London Missionary Society handlists

Material Information

London Missionary Society handlists
Series Title:
Christian World Mission archive
London Missionary Society
Place of Publication:
London Missionary Society
Physical Description:


Subjects / Keywords:
Missions ( lcsh )
London Missionary Society ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
1795 - 1923
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Mauritius
-20.2 x 57.5


Handlist of correspondence, journals, etc. documenting the London Missionary Society's global mission
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18 14 - 18 7 0
A Trench possession (called lie de France)
till 1810. Became British Colony in 1814. Roman
Catholicism and French language prevailed.
J.Le Bran and his two sons, J. J.Le Brun and
Peter Le Brun, were missionaries to the Island,
but its greatest importance in L.M.S. history
arises from Governor Farquhar‘s great interest in
the Mission to Madagascar. As its first advocate
and helper he did great service. His Secretary,
Telfair, was also a generous friend to Jones, and
others. Jones and Bevan went to Mauritius to be-
gin the Madagascar Mission, and throughout the
period of the Mauritius correspondence its chief
interest is as an explanation of Madagascar, espec-
ially during the persecution.
For efforts in the Comoro and Joanna Island, by W.
Elliott, from Soxith Africa, see 1821, etc.
Variations in spelling, e.g."Joanna" - "Johanna" are
copied from the Manuscripts.

M A U 3 n I u s
BC7. xlOal.

A Port Louis Sep.29 Hooper.F.G.W. (of Ordnance Dept.) 1814 State of Religion in the Island. Milne not allowed to preach in street.
A Port Louis May 6 La Brun. J. . (In French) 1st letter from DoWly appointed Swiss miss;/,
A Bourbon May 20 Hooper.F.G.W. Governor Farquhar opens schools. Baptists from Ben- gal among soldiers.
A Port Louis June 20 Farquhar.G. Weicomes Le Brun. Commends autioi. in Madagascar. Has assembled material for vo- cabulary & Grammar' &â–  projec- ted translation of Gospels. Malagasy in Mauritius snow intelligence..
A Port Louis Nov.14 Hooper.F.G.W. "17 1815. Offers his services. Bible in Malagasy being translated here. Encloses address to Christians re Madagascar.
A Port Louis Mar.30 Le Brun. J. Details of his work. Hears good account of interior of Madagascar.
A Port Louis .Oct.11 Le Brun. J. Needs a building lor worship Thinks -Jersey & Guernsey will contribute. (Refers to Journal previously sent.)
A Port Louis .Nov.11 Le Brun. J. 1816. Governor Farquhar asks if he will go to Madagascar. De- mand for French S oripture s, etc.
B Port Louis . Mar.28 Le Brun.J. Has been ill. nI have been sowing,another will reap,.”
B Port Louis May 20 Farquhar. Governor. Schools flourish. Regard Mauritius as beginning of Madagascar Mission. Has collected literature 4 dic- tionary. Awaits missionary bo translate Scriptures. (Also duplicate of this.)
B Port Louis June 9 L» Brun. J. Visited by 4 Weoleyans, & Baptist Missionary going to Ceylon. Governor has large vocabulary d Grammar in Mal- agasy, waiting to be printed
B Port Louis July 29 Le Brun.J.. 1817 Growth of schools. Has taken Catholic Ch.building.
B Port Louis Jan.7 Le Brun.J. Success of his work. Is held in contempt by upper classes Fear of slaves rising in con- sequence of preaching. Low moral standards. .(.Also duple - cate in French)
B Port Louis Juno 18 Farquhar Governor. Le Brum commended, hopes for inorease^ prudence. Heir to Hova king (& his brother) have been instructed under Farquhar & Le Brun. Present- ly returning Madagascar. A good field awaits missionaric

1317. (In French) Interest of Govor-
B Port June 26 Lo Brun.J.
Louis (Several) nor & Mr.Telfair in Madagascar.
B Port July 3 Members of (In French) Offering Services.
Louis the Church (In French) Reference to Mad-
B Port Sep.10 Le Brun.J.
Louis 1818 agascar.
C London Feb.10 HodaonoG. Urging prudence..
(Assi to
Le Birin.J.
C Port Apr .2 Le Brun.J. (In French)
Louis Jul.9 • Jones & ”We landed last Saturday”(Jul.3)
Bevan (Pro tern) Govt.Hall. Thinks time unfavourable for Mission to Mad- agascar. The Slave Trade.
C Port Jul.9. Bevan.Thos. Same matters as letter from Jone
Louis & Mary and Bevan.
C Port Jul.11 Jones.David Voyage & future prospects.
Louis Le Brun has spoken with a man who has been 20 Madagascar & believes interi- or pifers good pi'omise.
C Port Jul.12 Le Brun.J. (In French) General.
Louis Bogue.David
C Port Jul. 12 Hall.Govnr. Time inopportune for Jones &
Louis Bevan to enter Madagascar. Slave traders obstruct.
C Port Sep .1 Le Brun.J. Arrival of -Tones & Bevan. Exn
Louis marriage. Received letter from Thom with news of S. Africa Mission.

