London Missionary Society handlists

Material Information

London Missionary Society handlists
Series Title:
Christian World Mission archive
London Missionary Society
Place of Publication:
London Missionary Society
Physical Description:


Subjects / Keywords:
Missions ( lcsh )
London Missionary Society ( lcsh )
Temporal Coverage:
1795 - 1923
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- Canada
North America -- United States of America
North America -- Caribbean
North America -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Trinidad
North America -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Tobago
South America -- Guyana
South America -- Demerara
South America -- British Guiana -- Demerara
Zuid-Amerika -- Demerary
Zuid-Amerika -- Guyana
60 x -95
40 x -100
14.525556 x -75.818333
5 x -58.75
11.25 x -60.667
10.460556 x -61.248611
6.8121 x -58.1701


Handlist of correspondence, journals, etc. documenting the London Missionary Society's global mission
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VIAF (name authority) : London Missionary Society : URI

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Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
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A, Old Jewry, Loudon August 2p G.Baines



Has talked with Mr.Robley,
planter on Tobago, re need
of religious instruction on
the island, but who prefers
idea of Moravians to L.M.c.
LaTrobe unabl' to renew wor'"
there - reasons. Has improved
Robley’s idea of Missy Sty.-
can a missionary b^ sent? .^is
own tract distributing.




Returning Mr.Swentner’s bock
to him in Dublin.Give sutst;
-c*3 of reply from Herrnhut 1
to Baines’ request to renew
Tobago Mission- war,poverty,
uncertainty of ultimate owner
-ship.Will introduce hr.Churn
late missy to Tobago.if wi sh-
•ed, he can supply informal.-




Old Jewry,

August 28


Notes on Tobago.

Application on Mr.Robley’s
behalf for a Mission to 1 ?
started on Tob.-gn to renew
Moravian work.Amo unt of
support offered.








April 2



June 28


Asst .Sec . __ to G , Bur <3 o r < 1 â–  e m c
on conversation between
G.naines and J.Robley re a.
Mission to Tobago, with note
explaining this, with suggest
-ion as to the next move,

Naval disaster. Cpat•Westlev
one of Robley*s captains. His
doings in Barbadoes en route
for Tobago.

Outward voyage, 1 Wesleayn an
2 Moravian Brethren on Barb-?-
-does-onlh met the first.Came
on from Barbadees with fleet.
His reception by Governor to
whom lie had letter of intro-
-duetj.on.Account of his workt
•Attending 7 Estates,b belong
to Robley and 2 to Hamilton,
while 1 is managed by Crookes
Attitude of the two first to
the instruction of their
Negroes.Is living on one of
Robley-’s Estates^ but will u<
continue-reas0r>s.Details cost
of setting up house.Reasons
for pr ching in Scarborough.,

• • • • -«nw ■ i

• ;;po ': , -- o.

- 2 •■

A Tobago June 28 cont. R.Elliot
B Tobago Feb.21 - R.Elliot

July 26


FC-LDER NC , 1 cont.

Warts to start a Scbtch Church as
base and support for Mission. Hopes
for help from Mr. Lyons. lawyer arid
Mr.Crooks; Asks guidance on money
matters. ’Wants Mrs Elliot to borne

JOURNAL ♦ Reached Larbadoes Parch J1 ,
Willis is Wesleyan Missy there,
Apl.9-transhipped for Tobago;Apl«11
came to Tofehgo-next d?y to Scarbjno-
Hugh.Not allowed to teach Negroes to
read.Mr.Mitchell there.Robley’s mind
re Missions.Friendship Estate Mav 3.
May 6-visited Mr.Hamilton with a
view to attending his Negr oes.Ma> 8-
Held service at Golden Grove Estate,
John and George Robley present. 8
baptized Negroes (by C.ofE)quite
ignorant of Xty.May 9~rode to
Studley Park,15 or 16 miles.May 15-
preached in Scarborough.May 16-went
to Queen's Bay with Mr.Paul,long res-
-ident on Island;invited to Estates;
to Richmond Estate with Mr.Soames,
planter and attorney for 2 other
Estates.Mr.Mitchell is a J.P. and
member of the Council .May 17-re ;i-rn~
ped to Studley Park. I lay 19~ evo 1 ving
a method of t e a c hi ng. I - ay 2 3-a c c idc nt
to Mr.Munro,overseer of Backolet(?)
Estate:bomb on beach.May 2k-addrsse•
60 Negroes in hall of Cove Estate.

