On Thursday, May lp, 1825.
fyc. fyc.
Plan of the Society.
Resolutions at the Thirty-first Annual Meeting.
List of Directors, &c.
Annual Report. Page
Introduction ...... . 1
Southern Pacific...................... . . ib.
Northern Pacific ..... . . 41
Ultra Ganges . . China ....... 44
Malacca ....... 46
Singapore . . . . . . .51
Java ..........................55
Amboyna.............................' 6l
East Indies . . . Northern India—Calcutta . . . .62
Chinsurah . . -71
Berhampore . . .75
Benares . . . .76
Peninsular India, Madras . . . .79
Vizagapatam . . .81
Cuddapah . . . .82
Belgaum .... 84v
Bellary . . . .8?
Bangalore . . . .91
Travancorc—Nagercoil . 96
Quilort . 10$
Surat . . . .110
Russia...........St. Petersburg............................Ill
Siberia . . . . . . .112
Mediterranean . Corfu . ....................114'
Africa—Stations within the Colony—Cape Town . . . 120
Stellenbosch . . .121
The Paarl . . . ib,
Tulbagh . . . ib.
Bosjevekl . . . ib.
Pacaltsdorp . . . ib.
ITankey . . .122
Bethelsdorp . . . ib.
Theopolis • . . .123
Africa—Stations beyond the Colony—Griqua-Town . 130
Lattakoo . . 133
Campbell . 138
Philippolis . ib.
Africaner’s Kraal . ib.
Bethany . ib.
Steinkopff . 139
Pella . 140
African Islands . Mauritius ...... . 141
Madagascar ..... . 142
West Indies . . . Demerara—George Town . 146
Berbice—New Amsterdam . . ib.
Seminary . 148
Funds, &c. . ..... . 150
Appendix ... . . . 157
List of Contributions.
Annual Subscriptions in London . . . i
Auxiliary Societies . . . Ditto . . . viii
Schools, small Associations, &c. . . . xxvi
Abstract of Auxiliary Societies in London, &c. . xxvii
Contributions in England . xxviii
Ditto . . . Wales .... . . . lxxi
Ditto . . . Scotland .... . . . Ixxix
Ditto . . . Ireland .... . . . lxxxii
Ditto • . . Foreign Societies . . . lxxxiii
Sundries ib.
Abstract of County Auxiliary Societies . lxxxiv
Disbursements ..... . . . lxxxv
General Statement of Accounts . . . Ixxxvi
Appendix to the Contributions . lxxxvii
Donations. &c. received abroad .... ib.
Recapitulation of Contributions for the Education of Native Females in
India .......
Ditto ditto in aid of Anglo-Chinese College xci
Ditto ditto for Ebenezer Chapel Schools . . . ib.
Ditto ditto for Calcutta School Society ib.
Ditto ditto towards rebuilding Mr. Wray’s Chapel . ib.
Ditto ditto for Demerara Expenses ib.
Ditto ditto towards relieving the Distress at Bethelsdorp and Theopolis xcii
Ditto ditto for Widows and Orphans’ Fund . ib.
Ditto ditto for Mrs. Smith, &c. . . . ib.
Ditto ditto for Native Teachers xcv
Legacies .......
Life Members by Payment of Legacies . . xcviii
Form of Bequest . . . xeix
Regulations for the Formation of Auxiliary Societies c
II. The Object.—The sole object is to spread the knowledge of Christ among heathen and other unenlightened nations.
III. The Members.—Persons subscribing one guinea, or more, annually—every benefactor making a donation of ten pounds—one of the executors, on the payment of a legacy amounting to fifty pounds, or upwards; and Ministers or other representatives of congregations in the Country, who subscribe or collect for the use of the Society five pounds annually.
