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1 Page 2

“...not learn not which proper For if they do not learn in youth, what will they do when old? 幼 Yeif Youth 不peh not learn 老bu old 何加 what 爲泌? be? Gems im・wrought, can form nothing useful; 玉Ny6h 不peh 琢 tsoh cut 不peh 成dsung 器tyS; Gem not not complete vessel So mail, untaught, can never know his proper duties. 人Zun Man 不peh not 學泌h learn 不peh not 知tsz know 義nyE righ t 15 Let the sons of men, while yet in early life, 爲肌 Be 人zmi merfs 子,tsz sons 方 fong in 少 sni! early 時zz, time With teachers and friends practise what is'^^orous and proper. 親 Ts'ing 師 sz Associated-with teachers 友‘艸 iriends 脅 dsih practising 禮H propriety 儀"1・ right...”
2 Page 4

“...容沁毘 permit 紊vim仃 to-confuse Rice, millet, 箱'Dau Rice pulse, wheat, 缈命g millet rye, and barley. 菽 s6h,麥nuh pulse wheat 黍sil pyc 稷 tsih; barley Are six kinds of grain on which men subsist. 此'Ts'z These 六也h six 穀 k6h, grain 人zun men 所‘Slf which 食 zuh. eat The horse ? cow, sheep, fowl, dog, and swine, 馬'M6 牛 nyeu 羊沁g, 雞kyi 犬Sy法 豕SZ, Horse COW sheep fowl dog pig 40 Are thic six domestic animals which mon treed. 此'Ts吃 These 六16h six 畜 hy6h: animals 人zrni men 所'曲 which 飼ZZ: breed...”
3 Page 7

“...are system of 連 lie% Fuh-hi?s-diagrams changes together with that |L|san of Yenti, 有艸歸kw6藏dsong Yien-ti^-changes and And that of 有'Feu And the Chau dynasty, form 周Tseu Tseu*s 易"uh changes three treatises complete. 三 set% three 易 ©uh 詳 dsi^ng changes complete. The royal and ministerial 有' There-are 典'tie% the-canons canons, the 謨mfi plans instructions 有'“eu and and injunctions, 訓hyhn,誥品山 instructions injunctions The solemn 有'Feu And vows and commands, are 誓 zz,命 ming, vows commands profound portions of the Record. - ■ 奥 an; mysteries 書 Sd ^tsz Record ?s Our princely lord of Chau first framed Ngu 周Tseu 公kfmg Tseu duke Chau Ritual, 作 tsoh framed the 周 Tseu Tseu 禮口 Ritual, 75 And established six 著Ts卻 Set-up 六10h six offices for maintaining rule in 官 kw® 存 dsim offices preserving the empire/ 治 dsz, rule The elder 大D於 Great and younger 小 sinu small Tai commented on the Ritual. 註 tslT e 禮对記Kyf commented (on) the-Ritual...”
4 Page 8

“...awarding praise and blame, marked out Which, by 寓 Nyif 褒 pen 貶'pi® 別 pih Preserving praise blame dividing the good and 善 good bad. 惡oh bad On these annals there are three comments, that of 三Sa他傳ds®' Three commen ts 者'ts6 (,) 有艸 t liere-are Kungyang, 公K&ng 羊 Wng Kung Yang Yang That of the 有'Feu And Tso family, 左 Tsfi Tsu and that 氏zz' family of Kuh Liang. 有:艸 and 穀K6h 梁Lidng Koh … Liang the philosophers. being understood, read the works of 經Kyung 旣kyf 明ming 方fong ®doli 予匕z The classics Classics already understood then read philosophers most impottant parts, and commit them to memory. 記kyf 其亦 事zz: remember their affairs 85 Select the 撮 Ts'6h 其 gyi 要 yaii' Select their importan t Of these are the five 五'U 子*'tsz Five wise-ones wise men, 者'ts6 (,) to wit, Siun, and Yang, 有勿eu荀Sin呼 arc Sing The worthy Wanchung, with the 文Vun 中Tsung 子'tsz Vun Tsung the-wise venerable Lau. and Chwang. 及gyih 老'Lail with 莊 Tsong Lau (and) Tsong When...”
5 Page 9

“...9 Investigate the 考 Examine succession of ages, and 世sz'系 agcs, succession the rise and 知tsz know fall of dynasties. 終 tshng end 始'sz beginning Shin-nung, together with 自 Zz,羲Hyf 農Nfmg Hyi … 90 Fuh-hi From Were the and Nung Hxvang-ti/ 至 tsz( -to 黃 TFdng Wong three monarchs antiquity. 號负it 三 Named three of remote 皇力ong 居kyii上 monarchs lived high 世sz" ages Tang and Yu 唐 Dong Dong (Yau) Shun) were styled the two rulers; 有勿eu虞Nyii Nyii (Shun) (Yau and and 號加u'二rh' called two rulers Each meekly 相Si血g Mutually the throne : theirs resigned 揖ih遜sub yielded humbly was a prosperous age. 稱ts缶ng盛zung, prosperous called 世sz" age Hia, and Tang of the Shang dynasty, 商Song有》eu湯「Pong Song had T^ong 95 With Wu Wang son of Wan of 周 Tseu 文 Vun Tseu V un Vun 武'VM Vu the Chau, are called the 稱 ts'img entitled 三s沪 three three kings. 王力ong kings family continued handed-down-to The Hia 夏傳ds6 empire in the government of the 子'tsz...”
6 Page 10

