockway.T _ al
C Teananarive Nov.18 Uousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee james,
.C Vorlizongo . Nov.20 Matthews.T.. oe | |
© @ananarive Nov.20 Pool.W : |
D Tananurive Noveéel Pearse.d
D Tananarive Des. Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, |
-D Fianarantsoa fec.13 {
5 idaeit |
D Tananarive Dec.l6 Barker.Jd Wien
D WTananarive Dec.lS Pool.W : ik

| | _.
| |
| ,
~65- BOX WO.9. i ae
colp ie cticas dacaninteaia Ha | 4s 2
| . FOLDER NO.4. (contd) if
; SEE COVERS OF Derrars |i
D Tananarive Dec.18 Barker.d UNDER NAMe AND DATE z
D Vonizongo Dec.18 Matthews.1.7,
D Tansynarive Dec.19 Pearse .d
D Tenanarive Dec.20 8©Wills.d }
D Fisnurantsoa Dee.2? Richarcson.d
| D Vonizongo Dec.27 Stribling.E.k.
D> ‘ . - - re
| D Ambohimanga Dec.aé sibree.d Exelosing Map of Dis-
trict and preaching
| eS |
: |
| |
: 1
: |
7 | 1
: hid

oe e . i A | i .
“00> BOX NO.OF Wi see
FOLDER No.1. ie
A “rnanarive Janel Wills.d UNDER NAM® AND DATE | :
A jananarive Janel Pearse ed oy
A Tananarive JON ob Cousins.G
A Mananarive Jane Cousins.W.E. a | .
A Andransal- Jan.el5 Barker.d
A VYonizongo Janeal stribling.E.H.
A Fianarantsoa Jan.22 Attwell.W
A Tananarive Janeen? Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
A Vonizongo Jane29 Matthews.?.7.
A Tananarive Jan. 29 Representatives of variou:
Protestant Missionary Scc-
: ieties.Re improved version
of the Malegasy Bible. |
B Tananarive Jane23 Pool.W ii
B Fianarantsoa Jan.30 Richardson.Jd
B Tananarive Jai. dO Moss.C.Fe
B Tananarive Janoodl Pearse od
B Fianareantsoa Feb.21 Richardson.d
B Fianarantsea Feb.21 ShaweGeAe
B Tananarive Feb.26 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |.
B Tenanarive Feb.26 Pool. W |
Fianarantsoe Mar. a od :
B fianarantsoe, Mar.20 Richardson.d |
C Fianarantsoa Mas.e20 Attwell.W au
C Tananarive Mar.21 POClL oh. To Rev.W.Ellis.
nee fananarive Mar.25 Cameron.d To Rev. WHilise.
: ; ‘ ; anno ail
CG Tananarive Mar.c5 Cousins.WH. To Rev. Willis. |
af ; i ; Neon |
C Pananerive Mar.25 Cousins. W.E. (Sscey) Committes Minutes. |
¢ Tananarive Mar.25 Pool.W
C fananarive Mer.26 Peake.?P.G.
Dp al
D fananarive Mar .26 Pearse.d

| } |
6 4 SU TT. ON A | | ie)
a a bOX NOGA a
| : FOLINR NO.1. (contd) | |
i Voni zongo Mar. 26 Mavthews.T.f. UNDER NAME AND DATE
D Tananarive Apr. Brockway? es
| D VYonizonge Apr.1? © Stridline.&.8. |
D Tananarive Apr.lS Raini Maharavo
(Chief Secy.of State) In Malagasy.
| To Rev. Wenllis.
| D Tananarive Apr. Pool .W
D Tananarive Apr.22 Pool.W
| D fananarive Apr.é2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
D Tananarive Apr.22 Brockway.T To Rev. W.Hllis.
D fananarive Apr.25 Moss.C.F. To Rev.W.Ellis. |
D ananerive Apr.23 Wills. |
| D Tananarive Apr.2d Cameron.d
D Ambohimanga, Apredd SLOTee.d |
D fananarive Apr 29 Pool.W |
| Be ag |
| FOLNER NO.2. |
A Vonizongo Apr.,29 Matthews.?.T,
A Tenanarive May .d Moss.C.F.
A fananarive Mayod Brockway.?
A, Tananarive May e4 Cousins.W.eE. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
. ‘ : 3 ele f :
A Pansnarive May .4 Rainilalarivonk
| A Fianarantsosa May.i4 Shaw.GA. fo Rey Wall iss. 4 |
a £. Fianarantsoa May.15 Richardson.d {
A Fienarantsoa May.l5 Attwell.W . Did
ee VYonizongo May. "8 Matthews .7.7. : |
| A - fanenearive MAY s Gu Gousine Wee (Secy) Committee Minutes,
| pad
j +4 fi 21 nt * 4 7 n : WoW114 2 |
B Amparibe Maye sd Cousins.G To Rev.W,Hllis enelos-
ing copy of ie.ter to |
| Commercial Gazette oy
B W.u.eCousins ,rerutins
| charges against LMS. 7
| B Tanauarive May eh Pool.W :
fee Hi
B Tananarive May eel Wills.d beh
B Taneanerive May.21 Mcess.c.F. .
| |
B Pematave oun. 8 Lang Alex, .

| Vi
| ~€Q- nox NOOSA | | ;
ae No U. | &
| FOLDER NO.2, (contd) _
sa : : ; SEE COVERS OF terrars
B ananarive Jdupel5 Pool.W Tien Nake Lip Dae
avon MEL NIN LY a
B Taneaarive Jun. 1.7 Pool .W
B fananarive Jun.l7? Brockway.® | |
B Tananerive Jun.l8 Fearse.J
C Tananarive Jun.l8 $Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |]
G Tananazive Jun.18 Cameron. d fo Rove W Ellis:
C Tenanarive dun.18 Montgomery.W
| G Tananarive Jun.l8 Cousins.G
C Tananarive Jdun.28 SEroeckway.! |
C Tananarive Jun. 29 Willis.d To Rev. W Elis. |
G Tananarive dunead Cousins.G |
| D Tananarive dune2y VPearse.d
janar 5 Oak « Shaw.G.A.e (Acting Secy.Betsileo Distr- ||
D Flanarantsos Jul.9 Shaw.GeA. (acting Secy.Betsileo Dis |
| Let Committee)
| D Fianavantsoa Jul.l0 Ricnardson.J |
D Fianareanteca, Jul.10 ShaweGeA.
D Tananarive dul.15 Pool.W
D Tananarive Jul.16 Gousins.W.E. (Secy) Committees Minutes.
t e « - :
| D Tananarive Jul.l6 Houlder ed eAs
| D Fianzrantsoa Aug.5 Brockway.
£ xX Tre eo md va ‘ |
| D Fianarantsca Aug.6 Shaw. GA. (Secy) Minutes of first Meet
| ing of Betsileo District Hrs
commttes. He
D Fianarantsoa Aug:6 Attwell.W i
» Tanenevive Auge’? Wills.d 7
| FOLDER NO.3. i
Ne Tananerive Avg.lo Pool.W ; tal
| . |
| A Ambohimanga, Aug.l3d Sibree.J |
A Tananarive Augel? Houlder.deA.
‘ Tananarive Aug.19 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committce Minutes.
| A Tenanarive Augel9 Pearse.Jd
aS A fananarive Aug.19 Richardson.d ae
) 1
| = - wt as x " a n 7 \ meas reat”