C Port Oot.16 Hall.Govnr. Jones has been to Tamatave,
Louis reports good prospects. School started with 10 scholars of
high rank. Efforts to sup- press Slave Trade.
C Port MoVo10 Jones.David Account of his visit to Tama-
Louis to Dr.Waugh,tave. (6000 words.)
C Port Novo20 Bevan .EWfA Her account of visit to Tama-.
Louis 1819 Mrs. tave. Mr & Mrs.Jones & baby went off again Nov.14. Mrs.B. too ill to be leiSt. Postscript? by Hampson & Trawls bound fur Calcutta.
D Port Jan. 6 Le Brun.J. Brief report on Madagascar.
Louis Mr.& lire.Bevan & child left for the Island on Dec.27. The work on Mauritius.
D Port May 4 Le Brun.J. Schools no longer an expense
Louis to Society. His Church has 22 members. 10 candidates(i.e. Catholics)
D Port July 24 Six members Asks for second missionary.
Louis of the Indpt.
D Mauri- (Mo date) Prospectus of School at Riviera
tius. du Rempart. (Found among 18H9
Port 1820 papers•)
D May?? Hegesafe Applicant for post. His
Louis religicus experience.

FCI-BB}: NO. 1. (Gontd)
1830. Ma y />“ May ScAo-of vn hii fjhJv A '
D Port Louis Le Brun.J. List of books (in French) wanted by him.-
B Port Louis May 28 Elders of Church Commends Hegesipe ^iraud as head of College.
B Port Louis May s9 Le Brxu . Jo His financial affairs. Bavici Jones staying wit! C.Telfair. Studying Malagasy.
r Port Louis Nov.19 Le Brun.J. Jones left for Tamatave 4th Sept. Two letters from him since.
V Port Louis Lac.5 ZVuqiq 1821. Le Brun.J. Jones. 0 (To Br.Philip) Review of Mauritius work. Reception of Bavid Jones by Hcva King.
p. pprtloua Pio.n erWr/r»«>) -The itlfairb Care a I- hi ix during hij FOLBER NO.2.
A Port Louis cT SIM * 2 Telfair.C. Forwarding letter from Radama
A Port Louis J an. 3 Farquhar. Govr.r. Promising beginnings in Mada- gascar. Natives of the Island on way to England for education.
A Port Louis Jnn.16 Le Brun.J. (Sends letter cy nand of Mala- gasy Prince going to England) Bavid Jones arr^ived in time to prevent Roman Catholic prient going to Hovas.
A tort Louis Feb.19 Griffiths. D The voyage out.Felfair thihks well of B,Jones. Griffiths visits Malagasy Prince,who is with Hastie.
A Port Louis Feb.20 Griffiths. D. Acquaintance with Hastie. Jones impressed by Radamafs sense. Govnr.Hall universally disliked.
A Port Louis Mar.16 Farquhar Govnr. B.Griffiths is using his valu- able vocabularies,etc. Had hoped to meet B.Jones. Prof, of Malagasy in the Colleges of Mauritius.
A Joanna Mar.16 Elliot u• YA (To Br.Philip) Accounts of the Island.
A Port Louis Jun .22 Le Brun,J. Griffiths left for Tamatave, April 23.’ s aid to Le Brun’s work.
A Port Louis Jul.22 Roberts.Cpt H.M.S.Shear- water. .(To Br.Philip). Johanna Island.
A Joanna Aug.28 Elliott .1,7. Further detail 3 of Joanna Island.
A Maurit- ius Sep.l? Mousbyi-Capt H.M.S.Menai, .(To Br.Philip) Johanna affairs. Slave Trade.
A Port Louis Bee. 5 Farquhar. Govnr• Prospects of Madagascar af- fairs. Prince Rataffe return-

folder uo.c 1
JACKET RL...C2 BAILS i ppp ? r * t JCj. SUBJECTS
B Port Louis Jan 1 Li Brun.J. Reviews his work.- News from Madagascar
B Moka Mauritius Apr *8 Brookes.T. He & others teaching handicrafts,while wait-- ing to sail Madagascar
B • Port Loui s Apr.20 Le Brvn.J, Copy letter to missy.- artisan & reply, ro charges for entertain.-
B Port Louis Apr,2i Je ffreys John 11.... .11 5 mn t h s. n Mau r i t is. Malagasy slaves good artisans.
.3 Tamatave May 8 Artisans Ke their kindly treat- ment in Port Louis.
B Port Louis July 2 Le Brun.J.' Exs.of entertaining missionaries. French version appended
B Port Louis Sep.18 Far quhar Governor Covering copy letters re Madagascar
B Port Louis Sep .26 1823 Far quhar Governor Good nows from Tananar- ive.) Al s p Bup1i cate)
B Port louis Account of a French Se.t- tlement at St.Mary’a on- N• E.Coast of Madagascar
B Port Louis Jan.16 Le Brun.J. State u f schools,w i t h tabular analysis, his- • sicn prospers ixt in da- gas car. Death of Dr.■ 'line
C Shefi Leld May Parker.G. Copy letter from Ellnott re Joh-.nna Is.
C Port Loui» Sept .2 Le Brun.J. Less pleasing news from Ma daga- s car. C han ge o f z i t c- for Chapel.Report on Mau- ritius-Mission.
c Port Louis Oct.21 Le Brun.J. Disputes cmong -Madagas- car missionaries
c Port Louis Eov.4 1824 Telfair.C. Cost of living in Mada- gascar. Flourishing ’state •of Mauritius Mission
n U Pert Louis Feb. 2 Le Brun.J. Relations with Catholics and Anglicans
G Port Louis May 1 Le Brun.J. Receipts & expenses of Mauritius ?.hy 1PM4
C Port Louis June 9 Le Brux..J, Good report of Madagas - car Mission
C Port Louis Aug.27 .Le Brun.J. Tract Society begins
B London Jun.28 Elliott.?/. Has sent papers on Coro- ros & Johanna to L.L.C.
B London Jul.22 Elliott."/. 4 Re his Memorial to L.M.S. about Joannes© & Malay Missions
B London Jul, 24 Elliott Memorial io L.M.3. re .