IV. General Meetings.—To be held annually in London on the second Wednesday of May, and oftener, if necessary, to choose a Treasurer, Directors, Secretary, and Collectors, and to receive reports, audit accounts, and deliberate on what farther steps may best promote the object of the Society. At every such meeting, one Sermon, or more, shall be preached by one or more of the associated Ministers, and notice given, as usual on such occasions. The President for the day shall open and conclude the meeting with prayer, and sign the minutes of the proceedings. All matters proposed shall be determined by the majority of the members present.
V. The Direction.—To consist of as many Directors, annually chosen out of its members, as circumstances may require. At the first meeting twenty-five shall be elected, with power to associate with themselves such an additional number as may be judged by them expedient, when the extent of the Society is ascertained. Three-fifths, and no more, of these Directors shall reside in or near London; where all monthly meetings shall be held for transacting the business of the Society. Not less than seven shall constitute a board. For greater facility and expedition, they may subdivide into committees for managing the funds, conducting the correspondence, making reports, examining Missionaries, directing the missions, &c.; but no act of these committees shall be valid till ratified at a monthly meeting. No expenditure exceeding <£100, shall be made without consulting all the Directors; or £500, without calling a general meeting of the subscribers. Annual subscribers of £10, or upwards, and bene-
* 14th May, 1818. Resolved, That the Title of this Society be in future The Missionary Society, usually called, The London Missionary Society.
* A
factors of £100, or more, may attend, if they please, with the Directors, at any of the monthly meetings. On any emergency, the Directors shall call a general meeting of the Society, to whom their arrangements shall be submitted: nor shall they enter upon a new mission, till they obtain the general concurrence.
VI. The Funds.—Arising from donations, legacies, subscriptions, collections, &c. shall be lodged, as soon as collected, in the hands of the Treasurer. The Directors shall place in the public funds, all monies so paid, whenever they exceed £300, until they are required for the use of the mission; excepting it appears to them prejudicial to the interests of the Society.
VII. Salaries.—The Secretary shall receive such a salary as the Directors may appoint; but the Directors themselves shall transact the business of the Society without any emolument.
At the annual meeting, held the 12th of May, 1814,
Resolved, that a copy of the Fundamental Principle, adopted at the first annual meeting in May, 1796, be printed at the end of the Plan.
As the union of Christians of various denominations, in carrying on this great work, is a most desirable object; so to prevent, if possible, any cause of future dissension, it is declared to be a fundamental principle of the Missionary Society, that our design is not to send Presbyterianism, Independency, Episcopacy, or any other form of Church order and government (about which there may be difference of opinions among serious persons), but the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, to the Heathen; and that it shall be left (as it ought to be left) to the minds of the persons whom God may call into the fellowship of his Son from among them, to assume for themselves such form of Church government as to them shall appear most agreeable to the Word of God.
At the annual meeting, held the 14th of May, 1812,
Resolved, that those Ministers in the Country, who are annual subscribers, or whose congregations send an annual collection to the Society; and all Presidents, or principal Officers, of Country Auxiliary Societies, who may be in London occasionally, shall be Directors pro tempore, and be entitled to meet and vote with the Directors.
( «. )
or THE
On Thursday, May 12, 1825 ;
William Alers Hankey, Esq. in the Chair;
An Abstract of the Report of the Society's Proceedings for the past year having been read by the Secretary, the Rev. George Burder, assisted by his Son, the Rev. H. F. Burder, and a Statement of the Funds by the Treasurer ; the following Resolutions were severally moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted by the Meeting:—
On the Motion of the Rev, David Bogue, D.D.; seconded by the Rev. R. W. Hamilton, of Leeds—
That the Report, of which an abstract has been read, be approved and published. That this Meeting expresses devout thanksgiving to the Most High, for the prosperous state of the stations of the Society in general, and particularly for the cheering intelligence which continues to be transmitted from those in the Southern Pacific j—for the Divine protection hitherto granted to the Deputation, while visiting that interesting scene of the Society s operations, and especially when exposed to imminent personal danger from some of the Natives of Nerv Zealand.
