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= 63 a Lo ACONE } e ‘ “
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z fH a ?
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he, & Go ey é Naat gy Pa ; Cc . ;
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fa go ofé \ ‘ f
Pye Peace Pear amd ‘ : Bo,
apes ce } tg " Bn — OC RST, co beet en ten BD 0 Sa
pee fing; VS 3 4 s “ = t % Create a f .
r PST Sea a § Saar iniomeas ; Vey peck a
Cy aaah EID pate: Toh, tad eae $ a9 Mae Pte PR SPS,
Py : 8 sai be3do a fo yes Ke Od en
SOREN Ch Lacs toe eee $ANAG eiNy PSL Pawn’, Cioohfx ansd i 1G IS
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: ? WA a, j wd a Lee ié ft]
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ie Pres, gay etre . pi 43 34 |
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52 ) ' Gone | if eft
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fot NG yas s |
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. % Stay oe af ‘9 A at |
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S & es ; |
c oe j ‘ “ Fi i . |
: hI \ 2 4 é pent a |
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an =f : 2 gee be f s%, f
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P kr PPI nf PAT Aa Ratromewenhs
> ne a > . 4
bs prt Alt a toy, Ui em? : be f Q nw eo
eS See fete Lpre bgp fds cK
ae Senet ee é: ; 3 3 3
ee S-Pree Ves: RRs ;
2 y : s “— , f †Reson @g™é Swreys ah 6 ira o> why
NM tse Y é: ‘
SS “/ GU | , —" ee s
f ma Ae we ¥ .
( Petes ba Jaret AG j
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| be. AAG , Ae fen wrurhrig ee ik bie ee ap
4) : ‘ pee J
In C9 Apr Dn Cer L fase Ques] a iy, 3
i : | |
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4 J 3 - 4
1 \ Ma wv a “LH et Any masa on 1 ¢ ‘) Lo. _ sie:
es ks !
har In tite Ai, SP. § Crthime L
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ee :
: \ i
prrduw ory 4 wake Ye bud orien
of rs wal VAS LOAM A 2 S S uohies ;
Sy & : Wewh é Kk. Sak DAA
SoS SSE re E Seem NPS MoSET Saree eae Tages Leagan EaA Nt paed ees techey aise TE PS EP eT SIRT eee ET eM eae eee ee so
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a) ene
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> f
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Smee ee, Cent é Trreihy RAL. Cath j FAP heed Fe rnd
4 ; F
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2 GAA Me yp ee
ee VAX. 4 {= 4 2. Ss
’ t dl Ay Ree
CAs fee ; Vise eee
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EF me FCO. 7
Ses Ear see SENG SE MET Seog tg ara SAS aaa geRanU EGET spe acAS SUS STEPS TaL TRE A STORY eee ee a eT SERA ESR Re eT ee eer ee et -
~]- BOX NOs Bf
DAs cie Leenks
ne A . x MSA (ease ns ia R PRA AU eP cy eCIe a eat
Wi A Dp A ( oe Ww ww Lie
LE? 7 ERS ely TT fh dod Ld LN Nis. iL CA neh Art ad ¥ AIZEN ON 2) Loan x U tod oN aE $
Rie LA, mM I Vi RO THE ARRA ERS: Oise bebp= Bei. Spel Et ON :
ale i 74, &
mes 7 2 hes A MARK in eee fh TD pea wie pacers on Tin eas ie c
A Seu.i5 AS Commander of Ben YOWS £9 Ves
Prats nte cy ema yt ec: ya © - maonna
Volunteers gran ts?) & Gommend
+ Wanaienw® de nanvlian
tO MONSLEUM ae pyanes1ier,
‘ + 4. oy (ft Re Ge ral 2 ey sn PM At pata te Ane
a UG tober 10h eWON LO ENS CLUE PaALOns
NMA VAP ano th ea VYolunteers at
f Rio ue ; Whe So mw} Ser Ars ry ype LARPANRTAG
A May 10 fhe Samburive men are accepted
: for service and are to be trested
gi 2a at ? Aya t sD deen fn f OY
Was our gwn.! Another tribe (%
: SAX ee aetna rs a. iris aetna peace tae cate SpA ests
who refuse to serve with them,
being their "mortal enemies" ere
© . ~ 1 £4 a. Vy sg - gee ae mite - KNIT
to come to him at once, or they
oer ae - eae ey NAT Se EY pans ts MA a
will be regarded as fcas; The
As mwh- cee mac cn 5 os + ya +1 4
pamburive inmay need nelp aha this
2 ae % Cun sy
: is to be renderad.
Tia a ha A m “WITH har Ganeliavn Sy haws aty
A Unu3. ted fo ‘Mon cher Sanglier! authorisim
Pees Crean ieee mb OMEN al Asthma RG Bet
embarkation! ?); and thenking tim
p ee AS en ‘ a aide mat R Le pe 1 = Ra eri ttne
; LOL Uns: SQ@rts 1 Ce nee fas Maks.
o : f
for him.
us ‘ of Mn WW te YL4aen
crabs LG. Li ze 9 avi ge yD angl Lor °
yu aes treed prone “es cin eve ERA eM ew 4. DAE ne
Asks for reassurence as to his
aCe Fie en eer ee ae
wife's well-being,
Mey ee A mr Re I an a. Soy “ ce ae ye
A May 15 To Moasangiier. or in tis suseceq
Ur on tae RO WNL A CAA a i hao Peale a irasiamaret hee 5s gen
M.Perthui(?’) ginstructions to use
7) - ae ROR Sen eae aa ROT Caen ta a naa rent ac hg ek aN
Sle Canon ehargé sans bonlets a
Te stots eneh eras fe Wea Dd ate see UN Giles
DUO See Ee Gee x Cua Y . LAS
tnt ahs Pik gL Sire FT re Tmt ae Wa 1 ee eek
: Zatve GL tie HOLrt vO OC guRPragcad
Pitent a a a mint sal fe, a a o BR ivi gn mae sha oe
Gay @82na Nigne, but “voiding any
cy + entice oft Foy of eo BA pe ey
S appearance Or deliance,
alee du yace 4 avon Settee een tee
‘ a ORT her SNStrucus wae 2
ae SOO s
t hy Be ae ae ee ae, sy Aya SNC TEP iteatd pl pga eure
3B Communicated CY Wwemosancum on Ladazascal
ur * $ Oe phe Pee ee Ate ha Giclee Nie Pa Vara lan
Monsieur Lebel. by one who lived there
Se ATR ie a Di cate ea a Ee oe sg EDN open tk atid TAIN
: =a aes 10 Years about Lovo.
4 e
. mA
2 Drawn 7 aa foes e, : ty on 5h esate: FAA oxy piatig OM eeat aE! Re at argo Core ees
38 POrt. Louis .<7= Copthed by Le Memorande on Medazascar
2 f Th 2D 1Â¥} 2 4A Thaees pyre + len 4 oo mf
ph 2 heaCeLs se iki Dye eevee 2 Eee i ike Eb a ob li M24.
a people poison, with tu
: a = 3
CESerip son Of Ces UCia.
0 ep sa et oe fe a flees
‘ VOD RS Re eR OM fel Get Vie ss
: Pmawm Meayratia.a
ae oe Ox . ab cul. ae oe ba e] ©
: xo came m 654 BH as gee s i Tt ee S80 ie and tare
B ese ae nae samples of Malarasy in fnslisa
s ANY 3
PULA tara en on Pe ie ew 4 eta Comnm toa At
: ee Co re aS 5 Aol BO DoMpDLes Of
Typo ah bet ds Bnet hse AN ite Oe di pices
HPVENCH Writ LOE PO Aa 2 Gai ies an
VL we
— £4 — TT pe eae ee Aly Tee ite an ms sf ae EN ee ata a BIR eer - } -
B C.0f G.Hope.Dec.18l2. Campbell John. Information concerni-
So Sdie LVLCH SAGA es Cle NDS 2 Sith: g Lee dy
: “~ vis a5 er 2 ‘ ‘
jeetes ein tt F 47 hy Hs Sey
* A = oy F
Pa Seas aT aS aah SS SE TES SSS EP SS eats EERE eS SOS ed RE a
re 2s BOX Oe an
FOLDER 0.2L (cont.)
; we —_ eterna Serie Fen e Reaee ar = TAR be VOeree 4 3
(tithe es SZ nde. Sen te hes + me Me aa :
Lex pre Frvdas. P.2, ©. 8.1,
Fix thine ann Dec 7 Es
6 Stellenbosen dJan.7 Cainpbell Covy of letter to Mr.Messer
ee re Madacasck> Massion.
G » Atrica Aprid Hilne.W. Copy of lemorial presented
en route -to B.S varcnhar. Cove ce
for Chine Mauritius, on behalf of ie
7 of zr ~ pea * . 2 An 1g. ma
ce VMaukwascer.
CG PP. Tous ores Rossi.F. Réoly to above lMetoriar.
U Mauritius Apr-12 dilne.W. His voyage from Cave to
Mauritius.Impressions of
Jatter place.
C Isle de Franee Apr.28 Miine.W. Vo UscCampbell |S Africa. He
Gives information of the
istend, its inhsbitants &
cust ons.
G Isle de Apr.50 Milne.W. His activities wnile waiting
: Yrance boat for China.Found Gatech-
-~ism in Meélagasy, also short
vocabulary of Malagasy words.
D Mauritius april Milne.W. Detailed account of Medagac-
: -~Gar-inhabitants ,customs ,ete
Reasons for establishing: a
Mission at Mauritius ¢
D P. Louis april. Miine.W. Cony of above.
D - ~ Judson... Infortation re Madarescar
L816 =
A Mauritius ay 20 PFerquar, Hducttion on Mauritius. Wig
Gove help with Mecsecascar hission,
Vocabularies & translation,
{Copy-for origina) see B.1.1.
Mauritius letters)
1818 ;
A London Jan.h Jones.D. Asking for books & instrument
Bevan.f. to take with them.
A - Port Louis Ole
Apr,.6 Le Brun. guotes from D.Jones letiers
es from Tamateve ,comaents on
Beveu's déauth. subscription
TaSe- Ot Port “Louis Aux; bites,
1818? .
A tlauritius HovelQ Jones,D. Arrivel at Vameteve.lir. Braces
to a friend /nelpfulness Sturtine senool
1819 :
A wematave Aprei? Jones.D. Illness and death of wife &
to friendsenile,
A fanatave hay <3 Jones.D. Tilness ane death of al? pus
himself?.Plans for carrying on
Mission. Hears of lies told o
Radena when he sent mesione~
“ers tO prina them -to @ne
by ecnoe.The peonle aod shei
behiefs.Confirmation of prem
2 -ature birth of his chilé,
“a 25 ™ Per INNA sat na G
FORDER 70, 2. cont. pi
ee one L819 © e
A Mauritius The. 2 dones:D. Mr.Brage's hypocrésy.kiidness +
of Malagasy.Plans ror return.
Mr.Teifair.Stsrtea schou.
; for slaves « Ehglisu service.
Arabic,& Hebrewrintluence on
Malagasy languase.Has seen on im
, R.C.Catechism.
A Mauritius Dec. Jones.D. iI11 sgeain, but still wo.kings 7
end planning for Madagsesca:.
Studying Green ,Hebrow,arabic,
Persian & Malay,comparince
With Malegasy.His opinios of
Meuricius.Radamats invitation
to visit him.
A Jones.D. Fragment - Illness & deaths
L82C at Tamatave.
A ‘Pananarive Oct.l¢4 ‘Jones.D. hex treaty. Public rejoicing
vO His vians.
Telfair. eo Meee, oan one
-. Od. —-Rapaian . Prana tant, LECT 9) tn erencdr English OP
< B Tanenayve ve Oct.18 Jones.D. His welcome by & impressions
of Radama.Dialect different
from coast: speech. Will stey
: ‘in Capitals.
E Teananarive lov. 3d Jones.D. Deseribes his journey to
Imerina & reception by king
Radamg,who begzed Tor more
B Tananarive Novede Radema Asking ror more missionaries
- in French. :
oe B Ji. ne & Malagasy youth in Engl-
-1nd Leerning a trade.
ee Port Louis Feb.l18 Hastie.d. Copy~Devails of negotiations
to and treaty. Description of
Griffiths.route to Tananarive .Biocgrapi=
De -ical details of youths
\ going to England.
B Port Louis Mar.16 Farquhar Pledging loyalty and assist-
: GOV. -ance to new Mission,
ae Tananardve © May 3 Jones.D. Introspection.Need of colle-
: : -ague .Climate.Lansuaze ,Schodsc
: and children's attainments,
Special temptations.xKing
going to waz to subdue the
G London May LelieSe Sroposals re Malasasy youths
oe -eanvi ted to. taglond to tears
- trades.
GC London dune 4 burder.G Re 9 Malagasy youths invited
to Englend to learn trades.
C Port Louis duly 25. Jones.D. Progress cf Malagasy school.
: Engaged to be married.Generel
; ¢ Port Louis Aug.c7 dones.D. Re establishing schools in
to Gov. Madagasear and obtaining
Farquhar suitable books.
CG Madeira pep.1l Jveffreys.Describes his voyage to
; Je Madagase. 2.
wai ee 5
FOLDER NO. 6 cont, Bes
ee Tee Teel
CG Port Louis Sept.18 Jones.D. Account of nis wedding.Govr. Z
Farquér's provisional finan-
-Gleal help tc new Mission.
FirstMalagasy dictionar;.
C Port Louis sept.20 Jones.D. Copy of letter from Gore.
Farguar testifying to value fe
of new Mission.
G Temata Te Oot.l Jones.D. Tu Directors after arrival ;
at Tamatave from Mauritius,
3 Tananarive Nev.6 Griffiths. Describes journey from Tan-
D. ~anarive to Tamatave.
¢ Port Louis Dec.& Jeffreys. Describes voyaze from England
Je L1S.aays.Death of Mr.Newel..
of Bombay.
20 Port Louis Dec.lé Canham.dJ. Account of voyage and complad
“ints of Cattain'ts treatment,
G Port Louis Dec.l2 Jeffreys. é&nd letter after arrival,
Je with further news of voyage.
6 Madagascar Ena of List of names of Malacasy
L621 youths & trades they were to
learn in England.
an) ~ f ta?
: Leze sues | :
A London J2ne8 Tiarl of Re youths from Liedavsear in
(Downing St.) Bathurst England for study.
; A London dJanetO Gillham. Re Malagasy youth,Coutamauve.
Dirsidtse -Kotomave- who is in England.
(2 letters)
A London vaneLe Morlsok Re vassage of Malagasy youtis
Bathurst for Madarascer,
A Clapham Janel4 Gillham, Medical report on health of 2
DY J eAe Malagasy youths ,Drynav &
Coutamauve. (2 Letters)
A London Jan.19 Sarl of Re & Malagasy youths who are
Bacnurs ts 2a, i
A. London Bebe Penn.R. brati form 220 Lorseducatizon
cof Malagasy youths,from govt.
A London Feb.9 Gillham. Re Couteamauve'ts health.
: Dr eo oak e-
A London Peb.lO Darling, Re dtiness of Coutsmauve.
B London Feb.ll Gillham, -Gdvering Lette to GC. surcer
Dredetic with medicel certificate.
cE London Pebetas asl or Dratis of Aehter vo Hers or
eo Bathurst re 6 Melezasy youths,
nawed above.
B nondon Feb.l9 Hact of Information trat Coutameuve
Bathurst cin sail for Madagascar.
5 Admiralty Dyeryd. Re Coutamauve who is ill.
B London Mer 5 Pickton. Couvemauve with oir Grricin ot
de Portsea until ship as recay, .
B eii.o 6 Death of Coutaneuve at sea.
ahdromache Mar.28 Rutherford Detith of Coutamsauve at sea.
B do. Mar.c9 Rutherford. fo Dr. Gildmam re death of
B Clanham Mar.a3 Gillham. Death of Coutamauve.
B »t.Helens Mar.29 Nourse, Desith of Couteamauve,.
oe Aes ae
BOX 0. 15 :
; De to =
FOLDER NO’ 6 Cons. |
B Sananurive Mar.c9 dJones.D. Re progress of lission S¢hoo.
s. Need of more buildiness.
B MeHeanarive Ver.,e% Jones.D. Copv of part of D.Griffiths
Journal describing bantism
: of Griffiths' son.First
Protestant baptism in @, te
C Admirelty Mar.d0 Dyer.d. me desth of Coutamaure.
C Clapham Mar.3C Gillham. Account of post mortem. on
: Ded ere Goutamnauve .
C Helle. (Mar .3 Nourse,d. Copy of Letter re. funeral at
Andromache { Commodore sea of Coutamauve.
C Admiralty (Apr. es Covering letter .
G EMinai" May 3 Jeffreys. Describes voyage from Hurope
i: e
C Tematave May 8 Jeffreys. First impressions of Nadas-
de ~&SCaLl .
GC fananarive June 11 Hastie.J. Letter to Farquhar re safe
arrival of new missionaries.
CC Wananarive June 14 Hastie.J. To D.Jones asking of progress
of Mission.
G Tananarive June 15 Jones.D. Revly to above & revort of
G Taduanarive June 17 Jeffreys. Letter to Farcuhar giving
De particulars of Mission.
Hastie.J. “School examinations.
G Tananarive Wer 14 dones.D. His re-marriage. schools,
to sister- Generel affairs.
A Tananarive June 1.7 Jeffreys. Copy of letter to Farquhar.
de ee eee
aA Tananearive June 22 Jeffreys. Describes his work.Radama
J gone to war against Seakalava
A Tananarive dune 2% Jones.) Gives account of progress of
A Tananarive dune 30 Canham.J. Re his arrival & reception
: by king & people. Death of
tT Brooks.
A Tananarive July So Cniek GC, Asks Directors to send out
Mary Litechell.
A Tanansrive July 20 dones.D.- Re death of T.Rrooks.4sks fa
Asks for tools & medicines,
B Tananarive Juiy @& Jeffreys. Re death of 1.Brooks Aske
Je for more money.
B Tanenerive July 25 Jeffreys. Report on school.Re death of
; do ? .Brooks.
B Made gascar duly 29 Jones.D. Re grant of land by Radama,.
weneral progress of work.
B Tangnerive duly 2? Gritfiths. Re advisability of sending
D. out warried missionaries.
B Hellen s Dec.le Nourse,.. Re belongings. of Jece Couga=
andromache Clip ib. =MEUVE «
B Tananarive De eel. sOnes.D. Re hymn-books,school-books,
weaving,also fevers.
B London Lees Burder.G. Draft of letter to Govr.
Farquhar re Covtamauve.
ae SEL Ss a SSPEARS NSAP ezahes Sag eacHRe RSE TSS PS LORS Sao eee GE ee ee RRC TT eae ee Pee ee eee ee :
FOLDER NO. (Consd)}
G 1823(7) No name. Draft of a contract between :
Govt.& B.M.S. re Education
of 9 Malagasy youths sent by Hi
RS Radama to Eneleand. :
G Tenanar- Feb,l2 Racama Copy of Treaty with Her Brii-
ive. (King) aniets Govt. re Slavery.
6 London M35 519 Wilmot. Re teaching trades te lela-
(Downing St.) gasy boys.
C Woolwich Feb.21 Parker.M. Re education of Nealegasy
youths in England,
G Tenet St. Mar.g4 Hankey Letter to Ifo. Wilmot te Ma.a-
gasy vovES.
6 Tonanar~ Mar.c4 Chick.G. Deseribes his work as an are
ive tizean to the Malagagy.
G Pananar- Mar.25 Griffiths Refers to objects sent Zor
ive E> Dav the Museum.
C Tananar~ Mer.,.6g9 Jones.D. Re Sills of Exchange & endol
ive : singe application of artizans
for Leave: to get married.
oe fTananar- Mar.dl Jones. PD. ne @ List-of words which are
ive incomprehensible te him.
G Tananar~ Apr.4 Jerireys Egspresses to David fonss «
: Ve J. desire for reconciliation,
D feaenar- pred Jeffreys Re diifereness ih methods of
e ive J working the: Mission.
D Tanensr= Apred Jones.D. Copies of letters vo vetire:
ive Chich.@,
Rowlands re diffsrences.,
D Mananar- Aot.a dones.]). Personad matteis & differen-
ive ces with Jerfreys.
D Tananar- Apree cones .D.
ive Griffithse.D. 7
Chick.G. Reply to Jefireys re
Rowlands. differences.
Tnywaneas Neen ee rete i che be Apt eek See 2 eee i ‘ i fee
D Tananear-
TVe aliferences.
D Tesanare- pred Jeffreys.d. To David Jones re
VE at¢iTeren cea.
D Tenanar-. Ar. 7 Jeffreys.d. To jones invoriaing misaion-
SEVe atieg=cf his Letter Go the
& a
D fanunear~- Avr.7 JOres.D. DowdeLprevs Inrormine pia ee
ive meeting to hear his end his
witets eorplenations,
Do. Tananar- Apr.s doOnes.D. Full account.of mescting con-
ive Rowlands.
Chace 7G cerning differenced,
Gan Hera 6 5) °
D Tananer-
fake jo ¥ y ae 4 WML NP AA tee, Ae kd he Ee We ae Lt he
ive LUCY! SelSeuter 4.441800.
: - Oo ~ OA CO oil B
4 Oflice Apr.24 No name Concerning a Malagasy yout! :
of OraLnance. - Verksy - to enter Royal
Powder Mills. :
A . fananar- Apr.2z8 Jones.D. New school for 200 children,
ive Interview with Hastle and
Rodama re exsending work
outside Tananarive.
A fananar-(lst and 7ones.D. Re progress of schools and
ive 4th pages Griffiths. methods of earcation. Also
missing) D about diseases & medicines.
A London May 2 Miller Reporéi on the 7 Malagasy
youths studying in England.
&£. Tananar- May 2 Canham.Jd. Report on work of artizans &
ive Gifficulties in getting mate-
Viale Lor tannins.
A Tananar- May 5 Jeffreys Re differences in fixing the
ive ef language.
& Tananar- Nay G6 Griffiths Giving Mr.Burder favourable
ive De
Canham.ed. testimony re David Jones.
A Weltham May 8 Wright.d. Coneerning Verkey studying at
Abbey Royal Powder Mills, Waltham
5 Tananar- May 10 Griffiths Reply te Jeffrey re differ-
ive David eNneEs.
= B Tananar- Way 15 Hiblenbers.Testimony to missionaries at
_ive Karl.fheo. Tananarive. (In German)
B Tananar- May 18 (Letter ini German.
‘ B Tananar- May 25 Radama. ToT Mise in Frencn. Apprecis
ive (King) ation of work of missionaries
and agks for another artigan:
B Tananar- May 26 Jeffreys. Letter of 57 pages tendering
ive d his reslenatlon,with reasons.
C fananar- May 27 Jeffreys. Further to his letter of the
ive J 26th.
C fTananer~ dune 8 deffreys. Enquires about disposine of
ive Jo books provided by: hiss
O Clifton July 14 Buchein Re stertins Mission stations
at St.Augustine's Bay % West
C - Pananar- Aug 26 Jeffreys haplains to Mp.Burder his de=
ive dee lay re previous letters.
C fananar- Sap.15 Griffiths Re money drawn on 1.4.5.
ive Devid
C Harrogate Oct.14 Buchan.iir. Note to ir. .Burder reminding
him or previous letter re bt.
Augustine:s Bay.
C Tananarive Oct.15 Jeffreys Expladnatory account of his
J expenses. i
; ;
aw Fe POY yea B 1h
FOLDER NO. (Cont 4}
Lé eaCee
D Minsion
TAGE At OF imdar 7 f PED tar FA Brn Darnhe ts ;
House ° 0& & a vo Purder e We oT Spay CO hire HDUCHEIV'S
‘ +3 5 ee ad beg, she ds BA
Austin 26tter of Oct.14 ;
D isle 2e Nove? No name Dealing with cost of
France living in Maaagasecar.
oles eas Sere WT ry + 2 yahnan it 1 nNrAnNAaaAC a eegcentee Mac ae a
D Clifton Nov.ele Buchan.lir. Re proposed Mission to St,
Augustine's Bay and West
D Tananar= Wovel5 Canham.Jd.
ive Chick.G. Mestiy re money matters &
Rowlands. articles bought.
7 le c \ iG _ + A am eu ove te ee pists Cae peed ee a are
D Tananar- NovezO JoneseD. Report on progress of work.
Sarees Ning PO 4 tt "
ive Griffiths.D.
Ste nm Nar ~ p she Why Da, . - ic Bo ONS a eee ee aie
D Clifton Decoo Buchan.iir. Reply to Rev.G.Burder's
Letter of 4412.1823,
Wf 4. oO Ds aut N fake ones T° a ¥ + Cx A eo
D Clifton Dec.cO0. Buchan.lir. Re new Mission to St. Ausus-
ae i ; Fe ec on ge
Line's bay. (To. Mr. burder})
fintiw :
Try n eo 24 rion! Wan yaho Bie heccfeiiary coin tc
D Halten Deceet Taylier.d. Re Mr.Buchay's letters on
Met 7 TS, Ae roe nAS
Garden. VWadegascar.
Sogo Se peat nese asta area agree Gira aes teestes eeseete rae eee Te TT TT TT Sra SHU
car Nis Rriyy aes :
= Ce ee ee $
PGnDon: NOwls
A Janel Ancny- Notes sent with £2 to help
mous work ef Mission in ledagas-
: Car. ae
A tananar- Apr.2l Jdones.D-. Jeffreys establishing nev
ive Station «ut Ambatomanga. 1S"
sionaries translating Bible.
News cf Mission work,
A Ambato-~ May e4 Jeffreys Details of expenditurs.
manga d 6
A Amb» to- May @4 defireys Re new country Station «&
manga, de account of his work.
A fTeananar- dune-2 Jones.D. Differences settled. Report
ive Griffiths.D. work & new school.
A Monanar- dune @ Jones.L. Duplicate of Report.
ive Griffitha.D.
B Tananar- dune 14 Jones.D. Re money crawn.
ive Duplicate of this alsa.
B Tananar~ dune 17 Rowland$7. Account of his work as a
ive weaver. Lack of materials
and students.
B Tunanar- June 17 Griffiths. Reply to Mr.iungtea'ts let-
ive David ter & thenking him fer
“ school metverialis.
B ambato- June 20 Jeffreys Muonks Directors for thsir
manzZo de Letter re differences in
o ; Mission circles.
B Tananar- dune 24 Griifiths whanks for schoul materiais
ive David Re chessing Malagasy Alphat?
B Ambato- Colo Seri reyG To Mr-Heankey sé some money
“ manga J drawn. News of Mission.
G Ambatoe Sue. Lo: gerireys Re a Wesleyan Mission being
Menges, d established in Madagascar.
G Ambato- pep.p
Mange. J removal to Africa.
: C fananar- Sepecd Griffiths Progvess of schools. New
AOS: David country stations,
G Tananay:- Sepeso Griffiths Part of letter to Mr. Lebrun
1.Ve david Encouraging state of Missio
G England Oct. & Notes of an address at chri
tening of Verssy,ct Surrey
< C Ifonoar~ 0ct.24 Canham.J. Asks permission for Canam
ivo Jcnes.D. to retury. to England to be
Gritriuns: Merraec,
~ 3 Dav at dG
: C Tananar- QOcte? Chick.G. Re Mary Mitchel &@ marricge,
G Tahanar- Noved Griffiths Character of natives. 6
ive David natives in England.†trens-
lation of parts of Bible.