Bn;: NO.l
- 5 -
FOLDER NO < 2. (0 ont d)
D London July 24 Elliott.W. Sends Letter to Directors re S.Africa. Chapel open-, ed at Stellenbosch.
D London July 26 Ejlx iott • We Proposed Malay Mission at Cape.
D London July 27 Elliott.W. Grammar of Joanna.
D London (Undated) i Elliott.Wo Remarks on the Joannese Mission.
1825 FOLDER NO.3.
A Port- Louis Ban *3 Lb Brun.J. Full reply to charges against him.
A Mauritius J Hll o 8 Ingleton.T. Covering letter for cor-
(Port Louis) respondence re dispute
?? between Le Brun & his congregation,as follows Port Louis - Ingleton & Horton.Dec.6.1824. Mauritius - lngletonPetc. 26 Sep.1824 Port Louis - Ingleton,etc. 15 Nov.1824 Account of conversation between deacons,Ingleton & Horton. 13 Dec.1824. - T.S.Kelsey. 26 Dec n - Deacons - suggest reconciliation. Champs de L*Ort - 25 Dec, 1824. Reasons for refusing
Communion. J.Horton - 16 Nov.1824 - criticises Church management Vilbro - 28 Nov.1824* Justified Church managa- ment . T.S.Kelsey - 27 Sep.1824
- criticism of Le Brun.
■ B Port Louis Janoil Kelsey. T.S • Justification of his action
against Le Brun.
3 Port Louis Jen, 11 Le Brun.J. Conduct .of Ingleton & Kelsey his critics.
B Champ da Jan. ,22 Kelsey.T.S. Further Justification of his
Lore action against Le Brun.
B Port Louis June Le Brun.J. Statistics of School 1824/2S
Port Louis â– Msc/vxxrAjth-
B July 10 Le Brun.J. (To &&&%&&!< .Lowry Cole) New Chapel.

B Port Louis Aug#22 Le Brun.J. Death of Jeffreys of Mada- gascar, Widow returning home
B Port Louis Oct.19 Le Brun.J. Governor Lowry Cole approver erection of Chapel and sub- scribes. 1
B Port Louis Deo.15 Le Brun.J. New Church at Riviere du Rampart. David Jones draws
B Port Louis. Apr.11 Governor £100. Authorises Church at Ri vie re-
des Rampart Services to oe
B Reduit Oct. 5 Governor notified to Governor. Asks why no notice of
^preacnings sent to him

FOLDER HO'5e (Cont .A

C Correspondence betwe< en Le Brun &. Governor Sir C.Aov/ry Colo
on subject of giving instruction to Govt.apprentices, 1825
c Regulations of School for inst.cuc tion of upprencices A so:?-
vants,established at Port Louis,1825. ( IN FRENCH)
c Port Louis Apr .11 Le Brun.J• Corrospondence with Govnr re new Chapel
c Port Louis Jul.26 Johns.D. Arrival en route to Mdgcc
c Port Louis. Aug.11 Le srun.J.
G Port Louis Sep.4 Le Brun.J. Teacher engaged, at i.‘5O p,
A ?O,0CC slaves in Mau-
ritius .
C Port Louis Sep.20 Le Brun.J. Copy letter to his school at Riviere des Rampart
C Port Louis Sep.26 Le Brun.J. Tabular view of School work.
C Port Louis Nov.28 Le Brun.J. Encloses documents to support appeal to Burl Bathurst for grant for education
c Port Louis Nov.28 Le Brun.J. Hovendens call en route to Madagascar. Free pop .
1827 of Mauritius 87,000
c Port Louis Oct., 9 La Brun.J. Tyerman left Tamatave. Dr.Lyall arrives. Finance
c Port Louis Oct.26 Le Brun.J. Finance. Hast ieT s Executr
1828 ix.
c Port Louis Jan.23 Lyall. R. Introduces Dr.Wi 1 s on
c Port Louis. Sept.2 Baker. E. Sails for Tamatave Sep.3
c Port Louis Sept .4 Le Brun.J. News of Radama’s death
c Port Louis. Sep.25 Le Brun.J. Deaths of Tyerman A Radair:
c Port Louis Oct. 29 Le Brun.J. News from Madagascar. Ratafe probably dead.
c Port Louis Nov.26 Volave His voyage from England
(Malagasy youth)
c Port Louis Dec. 7 Colville. Sir Charles Result of death of Rada r.
D Port Louis Apr.30 Kelsey,T.S. List of subscribers for proposed new Chapel
D Port Louis May 20 Le Brun.J. Re Mission in Mauritius. List of Church members â–  t Port Louis
D Port Louis Sept.10 Le Brun. J. Orders French books
D Port Louis Nov. 2 Le Brun.J. Radama’s Secy,habeen to Mauritius.- Malagasy a. fai
D Port Louis Nov. 3 Le Brun.J. Gloomy outlook Mauritius Slavery in Madagascar
D Port Louis Nov.11 Le Brun.J. French negro army giving trouble in Madagascar.
1830 1
D Port Louis Jan. 2 Fre e man.J. Re slave!*/* Loss of son
D Mauritius Feb.10 Xepsey.T.S. Sends subs.for .-.adagasci.a
D Port Louis Ihy 3 Freeman.J. Malagasy affairs. (Gcc<-
letror '
D Port Louis Aug.28 Manana.A. His efforts at English