May 29-preached in S c i" ab o r ou gh. J n n. eg -
baptized 1 of Mr.Soames' children.
June 9~rode to Mr.Morrison!s to ask
about Mount Pleasant-Robley and
Hamilton think this a better place
than Signal Hill being nearer the
Estates.June 16-mct Negroes at Rise-
-land.June 21-at Indian walk,beongin
to Mr.Hamilton.



Discusses his means of support, and
the permanence of Mission.His pion
for a Scotch Church. "Roblcy the gre?-.
-est man on the island".Sea:-city
price of horsesBill. Report on

B Tobago

Aug. 8


B Tobago


Bills he has drawn for his support.
Regret with reasons for not paying
farewell calls on Hardcastle and
Burde^.About the nail boat.Asked to
preach at Plymouth.Arrival of Weekes,
C of E clergyman.

S c o t c h' i n 13 c a r b o r o u g J f o f m e d c a c P g p s -
-byterian Society, hired a place for
worship,will give him a salary.

Dec . 7

B Tobago

B Tobago

A Tobago

A Tobago

A Tobago




Dec.7 R.Elliot


July 26 - R.Elliot



March 23


May 23


June 19



FOLDER NO.1 cont.

'Discusses how circumstances have
turned out to be different from
those depicted in Mr.Robley’s
report on Tobago. 4 ministers have
already abandoned the Island.Cost
of Mission to Moravians.Mr.Hamilton
’s plans to keep cosu down fruscra-
-ted by Mr.Robley.Obeying instruct-
-iont re slavery.His lack of educa-
-tion.Both â– ./esleyars and Moravians
left Tobago on a/c of expense-'
discusses prices of commodities.
Living in house hired for worship.
1 joe = £1.13.sterling.Has met a
Wesleyan from St«Vincent-notes the
support given to the minister there

JOURNAL. Aug.9-Mr.Whiteman has grer,
influence in Tobago , and var.ts h_-m to
attend to his slaves. Aug.13"
Preached at Golsbery Estate,good
distance from
Mr.Finley,manager of Friendship.
Sept.7~Mr«Crooks ,Mt.Pilyer Estate,
near 3carborough(no great distance)
Sept.1Place hii ?d for worship ir
Scarbro’. Concordia Escate-Whiteman
Sept.21-Rode to Plymouth prospectin
as to preaching there, found 2
Negro Methodists.Oct.8-preaching at
at Indian Walk.Nov.26-Mr.Coren(?)
manager at Riseland.Mr.Smith,a
particular friend is a doctor some-
-where near.


Mrs.Elliot arrived Feb.2LLwrong
date,corrected in later letterJOne
letter only so far from Directors.
Effect of continued American embar-
-go.Has more Opportunities for
preaching than he can take.

Mrs.Elliot wants to start a girls’
school but no one will come.

Americans have visited the island.
Reproves for lack of letters from

Looks forward to Purkis’ arrival,
thanks for sending Mrs.Elliot who
arrived Jan.24.Treated with respect
by all. Suggested that Councpp give
him a salary.Part only of Precbyt-
-erion salary received, but Ameri-
-can ships with flour and lumber
should bring prices down.

_ k ~ TOBAGO
A Tubago June 19 R.Elliot u
A Trinidad July 28 R.Elliot I
B. Tobago Dec.7,1808,R.Elliot to June 10, 1809


B Tobago June 19 to R.Elliot Nov.19


FOLDER NO, 2 cozt.

Thanks for letter of Dec.5;repeats
much of his reply to it.Refutes any
desire oj?”asf uming the character of
a gentleman”.Where proprietor is
absent, or unwilling,as is Mr.Robley.
that he should live on their Estate,
this cannot be done as the- manager
cannot entertain on the minimum
allowance he gets for food;this is
barely enough for his own needs.