nee ae Se eee See = " .
ley.’ 5
| §
~69~ pox soioA
ol as
| FOLDER NO,3.(conta) [it
; A Tananarive Augeczd Moss.C\F. UNDER MAME AND DATE
(Marseilles) Dt aw ri en a ea es
A Fiauarantsoa Auge3d Shaw.GeA. (Sesy) Minutes Betsiieo
District Committee.
A Fianarantsoa Aug.d0 Attwell.W ;
A Tanansvive Sepe9 Pool. W a
A Tananarive Sep.10 Houlder.J.A. i
& Flanarcntsoa Sepel4 Brockway.?
B Tananarive SOD.iL¢ Cousins.W-E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
a B Tananarive sep.18 Pool .W |
B fTananarive Sep.l1@ Pearse.J :
B Tananarive pepel8 Richardson.d |
B Tananarive OQct.8 Gousins.W.E. (Secy) Minutes special |
Conmittss Meeting.) |)
B Tananarive Oct.8 Pook.W
G fananarive ct.14 . Cousins.W.F. (Secy) Reorganisation |
Proposals. |
: C Tananarive Oct.24 Pool.W |
C Mauritius Nove Beveridge.@.G.
C PTananarive Nove4. Pool .W
C -fananarive Nov.4 Caneron.d
C Vonizongo Nov.4 Matthews.@f.1, |
C Tananuarive Nev. 5 Cousins.W.k. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
G Pananarive Novesa Cousins.W.E.
: ; j
c Fianarantsoa Tov.e27 Brockway.f |
C Tananarive 266.8 Pool .W |
ge Tananarive Dec.2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. i
Fiamarantsoa Desz.24 Attwell.W
| D Fianarantsoa Dec.24 Shaw.G.A.(Secy) Minutes Betsileo i
District Committee,
D yonizongo Dec.50 Matthews.?.T.
D Tananarive Dec.d9 Pool.W me Weta
D Tananarive Dec.30 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, |) |
| : pee

= aS — , — ——— . = : — = = = ie | |
: om e Ow ; B ce x . ry ity > | 2 2
j cl de © | ee
; | | roa
i GUDER WO, 4.
‘ From this year on,the Becsilco and Tananarive letters are |
| kept separate within the year.
The first meeting of the Betsileo District Committes was |
held ou August 6. 1872.
The Mission to the Betsileo was startea in 1870. :
A Tananarive Janeo Thorne .d Ce SEE COVERS OF Lee" |
A Tananarive Jane’ BavoneR per ee
A Mauritius Jane10 Ireland ,Fraser & Co.
A Tfananarive Jane 2d Pool. W
A Mauritius Feb.7 Ireland,Fraser & Co. | |
B Tananarive Fed .L7 Parrett..J
3B Tananarive Feb.l? Riehardson.d
B Tananarive Feb.18 Cousines.W.E. (Secy; Committee Minutes. |
B Tananarive wot Pool.W
C fanenarive Feb.20 Cameron.d |
C Mauritius Mar.7 Ireland ,Frasss & Co. |
C Tananarive Mar.l2 Gousins.W.k. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
C fananarive Mar.el8 Parrett.d :
C Tananarive Mar.e18 Pool.W .
C Pananarive Mar. Willis.d
D fananarive ; mittee Minutes.inclosing i
JeCameronts report on |
Mission Houses and plans. jj)
D Tananacive Apr.l6 Pool.W |
D Mauritius May .2 Ireland,Fraser & Co. ia
ee?) Vonizongo Maye9 Matthews .£.T.
A Tonanarigs May e13 Cousins.W.em. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
r i
A Tananarive May.13 ¥Pool.W
A Tananarive May.13 Wills.J (Treasurer) : pa
A fananerive May.l1S Wills.J )
A fananarive May.19 Rainimonjisoa 1s

‘ = anterior Raa ed Las Rae re ataseba ae Maat seats TEE aE Beipasr eet RA ei eo Aaa Patches tee aut Sites apes Bars eon nas 5 Bs aha : r 2 at
| Hh | y
| : : A
| ~t1- BOX NO.1IO6 | 5
| fel el rah S | i a
| ne cae a ein eg ae i a ee
| FOLDER NO.5. (contd) i} i
NNR LRN INET I: oe sa Ol gE MANOS ya A
A Nananarive May.ég8 Pool.W UNDER NAS AND DATE
| . % Pe er ee UE 5
A Analakely May Mrs Pearse's
School. | 2
| a Tananaxvive Jun ed
WS Cousins. .W.E. (Secy) Minvtes Annual HM
| Meeting of Committee. oe Ol
3 Tananarive Junelea Cousins.WH. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
“3B Mauritius Junee6 Ireland,Fraser & Co.
B Tananarive Jun.30 Cousins.G Report of Theological |
oe Institution from Jan.1372
to June.1873.
| Se }
CG Tananarive dJul.8 Pool .W
| C Tananarive AUS Parker .GeWe
| G fananarive C Tananarive Auged Wilis.d
CG Tananarive Aug.5 Toy eR i
C Port Louis Aug.ll Mullens.Dr
CG fama tave Aug.18 Mullens.Dr
| C Mauritius Aug.2l Ireland,Fraser & Co.
| C Tananarive Augea29 Briges.B (Secy) Minutes special Comm-
lttes Meeting.
D ananarive Sep.2 Pool.W !
; D Tananarive Sep.9 Mullens.Dr
D Tananarive sepel4 Richardson.d |
a |
D Vonizongo sep.l5 Matthews.7T.T, id
D ¥ihaonana papelS Lord.Thomas ail
D Faravohitra Sep.l6 Wilis.Jd il
D Tanenarive . Oct.14 Toy.R Hl
D Amparibe Oct.14 Cousins.G |
D Tananarive Oct .i4 Briggs.B (Secy) Extract from Committee i]
D Tananarive Oct.14 Baron.R
D Tanenarive Oocteit Pool.W
- |
FOLDER NO.6. - (|iieg
Da CN SRS auth
A Tananarive Octel5 Wills.J aa
A Tamatave Oct.28 Porter,Muir
; and Lang.