= ee fists for printer.
G Ifenoar- Nov.e5 Canhem.d. Report of new Station -
: ivo materials received.
C Yananar- Nov.5 Griffiths Acknowleiges receipt of
ive David tracts & gives newo of new
2 Aiea oes 2 a Stations, eae :
; Zenanar=~ Novell Jones.D. Account of transiaclon OF
ive --G@pifriths.D. Bible. Duplieste of ents,
A Isle of Feb.24 Verkey.d. Writes Rev.Arundel abcuat
France his journey tO Madiragsear.
A Ambato- Mar.9 Jeffreys School and Building.
manga de
A Manenar- Mar.17 Hastie.dJ. Report on Mission schools.
ive Visit of King Radeama.
A Mor,ls: Jeffreys Copy of a tetter to D.Jones =
. nanga J Iliness oP lites .~etireys.
A Taneanar- MarelL’ Hastie.d. Report of Missionary in-
ive struction in Imertna,.
A Tananar- Mar.18 Jones.D. Money accouns re trades,
& Tananar~ Mar.l@ dJones.D. Duplicate of above letter.
B Ambato- Mar.18 deffreys Is taking his wife to
manga de Mauritius.
B Tananar- Mar.2l Griffiths Asks for printer & press.
ive David :
B Tananar- July3® Griffiths Jeffreys & family gone to
; ive David Mauritius. Extracts of his
Journals. Mission accouns.
Proposal of School for Fort
: : Dauphin.
B Tanansr- July 30 Jones.D. Duplicate of Journal sams
ive Griffiths.D. Gate as above.
B P.Louis July 30 Jeffrers. Death of Mredefireys & her
Mrs. dau thter.
B Tananar- Auge4 JONES eD. Death of Bliz.Jeffreys ¢
ive Griffiths J.Beffreys while on way to
David -- Mauritius. Verkey has
arrived at Tananarive.
¢ London Aug.25 Henkey.W. To J.Jeffreys re happy
Burder.G. settlement of disputes.
(Not delivered) —
C Tananar- Novel4 dJones.D. Rules,eéte. concerning "The
ive Hastie.dJ. Madagascar Missionary
Griffiths.D. Sehool Society."
C Pananar~ Nov: (As above) Appeal to "Christian Worla"
ive on behalf? of Malagasy.
C Ifenoar-
ivo Des.13 Cannam.d. Tannery commenced. finance.
Cetseaticn of Govt .allowanes
from Mauritius. Eduesation,
C fananar- Deea.l6 Jones.D. First pravor meetings 2
ive uriffiths Malagasy lansuage. Radama
Davida becoming patron of "Mada-
; gasear Missionary Scnool
G fananar~ Decel9 Jones.D. Concerning new NMsdagascar
ive Griffiths Missionary School society.
G _fananar- Déec.lo Chick.G. Death of J.dJeffrevs. News
ive of Missions Working on irex
for Radamats Palace,
D Tananar—- Deec.i9 Griffiths Report on Malagasy bers
ive David educated in Unglend.
D Ifenoar~ Dece20 Cenham.J. Asks for fiancte to be
ivo sent out. Jeffrey's death,
D Tananar~ Deo.c4 Jones.D. Financial, Progress of new
ive trades.
: D fTananar=- Dec.24 Gwetft€iths. Certain missionsries agree
David to raise money for Hepoci-~
S = tory of Missionary School &
FOLDER NO.2.(“ontda}
D Mananar- Dece.26 Rovland.T. Hdueational news. Appeals
ive for books. Introduction of :
s mulberry-tree. e
Do Yenanar- Dea.26 Griffiths Some cherecteristics of
ive Davia natives. Asks for printer.
A Maunrit - Feb.l2 Verkey.J, Greetings Death of
ius Larcvoae
A Tananar- Mar.2? Coppsalle. (In French) Report of ex-
ive A amination of schools.
A Mananarc— Aproie Griffiths Financial. Need of &
ive Navid printer.
A Tananar- May 28 Radama Declaration that slaves
ive (King) freed by missionaries
become free subjects.
A Tananar- June 4 Zafinear- Personal matters.
ive ine
A Tanenar- dune 6 Chick.G. Cannot lleave hic work te
ive come howe, Destructive fire
Commercial agreement witty
Radana o
A Wananar- June 9 Jones.]). hepert on Schools.
ive Griffiths.D.
A Tauanar- dune 12 Chick.G. Weeds Loan to purchase some
ive thines for Readama's Palaces,
j A Antsahai-~ June 15 Rowlancds. Conduct or his arprentices.
inta Te Asks to visit Englend.
B Tananar-° dune 14 Jones.D. Influence. of printed matter
ive Griffiths dJefirey's estate & his. jour
David nal forwarded. Missionaries
& slave ownership. Needs.
B Tananar- June 16 Jones.D. Finance. Proposed purchase
ive of horse for Mission.
B Tananar- dune 16 Griffiths Edveational work. Yalue of
ive David Madagascar Miss:Schook Soey
Value of a horse.
B Fananar- dune 16 Griffiths Recommendation of J.Canhanm,.
jrmmes LVé oes Asks for bookss .
foe Tams.teave July 1 Ratveffy. Wishes to m-intain relatior:
; (Prince ) with the Society.
B Meurit- Aug.1 Cole Lowry Promises protection & help
ius Deka wil to Madagascar Mission.
0 Maurit- AUS es. Cole.Sir. Duplicate of a letter “«
ius OU olie Mr.Hankey acknowledges
various articles sent.
C Tananar- Sep.d Bolan.R. His voyage to Madagascar.
Lag Tananar=- Oct.23 Radama Offielal acceunt of Hastie
ive (King) death & funeral.
CG sananar- Wov.s JOHNS «Lo His journey. Mission acws
| ive here & Ambatomeanga. Wreck
Of Portuguese boat,
C Tananar- Nov: JohnseD. Finance. Bad influence 2%
ive Atmbatomenga. Re conduct of
2 lads educated in Bnelandg
+6. Tahanarive . Junew Radama+ -Nelagasy. Proposed clini-
Bee to. cal education for some
Fant {ar San MAI pupils.
Se Sara eRe See SD TE SEAS I aeoere aga cs Legat saa gaaP Caos es sats eres each wes wah cee at cercsersetraseripaceytrtrtact states etree eee ee Se PLT Tati eee Set . ae eb? r
~ ll - BOX W- e
FOLDER 10.5.{ @ontd:
1 > a -
D Tananer~ Nove? Jones el. Arrival of Johns ,ete.
ive Griffiths Death of Hastie, Grammar
Davia of Jeffrey. “ommercial con~ i
ae cession harmful.
D Tananar-- Nov.9 Bolan. R. State of Madagascar.
D Tananar- Griffiths Arrival of Hovendens.
D Tananare- Nov.2ge Jones. D. Arrival of printer,
D Madagascar Undated No name List of books.
+m Do a > =r g :
ki nenort of Madagascar Mis-
sionary School for iG26
u Tananar- Detailed report of School,
A Tananare Jan.6 Griffiths Death of Hovenden, his
ive David child & Cancron's aise
Health ay others, Nesds,
A Tananar~ Janes Hovenden Death of husband & child.
ive Niners
A fananar- (Jan.24 {In French) Acknowledres
ive (Tob.14 Report of schools. Rowlzis
vo resume work as wefver,
A Amparibe May 15 Rowlands.@. Re bringing spinnine mach-
ines into Ma@dascagcar.
A Amparibe May 17 Cummins.3. Uonditions under which ke
ae Will ply his trade as apinns
A Tansner- May 19 Cameron.d. Describes machinery for the
* : 31
ive cotton factory ih Magger.
be Tananar- May 19 Cameron.J. Suggestions &£ estimated
ive cost of improving machinery
fo: spinning.
A Payenar~ May 30 Jones... Mission news. Interest of
ive GeifM thea Racdema in education, Re
Davida paper-meakine ,Finence., Ex-
: tension of srinning.
. t :
3 Antsaha- May Rowlands,.7T. Asks to return Encland.
dinta Re spianing machine.
3 fananer- June 10 Griffiths Criticisms of Rowlands.
ive David Welcome news of deputation.
B fananar- dune 15 vones. D. Finsnce. Spinning macninery
e ve Need for deputation.
B Tananar- Jun.16 gohns. D. Books needed.
B Tananar- dunsc6 Jones.D. Problem of Hastiets estate,
B P.Louis July 9 Freaman.d. Voyege to Mauritius en
= ees eek ee ; routs for Nadagascar.
B £eLOULs vULyY if Hreeman.J. VOyage experiences. Le
Brun's schools suecesseful.
: Death of Hovenden,.
C Tananar—- July 18 Chick,.¢ Personal finan
: mobs «) aS WILL OK» Ute a ae ta Led LOA gee “
G P,Loais July 26 Freeman.d. Finance. His gourney.
- le - BOX NOwc. #
. 1827 7
C Tamatave Auge’? RobineA. Refusal to grant Ganham ex-
(Sec.of Radama)emption from export duty. :
(in French!
C ifenosar- Oct.d Canham.JdJe Re Radama's violation c* his
ivu promise. Decline of Brivich
sanfluernce. PimMance.. Tribute
tO. Prauce Reveacte.
q P.Louis(?) Lyall.Mr. Recommends missionaries com-
ing to an agreement with
rs. Hastie.
C Grand Oct.c?. Kelsey.?.. Re complicated nature of ia.
River Hastie's Will.
C Qs8238) Proposals to Radama re cotvte)
Se fe factory in Medagascar.
D Tananar~ w Jpnes.D. &ceount of death of ir,
ive Griffiths.D. Hastie, also Funeral.
D ot .Peterg-
burg 14/26 Feb. Knill.R. Obituary notice of ¢.Hoven-
@en. Donations to Widows!
XXX Fand.
2 fananar- June Griffiths. Report on Schools.
ive David.
D Tanarnar- Sep.i0 dJones.)D. Death pf nsadama.
D fananar- Sé¢p.di Freeman.d. Message from Queen Ranava-
ive , Lona.
= Taneanar- Ser.1l8 Lyall.R. Personal letter to ir,
ive Hankey.
D fananar- Sept; Bennett.G. Copies of ietters after
ive Fresman.J. visit of G.Bennett,
D Tananar- Oct.2<0 Griffiths Conducts GeBennett to coast
ive David & bring Baker 9 printer -
to Capital,
D Meurit- Deco? Colville.
ius Dit. Cs
D Tenenar- Dec.8 Missionesries thanks to G. Bennet for
ive at Tananarive tielp during his-visiv to
D C.Town Decs28 Rennet. Geo. Printed account of Funerel
of Radama.
XXX. 0... Pananar- May 1é. Jones.D. Leaving for Coast to meet
ive ' Deputation. Printing Press.
_ D Tananar= Octee Johns. Dy Re Bills dravy.
LVIC: « -
D Tananar- Oct.15 Jones. D. Re expenditure & aa justment
ive of Bills drawn.
1S27 and 1828. Po
‘ . é E
ee ee eee ree ee '
ae I 3 < Bis BONE Ors is
A Tananar- dJan.9 Fresmaned. Schools reopened. Weak
ive heal th of. Mr. Baker, a
A Tanansr- Janel6- Uyatl. R. Copies of letters to
ive:— missionaries in Madagaseur,
A Teannnar- Feb.lO Freeman.d. Order from Queen - school
ive . teachers not to be paid,
A Lenauare- -4ebe28 Freeman.d. Kind attitrie of te Levey A:
ive towards Mission.
A. Tananar- Febs Committee Minutes. Dispute re Mr.
ive Lyall.
B fananar~ Mar.15 Lyall. R. Dispute with Jones and
ive Grierithsi.
B Tananar- Mar.2e3 Chick.G. fakes work with Government.
ive :
B Tananar- Mear.25 gones, D, Dispute with Mr.Lyall.
3B Tananear- Mear.28 Honns, ). EFrogress of Mission.
ive Hapulsion of Mr tye.
E Tananar- War.29 Bakes. B. patisfactory vrogress of
ive Prega.
B Tauanar- Aprecd (Jones.D. Dispute with Mr.Lyall.
ive (Grirfiths.D:
<5 Apr. British & Resolutions of Committees
- FPorsBible ce Malagasy Scriptures,
G Tancnar- May 4 Jones. D,. Better outlook.
C Pananar—- May ¢ Balcer. EH. Printing work going on,
C Tananar- hay 7 Johns. D. Mission work at a
ive standstill.
C London, Aug:7 "Times" State of Nedagascar,
C PeATricen Oct- Death of Radama,ctec,
Advertiser Nov.1830. (More fully ziven in
; Quarterly Ghronicle,Vol.1}
A Tananur- May 4~ Committee. ixtract of Minutes.
ive to Jaly &.
A Tananar- July 10 Volave Avrivel at Capital.
4 @Vananar- July 24 Jones.D. All artizan misgsionsries
ive at work,
A Tananar~ dJuiv 29 Jones.D. Description of Rademats
ive vOmD.
A Tensner- Aug: Griffiths.n. Death of Mr.Tyerman.
A. Tanenar- Sep 3 JOhns. D. Jedetreeman leaving for
ive Meurivius.
5 Tenanar- Sep.25 Cameron.d. Starts making soap. Asks
ive for chemical apparatus,
B Tananar- Sep.26 Baker. =. Progress of Press,
ive jae :
5 Zanonar- Sept: Razifinka- Wants watch and compass.
ive refo
SPSS SESE SSS Gea aga aS Sass aE Sa SP SE Md SSS Sa ee Res aD PES EASOSat ge aE PRLS ESS oS S aA REESE PR ached RR cece CEE ENE pacientes pe
= LS = BOX NOw. a
FOLDER NO. (Sonte)
mB Ambohi-~- Oct.25 Canhamed. Leaving the Island. é
a mandroso. 3
B Teananar- Novede Printed acecunt of an oh
ive expedition in Madagascar.
(In French)
B On bd. Novezl #reeman.J. On his way to Mauritius.
C Maur it- Dec..0 Freeman.J. Reasons for leaving
ius : Madagascar.
G Tananar- DececS Comittee Minutes.
ive to Mar.2d
0 Tananar- Dec.29 Baker... Asks for "Cagster's Poly-
ive g@lot Bible."
G Fananar- 1829 (Geiffiths.
ive : ( De Report on Schools.
(Jones. D.
¢ Tananar-. 1829 Sketch of Roya} Courtyards
ive & houses in 1829¢
1850. FOLDER NO. e
ae Ambokiman- Jano5 Canhamed. Returns £600.
A London Jano.5 Buchan.€. Re ectablishing a Mission
= at St,Augustine's Bay.
de P.Louis eS8necl Freeman.d. Refusal of Queen to sign
' Fronch Treaty.
A Tananar- Feb.19 Johns.D. Brighter prospects for
- ive pchools.
A Tansnar- War.l? Baker. HE. pends copy of completed
ive New Testament.
A Tananar- MWar.19 (Griffiths. Minutes.
ive { D
(Jones oD.
B Colonial March The Coronation of Queen
Oftice Ranove.lona.
B. Tananar- May le dJones.D. Leaving for Mauritius.
B Maurit~- May 35 Freemano.J. Ass for insvuructions as
ius ‘ to future movements.
B Maurit- May 37 Freemean.d,. ~Divinotion & Iriel py Oraee
lus restarted in Macagescear,
= 8B fananar- May 27 Jones.D. Leaving for Vauritius
B Manrit- Jdun.l4 Freeman.dJ. History of Mission in
ius Madagacear finished.
B la@urit- dunel9 Freeman.d. Forwaras History of
1us Vadagascar,
B Pananar=- dunoed Johrsa.D. Revolt of Sakalava.
-~ 15 - BUN Oe Oo .
C Tananer- Jun.28 Griffiths.D. D.Jones has left for
ive Johas. >. Mauritius. Great demand 2
for Testaments.
C Vaurit~ Jun.c9 Freeman.J. Advises having sent a boc ;
ius to Sestety.
C Tananar- duly 1 Baker.E. ‘Testaments ulstributed to
ive - Coast & through Imerina,
CG Austin duly el Bennett.G. Encioses account of Queént
Friars Coronation. (Missing) The
ceremony demonstrates need
of continued prayer.
C Tananar- July 12 Griffiths. Vindication of dispute wit!
ive De Dr Lyall.
G Maurit- July 19 Freeman.J. Asks instructions for Luts
ius : work,
C Maurit- AUZ.2 Freeman.d. His ideas for Mission:
lus work in Madagascar.
D Veurit- AugelO Jones.D. Arrives at Mauritiua in
ius . poor health.
D Maurit- Augoél Freeman.7. Leaves for Cape Town.
D Tananer- Sep.l Baker.E. Encouraging stave of
ive , EMSS SHion:,
: D Tananar- Sepel Griffiths Is séuding home his wife
ive Ds and children,
A Tananar- Sep.2 Griffiths Malagasy-English diction-
ive De ary completed,
A Tananar- Sep.4 (Griffiths
ive ( De Mission still progressing
(Johas. D.
A Tananar- Sep.2 Baker.i. Is building a house,
- ive
A Meaurit- Sep.l6 Jones. D. Vinelcstion of dispute
jus with hlir. Lyall.
A Tananer- Sep.20 Griffiths Prospects brighter,
ive De
A Mauriti- ‘Sep.22 Telfair.Mr. A letter of encouragement
us to Mr.’ones. Mentions the
manufacture of leather.
A Tananar- Nov.16 (Griffiths. Replyfto Mr.Ganham's letter
ive ) Ds of lst .attached,
: A Ambob+man- (Jones, -D. | :
Gross. Novel. Canham.c. Re his ieavine the country,
. awaiting instructions.
A Tananar- Novee canhamed. ASks to be taken on as a
ive missionary.
B Tananar- WNov.<é9 Griffiths.pD. Brighter propsects for
ive . Mission,
B Meaurit- Nov.d0 Freeman, J. His arrival in Mauritius.
B C. Town Novs Freeman.d, Memorial to Prenen Goyt.on
Philip.Dr. behalf of Madagascar.
niles BOs NO <3. bes
FOGDER BO.4. (Gonta }
C Tananar=- Decel Rafaralahy General Mission news. Ula
ive change of name from Volheyve Be
G Tananar- Dec.4 Johns.Ds Is building a Chapel at ZB
ive Aphbatonakanga.
C Tanauar- Dece4 Griffiths.
ive D. Prospects still brighter,
C fTananar- Dse.d Rahaniraka
ive and Progress of Missior.
_ Rafaralahy
C fTananar- Dec.6 gohns. D. Building a& new Chapel.
C Maurit- Heese - Jones, D. Visit to Fort Dauphin, |
D Maurit- Dee.26 Jones. De Documents relating to his
Las visit to Fort Dauphin.
D fTananar- Dec.2% Baker. HE. Progress of Press.
2 rs Geta 2
ive 1S29
D England L230 Hankey. WW. To Rev.WmHtlis re Baker's;
Paper on Meauagasear,
Haha 7 2 : i ; D> aeeA Mawr ato. ry
D Ma@agascar 1850 Baker. E, Proposed Memorial to Right
Hon Stanley, sec.of State
for Colonies, re disputes
tony ny TR a) hh (Mew apt s ao,
between Fiench Gavt. and
Queen of Madagascar.
gaa ie |
800:.-: sb. Pie
: {
“=a SIV \ steed
A Nanrit- JaneolO Jones.D. Hopes to leave for Encisnd
tus soon. ee
A Tetanar= dJanelO beker.k. Acknowledges paper & tyne Be:
. ive & asks for binding material
A Tananar- Feb,.6 Baker. E. Printing of Bible progresses
A Tananer- Ap2.d Baker. bs Hopes to stay in Madagascar
ive until Bible is printed,
A Tananar- AprelO Razafincara- Ask3 for Bible & Concor-
ive fe dance
& fananar- Apr.lée Johns. D. asks for money to finish |
ive building Chapel.
A Tananar- Apr.le Johns. D. Mascion progressing. Asks
ci ive for books.
A Mananar- dJunec? Baker. H. JOins Mr. Griffiths! Church.
ive List of baptisms.
A Nanenar- duly 15 Johns. D. Quecn cives pernission to
ive natives to be baptized end
receive Communion.
B Tananur- duly 15 Johns. D. New Church opened,
B Tananar--. Augel4. Griffiths.)., Speaks of his 16 years in
ve Madasascar & desire to sty
B Tauanar- Aug.1S Griffiths.D. Sends copy of Rules of :
ive Baker. i. Cnurch at Andohals.
B fananor- Aug.20 (Griffiths.D. Re a dispute.
ive (Johns. D.
5B Tamatevs Aug.ed1 Freeman. J. On his return to Madavascer.
B Tamatave Sep.l
MES887. |
C Ambatolam- Sepe5 Freeman.d.3. Journey to the Cavitel.
py Z
C Andovor- Sep.6 FreemaneJod. Further on his journey.
anto 2 ;
C fananar- Oct.l2 Griffiths.D. Re dispute between mission-
: ive aries.
G tananar- Oct.b2 Freeman.?.d. Has arrived in Capital anda ¥
ive gives encouraging rccount
: ee ae ee. _ of lission. ;
fananaz- OCotels Freeman.d.3. Written to Dz.Philip at ¢.
2Ve Towa. Re his journey, ane
gives news of “ananarive &
€ Tien wawn we TA rt Tae 24. 7 the ssi oe * fs
ananar- Dege2 Criffiths.D.: Opposition of certain of
ive Baker sii. the Govt,to.the Mission.
e Tananar- Decol6 Freeman.d.J. ifC of expenditure fron Cx%
6 ie | ee oe Town to Wada gascaxr.
SON9NaD= Vecelf AtKinsen.T. A/e of his exnenditure
ive from C.own to Madesascer
G 183) eM S Questions put to David Jones
. = zs 443. @ 6 MALS sv UTILS pu U0 PAVE Jones
regarding Madagascar,
Hs : ee aay
n Bordeaux June 3 Jon oe David On his vay horne te £ AGVANS
: > .
Pe é
: ~ 18 - BO. NO.¢ |
ets Se. Hy
Seesaw enone ahoneoaenetatane Ose i Heel A
AE Rea TTT Pt RT eee i ch: a
ze j }
1832. ] H
| in
fs Tananar-. Jan,.6 Griffiths. Disagreement with mis- ml)
ive De sSionaries. yi
Moawmapon D1 Olan WT - * 1 :
A Tananar- Jane9 Bakeas i, Wishes to go on printing ny
LES the 0.festament. Asks ns
leave for furlouch home |
A Tananar- dJanele Rahamiraka ee 1
ive and Praise missionaries aud We
Rafaralahy their activities. ie |
at |
Mana, 2 a A ath ’ Bin ; ; pa
A Tananar~ Jan.l6 (As above) Account of quescn's dealin Hi i
TUG oOo eke: * . : ee tM
ae vG 2 a with missionaries. i i
ley sq ey ovr 3" 2 c QT, it} ned ti
A Tananar- Jan.c4 COanham.Jd. Thanks Directors for ea- i
ive cepting him as missionary. IM
A kperest ce oe ae Ges eRe ek a on ee eS
\. Aberyst~ Janec8 Jones. TD. wends copies of letters |
a bh BSW US Lon 4 {
with received from Melagasy. me |
A Tananar- Febh.6 Baker. i. Asks for an inerease in \
ive salary - gives reasons, We, |
Bae |
: Vainte = Siena om 5 HM
B Tananar- Feb.ll Freeman.J. Mission prospects not so a
ive | bright. mi
B Tananer- Mer.25 Atkinson... Has arrived in Capital < ia
ive becom Veryeatl 1]. |
B Tenanar- Mar.26 Griffiths. Recommenis increase of Wi
ive De salary for Mr.Baker. |
B Tananar- Baker. E. Financial - asks for in- ve
ive crease in salary. Mission a
7 NEWS o an
: B Ranahar- Warec8 atkinson.t. Dissension with Mr.Grif- a
; te Onis) «|
ive fiths. a)
B Tananar- |
f an nae ; , Wh
ive Apr.6 Freeman.d. Disagreement with Mr. _ |
Griffiths. mi
B Tananar~ Apr.lO Chick.Geo. Is helping iir.Cameron with #iiy|
: ive 4 powder mill for Govt, i
B Tananar- Apr.iO Chick.G. Asks for 150 % per year on |
ive salary for 4 years. |
: il
: mii .| |
oe Tananar- Apr. ll Cameron.J. Acknowledges letter & oe |
ive icsl apparatus from home, |
& gives detail of disnuies. Ml
C Tananar L 1 Atki As eh Nea 2 s ac Og aes ara a
ananar= Aprell Atkinson.f. #itansial, ke, inereass .or i Bi
ive 4 years of Ma .Chick's money iil)
C. .. Pensnar- Apr.lo Jobs, 0. Trouble with Mr.Grizfitns n
lve Pl
e fananar-
a4 . 6 begat |)))
ive Personal & general news il
: of Mission. H
C Taranar- Mey 23 Griffitnus. Is sending nis wife home. ji
: ive David | i!
C Tananar- May 23 Baker. E. Is returning to England, _ a
ive Thee, Pecks permed tntine'. Amt a i)
G Mawyoyne4 ae aA ep ey Treams Sees ante o oe % “ Wire tte Pe HA ti }
LaNanearl~- UN ob Freemanede ~Srsonar o gene rad news: Q2 if i \
5 . Be it mate {| |!
1ve people & work sent to Dr. i
Philip,of Cape Town. i
mae tt? |
a, |
D Mongnayre meet oe) Atind aon Mm Mya Os n¢ Ana GA at
; +Snanar dunet8 Atkingon.7~,. The qu 2H has ordercd him Hl iM ||
ive ; to return home. |
ny nw my Ps ft oe ~ + ay it
D Tancnar- Jun.l8 Freeman.J. Government opposition vo ae
- Ave Christianity, Hh
D Tananar= Jun cO Griffiths. He has decided to return i
ive David ° home . i
eS ie
ee se ee —
e !