Brief report on Trinidad. Has visite
100 Chinese,and about 1000 Indians
at Arimo#

JOURNAL. Mr.Richards,Mr.Robley’s
clerk.Mrs.McLeod isll at Cove
Estate, a/c of conversation with
Mr.Robley- morality v. grace-iiidic-
-ates real reason for wanting a
missionary, without allowing slaves
to read.Jan.10-Mr.R.wishes him to
attend Queen’s Bay Estate.Feb.1Q-
had to send for Dr.Cummins,being ill|
after preaching.March 6-» at KendledQ
Park Estate where Mr. and M$s.Some(?'
live, he being the proprietor. Want.-
him to attend his Estate.March 1 _5~
Has to refuse to attend funeral of
Mr .Hanna,member of Council and
Assembly:too wet. Ap4- • 6”arrival of
warship Merit, and wine ship Vastal
whose cargo is for the tioops.^apt.
Orton of the Vastel "a dear brother
in Christ.Master gunner on the Merit
Mr.Cavanagh, also a pious person.

May 8-prayer meeting, with all
denominations present and no party
distinctions. Ships sailed May 9«

JOURNAL cont.”Br.Purkis and I rode,
to Indian Walk”-June 50. July 17-
leave of absence from Covr.Sir W.
Young, and letter of introduction to
Govr. of Trinidad.July 20-sailed

— ■ ,,4. .

for Trinidad. Arrived the 22nd;
Wesleyan minister been at Port c~
Spain a ninth, fleets and talks with
him about conditions.July 2^—Sunday;
Mr.Tobboys, Methodist,not yet allow-
-ed to preach,went to C.of E-de^cr-
-ibes service.July'24-Re Chinese
labourers imported previously.
July 26-Rode to ArimcX, an Indian
town 22 miles from Port of Spain.
July yO-Iott on the Lady Spencer,
mail boat. Augâ– 2-arrived at Granada,
spent day with Mr.WillisMeth.missy
he’d met at Barbadoes;sailed again.


B • Tobago June 19 to Nov.19 contt R.Elliot
B Tobago to Apl.2,1810 R.Ellio t
B — --- K.Elliot
Case of Isaac Purkis
c Tobago Aug. 7 1.Purkis
c Tobago Nov.1 I.Purkis
c Tobago Nov.18 I.Purkis
c Tobago Nov. R.Elliot
c Tobago Dec.18 I.Purkis


FOLDER Nfr. 2 conh.

J0TONAL cont. same night, ,\u'-.

A-** St*. Vine ent, Mr . Thompson, Meth.
mi n i s t e r./ug.p - sailed for Barbad-
-oes,reached there on 10th.

Preached there . Au^.H-sailed fo.r

— .Sa—

Tobago in the Alagater, his healti

JOURNAL, Dec.1 A- Troubled at Purki
conduct, so goes to Trinidad to
consult his col league there. T.Adc.r
Goes with gentleman seeking 8
runaway Negroes vrho has chartered
ship and will return in a few days.

Extracts from, his journals in ano-
-ther hand, between Jan.j?,l8O9 and

Has come via Demerara.Comments on
John Wray and Mr.Post.Denigrat es
Mrs.Wray ’s midwifery tra5 ning.His
own attitude to the Tobago Negores.
Lays down the ?aw.Quotes his
Instructions, and comments on them
- how he can’t manage to live.

Tn Dr.Bogue,Gosport, Pulls the
Mission, and Mr.Elliot, to pieces.
They are doing nothing right, and
nothing suits him.

To J.Hardcas tie,L .M,5.treasurer.
Drawn a bill. Complains of Elliot’s
hostility to him, and his dishonou-
-Table behaviour.

Wrote Nov.6, and Nov.l8 - reiterate
reasons for refusing to work with

To J.Hardcastle. Fill drawn.Elliot
gone to Trinidad.Suspicious that
Elliot is holding back matters
concerning him in the Directors’


A Tobago

April 12 R.Elliot

Smaller congregations, fewer friend
Presbyterian Society failing, dis-
-agreements with Purkis. Discusses
his salary!’ P’s attitude to his
work.Went to Trinidad to consult
with T.Adam.

6 -


A Tobago




FOLDER NO. B cent.