‘ Sitter a mE ners famines stot ee 3 es ie see se Bessey es Bee : : is ¥ Bee Serres) atts ee pata 3 ae fs asl Sa cet 2 beech Pe babe tet _ ) Epepiestos :
, eS BOX NOOB ||| i
| Bates
FOLDER NO.6. (contd) in
| 1873 ace ee
op : ae SEE COVERS OF Larrmrs ||
A fananuarive Wov-10 Mullens.Dr a ee er |
| UN DEER NAME fii D DA 4 4
| A Tananarive Noveld Pool .W ee
| 1
| Lt, Tananarive Nov.eld Wills.d :
| : aa
| A Tenanarive Novela Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes. cl
| |
& fananarive Noveld Pillans J
A Tananarive Novell Briggs.B (Secy)
4 Tananarive Decea Thorne .d.C.
B Tananarive Dec.&8 Mullens.Dr
B Tananarive Dec.8 Briggs B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
B Tananarive Dec.8 Moss .C.}". 5
| 2B Yonizongo Dec.8 Matthews £.T,.
| : |
he B Tananevrive Dec,8 Jukes eC
8 Tananarive Dec.9 Wills.J (Secy) Report of Half-Yearly |
Meeting Malagasy Congre-
gationuel Union.
B Tananarive Dec.9 Wills.J (freasurez }
| B Tananarive Dec.10 Pool.W —_ :
BETSITEO LETTERS Head Station: Fiansrantsoa
C Fianarantsoa Feb.6 Brockway .7
C Fianarantsox Feb.e1l0 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Minutes special
Committee Meeting.
C Fianarantsoe Mar.ll Shaw.G.A. i4
C Fianarantsoa Mar.l5 attwell.W |
| ah
C Fianerantsoa Apr.7 Brockway .T 1
| ¢ Fianarantsoa Jul.28 g Filanarantsoa Aug.28 Brockway.7
iS |
D Fianarantsoa Sep.1? Brockway.? |
) A i
D Fianarantsoaw Oct.2 Mullens.Dr
D Fianarantsoa Oct. Pillans.d |
. t {
ry x 2 | }
D Fianarantsoa Oct.7 Shaw.GeA. Ln
| |
D Fianarantsoa Oct.24 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Minutes special e
Committees Meeting, 1

| i}|
| i | Hl
res i | Rice
tom BOX NO.LOB i Bs
| ', FOLDER NO.6. (contd) i
D Fianarantsoa Oct.24 Shaw.G.A. UNDER NAME AND DATE
| D Fianarantsoa Nov.4 Attwell. .W (Treasurer) ue
| D Fianarantsoa Dec.ll Parker.t.We vf :
D Fianarantsoa Jec.27 Shaw. GA. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
! . |
| Hold
| i
| ;
| ‘ ;
| : . i
| : |
4 i
E |
= ;
. {
: | |
° |

. Sa aE ee ete ee ht |
| :
| =(4= BOX NOLL. | e
: PA ohh fl Ly
- oe FOR GENERAL suascms |] J
A Vonizongsa JAN oH Matthews.f.?. Bi gee ee | o
A Tananarive Jan.5 Montgomery. W
| A. Tenanarive Jan.6 Pool .W | :
A Tananarive Jane Beveridge. 7.G, Y |
A Tanonarive Jan. Mullens.Dr
A Tananarive Jan.7 Wil1ls.J (Treasurer)
: | A fananarive dans.25 Clark.HefT. fo Rev.d.Pearse.
A Tananarive Feb.2 Pool. W
A fenanarive Feb.2 Pillans.d |
A Tananarive Feb.2 Moss.G.i. |
B Tananarive Feb.2 Mullens.Dr
B Tananarive Feb .d Mullens.Dr |
B fananarive Feb.% #$Mullens.Dr |
| : B Tauanarive Feb.3 Wills.d (?reasurer)
¢ Tananarive Feb.3 Briggs.B (Secretary) Committee Minutes!
C Tananarive Feb.3d Cousins. WE.
C Tananarive Feb.16. Wills.d (freasurer)
D fananarive Feb.28 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
| D Tananarive Feb.28 Pool.W |
| =) Tananarive Mar.3 Wille.d (Treasurer) |
| D ananarivs Mar.S Briggs.B vi
ceo} Tananarive Mar.2 Mullens. Dr
A Tananarive Var.3d Mullens.Dr |
A Panenarive Mar .e4 Moss.C.F. |
A Tananarive Mar.l1 Muliens.Dr is |
A Tananarive Mar 31 Mullens. Dr | |
A VYonizongo Apr.l Lord.? |
B Tananarive Apr Wilis.J (Treasurer) |

Ge EE OE EEE” oe
rl @
rR el i mn | :
| reo Box NO. Li. " | He
FOLDER NO.2.(conta) | i
B fanenarive Apr. Pool.W UNDER WANE ANS DATS
: B Antoby Apr.24 Mullene.Dr
| B Tananarive Apr.c6 -- Pool. | z
B Tananarive Apr.28 Wills.J (Treasurer) a :
B Tananarive Apr .2& Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
C Tananarive May.25 Mu.lens.Dz
C fananarive dune lS Native Pastorse
G ananarive dunel& Students.
C Tananarive JuneL? Beveridge.?.G. |
G Tananarive dJun.17 Pillans.d |
= C fananarive Jun. 2d Briggs.B {Secy) Minutes of Annual |
Gommittes Meeting.
D fenanarive Jun.e29 Briggs.B (Secy) Gummattee Minutes. |
| D Tananarive Jdun.s9 Wills.d (Treasurex) : u
| D Tananarive dule10 Mullens. 0dr
D fananarive Jul.l? Rainilaiarivouy
A Tananarive Jul.l4 Wills.J (Treasurer)
: A Tananarive dul.20 Mullens.Dr
A Tenanarive Jul.20 Pool.W i
A Tananarive Jul.2i #Briggs.B (Secy}
Ps Tananarive Jul.2l Native Pastozs./10) !
A Tananarive Aug.15 Johnson.W (Secy:F.F.M A.)
eae Tananarive Augei? Gousins.W.E. (Acting Secy) Committee |
Minutes. |
B Tanancrive Augel? Pool.w_ S |
B Ambohimangs, Aug.18 Sibree.d |
B fTananarive Augel8 Wills.d (Treasurer) |
B Zanzibar Aug.27 Pillans.d oe |
B Zanzibar Auge 28 Mullens.Dr 2 . |