Port Lou- Oct.16 JOxiWS.D.
±3 •
Port Lou- Dec.31 Le Brun.J.
Port Lou- Jan.27 Jones.D.
Port Lou- Feb.9 Telfair.C.
i3 ( Govnr)
Port Lou- Oct.6 Le Brun.J.
is 1832
Port Lou- Feb.3 Delmar.J.B.
Port Lou- May 7 Le Brun.J.
Port Lou- May 29 Le Brun.J.
Port Lou- Jun.20 Dick.E.F.
is ( Governo
Port Lou- Aug.20 is.(Grand Residents.
To sail on 17th for Fort
Orders Lancester’s lessons in
French,etc. Wesleyan mission-
aries at Telfair’s plantation.
D.Jones needs rest. The Mada-
gascar Mission.
Coming to Europe for health.
Objects to hurried printing of
Commends D.Jones. Remarks on
Madagascar Mission. Tackless-
ness of Griffiths.
Medical report on Le Brun.
Auxiliary accounts.
Petition to Governors for use
of abandoned building.
Declines use of Dayots Mills
•) as Church.
Desire Free Day School.
B B Port Lou- Aug. 22 is Port Lou- Aug.22 is Montgomery. • Dr. Le Brun• B Port Lou- Sep.18 Atkinson.
is ! Phe op hilus
Medical Certificate on Le Brun
Economic chan&es in Mauritius.
Island Government in danger.
His health.
Going to South Africa.
B C.Town Jan.8 Le Brun.J.
B London July Conquest. Dr. (L.M.S. Physician)
B Port Lou- Feb.7 Is Kelsey.T.S.
B Port Lou- Feb.15 is Kelsey.T.S.
B Port Lou- July 26 is Kelsey.T.S.
B Port Lou- De a .25 is Kclsey.T.S.
C Mauritius 1834
C Port Lou- May 24 is Kelsey.T.S.
C Port Lou- Sep.9 is Canham.J.
C Port Lou- Oct.29 is. Kelsey.T.S.
C Mauritius 1835
C Port Lou- March is Le Brun.J.
C London Apr.26 An Officer
Arrived Oct,23 with Atkinson,
of Madagascar. State of Maurit-
ius. His health*
Report on Le Brun.
Mission at lowest ebb. List of
letters received.
Sends money for work among
slaves,if any Society undertakes
Charles Telfair died 14th July.
Wretched state of Mission. Re-
marks on posting of letters-
Chronological Review 1833
Remarks on Le Brun’s father-in-
law. Posting & forwarding of
Left Tananarive July 17. Sta+3
of Madagascar. Education of
slaves in Mauritius.
Refers to Chilling atmosphere of
L.M.S. Room.
Memorandum on Education & Slaver,
Statement on Moral & Religious
Draft letter to Col .n-P-r-?

JACKIT p*- 1 ny? -L -L i t 1-1 JIVlE 1 83 ft NAME SUBJECTS
A Port Louis Feb.27 Dick.G.E. (Col.Secy) Exempts L.M.S. from Colo- nial postage.
A jrt. Port Louis Jun.12- 17 Le Arun.J. Statement to Governor re L .11. S . ChaP els a s e rv'« ce s on Island. Describes Seychells Archipelago. Lepers treated with rurtle blood & coco-nut oil
A Grand River Jul ,21 Kelsey.T.S. Plea for Le i>runTs further employment by the Society
Port Louis Jill • Alexander II Recommendation of Le .Brun, Unsatisfactory state of religion in Mauritius
A Port Louis Aug.19 Freeman.J. Malagasy Govt .de? ire to restore slave trade. Anti- Christian acts by Govt.
1 Port Louis Sept.14 Freeman.J.J . State of Chapel & Cong, at Pitoh• Govtl attitude to French Protestants. Disposal of property for Madagascar.
A Port Louis Sep.30 Freeman.J. Griffiths departed from Madagascar. Dispute as to ownership of property. Progress of Recommendation.of Hisucry of Madagascar in ’,7g?lsh.
B Port Louis Nov. 2 Freeman.J. Expenses of voyage to Eng- land of D.Griffiths
B Port Louis De c • 2 Freeman.J. Death of Prince Corrollor. Increased use of Ordeal by tangenu in Madagascar
B Mauritius Dec .19 Nicolay. Governor Ordnance No.18.on Gaze 11 a, controllling public In- struction.
B Maur it ius Dec026 Nicolay Governor Above Ordinance published in error. Needs Royai approval.
B Port Louis Dec.26 Freeman.J. Dark future for Madagascar Mission. Laxity in Mouriti’.
B Port Louis Dec.28 Freeman.J. Education in Mauritius
B Port Louis Deo.31 1836 54 Church Members Plea for further employ- ment of Le Brun.
G Port Louis May 10 Lo Bi'un.J. Local, surveillance of education. Apprentices in slavery. Petition from Mapou enclosed
C Port Louis July 22 Le. Brun. J. Report. Malagasy Commis- sioner expected on way to England
C Port Louis Sept.7 Le Brun.J. Johns & Baker arrive, from Madagascar. His son John to go to Paris.