Discusses Purkis’s behaviour. E Rev. Mr.Newtcn arrived-he has
been to 2 balls end preached on

A Tobago Apl.15 R.Elliot P.S, to Apl.14. Purkis has .mcu.e to hear Mr,Newton instead of preechizr to his own congre; ■•••■tier ..
A Tobago June 4 R.Elliot Purkis’s recall.Explains actions which P may use uo besmirch him.
A ' Tobago June 11 R.Elliot Duplicate of June 4, with seme additional remarks.
A Tobago Juno 2? R.Elliot Mission in public contempt owing i;o Purkis’s behaviour. ”l'r. Honew- rd wh married Miss •3mith"soid P had. b*. , n paying her attentions.Expects P will return on the Serious, Capt. Taylor. Time he was gone as people are beginning to despise him. Mere re P.
A Tobago July 1 R.Ejbiot Sending letter ahd Gazette by 'bic Serious.
A Tobago July 28 R.Elliot lias been ill.Hopes to live down, the harm done by Purkis. High.cost of food.Scarcity for Negroes means near starvation, this leading to stealing.

Case of Mr.Purkis - Documents gathered for the Committee of
Investigation, namely: Messrs. Collison,
Steven, Waugh, Campbell, and Burder.

B Tobago May 14 I.Purkis Contrition for, and justification
of, his letter of Aug.7,18O9
B Tobago June 12 (J.Campbell $C.Ross In testimony of I.Purkis
(V/. Mackay (B.Smith (W.Hay (R.James (J.Grimshaw

R.Elliot Copies of correspondence between
himself and Purkis.

Islington, Sept.29



Notes re Purkis*s cace.

Asks for documents cn which to base
his defence.



























June 22






Feb. 18






L . M. S. S e c


Sickness on the
Riseland Estate
services by the

Other oppoi
chapel and house in

Island.Negroes on
being kept from
ctunities opened nearer
of work.Re building a

Preaching in Scarborough well
attended.Wants to start Sunday
School as in England.

Land granted by Govt, may not be
used for Chapel.Has purchased small
piece of land for this purpose,-
layout and finance. Number of v.’h.ite;
at worship few since novelty wore
off,mostly black and coloured.
Interest of people at Studley Park,
a few blessed by his preaching.
Early hopes come to nothing.
Considers his work on the
and praises the
have made house
not ^et ready.


unsafe,new house

Purkis affair, by


Thoughts on the
request of’ Directors. Explains
again the heavy cost of the Missi
Method of instructing Negroes,



Sorrow for ’’want of usefulness”.

Finds Burden's reflections 011 this
’’unkind” - details.No literature
received for a long time.

Gets plenty, of general news, but
still no religious intelligence to
stimulate and help. Hopeful for
manager of Cove Estate,effect of
preaching on this Estate.Changing
behaviour on Studley Park.Chapel
roof is now on.Move expected to
get him a Colony salary.

Draft to James Grinu/naw, Tobago.

Unfulfilled promise of support for
Elliot who is being rent to New
Carlisle.Having spent so much on
this Mission the Directors regret
its abandonment, and will send a
successor' some time if support is
effectively guaranteed.

Draft to R.Elliot. Special
Meeting has considered his
of Oct.11,1811, along with
from T.Adam in its support
Mission is much too expens

he is to succeed E.Pidgeon at the


1 e 11 e r


. As the
ive he


'-■ ■ ■____________________________________________■ •



A London

A Tobago

A Tobago

B Tobago

B Tobago

- 8 -



Feb.18 0.Burder

tantamount to
cutting his
connection with
the Missy Sty.

Apl. k


May 18

June 17





FOLDER NO. 4 cont

Bay of Chaluers, New Carlisle,
Grimshaw or someone else will take
charge of li. M.S. property .No reflect-
-ion on him for v/ant of eczmom; or
lack of success.Instructions re the
new .job.