“...spear were 逞Ts'ung' 干戈12 尙诚ng, Pervaded (in use) spear lance in-esteem stalked abroad・ 游©eu說鈕 stalking captivating and Autumn annals (period) to that of the contending states, From the Spring 始 Sz 春Ts"im 获TsWeii Beginning ~ ' Spring Autumn 終tsfmg戰Ts6加 ending Contending 國K6h States were five powerful princes, 105 There 五'U霸p6,强gy命g Five ■ ■ mighty brave mighty warriors. and seven 七 ts'ih 雄“foig seven fierce 出 ts'eh appeared Tsin? all began to unite; 蠢 Fung 秦Dsing 氏zz” 始'sz ■ began When victory declared on the side of Victo rious Dsing family 兼 kyie” all 幷'ping t o-unite But after two reigns, Tsu and Han again strove 二 two 傳DsG After 世 sz:楚'Ts"if 一 Ts^u generations for supremacy; 漢HV 爭 tsung Ho/i strove-together Kautsu was 高Kau Kau. ・ victo rious, 祖'Tsfi 7Tsu the line of Han, and established 興hyung 漢H6以業nyih 建kyie〃 丿、 victorious Hon empire established Which continued to Hikuping when Wangmang usurped the throne. 至Tsz:孝Hyau"平bing...”
7 Page 13

“...13 And he too, though high in ollicc, 彼P6旣kyf仕zz, He already in-office studied assiduously. 學胆h且先旳6 studied nevertheless 勤 gyimg assiduously One copied lessons on reeds, another on slips of bamboo; 披M蒲肮編pie他 Split rushes plaited 削 si«h 竹 ts6h scraped bamboo 簡kyie他 slips These though destitute of books 無 vH >su These witho lit books eagerly sought knowledge・ 豆 知 tsz yet to-know 勉 mie71 urgent 140 [To vanquish sleep] one suspended his head by the hair [from another pierced liis thigh with an awl; 錐 ts6% 刺 ts'z' with-an-awl pierced 頭 Deu 懸“6" ^liang Head suspended to-a-beam a beam,] and 股Ml t high These, though destitute of instruction, 彼玫 They 不peh 教kyau' not instructed were laborious in study. 自 zz,勤 gyung selves diligen t 苦'k呛 laborious One read 如z仓 As by light of glow-worms, another by reflection of snow; 囊 liong ^ung bagged glow-worms 如Z仓映yung' like reflec tiOmof 雪sih snow These, though tlieir families were poor, 家 KyK 雖 s6i 貧 bing though...”
8 Page 14

“...14 You, who are young, ought early to think of these things. 爾%h 小'sia/u 生 sung 宜nyf 早'tsaii 思sz You young pupils ought early to think 150 Behold Liang Hau, at the advanced age of eighty-two, 若Zdh 梁 Li%ng 瀕血' 八pah 十zeh 二 Like Liang Hau eighty two In the imperial hall among many scholars,, gains the first rank; 對T6” 大dd? 廷 ding 魁kw隹 多恤 士 ZZ《 Reply great hall supreme of-many scholars And, having accomplished this, he was by all regarded as a prodigy. 異"” wonderful 彼 F6 旣 kyf 成 dsimg He already accomplished 衆?tsimg 稱tiling all called You, youthful readers, should at once make the fixed resolve. 爾込h You /J、siau you thful 生 sung scholars 宜nyi ought to-establish 志 tsz" purpose Yung? when only eight years old, could recite the Odes; 瑩}八pah 歲 s6i” 能 nimg 咏y印lg 詩sz Yung eight years could improvise Poetry 155 And Pe, nt the age of seven, understood the game of chess: 泌Pf 七 ts'ih 歲 s6i" 能nung 賦f卸 慕gyf Plc seven years could descant upon chess These displayed ability...”
9 Page 15

“... only seven years old, yourselves 警 kyungc to arouse Dong-dynasty - Lieu - Showing himself a noble 舉 Kyii Styled 神zim amazing Yicn when seven 歲s6! years kid, was employed to correct writing: 童 diing 作 ts6h lad made 正 tsimg, correct 字Z加 characters He though was tlius highly promoted; very young, 彼玫 He 雖s6i though 幼 yeu, young 身sun himself 已yi already 仕ZZ, in-office 165 You, young learners, should strive to )follow liis example; 爾込h 幼 yen, 學“和 勉'mie?/ 而山 致tsz《 You young learners strive and come-up-to And he who does so, will I acquire similar honors. 有Feu 爲力6 者'ts6 亦“uh 若泌 是zz< And doing the person also like this Dogs watch by night; the cock announces the morning. 犬Ty法 守,sen 夜於 鷄kyi 司SZ 晨zim Dogs watch at-nigli t the-cock rules the-morning If any refuse to learn, how can they be esteemed men? 苟 Keu' 不peh 學〃彷