: Wd
te il
~ 19 « BOX No.4 | i se
TOLDSR NO.2. (conta) [i
— ann —— ee Sees es re Nf HF :
18526 . I i
D Tananar- Junecl Rahaniraka |
LVS - end wpesk well of ir.Grif- i
é : Rafaralahy Pathe, Wi es
D _ Tananar- Juneal VWreeman.d. Mr.Atkineon is not to be i
D ae eee oo Ee eee ; allowed to stay in Medazs ac: |
£ONEO8T~ dunoeé Atkinson.¥. Is leaving the Capital, WM
: LVe ; : a |
D Tananar- dun.22 Freeman.J. About a History of iMada- T
ie " pacoar. ,
3 es |
A Tananar- Freeman.d. Sends copy of a Grammar. 1
ive Wa) |
A Ambohi- Jun.c5S Canham.d. Queen has been told he is a
mandroso. accepted as missionary,but |
does not know if she will Wi
allow him te remsin. i
A Tananar- duly 5 Freeman.d. Minutes from June to July, a |
ive i ||
A Tamatave July 21 Atkinson.?. Has left the Capital and “f
: his way home. i
; A Tananar-
“ve David stay on. 1
A Tananar- Augell Ranovdlona Letter from queen re Wir. i
ive S Griffiths with copy,d/or a
. L, Tananar- Augel4 Rahsaniraka ||
ive and Again vend praise of Mr. Hi
: Rafearealahy Griffiths. _
A Tanznear- Aug l4 (Ag above) The Queen has asked Mr. i |
ive Griffiths to remain. |
a |
B . fendon Aug.l6 Jones. D. Letter relating te Prince P|
Corollar. : :
B Meanjak- Aug.i? Freeman.J. stersenal letter to Dr, a .
andriana. Philip,of Cape Town. a
B . Pananar~ Aug.l8 (Johns.D. |
ive (Freeman.d. Copy of Accounts, |
(Canham.d. a
B Wananar- AugecO, Treeman.d. Re History of wadesascar., ne
ive |
B ~ feynanar~ Avgocd Committee Copy Of Minutes July — Aug, He,
ive i |
B Tananer- Aug.eet (Johns.D. : |
ive (Freeman.J. News of leaving of Mr.& Mrs i |
= (Canhem.d. Atkinson. | a |
B Tananar- Augec8 Johns. D. Re English-lMalagasy dic- |
ive tlonsry. a
| C Tananar- Aus,50 Griffiths. A- Letter in praise of a
| ive favid himself. 2S 7
C Tananar- Sep.6 Johns.D, ‘Reports Press going well. i
ive Ba
C Ambohi- Sep.13 Canhan.J. Accuses Mu .Crifritnhs of.
| meandrogo bribery. f |
| : CG Maurit- Sep. 14 .Atkinson.?,. Tells-of his homeward a |
ius journey. : a
C Tananar- Sépecd Freeman.’. Rules for slaves about ao
are reading ,&¢. dl
: x Hi, {
| TD
VOLDER NO.3. (Contd) ih
1 ee ae le aceasta eee etree neon t i {|
‘ ae
2E52. | |
C Tanan- Sepe26 Johns.D. Re not being alloweu to | | 1
arive form a Native Church. a |
S tanan~ Qet.4 Freeman.d. Asks thet his wife my Hi
® arive be sent out. el |
G Tanag~ Oct.25 Griffiths. Re Schools - vllowed bye |
arive David Queen to be continusd. ta |
C Tanan- Nov.5 (dohns. D. Coneering expenses of i Hh
arive (Freenined. ti |
(Canham. J. the Printing Press. i
’ | |
G Tanen= NoveS Johns. De Copy of Mr. Griffiths’ i
arive Freeman J. letter to the Queen. I)
4 ne
D Tanen- 1831- Committee Narrative of enimosities 1 |
- ative 1836. in the Madagascar Mission, i
Te “DCs ; uven's orders, Hh
Â¥ C lananarive. Oc. 4 Griffiths . Bere on ee a | i |
Srneng J. Prilip papers) ; | i |
FOLDER N04. te
et P|
A ‘ Panan- veb.20 Freeman.d. Re History of Madagascar | |
arive | He
es A Tunaon Feb.23 Baker. E. particulars of new Press | ||
required. - |
| A C,fown Var.6 Philin.d. Fxtracts from letter te- |
ceived by MceAtkinson Te | |
Medagasear Mission. a
A Tanan- May 14 Freeman.d. Written to DrePhilip, of | a
Po OP eye C.fown,giving news co ’ i
Mission & missionaries. E aa
: A Tanan- Vay 21 Freeman.d- Expresses hope for Devid | 1
arive Jones! return. Mr Kitching me ||
working during We faker's | ae
absence. : a
eo a Tanan- May 25 Wreeman.d. Finance — expenses Cf a j a
arive Painting Department. { 1
B Tanan= Mey 28 (Johns.D. |
arive (Freeman.ed. Yearly Review of Mission . in
| (Cunhem.d. r
a Tanen- May 29 Johns.)D. Negeribes idol worship. a
arive Freemeanede oan
B Tanan- Ney 30 Johns .De Sends 2 idols & gives He |
arive customs connected with i
: thea. | [aml
B Tenan- Mey Committees Copy of Mi.utes. : |
arive : i
B Ambohi- June? Ganham. Je Speaks of his fear that ¢ in |
ee Ladagascar. ; i |
B Londen Jun.1l4 Directors Draft of letver to beker i
valo,queen of VaAdagascar, a
asking help for mLEslLou- i
: aries returning nome. Aa
B Tanean- July 3 Committee Minutes. Hh
arive ce = ||
B frbohi- duly 20 Ganhamed. SPCS&KS of queen's orcer . |
mandroso thet he shadt go Nome. i:
B Meurit- Aug.29 rreeman.d. Came to mecv wifes bub nov | i
os ius. nears she remains at oie |,
eas nuaomen i. congratulates MreBaker Of HT
ae at
: eo a AG Wi
oe ee BOX NOs. ai
FOLDER NO.4.(Contc #i) Zi
/ ia a ;
f A “TF KA IT ‘ tT Arr kKMAMNC HA ‘
x S72. |
¢ 34. ™amatave Oct.d Freeman.J. He may not return to Capita fim Bs
eee eg 1A
| because of carrying out vac Wl
{ eination on certain persons i @
C \.4tanan- Oct.10 Freeman.J. Personal ietter to Dr.Phil~ 7a
arive 16 | ip,of C.fown,giving news of i
Mission jac. |
C Vohit- Frecman.d. Now on his way to Capital. jiiy)
gare. a
C Tanan- Novell Chick .Mary Suddan illness of MeeChick. (ily)
= : arive I : i!
G Tanan- Novels Committee Copy of Minutes. it
arive Ve
C Ambohi- Nov.2S Canheam.d. Writes that he is being al Ti
meandroso loweg to stay for another ih
year. We |
U Tenan= Novoeo Johns... Expenses in connection with (al
arive Freeman.d. Printing Press. Ha
C Tanan- Novec6 Freeman.J. State of schools not go Na
. piles we HA HI
arive flourishing. ale
C Tanan- ' i |
arive Dec.9 Freeman.J. Re Mr.Griffiths' return i |
MONS. i |
C Tanan- Dec.le Colmittee Re cash in hand School ae
arive Society. Lae |
Te aes - 2 erro atc¢ rat ayo sy Pana ki He sl}
C -fanen- Dec.l4 Johns.D. Suggests starting a Paper 1
arive Freeman.d. Mill. Ae
. | a
Heit |
: a i
BB |||
oe eo fi
Sa SS. . we
i i it
z | He |
1832. Pees :-
ore erece mah tein re REL IV) i}
a i
i }
; a Ad
al Ht
: : | ‘| i |
ma |)
We ||
He |
7 a
H i i
Pe apt i {
He |)
meee |
: : | i |
| | |
an |
ny |
‘ Patil
ant i
3 . Han |)
: Ha}
: ot Hl) }
eae eer an ce ee ee ee Ch I ‘ st es sista i “4 to
Neen eee ee eee eee Sn
7 i i
Sye NM 9 Oe ||
1834 |) ;
A onan Janel Johns.D. Copy of letter to David Hn |
arive Freeman.J. Griffiths on his sttitude a | Z
Tass to Mission & Directors. Ball |
Advising him to return hone
A Tanen- Feb.15 Freeman.J. ne an arvangement batween 1a)
arive Cameron & Govt. also positi |
of D.Griffiths. En!
A Ganan- Feb.15 Camseron.d. Asks advice about Iron iin |
arive Foundry. We |
A Te ner Feb.l5 Johns.D. Re Mr .Camervon and Iron |
arive Freeman.d. Foundry. Pai
A Tanan- Feb.18 Johns. D. Is sending his daughters |
arrive to vape Town. Te
: & Ponan= Feb.26 Freeman.d. Copy of letter to Governor [ff
arive of Mauritius re friendli- iM |
ness of British Govt. to a
Madagascar. ae
A Tanan- Feb.26 Griffiths. Hefuses to return to tng- HAT |
arive David land at request of the Oe |
Diveciors < Hi |
B Tanan- Feb.a? Freeman.d. Re position of Mr.Griffiths i
arive Le
B Tanan~ Feb.é7 Freeman.d) ae
erive Johns.D. ) Re case of Mr.Griffiths. ae
Canhamned.) a
: Hae
B Taran Mar.1O Johns.D. Expecting that all mission- i,
arive Ley Freeman.J. aries may have to leave, H
x - |
B Tanan- Mar.1l3- Freeman.d. Copy of letter to Governor . |
arive Ze of Mauritius re Mr.Griffiths Ia)
leaving Madagascar. |
B Tanan- Mar.25 Jolns.D. Queen calls a meeting re it. iy ||
arive Freeman.J. Griffiths' remaining in the #
Canham.J. Island. : |
B Tenan- Mar.28 Griffiths. He still refuses to leave a
BELVO: =. David Made zascar,. Hn l
B Tanan- Apr.l Griffiths Encloses letter from fellow [fy ||
arive David missionaries asking him to ,Ri)
return home. an
Cc Tanan= Nay Committee Copy of Minutes. a
arive 1
C Amb¢h- eune 1 Canham.d. is leaving for home. Hi |
imandroso e me |
GC fanan- dun.le Freeman.d. Letter te Dr.Phiiips, of |
oe arive qs VO cape Town,with news of irda
pe rMaryane/"" cascar position & people. i
C fanan- dunedO Freoman.Jd. Half-ycoarly report of Mission il
arive Be |
GC famatave duly 15 Paker.Mr, Speak of journey and arrival Bi)
ce MES. at Tamatave. a
Cc Vohitsare July 50 Baker.~. Of his journeying on way to Ha
Capital . |
C Tewatave Aug.lO Shipton.s. On the dispute between mis- a
. sionaries. He |
C fansn- Augel9 Freeman.d. Re Foundry for Casting. i
arive i
C Pangan SCD ea baker. EB. On His arrival in CGépical, i
arive me
C Tanan= Sepe4 Freeman. d. Financial, Z ‘ll
arive 7 a
ee ee epssciinuveien . Sen ne
: Lie
- £3 ~ BOX NO.5. a)
i Ef
FOLDER NO.1.(Conti) Vea
SM Vet oe AMON UE) H | |
cance aniinasetinnia ates: sawennen han rvetinaet® Screen ere einen CckeeNacemnaieanrprimmnemaatan } 5
Hae B
1834, a
a ear senna 1 an :
i) &
D Tenwa- Sep 4 JOHNS «De Re firancial matters. AM
arive |
) tana a~ Sep.22 Chick.G. On his leaving lidagoscar. ie
arive iF
D Tanan- sepecé Freeman,d. fo \r.Philips,of C.own, on
arive persenal and general news. qi
D Tanan- Oct.2 Hreeman.d. Financial matters. me!
arive Ae
D Tanen= Cet .d Cameron.d. On his leaving vor England, Wi |
arive i Hl
hy Tanan- Oct .7 Freemaned,. Reviswa the past and praises bin
arrive God. |
D Tanan= Noves rreeman.ed. They enclose Minutes of the Vy
arive Johns.D.. Mission. Ye
2 Tanan- Nove6 Freeman.d. sending half-yearly q |
arive Johns.D. Report. ms)
D Pane. Freeman.d. Re decease of Mrs.felfair of jail)
arive Mauritius. Mi
aa ||
fees : FP an ae. ury - puk 4 ace = ee : i : {|
1835. A Guat Fae Py eee PORDEER NO ek We
f Gee WHE % - WWE
A Tanan- Jan.24 . rrecnen.d. KS the revision of the New He) |,
arrive Testament. a
A Tedan- Fed.2l / Rainama- Copy of cueen'ts letter to i
arive Now .(0—/) haro Huropeens. Ma
A Tanan- Johns... Wot allowed to talk religion a
| arive with natives. a
A Tanan- Marel4 Johns.D,. Copy.of- istter te the Queen ||
arive Wreemanede and her reply. a
A Tanan- Mar .l7 Baker. EB. Natives ordered to send ell |)
arive poeks to Government. we
A Tanan- Liareh ¥Yreeman.d, Copies of personal letter. to a
arive his friends. 7 |
A Tanan~ May 18 Freeman.d. He, with Baker & Johns ean ae |
arive stay in Medagasear until 1036 |
A Tanane June 4 Freeman.d. Report that whole of the Bible iy i
arive is printed. a |
| B Tanan= ‘une. Freemean.d. He is leaving for home. Whéle Uy
arive of Bible translated, i
RP Panen- Hit. ve SC ONNS =. Ds Re. the passage nove co? ia, a)
arive Froemaned, Griffiths. a
8 Tanen= dUuseid Johns.D. Cameron & Chick leaving. Asks a
arive Freeman.d. fou instructions re othera, |
B Vana Jun iS Baker. All missicnaries have left, i |
arrive except Johns and himsel?, aad
B .fanan- Jun f= SetLyos. Teuters from natives to J... Bg |
arive Freeman. : I i i
b Tanan= Jun.el3 dJohus.D. #Freeman,Chick & Cameron have He |
arive — LELG Tor ome. a
= 2B Fanean- Jun ,27 Baker.i, ° Inventory at Mission Press. vi
arive |
R Tamatave July 17 ‘Freeman.d. Re argvival of missionsries |
at Tamataye on way home, — a
B Tameiave duly 18 Freemean.d, Cameron, Chick & Kitehing | a
leaving for the Cape. I
4 ) }
mie! |
3 ne
: : | t
3 HT
‘ Hae
~ of , BOY NO.5, aw eS
. anaes cron Ay
HE 5
FCLDER NO.2.(Conta' Ha |
1835 ce de ee
Cc Leadon Aug i St Jones. DM Weean MCLAREN in M3 aasecay . Sormnily news . in f f
C Teuane Aug.26 Rainimaharo. In praise of David eh |
arive Griffiths. |
C Ssnan- Sepee6 Johns.D. speaks of the growth of ni
arive superstitions.
(y CeTown pepecd Cameron.d. Tells story of leaving mi |
Madagascar, Will discuss Mi
future plans at C.Town | a
C Tanan- Nove? Baker. Ee Brief account of suppres- Me |
arive sion of Christianity in Th |
Madagascar. be
8 Tenane NOovecl Johns.D. Speaks of the present pos- hi iJ
arive iticn =~ no improvement » Hi)
‘C Tanan- Nove2l Johns.D. Sends Mission a/c. a
arive i
C Tanan- Undated Johns.D. Letter written in days of |
arive 1855 Griffiths. Radama, re Tan Yard. a
§ David Haass | |
a a a ee Jones.D. Detained here by weather Hh i
Rae We eee . a EOLDER M005. We
x off (de. oes Aji. 26 Jones. D. Boon in collision with anofKer eoal. Goingly Portimouk | Hi
rok Tanan- Mear.2£6 Johns.D. "oables 2 perveeution stil: Wy)
arive rife. Mentions certain trans-
: lations - Pilgrim's Progress ne
A C.VOwn Oct.l4 Canham.dJ. Sends copy of letter from on
TOS? Madagascar - nétive. Me
A London Mar.6 Directors Copy of certain of thelr let-Hie
ters to Queen of Nadagascar. mnt
A Tanan~ Mar.2zO Andrianja- Asks Mr.Johns to help him é i
arive fy some others to get to Meurit-[eil
ius. i,
A Tenen= Jun.24 Malagesy Letter from certain Melegasy 7
arive Christians.Christians giving news of . n |
their Christian friends. |
A Tamatave July 21 Johns.D. Hears Christians are holding no
their faith & even inereasin: Ae i
in the Capital. el
A fanan- Aug.2? Natives. Some letters from natives to Me)
arive . D.Johns. i |
A Tamatave Dec.19 Rama Letter from a native, in th
Malagasy, to Major General am
: A SECRETARTAL. Sit W.Niccley. = = ss
: : Bejebing, te aifeirs of nedagas Heal)
B London 1837 Directors Copy Of Gnetr letter to the ae
Madagascar Embarsy. q
QZ Va ))
1838. i
B Tamatave dun.dO dJohns.D,. Hears that many Malagasy Hey. |
Christians have been put to |
| death. ie
B Antanaman-July 28 Natives, Letters to D.Johns. |
jaka, Le |
B Tamatave Aug.e6 Johns.D. On his way to Meuritius. <4 ay
(ee encloses translations 2 ex- [iy
: ae tracus of letters from no++ > Be
1840. Christieus. . ie
C fematave Ney 8 Powell.L. Waiting to help persecured 1
Christians. |
C Mananar- dun.2†Griffiths A letter to Mr.Powell re il
ive David "lamentableâ„¢ news. Wie
C fananar- July 4 Griffiths A further letter as 2bOvS- [MRM
ive - ‘David. i
a o a
¢ Tamatave duly 9 Powell.L. Awatt persecuted. Christians? i
arrival, i.
Bese Segre ad scaeea Sora eases aestienemev sno sterd atManen SPS EFT TOES HieSED Food Or eds Sed FESEEMEEE TENET BME SCRA Seed na Raed oe Leadon ante A PLA cea eee ees EPO Cs oe ied sd ¥ : 7 : é ts aie
| | i @
ce BOs fac Cilia yes, thal 1} es
TANT TNT =e eouiay - Hl |
Dy SIL Oe eg FOOL LAT: fa ‘
; Sn
i a | :
HWA |e 5:
re | | |
; g ah |
1840. 1
oneecencactinone i Hi i
i i
acs aie cM 7 # Aap Rear oy at cae anttar? Arak Want} 5
¢ Tanan= July 20 duones.D, Arrived in Capitel, Nine i
wey ft Se } Set >wie . 2 ‘
arLve Christians have been spear- ‘| :
Ae ee pers i Hy s
6ead uo death. I
38D 6] falacasy Bran: Sah i Sih ee Lh
C Maur t= Nepel? Malagasy Translation of letter fvror a
ius \€$9 Choeistians Malagasy Christians to L.H.S \
in Loncon,giving account of i
persecution, Wn |
C Maurit- Sep.l? Malagasy Another letter in lelacasy |
D E i
eran — tliat ate; ma 4 tier oe tengo a Cae ipa ehvice stb paaeAE
ius WSO Christians. 40 Directors with news of Hi
persceuted Christians. Liss Vn
va es e . e 3 eS mace ware te | |
Or names of those in Maurit- ih
ius. Wl
1830 yi
Manche 24 i. Aa pee dase: n ¢ bt
Ce Mauritius May is Jones. Dd. AcKnowiedgina Gune trom Goss ure 3.3. iM
¢ re, Esse < Wipes 3 ‘ . eis )
Co sisSer-in- Wore among se i hata gary in Meuricis | i
law NewS trom Maa SO ASCOT ~ i
Wea |
ee 1}
Weal) |
3 Hh
Het |
i t
: ih
i |
; We |
ii ‘|
a may
: |
‘ } ; i |
i i
Oe |)
: |
| i
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: ie |
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; Hc |
a |
' i}
bit | {
: ea) |
HE) |
mt |
hai hy i
ie |
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Ba |
eee i ys
in FE Pe
% wv {| Vey
| oe
¢ Hi se
~ £6 = BOX NO Ha oe
seeps Oe aa
= | Hi) t
nA x Rieu ere eet at ae :
Snares mem eterna, a i
TACT RA Ppricgn Th ap ATA RET Hl :
PAUL jot Lack Git went dh NAME TTR Tram] a
te Frthoenan teen ae ee Hee SS SUBL. LOLS Ha f
Lee Te aes i f
1859, iy
OOd Vine | a
| RaT |
f Toandan Aare nat > 7 i Hae
eo Seas Augell Foreig. Relating to the Yrench Bh :
1 i Pipa ae pars : ep = te we ~ + SLi sd 1a |
HOTMOTTL Ce Office in Madagascar, |
A Tanan— 1861. "| B
s ee (AMET 5
sia aes Cea ree eee Roden malt f
BEL Ve wep-Dec. Natives, Letters to ur.Eliis savino 7
that Queen is dead & asi-- TM
fananarive do. . dos, -ing that missioneries my |i
Al G. transletions wilk CONEI UN ae ieee, Stas eo pee aes eee
Z lopter Frew ©.6riici Oe Sent back. Hi |
A Panan= Wom. 6 ~ Patel Tas ite, , Wa) |
Se NOw, Ratsilain- A letter to Mrs.dohns tei~
icive tg : 3 a
aLI.V ; ga Lisg of persecutions 3 We
death of many. Queen now ji
re dcad. ae
2868 is | ij
Pena Tee ah A 2 ee - 5 NW
B P.Louis Jan.4 Hllis., W. On the way to Madagascar, 7M
ata isan 7 3 made on am § og a 4
4130 Guplicate of letter i
Via oad ax fs me THe tai im 72 s Be = gees aug ome a if
B Maurit Jan.6 Hllis.W. His journey to ladagascar [
lus and a duplicate of this. Me |
e tre oa C 7 †or * Hi
C Maurit- Febed Ellis .We Written to Dr.Tidman on hi i,
Lugs ee Ae z ee ee aa
ius experiences, & position in Tl
regard to Msdagasear af- Hi H
Pen of 5 nS a : 4 Page]
Fairs. Mr.Le Bruna arrived. 7m
. Natives wanting missioner- I
tes and books; % soa f3- a
nn, on Q + ~ Hf |
: plicate letter, i |
C Sn Veh J wey ay 8 e a > yy oh at
C Tansn Feb,6 Rahanira- Will welcome Rev fllis,ani 7
| arive 6 send= an account of Raden. We
: : A es ; He 1ih|
= C Rose rsbel5 Ellis .Mro. Sends Dr.Tidman extracts ane
T2749 ies a ny id i
- Hill knee from her husband's lotuore Maal
¢ Tananarive Feb.2l Radama II He grants freedom of worshiaa tl
Teo a Vs >) ~ Tle 144 + Tey fixe 7 > fe . ae 2 es ie 4
: eae) Tanan-~ Feb.fl RaHaniraka Acknowledges gifts é Let teria
arive vo Radama IT. |
| BD Tanan— Mar .3 RaHaniraka Speaks of a book about late Mma ll
: 9 re .a4 Sy pS are
arive Queen, which is very much ah
over-drawn,as ta her bad Meet
: cnearacter. a
D Meurit- NWar.5 Ellis. W. Writes to Dr. .Tidmen ebout Ht
2 Teta et * we Pr Shae Ese , A os ae i}
LUS @L2alTS in ladagascar gen-~ i 1 |
, * ne 5 Ses ee A ih ij
cz : erelly, Also & duplicate, a |
D Maurit- Api 4 Bilis .W. Re Mr Le Brun & his infiu- a
A u-
ius ence .Encloses one of his an
ss — letters to himnsel?, Pa
D Tanan= Apre2? Rahamiraka 4 welcome to Min. Hillis, te
ace =! ee ; a
arive date of new king's cozonn~ [an
tion. at
P § + r, Te Soc CF LF an, aye P. ~1 ~ % wT > al 1
D P.Lovis May Ellis... W. Offers Agency to Messrs cre |
eee aie ae se ney |
lend,Fraser & Co. [aia |
5 ‘ qt , mt ad 5 ‘ ae Re - poate {27 it
D Maurit~ Nay 3 lreland, Accept Agency for Mission |
5 xy ; 9 oon ian gets oy Es zs Ba }
ins . Fraser ¢& Co. in Weédcgasear. |
Te paca FS at emigre oe ee “ i . a BS ||
D P.Louis May 3 MeIrvine. Accommodation for mission— (ae
eras pce Cae ate . TR | |
Geo. aries coming from Sneland a
will be given at Sailor's ##ay))
Yoms at Port Louis ape |
: = : a = ats oe eS Wa A Ad, @ wi {
| D P.Louis May. Ellis .W Gratification of the Hove a
Bing and chiefs at the We
coming. of the missionaries Hae ||
2 ea |
and & ~3ctor.Great need Wi |
for educational and religion #i))
books. 3 a
it f ' }
i et |)
Wa |
ae in: ee
| :
a lit 4
abe ROX HO.6. | i
ae. Hl |
oe a
oe ' fF
A P.Louis May Ellis.W. Plans for recommencing is Hl
sion in Madarasear. Site wit
Lor Mertyrs' Jiemornsal Ce. me
eranted. Question of eo- 1
operation with others.(Also |
Guplieate of this.) Wt
A PeLouis . May 1’ Hilis.W. Finance. Rerorted death of
Ramboasalama. We |
A Tamatave May 50 Ellis.W. Speaks of his warm welcome [ii}))
to Jadeeascar. Ant |
A Tananarive July 2 Ellis. W. Journey to Capital. Sees thei)
B Tanan- duly 10 Ra Hanira- Personal affairs. Kine
arive ka Aa 1 | t
B Tanan- JULY of Blits.y, speaks of Royal interest, |)
arive also of financial business. i a
B P.Louis Auge 5 Toy Rbt. fhe value of Me, bliss in vA
Tananarive. Coronation of jill
King.Death of Ramboasalama. Hy}
B Tanan= Aug 12 Ra Hanira- Acknowledges some sifts to a
arive ka Radama I1,who welcomes nis~ iM
sionaries. : ae |
B Tanan- Aug.18 Hllis.W. Heec for more rapid aev7100-Ial
arive ment of Mission. Desiranle |i)
to cdoperate with apiscops- Wy}
lian Vission. i
B Tenan=- Augel8 Bishop of Appreciation of Mr.Ellis's (iM
: arive Vauritius kindness and work. til
B Tanan~ Aug.@ée Z1lis.W. On Bible revision. ae
arive i |
B Tanean- Auge@3 Ellis. W.>> On the enlightened reien of a
: arive Radama, II. Memorial sites (aMji)
readily granted. i
C Tanen- Aus.cO- Hillis. On supply of Seriptures ae
arive needed. Memorial Churches, |
C Tanan- Sep.8 Ellis. %. Surprised at anpointment of Hwa
arive(?) Mr.Pakenham as Consul - © :
not suitable. a
C Tanan~ Sep.ec5 Davidson. Speaks of inadequate medical im |
arive Dr of e Supplies. Hh
C. fanan- Sep.c6 Ellis.WÂ¥. Copy of & letter to the ee
arive Bishop of Mauritius. an
C Tanan- Sen,26 Ellis.W. “rites generally about work |
arive in Madagascar, its future, |
¢ Tanan-. Oct.i. Ellis.W. Radama'tii's Coronation. We
arive Progress of Mission. |
= <0 Tanan- Oct.6 sishop of Speaks of the value or |
arive Mauritius sionsry work in Madegascer. [7%)))
C Tanan- Qct.5 Bllis.W. Rehilainga desires English ane
arive education for son. sArsumen: |
against his proposed Leav- |
| ing the Island. P|
| C Tanan= Oct.6 Hillis .W. Wanting cloth for dTessGs a
| arive for poor women of Island. uh
| He ||
| D Tanan= Novel4 Hllis.W. Speaks °f the remarkable 1
arive spread of Christianity. a |
D Tanan- Nov.i5 @llis.W. On. the fartyr Memoria We
arive Chumenes, |
: D fonayn~ Wovee? Ellis. W. Christianity being preaenes a
arive in Ambohimanga. Death o7 ne
. Ra Heniraka, AH 1
| th)
~28< Bas, NO.S6. i
rormn no.z-(conra) | I
a eee ee ah
1864 | ay
Tae i
2 fananarive Nov.2o #llis.W Asks for sopies cf voecb- qi
ulary to be sent. ei
D Tananarive Dec.16 Ellis.W Satisfactory progress of a
Mission under Royal protect-/Il | ces
ion. i vi
D Nov- Journal On sncouragement of Carist- i
Dec. of W.Hllis ianity by Hadama TI. Hi
Signing of waglish Treaty. |]Ml
D A MSS.on "Religious Liverty in)
in Madagascar" i i
2 Tananarive 1862 Ellis.W Radama II's Coronation. We |
3 | 7 FOLDER NO.3. Ht
1.865 nen wae i
A Tenanarive Undated Jouen.Pere Narrative of @ voyage to |
Tananarive on occasion of ji)
Coronation of Radama II. Th
A Tananarive Feb.l15 EHllis.W Preliminary arrangements He
for building Memorial Chur~ /Mj) |
ches. a |
i Vananarive Feb.24 Ellis.W Death of Sir W.Stevenson Way
(Governor of Mauritius) .Re i
: . the builéing of Memorial WE
Churches. a
A fananarive Feb.c5 Eilis.W Lapse of Rahamraka to page -iil
jem and his death,but his (ie
gon was inclined to Chris.~ (a))|
janity.Fear of Church of al
England competition in the )))
~ gapital Educational books We
needed. a
: A Tananarive Mar.235 Cousins.W His opinion of Madagascar. |
State of Mission at Ampar- | |
; ibe. a |
A Tananarive Mar.25 Hllis.W Financial and business natt-|) |
ers Request for English We |
' military prints from the [
Kins. i |
A Tananarive Mar.26 Ellis.W French press attack on Mr. ji
: Ellis and Mr Davidson.Re ey
Radame.ts Coromation.Christ- (i)
ian teaching needed. 1)
A Tananarive Mar.28 ToyeRott King's interest in edicatio: I |
of girls.Erectio2 of new jy) |
: church. nt
A Tanonarive Mar.28 Parrett.J Preparations for setting up |
. printing press. a) |
A Tananacive Apr.l4 Pakenham. Reasonse for certain polit- A ae
M.C. feal @ivficulties. |
| A fananarive Alohotsy Unnamed Note in Malagasy. Hae |
| 28 | a
& fenanarive Apr.16 Hllis.W Progress of Memorial Church ~ aa
| es.Friction with British A
and French Consuls. |
| Lettes. from Livingstone. i
; A Tenanerive Maye4 Davidson. Tells uf week in fores’ He |
Ae collecting medicinal herbs. aj
: Character of Redeama II. We! |
A Tananarive May.5 Ellis .W Cameron's acceptance of a
ie We
Hl |
HO NY oe CONLG) i i
i muh |S
1.968 |
B fananarive May.5 Bllis.W offer to help build Memoria |My
(contd) Churches. fh | :
B Nananarive. May.14 Toy Robt Gives causes of the Revol- qi | ne
ution. Van |
B fananarive Mayel4 Eliis.W New Constitution signed by |)
Gueen and Nobles. me
B Tananarive May. 15 Ellis.W Tells of the Revolution. We
B Tananarive May.17 Ellis.W Gives summary of events. 7
B Tenanarive Jdun.5 Dutius:. Tells of journey to capital |)
John fook charge of Mission at [MMi
Analakely. Hl
8B Tananarive dun. d foyeRobt Revolution nad replaced i,
Radama IT by Queen Rasches- ||
ina.Re legislation. a
G Tananarive Jun. Ellis. W New Government and freedam ih
: of religious worshin.Prog- Mh (|
ress of Memorial Churches. |/Mi)|/
G Tananarive Jul.e BRllis.W Queen and freedom for nise~ Ty |
: ionary activities. Proposal i
) for 2 Bisher. i
G Tananarive Jule HlLis W Revolution prevented the He
presentation of gifts to a |
King sithough the Queen a
would receive hers.Careron? Jal
. arrival eagerly awaited so |My)
that the building of the [MM
Meneorial Shurches could ia
commenes .Need Lor alnanacks Il
G Tfananarive dul .e20 Hilis.W Progress of Memorial Churen4miayi|
ee es scheme. me
= 6 fananarive Jul.dl1 Ramanisexke Acknowledges books.