BOX NO* 2.
FOLDER MO . 1. (Cont- d)
C Port Louis. 1856 Sep. 9 Baker.E.
c Port Louis Sep. 9 Johns.Do
D Port Louis Sep.29 Johns ."n.
D Port Louis Oct-.22 Baker. E.
D Port Louis Nov.14 Johns. D.
Arrival. Suspension of teach-
ing in Madagascar. Embassy to
England ineludea Satranabo,
’’husband of Mrs .hastie. ”
Withdrawal from Madagascar.
Notes on the Embassy to Eng-
land. Letter f-*om Malagasy
Letter introducing 2 ambassa-
dors « Raharo & Rasatranabo--
L.M.S. Pundits. Correction
of nearly all printed matter.
Reasons for leaving Madagas-
Circumstances leading to with-
drawal from Madagascar. Cor-
respondence with Colonial See.
Instruction of people in
A Port Louis 1857 Correspondence re M.F.Cross, a Swiss pastor,refused leave to in Mauritius. Comoro Islands not promising sphere.
Jan.11 Johns «'D.
A Port Louis Jan .13 Bakor. E. Protestant services ixi M. Has set up printing press.
A Port Louis Feb .2 Baker.E. Birth uf daughter. Moral state of Island.
A Port Louis Apr. 6 Baker,E. By cruelty of overseers 7 men perished in carrying Press to Tananarive in ’34. Johns family sent to Cape for econcm
A Port 'Louis Apr.15 Printed Address to Colonial Chaplain. Mauritius prosperous. 70,000 freed slaves, no instruction.
A Port Louis May 22 Johns.D. Eork among Malagasy,etc. in Mauritius. (Enclosures speci- fied not found. D.C.)
A Port Louis Jun.20 Baker. E. Return to Madagascar useless with.out liberty to preach. Refers to D.Griffiths.
B Port Louis July 5 (4 documents) Le Brun. J .New Chapel - Elans, etc. Catholic & Episcopal opposit- ion .
0 Port Louis July 7 Johns. D.
C Port Louis Aug. 8 Jones. D.
C Port Louis Aug. 9 Baker. E.
C Port Louis Aug. 23 Baker. E.
c Port Louis Aug.24 Jones. D.
Sails tomorrow for Tamatave.
Arrived Aug.3. ,Three months
from Spithead. Death of
daughter at sea. interview
w'ith Governor.
Extracts from Malagasy let-
Printing operations.
Regulations prevent preaching
in Malagasy language. Corx’es-

- iO
EOX NO. 2*
FOLDER N0.2, (OoD.ti,)
C Port Louis Sep.ll Baker.E©
C Poi-t Louffj Sep.20 Joner.D.
D Port Louis Sep.27 Jone°.D.
D Port Louis Sep.27 Jobns.D.
D Port Louis Oct © 5 BakerCE.
D Port Louis Oct. 6 J one s. D ©
D Port Louis Oct.19 Manger.J.
D Port Louis Nov.25 Johns. D.
D Port Dec.6 Jones. D.
Louis 1838
A Port Jan.5 Jones. D.
Louis •
A Port Louis ©an: Johns.D©
A Port Louis Jan.11 Johns.D.
A Port Louis Pah.7. Johns.Do
A Port. Feb.10 Jones.D.)
Louis Johns. D«.) Be ':or.E.)
A Port Louis Mar. 6 Johus.D.
A Pitou Mar. 8 Baker.E.
A Port Louis Mar.30 Jones,D.
A Port Louis Jun©28 Jones.D.
A Port Louis Jul? 9 Baker. E.
A Pitou July 16 Baker. E.
School-work. Orders German
Tour with Le Brun., Places in
Island needing missionaries.
R.c’s active £ likely to get
big grants from Government.
Anxious to see Regulation
against preaching in Malagasy
altered, D.Johns arrives from
Madagasoar• (Enclo sure s not
found.(Sd) D.C.)
Death»iof Rafaravavy? feared.
(A mistake, see letter from
Rafaravavy,the first martyr.
(See above) Remarks on the
Madagascar news. Work in
To David Johns.- Mauritius.
French Agent 7/ith fhe Embassy
arrives in Madagascar. His
supposed aims.
Items of expenditure.
Catholics & Protestarts in
Mauritius. Good opening
there. He Is remaining in
Port Louis, gives xcasuns.
Expecting arrival of Tsarahaf-
atra from Tananurivo,with news
Encloses his account.
Eight Chiefs in S.Madagascar,
appeal to Britain for support
against Hova oppression.
Letter from Governor of Tama-
tave on affairs in Madagascar.
Report on L.M.S. School
School & Church work in Maurit -
ius. Asks Boara's view of ap-
peal from 8 Chiefs in Madagas-
Miniscering to Malagasy. Refers
to appeal of 8 Chiefs.
Printed Catechism &. Hymns in
Dr.Justiano introduced to the
Johns left for Tamatave June 13
Much work in Mauritius. Print-
ing press outlook. D.Griffiths
proposed return to Madagascar.
Desire of missionaries,etc,that
he should stay in Mauritius.
Proposal made re 8 Chiefs in 3.
Madagascar. Affail's of Press.