In reply to Burden, 1 <;b. 12. D i s c uoses
subscription list for Elliot’s suppe
-ort, and his building of a house
and church.Notes tv>'t his father is
a minister of the Gospel near

In renlv to Burder, Feb.l8. Not
suitable just to get up and go to
New Carlisle.The chapel must be
finished on a/c of the builder’s
contract. Has taken counsel of
Mr.Gunther,member of Mr.Stodard’s
Church and first mate on the General
Craig.Discusses New Carlisle and
Pidgeon, and is vehemently opposed
to going where he will have no
heathen to help,especially after his
experience of their need.Exposes
Grimshaw’s hypocrisy and lying. As
Purkis wants hJc character cleared,
he challenges him to prove any point
against himself before he leaves
Tobago where are the witnesses.
Notes 2 Negroes, on different esta-
-tes who have learned to read, some-
-{jow,an(l who wart books to share
the dawning light with others. Hopes
successor will reap where he has

Earthquake in Caracas and St,Vincent
on night of Apl.^O/May 1 -thought
the noise was a naval battle.Start
worshipping in new chapel following
Sunday.Mr.Robley has now paid his
subscription,Directors should have
sent reminders.General wish that
the Mission should be permanent.
Traces course of Directors attitude
to expense cf Mission, and to him-
-self.Blames them for the humiliati-
-on of a dishonored bill.

Reiterates his reason for not going i
off to New Carlisle, as not being a
proper missionary station-he knows
what heathen really are.Re Mission,
Hamilton’s and Robley’s subscriptio-
-ns, and the fictitious subscription
list.He should not leaye before a
successor arrives,reasons.Chapel
now in use, evidence of usefulness
on Estates,!, bley’s increase of

- 9 -


1812 .FOLDER NO. 4 cont.
B Tobago Sept.2 A R.Elliot Glad he may stay longer.Directors persist in misunderstanding his activities.Chapel not for white, but for all.Chapel l&nd made over to Missy Sty.Reiterates all the Direct- -ers ought already to know about his work, he doesn’t need telling wkni to do what he’s been telling cnern he is doing ever since he came oil. Comments on lurther complaint of the expense of the Mission.
B Tobago Dec. 10 1815 R.Elliot Visited Escates on the Windward part of Island. A/c of growing interest and impact! No conversions yet. New manager at Cove' amazed at difference where Gospel is preached and people catechised.Cost of marriage,effect of American war on cost of living.
B Tobago March 1 R.Elliot More about his work on the Estates. Mentions Mrs.Soames whose husband is attorney and manager of a Windward Estate .Mr .Raleigh KKsrs^k^xp^^kxsx averse to paying his subscription. Mr.Robley Las paid <>>0 and will keep on provideo he gets value ±or money.
B Tobago Sept.13 ' R.Elliot He and Mrs.Elliot have been to Trinidad/iContrasts the two Islands, their health and economy.Comments with regret on Mr.Adams having- written in his support to the Direct- -ors without his knwoledge, asking him to go to Trinidad.
B Tobago Dec.2J R.Elliot Has been to Demerara and Berbive to consult with the brethren there re

any opening' for work.A/c of work
there.Discusses reasons why he is
now sure of the impossibility of
carrying ''n with only the £'200 p.a*
the Directors are willing to pay -for
the work. He will be welcomed in
Demera^a, and the passage money has
already been given.The cost of the
Missnon is the only real reason for
abandoning it.

See over for note re letters and papers in other series
referring to the property Elliot left behind in Tobago.

- 10 -

TO BA 00

B c* X
The following letters in the BRITISH GUI ANA-* DEMERAR A
correspondence refer to the Missionary Society's
property in TOBAGO.

A 1 2 June 2, 1815 - R.Elliot ...Reasons for leavin^ Tobago
B 1 2 Aug.8, 1815 - R.Ellior Recalled to England
C 1 2 Sept.8, 1816 - R.Elliot Remorstrations against recall
’ c 2 2 • July. 28, ,1817 - R Elliot Property at Tobago
A 3 2 June 20,1819 - R.Elliot C hap el at To b a g 0
B 3 2 July 24 1819 - R.Elliot Sold land in Tobago
B X ✓ 2 Sept.1, 1819 - R.Elliot Tobago property
B 3 2 Nov.27, 1819 - R.Elliot Sale of Tobago property

â–  March 29,1820


C 3 2

In the

Tobago Chapel

/ froy’e^'u' W /

__ Bo* I

DPS 1 there is a bundle of papers

marked, Tobago “Property. These show that the Chapel and land
were not disposed of while Elliot was in Demerar?. Mention is
made of a Board Resolution on or about Nov. 2J-, 1840, on the

sale of the Chapel to the Free School for the education of
children, called the National School, which wanted to buy “land
and buildings, including the dilapidated wooden Church, for £10.
There is a draft Conveyance, o.ated. Jan.3,1843. This mentions
Elliot, as being long since dead.