| a BOxX._NO.11. —
C On board ao ee
| "Huphrates® Aug.d1 Pillans.J UNDER NAS ADO Sass, e
| G On board ne
"Eunorates® Sepel Pillans.é
z Meg
C. Aden BOP eS Mullens.Dr ee
Piilans.d Summary of work undertak-
en and accomplished.
D Vorizongo Sep.l14 Matthews.T.T.
D Faravohitra Sep.15 Jukes eG
D Tanenarive Sep.15 Pool W |
D Tanenarive Sepel5 Wills.d (Treasurer)
D Port Louis Sep.16 Stribling.Eu.
D Tamatave - Oct.l Stribling.E.H.
Z |
| D fanerarive Octele# Pool.W
| |
| 4
B Tanenarive Oct.15 Thorne.d.C. i
; |
D Tananacive Octel4 Beveridge.T.G.
& Mauritius Cot oid Treland ,Fraser
: & Co.
A Tananarive Oct.17 Wills.d (Treasurer)
& Tananarive Oct.20 Stribling.E.H.
A Tananerive Octe20 Briggs.-B (Secy} Committee Resolution
; Enclosing Examinatio:
| Certificates,
A Tanauerive Oct.29 KingdoneA Enclosing specimen
of Press work. j
| et
| A Tarsnarive Noved Wills.J (Treasurer)
B Tananarive Nov.9 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
: Enclosing scopy of Qu: {
a eents proclamation
| freeing all Mozambic
ue Slaves imported
| since Treaty of 1855
| B Tananarive Nov.9? Cameron.d
B Tanenarive Nove? “Pool.W
5 fananarive Nov.el0 Moss.C.F. (Acting Treasurer) Va
B Yonizongo Dec. 5 Stribling.E.H.

a Se eee ee
| :
| a
| “i= BOR NOLL. | ea
| DUA NG sts | yy
| | FOLDER NO.4e(ocntc| |
She vOVERS OF Lattans jf
: B Fihe.onane Dec.d Stribling.E.H. UNDE NAME AND DATE — :
a : 2
B Tananarive Dee. 5 Pool.W eS
| ie :
B Tananarive Dec.8 Moss Coke ae
B Tananarive wJeC. Pocl.W “iM f
S Anbositra Feb.19 Brockway.?
CG Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Attwell.W Enclosing letter from Dr
Mullins and reply to same
C Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Attweli.W ee
G Fianarantsoa Feb.24 Parker.G.We
| oe Fianarantsoa Mar.20 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
| Ge Fianarantsoa Mar.24 Atiwell.W |
C Fiansrantsoe Apr.aL Attwell.W
: rae “5 : i
| C Ambositra Apr.22 Brockway.T Hh
| |
| C Fianarantsoa May.19 Shaw.GA. (Secy} Committee Minutes.
D Fianarantsva Aug-12 Shaw.G.A. (Secy)
D Fianavantsoa Aug.28 Parker.G.W. (Treasurer)
D Fianarantsoa Sep.28 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Committee Resoluti:
D Ambositra Oct.6 Brockway.?
D Fianarantsos, 0ct.3d0 ShaweGeAe
D Fianerantsoa Oct.d1 Parker .G.We
v Fianarantsoa Dec.d0 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Commiistea Minutes, | fi
| ,
| }
| : |
. * |
| |
; |

ca Se Foe eater es ae ae sists EE + es net Sees ae zs pees : Bs rer Bn E ese oe a: BG asset es fares i c i ; cae eas . ¥ : } SEP AY ae
rr en aap, ta ye : 5
aes, po ie LE oe | ee
FOLDER NO.1. i ae
gare FOR GENERAL suBgHo7S 3
4.375 Sree a ne am
f le Pen me . ford 7 at Ur UNDE oO NAME “AND Ona ‘y a
A Tananar ive Jai7 45 Pool .W ae parte
A Tenanarive dan.6 Rainilaiarivony :
A Tananarive Jan. 6 Brigss.B (Secy) Committes Minutes.
Enclosing Bxeuinst-
lon Certificates dc
B Tananarive Jini Pool.W
B Tananarive Jane? “ameroned
B Tananarive Jane? Wills.J |
B fananarive Jan.? Wills.d..(Treasurer)
B Tananarive Jan.7 Toy.R
Houlder. dA. |
B Tananarive Feb 4 Pool.W |
B Tananarive Feb.4 Wills.J (Treasurer)
B Voni zongo Merl Stribling...
5 §
B fTananarive Mar.2 Peaks .P.G. if
: G Tananarive Maree Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes,
G Tananarive Mar.s Pool.W _
C fTananarive Mar 4 Houlder.J.A.
6 Tananarive Mar .4 Wills.J
C fananarive Mar.4 Wills.J (Treasurer)
D fananarive Mar.s Cameron. d |
D Tananarive Mar.& Cameron.d Enecloses estimate
for new School. i
: 1
D Tanacarive Mar.29 Brigzs.B (Secy) Committee Resolni~
; ions.
D Off Portland Mar.29 Pearse.Jd
oe "Sea. Breeze" :
. \ i
; :
D Tananarive Mar .ol Pool .W |
D Tananarive Aprel Wills.J i
D ananarive aApr.l Wills.J : = |
weet enek oe
A Tananarive hor. Cameroned |
: |
A Ambohipotsy Apr.28 Montgomery.W lL.

SE See Fa eee ater ee a eT sete es sy st See Pane ee Saha Tek rere as cereaeyy es es Gee ae " oe ea ss at : pain r pea ae Eat ail
ey I)
= 79 BOX_NO.L2. | eo
FOLDER NO.2.(eonta)
Sie COVanS OF Lirtars
A fananarive JUKE eC Enclosing specimen cop-
tes of "Gazety Malages: Bi
&, fananarive Apr.29 ° Sibrea.d
A Faravohitra Apr.29 Davidsen.Dr Enclosing plans of p:ror |
vsed hospital.Also cop:
of Gazetive.
Ee B fananarive Apr.29 Briggs. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
Enclosing plans of vro-«
B Tananarive Avr. Willsed pesed Mission house a7
; Amparive.
B fananarive Apr.29 Pool.W
B Tananarive Apr.3Q Pool.W !
B Mauritius Apr.S0 Ireland,Fraser
& Co. |
: B Mauritius Apr.d0 Anderson.S.H.
B Tamavave Mayet2 Procter ros.
B Tananarive May.22 Wilis.d (Treasurer) |
: i
* * 2 Seta = |
B Tananarive Mayv.27 vUameron.d |
C Tananarive May.26 Wills.J (Treasurer)
C Tananarive Jun. aL Wills.J heport of Congregation-
al Union Meeting at
CG Taneanerive June25 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
Enclosing plans of pro-
posed Mission house 4%
D Tananarive dun.24 Wiils.J (freasurer)
D Tananarive dun.24 Pocl.W a
D Tananari ve dunee4 Richardson.
ees D Port Louis Jul.7 Pearse .d
D fanenarive dul.9 Cousins WE.
D Yonizongo dul.i2 Matthews.T.2. Eolf-yearly Revort of
: his District.
D Ambohinaugs dul.l2 Parker .G.W.
octane |
A, Ambohimanga dJul.l6 Sibree.J
$ |
A. Tamatave dull Pearse. Jd |
Sk Ambchimanga diel Rainilatarivony |