- xl ’•
BOX NO. 2.
FOLDER NO6g<, (Contd;
B Port Louis Aug. 4 Jones.D.) Be Ver.E♦) No news from Tananarive. Work in Mauritius.
B Port Louis Aug. 5 Baker.E. Finances of Press c News from Tam&iave. D.Griffiths expec- ted thereo Powell (Botanist) very ill.
B Port Louis Sep.3 Le Brim.J .His son going t** England. Warships gathering off coast of Madagascar,
B Port Louis Sep.3 Le Brun.J • Introducing Mrs.Le Do
B Port Louis Sop *4 Jones. D. Introducing Sam Le Brun.Johns arrived from Tamatave Aug.26. Griffiths arrived on way to Madagascar.
B Port Louis Oct .6 Jones.D. Sails to Tamatave tomorrow.
B Port Louis Oct.19 Johns.D. Rafaravavy & 5 others arrive from Madagascar. Powell going to Tananarive. Christians put to death.
B Port Louis Bov.3x Powell.L. Johns nursed him. - Six fugi- tives ? Johns should go to England. P. will help Malagasy
B Port Louis Deoo7 Jones. D. His visit to Tamatave. Toe persecution. Johns gone to Cape with fugitives.
B Port Louis » ,368X8 Jones.D. Johns alone responsible for taking fugitives to England. Griffiths at Tananarive, said
-B. to be prospering in trade.h
c Port Louis Jan .2 Jones.De * • Hospitality expensive. D.Grif- fiths & trading. Big fire - Le Brun’s losses.
c Port Louis Jan.4 Dick.G.E. eto. Le Brun’s costly losses.
c Port Louis Jan. 23 Jones.D. Report on Schools.
\s Port Louis Feb .5 Kelsey.T. Mauritius as a field of labour. Auxiliary work for 20 yesrrs.
c Port Louis Ear.12 Jones.D. I-Ion-Praedials set free. School arrangements for son John in England.
c Pit ou Apr.12 Baker.E. Emancipation without Printing press. Gifts for per- secuted Malagasy.
c Port Louis May 8 Mauriti- us Aux. Reports.
c Port Louis May 15 Jones.D. Corrections tc Ellis’s His- tory of Madagascar.
c Port Louis May 16 Jones.D.) Baker.E.) Work in Schools &. Church.
0 Port Louis. .Jun. 11 Le Brun, J. Expenses of sen Samuel at School' in England.
0 Port Louis Jun.12 Jones.D.’ Malagasy persecution abating. Asks for invalid chair.
0 Pitou Aug. 9 Baker.E• ElLliott of S .Africa calls on
way to Comora’island. Foolish
p.olice lav/ for Dlantatlons.
Extracts from D*. Griff it hs’
letter on Malagasy af fail’s.

- 12 -•
•) Port Louis Aug.20 Le Brun. Made a Director. Changed
J. outlook in Mauritius.
D Port Louis Aug.28 Jones«D. (To Geo.Bennet) Affairs in Madagascar. Mentions Grif- fiths & Powell. Government report on Mauritius.

D Port louis Nov.4 Le Brun J. others. New Chapel delayed.
D Port Louis Nov.25 Le Brun. T New Chapel nearly complete.
D Port Louis Nov.25 d • Kelsey. (To Mauritius Sec) Asks for
T.S. support for Dissenting teachers.(Not given)
D Port Louis Leo.12 Jones.D. Joloff Camp School?-Closing of. Sent Scriptures to Mad- agascar. Has Queen’s permit
D Port Louis Dec.26 Jones»D.) Baker.?].) Baker.E. to visit Tananarive. _ ' Madagascar probably closed, for 10 yrs.’Work in Mauritius
D Piton Dec. 29 Letter from Madagascar Ktinns
1840 re perse cur ion FOLDER NO.4. .
A Port Louis Jan. 2 Jones.D. Invited to Madagascar fox- four months.
A Pitou Jan.25 Baker.E• Report on Mission Press
A Port Louis tiar.17 Jones.D. Sale of 200 reams Bible Soc. paper
A Port Louis May 5 Jones.D. Jones.D.) Purpose of visit to Madagas- car,
A Port Louis Kay 25- Malagasy refugees. News from
Baker.E.). Madagascar. J.Le Brun deserve support.
A Port Louis May 25 Jones.D. Damage by hurricane. Visit of two Quakers.
A Pitou Jun.29 Baker.E. Mauritius Missionary Socy., gives £72 to Schools.
A Pitou Aug.4 Baker.E. Rumoured killing of Chris- tians in Madagascar.
A Pitou Aug.27 Baker.E. Report of 11 martyrdoms. Powell not to be trusted.
B Port Louis Aug.30 Baker.E. Baker.E) Copy letter from Jones re 9 martyrso Griffiths and Campbell reach Tamatave.
B Port Louis Oct.l? Jones & Griffiths arrive
Jones.D) Port Louis.
B Port Louis Oct.27 Le Brun.J
Kelsey«T.)Griffiths going to assist
Jones.D. ) Malagasy. Baker.E. ) Finances.
B Port Louis Oct.29 Jones.D. Events at Tananarive. Grif- fiths fined and expelled.
B Port Louis Nov.13 Jones.D. Further particulars of af- fairs in Madagascar.
B Pitou Dec.17 Baker.E. Printing Press. Many’Mala-
gasy arrive,
C ’ Pprt Louis (Several (Various) Papers relating to new
dates) Protestant Chapel in Port
(1-? papers)

D Port Louis 1841 Jan*! Jones.D. Finance. Schools. Griffiths
D Port Louis Mar.12 My 13 Johns.D. at Comoro Islands. Expenditure. Intended voyage
D Port Louis May 30 Johns.D.) Memo on Griffiths’ expendi-
D Port- Louis May 31 Baker.E.) Johns.D. ture . Going to Tamata\e. French
D Port Louis Jun. 2 Johns.D. activities. About to sail. Sends School
D Port Louis July 9 Baker.E. Report. Widow of D.Jones returning
D Port Louis Sep.4 Le Brun. J • Baker.E. to England. Corrected details of martyr-
D Port Louis Sept} Various doms. Griffiths at Mohilla. Correspondence on cost of
D Port Louis Oct.) Oct.26 Baker.E. assisting Malagasy fugitivest etc. Griffiths goes to England.
D Port Louis Oct.30 Baker.E. Newa from Madagascar, ■^reaching on s^ips. Mauritius & Madagascar. L£'-oi'
D Port Louis Dec.23 Baker .E. schemes .& pvlitics. Printing press, etc.
D Pox-b Louis Decemb: Le Brun. Printed Report on School^
J •