| | Le
G Tananarive Augel2 HLLiis.W Arrangements for new missiodMa |
arles Dispensary in operat— lat |}
| iou.French hostility over He
Lambert concession delay. |
CG Port Louls Aug.15 Cumeron.¢ Translated letters for |
Mauritius Govt:on Melagasy We
affairs.French and Lambert |i)
BOnCESS1O Nr. oe a
G Tananarive Alakasaty (A Mals- French and Lambert Cherter. Gai
6&7 gaog) |
G. Wananarive Aug.l4 Ellis.W Re murder of Radama and new I)
Government's policy. 1
G fananazive Aug.l9 Zllis.W Rumours of Padama being |
Ve. Hee |
CG Tananarive
z rens generosity for the |
: Memorial Church .at Farayvol- a
itpa.Details of the Churches)
and school buildings. . Han
Ha |
D Port Louis Sep.5 Kessler.J On his arrival from Sngland.IMll|
: a an
p Tananearive Sép 10 Hilis.W Radama alive and would proh-ii
ably re-ascend throne. a
D Tananarive Undated Geusine.W Conduct of Duffus. i I;
i i
. Tey
FOLDER NO.3. (contd) i |
vee i |
1893 i
f Mt} ‘
D Mananarive Sep.iS Duffus.J His decision vo leave the jill
Mission. Wi
D Amparibe Hep eld Duffus.J His decision to resign y ;
. and return to Englanc, i
D Tananarive Sep.14 Cousins.W His visit to outlying areacil! i
proved encouraging. A)
D Port Lowis sep.el’ Kessles. Re Radama's reported sur- |
Julius vival. ; H
y Tananesrive Sepelo Ellis.W Defends himself against a (|i |
charge by Directors. Wie I
D Port Louis. S6p.19 Pearse, His journey from fngland ME
Joseph and present novements. We |
D Tananarive Sep.c6 Hllis.W Fear of French hostilities. ||) |
Radama's survival report iH)
unfounded. I
D Port Louis Sep.29 Briggs.B Madagascar unscttled.He i |
remaining temporarily at a
Mauritius. HL
D Tananarive Oct.4 Stagg. Educational progress. Kl
aa elt
D Tananarive Oc5.0 Hillis oW Justifies his teports te [ite
Directors re Radama. i
D Port Louis Oct.5 Hartley. Had secured employment at We |
RG. Mauritius temporarily. ee |
D fananarive Oct .6 Hilis.W yvorry new missionarice ae
n 8 staying at Mauritius. LH
Lambert Charter and —
1.663 FOLDER NO.4. | il
A Tananarive Oct. Kessler.J Tells of his journey to ovo ll
Capital. Hae
A Tananarive Oct.9 Toy.Robt French attituds difficult, T
Re Mr Ellis and scheme of |My)
| Memorial Churches.the shar~|//7
acter of the Queen. Mi
a Tananarive Oct.9 Ellis.W Re occupation of Capital. jim
: Native Churches and lack of |ja)i~
principlie.French ang |
Malagash dispute. et
A Tananarive Oct.l0 Davidson. Sends a business note. ee
a (et
fe Tananarive Oct.135 Bl1is5.Â¥ Refutes certain charges i)
aga ust him. A
A Pananarive Oct .19 Cameron.d Refuses to work under Wr ay |
Sibree.Criticises plans i
for Memorial Churches. ~ jMMMil
A. Tananarive .Qci.29 Duffus.dJ Writes to say se has given |
up his post. ||
A Amparibe Oct.31 Duffus.J Letter of resignation. ie
A Tananarive NOVea Bllis.W Re sesignation of Duffus. |
A Tananarive Nove4d Pearse. . Tells of his journey to a
Joseph Capital. |
A Tananarive Nov.6 Sibree.J Approval of sites for she We) |
oe Memorial Churehes. i
HL |
B Tans narcive Nov.6 Cameron.d Tamatave should not be han- |!
iy ded over to L.M.S.Unsuit- [ia
ability for scheme of ienor- iy
lal Churches. Vi
| ee
ee "fF",
3 —
7 re
A : 2 it :
= : Hit a He
Feo Cora Hi
; cqsuccomtnirieeeies Seite ceomebaane eigen rec reeeeetet ne ne ) i| :
1803 ne
B Tananarive NoveS Davidson. Fever attacks new mission: |e
A aries.Dubious value of | :
Embassy to Europe. We
B fananarive Nov.é Ellis.W Details of o?ficers formin. My &
eT Melagash Embassy. a :
Condemnation of Lambert =
Charter. Hy:
B Tananarive Nove? Ellis .W Finaccial watters Diffloul il
des over erection of uew |i |
Cherches. CH
: B Tananarive Nove? Rassila- Tolls of advance of Christ-/
ingia lanity in Madagascar. i
B fananarive Nov.8 Toy Robt State of Mission.Return of |i)
Duffus.Impracticability or il |
Memorial scheme. I
B Taneanarive Nove? Parrett.J Re work cf printing press. |i)
: B Tenanarive Nove? Ellis .W Mr Fowles present received |i |
by the Queen.Forwaris Wi ||
photographs. a
EB Teananarive HWoved Ellis.W He dissociates himsel? ae tek
from Malagash Embassy. mae
B fananarive Nov.l0 Ratisetrana Introduction of officers
&Ce of the Jmbassy Hee
C Tananarive. Nov.el4 Kessler. Condemns Bllis's action i
Julius over reported survival of |)
RajamaeRe Duffus.Menorial i |
2 @Shurches ,«c. i i
C Tfananarive Nov.22 Cousins. Expresses regret at the ae
Weil. action of Duffus. ae
C. Tananarive Alaka- .Andrisn- Testimonial from deacons i
valo.22 bahiny.ée to Mr Duffus. ce
G Pamatave Wov.26 Duffus.J Re his expenses and his ie
return home. He:
rae ¢ Tananarive Nov.g? Kessler.J Discusses his difficulvies || |
in agreement with Bilis. j/#yy)|
| C Tananarive Nov.28 HEllis.W Re his trouble with Mr we |
: Kessler. ae
C Tananarive Nov.dQ Kessier.J dustifies his actions, aaa
$ a ita |i)
i dat te)
C -Dec.l Kessler. Re his dispute with Mr we
Julius Bllis and Rules of prop- [i
osed Buiiiing Committee. Hi |
Ps C Tananarive Dec.8 Stagg.¢.T.H. Speaks of lack of Hh
é informatica in Press on ll
VWadagescar aifairs. a
a Tananarive Dece9 Toy Rebt Re disnute with Hillis and a
reasons.Hopes Embassy |
will be successful. i)
| ‘il
D fananarive . Dec.9 Parrett.d Progress of printing press jj] |
Eeucational activities. We | details. te
D Tananarive Lec,9 Davidson. Forwards appeal for eai.calill |
A Missionary Hospital. a
D Tananarive Dec.9 Ellis.W Tells of satisfactory ae |
ress. Majunga suitable for a
Norwegian Wission. og
ir |
| 1
We if
! ~32- BOX No.6. |
i) =
FOLDEE NO.4. (contd) Hin
1863 y :
= i
: D Tananarive Dec.10 #llis.w Rumour of Radama's survival 1 =
prevented the revurn of Wa
Fowle's present.Shortage of ||) ei
tools prevents the progvess ji
of the Memorial Churen. aa
. Anxiety over French attitude ill
and Qysen's pagan inclinati~ |i
OS « ie
D Tananerive Decei2 Hllis-W Financial.Re Building Comm- i
ittee ,also Hospital pad Laing fl
D Tananavive Dec.-dl Eliis.W Three years Review of the (|i)
Mission. |
i |
| z 1H) |
Vik |
(qu iii
esa |
au 4
Se Pl
: mt
‘ are a
ae elt
: ag
Herat |
: Z Haan ani
. : i
| { Hy
! a |
: : a |
: A i
ae |
a |
: ae |
ee |
Ae |
: fa
= Ses ee SE ieee
i) &
“35 BOX NO.7. Ht)
fain a Se Hl) i
"1864 |
: A
A Tananarive Janel Cousins,W.eE. Wew chapel built.Charact (|
er of the Queen inspired |)
confidence Rumours o2 HI
‘Radama's survival 7ti31 |
appeared. Private business
" re marricge. Wh
A Tananarive dan.ed Pearse. Progress with language. |||
Joseph Describes Mission. a |
Completion of Memorial |
Ghurches far distant. bit
Wife to return through — ii)
ill-health. |
A Tansnarive Jane4 Davidson. ir Progress of hospital i,
building scheme. peful |i
future for the Misaion. |i
Lack of medicines. i
A fananarive Jdan.6 Ellis .W Need for identical Hi
instruction over church i ‘i
building.Uncertainty ei
: over French attitudes. Wi |
4. Mananarive Jane 6 Ellis. W Prime Minister's supply (ge)
of cheap timber for the (igi)
Memozal Churches. Meet |
: Financial business. re
A Port Louis Jane? Hartley.R.G, Desire te take up his i
work in Madagascar. ||
Financial business. Hy
A Tananarive Jauel9 $Rainimahuravo Acknowledges the gcod i
wishes of the Socisaty ia |
; ee to the »ueen on her ay
accession and guarantees |)
freedom of worship. |
A Tananarive Feb. Ellis.W Christianity still pro- jiig;)
gressing.Justifies his (fq)
reports home. Regrets ee
Cameron's refusal of co~ iy)
operation:Kessler was Ha |
prejudiced against him Th
and was provins difficul ji] |
to work with. Radama's a
survival was still repor ii
: ! ed. 3 i
A Tananarive Feb.l Kessler. Stagg was seriously Le
Julius Educational rrogress eee
a but now linguistical. Hg
State of the Church not |#m) |
Se : . entirely satisfactory. |)
Hopes that political |
interference by mission- jy)
aries may not prove 4 Hae |
: danger to the Mission. a |
A Tananarive Feb.2 Davidson.Dr Foundation stone of the |] |
hospital laid under a
royal patronage Urgent a
need justified immediate 7m)
bui “ding.Danger of polit-(ay|
: ical interference in the |
island by missionaries. A |
Condemnation of Redaue’e (ie I.
character but more nove |e
ful conditions at presenta | |
| 3 he
i) &
=54- BOX NO.7. He
. ee Vie
FCLDER NO.1.(contd} i _
Wek ff
LG ot | i |
A Tananarive Feber Sibree.J Building or one hemorinl i
Church had begun.Vetails,. Wy |
A Tananarive Feb.d Ellis.% First’Memorial Church becun a
Almanack completed.Stagsis i
health was sevious and srs |i
Perarse's.School-mistssss (fy
rather than master needea,. | )
B fananarive Feb-4 Cameron.d Forwards translation of let-)})
ter from David John stress- |i) |
ing financial hardship and (i
recommending Tamatave as a ji)
missionary centre.Condemns (jit)
Ellis's agreement with the |f
Bishop of Mauritius which (/@)))|
handed Tamatave over to the ||]
Church of Hngland. ae |
5 Tananarive Feb.5 Kessler. Death of Stagg.Abortive plo’ i
Julius against the Prime Minister. |i}
: Condemnation of Ellis's aa
political activities .Freneh jij)||
: offer of help during Stage' iia)
illness.Stagg's funeral. fee ||
Educational readjustment Mie)
ie followings Stage's deat. Hy ||
B Tenanarive Feb.15 Ellis.W Stagge's death and funeral. ee
Eaucational needs.Radana HP) i
II's land grant to the Kissa
; ion re-affirmed.Rumour oi |i)
Rafama'ts survival.Progress |) |
in duilding the Memorial |
’ Church at ambatonakanga. ia
Po Cameron engaged on other v
building activities. |
=o Tananerive Febd.26 Ellis.W Educational needs.Progress |i
of the printing press. |
: Labour obstacles in the way iq)
of completing the Churches. |)
; Disbelief in Radama'ts sur-~ a
vival.dnxiety re reported jai} |
sluve trade in the Pacific. i
B Tananarive Feb.27 Pearse.J Death of Stagg:had taken es
over nis educational work. |i
{ll-health of Mrs Pearse. j0)))
B Tananerive Feb.89 #Sibrec.J Shortaze of building matere |i Til
| ial hindered the progress ay |
of the churches. i
‘ =p Tananarive Feb.29 Davidson. Death of Stagg.Serious stately
; Dr of Mrs Pearse's health.Work iy)
on the hospital health vork
Christianity hangicaps the //i/| |
Sunday markets in the capit-|[// |
al.Radama's death now prover ||)
B Tananarive Mar el Eliis.W Shortage of building maver- a
| ials and labour.Unobtrusive |)
spread of Christianity. Fe |
Financial business. Wee |
B fananarive Mar.lO Kessler. Mrs Pe.rse's ill-health. a
Julius Dr Davidson and Mr Aitkin. i
Volunteered for educational iy
work in addition to his ee |
: missionary labours. i
ae |
é . ue |
| ry
1) &
ne |
~35= BOX NO.7, | &
FOLUNR WOd.(eonta) |
1864 ||
eS | ih
: : Ae |
B Tananarive Mar .50 Pearse.J Illness of Mrs Pearse We
necessitates return to Hi :
England. | Z
B Port Louis Apred Hartley. Rumour of Tor's death,Dr i |
RaGe Davidson's illness ana |
Radama's survived .Room for iii
missionary sctivity among ji
the Indian ccolies in if
Mauritius. He 4
B Tananarive Apres Ellis oW Iliness of Dr Davidson.
Proposed return of Mr ane i
Mrs Pearse. Details ef the |
progress of the Churches. {ff
Political conditicns in 9
Vie.d2,285 62,2» 1
G Tananarive Avr 4 foy.Robt Summary of proceedings for iff
last six months.Norveetlen i
missionaries recommended aa
to settle on the West ccasi.i
Preparations for the return | i
of the Pesrsets.Strong Gov- I)
ernyent rerression of Tie |
rumour cl Radanme’s escape. i
Unsatisfactory condition li
of the Malagasy Government. /MDi|
: Criticism of 8111s. - wen
G Gananarive
; Dr Tli~health. Hi
C Tananarive Apres Billis.W serious loses when Mrs Pearsci@
' departs.Need for extending i
the work of the Mission. ae
C Vananarive Apr .6 Sibree.J Work on ths Memorial Chorchiial
es held up by shortage of a
building material and lebouz
and Aitken'ts health.Cameron 9M)
S$ presence also a hindrence My]
Forwards a list of supplies Jal
C fananarive Apr.l9 Gousins. Recommencement of religious |
Wells persecution but deference vt
shown to the missionaries. 4
G Sananarive Apr.a?7 Sibrse.J Oncurecy of Gemeron. Progress iam)
of the Menorial. Churches. a
G Tananarive Apr .28 Bilis. W Dispute with Toy over finangiy
ial matters.Forwarded to a
: Cameron the Diresctors'views —iaiy
of his duty towards Sibrss. ey)
: Dispute with the Govt.over a
the title of the land for | |
the Memorial Churches.Camer-m
on’s attitude prevented |
Ellis's return. Financial ae
dealings with the Malazesy (ai
Prime Minister.Enclosing let
ter from J.Cameron,dated Apri
27.1864, justifying his attivmils
ude.(bjLetter from Ellis, |
dated Sananarive ,Anr.25,i1964 qi
stating the Dirsetors views Ml
(e}letter from Hllis,dated ie i
fananarive ,Apr.30.1364.renl 7am
ing to Cameron's letter. 7
| Vat
SS ge ee aoe
be hea
“56 BOX NO.7. | ee
| ||) a
FOLDER NO.1. (conta) i
ese atria rae re wee egeweT ceuneeremrceniret Scomacaran’ sien panda aianeececemenalas Hi i 2 ee
1864 |
ae i) e
G Tananarive Apr.28 Ellis.W Business dealines.Dr Seatvedll :
an adherent to Cameron's I :
Cause. wt ae
. “iG Tananecive Apr-30 Cameron. Reviews his past services to Hl) :
: d the Mission and demands i
justice. i
C Tananarive MAY. é Ellis.W dJustifies his attitude touar-fil
ds Cameron.His influence witli
the Govt.was, beneficial to We |
: the Mission but extreme errs |
was necessary in prblishiug 7
news from Madagascar. Hopeful
. outlook for the Mission. iI
Deprecates the Directors'cen-j
. sure of himself.Resume of thell |
Cameron controversy.lirs Pear-| |
se seriously il1.Question cf |
unmarried missionaries in the}
island. Serious destructive Hi
fire. ‘i |
C Mauritius Mayo Briggs.B On the eve of the departure i i
, : for Madagascat Reference vo lh |
) recent har.penings to the ae |
; Madagascar Mission. el
| C Port Louis May 4 Hartley. Financial arrangements - |
; ReGe ' |
sa |
D Vanenarive May.5 Cousins. Proposea return home for | |
WH. marriage. a
: D Tananarive Lay ele Ellis.W Departure of Aitkin.Encloses al
letter from Aitkin announcinz |
b his departure. ih
D Tananarive May.l13 Hllis.W Departure of Aitkin.The Cam- 7)
| eron-Sibree dispute.Criticisa]] |
of Kessler.Question of hospi gid)
: al expenses.Gratification at 77
the Embassy's reception in (7 |
\ England.Extension of mission-7 ||
ary activity.Enclosing lettex|l| |
s to and from Cameron. wi
D. - Tamatave May.24 Kessler. Death and funeral of Mrs Peaxgiy)||
Jw.ius se.Approsching departure of jl
Aitiein, a
D Tamatare May. a6 Pearse.d Deatu of Mrs Pearse Return ec
Wananarive . a
| D fTananarive May.26 Cousins. Preparations for his Brothers 7)
Webbe arrival will pospone his own i
| ; departure. aa
D Tananarive May.2@ Cameron. Justifies his refusal wo act 7 |
J in a subordinate capacity anal),
! requests compensation.Copy of) |
| -« @orrespondence with Ellis. at
D Tananarive May.3l Davidson. Glorifies the work of medic-]j]i)))
Dr al missionaries.Progress of jy)
the hospital and need for aE
} . medical assistance.Deatn of (ay)
Mrs Pearse.Champions Cameron") |
S Cause. a
nae es|
vee |
eae mn aaa nee
)) @
oe BOX NOT. | &
FOLDER 110.2. |)
“ i
A Tananarive eunel Sibree.d Details of the buisdine of Wi
the Churcnues.CGondemns camer [ill
on's attitude.Departure ct i
Aitkin was a serious handi call :
A Tananarive JUBeS Toy Robt Juséifies his action in ves- [| :
enting the assumption of HI
superiority by Bilis.
A Tananarive dun.2@ Ellis.W Death of Mrs jee
of Kessler anc Cemeron vas |
unsatisfactory. Malagasy Emb-|(i) |
assy well received in Englan
z Personal ill-health. i
A Tananarive JunelO Ellis.W Inereased native contribut-
ions towards missionary cxp-|
enses.Not aavisable to re- §
build at Tamatave.Indiffer- j]/
ence geners.lly of the missici ||
- naries to the Memorial Chur-jj]
GhES o I
A fananarive Jun.lO Hllis.W Arrangement with the Bishcp |] ||
of Mauritius prevented greatli)) ||
: aetivity in Tamatave where |]) ||
the natives could furnish ff
their own capenses Dest ruct~|) HI
ion of the churen at Aupam- I Hi
aringns.Migstonary disappro-|) |)
val of Memorial Churches. f)/)/|
Cameron's attitude was prev-iia))||
enting the completion of tha#
Chvyreh. uy
| 4, Tananarive Jun.20 Kessler.J Returr to the capital. He |
-- Binencial Susiness. He
oe A fananarive dun. 23 Ellis.W Return of and arrival of ih
missionaries.Arguments agai)
: st building a Tam]
atave. Question of a building)
committse Native appeal to
rebuild the church at Ampar-j]) ||
: arinana.Hova Prime Minister 7)
; gratified at the reception 7]
of tha Embassy in London. ||) |
Increasingly pagan attituce 97)!
of tle Queen and fear of eat
. Christias persecutions. en
Suitability of the Betsileo (Wi)
‘country for extension of we
: missionary activity.Need coum |
; Bibles.The Cameron-Sibres ae
: controversy, Various exeios~ ili!
' ures. ae |
| A Tenanarive Jdun.26 Hllis.W Pressing need for school- |
master and mistress follow- Wy)
ing Stagg's death.Gratific- |) |
atioh at the treatment of Gy)
the Malagasy Embassy. Questiqi]) |
of native pecuniary supp- ne
ort for preachers and schoo.) |
| 1s.Inavpendent attitude of jy) |
Dr Davidson towards the prow)
posed hospital. My
4 Amparibe Jan.30 Cousins. una of the Mission Commiticdyy |
Welle i
’ Heal) ||
, eu |
~38- BOL NO... i
Bite Reh Wey
FOLDER N2.2.(conta) li Ly
1064 . ! &E
A Tananarive JuneSu TeyeRobt. Dissolution cf the Mission Wh |
Committee Denies attempting al |
to overthrow Ellis although | i
he criticised sis political | Hl oe
actions.Slow puogress of Miss~ qi
jon.queen dislikes but toler:
oie eases Christianity Ancrtive |
plot te overthrow the Govern- | l
: ment and growing unpopulsrity | !
of the Prime Minister. © |
A Tananarive Jun.30 Hartley. herival at the Capital. } |
Reve ba
A Tananarive Jun.30 Davidson. Financial Difficulties *e tran
Dr ining nurses.Growing antagon-
ism to Prime Minister not tl
likely to prejudice the miss~ | i
jonaries 'cause . ea
B Tananarive Jun.30 Kessler.d Educational matters. a)
+ 4h
B Tananarive dun.dO0 Sibree.J Progress of the Ambatonakange. | ji) |]
Memorial Church. Fill
B Tananarive Jun.30 Briggs.B Journey to the Caritai. Ea
: Hn
B Tananarive Julel Pearse.d Financi.l. rae |
B Tananarive Avgel Ellis.W ature of Mission at Tanatove |
Qameron's influence on rearss i
sud Lis future. Dr Davidson's @ |
propusai to TeMmove to Analak- Hh
ely Society of Friends'willin- Walt
a gness to send out teaching iF
Mission distasteful to Pearse #
and Kessler on doctrinal i
grounds Prime Winister replac- |)
: ead by his prother.Proposea tel!
journey to the Rotsileo eoun- | |
: | try. | |
B Tananarive Aug. Sibree.d Reseuts the impression of worn? ||
king in @ subordinate capaciti|
to an architect in England. an
Removal of Prime Minister ch
meant edditional building mathe
erial. aii}
0 Tananarive Augel Davidson. Promise of efficial support ni
Dr .+=s for =the hospital. a
B Tananarive Aug.8 Ellis.W Malagasy Government's anxiety
: over delay or their Ambassad-]j7/]
ors in Bugland. Educational |
needs. nats |
B Tananarive Auge8 Davidson. Order for supplies. a
Di ag
B Tananarive Augeé Ellis .W Necessity for Limiting medic) )
al expenditure.Delay in the Haan
Betsileo expedition until thai
arrival -~f Cousins Recommendail
the Friends'feaching Mission}
Death of Father Joseph Webbe)
B Mananarive Augel® Kessler.J Justifies independent att: %- ql]
ude and gives evidence of nie) -
exactitude.Copy letter tc Lh
J Sibrec. a
' ey
| “eS 30X_NO.7. i
: FOLDER NO .2. (contd) Hit
1.864 : il)
C Tananarire Aug. #4 Kescier.g Renort on educational and Hh)
church matters. Hi :
C fananarive Aug.2? Pearse.d Ili-hsalth curtails activit-|]j} :
jes.Deprecates missionary th e
political activity and fearsh
veligious persecution.Preo- |
esed building at Analakely. HI
C Tananarive Augeeo Briggs.B Opening of church at Ampam- |}
C Tenanerive Aug.d0 Ellis.W Future of Aitkin whose dep- |
arture handicapped complet~ |
ion of chuvches.Proposal to i
build new church at Analak-
ely Denied working for Kesa-]]
ler's recall. .fransference off
Briggs to a new station. ae
Proposed visit to Betsileo ff
country discouraged offic- |)
daliy on ground of danger. (iii)
Arrival of the Cousins. ti
C Tananarive Aug.51 Sibree.J Shortage of labour as well i l|
as of materiels prevented Hi Pane
completion ot Church. Hei |
G Tanauarive Aug.5. Davidson Justifies his advice to Mrs Way
Dr Pearse and claims profess-~ Wey
fonal privilege. ||
CG fananarive Aug.dl Ellis.W Letails of Mrs Pearss's at
death. Hiducationas needs. Post) |||
; ponement of visit to Betsil-|}
eo couutry.Return of Malag- #77)
asy ambassadors anxiously ih
. awaited. a ||
: G Anparibe Aug.Sl Cousins.G Journey to Tananarive. |
C : Education in Madagascar. |
C South Austr- Sep.20 Bakar.E Propesal for sale of copy- (ay)
alia right of a Malagasy-Englisn |]
Dictionary. th
C Amnaribs sepee? Cousins. Proposed return to England. a
| WeBe ne) ||
: Na Fil
Dv Tananarive sepeco Ellis.W Return of W.E.UCousins Attit~-)))
ude of Yameron.Private char- |) |)
acter of new Prime Minister. @))
Regrets aecisiou to build | |
| ; church at Tamatave.Arrivalof |i) ||
of S.P.G. missionaries with |)
| the Hova Envoys.Financiel. fy)
Proposed improvement of ure
| pean cemetery.Slightnbut ste)
, ady progress of Christianity)!