. Pasa eS! SSH eines asst cat raet ty teste te sa rie pares ee z Rea si : s Batre Pete ss Ee ais # S c f Baye Bi: z : ia c ox; ra cate . | : SH :
a |
| || ;
-80~ BOX NO.12.
FOLDER _NO.2. (contd) o
A anenarive Jul.19 Toy.R UNDER NAME AND DATS :
A Tananarive Jul.21 Briggs.B {Secy) Committee Resolutions |
A Mauritius Jul.22 Ireland,Fraser | |
& CO.
A Ambohimanga duvul.26 Rainilaiarivony
A Ambohimanga Jule22 Rainilaiarivony
ny Ambohimanga Jul.22 Rainilaiarivory
A Tananarive dul~2e Wilis.d
J Teananarive dulsao = Wills.
: |
B Tananarive Jule25 Pool.W
5 Ambohimanga .Aug.7 Rainilaiarivony
B Tamavave Auge8 Procter Bros. .
. fi : }
B Tananarive AugeY Andvianony ,&CG.e
B Ambohimanga Augeld Wesleyedele
B Tanansrive Augel6 Price.C.T.
B Mauritius Augel? tLe Mierectf
B Mauritius Aug.e18 Campbell.f ;
B Mauritius Augel? Ireland, Fraser
& Co. ;
B Tananarive Augel9 Wills.J
B fananarive Aug.19 Moss.C.F. Enclosing copy of Testi-
monial presented to Dr
Mackie by the Queen, |
Prime Minister and other)
C Tananearive Aug.l9 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
C Tananarive Aug.+0 Rogers.T
C Ambatondraz- Sep.1G Pearse.
C Tananarive Sen.l5 Wills.J (Treasurer)
c Tananarive Sep e16 Cameron. J
G Vonizongo Sep.16 Matthews.?.?.
C Faravohitra Oct.9 Clark. Hed. . |
CG Tananarive Oct.l0 Johnson.W |
G fananarive Oct.10 Rainilaiarivony e.
g Tananarive Oct.12 Street.Louis ; |

es sees emt normonssnargumepmrpicenpm yen nna rovousauy sus nine osaivng
| &
~81- BOX NOS. | | se
D Tananarive Oct.16 Wills.J (Treasurer)
» Tananarive Oct.16 Moss.C.F. | :
ae Tananarive Oct.17 Briggs.B (Secy) Commiutee Minutes. |
Enclosing printed cory
@©F resolution re Mr Cam]
eron's death.
A Faravohitra Oct.17 Peill.J
A Tanenarive Noved Briggs .B
: A Mauritius Novell Tandmark.Capt. |
A&A Waravohitrea Nov.l2 Parrett.J ,
A Faravyohitra Nov.l2 Parrett.d
A Tanarerive Nov,13 Wills. (Treasurer) |
A fananarive Novels Pelll.d |
: A Tananarive Nov.lS Richardson.s. (Mrs) —
B ananarive Nov.l3 @foy.R _
B Tananarive Dec.8 Thorne JG.
B Mauritius Dec.l0 Le Miere.H Consul for Madagascar.
B fananarive Dec.l0 Borchgrevink.¢
: B Tenanarive Dec.1S Houlder.J.A-.
B ananarive Dec.1S Wills.J |
BR fananarive Dec.13 Jukes.¢
B Ambsatondraz- Dec.odl Pearse .d :
C Fianarantsoa Jan.28 Parker.G.W. (Treasurer) |
C Fianarvantsoa May.17 Shaw.GeA. (Secy) Committee Minutes,
. GC Fianarantsoa May.19 Cowan.W.D. |
.¢ Fianarantsoa Nuy.20d Shaw GA. |
| CG Fianarantsoa May. Shaw.G.A,

| an nr rs nh tee eeeanc a mpc ngs uannnappeeespioger oo
7 ae BOX D0 L2. F
bi COVERS OF DelviRs
D . Fianarantsva Jul.l5 Shaw.GeA. . | :
‘" Fianarantsoa Jul.15 Shaw.G A. (Secy) |
D £Fianarantsoa Aug.10 Cowan. WW...
D Fianarantsoa Aug.30 Shaw eGeA.
D Ambositra Sep.6 Brockway.
D Ambositra Sep.8 Brockway .f :
D Fianarantsoa Oct.6 Shaw.G.A. (Secy)
7 D Ambositra Dec.3l Price.C.F. |
; |
3 |
: |
; |
. |
; }
7 . : |
| i]

i Se
: ~8S- BOX NO.13. oS
A Vonizongo JAN 5 Vatthews.T.7. UNDER NAME AND DADS
A. Tananarive Janed Wills.v Be
A Tananarive Jganed Briggs.3 (Secy) Committee Minutes
B Tananarive JB%06 Wills.d (Treasurer)
B Tananerive Jan.% Grainge HW. |
B Ambohimanga dJan.6 Sitree.Jd
B Ambatondraz- Janell Pearse.d
ee Tananarive Jan.él Wesley.iirs
B Ambohimanga Jan.29 Sibree.d |
B Faravohitra Feb.2 Cameron.Miss |
: B VYonizongo Feb.2 Matthews .1'.T. |
2 . |
B Tenanarive Feb.2 Wills.d (Treasurer) |
i . |
G Taranarive Feb? Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes |
C Tananarive Keb.d Wills.d
¢ Tananarive Feb.d Wills.dJ
C Tananarive Febed Moss.C.F.
Ce Tananarive Feb .d Rainilaiarivony
¢ Tfanenarive Feb.28 Parrett.d
D Vonizongo Feb.28 Matthevs.T.T.
D Iscavina Feb.29 Peake .F.G. i
D Tsiafahy Mare2 Beveridge. .G. i
D)” Feravohitra Mar.c Cameron. Wiss
aD Tananarive Maree Toy.R Enclosing statement |
: of Gollege Accounts
D Tananarive Mare2 Wills.J (freasuve.') |
D Faravohitra Mar.3 Davidson.Dr
D " EBlieser " Mar.18 landmark.Capt. oe |
D Ambositra Mar.22 ##Brockway.T :
3 |
E Tananarive Mar.25 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes

| ie
84 ROX NOLS. | ve
FORDE? NO.1. (contd) :
SEE OGVuaS OF Lint 3s :
E Fiarencna, Mar.27 Striblaing.E.H. :
E Vonizongo Mar.e28 Matthews.!.f. Laclosing returns of
School Examinatious
E Mauritius Mar .o0 Ireland, Fraser
® & Ga °
E Ambohimanga Apr.25 Sipree.J
iE Tananarive Aprenr6 Jukes.Charles
A fananarive Apr.2%7 Wills.J (Treasurer) |
: |
A Mauritius Mayel2 Ireland,Fraser |
& U O56 |
A Ambohimanga May.19 sibree.J |
& Tananarive May e24 Wesley.â„¢rs |
A Yonizongo May.24 Matthews.T.T. — i
A Naranarive May.25 Briggs.B iSecy) Committee Minutes,
Plan of house..for
A Tananarive May.25 Mosa.C.F. Rev.7T.Rogers enclose
A Tananarive May.25 Thorne.d.C.
; A Tananarive May.26 Wills.J (Treasurer)
B Tananarive May.2v Rainilaiarivony
ose Ambatondra- Jun.l2 FPearse.d :
B Ambositra Junel3 Brockway.T
B +ananarive Jun.22 Briges.B (Secy) 4
; i
B Tananarive JUN eke Matthevs.â„¢.2. Encloses printed lisial
of schools. |
[=p Tananearive dune2d Wills.J (Treasurer) /
oe fanane rive dune24 Nainilaiarivony
B Aden Jul 14 Pool .W |
B Tananarive Julel9 Wilis.d |
C fTananarive. Jul.19 Briggs.PR (Secy) Annual Meeting of
- District Committee
G fananarive Jul.19 Parrett.d
: i
C Tananarcive Jul .20 Beveridge.f.G. a
C Off Naples July Pool.W

ee aeons SS SS Es asa ee ee a 2 " 7
~85~ BOX NO.13. FB
L876 FOR GENERAL SuBTacrs | | ,
Shs COVERS OF Leiria
D fananarive Jul.20 Wilis.d (Treas- UNDER NAMW AND DATE :
ULI) ees soe emer :
D Vonizonzo JulL.e25 Matthews.7.. 2
. D Ambohineloma Jul.29 Peillad |
i :
D Tananarive Jul .d] Bliss.Miss |
D Mauritius Aug. 5 Fool.W
D Agen Auge? Wesley.-Mrs
D Tananearive Auge? Thorme .J3.C.
D Mananarive Aug.l? EBriggs.B (Secy)
D Teananarive Aug.1’? Wills.d
E Tananarive Augel? ToyeR |
£ Faravonitra Augel? Cousins.& |
E Faravehnitre, Augel8 dukes. :
Be Wy
gE Tananarive £ Ambositra sepel Bro¢gkway .T
a Tamatave Sep.& Procter Bros ;
ko Ambohimanga Sep.14 Sibree.d
b Faravohitra Sep.16 Bliss.Miss |
A Tananarive Ssep.19 Pool W
A Taneanarive Sep.l? Briggs.r (Secy) Committee Minutes
A vananarive Sep.19 Thorne.J.c. {
A Tananarive pep el? Richardasoned : |
oe Faravohitra Sep.2zo Wills.d |
8 Vonizengo Oct .3 Matthews.T.7. : |
B Tananarive Oct.1lé Pool W |
zB fananarive Oct.12 Briggs.B (Secy) | Ze a
B Tananarive Oct.20 Moss.0...
B fananarive Oct.23 Johnson.W (Secy)F.F.Meh. Printed HMinut |
es enclosed, f
B Faravohitra Nov.s Sibree.J @
B Tananarive Noved Briggs.B {Secy) ‘oe

| oe
~86- BOX NO.L3. |
FOLDER NO.3.(conta) ff ff
| SEE COVER OF G30 2255 :
C Tananarive Nove9 Pool .W UNDER NAME AND DATE
C Itsiafahy NovelO Beveriage.?.¢, :
CG Tenanarive Dec.5 Rogers.
C Tananarive Dec.5 Wills.Jd
G fananarive Dec.6 Cousins.G
D Tananarive Dec.7 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
: D Farevohitra Dec.7 Bliss.Miss
D Tanenarive Dece’? Pool .W
D fananarive Dec.7 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
D Mauritius Dec.20 ireland Fraser
: & Go.
D famatave Dec.28 Procter Bros. |
D _Tananarive Dece.dl Richardson.J
es Wianarantsoa Jan.ec4 Shaw.GA. (Secy) Committee Minutes |
oo Fianarantsoa van.24 Shaw.G.A.
A Fianarantsoa Jan.26 Riordan.J
A Ambositra Jane2s8 Pprice.C.T.
A Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Riordan. d
A. Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Cowan. W.D.
A Fianarantsoa Mar.25 Riordan.J (freasurer)
: A Fianarantsoa Apr.20 Shaw.G.A.
A fianarantsos. May.18 Cowan.W.D. :
eB Fianarantsoa duneid Riordan.J (Secy) Minutes of Annual | |
Committee Meeting i
25 Fianarantsoa Jun.15 Riordan.J (Treasurer)
B Fianarantsoa Jun.14 Shaw.GeA.
B Fianarantsoa Jun.l5 Riordan.d Enclosing narrative of a
Journey to the Ibare cou- |
B Fianarantsoa Aug.8 Shaw.G.A. e nory. ||}
Ss = |
B Fienarantsoa Aug.31l Shaw.G./.. s |
B Fisnarantsoa Sep.5 Riordan. J
: |
B Fianarantsoa Sep. Riordan. d i
B Faravohitra Sep.l4 - Price.c.T.

~87- BOX NO.15. y
| FOLDER No.4, (contd)
G Fianarantsoa Oct.13 Riordan.d (Secy) Committee Minutes B
G Fiananantsoa Oct .19 Riordan .d | Z
C Fianarantsoa Uct.23 Riordan.d (Secy) |
C Fianarantsea Oct.24 Cowan.WeD.
3 Fianarantsva Oct.25 Riordan.J 7 ;
D Fianarantsoa Nov.3 Shaw.GeAe
D Fianarantsoe Nov.29 Riordan.d (Secy) Committee Resolutio:
D Fianarantsoa Dec.27 Riordan.J (Sesy) Committee Minutes |
D Fianarantsoa, Dece27 Brockway.T |
D £Fiansrantsoa Dec.28 Riordan. J : |
Q D Fianarantsoa Dec.28 Shaw.GeA.
: |
| |
| |
; t
| |
: |

| Bae
SEE COVERS OF Larrsss 49 Ti
A Ambohimanga Jan.é Wills.d UNDER NAME AND DAGE ~ ee
: A Tananarive Jan.3d Pearse.Jd ze
é& fananarive Janet Houlder.J A.
A Tananarive Jane Rogers.T |
—- Tananiurive Jane4 Pool W
A Tananarive JAN 64 Thorne.J.C. ("treasurer )
B fananarive Jane4 Sibree.d
B Tanansrive Jan.8 Rainilaiarivony
B Tananarive Jan.19 #Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
B Tananarive Jane 29 Sibree.d |
B Tanatave danedl Procter Bros. |
C Tananarive Feb 1 Rainilaiavivony {
C Tananarive Feb.l Rainilaiarivony |
C Vananerive Feb.l Beiges.B (Secy) Committees Minutes
A Tananarive Feb.1 Jukes.\Mrs
A Tananarive Feb.l Parrett.d 7
: , A fananarive Feb.l Thorne.d.C. SS :
A Tananarive Feb.2 Pool.W |
eres fananarive Feb.5 Pool .W | |
4 Mauritius Feb.28 Ireland,Fraser : |
& Co. i
A Vonizonszo Feb.28 Matthews.%.T. |
A fananarive Marl Rogers. | |
A Nanauarive Marel Pearse.d S |
A Tananarive Mar. Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
A Tananarive Mar el Sibree.J |
B Tananarive Marea Pool .W |
B Ambohibeloma Mar.2l1 Peill J Do 7.2. Matthews |
B Tananaxive Mar.26 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes Be