The History of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, ^in^'lay
and Holdsworth, says that they tried to purchase from L.M.S. but
were unable to do so - one imagines it was not properly made over
to L.M.S, and the difficulty was a1 legal one.

Note: The Estate named INDIAN WALK is now the village of Moriah,
see The Moravian Atlas, published by the Fulneck Academy,
Leeds, 1853, p.22 -"184-2 - MORIAH was commenced.This was
formerly called "Indian Walk".


â– ' 5


and a few Methodists had drifted
Indies. When John Brown and
their way to Haiti early in 1817
gentleman of the name of Cunningham, who procured
vacant Congregational chapel# He persuaded them
established there, with great advantage to a
the sense of religion. During the few days of
of six coloured people,
In the course of that
visited Tobago; introduced
he called upon a number of well-disposed men of position,
after a thorough inquiry into the nature and policy of
gave him £100 down and premised £50 yearly towards the support
Another Tobago gentleman visited
approving of what he saw,

p.220 The first Methodist Treacher to visit Tobago and attempt
evangelism, there was William. Turton; he landed in 1795» The son of a B.-**^-
Barhadocs planter, be was a volunteer of the Mission and held the status
of a Local Preacher. Circumstances had made him acquainted with the
condition of the people of Tobago, who had no religious ordinances or
teaching of any kind beyond that supplied by the efforst - far from
successful - of a single Moravian Missionary. Turton reported to Dr^Coke
who had encouraged the venture, his beginning to preach and his hopes
of forming a Society. He had been but a few months on the island when a
French force took temporary possession} committing great ravages. The
hardship and exposure Turton suffered during this invasion brought on hi
prostrating sickness, compelling abandonment of his task in this island.
For twenty-two years after this Tobago was left untouched by Methodism.
Meanwhile the London Missionary Society stationed a Missionary and built
a chapel in Scarborough, the only town of Tobago; but their cause made
little headway, and after some years the chapel was closed. There were,
however, several earnest Protestant laymen in the island anxious to have
the Gospel preached on their shores,
thither from, other parts of the West
James Catts touched at Scarborough on
they were welcomed by a
for them the use of the
that Methodism might be
•people wellnigh lost to

their visit the travellers formed a Society-class
four of whom had been Methodist members elsewhere,
year the St.Vincent Chairman,Samuel Woolley,
by Cunningham,
one of whom,
of a Wesleyan Missionary. Another Tobago gentleman visited Antigua to
inspect Methodism there; approving of what he saw, he finally went to
London and put himself in communication with the Mission House,
quite exceptionally, the initiative toward Missionary work came
leading proprietors and men of social standing.

In Tobago,

Next year (1818) the Sy cod made ittfs first appointment to Tobago,
fixing upon Jonathan Raynar. This excellent and modest man commended
himself and his message. Without actively opposing it, the Governor
refused to countenance Methodist work; on the other hand, a number of the
estate-owners welcomed the Missionary and offered fscilities for teaching
their slaves. Raynar had the use of the London Society’s chapel, which
seated 200 people; this was filled immediately to overflowing. The
Methodists would hade taken over and repaired the building, but no trustees
could be found with whom to negotiate.........Losing his wife akxihexHxd

in °ctober, at the end of the year,Rayner removed to St.Martin, where
he himself died in 1819t He left in Tobago a Society of 22 strongly
attached Church members, 5 of them being Whites.