' Enelosing letters exchanged [j)){
between Hartley and Ellis. jy)
' . yegarding house. i
D Tansvarive Sep.2? Hartley. Personal diary since arrival 7)
R e G ° ih j
D Tananarive Sep.ea? Sibree.d Difficuities in way of com- ji))
| pleting Memorial Churches. jy)
Hnoloses printed appeal for fy
the European cemetery. ie i
“SEES ON ee Oe ee oe
cool apes ee ee — ———
| ~40= ROX No.7 :
FOLDER NO.2.(contc) |iily
L864 |
Tae |
fini |. al
D Tanauarlys sep.s7 Pearse.J Requires the remeval of the Hl
implied censure on the eround Hill :
of unnecessary expense. Hy
He Tananarive Sep.28 Ellie.W Inereasing paganism of the i B
Govt.But Christianity spread- Hill) || ;
Lag among peopl: .vesgler |
hinting at his return. Wa
n Tananarive Get.24 Hartley. Financiel concerns of the new ji)!
R.G. chapel .uritisism of Kessler's Wwe
policy in building the Memor- |i)’ ||
jal Churches. |
D Rose Hill Oct.238 Hillis. laterest of ths Society of
LaypzdpaN Mrs.Sereh Friends in Madagascar. |
Forwards a snaracter sketch i]
of the new Malagasy Prime Hi
Minister. Hh
D Tananarive Oct.28 Ellis.W More conciliatory attitude of |
Cameron.Criticism of Kessier. |]
General advice about missiocn- |i
ary journeys.FPinancial .Fropos-|j|
ed additional medical help Fert
from the Edinburgh Society. [iy
Progress of the hospitaz. Hist |
Problem of the appointment of Wal ))
- @ freasurer when he had Lert. #7)
Change of Govt.mainly advan- jy) |)
tageous to tne Mission.Govt. 73/7)
prepared to pay reasonabic i
| compensation to Lambert. if |
| : a FOLDER NO.35. Hi |
A Tananarive Oct.3l1 Ellis.W Improved conduct of Kessler. |
Excessive demands of Mr and if
Mrs Hartley. i
A Tananarive Oct.31 Sibree.J Cooperation of Cameron now tt
likely.Insecurity of the tit- [y)
; les to the land for the Memoxr-W |
: ial Churches.One site of quesijl||! |
Tonable value. | |
A Tananarive Oct.31 Davidson. Progress of hospital and a
Dr mission.Encloses Cameron's me
report on vrogress of hospital
and photograph of building. ti
A Tanararive Nov.26 Pearse.J Review of past year. He
A Tananarive Nov.50 Hllis.W Cameron's cooperation in the Hh |
; . Memorial Churches assured, Ha |
Criticism of one site.ceaty Fai)
| with England secured protect~ 1/7/71)
) ion for the missionaries. i |
Enelcsing financial statement fy)
| - of Kessler's journev,also let-]iRi
| ters to and from Cameron re [aii
lLatters cooperation with a
Sibree. |
A Tanenarive Nev.sO Ellis.W Conditions at Tematave.Fear of | |
| religious persecution not i |
| smmediate.Preliminaries to Ha
Signing of Treatynwith Inclanciiy)
Review of educational activit~] |
ies.Froblem of new Treasuxer. |i
unt ees sssrunrasuinen on mest ee <<
iM i} :
“ake BOX NC .â€. 1) &
FOLDER NO.S.{conta' MM
| £864 i
A fananarive Nov.00 Kesslar.d Required an official state |
ment as to his future. Hl :
A fanauarive Dec.l Sibree.J Progress of the first Memor- |i}
tal Church. We
A Tanararive bee.d wllis.W Re Queen's gift of, piece of
: ground anc members consequcnt |]
wish to build on it. i :
E Tananarive Dec.28 Davidson. Business matters.
Dr |
B Tananars ve Dece29 Hartley. Resents Directors'reprimand
ReGe over allegec extravagance.
3 Tananarive Deo.50 Toy.Robt Helpea to frame Treaty with ||
es Ergland favourable te Mission,
Imprevement in political situ:
ation. Rearrangement of church-j]
‘@8 advisable ,and extra educet-l
jonal activity.
& Tananarive Nec.5O0 Briggs.B Review of personal activities.|)
Business matters.
B fananarive Dac.50 Sibree.J Defends his professional stan-)|/) ||
ding.Modification in the Mem- 17)/|
orial Church.Enslosing copy off
: ietter to Messrs.Heabershor ancyay)
Pile.Declines to use plans rou
Memcorigi Chureh. ee
B Tenanarive Nsc.d1 Ellis.W Financial details of ths con- @
struction of the Kespival. ie |
B fananarive Dec.dl Hllis.W Kessler's determination to rev
= urn to Exglend.Cameron récomn-@
ended changing site ef ene i
Memorial CGhurch.Friendliness |) 7 ||
of the Prime Minister.Disoutesiay||
. with Hartley.Johngs joined $.P.i)
G. at Tamatave Sibree's profe-i
ssional pride. Educational mate
ers.Dr Davidson resents Bllis'#),
check on exvenditure.Financia lial —
business of hospital .Encloses
Building estimates for hogspit-]iy
— gal and statistics of Mission (i)!
Churches. Me
5 Tananarive 036e31 kassler.d Defence against the charge of |)!
extravagaice eae
1865 FOLDER NG.4. a
A fananarive Ellis.W Cameron now actively engaged |) |
upon the Mission Churches .ed iy)
to difficulty over the appoint
ment of Poola,Modification in |) |
. the building of the Churches, [iy
' Hneloses letter from Cameron mae
to Ellis urging the completion#iiy)
of the hosyital.Also latter Pe
from Davidsor to Ellis diseclai iia
ing any privates claim to the a
hospital, |
A fananarive dan.31 Sibree.J Modification in the Memor..11 jy)
Giursh at Cameron's suggestion iim h
A, fananarive Feb.22 Ellis.W Weed for school-master.Prograstmn |
me of first Memorial Ghurch makes
: Pool's appointment redundant. a] |
oS cece pee
. ~_— He
: it
| ie
~42- BOX NO.7. ie
| ! FOLDER wO.4.{eorta) |
a Hie oe
A Tananarive Febee2z Lilis.W Quiet political sitcation. Inv--[ll|
(contd) ites instructions re newly april :
ginted school-mistresses.Pro- i :
posed visit to vhe Batsileo Ha e
country with Toy. Banishrent off]
the late Prime Minister und {fi
his alleged accomplices from ii
the Capital.Resignation of the}
pastors misinforming Ellis of }/f) |
Radamea’s survival. ti
A Amparibe Mar.2 Covsins.G Review of personal activities}
Since his arrival. I
“ee Port Louis Mar.†Irvine. Journey from Sydney. Hil
| Margaret I
A fananarive Mar.e25 Ellis.W Collision between the mission-])
aries and native military et]
A Taneanarive Mar.27 Cameron. Personal account of the collis)
d ion between the missionaries
and military authorities. i
A On Board the 1865 FooleW The outward voyage. He
t Mutlah " va
ek Tenanarive Mar.30 Ellis.W Commencement cf second Memor-~ }))) |)
dal Church desayea. Arrange men-|iai||
. ts made for the senool mistres||—) |'
ses and Pool.Correspondsnes ee
with Kessler re his recall. nae
Advive to Dr Davidson re ar :
additional medical man.foy to |}
| act asi temporary Treasurer. [7 |
No obvicus si2n of Queen's aati
digapproval.Cameron's assigst- |
xe ance in building the queen's (fi)
house would secure additional |
building material for the Missy)
ion.Inereass in Catholic activi
. ities. Te
5 fananarive Mar.30 Sibres.J Desires delimitation of Pool's |) |
| authority.Question of title tcj|)) |
the sites of the Memorial Ha Wt
Churches. .Kesslei'*s intention (77)
of attacking Ellis's reputat— Gai
Jon on his return, nt
B Tananarive Toy.Robt Rumour of e>.--Prime Minister‘s (aj)
bid to return to office.His i
exile robbed mission of friend] |)
| | Critical nosivion of missions qj)!
| in country largely due to in- |)
: judicious missionary pehaviour |) ||
Needless extravagance of Hart~ ///)|
ley's request.Hllis's proposed) @iay)|
| visit to the Betsileo country, |)))
B fananarive Mar.3l1 Sibree.J Unnecessary appointment of ae
| Pool .No real insecurity to the gig)
tities o. the land for the Ho
| Memorial Churches.Alieged miss/[j]])}
| jonary assault on the native |iiy!
| guards. ae
B fananarive Apr.l Ellis.W Hducational arrangements. |
- Desires definite arrangement = F
‘for his replacement. — Wie
ae RDN pa Oe ee
= Hi Ht Py :
yy Es
I . | |
| |)
\ a4 3 BOX No fi †S | } ! es
FOLDER "0.4, (conta) | |
1865 ij |
cenenaentome + BHT |
B Tananarive Apree@ Ellis.W Financial.Cameron engaged on Hi 2:
Queen's house.Part payment infil!) es
materials for mission buiidindim| :
Kessier's return.Govt.bucomini
= more anti-christian.Royal in- fl
vitaticu at tie "foundation "IIHF
stone laying.sSibree inconsist
ent towards Cameron.Governmen’||
el opposition to his journey |
to tos Betsileo.Enclosing let
ter from Cameron re mission- |
ee aries visit to Palace. |
B Tananarive Apr.2d Ellis.W Return of Kessler and arrange;
ments for his own return,
Christianity spreading in. rem |
eo ote areas. a
B Tananarive Mayet Sibree.J Defends his professional sta-
: tus.Shortage of labour preven |)
ts the completion of the Chu- |
' rehes. |
B Tananarive May.2+ Pearse.J Defends himself against the [|
chargs of exvuravagance Person
| al missionury activities. bl
| B On Board the May.29 Pool.W Outward journey, Fe veal
B Tenanarive Maye29 Hartley. Review of past year.Hova ant- |
RG» ipathy to land holding pv
: : foreigners.Reappearance of th |
| dancing mania. |
| C Tananarive May.31 Toy.Robt Hostility of the British Con-|/
gsul.No ownership of land by j#aini|
foreigners. Growing hostility |
to christianity end foreigneriy
aes Rearrangements necessitated, | |
: by Kessler's return. Vy
i C Tananarive cUned Ellis.W Had determined to postpone Ht]
departura owing to great un- 797) /|
certainty prevailing in the |
| island. Wa
G Mauritius Jun.l? Pool. Difficulty re cites.Norwesien i
| missionary in madagascar. Ghu- |7/))
| rch of England contemplating jy)
: wreaking their pact wivh |
tle. Hi
| C Mauritius dun.24 Pool.W Public interest in missionary |) |
. disagreement in Madagasva. ae
| SS Oppositicn of Wilkinson to (777)
missionaries.Enclesing eutt- jl)
| ings from the Port Louis at
Commercial Gazette, ae
| C Tananarive Jun.e30 Toy.Robt Agrees to act in placs of cy
| Ellis.Satisfaction over the jf)
English Treaty apart from the Wii)
: : question of sites. |
| CG fananarive JULeL Ellis.W Return wt England.Consul Pak- hi !
| enham absolved himselr from j7)) |)
responsibility regarding the jai)
| unsatisfactory clauses in the #MRy).
English Treaty relating to thaiigi
Churches. .Attempt to secure Tl
|) &
| “— BOX NO .7.s |
| FOLDER NO4(contd) | a
1865 i
C Vanadarl ve Jul-L Ellis.W more securit; for the Miss ior. Jill
(contd) He es
G fananarive Jdul.2 Ellis.W Declaration of the Government ||| e
of Madagascar respectin>s the |iilll) es
Memorial Churches.
C Cape Town Jus.26 Cousins. Outward journey.
Wei. He
o Tananarive Jule2? Pool.wW Journey to the Capital wher hej}
occupiea an invidious positio:
Desires instcuctions strictly |
| defining his duties. Hi
C Tananarive Jul.oSlL Milne. Avrival at the Sapival . Hi
| C Tananarive Jul.e31 Sibree.J Signing of the English Treety |
left the way open for the
| commencement of tne other chu-
rehes.Pool's unwillingness to
work under Camcron.Had commen:
ced to preach. ‘ |
C Tananarive Jul.31 Toy.Robt Financial.Ellis's success in
| regard to the question of site|) ||
| Government insecure. S3
Replacement of the Ghriscvian
Governor of Fianarantsoa.
D Imarivol~ Jul.3L Parrett. Progress of the printing pres: i
anitra J and school.
D Tananacive bugel Davidson Opening c® the hospital. i |
D Tananarive Auge d Toy.Robt Directors'censure of the miss] |
donaries clash with natives ea
| : guards. Malagasy agreement to
| pay compensation for the lost
Lambert Concession.Progress |
| D fananarive Aug.31 Pool.W Invited to recoustruct the la!
country house of the Chief |
Secretary of State.
D Ambatona~ Aug.31 Cousins.G Review of past year.Payment |)
| kanga of compensation for the Lam- ai |
pert concessica. Ha
D Port Louis Cousins. Forwards lettex from Valagasy i
We. Christians sulogising the Hh
| work 01 Parrett. aa
= D Tarnsnazive Sen.29 Pool.W Commencement of second Meuwor= |1))))
| fal Church. ed
| D Tananarive Sep.29 Cameron. Future activities depended on | |
J his re-cngagemernt Malagasy ay
| Government's willingness to Aan}
| welcome French Protestant Mis-)))) |
| sionaries. |
| D Tananarive Sep.30 Hartley. Grieved at the reprimand of |
| RG. the Directors'for his condust quia
| towards the native guards and ma)
| Pakenham,for which he hag a
already apologised. Hi
| : SD Tananarive Sep.30 Sibree.J Defence of his action in the i
| : alleged assault of the native qi}
| suards. He
| D Tanane vive Oct.l Sibree.J Arrangements completed for Be
| commencing the second Memoria igi, |
Church.Enelosing tracing show-#
— ie
a wn Gh, Eom BOX NO.7, | Be
| contaienuaentaiten nie tae | | i| ies ef
. FOLDER NO,4. (contd) in
1865 Hd
Pe Hi
D vananarive vUct.i Sibree.J the size of the respective Wi eo
(contd) places of worship in Macagasc-lll |
al. Vi ie
0 Tananarive Oct.J. Hartley. Wiches to know the results of Hi
ReGe the Directors deliberations
and the refereness to his |
conduct’ made by Pakenham. er
DU Port Touis Oct.2 Cousins. The outward journey.
Wak. |
D Tananarive Oct.e Toy.Robt Statement in conjunction with
Messrs.Davidson ,Bri +28 ,Pea. se J]
Parrett and Cousins(¢) in |
defence of Hartley and Sibreée.
D Tananarive Oct.30 Cousins. Journey to the Capital.
Wee Financial.
D Tananarive Oct.30 Pool.W Arrangements for the second
Memorial Church.Increase in
the congregation since Kesslezii))))
left. Earthquake shocks.
D Tananarive Oct.d1 Toy-Robt Financial.Return of Cousins.
Increasing prezress of Mission]
Arrival of che school-mistressiiii)|
; e3 at Tamatave. Na
D Tananarive Nov.6 Toy.Robt Financial.Unjustified acsusat-]}/))))
: ion by Pakenham against Dr
Davidson.Dispute of the Missialla ||
| with Catholic priests. n ail
| |
| E Imaromby Noved Pearse.dJ Notification of his marriage. | ae
| E Tananarive Novee8 Pool.W Dispute with a Roman Catholic @ |
| : priest prevented work at the |
quarry.Progress on second Chu-||
| reh held un. oe
Ez Tananarive Wov.28 Davidson. Copy of his explanation to thei
Dr Secretary of State for Foreigni))|
Affairs(Harl Russelljof the |
charges brought against him bye)
Pakenham.Attack on Pakenuam. gi)
| Also copy of his correspond- ji
ence wiith the Malagasy Prine ji)
Minisver re the Xavier case. ata
gE Tanauarive Nov,.30 Perrett.J Marriage wili not prevent his He
wife's educational labours... i
E Tananarive Nov.30 Pearse.J Marriage necessitates journey 7)
to Tamatave.Completion of new I)
cuhurch.Enelosing letters from qi)
Pakenham re this matter. aa
E Amparibe Nov.d0 Cousins. Statistics of the Church at i
WE. Amparibe, fe |
| E Tananarive Nov.50 Toy.Robt Need for schoolmaster.No devel
| opment of dispute with French ji)
over guarry.Dr Davidson and piv
the Xavier case.Press recuses |]|)/||
an advertising zommission frou iy |
| the Malagasy Government.Open~ jai)
| ang of Pearse'ts new chapel, Hay)
| Progress of the Church at Mel
Ambohipotsy. ie
(ier : ;
,) &
| =46~ BOX No.7. )
FOLDE: NO.4.(conta) |) i
1865 | @
i Tananarive Dec... Sibres.J Progress of the Memorial a | |
rehes, Hin os
H Tananarive Dec.30 Pooi.W Progres3 of the second Nemor- If j
dal Church and general inissio:)|||| as
ee ary activity. i :
B Amparibe Dec.50 Cousins. Christianity firmly establish-|/))
ec in the isiand.Review of thalin |;
ee missionary position, re
| 1866 FOLDER NO.5.. He
A Tananarive Janel Briggs.B Review of past year.Very fav- |||) |
ouranle position of Mission. |
A Tananarive Janel Toy. Robt Half-yearly statement of Ace-
ounts. Prosperous sondition of |) ||
a the Mission.
: A fananarive Janecd Pool.W Progress of the Church at Anm- |
bohipotsy.Prevarations for i |
commencing new churches.Repor-||| i
ted governmental opposition tc) |
ae church building.Hducational || | |
A Tananarive Feb.10 Pool.W Regrets the Directors! decis- jij)
ion concerning Farovohitra andi!
his hendicap at Ambohipotsy. |) |
A Tananarive PebelS Pearse.J Requests permission for build-| |
ing a larger house. eh
| A Tananarive: Feb.l4 Toy.Robt Financial.Review of personal i
, activitios.Dstermination to ral
: send native preachers to the jy
Betsileo country.General pre- |
egress of the mission.Payment |i)
of compensation for the Lam- ||
bert concession.Issue oF a i
Missionary Magazine. a
, A Taneanarive Feb.15 Sibree.J Progress of the Memorial Chu- 97)
rehes. :
A Bloomfield St. i
Finsbury Feb.2?. Tidman.Dr Time not ripe for S.P.G. ~~ 4
missionaries at the capitel. j]//))))
Enclosure:dratt of the letter (i)
and undesirabilisy of extend- ve
ing Sibree's stay in Madagas- al
Cal Ha |
A fananarive WMar-ll Harvley. Relief at xon-recull.Greatly ||| |
R.Ge increased congregation needs Hl
: new church.Review of the iss-al
ion at Andohalo ad
a Tansnarive Mare13S Pool.W Handicans to the progress o2 i ‘|
the building operations at pe
. Ambatanakanga. We]
A Cananarive Mar.13 Sibree.J Gratified at less esnsoricus a
tone of Directors! over the ee
assault uron the native guards]
Architectural business. Hae
A. Tananarive Mar.13 foy.Robt Financial .New regulations sat— qe
isfactory for missionaries. He |
Extension of missionary a:tiv-]y)
ity. Progress of the Church at Wig),
: Ambohipotsy. ie
| | iP
he | Pd
| “a2 BOX NO.†wey |
| earner |)
FOLDER 110.5. (cortd) ee
L866 | 1
=, any |
| ae i
B TananaLrive Mar.,ci CGemeron. Prime Minister's services in ll
J securing the site a. PFaravo- i .
hitra.New chapels built,one 1h) :
upon = site: given by the Cnueeni|
Apprebation of the suggestion | ;
for French Protestant Mission-ff
aries ani of the escablishmeni||
of an caucatioudgl Missionary |
Sees Institute at Cape Town.Ruman ||
Catholic preparations for ithe ||
ecavession of Madagascar. |
B London Apr.Z5 Ellis.W Letters to J.Cameron and J.Siviiii)
ree.Desire of Directors'ta see}
plans before the buildings
were commnenced.Willingnsss to |
| extend the period of enguse- | |
ment till the Church at Faray-~ |
: ohitra was finished.More sim |
| ple design urged for the Mem-
| orial Churches. Te
} B London | Apr.26 Tidman. Protest against the proposal ||) )//)
| Dr of the send mission-~ | |
| aries to Tanauarive.
B Pfananarvi ve Apreé8 Pool.W Disappointing progress made sil Ii
building.Great need for missiclii |
nary activity. He el
B Tenanarive Apr.50 Toy.Robt Financlal.Intention to carry |]
: into practice Hllis*s intended)
visit to the Betsileo country.
Progress of the Roman Cathoiiq)
| Critical etats of Mrs Pool's sig
ae health. aa
B Tanénarive May.16 Toy. Robt Financial.Proposed establish- i)
| ment of Church of England il
missionaries at the capital. fi
B Tananarive May.29 Hartley. Educational and missionary fan
R.G. activity.Church statistics. iii)
Increasing governmental iutol-]
erance geen. |
| B fanansrive May.ed0 Pool.w Prograss of the Chureh at An- 7 |
bohipotsy.Serious illness of [|||]
Mrs Pool.Governnental uneasin- |) 4}
BES. aa
B Tananarive May. 31 Toy.Robt Malagash Governmental attitude al
| led to the postponement of hig)
: journey to *ianarantsoa which qi]
had suffered a serious fire. i
: Queen's reaction in favour of 7)
heathenism.Roman Catholic dita)
iculties with the Government. 47 |
B Tananarive dunelL Sibree.J Progress of the Churches. hell
= |
B Tananarive June? Sibree.J Justifies his plans for the } a
Memorial Churches. Va
o Tananarive June td Pools Does not fear governnental nog |
tility to completing the Chu- qa]
reh.Progresa of the Churches. Wi!
Tnterference with building, of i L
French Clurches.Reversion to Wai)â€
heathen practises by the Queem
Me? gukes's future sphere. i |
1 ie
1) g
) | i of
1H i ee
| : FOLDES NO.5.(conte) || i
1866 il)
peo? i
CG Tananarive dunel4 Poyenobt Finencicl .Government interfer-|[lil| i
ence with missionary activit- |l/Ml zs
ies walikely for time being UT
: so the Memorial Churches she- |i)
ae wld be completed raridly. Caan 4
C Tananarive Jun.z22 Cousins.W.d. Report on Amparibe and |
s surrounding villages.Rumours |i!)
of governmenval anti-christia;| 7)
intentions.Il!ness of Mrs He a
Cousins. Het
C Tananartve dunedO0 Pool.W Delay in the completion of th:
Memorial Churches.Ratificatio:)
: of the English Treaty.Comparis|
ons cf the dispositions of the
English and Freneh Consuls.
' Preparations for Hartley's
a... Church.
C Tananarive Jun.50 Cousins.G Inefficiency of the schools.
Enclosing statistics of Chure;) |
: hes and Schools throurhout the!
C Tananarive Jul.2 Sibree.J Little progress with Memorial |/))|)/|
Churches owing vio mesons bein:||
ealled away.Mr Cameron's fail |
ure to superintend his cepart-)) / ||
ment. et 1
FOLDER Ne.6. ia
nea |
A Tananarive mal .9 Pool. W Definite instructions required) 7) |
re the church at Audohalo and jj)
the restoration of the burial |i
ground.Ill-health of Mrs Pool, |
Inability to reeeive Jukes, |
Enclosing correspondences with ||)
Consul Pakenham and the Prime ||
Minister respecting the churcni@)) |
at Audohalo. Ha
A Tanacarive:- Julell Cameron.J Criticises the Directors'dec- |i
ision to terminate his engage-||| |
, ment.Proposes to prolong his ||//) |)
stay in Madagasesr “o execute |i)
certain building operations =|) |
es : for the qusen. eu
A Tangnarive Jul.3l Hartley. Obstacles preventing the comm- ||) |
ReG. ence ment of the church at i)
fAudohalo. aa
A Tananarive Jul.3l1 Pool.W Encloses cash vouchers fo. the|| || |
Church at Ambohipotsy.Does not)
think the church at Ambatona- || |
kanga will be completed before |
. Christmas.Desirability of a ae
resideit consular agent at the ))7)}
Capital Airival of the French |j)})
Embassy. ed
A fanansrive Jul .dl Toy.Robt Heathen members of the Govern- |) |
ment proposed to pull down Ha
many of the churches but fear ji
of violating the Treaty prev- 7]/)|
ented this at present.Govern- My.
ment measured the mission prop |
ea i
a a re ltt
7 )\ &
“a BOX _NO.7?. i ES
FOLDER NO.6. (conta)
1866 il |
oe |
A Tananarive Jul.e3l Toy.Robt property with the rumoured 1
(contd) intention of resuming owner- |] oe
ee ship of part of it.Lack of a |
resident British Agent at a
Canital was distinet handican iin
Defence of Cameron and future |
: of Jukes settled,
A Tananarive Aug.d ToyeRobt Partial reaction of the Govt.
against Christianity. Proposed
charge by the Government cf
19% of all goods imported by
the Mission.
| A Tananarive Aug. Pearse.J Unsuitable residence provided.
Educational work of Mrs Pearse
was continuing although her
; : marriage terminated her engage
ment as a school-mistress.
Need for a more clearly defin-
ed missionary organisation in |
Madagascar.Personal diary. ii |
A Tananarive Aug.27 Briggs.B Urges the rapid completion of |
the Memorial Churehes.
vhristianityv spreading ameg |
the tuling classes although |
the Govt. was divided on relig)|
ious matters. mal
& Tananazive Aug.29 Cousins.G Governmental attitude has led ii
z to a decreasé in the congregst|
ion in certain piaces although]
in genersl steady progress is
reported.Delay in the compiet-i7)
don of the Ghurch at Ambaton-
akanga but progress with the |
school~house.Children of tmulir
classes taken away from Uatho-~- 7)
lic missionaries and entrustsd/})
to one of the L.M.S. native a
pastors.Heathen opposition to |] |
missionary expansion. arrived, Re
of two Norwegian missionaries. ||)!