aaa eee OT EL SE = ,
| ~89- BOX NC.1¢. (ff i
ROTI 0.2./conta)
Ske COVERS OT Latrsss 9 &
: -&B Faravohitva Mar. B Tananarive Mar.29 Sibree.d ie
. B Tananarive Mar e29 Toy eR !
B fananarive Mar .30 Pool.W |
B Tananarive Apr.,i3 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
B fTananarive Apr.él Poul.W
B fananarive DDO ead Briges.B (Secy) Minutes special
Committee Meeting
G Ambohimanga G fananarive Apr.25 Beveridge.T.G. |
€ Ambohimanga Apr.25 Wills.d |
: U fananarive Apr .26 Dawson.wiss
D Tananarive D Faravohitra Apr.26 Parrett.7 oe
D Tananarive Apre26 Houlder.d.A. 3
D Faravohitra Apr.26 Richardson.d
‘D ananarive Apr.29 Moss.C.F.
: D fTananarive May e4 Jukes .G
D fananarive May. Pool. .W
A Ambatondraz~ May.16 Pearse.Jd i
Baka |
A Vonizongo Matthews.?.7. . i
ee Ambohibeloma Pickersgill.W.C. |
ae Tananarive Maye24 Thorne .J.C. |
a Tananarive Mayee4 Jukes .C |
A Tananarive Maye 24d pibree.J |
B Tananarive May.24 Briggs.B (Secy) , Committee Minutes
B Mauritius Juned BeroneR ! |
B Ambositra dun.ld Brockway.
B Tananarive dun.2l Richardson.J 3
B fanans.rive dune el Pool .W

~90~ BOX 40.14. | aD
| WILDER 110.3. (conta’ oe
C Tananarive Jun.2l Toy.R UNDE NAME AND DATS :
G Faravohitra Jun.22 ° Parrett.Jd | a
G Aden Jul.13 Rogers.7 |
C Tananarive ful.l6 Thorne.J.C.
C Tananarive Jul .16 Toy,Cousins, Re sducation of
Moss,and Parrett. prime Minister's
u Ambohibeloma Jul.17 Chureh at
D Fiarenana Jul .18 Stribling.E.H. Enclosing plans for)'||
a school building
D Tananarive dul.l8 Briggs.B (Secy) Annual Meeting of |
District Commitiees |
D fananarive Jul el9 Pool W |
D Amboaimanga Jul.1% Wills.d |
D Tananarive Jul.l9 Rainilaiarivony |
‘ |
D Tananerive duL.l9 Rainilaiarivony
D fananarive Jul.19 Rainilaiarivony
, - FOLDER NO.4.
A. Ambohidratrimo
Aug.7 Baron.R
A Fihsonana Auge14 Matthews. f.7.
A Tfangnarive Aug.15- Pool .W
A Tacanarive Aug.l16 £Briges.B (Secy) |
& fananarive Aug.l6 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) '
A Fiarenana.. Sep.ll Stribling.#=.H. |
B Tananarive Sepel3 Rainilaiarivony |
\ B Tananarive Sen.lS Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
: |
B Tananarive nepel3 Pool .W |
B Tananarive Sep.l15 Thorne.J.C.
B fananarive Sep.l3 Richardson.J |
G Mo janga. Sepeas Pickersgill.W.C.
G Mo janga Oct. 5 Pickersgill .W.C. We
C fananarive Oct.10 Cougins.G :

EE ee H " :
: oO BOX NO Le. | E eS j
FOLDER NO.4. (con: i) z
: 1877 FOR GeveRan sussecrs =}
G Tananarive Qct.ll Thorne.J.C. U'bDER NAME AND DATE - ge:
(Treasurer } e eee -
C fanararive Oct.l2 Pool.W :
G Tananarive Nov.8 Briggs. 8 (Secy) |
C Tananarive NOV 8 Pool.Â¥ 2
C Tananarive Nov.& Thorne.JC. (freagurer!
¢ . Faravohitra WNov.& Richardson. J
. D Vonizongo Dec.4 Matthews TT.
D fananarive Dec.6 Moss.C. '.
D Tansnarive Dec.6 Briggs.B (Sscy) Committee Minutes |
, Soy Taneanarive Dee.6 Pool. W |
D Ambos.tra Dec.k&4 Brockway. £ |
~ Panauarive Dec.28 Thorne.J.C. {Treasurex) i
A Fianarantsoe gan.25 Riordan.d (Secy)
A Fianarantsos dan.2% Riordan.J. (Secy)
A Fianarentsoa Jane2s Cowan. W.D. (Treasurer } |
A (fananarive) Feb.1 Shaw.G.A. On visit to Gapitel
for health reasons
A Fianarantsoa Febe2l Cowan.W-D. eg
A Fianarantsoa Anr.18 Cowan.W.D,. |
A ianaventsoa Apr.l8 Price.¢.T.
: Wil
A Ambositra Apr-18 Brockway. i
. i
8 Fienarentsoa liay.18 Cewan.W.D. |
A Fianarantsoa Jun.12 Shaw.Gc«A. |
a Filanarentsoa Riordan. Jd a
A Fianarantsoa Jun.13 Riordan.d (Secy) Committee Minutes |
: B Fianarantsoe Jul.4 Price.C.?.
B Fianarantsoa Jul.6 Cowan.W.D. . |
B Fianarantsoa dul.1l Riordan.d
Bo Tianarantsog Aug.7 Riorden.d (Secy) | fe,

a ee eae Ee eg eee eee ee ape ere ee
4 :
FOLDER NO.5.(conta) |) fi
: SEE COVaRS Or Lavmms | fl
B Fianarantsoa Aug. 6 ShisweGeA. UNDER NAM AND DATE i
B Ambositra AugelLo Brockway.T
2 Isandre, Oct.24 Price.0.T. :
| ae
S Fianarantsoa Vet 24 Shaw.eGeAc :
G Ifanjakana Oct.25 Price.c.2,.
C Fianarantsoa Oct.-“0 Riordan.J (Secy) Committec Minutes
C Ifanjakana Nov.20 Price.c.T.
G Fianarantsoa Dec.26 Riordan.Mrs
C Fianarantsoa Dee.2s6 Cowan. WeDe
; , |
, : | |
: |
: oo
: ees I
| | |