A Port Louis Jan.l. Baker.E. Le Brun.
A Port Louis Feb. 7 Johns.D.
A Port Louis Mar< 26 Johns. Mrs.
A Port Louis Apr.12 Le Brun J.
A ' Port Louis Apr.15 “ 28. Johns.D.
BOX NO. 3.
folder mo.i.
Draw on £200 grant for
• schools.
Journey to W.Madagascar.
Overhears int.erv.tew between
Chief & French. Nosibe
Covernv.? trier new orthog-
raphy. Griffiths’ expenditure
Explaining accounts.
Enclosed. Report on Schools
Correspondence with Kelsey
& Le Brun re Madagascar.
Port Louis Apr.14
Port Louis April
Port Louis May 19
Port Louis May 19
Johns. Simeon working with Baker.
Rasoamaka (To W.Ellis) Thanks for
Jos. arranging voyage from Englan
Kelsey.T.) Cost of sending vessel
Le Brun.J)to meet D.Johns at Ambongo.
Baker.E. )
Le Brun.J. Correspondence re D.Johns
Port Lou- Jun.14
Port Louis Jun.24
Port Louis July 15
Port Louis July 16
Port Louis July 29
Port Louis Aug.4
Le Brun.J. Engagement of his son John
to marry • -j-
Johns.D. Affairs of David - Rafar^zuvy
and Joseph.
Johns.D. Draw Bill for visit to Mhda-
Le Brun.J. gasear.
Baker. E. Opening of Seamen’s Chapol.
Order for books. Finance.
Baker.E. Reported expedition by Queen
against St.Mary’s. Johns
sailed on 26th.
Baker.E. Martyrs at Vonizonzo. Sea-
men’s Bethel in Port Louis.
C Port Louis Aug.22 F.erbeyer Copies of letters from Maia-
Mr. gaay^[Work of D.Johns in
C Port Louis Sep.16 Johns; ✓-^^dagazcar. Views on various
C Port Louts Sep.13 Le Brun.
(â– JMnr) J
/) u Port Louis Sep.18 Le Brun.
c Port Louis Oct.18 Baker.E.
c Port Louis Deo.5 Baker.E.
A Port Louis Jan.3 Le Brun.
A Port Louis Jan .3 Johns.
Port Mrs.
A Louis Jan.23 Johns.D.
A Port Louis Jano31 Johns.D.
personal matters.
Arrival., First impressions
Family finance. D.Johns.
Fin 'ince. Print ing Presa.
Persecution continues. 0rdea2
by poison.
Prospect of work for libera-
ted Negroes.
Enclosii j letter from Joseph
and Mary Rafaravavy.
Draws £200 on a/c of £500
Wanted for rescue of fugitive
Efforts to rescue Malagasy.
Profits on book “Narrative'.••.tc

- 15 - BOX NO. 5, FOLDER l-10.2.(.Cont d)_
A Port Louis Feb. 2 1° Brun.J. Activities of D.Johns
A Port Louis Feb.12 Johns <>D. Draws .Bills. Expense of. rescue work
A • Po^t Louis Mar. 6 Johns.D. Plans for relief work of Christians
A Port Louis Apr.10 I-.c Brun.J. (Junr) His experiences - 47 baptisms
A Port Louis Apr.13 Le Brun.J. Family matters. Gcvnr. <5 Lady Gomnis' synrpathie
B Port Louis May 26 Johns.]). For support of Joseph & Mary - £50
B Port Louis May 27 Johns.]). Going to W.Madagascar. Governor’s gift of £150
B Port Louis June 1 Johns.D. Draws £100 foi’ school for children of negroes
B Port Louis Jun.10 Baker. E. Publication of ’'Latclimar. arouses opposition
B Port Louis Jun.11 Baker. E. Printed Hemo, re appro- priation of hulk in harbour, as Seaman's Chapel or Bethel.
B Por+ Louis Jun.27 -Tohns .Mrs Commentary on letter from T.S.Kelsey.(Little value)
B Port Louis July 3 Baker. E. Encloses copy letter to Le Brun & Kepsey re D. Johns* activities
B Port Louis Jul.12 Le Brun.J. Malagasy library left in his care
B Moka Jul.14 Johns.Mrs Jier husband’s work and his critics
B Port Louis Sep.25 Baker.E. Introducing H.Frey. Ref-’ ugees & French influencei
B Port Louis Sep.25 Le Brun.J. Work among negroes. Mrs Johns & her school at > • Moka
•B Moka Sep.26 Johns.Mrs Disturbed state of Mad- agascar. French action
B Port Louis Noy. 3 Le Brun.J. Encloses School account t
C Port Louis (Five papers) Various correspondence
re Voyage of T'Mary Tyon" to "Zest
Coast of Madagascar to rascue fu-
D Port Louis Nov.2o Le Brun.J. Death of D.Johns at Nosibe reported
D Port Louis Nov.25 Le Brun.J. Further particulars of D.Johns’ death.
D Port Louis Nov.27 Baker. E. Departure of Mrs.Baker
fcr Australia. Cassa-
tion of his engagement
Position of refugees

“ 16
1 8*4..
A Port Louis Feb® 5 Le Brun. J.
A Port Louis May 20 Baker.E.
A Port Louis Nun© 11 Le Brun J.
A Poi't Louis Aug. 8 Baker.E.
A Port Louis Augcl5 Le Brun J.
A Port Louis Sep.18 Baker.E.
.His son is Professor at
Royal College
His affairs &
on £150 a
"The Watohmai
Baker 6one t.u
Reported, banishment of
traders from Madagascar,
D.Jonns - Finance - Fugi-
tive 3 suggest going to
Son resigns professorship
on receiving grant from
L.M.S. Chapel - 200
free seats filled, by Mal-
agasy & Africans. Ill-
treatment of British in
Malagas car.
Case of Jas. Andrian ita.
re ce iving grant. lAlagasy
Christian at Moka.