Govt.policy of annoysnce alth-|/iiy
ough Pakenham promised to end= |
: savour to obtain exemption Hi
from the inmort cuties for the iim
missionsries.French treaty not ji)
yet concluded. Wat
ins . | i
is Tananarive Aug,.50 FPool.W Progress of the Church at amb- |)
ohipotsy.Regrets delay in Mite
erecting Hartley's church.Inin i
- ical attitude of the Govern- |
ment.cirm attitude of the Fre- qian
nch embassy over land holding’ jj
and import duties.Regret that (ime
no British Agent is resi¢ent jai
at the Capital.Arrival of the jMijMi
Norwegian missionaries.soue a esi
masons in missionary employ Neti |
are engaged in slave dealing. | [ .
| yy e
|) &
50 BOX NO.7- | |) ae
1H hea] ee
| FOLDER No.6.{conta) |i i
1 AR Hie e
| 1866 | | |
| : . wee |
B Tangnarive Aug.dl Sibree.J Tracings of the Faravolutra |i ce
; Church forwarded.Readjustmend il] :
of boundaries following the |i)
Government's measuring of 1 Bs
mission property.Unsatisfact-|)| |
ery superintendence of Camer-| |!)
on at Ambatonazanga led to ji] .
extra delay for which he sim-|/))|
self was net responsible. Hh
| Proposed tc return to Englanciie)))
| at the termination of his |
| ,+ G@ngagement.Specifivzation of |
“~~ the Faravolutra Church.
B Tananarive Auge3l. Cousins. Had entered a new house.Ili-
Welie ness of Dr Davidson demanded
& holiday. i
| B Te nanarive Aug.dL Toy.Robt Encloses reply from Pakenham
over the question of exemptic |
| for the missionaries from ¢£ i
the import tariff.Governmenz ‘
s attitude against Christian- ||) |
ity seemed to be hardening ne
although no infringement of || |
: the Treaty was expected. ba
Obstacles in the way of the || 8uii
French Treaty.Illness cf pr jai)
| : Davidson madés the missionari-|
| es anxious for his welfare. |
Arrangement for dJukes.Arrival
| of the Norwegian mission. Hea |
Enclosures. i Ki
B Tananarive DEP e& Davidson. Proposed holiday to Mauritius)?
Dr and possibly to the Cave to |i)
recover his health.Great suc-
cess of the hospital.With
Supplementary letter signed |i)
by ten misstonaries ,éc,argins)
; him to take a holiday for his | —
| health's sake;Pearss to Davia |
SON. if |
B Tananarive Sep.29 Hartley. Ill-health hed interfered wit |
R.Ge work and if it necessitated 4///)]
his return to Unglana,he hon-) |)
ae ed his services could be uviliaa
1860 in training missioncry rai
| candidates. il
B Tananarive Oct.t Jukes .C Arrival and welcome at the. Hat
Capital. a
B Tanenarive Oct.1 Pool.W Delays in the erection of thea
Churches.Fear of hostilities |) |
between the Malagasy and the 7] ||
French. Financial. |
B fananarive Oct.l Toy.Robt Financial.Departure of Dr i
Davidson.Arrival ot Jukes. A
Delay in signing of Franco- |)
Malagasy Treaty led to lear o ia)
s war. Quarrel between the Prime a
Minister and tue civil popul- |i
ation.Reported order from the)!
Prime Minister to exempt the Hay)
Missionaries'private possess (NM | -
ions from the tarif?., i
, i)
~Si- BOX NC.7. id
ew es
FOLDER NO .6. (contd) 7 a
1 a
C “ananarive Oot.00 Cameron. Acknowledges she Directcrs' | Hl
J letter terminating his engage-i§
ment.Slow progress in buildins||}
of churches largely due to the | oe
neglect of his advice. Leas
C Tanevarive Oct.3l Pool.W Wife's ill-health.The progres:| i
of the Church at Ambohipotsy |i
| and Andohalo.1867 ,the Circun- |
Gision year was likely to
| ; delay building operations.
G Tananarive Gct.31 Sibree. Will suspend all work on tue
d Feravohitra sive Rezudiates
responsibility for delay in
the progress of the churches.
Decided it was in Society's
i interest to remain in Meadagas-~ il
car until the end of the rain:
| season.The church at Ambaton~
akanga should be finished by |
the end of the year.
Comments on the discrepancies
between Ellis's and the Board 4) |
letters.Officers to draw 8
| Plans of the Society's p.wjop- a
| erty in the Capital. pid
C Tananari ve Oct.31 Toy.Robt Financial.Hartley had left tha el
| Capital in scarch of health.
Withdrawe). of Governmental eat
oppositic. to Hartley's Crane.
Government preparing for pcss«|| |
ible war with France. i
C Tananarive Nov.50 PooleW Statement of expenditure and —
progress of the Church.Sugges-
ts that Sibree should leave |
behind certain property ailes-
ed to belong to the Society. |
G Tananarive Nov.30 Pearse.d Socially,the Mission an elevsi) Gg)
ing influence. Review of nerso:
&l activities.Educational act-
ivities and progress.fameronts|| |
* popularity with the natives. ae]
Native interest in micsionary A
expansion.TVvo massionaries en
eS from Le Church Missionery eit
SS Society had settled at Ancs- Hl
vyoranto.Need for a Committee Hei
of Missionaries. \
G fanenarive . Nev.30 Jukes.C WNon-arrival of luggage necess-|| 7)
1tated extra pvrchases. aan
Increased activity among the
Roman Catholics.Missionary |
Prayes Meetings held in rotet- i|
jon at the different churches. ]
C Tananarive Dec.d1 Pool.W Progress at Ambohinotsy.Iil- il
: healtu.Church at Andohelo.
| Appointment of American VonsuiM
: and the negociation of a Tre- Iai
| aty of Commerce ieath of the Hae
- pe French Special Commissioner. jie |
| C ie - ee ; Per (oe ee
Re At j tale ee LN nates 1] Peat 9 NAA yc ui T.
dtedhane Chinen melo er OS Eat UE i f
~ pw Ar kaa POR Dat Leaf i
s ei, ee)
, ; — zee
| ~52~ BOX NO .E: | | Ly
| A Amparibe Janet Gousins.¢ UNDER NAMS AND DATE i 7
S Tananarive Jane Parrett .J | A
A Tananerive Janed Sibree.J
A Tananarive Jane? ROR i
: A Tananarive Jan.ei8 Cousins.W.E.
| A Tananarive JaneZ). Cousins.G
| B Tananarive Feb .l PooleW
228 Tananarive Feb.l Missionaries
3 in Madagascar. (9)
B Tana narive Febel dukes.€
| |
B Vanangsrive Feb .4 Toy ek |
| B Mananerive Feb.26 Cousins.G | |
--«~B Gananarive Feb.26 Cousins.W.E. a
B Tananarive Harel Pool W |
B Tananarive Varea Cameron. J i |
B Tananarive Maree Toy RB = 3 |
5 Tananarive Mar .2 Cousins .W.E. (Secy) Appointed |
newly formed Missionaries jj
B Tananarive Mar.26 Cousins.W.i. Committee.
oo Tananarive Mar.26 Cousins.W.E. |
| B fananarive Apri Pearse .d : |
| a fananarive Apr.l Pool.W ae
} | : Hi
C Tanenarive Apre2 Toy eR nt
G Tananarive ADP. Sibree.Jd |
C Amparibe Apr.2 Cousins.W.8. : : |
| =e fananarive Apr.2 Hartley. RG. | |
| é fananarive Apr.29 Pool.W. a
| C fananarive Aps.30 Sibree.d ee | |
| C Tenanarive Apr .d0 Jukes. | |
G fananarive Apr.dO0 Cameron.d Wa
C Tananarive May.oJ. Cousins Wei. (Secy) u r.
-53= BOX NO.3. | | ee
FOLDSR NO.1. (contd) iy oe
ERR RARER? ~ erence Neen emma enna * I} i
| ie (i
C Tananarive May.l briggs.5 UNDER NAME AND DAt= — Hi
C Tanansrive May 16 Jukes eG i Zi
D Tananarive Maye 24 Cousins (Secy) a
D Amperibe Vayesh Cousins .G : |
| : 5 : 2 arti { |
| D Tananarive duneol Peerse.d
| D Tananarive dun. Cameron.d
| D Tananarive Juned Pool W
| D fananarive Jun.3 Toy Robt
| |
D Tamatave Jun.l2 Hartley.R.G. |
| D Tamatave Jun.24 Davidson.Dr |
» Tananarive Jun .2o Cousins.¥.i. |
| D fananarive Jun.28 Pool.W a a
| : yt
| : FOLDER 0.2. |
| — A Amparibe Jol.2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy)
| A Tananarive Jul.2 Toy Robt _ |
a A Tananarive Jul .d3 Toy Robt
| A Tamnatave guL. li Hartley.ReG.
| A Tananarive Jul.22 Missionaries in
| Tananarive.(9) :
| B Tananarive Jul.50 Cameron.d Plans for Faravohit- || |
ra Memorial Church. ||
B Tananarive Jul.50 Pool.W Hat
: 28 Tananarive Jul.d0 dJukes.C ae a
3 Tananarive Jul.31 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) a
a <5 Menenarive 01,6) Soyenouu al
| : |
| B fananarive Aug.5l Toy.Robt P|
Hi |
| : | | |
| C Tanganarive Aug.31 Poo1.W : Drawings for chapel i
; at Amparibe. ad
| C Tananarive Ssepel Jukes .C a ei
Wa |
| 6 Tananarive Sep.22 Hartley.R.G. S Hi
: a
| C Tananarive 90230 Cousins.W.i. a |
Ht | |
| C fananarive veep .a0 Cousins .Well. |
C Tananarive Sep 60 Daviason.Dr i |
Ny : 2 ene eee eees si Dee 7, 7
opus BOX NO 3, He yy
, FOLDER NO.2.(onta) | i
D Tananarive sep .d50 Pool .W Plans of the Ampamarinana i ee
Memorial Church. Hi :
D Tananarive Octel dukes. “
D fananasive Oct 1 Briggs .B a :
D Tananarive Octel Toy.R | ,
D Tananarive Octet ToyeR |
D Tananaxvive Oct.2 Parrett.
D Tamatave Procter.s
D Tananarive Oct.l6 Davidson.Dr \ :
D Tenanarive Oct.29 Pool.W
D fananarive Oct.31 Toy eR |
D fananarive Oct.d1 Cousins.W.%. (Secy) |
D Tananerive Dec.2 Toy.R |
D Tananarive Dec.d Hartley.R.G. 4 (|
D fananarive coc.2 Pool.W a
: A Tananarive Janel Cousins. Web. (Secy)
A Tananarive Janel Jukes.
A fananarive Jane) Toy eR | a :
A Tananerive Janee ToyeR | '
A Teananarive Jane Pool .W | |
A Tananarive Jan.d Poy lk a
| b Tananarive Jan.3l1 Hartley.R.&G. va
B Tananarive Feb.l. Cousins.W.E. (Secy) i
B Tananavive Feb.l ToyR ||
B fananarive Feb.l Toy. | |
B Tananarive Feb.5 Cousins WL. [|
B Tananarive Feb.28 ToyeR : 2 “ | |
B Tananarive Feb.29 Cousins.W.E. (Se: 7) i |
B fananarive Maree Cousins.G L.
B fananarive Mar.d0 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Minutes of Madag- ag
ascar Commiutec. if |
= apes ee ana een a
: ‘ i ’
: vie
| k
=i Spee teat Hi)
BE 3OX.NO.3. Wi
fe oN i
FOLDER NU.3. (contd) i) ff
1868 Vi
6 fananarive Mar-30 Covcuins.W.E. Hl |
C fananarive Mar.30 Toy.R WOR GENERAL SUBIECTS i
C Tanaaarive Mar.30 Pool.W UNDER TANS fu) DAS
C Tananazxive Kore foveR el
G Tanansrive Apr .28 Cousins.W.E, (Secy) Committee Minutes.
| C Tananarive Apr .30 Toy eR
| G Tananarive ApredO Pool.W
C Tananarive May el Davidson.Dr
G Tananarive Mayes Hartley.R.G.
. |
| G Tananarive Way.4 Toy R |
| FOLDER NO eke |
A Madagascar Maye2d Church Members Eneloses original & |
Andohaloc. translation by Rev.B.&.
| b. Tananarive May,85. Hartley.®.G. Hartley.
' My
me eae
A Tananarive Maye dQ Pool .W
| A Tananarive JUN ee Cousins.W.â„¢. (Secy) CGommivtee Minutes
A Tananar ive. JUN Z Toy R
A Tananarive Jun.3 Tov.R
A Tansnarive Jun .28 Pool.W
A. Tananarive euned0 Cousins.W.k. (Secy) Committee Minutes |
A Tenanarive dull Pool.wW |
< A fananarive dalel dukes .C oe |
: WEE 4
f Tenanarive Jul.d Toy.R Die tay
: : ki
3 fanangzrive Jul.3 Poy .R |
2 ee ge i
B Tananarive JUL.O Church Members franslation by Rev.R.Gi/ii
Andohale. Hartley. |i
3 Address to ths Quecn
3 Tananarive Augel Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutss |
B Tananarive Augel Cousins G |
B Yananarive Aug. Pool .W Bil
B Taneoarive Aug.d Barcker.d s
b Tananarive AUE.S Cousins. .WeHe * Extract from Letter | |
to Rev.W.Ellis. aaa
B fananarive Aug.dl Pool.W ae
ae é
. Eee AVowe COM aG Fie 4
JACKED PLAGE Bete RANE suBeacrs | 4
| SE ree E A x | | } 4
| B fananaraye Jap.) Couging.WeEs (Seay) Committee Minutes, ITE §
B Tananarive Sap. % Foy oR el “f
B SALBNALLYe Sep od9 “oyeH and Jukes.€ He |
5B faneanarive SSped POC). W She cOvnas fe > Oe
| B Tananerive O6tel JULG BC FE Oe ae i g
is Ganeanarive Ooot.2 Cousings.Wehe {Secy) Commnittes Mirateas, |}
. G Venanearive OGtow Parretted
C fanansarive O6t .dG Gorsing. fae (Sesy) Committes Minutes,
G fananarive Nov.2 Poole’
. G Tananavive Nov.d Teyeh
G Ganmanardve Deged CousingeWek. (Seoy) Gammittes Minutes.
G Yananarive Dee,.2 Sigy el |
; |
G Tananarive Degex Poole® — |
| A Tananks se JaRed Pooled |
4‘ Tarenarayve SHS! POO).
. S |
e =f 3 ? ees |
di Tananarive e@R od IUXEB «CS
bh Tananavive J&rnel POATEO oc
A Tonanard ve JONek GoueinsetieE. (Secy) Gomultitee Vinutes.
7 A Sananarive Janse Peol..W
A Tananarive Janet Ley oR
i —o Tananarive dane4 Barker ed aat|
\ | |
m4 ¢ Hl |
| 5 Tenanarive danec®? Briggs.t A
‘ { 7 }
a = Varanariye aredh Pearsass ait
% . fe | )
| iy
| 5 Tunonerives ob.t Parvetisd Wi
| E fananarive Feb of Couninieiiese ({Seoy) Gomnittes Minutes. |
) B Tenancecilve Feb.2 Consinga.eG . Ven)
| B Pananass ve Fobed Pook wW !
| | ) na
| G Tananaxsive Yebed ToyeR ie oh !
eG Fananuerive Fob.d Btreet.. Ee : a
F : ve
F oy
i 2 mee mares emamnarnnn sae br er RARE REET TASTES NEO ESSE TE SIA TESA LN IIE USENET ETT Seti Sie { j
; 3
tie Fy LRP . ry | | f
FOLDER NO.5.(contd) | |
1869 i
C Tananarive Feb. Parcett.Jd incloging Annual Renort |
(printed) of the L.M.S. Hi |
Frinting Office, Tananarivell) ie
C Tanenarive Marl dukes oC
S Teananarive Mar.l Cousinc.W-E. (Secy) Committee Minnves.)}
C fananarive Mar.2 Briggs .B UNDER TAMN AND DATS |
D Tananarive Mar.2 Barker .d
| D Tananarive M2are2 Pool
| D Tfananarive Mar.2 Cameron.d
| D- fTananarive Mar.2? Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.| |||
| , | |
| D fananarive Nar. 29 Cameroned
D Tanararive Mar.29 Rainilaiarivony
| (Prime Minister)
D Tanunarive Aprel Cousins.W.E;
D Tananezive
Do Tananarive
| D Tananarive Apr.8 Pool. W |
| D fananarive Apr.9 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
| A Tananarive
| A Tananarive Apr.9 Cousins.G | |
A Te nanarive Apr.29o- Briggs.B and ii
Cousins .Wele i
A Tananarive May.6 Cousine.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, | |
A Tananarive May. Pool .W i
| ‘A Tananarive May.7 Toy.R ei
A Tananerive May.8 Barker. d
A vananarive May.8 CameroneJ Encloses letter from |
Antananarivo. :
| B fane.arive Juned Pool. W :
B Tananarive Jun.4 Cousins. (Secy) Committee Minutes. i
B Tananarive dune4 Toy. a
N ze ce ees Wz 7
-O8= BOX NO.8. ia ae
B Tananarive Jul ol Pool .W Ht
3B Tanauarive Jul.l Ronald. ,
Miss.Jane E.
- B Tananarive bUL 2 Toy |
B Tananarive Jul.é Richardsoned
3B Tananarive Jul 27 Jukes.C |
BE Tananarive Jul ede Cousins.W.s. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
B Tananarive Jul dO Cousins .&
| C Tananarive JuL.30 Pool oW
C Tananarive Augel Toy.R
C fanerarive fugea� Cousins. W.E. (Secy}) Conuittee Minuies, |
C Tanenarive Sep eel Fool.W il
C Tananarive Sep 24 Toy .R |
C Tanarerive Sep .44 Cousins.G |
2G Tfananarive dsep-.a4% Cousins .G : |
C Tananarive Sepee4 Richardson.d
C Tananarive Oct.22 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committse Minutes.
C Tangnarive Oct .23 Pool .W
7G Tananarive Oct.25 Toy R | |
¢ Tananarive Nov.l? Pool.W ail
D fananarive Nov.22 Pool.W i
D Tenanarive Nove 25 Cumeroned |
De Tananarive Wov.e25 Ronald. Wiss | |
D fananarive Novect dukes .C ; |
D Tananarive WNov.eet Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, |
: D Tananarive Noveé4 Toy.R
D Tananarive Noveeé ‘Cousins.G |
v Tananarive Dec.2z8 Barker.d |
: L870 : |
5 D fananarive Janeegd Pool.W L,
a nS LE EEE EEE eee <<
ei 6
: “5¢— BOX NO.% | &
| BIE GOVERS O08 Letters fil|
| A Ranenarive Jane25 Toy.R UNDE NAME AND DATE :
| A fananarive Jan.25 Jukes.C | ze
| A Menanarive Jane25 Cousgins.G a
7 : Hf
: A Tananarive Janeeo Richardson.d :
| A Tananarive Jane2d Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
A Tansnarive Jan. 25 Pearse .d
A Tananarive Feb.22 Pool.W
: A fTananarive Feb.25 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
-— |
ae B Tananarive Feb.23 Barker.B
B fananarive Feb.e25 ToyeR |
B Tananar ive Feb.26 Parrett.d
B fTananarive Apr.l vukes oC |
B Tenanarive Apred Toy eR
| B Tananarive Apr.7 Pool. W |
| B Tananarive Apr.8 Briggs.B
2 B Tananurive Apr.9 Cameroned
B fananarive May . Pearse .Jd Report of Imerina Consreg
ational Union's Half-Yearly
B Tananarive May.l5 Pool.W Meeting.
B Tanaierive May.16 Pool.W | |
CG fanacarive May.18 Cousins. WeE. (Secy) Committee Minutes. 4
. C fanenarive May.18 Richardson.J a i
| G : Tarnanerive Mayel9 Toy .R i
C Tamatave VMay.e2cO0 $Procter.Bros : i |
| 4 @aranarive Meye3l Sibree.J oe! | |
| ee
| G Tananarive Juned Wills.James : |
, |
) G fananarive duned Ronald.iliss ha
) G Tananarive Jun.1loO Cousins.W.eE. (Secy) Committes Minutes. | |
G Tananarive Jun.l0 fPool.W | | |
Pe een eee ee ee eae Eee ss
IL ‘| Ye
hi yl
-61- BOX NO.9. |
FOLDER NO.2. (conta) Hi oe
— 1870 |
C fananarive Oct.21 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes H | oe
C Tananarive Oct.22 Cousins.W.E.
C Tanenarive Oct.24 Attwell.W Ske COVERS OF LalTEss
G Tananarive Oct.24 Pool.W
G Teanesearive Oct.2 Matthews.?.7.
C Tananarive Oct.26 Cousins. WE. (Secy) Special Committee
C Tananarive Oct .26 Briggs .B
C Tananarive Oct.26 Cameroned
C Tenenarive Novel8 Cousins.W.l. (Secy) Committee Minutes
C Ambohimanga WNovea2. Sibree.J |
D Tananarive NoOVedl Briggs B |
D Teananarive Nov.2l Montgomery.W
D Tananarive Noveal Peake.P.G.
D fananarive Noveee Brigges.B
D Tananarive NEC. Wills.d |
D Tanatave Dec.1l2 Carter. John |
D Ambohimanga Dec.1? Sibree.J
D Tananarive Dec.l9 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
D Tananarive Decel9 Moss.C.Fe
D Tananarive Dec.l9 Pool.W | |
D fananarive Dec.cO SBriggs.B na
18th | FOLDER NO-5. - i
A Amparibe Jauel6 Gousins.G i
A fananarive Jan.16 Pool.W
A fananarive Jan.l6 Barker.d
A Ambohimanga Jan.1¢ Sibree.J |
A Tananarive Jan.16 .Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Minutes Annual
Meeting of Committee.
A faneansarive Janon7? Parrett.d Enclosing Report (ccinte dy
of L.M.S. Printing Offical
at Toenanarive,. peut
2 Bese eee ee spa tua enn bn ey pane : a ry 4
i 3
*G0- BOX NO.9. 1a ee
FOLDER NO.L.(eonta) jf} E |
a — SEE COVERS OF Tsrcsas il
| D Mananarive dun.L0 Briggs eB UNDER NAMG AND Daath†Hi | S
| : D fananarive dumelOQ $Richardson.d eo
D Tamatave Jun.l18 Wiikinson. |
D fananarive Jul.d Cousins.WeE. (Secy) ef
D Tananarive Jul .d Cousins.G
| D Tananarive JUL 66 Briggs B
Po D Tananarive Jul .6 Sibree.d
D Tananarive Jul .6 Richardson.
A Tananarive Jul .6 Peake .P.G.
A fananarive JvlL 12 dukes .C
| A Tananarive euleld Toy eR
Ambohimangea Aug l Sibres.d He
| A Tananarive Aug. 4: Pool .W |
| A tanauarlve Aug. 5 Cousins WeEs (Sec) Committee Minvtes. |
| A Tananerive AU. O Briggs .B_
A Tananarive Aug.5 Cameroned
A Fianarantsoa Aug.22 Richardson.J
A fananarive Aug.29 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) | |
B Tananarive Aug.2? Gone sc | |
B fananarive Aug.29 Brisgs.B i
B fananarive
B Tananarive Aug. Wills.d |
B Tanavyarive Sen.1O0 Toy.R ee
| (St.Helena) Wl
... B Fianarantsoa Sep.18 Richardson.d : |
| B fananarive Sep.26 Cousins.W.E. {Secy) Committee Minutes, |
| B Tananarive Sep .26 Moss.C.F. :
| 5 Dananarive Cep.66 Pearse.d | |
B Tananarivs Sep eac Cousins.G | |
B Tenanaisive Sepe2? Pool.W a
B Fignerantsos, 0cb.15 Richardson.d
x ee poe eee eee eee ee r) t
| re BOK NO ow. i
| | POLDER woO.S.{conta) [i i
SEE COVERS OF Lammers iil
| A tananerive Jan.l? Pearse.d UNDER NAME AND DATE |
| : 4. Taneanarive Jan.l? Brigegs.B ti
| & Tananarive Feb. Cam2ron.d :
| A Fianaranisoa Feb.6 Richardson. J . |
| B Tananarive Feb.135 Cougins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
BR Tananarive Feb. 14 Pool.W
B Ambohimangea Feb.15 Sibree.d
| a} Tananarive Feb.1l5 Briggs.B
| B Tananarive Feb.l5 Wills.d
5 Tananarive Febel5 Moss.C.F. |
B Mananarive Feb.16 Barker.d , |
B Fianarantsoa Mar.7 Richardson.d |
| B Tenanarive Mar .13 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
| B fananarive VarelS Pool. W |
B Tananarive Apr.7 Pearse .J |
B Tananarive Apr. LL briggs.B ;
B fanansrive Apr.l2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Gommittee Minutes.
B Tananarive Apr.el2@ Pearse.J
| C Tananarive Apr.12 Pool.W |
| CG Tananarive Apr.l2 Wills.d | |
| Cc Tananarive Apr.l2 Barkered | i
C Tananarive Apr.24 Cousins.WeE. (secy) i
| 7 C Fianarantsoa Mayel Richardson.d ||
Q Tananar ive ‘“May.1l0 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) . |
C Mananarive May.10 Briggs.B
C Tananarive Mayell Wills.d |
G Tananarive May 12 Pool .W ; |
| C Tananarive Jun.S Wills.d | |
| ¢ Tananarive dJun.5 Cousins.G
| ey
| Be
; |
— : —— : 1 :
| @
| ae BOX NO .9. ||
FORDER wo.S.(conta) | fl
é SHE COVEOS OF Ta™TEnS ill ce
C sananarive dun. Pearse ed UNDER NAR@ agp wits :
| | C Tananarive Jun.6 Pool.W 1 ze
D Tananarive Jun.6 Briggs .B | Cd
D Tananerive dune? Metthews.2f.T,
bi D Tananarive June? Wills.d
D Mauritius Jun.e28 .Brockway.T
D Mauritius Jun.30 Shaw.G.A.
D Mauritius JunedL Shaw.G.A.
D Tananarive Jul .o Cousins. .WeE. (Secy) Minutes of Annval
| . Meeting. |
D Tananarive Jul .d Cousins. Web. |
D Tananerive Jul .d Cameron.d , |
D Tananaivive JUL adi Peake .PeG.
, D Fananarive Jul 4 Matthews.?.7,. Enclosing Ground Plan |
of proposed house a6
D Tananarive JU 4 Pool W ' YVonizongo.
, |
: E fananarive oauled Pearse.J ~ Report of Union Meeting
E Tamatave Jul.Ld Procter.Bros
| B Fianarantsoa dul.25 Attwell.W
E Fianarantsoa Jul.26 HRichardson.Jd |
| E ananarive Jvl.26 Stribling.£.H. | |
E Tananarive dJdul.dl Shaw.G.A. |
E Tananarive Jul.edl Cousins.W.E. (Seay) Committee Minutes. |
E fTananerive Jul.dl1 Pool.W | i
E Vonizongo Aug. Matthews.T.2. i |
i fananarive Augel Moss .Gele |
A fananarive Aug.5 Pearse.d
— A fananarive Augel& Brockway. |
A Tananarive Augel5 Brockway.£ s ' |
: i
A Tananarive sug.16 Shaw.G.A. |
A Teananarive Augel9 Houlder.JeA. a
_ |
| _,
| = 6dq BOX NO.9. |)
| comessaomtlcabeseg eatin | | | fe
| : FOLDER NO.4.{eonta) Ji i
t Ss ; | 3 es
| A Vilen.rantaoa Richardson. d Ht |
A Tfananarive Auge 27 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minntes.|)
5 Tere fee) Be FOR GENERAL SuzJecrs ||) i
A fananarive Aug.£3 Pearse.J UNDER KANE AND DATE | |
A. Dananarive “Aue, 20 Moss.C.F.
| A Tananarive 4éug.d0 Wills.Jd
| A Fianarants¢a Sep.19 Shaw.GeA.e
| A Tananarive Sep.25 Cousing.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutss.