Rayner’s successor was John Smedley, in whose three years of scvice
the little Society was more thr,n doubled. Like his predecessor,

Smedley found the Tobago Negroes ’amazingly ignorant’.. . many desired
baptism for their childre as 'a kind of charm agains/'the incantation of
hags and Cbeahmen. ’ 'n assistant was supplied to aid in the country work.
The promising and lovable young Missionary filfrk appointed, .William Larcor. ,
died in November, 1820, within a year of his sailing from. England. Four
days after his decease Mrs.Smedley was snatched away by death....

. . .by the end of '182k the Scarborough Methodi to commenced building a chape

Cthcr W.M.M.S. names
John Stephenson,John
This go's up to 1?lf
District after that,

mentioned are: John Nelson, who followed Smedky
Briddon.James Rathbone, William Fidler, Everitt

I think that Tobago became part of a Method! ‘t
which means after Emancipation or thereabouts.

Moravian Missions Twelve Leet rc 7’ uiguctus C.Thompson.D.D

Nev: Yokk? l8ck". ..

P.116 - Tobago. In bringing che gospel hither, as so often elsewhere,
Moravian missionaries were pioneers. At the request of a Mr.Hamilton,
one of the wealthy proprietors, a beginning was made by the Rev.John
Montgomery (178?) who, in feeble health, paid a visit from 3arbadoes.
Three years later he moved to the island; but his wife died after a few
months, and, within less than a year, he was obliged to leave, when there
occurred a missionary interregnum of eight years. Mr.Hamilton, however,
was still desirous to have the slaves taught religiously, chough most of
the planters spent their unrighteous gains in profligacy, and were not in
favor of having the Word of God introduced among the slaves. A prosperous
work began; then failure of health again on the part of new laborers, and
the reoccupation of the island by the French, compelled another suspension
of the work (1802). A quarter of a century mere elapsed before permanent
resumption took place (1827), when the chief missionary station received
the appropriate name of Montgomery, which it still bears.

Unquestionable improvement, in nearly all respects, has taken p^oce
among the negroes.

The Moravian Atlas, embracing Statistics of the Church of the United
Brethreh in her Home and Foreign Departments, compiled from the most
recent and authentic sources, by The Teachers of Fulneck Academy.

p.2l/(map facinfthis page) - Tobago -

22 1787 • Br.Montgomery visited this island fromBarbadoes, he was

stationed as a missionary. He was invited to do so by Mr.
Hamilton, who took the greatest interest in the welfare of
the negroes on his plantation. The island at this time was
in tht possession of the French.

17S0. Br.Montgomery’ was commissioned to remain here. The evil
consequences, however, of the French Revolution became evident
in disturbances throughout the isafnd. At the same time, a
hurricane destroyed the dwelling house of Br.Montgomery, on
Signal Hill, not far from our present station, Montgomery. All
this hastened the departure of his wife.

179^ « Br.Montgomery’s heilth being much impaired, he returned to
Barbadoes, where he soon departed, at Sharon.

1799* A second attempt was made by the Brethren.Schirmer and Church,
who took up their abode near Signal Hill, and in a short
time, baptized the first convert.

1800. The aged Mr.Hamilton visited the island, and rejoiced with
tears, to see the light which had begun to dawn on his
negroes; but in a few months, the Lord called him to Himself.

18O2. Br.Church was necessitated to return to England on account of
his health.

18o£. Several circumstances occasioned the suspension of this
mission for the second time.

1827• A third attempt was made, and the mission still exists as one
of the many encouraging proofs of blessing bestowed on
missionary perseverance. Br. and Sxt. llicksecker, who were sent
out, spent the first year with Mr.Hamilton junior.

1828. Montgomery was erected on a hill surrounded by the plantations
Mount Irgine, Cid Grange, Riseland, and Buccoo. The first
church was soon found be too small.

13f9• Jc.n27. Another church, of greater dimensions was consecrated;,
but in 1343, it was found necessary to enlarge this also.

1842. Moriah was commenced. This was formerly called ’’Indian v.klk".

1b47. A terrible hurricane destroyed Montgomery, in the night of
October 11.

18,30. March 2,3.The new church at Montgomery erected by the voluntary
contributions of kind friends. May the spirit of the Lord
rest upon this place, and this ever be proclaimed:

HThat who’er believeth in Christ’s redemption,
May find free grace and complete exemption
From servins* sin."