eee Se estore eee ee ae eee Aspe eBE rs Eeeee eta SS eee tte Setar i foam
3 ee. oF
+> BOK WO wh. —
FOLDER, 10.1. i
| See COVERS OF Lett sas
A Tananarive Jaue2 Parker.G Wo UNDER Nal AND DATS
A Mauritius Janed Ireland ,Fraser Be:
& CO.
ok fananarive Jan.d Briggs.B {Secy) :
| :
| A fananarive Jane3 Parrett.Jd
A JTananarive Jan oF Toy eR
A fananarive Jan.4 Pool.W
& Vananarive Jan ol8 Thorne.J.C. (Treasurer)
A Mauritius JAN. 2d Ireliend ,Fraser
3 & Co e |
B Mauritius Janes? - {[reland,Fraser
& Co.
B Tananarive Jonee9 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes ||
| B Tananarive Jan.edl Pool.W |
| : . |
B Tananarive JanedlL Richardson.J i
| | |
| G fTanenacive Febe28 ‘horne.d.C. (Treasurer) :
| :
C fananarive Feb.28 Richardson.d
C Tananarive Feb.28 Pool.W
C lic janga Mar .20 Pickersgill.W.C.
C Yonizongo Mar.25 Matthews.T.T. |
Eo CG Tananarive Mar.26 Briggs.B (Secy) Committees Minutes |
: FOLDER NO.8. |
A fananarive Mares8 Pcvl.W 4
| i
| A Tananerive Nar .d0 dukes eG Enclosing printed ||
Peport on schools
A. Tananarive Apr.l Thorne .d.C.
A Fievenana Apr.20-. Stribling.E.H. : :
| B feananarive Apr.23 Briggs.B (Sey) Minutes of special |
Committees Meeting
B Tananarive Apr.24 FPool.W
B Ambohimanga Apr.25 Wills.J
2B Tananarive Apr.25 ‘Whorne.J.Cc. (Treasurer! 1]
B Tananerive Apr.26 Rainilaiarivony
B Tananarive May.14 Briggs.B ({Secy) Committee Minutes | _

~94— Bux NO.LS. —
FOLDER NO.. (conta)
‘on Imarivolaiu- Mayead Parrett .J UNDER NAME Aud DATS
itra i
B Ambohidrat- WMay.23 Baron.R fs
BR Tananarive Thorne,d.C. (Treasurer) Fil
B Faravohitra Maye2s Richardson .Jd ;
B Mo janga Jun.2.5 Pickersgill.W.C.
C Tananarive Jun.19 Pool W
C Tananarive . dJul.9 Parker. Dr
G Favavohitra dul.l6 Bliss.liiss
C fananarive Jul e20 Wills.Jd
C Tonanarive Jul.20 Wills.d
o Tananarive Jul.2G Montgomery.W
G Tananar ive Jul.20 Briggs.B (Secy) Coumitise Mincves |
‘ s - :
A. Tana narive gul.20 Moss.C.F, |
b, Tananarive Jul.20 Pool.W
: |
: |
A Tananarive Jul.20 Cousins.&
; A Ambatondraz- Aug.6 Pearse oJ
A Tananar ive Augel4 Pool.W |
A fananerive Sepel2 Rainilaiarivony | ee
A Mananarive Sepel2 Thorne.JC.
B Tangnarive Ser.14 Pickersgill.W.C. :
B Tananarcive Sep.14 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
: : {
B Tenanerive Sep.14 Pool.W |
B Tanancrive Sepel4 Richardson.d
B Teananerive Sep el4 Cousins.G °
Z {
B Tonanarive Sep.eid Briggs.B f
; s LED
C Tananarive Oct.7 Moss.C-i.
G Tananarive Oct.10 Rainilaiarivony |
C Tananarive Oct .12 Pool.W ie

~95- Box _NO.3.5. —
FOLMIR NO.S(conta) | ff
CG Ambatondraz- Novel Pears2ed UNDER NAME AND DADS :
Sica. - :
C Fiarenana Nove4 Stribling.E.H. zs
G Tanarnrive Nov. Pool W |
C Tananarive Nove. 6 Cousins.w.He
C Ambohimanga No.7 Wills.d
D Tananarive Deced Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes |
D Pananarive Dec.d Pool. W
D Tananarive Dec. 5 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer)
D Ambatondraz- Dec.19 Pearse.d
aka, ;
aD Mo janga Dece26 Pickersgill.W.t.
D Tanansrive Dec.dl Parrett.d
—— |
& Fianarantsoa Jan.10 Riordans J
A Fianarantsoa Jan.25 Shaw.eGeAe (S207) Committee Minutes |
A Fianarantsoa Feb.19 Cowan. WD.
A Ifan jakana Feb.19 Price. Gel.
A Fianarantsoa Feb.Zz0 Cowan. W.D.
A Ambositra, Marel4 Brockway.T |
A Fianarantsoa Mar.i8 Shaw.@.A. (Secy) Encloses letter
from J.Riordan re i
state of Churches ||
oD Fianeranvsoa Mar.e2O Riorcan.d |
b Fianarantsoa Apr.eld Riordan. d |
: oe Fiancrantsoa Apr.15 Cowan.W.D. i
: |
e \
B Fianarantsoa Apr.l6 Shaw.G.A. |
B Fan jakana Apr .L6 Price.¢.T.
B Ifanjakana May.13 Price.Cc.f. : ee
B Fianarantsoa May.14 Cowan.W.D. |
B Fianarantsoa May.15 Shaw.G.A. j
; C Fan jakane Jun. 4 Price.c.t, |

, o36~ BOX NO.14, 8
FOLDEn NO.4. (contd) Ze
ree GER AGED OW Pant ase
Bee Yee UT Gt at e
C Fianarantsoa Jun. Ld Cowan."”.D. UNDER NANE AND DA@E
C Fianarantsoa Jul.9 CowaneWeDe a
C Faravohnitra Jul.ll Brockway.?
C Ambositra Aug. 5 Brockway eZ
C Fianarantsoa Aug. 8 Cowan.W.D. Death of Mrs Baron
C (Tamatave) Aug.12 Shaw.G.A.
: 0 Ambositra Augeld Brockway.T
C Fianarantsoa Augeld ShaweGeAe (Secy) Committee Minutes, ,
Annual Meeting.
D Fianarantsoa Aug.27 Cowan.W.D. (Secy) Committee Minutes
D Fianarantsoa Oct.2 Cowan. WD.
D Deo oDurban Oct.7 Riordar.ed
(Plymouth) i
D Ambositra, Nov.29 Brockway.
: D Fan jakana, Dec.25 .Price,C.F. |
2 Ambositre Dec.26 Brockway.f
: |
. |
oe }
| |