B Tananarive pepesd Parrett .d |
28 Tananarive Sep.26 Pool W |
B Tananarive Ssepesl Davidson.Dr Encloses ascount of vis-. |
it to Beusileo country.
B fanarnerive Oct.2 Houlder.J.A. Account of visit te
Betsileo country. it
EB Pamatave Octe9 Procter.Bros
B Tame tava Ostell Carter.John
B Fianarantsogs, Oct.18 Attwell .W |
B Tananarive Oct.18 Brockway.
B Taneanarive Oet.23 SPcripling. teu. .
5 fananarive Octeé3 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes,
: oC Tananarive Oct.24 Hainilaiarivond ;
(Prime Minister) |
: ; : =
C Pianarantsoa Novels Richardson.d aad
C fananarive hovel& Brockway.T _ al
C Teananarive Nov.18 Uousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee james,
.C Vorlizongo . Nov.20 Matthews.T.. oe | |
© @ananarive Nov.20 Pool.W : |
D Tananurive Noveéel Pearse.d
D Tananarive Des. Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, |
-D Fianarantsoa fec.13
5 idaeit |
D Tananarive Dec.l6 Barker.Jd Wien
D WTananarive Dec.lS Pool.W : ik
| | _.
| |
| ,
~65- BOX WO.9. i ae
colp ie cticas dacaninteaia Ha | 4s 2
| . FOLDER NO.4. (contd) if
; SEE COVERS OF Derrars |i
D Tananarive Dec.18 Barker.d UNDER NAMe AND DATE z
D Vonizongo Dec.18 Matthews.1.7,
D Tansynarive Dec.19 Pearse .d
D Tenanarive Dec.20 8©Wills.d }
D Fisnurantsoa Dee.2? Richarcson.d
| D Vonizongo Dec.27 Stribling.E.k.
D> ‘ . - - re
| D Ambohimanga Dec.aé sibree.d Exelosing Map of Dis-
trict and preaching
| eS |
: |
| |
: 1
: |
7 | 1
: hid
oe e . i A | i .
“00> BOX NO.OF Wi see
FOLDER No.1. ie
A “rnanarive Janel Wills.d UNDER NAM® AND DATE | :
A jananarive Janel Pearse ed oy
A Tananarive JON ob Cousins.G
A Mananarive Jane Cousins.W.E. a | .
A Andransal- Jan.el5 Barker.d
A VYonizongo Janeal stribling.E.H.
A Fianarantsoa Jan.22 Attwell.W
A Tananarive Janeen? Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
A Vonizongo Jane29 Matthews.?.7.
A Tananarive Jan. 29 Representatives of variou:
Protestant Missionary Scc-
: ieties.Re improved version
of the Malegasy Bible. |
B Tananarive Jane23 Pool.W ii
B Fianarantsoa Jan.30 Richardson.Jd
B Tananarive Jai. dO Moss.C.Fe
B Tananarive Janoodl Pearse od
B Fianareantsoa Feb.21 Richardson.d
B Fianarantsea Feb.21 ShaweGeAe
B Tananarive Feb.26 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |.
B Tenanarive Feb.26 Pool. W |
Fianarantsoe Mar. a od :
B fianarantsoe, Mar.20 Richardson.d |
C Fianarantsoa Mas.e20 Attwell.W au
C Tananarive Mar.21 POClL oh. To Rev.W.Ellis.
nee fananarive Mar.25 Cameron.d To Rev. WHilise.
: ; ‘ ; anno ail
CG Tananarive Mar.c5 Cousins.WH. To Rev. Willis. |
af ; i ; Neon |
C Pananerive Mar.25 Cousins. W.E. (Sscey) Committes Minutes. |
¢ Tananarive Mar.25 Pool.W
C fananarive Mer.26 Peake.?P.G.
Dp al
D fananarive Mar .26 Pearse.d
| } |
6 4 SU TT. ON A | | ie)
a a bOX NOGA a
| : FOLINR NO.1. (contd) | |
i Voni zongo Mar. 26 Mavthews.T.f. UNDER NAME AND DATE
D Tananarive Apr. Brockway? es
| D VYonizonge Apr.1? © Stridline.&.8. |
D Tananarive Apr.lS Raini Maharavo
(Chief Secy.of State) In Malagasy.
| To Rev. Wenllis.
| D Tananarive Apr. Pool .W
D Tananarive Apr.22 Pool.W
| D fananarive Apr.é2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
D Tananarive Apr.22 Brockway.T To Rev. W.Hllis.
D fananarive Apr.25 Moss.C.F. To Rev.W.Ellis. |
D ananerive Apr.23 Wills. |
| D Tananarive Apr.2d Cameron.d
D Ambohimanga, Apredd SLOTee.d |
D fananarive Apr 29 Pool.W |
| Be ag |
| FOLNER NO.2. |
A Vonizongo Apr.,29 Matthews.?.T,
A Tenanarive May .d Moss.C.F.
A fananarive Mayod Brockway.?
A, Tananarive May e4 Cousins.W.eE. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
. ‘ : 3 ele f :
A Pansnarive May .4 Rainilalarivonk
| A Fianarantsosa May.i4 Shaw.GA. fo Rey Wall iss. 4 |
a £. Fianarantsoa May.15 Richardson.d {
A Fienarantsoa May.l5 Attwell.W . Did
ee VYonizongo May. "8 Matthews .7.7. : |
| A - fanenearive MAY s Gu Gousine Wee (Secy) Committee Minutes,
| pad
j +4 fi 21 nt * 4 7 n : WoW114 2 |
B Amparibe Maye sd Cousins.G To Rev.W,Hllis enelos-
ing copy of ie.ter to |
| Commercial Gazette oy
B W.u.eCousins ,rerutins
| charges against LMS. 7
| B Tanauarive May eh Pool.W :
fee Hi
B Tananarive May eel Wills.d beh
B Taneanerive May.21 Mcess.c.F. .
| |
B Pematave oun. 8 Lang Alex, .
| Vi
| ~€Q- nox NOOSA | | ;
ae No U. | &
| FOLDER NO.2, (contd) _
sa : : ; SEE COVERS OF terrars
B ananarive Jdupel5 Pool.W Tien Nake Lip Dae
avon MEL NIN LY a
B Taneaarive Jun. 1.7 Pool .W
B fananarive Jun.l7? Brockway.® | |
B Tananerive Jun.l8 Fearse.J
C Tananarive Jun.l8 $Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |]
G Tananazive Jun.18 Cameron. d fo Rove W Ellis:
C Tenanarive dun.18 Montgomery.W
| G Tananarive Jun.l8 Cousins.G
C Tananarive Jdun.28 SEroeckway.! |
C Tananarive Jun. 29 Willis.d To Rev. W Elis. |
G Tananarive dunead Cousins.G |
| D Tananarive dune2y VPearse.d
janar 5 Oak « Shaw.G.A.e (Acting Secy.Betsileo Distr- ||
D Flanarantsos Jul.9 Shaw.GeA. (acting Secy.Betsileo Dis |
| Let Committee)
| D Fianavantsoa Jul.l0 Ricnardson.J |
D Fianareanteca, Jul.10 ShaweGeA.
D Tananarive dul.15 Pool.W
D Tananarive Jul.16 Gousins.W.E. (Secy) Committees Minutes.
t e « - :
| D Tananarive Jul.l6 Houlder ed eAs
| D Fianzrantsoa Aug.5 Brockway.
£ xX Tre eo md va ‘ |
| D Fianarantsca Aug.6 Shaw. GA. (Secy) Minutes of first Meet
| ing of Betsileo District Hrs
commttes. He
D Fianarantsoa Aug:6 Attwell.W i
» Tanenevive Auge’? Wills.d 7
| FOLDER NO.3. i
Ne Tananerive Avg.lo Pool.W ; tal
| . |
| A Ambohimanga, Aug.l3d Sibree.J |
A Tananarive Augel? Houlder.deA.
‘ Tananarive Aug.19 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committce Minutes.
| A Tenanarive Augel9 Pearse.Jd
aS A fananarive Aug.19 Richardson.d ae
) 1
| = - wt as x " a n 7 \ meas reatâ€
nee ae Se eee See = " .
ley.’ 5
| §
~69~ pox soioA
ol as
| FOLDER NO,3.(conta) [it
; A Tananarive Augeczd Moss.C\F. UNDER MAME AND DATE
(Marseilles) Dt aw ri en a ea es
A Fiauarantsoa Auge3d Shaw.GeA. (Sesy) Minutes Betsiieo
District Committee.
A Fianarantsoa Aug.d0 Attwell.W ;
A Tanansvive Sepe9 Pool. W a
A Tananarive Sep.10 Houlder.J.A. i
& Flanarcntsoa Sepel4 Brockway.?
B Tananarive SOD.iL¢ Cousins.W-E. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
a B Tananarive sep.18 Pool .W |
B fTananarive Sep.l1@ Pearse.J :
B Tananarive pepel8 Richardson.d |
B Tananarive OQct.8 Gousins.W.E. (Secy) Minutes special |
Conmittss Meeting.) |)
B Tananarive Oct.8 Pook.W
G fananarive ct.14 . Cousins.W.F. (Secy) Reorganisation |
Proposals. |
: C Tananarive Oct.24 Pool.W |
C Mauritius Nove Beveridge.@.G.
C PTananarive Nove4. Pool .W
C -fananarive Nov.4 Caneron.d
C Vonizongo Nov.4 Matthews.@f.1, |
C Tananuarive Nev. 5 Cousins.W.k. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
G Pananarive Novesa Cousins.W.E.
: ; j
c Fianarantsoa Tov.e27 Brockway.f |
C Tananarive 266.8 Pool .W |
ge Tananarive Dec.2 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes. i
Fiamarantsoa Desz.24 Attwell.W
| D Fianarantsoa Dec.24 Shaw.G.A.(Secy) Minutes Betsileo i
District Committee,
D yonizongo Dec.50 Matthews.?.T.
D Tananarive Dec.d9 Pool.W me Weta
D Tananarive Dec.30 Cousins.W.E. (Secy) Committee Minutes, |) |
| : pee
= aS — , — ——— . = : — = = = ie | |
: om e Ow ; B ce x . ry ity > | 2 2
j cl de © | ee
; | | roa
i GUDER WO, 4.
‘ From this year on,the Becsilco and Tananarive letters are |
| kept separate within the year.
The first meeting of the Betsileo District Committes was |
held ou August 6. 1872.
The Mission to the Betsileo was startea in 1870. :
A Tananarive Janeo Thorne .d Ce SEE COVERS OF Lee" |
A Tananarive Jane’ BavoneR per ee
A Mauritius Jane10 Ireland ,Fraser & Co.
A Tfananarive Jane 2d Pool. W
A Mauritius Feb.7 Ireland,Fraser & Co. | |
B Tananarive Fed .L7 Parrett..J
3B Tananarive Feb.l? Riehardson.d
B Tananarive Feb.18 Cousines.W.E. (Secy; Committee Minutes. |
B Tananarive wot Pool.W
C fanenarive Feb.20 Cameron.d |
C Mauritius Mar.7 Ireland ,Frasss & Co. |
C Tananarive Mar.l2 Gousins.W.k. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
C fananarive Mar.el8 Parrett.d :
C Tananarive Mar.e18 Pool.W .
C Pananarive Mar. Willis.d
D fananarive
; mittee Minutes.inclosing i
JeCameronts report on |
Mission Houses and plans. jj)
D Tananacive Apr.l6 Pool.W |
D Mauritius May .2 Ireland,Fraser & Co. ia
ee?) Vonizongo Maye9 Matthews .£.T.
A Tonanarigs May e13 Cousins.W.em. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
r i
A Tananarive May.13 ¥Pool.W
A Tananarive May.13 Wills.J (Treasurer) : pa
A fananerive May.l1S Wills.J )
A fananarive May.19 Rainimonjisoa 1s
‘ = anterior Raa ed Las Rae re ataseba ae Maat seats TEE aE Beipasr eet RA ei eo Aaa Patches tee aut Sites apes Bars eon nas 5 Bs aha : r 2 at
| Hh | y
| : : A
| ~t1- BOX NO.1IO6 | 5
| fel el rah S | i a
| ne cae a ein eg ae i a ee
| FOLDER NO.5. (contd) i} i
NNR LRN INET I: oe sa Ol gE MANOS ya A
A Nananarive May.ég8 Pool.W UNDER NAS AND DATE
| . % Pe er ee UE 5
A Analakely May Mrs Pearse's
School. | 2
| a Tananaxvive Jun ed
WS Cousins. .W.E. (Secy) Minvtes Annual HM
| Meeting of Committee. oe Ol
3 Tananarive Junelea Cousins.WH. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
“3B Mauritius Junee6 Ireland,Fraser & Co.
B Tananarive Jun.30 Cousins.G Report of Theological |
oe Institution from Jan.1372
to June.1873.
| Se }
CG Tananarive dJul.8 Pool .W
| C Tananarive AUS Parker .GeWe
| G fananarive
C Tananarive Auged Wilis.d
CG Tananarive Aug.5 Toy eR i
C Port Louis Aug.ll Mullens.Dr
CG fama tave Aug.18 Mullens.Dr
| C Mauritius Aug.2l Ireland,Fraser & Co.
| C Tananarive Augea29 Briges.B (Secy) Minutes special Comm-
lttes Meeting.
D ananarive Sep.2 Pool.W !
; D Tananarive Sep.9 Mullens.Dr
D Tananarive sepel4 Richardson.d |
a |
D Vonizongo sep.l5 Matthews.7T.T, id
D ¥ihaonana papelS Lord.Thomas ail
D Faravohitra Sep.l6 Wilis.Jd il
D Tanenarive . Oct.14 Toy.R Hl
D Amparibe Oct.14 Cousins.G |
D Tananarive Oct .i4 Briggs.B (Secy) Extract from Committee i]
D Tananarive Oct.14 Baron.R
D Tanenarive Oocteit Pool.W
- |
FOLDER NO.6. - (|iieg
Da CN SRS auth
A Tananarive Octel5 Wills.J aa
A Tamatave Oct.28 Porter,Muir
; and Lang.
‘ Sitter a mE ners famines stot ee 3 es ie see se Bessey es Bee : : is ¥ Bee Serres) atts ee pata 3 ae fs asl Sa cet 2 beech Pe babe tet _ ) Epepiestos :
, eS BOX NOOB ||| i
| Bates
FOLDER NO.6. (contd) in
| 1873 ace ee
op : ae SEE COVERS OF Larrmrs ||
A fananuarive Wov-10 Mullens.Dr a ee er |
| UN DEER NAME fii D DA 4 4
| A Tananarive Noveld Pool .W ee
| 1
| Lt, Tananarive Nov.eld Wills.d :
| : aa
| A Tenanarive Novela Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes. cl
| |
& fananarive Noveld Pillans J
A Tananarive Novell Briggs.B (Secy)
4 Tananarive Decea Thorne .d.C.
B Tananarive Dec.&8 Mullens.Dr
B Tananarive Dec.8 Briggs B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
B Tananarive Dec.8 Moss .C.}". 5
| 2B Yonizongo Dec.8 Matthews £.T,.
| : |
he B Tananevrive Dec,8 Jukes eC
8 Tananarive Dec.9 Wills.J (Secy) Report of Half-Yearly |
Meeting Malagasy Congre-
gationuel Union.
B Tananarive Dec.9 Wills.J (freasurez }
| B Tananarive Dec.10 Pool.W —_ :
BETSITEO LETTERS Head Station: Fiansrantsoa
C Fianarantsoa Feb.6 Brockway .7
C Fianarantsox Feb.e1l0 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Minutes special
Committee Meeting.
C Fianarantsoe Mar.ll Shaw.G.A. i4
C Fianarantsoa Mar.l5 attwell.W |
| ah
C Fianerantsoa Apr.7 Brockway .T 1
| ¢ Fianarantsoa Jul.28
g Filanarantsoa Aug.28 Brockway.7
iS |
D Fianarantsoa Sep.1? Brockway.? |
) A i
D Fianarantsoaw Oct.2 Mullens.Dr
D Fianarantsoa Oct. Pillans.d |
. t {
ry x 2 | }
D Fianarantsoa Oct.7 Shaw.GeA. Ln
| |
D Fianarantsoa Oct.24 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Minutes special e
Committees Meeting, 1
| i}|
| i | Hl
res i | Rice
tom BOX NO.LOB i Bs
| ', FOLDER NO.6. (contd) i
D Fianarantsoa Oct.24 Shaw.G.A. UNDER NAME AND DATE
| D Fianarantsoa Nov.4 Attwell. .W (Treasurer) ue
| D Fianarantsoa Dec.ll Parker.t.We vf :
D Fianarantsoa Jec.27 Shaw. GA. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
! . |
| Hold
| i
| ;
| ‘ ;
| : . i
| : |
4 i
E |
= ;
. {
: | |
° |
. Sa aE ee ete ee ht |
| :
| =(4= BOX NOLL. | e
: PA ohh fl Ly
- oe FOR GENERAL suascms |] J
A Vonizongsa JAN oH Matthews.f.?. Bi gee ee | o
A Tananarive Jan.5 Montgomery. W
| A. Tenanarive Jan.6 Pool .W | :
A Tananarive Jane Beveridge. 7.G, Y |
A Tanonarive Jan. Mullens.Dr
A Tananarive Jan.7 Wil1ls.J (Treasurer)
: | A fananarive dans.25 Clark.HefT. fo Rev.d.Pearse.
A Tananarive Feb.2 Pool. W
A fenanarive Feb.2 Pillans.d |
A Tananarive Feb.2 Moss.G.i. |
B Tananarive Feb.2 Mullens.Dr
B Tananarive Feb .d Mullens.Dr |
B fananarive Feb.% #$Mullens.Dr |
| : B Tauanarive Feb.3 Wills.d (?reasurer)
¢ Tananarive Feb.3 Briggs.B (Secretary) Committee Minutes!
C Tananarive Feb.3d Cousins. WE.
C Tananarive Feb.16. Wills.d (freasurer)
D fananarive Feb.28 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
| D Tananarive Feb.28 Pool.W |
| =) Tananarive Mar.3 Wille.d (Treasurer) |
| D ananarivs Mar.S Briggs.B vi
ceo} Tananarive Mar.2 Mullens. Dr
A Tananarive Var.3d Mullens.Dr |
A Panenarive Mar .e4 Moss.C.F. |
A Tananarive Mar.l1 Muliens.Dr is |
A Tananarive Mar 31 Mullens. Dr | |
A VYonizongo Apr.l Lord.? |
B Tananarive Apr Wilis.J (Treasurer) |
rl @
rR el i mn | :
| reo Box NO. Li. " | He
FOLDER NO.2.(conta) | i
B fanenarive Apr. Pool.W UNDER WANE ANS DATS
: B Antoby Apr.24 Mullene.Dr
| B Tananarive Apr.c6 -- Pool. | z
B Tananarive Apr.28 Wills.J (Treasurer) a :
B Tananarive Apr .2& Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
C Tananarive May.25 Mu.lens.Dz
C fananarive dune lS Native Pastorse
G ananarive dunel& Students.
C Tananarive JuneL? Beveridge.?.G. |
G Tananarive dJun.17 Pillans.d |
= C fananarive Jun. 2d Briggs.B {Secy) Minutes of Annual |
Gommittes Meeting.
D fenanarive Jun.e29 Briggs.B (Secy) Gummattee Minutes. |
| D Tananarive Jdun.s9 Wills.d (Treasurex) : u
| D Tananarive dule10 Mullens. 0dr
D fananarive Jul.l? Rainilaiarivouy
A Tananarive Jul.l4 Wills.J (Treasurer)
: A Tananarive dul.20 Mullens.Dr
A Tenanarive Jul.20 Pool.W i
A Tananarive Jul.2i #Briggs.B (Secy}
Ps Tananarive Jul.2l Native Pastozs./10) !
A Tananarive Aug.15 Johnson.W (Secy:F.F.M A.)
eae Tananarive Augei? Gousins.W.E. (Acting Secy) Committee |
Minutes. |
B Tanancrive Augel? Pool.w_ S |
B Ambohimangs, Aug.18 Sibree.d |
B fTananarive Augel8 Wills.d (Treasurer) |
B Zanzibar Aug.27 Pillans.d oe |
B Zanzibar Auge 28 Mullens.Dr 2 . |
| a BOxX._NO.11. —
C On board ao ee
| "Huphrates® Aug.d1 Pillans.J UNDER NAS ADO Sass, e
| G On board ne
"Eunorates® Sepel Pillans.é
z Meg
C. Aden BOP eS Mullens.Dr ee
Piilans.d Summary of work undertak-
en and accomplished.
D Vorizongo Sep.l14 Matthews.T.T.
D Faravohitra Sep.15 Jukes eG
D Tanenarive Sep.15 Pool W |
D Tanenarive Sepel5 Wills.d (Treasurer)
D Port Louis Sep.16 Stribling.Eu.
D Tamatave - Oct.l Stribling.E.H.
Z |
| D fanerarive Octele# Pool.W
| |
| 4
B Tanenarive Oct.15 Thorne.d.C. i
; |
D Tananacive Octel4 Beveridge.T.G.
& Mauritius Cot oid Treland ,Fraser
: & Co.
A Tananarive Oct.17 Wills.d (Treasurer)
& Tananarive Oct.20 Stribling.E.H.
A Tananerive Octe20 Briggs.-B (Secy} Committee Resolution
; Enclosing Examinatio:
| Certificates,
A Tanauerive Oct.29 KingdoneA Enclosing specimen
of Press work. j
| et
| A Tarsnarive Noved Wills.J (Treasurer)
B Tananarive Nov.9 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
: Enclosing scopy of Qu: {
a eents proclamation
| freeing all Mozambic
ue Slaves imported
| since Treaty of 1855
| B Tananarive Nov.9? Cameron.d
B Tanenarive Nove? “Pool.W
5 fananarive Nov.el0 Moss.C.F. (Acting Treasurer) Va
B Yonizongo Dec. 5 Stribling.E.H.
a Se eee ee
| :
| a
| “i= BOR NOLL. | ea
| DUA NG sts | yy
| | FOLDER NO.4e(ocntc| |
She vOVERS OF Lattans jf
: B Fihe.onane Dec.d Stribling.E.H. UNDE NAME AND DATE — :
a : 2
B Tananarive Dee. 5 Pool.W eS
| ie :
B Tananarive Dec.8 Moss Coke ae
B Tananarive wJeC. Pocl.W “iM f
S Anbositra Feb.19 Brockway.?
CG Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Attwell.W Enclosing letter from Dr
Mullins and reply to same
C Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Attweli.W ee
G Fianarantsoa Feb.24 Parker.G.We
| oe Fianarantsoa Mar.20 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Committee Minutes. |
| Ge Fianarantsoa Mar.24 Atiwell.W |
C Fiansrantsoe Apr.aL Attwell.W
: rae “5 : i
| C Ambositra Apr.22 Brockway.T Hh
| |
| C Fianarantsoa May.19 Shaw.GA. (Secy} Committee Minutes.
D Fianarantsva Aug-12 Shaw.G.A. (Secy)
D Fianavantsoa Aug.28 Parker.G.W. (Treasurer)
D Fianarantsoa Sep.28 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Committee Resoluti:
D Ambositra Oct.6 Brockway.?
D Fianarantsos, 0ct.3d0 ShaweGeAe
D Fianerantsoa Oct.d1 Parker .G.We
v Fianarantsoa Dec.d0 Shaw.G.A. (Secy) Commiistea Minutes, | fi
| ,
| }
| : |
. * |
| |
; |
ca Se Foe eater es ae ae sists EE + es net Sees ae zs pees : Bs rer Bn E ese oe a: BG asset es fares i c i ; cae eas . ¥ : } SEP AY ae
rr en aap, ta ye : 5
aes, po ie LE oe | ee
FOLDER NO.1. i ae
gare FOR GENERAL suBgHo7S 3
4.375 Sree a ne am
f le Pen me . ford 7 at Ur UNDE oO NAME “AND Ona ‘y a
A Tananar ive Jai7 45 Pool .W ae parte
A Tenanarive dan.6 Rainilaiarivony :
A Tananarive Jan. 6 Brigss.B (Secy) Committes Minutes.
Enclosing Bxeuinst-
lon Certificates dc
B Tananarive Jini Pool.W
B Tananarive Jane? “ameroned
B Tananarive Jane? Wills.J |
B fananarive Jan.? Wills.d..(Treasurer)
B Tananarive Jan.7 Toy.R
Houlder. dA. |
B Tananarive Feb 4 Pool.W |
B Tananarive Feb.4 Wills.J (Treasurer)
B Voni zongo Merl Stribling...
5 §
B fTananarive Mar.2 Peaks .P.G. if
: G Tananarive Maree Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes,
G Tananarive Mar.s Pool.W _
C fTananarive Mar 4 Houlder.J.A.
6 Tananarive Mar .4 Wills.J
C fananarive Mar.4 Wills.J (Treasurer)
D fananarive Mar.s Cameron. d |
D Tananarive Mar.& Cameron.d Enecloses estimate
for new School. i
: 1
D Tanacarive Mar.29 Brigzs.B (Secy) Committee Resolni~
; ions.
D Off Portland Mar.29 Pearse.Jd
oe "Sea. Breeze" :
. \ i
; :
D Tananarive Mar .ol Pool .W |
D Tananarive Aprel Wills.J i
D ananarive aApr.l Wills.J : = |
weet enek oe
A Tananarive hor. Cameroned |
: |
A Ambohipotsy Apr.28 Montgomery.W lL.
SE See Fa eee ater ee a eT sete es sy st See Pane ee Saha Tek rere as cereaeyy es es Gee ae " oe ea ss at : pain r pea ae Eat ail
ey I)
= 79 BOX_NO.L2. | eo
FOLDER NO.2.(eonta)
Sie COVanS OF Lirtars
A fananarive JUKE eC Enclosing specimen cop-
tes of "Gazety Malages: Bi
&, fananarive Apr.29 ° Sibrea.d
A Faravohitra Apr.29 Davidsen.Dr Enclosing plans of p:ror |
vsed hospital.Also cop:
of Gazetive.
Ee B fananarive Apr.29 Briggs. (Secy) Committee Minutes.
Enclosing plans of vro-«
B Tananarive Avr. Willsed pesed Mission house a7
; Amparive.
B fananarive Apr.29 Pool.W
B Tananarive Apr.3Q Pool.W !
B Mauritius Apr.S0 Ireland,Fraser
& Co. |
: B Mauritius Apr.d0 Anderson.S.H.
B Tamavave Mayet2 Procter ros.