A Port Louis Sep.24 Le Brun. French aims m Malagascar T
A Port Louis Octi V ♦ Le Brun Annual Report .
J. (Junr)
A Port Louis Nov. 3 Baker.E. Effect of possible war wit;
(On board the France. Mental condition
"Conway” uf Mrs.Johns.
0cto21 Baker.E. Visit to Tamatave. News
(Enclosed with Nov.3)from Madagascar.
A Port Louis Nov: Le Brun. His work in Mauritius. J(Junr)
A Abergav- enny Nov.13 Johns Mrs. Differences with Freeman
A Port Louis Nov.26 Le Brun J. Work among Malagasy in Maurit ius
A Port Louis Be o.4 18445. Baker.E. Letter from Queen of Mada- gascar re Englishmen reduce* to slavery.
B Port Louis Jan«13 Le Brun T Finance work at Moka
B Moka J an. j- 7 V • Le Brun J.(Junr) Progress at Moka. Medicine; needed• * yri ,vi
B Port Louis Feb.18 Le Brun J. Governor Gomu.ts will recom- mend Oolonial Office to assist Schools.
B Port Louis Mar.27 Le Brun J. Family affairs. Dr.Bogue on marriage of students.
B Port Louis July 9 Le Brun J. England & France in Madagas- car. L.M.S. should be read: to go forward.
B Port Louis Oct.24 Le Brun J. Hova Queen message to Capt, of . "Conv y”. Romish ob- structions.
B Moka Nov.14 Le Brun J.(Junr) Work at Moka, Appeal for pv';
B Port Louis Nov.20 Le Brun./ F. Expected death of his sen
Samuel in England. M2.d0.gus
oar & Louis Phillip©,

17 -
C Port louis Jan. Trustees vf Chapel
C Jersey Feb.14 Le Brun Pierre
. Port Louis
July 1 Le Brun
Port Louis
Port Louis
July 6 Le Brun.
Oct.8 Le Brun
C Port Louis Oct.24 Le Brun J.
D Moka 1847 Mar.20 Le Brun
D Tananar- May 6 J(Junr) Razafim-
D ive. Port Louis Jun-20 alala. Le Brun
D Moka Aug. 6 J. Le Brun
D Port Louis Aug.17 J.(Junr) Le Brun
D Port Louis Aug.19 J. Le Brun
D Port Louis Oct o 2 J. Le Brun
D Port Louis Oct.14 J. Le Brun
D Moka De o.7 Le Brun J (Junr)
D Moka Db c >13 Le Brun J.(Junr)
Appeal for he?p,-
Appeals for father & broth-
er in Mauritius. R. C.
Report of French troops on
way to Tamatave. Wide;. of
late «on Samuel invited uo
open a school in Mauritius.
Finance. Letter from
Priest at Moka deported for
R.C.propaganda. Son John
appointed to Moka. Salary
not stated. Daughter-in-
law arrives.
Good news from Madagascar.
Christians increase.Prince
Royal joins them.
Board & the work at Moka
To those in Mauritius. Per-
secution again cn Jan.? 5.
Fear? French influence in
Further news of French in
Madagascar. Salary of son
Debt on Chapel. Education.
Madagascar affairs.
David sailed for Madagascar-
on H.M.S."Brilliant* with
books to distribute. Jesu-
its in Mauritius, French in
Report on Moka
Royal Hova prince a Chris-
tian. Queen allows it.
Chief minister’s nephew
also a concert.
D Port Louis
Ratsara- Account of bis Journey
hombo.David to Madagascar (14 pp.)

- 18
B0.:< NG
A Moka Jan010 Brun.J.Le (Junr) Baptised 120 since his arrival.
A Port Louis 0 « X 2 Brun.J.Le Encloses Journal of David. (Not here)
A Porn Louis Jan.28 Brun.J.Le Corresponded??. with Dr.De Tavel re Prince Royal of Madagascar.
A Port Louis Mar.17i Brun.J.Le Bill of £100 nnt honoured. News from Madagascar
A Moka Apr ,3 Brun.J.Le (Junr) Bill not met. Name of payee omitted.
A Port Louis Apr.26 Brun.J.Le Leath of Rafaravavy
A Moka Apr.26 Brun.J.Le (Junr) Death of Rafaravavy.
B Port May J. Ratsara- (20 p.p. partly in
Louis homba Malagasy)
B Port Louis July 20 Ratsarahom- ba (In Malagasy)
B Port Louis Aug. 1 Brun.J.Le Copy of proposed Treaty with Queen of Madagascar.
B Port Louis Sep.23 Ratsara- homba Acknowledges receipt of books, ere.
B Port Louis Sepc23 Ratsara- homba 2ibout to marry an ex- Catholic.
B Port Louis Oct.3 Brun.J.Le • .Finance
B Port Louis Nov. 3. Ramiandra- hasina. Elias. Voyage as intei*preter with Vice-Admiral to make Treaty with Madagascar. - Transla- ted by D.Griffiths.
B Moka Nov.5 Brun.J.Le (Junr) Report on work of Malagasy evangelists.
B Moka Dec.29 Brun.J.Le (Junr) Dedication of Church at New Discovery.