B Tananarive May.22 Wilis.d (Treasurer) |
: i
* * 2 Seta = |
B Tananarive Mayv.27 vUameron.d |
C Tananarive May.26 Wills.J (Treasurer)
C Tananarive Jun. aL Wills.J heport of Congregation-
al Union Meeting at
CG Taneanerive June25 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
Enclosing plans of pro-
posed Mission house 4%
D Tananarive dun.24 Wiils.J (freasurer)
D Tananarive dun.24 Pocl.W a
D Tananari ve dunee4 Richardson.
ees D Port Louis Jul.7 Pearse .d
D fanenarive dul.9 Cousins WE.
D Yonizongo dul.i2 Matthews.T.2. Eolf-yearly Revort of
: his District.
D Ambohinaugs dul.l2 Parker .G.W.
octane |
A, Ambohimanga dJul.l6 Sibree.J
$ |
A. Tamatave dull Pearse. Jd |
Sk Ambchimanga diel Rainilatarivony |
. Pasa eS! SSH eines asst cat raet ty teste te sa rie pares ee z Rea si : s Batre Pete ss Ee ais # S c f Baye Bi: z : ia c ox; ra cate . | : SH :
a |
| || ;
-80~ BOX NO.12.
FOLDER _NO.2. (contd) o
A anenarive Jul.19 Toy.R UNDER NAME AND DATS :
A Tananarive Jul.21 Briggs.B {Secy) Committee Resolutions |
A Mauritius Jul.22 Ireland,Fraser | |
& CO.
A Ambohimanga duvul.26 Rainilaiarivony
A Ambohimanga Jule22 Rainilaiarivony
ny Ambohimanga Jul.22 Rainilaiarivory
A Tananarive dul~2e Wilis.d
J Teananarive dulsao = Wills.
: |
B Tananarive Jule25 Pool.W
5 Ambohimanga .Aug.7 Rainilaiarivony
B Tamavave Auge8 Procter Bros. .
. fi : }
B Tananarive AugeY Andvianony ,&CG.e
B Ambohimanga Augeld Wesleyedele
B Tanansrive Augel6 Price.C.T.
B Mauritius Augel? tLe Mierectf
B Mauritius Aug.e18 Campbell.f ;
B Mauritius Augel? Ireland, Fraser
& Co. ;
B Tananarive Augel9 Wills.J
B fananarive Aug.19 Moss.C.F. Enclosing copy of Testi-
monial presented to Dr
Mackie by the Queen, |
Prime Minister and other)
C Tananearive Aug.l9 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes.
C Tananarive Aug.+0 Rogers.T
C Ambatondraz- Sep.1G Pearse.
C Tananarive Sen.l5 Wills.J (Treasurer)
c Tananarive Sep e16 Cameron. J
G Vonizongo Sep.16 Matthews.?.?.
C Faravohitra Oct.9 Clark. Hed. . |
CG Tananarive Oct.l0 Johnson.W |
G fananarive Oct.10 Rainilaiarivony e.
g Tananarive Oct.12 Street.Louis ; |
es sees emt normonssnargumepmrpicenpm yen nna rovousauy sus nine osaivng
| &
~81- BOX NOS. | | se
D Tananarive Oct.16 Wills.J (Treasurer)
» Tananarive Oct.16 Moss.C.F. | :
ae Tananarive Oct.17 Briggs.B (Secy) Commiutee Minutes. |
Enclosing printed cory
@©F resolution re Mr Cam]
eron's death.
A Faravohitra Oct.17 Peill.J
A Tanenarive Noved Briggs .B
: A Mauritius Novell Tandmark.Capt. |
A&A Waravohitrea Nov.l2 Parrett.J ,
A Faravyohitra Nov.l2 Parrett.d
A Tanarerive Nov,13 Wills. (Treasurer) |
A fananarive Novels Pelll.d |
: A Tananarive Nov.lS Richardson.s. (Mrs) —
B ananarive Nov.l3 @foy.R _
B Tananarive Dec.8 Thorne JG.
B Mauritius Dec.l0 Le Miere.H Consul for Madagascar.
B fananarive Dec.l0 Borchgrevink.¢
: B Tenanarive Dec.1S Houlder.J.A-.
B ananarive Dec.1S Wills.J |
BR fananarive Dec.13 Jukes.¢
B Ambsatondraz- Dec.odl Pearse .d :
C Fianarantsoa Jan.28 Parker.G.W. (Treasurer) |
C Fianarvantsoa May.17 Shaw.GeA. (Secy) Committee Minutes,
. GC Fianarantsoa May.19 Cowan.W.D. |
.¢ Fianarantsoa Nuy.20d Shaw GA. |
| CG Fianarantsoa May. Shaw.G.A,
| an nr rs nh tee eeeanc a mpc ngs uannnappeeespioger oo
7 ae BOX D0 L2. F
bi COVERS OF DelviRs
D . Fianarantsva Jul.l5 Shaw.GeA. . | :
‘" Fianarantsoa Jul.15 Shaw.G A. (Secy) |
D £Fianarantsoa Aug.10 Cowan. WW...
D Fianarantsoa Aug.30 Shaw eGeA.
D Ambositra Sep.6 Brockway.
D Ambositra Sep.8 Brockway .f :
D Fianarantsoa Oct.6 Shaw.G.A. (Secy)
7 D Ambositra Dec.3l Price.C.F. |
; |
3 |
: |
; |
. |
; }
7 . : |
| i]
i Se
: ~8S- BOX NO.13. oS
A Vonizongo JAN 5 Vatthews.T.7. UNDER NAME AND DADS
A. Tananarive Janed Wills.v Be
A Tananarive Jganed Briggs.3 (Secy) Committee Minutes
B Tananarive JB%06 Wills.d (Treasurer)
B Tananerive Jan.% Grainge HW. |
B Ambohimanga dJan.6 Sitree.Jd
B Ambatondraz- Janell Pearse.d
ee Tananarive Jan.él Wesley.iirs
B Ambohimanga Jan.29 Sibree.d |
B Faravohitra Feb.2 Cameron.Miss |
: B VYonizongo Feb.2 Matthews .1'.T. |
2 . |
B Tenanarive Feb.2 Wills.d (Treasurer) |
i . |
G Taranarive Feb? Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes |
C Tananarive Keb.d Wills.d
¢ Tananarive Feb.d Wills.dJ
C Tananarive Febed Moss.C.F.
Ce Tananarive Feb .d Rainilaiarivony
¢ Tfanenarive Feb.28 Parrett.d
D Vonizongo Feb.28 Matthevs.T.T.
D Iscavina Feb.29 Peake .F.G. i
D Tsiafahy Mare2 Beveridge. .G. i
D)†Feravohitra Mar.c Cameron. Wiss
aD Tananarive Maree Toy.R Enclosing statement |
: of Gollege Accounts
D Tananarive Mare2 Wills.J (freasuve.') |
D Faravohitra Mar.3 Davidson.Dr
D " EBlieser " Mar.18 landmark.Capt. oe |
D Ambositra Mar.22 ##Brockway.T :
3 |
E Tananarive Mar.25 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
| ie
84 ROX NOLS. | ve
FORDE? NO.1. (contd) :
SEE OGVuaS OF Lint 3s :
E Fiarencna, Mar.27 Striblaing.E.H. :
E Vonizongo Mar.e28 Matthews.!.f. Laclosing returns of
School Examinatious
E Mauritius Mar .o0 Ireland, Fraser
® & Ga °
E Ambohimanga Apr.25 Sipree.J
iE Tananarive Aprenr6 Jukes.Charles
A fananarive Apr.2%7 Wills.J (Treasurer) |
: |
A Mauritius Mayel2 Ireland,Fraser |
& U O56 |
A Ambohimanga May.19 sibree.J |
& Tananarive May e24 Wesley.â„¢rs |
A Yonizongo May.24 Matthews.T.T. — i
A Naranarive May.25 Briggs.B iSecy) Committee Minutes,
Plan of house..for
A Tananarive May.25 Mosa.C.F. Rev.7T.Rogers enclose
A Tananarive May.25 Thorne.d.C.
; A Tananarive May.26 Wills.J (Treasurer)
B Tananarive May.2v Rainilaiarivony
ose Ambatondra- Jun.l2 FPearse.d :
B Ambositra Junel3 Brockway.T
B +ananarive Jun.22 Briges.B (Secy) 4
; i
B Tananarive JUN eke Matthevs.â„¢.2. Encloses printed lisial
of schools. |
[=p Tananearive dune2d Wills.J (Treasurer) /
oe fanane rive dune24 Nainilaiarivony
B Aden Jul 14 Pool .W |
B Tananarive Julel9 Wilis.d |
C fTananarive. Jul.19 Briggs.PR (Secy) Annual Meeting of
- District Committee
G fananarive Jul.19 Parrett.d
: i
C Tananarcive Jul .20 Beveridge.f.G. a
C Off Naples July Pool.W
ee aeons SS SS Es asa ee ee a 2 " 7
~85~ BOX NO.13. FB
L876 FOR GENERAL SuBTacrs | | ,
Shs COVERS OF Leiria
D fananarive Jul.20 Wilis.d (Treas- UNDER NAMW AND DATE :
ULI) ees soe emer :
D Vonizonzo JulL.e25 Matthews.7.. 2
. D Ambohineloma Jul.29 Peillad |
i :
D Tananarive Jul .d] Bliss.Miss |
D Mauritius Aug. 5 Fool.W
D Agen Auge? Wesley.-Mrs
D Tananearive Auge? Thorme .J3.C.
D Mananarive Aug.l? EBriggs.B (Secy)
D Teananarive Aug.1’? Wills.d
E Tananarive Augel? ToyeR |
£ Faravonitra Augel? Cousins.& |
E Faravehnitre, Augel8 dukes. :
Be Wy
gE Tananarive
£ Ambositra sepel Bro¢gkway .T
a Tamatave Sep.& Procter Bros ;
ko Ambohimanga Sep.14 Sibree.d
b Faravohitra Sep.16 Bliss.Miss |
A Tananarive Ssep.19 Pool W
A Taneanarive Sep.l? Briggs.r (Secy) Committee Minutes
A vananarive Sep.19 Thorne.J.c. {
A Tananarive pep el? Richardasoned : |
oe Faravohitra Sep.2zo Wills.d |
8 Vonizengo Oct .3 Matthews.T.7. : |
B Tananarive Oct.1lé Pool W |
zB fananarive Oct.12 Briggs.B (Secy) | Ze a
B Tananarive Oct.20 Moss.0...
B fananarive Oct.23 Johnson.W (Secy)F.F.Meh. Printed HMinut |
es enclosed, f
B Faravohitra Nov.s Sibree.J @
B Tananarive Noved Briggs.B {Secy) ‘oe
| oe
~86- BOX NO.L3. |
FOLDER NO.3.(conta) ff ff
| SEE COVER OF G30 2255 :
C Tananarive Nove9 Pool .W UNDER NAME AND DATE
C Itsiafahy NovelO Beveriage.?.¢, :
CG Tenanarive Dec.5 Rogers.
C Tananarive Dec.5 Wills.Jd
G fananarive Dec.6 Cousins.G
D Tananarive Dec.7 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
: D Farevohitra Dec.7 Bliss.Miss
D Tanenarive Dece’? Pool .W
D fananarive Dec.7 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
D Mauritius Dec.20 ireland Fraser
: & Go.
D famatave Dec.28 Procter Bros. |
D _Tananarive Dece.dl Richardson.J
es Wianarantsoa Jan.ec4 Shaw.GA. (Secy) Committee Minutes |
oo Fianarantsoa van.24 Shaw.G.A.
A Fianarantsoa Jan.26 Riordan.J
A Ambositra Jane2s8 Pprice.C.T.
A Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Riordan. d
A. Fianarantsoa Feb.23 Cowan. W.D.
A Fianarantsoa Mar.25 Riordan.J (freasurer)
: A Fianarantsoa Apr.20 Shaw.G.A.
A fianarantsos. May.18 Cowan.W.D. :
eB Fianarantsoa duneid Riordan.J (Secy) Minutes of Annual | |
Committee Meeting i
25 Fianarantsoa Jun.15 Riordan.J (Treasurer)
B Fianarantsoa Jun.14 Shaw.GeA.
B Fianarantsoa Jun.l5 Riordan.d Enclosing narrative of a
Journey to the Ibare cou- |
B Fianarantsoa Aug.8 Shaw.G.A. e nory. ||}
Ss = |
B Fienarantsoa Aug.31l Shaw.G./.. s |
B Fisnarantsoa Sep.5 Riordan. J
: |
B Fianarantsoa Sep. Riordan. d i
B Faravohitra Sep.l4 - Price.c.T.
~87- BOX NO.15. y
| FOLDER No.4, (contd)
G Fianarantsoa Oct.13 Riordan.d (Secy) Committee Minutes B
G Fiananantsoa Oct .19 Riordan .d | Z
C Fianarantsoa Uct.23 Riordan.d (Secy) |
C Fianarantsea Oct.24 Cowan.WeD.
3 Fianarantsva Oct.25 Riordan.J 7 ;
D Fianarantsoa Nov.3 Shaw.GeAe
D Fianarantsoe Nov.29 Riordan.d (Secy) Committee Resolutio:
D Fianarantsoa Dec.27 Riordan.J (Sesy) Committee Minutes |
D Fianarantsoa, Dece27 Brockway.T |
D £Fiansrantsoa Dec.28 Riordan. J : |
Q D Fianarantsoa Dec.28 Shaw.GeA.
: |
| |
| |
; t
| |
: |
| Bae
SEE COVERS OF Larrsss 49 Ti
A Ambohimanga Jan.é Wills.d UNDER NAME AND DAGE ~ ee
: A Tananarive Jan.3d Pearse.Jd ze
é& fananarive Janet Houlder.J A.
A Tananarive Jane Rogers.T |
—- Tananiurive Jane4 Pool W
A Tananarive JAN 64 Thorne.J.C. ("treasurer )
B fananarive Jane4 Sibree.d
B Tanansrive Jan.8 Rainilaiarivony
B Tananarive Jan.19 #Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
B Tananarive Jane 29 Sibree.d |
B Tanatave danedl Procter Bros. |
C Tananarive Feb 1 Rainilaiavivony {
C Tananarive Feb.l Rainilaiarivony |
C Vananerive Feb.l Beiges.B (Secy) Committees Minutes
A Tananarive Feb.1 Jukes.\Mrs
A Tananarive Feb.l Parrett.d 7
: , A fananarive Feb.l Thorne.d.C. SS :
A Tananarive Feb.2 Pool.W |
eres fananarive Feb.5 Pool .W | |
4 Mauritius Feb.28 Ireland,Fraser : |
& Co. i
A Vonizonszo Feb.28 Matthews.%.T. |
A fananarive Marl Rogers. | |
A Nanauarive Marel Pearse.d S |
A Tananarive Mar. Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
A Tananarive Mar el Sibree.J |
B Tananarive Marea Pool .W |
B Ambohibeloma Mar.2l1 Peill J Do 7.2. Matthews |
B Tananaxive Mar.26 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes Be
aaa eee OT EL SE = ,
| ~89- BOX NC.1¢. (ff i
ROTI 0.2./conta)
Ske COVERS OT Latrsss 9 &
: -&B Faravohitva Mar.
B Tananarive Mar.29 Sibree.d ie
. B Tananarive Mar e29 Toy eR !
B fananarive Mar .30 Pool.W |
B Tananarive Apr.,i3 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) |
B fTananarive Apr.él Poul.W
B fananarive DDO ead Briges.B (Secy) Minutes special
Committee Meeting
G Ambohimanga
G fananarive Apr.25 Beveridge.T.G. |
€ Ambohimanga Apr.25 Wills.d |
: U fananarive Apr .26 Dawson.wiss
D Tananarive
D Faravohitra Apr.26 Parrett.7 oe
D Tananarive Apre26 Houlder.d.A. 3
D Faravohitra Apr.26 Richardson.d
‘D ananarive Apr.29 Moss.C.F.
: D fTananarive May e4 Jukes .G
D fananarive May. Pool. .W
A Ambatondraz~ May.16 Pearse.Jd i
Baka |
A Vonizongo Matthews.?.7. . i
ee Ambohibeloma Pickersgill.W.C. |
ae Tananarive Maye24 Thorne .J.C. |
a Tananarive Mayee4 Jukes .C |
A Tananarive Maye 24d pibree.J |
B Tananarive May.24 Briggs.B (Secy) , Committee Minutes
B Mauritius Juned BeroneR ! |
B Ambositra dun.ld Brockway.
B Tananarive dun.2l Richardson.J 3
B fanans.rive dune el Pool .W
~90~ BOX 40.14. | aD
| WILDER 110.3. (conta’ oe
C Tananarive Jun.2l Toy.R UNDE NAME AND DATS :
G Faravohitra Jun.22 ° Parrett.Jd | a
G Aden Jul.13 Rogers.7 |
C Tananarive ful.l6 Thorne.J.C.
C Tananarive Jul .16 Toy,Cousins, Re sducation of
Moss,and Parrett. prime Minister's
u Ambohibeloma Jul.17 Chureh at
D Fiarenana Jul .18 Stribling.E.H. Enclosing plans for)'||
a school building
D Tananarive dul.l8 Briggs.B (Secy) Annual Meeting of |
District Commitiees |
D fananarive Jul el9 Pool W |
D Amboaimanga Jul.1% Wills.d |
D Tananarive Jul.l9 Rainilaiarivony |
‘ |
D Tananerive duL.l9 Rainilaiarivony
D fananarive Jul.19 Rainilaiarivony
, - FOLDER NO.4.
A. Ambohidratrimo
Aug.7 Baron.R
A Fihsonana Auge14 Matthews. f.7.
A Tfangnarive Aug.15- Pool .W
A Tacanarive Aug.l16 £Briges.B (Secy) |
& fananarive Aug.l6 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer) '
A Fiarenana.. Sep.ll Stribling.#=.H. |
B Tananarive Sepel3 Rainilaiarivony |
\ B Tananarive Sen.lS Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
: |
B Tananarive nepel3 Pool .W |
B Tananarive Sep.l15 Thorne.J.C.
B fananarive Sep.l3 Richardson.J |
G Mo janga. Sepeas Pickersgill.W.C.
G Mo janga Oct. 5 Pickersgill .W.C. We
C fananarive Oct.10 Cougins.G :
EE ee H " :
: oO BOX NO Le. | E eS j
FOLDER NO.4. (con: i) z
: 1877 FOR GeveRan sussecrs =}
G Tananarive Qct.ll Thorne.J.C. U'bDER NAME AND DATE - ge:
(Treasurer } e eee -
C fanararive Oct.l2 Pool.W :
G Tananarive Nov.8 Briggs. 8 (Secy) |
C Tananarive NOV 8 Pool.Â¥ 2
C Tananarive Nov.& Thorne.JC. (freagurer!
¢ . Faravohitra WNov.& Richardson. J
. D Vonizongo Dec.4 Matthews TT.
D fananarive Dec.6 Moss.C. '.
D Tansnarive Dec.6 Briggs.B (Sscy) Committee Minutes |
, Soy Taneanarive Dee.6 Pool. W |
D Ambos.tra Dec.k&4 Brockway. £ |
~ Panauarive Dec.28 Thorne.J.C. {Treasurex) i
A Fianarantsoe gan.25 Riordan.d (Secy)
A Fianarantsos dan.2% Riordan.J. (Secy)
A Fianarentsoa Jane2s Cowan. W.D. (Treasurer } |
A (fananarive) Feb.1 Shaw.G.A. On visit to Gapitel
for health reasons
A Fianarantsoa Febe2l Cowan.W-D. eg
A Fianarantsoa Anr.18 Cowan.W.D,. |
A ianaventsoa Apr.l8 Price.¢.T.
: Wil
A Ambositra Apr-18 Brockway. i
. i
8 Fienarentsoa liay.18 Cewan.W.D. |
A Fianarantsoa Jun.12 Shaw.Gc«A. |
a Filanarentsoa Riordan. Jd a
A Fianarantsoa Jun.13 Riordan.d (Secy) Committee Minutes |
: B Fianarantsoe Jul.4 Price.C.?.
B Fianarantsoa Jul.6 Cowan.W.D. . |
B Fianarantsoa dul.1l Riordan.d
Bo Tianarantsog Aug.7 Riorden.d (Secy) | fe,
a ee eae Ee eg eee eee ee ape ere ee
4 :
FOLDER NO.5.(conta) |) fi
: SEE COVaRS Or Lavmms | fl
B Fianarantsoa Aug. 6 ShisweGeA. UNDER NAM AND DATE i
B Ambositra AugelLo Brockway.T
2 Isandre, Oct.24 Price.0.T. :
| ae
S Fianarantsoa Vet 24 Shaw.eGeAc :
G Ifanjakana Oct.25 Price.c.2,.
C Fianarantsoa Oct.-“0 Riordan.J (Secy) Committec Minutes
C Ifanjakana Nov.20 Price.c.T.
G Fianarantsoa Dec.26 Riordan.Mrs
C Fianarantsoa Dee.2s6 Cowan. WeDe
; , |
, : | |
: |
: oo
: ees I
| | |
eee Se estore eee ee ae eee Aspe eBE rs Eeeee eta SS eee tte Setar i foam
3 ee. oF
+> BOK WO wh. —
FOLDER, 10.1. i
| See COVERS OF Lett sas
A Tananarive Jaue2 Parker.G Wo UNDER Nal AND DATS
A Mauritius Janed Ireland ,Fraser Be:
& CO.
ok fananarive Jan.d Briggs.B {Secy) :
| :
| A fananarive Jane3 Parrett.Jd
A JTananarive Jan oF Toy eR
A fananarive Jan.4 Pool.W
& Vananarive Jan ol8 Thorne.J.C. (Treasurer)
A Mauritius JAN. 2d Ireliend ,Fraser
3 & Co e |
B Mauritius Janes? - {[reland,Fraser
& Co.
B Tananarive Jonee9 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes ||
| B Tananarive Jan.edl Pool.W |
| : . |
B Tananarive JanedlL Richardson.J i
| | |
| G fTanenacive Febe28 ‘horne.d.C. (Treasurer) :
| :
C fananarive Feb.28 Richardson.d
C Tananarive Feb.28 Pool.W
C lic janga Mar .20 Pickersgill.W.C.
C Yonizongo Mar.25 Matthews.T.T. |
Eo CG Tananarive Mar.26 Briggs.B (Secy) Committees Minutes |
: FOLDER NO.8. |
A fananarive Mares8 Pcvl.W 4
| i
| A Tananerive Nar .d0 dukes eG Enclosing printed ||
Peport on schools
A. Tananarive Apr.l Thorne .d.C.
A Fievenana Apr.20-. Stribling.E.H. : :
| B feananarive Apr.23 Briggs.B (Sey) Minutes of special |
Committees Meeting
B Tananarive Apr.24 FPool.W
B Ambohimanga Apr.25 Wills.J
2B Tananarive Apr.25 ‘Whorne.J.Cc. (Treasurer! 1]
B Tananerive Apr.26 Rainilaiarivony
B Tananarive May.14 Briggs.B ({Secy) Committee Minutes | _
~94— Bux NO.LS. —
FOLDER NO.. (conta)
‘on Imarivolaiu- Mayead Parrett .J UNDER NAME Aud DATS
itra i
B Ambohidrat- WMay.23 Baron.R fs
BR Tananarive Thorne,d.C. (Treasurer) Fil
B Faravohitra Maye2s Richardson .Jd ;
B Mo janga Jun.2.5 Pickersgill.W.C.
C Tananarive Jun.19 Pool W
C Tananarive . dJul.9 Parker. Dr
G Favavohitra dul.l6 Bliss.liiss
C fananarive Jul e20 Wills.Jd
C Tonanarive Jul.20 Wills.d
o Tananarive Jul.2G Montgomery.W
G Tananar ive Jul.20 Briggs.B (Secy) Coumitise Mincves |
‘ s - :
A. Tana narive gul.20 Moss.C.F, |
b, Tananarive Jul.20 Pool.W
: |
: |
A Tananarive Jul.20 Cousins.&
; A Ambatondraz- Aug.6 Pearse oJ
A Tananar ive Augel4 Pool.W |
A fananerive Sepel2 Rainilaiarivony | ee
A Mananarive Sepel2 Thorne.JC.
B Tangnarive Ser.14 Pickersgill.W.C. :
B Tananarcive Sep.14 Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes
: : {
B Tenanerive Sep.14 Pool.W |
B Tanancrive Sepel4 Richardson.d
B Teananerive Sep el4 Cousins.G °
Z {
B Tonanarive Sep.eid Briggs.B f
; s LED
C Tananarive Oct.7 Moss.C-i.
G Tananarive Oct.10 Rainilaiarivony |
C Tananarive Oct .12 Pool.W ie
~95- Box _NO.3.5. —
FOLMIR NO.S(conta) | ff
CG Ambatondraz- Novel Pears2ed UNDER NAME AND DADS :
Sica. - :
C Fiarenana Nove4 Stribling.E.H. zs
G Tanarnrive Nov. Pool W |
C Tananarive Nove. 6 Cousins.w.He
C Ambohimanga No.7 Wills.d
D Tananarive Deced Briggs.B (Secy) Committee Minutes |
D Pananarive Dec.d Pool. W
D Tananarive Dec. 5 Thorne.d.C. (Treasurer)
D Ambatondraz- Dec.19 Pearse.d
aka, ;
aD Mo janga Dece26 Pickersgill.W.t.
D Tanansrive Dec.dl Parrett.d
—— |
& Fianarantsoa Jan.10 Riordans J
A Fianarantsoa Jan.25 Shaw.eGeAe (S207) Committee Minutes |
A Fianarantsoa Feb.19 Cowan. WD.
A Ifan jakana Feb.19 Price. Gel.
A Fianarantsoa Feb.Zz0 Cowan. W.D.
A Ambositra, Marel4 Brockway.T |
A Fianarantsoa Mar.i8 Shaw.@.A. (Secy) Encloses letter
from J.Riordan re i
state of Churches ||
oD Fianeranvsoa Mar.e2O Riorcan.d |
b Fianarantsoa Apr.eld Riordan. d |
: oe Fiancrantsoa Apr.15 Cowan.W.D. i
: |
e \
B Fianarantsoa Apr.l6 Shaw.G.A. |
B Fan jakana Apr .L6 Price.¢.T.
B Ifanjakana May.13 Price.Cc.f. : ee
B Fianarantsoa May.14 Cowan.W.D. |
B Fianarantsoa May.15 Shaw.G.A. j
; C Fan jakane Jun. 4 Price.c.t, |
, o36~ BOX NO.14, 8
FOLDEn NO.4. (contd) Ze
ree GER AGED OW Pant ase
Bee Yee UT Gt at e
C Fianarantsoa Jun. Ld Cowan."â€.D. UNDER NANE AND DA@E
C Fianarantsoa Jul.9 CowaneWeDe a
C Faravohnitra Jul.ll Brockway.?
C Ambositra Aug. 5 Brockway eZ
C Fianarantsoa Aug. 8 Cowan.W.D. Death of Mrs Baron
C (Tamatave) Aug.12 Shaw.G.A.
: 0 Ambositra Augeld Brockway.T
C Fianarantsoa Augeld ShaweGeAe (Secy) Committee Minutes, ,
Annual Meeting.
D Fianarantsoa Aug.27 Cowan.W.D. (Secy) Committee Minutes
D Fianarantsoa Oct.2 Cowan. WD.
D Deo oDurban Oct.7 Riordar.ed
(Plymouth) i
D Ambositra, Nov.29 Brockway.
: D Fan jakana, Dec.25 .Price,C.F. |
2 Ambositre Dec.26 Brockway.f
: |
. |
oe }
| |