( iv. )
On the Motion of the Rev. James Bennet, Theological Tutor of Rotherham Academy ; seconded by the Rev. Thomas Mortimer, A. M. Lecturer of St. Olave, Southwark, and Afternoon Lecturer of St. Leonard, Shoreditch—
That this Meeting most cordially approves the measures adopted by the Directors during the past year, for promoting the study of the Chinese Language,'and other Oriental Literature ; and by the means taken for imparting to the Missionaries of the Society, previously to their quitting England, an acquaintance with the Languages spoken in the Countries to which they have respectively been appointed.
On the Motion of the Rev. Robert Philip, of Liverpool; seconded by the Rev. Richard Alliott, of Nottingham—
That this Meeting fully approves the principles adopted by the Directors, of inviting Ministers and other well-qualified individuals, to offer their services to the Society, for limited periods, and expresses its affectionate acknowledgments to those Gentlemen who have signified a readiness to accept the invitation; and hopes further, that many eminently qualified labourers will be thereby sent into the harvest of Christian Missions.
On the Motion of the Rev.jRichard Pope, of Trinity College, Dublin; seconded by the Rev. William Thorpe, of Bristol—
That this Meeting regards with peculiar satisfaction the augmentation in the Funds of the Society during the past year ; and offers its most grateful acknowledgments to all individuals, Auxiliary Institutions, Ministers and Congregations, that have contributed thereto, and at the same time earnestly solicits their persevering exertions;—that this Meeting rejoices in the establishment of a Fund for the relief of the Widows of such Missionaries as die in the service of the Society; assured that Christian sympathy will provide abundantly for them, without subtracting any thing from the Contributions made for the direct objects of this Institution.
( v. )
On the Motion of the Rev. John Codman, D. D. of Boston, America; seconded by the Rev. William Urwick, of Sligo—
That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to those Gentlemen who conducted the affairs of the Society during the past year ; that the Trea-surer and Secretaries be requested to continue in their offices for the year ensuing; and that the following Gentlemen (as per List) be appointed Directors, in the room of those who retire by rotation ; that all the other Directors be rechosen ; and that if any of the New Directors appointed at this Meeting, should not accept the office, the Board of Directors be empow-ercd to fill up the vacancies.
On the Motion of the Rev. Mark Wilks, of Paris; seconded by Benjamin Shaw, Esq, Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society—
That this Meeting expresses its cordial interest in the labours of kindred Institutions, and invites the friends.of Missions, of all denominations, to abound more and more in fervent supplications for the most copious effusion of Divine iffluence, to render their common exertions more eminently successful.
On the Motion of the Rev. Sereno Dwight, of Boston, America; seconded by the Rev. Robert Newstead, Wesleyan Missionary, from Ceylon—
That the Thanks of this Meeting be presented to the Ministers and
Trustees of Great Queen Street Chapel, for their renewed kindness in cffording CLCcommodation to the Society at this Anniversary.
On the Motion of the Rev. John Mead Ray, of Sudbury; seconded by the Rev. Henry Belfrage, D.D. of Falkirk—
That the warmest ajcknowledgments of this Meeting be presented to
W. Alers Hankey, Esq., the Treasurer, for his unremitted attention to the interests of the Society, and for his conduct as Chairman on this occasion.
( vi. )
Held at the Mission House, on Monday, May 16, 1826,
William Alers Hankey, Esq. in the Chair;
That the most cordial Thanks of the Society be presented to the Rev, Dr. Morrison, Rev, Dr, Belfrage, Rev, R, W. Hamilton, Rev, J, C. Williams, and Rev, W, Thorpe, for their important services rendered to the Society, by preaching at this Anniversary,
Tha£ the Thanks of this Society be respectfully presented to the Rev. R, Hill; Rev, J, Savill, Colchester; Rev, S, Dwight, America; Rev. T. P. Bull, Newport Pagriel; Rev. Mr. Laurie, Tweedmovth; Rev. Mr. Geary ; Rev. J. Ely, Rochdale ; Rev. J. Hunt, Chelmsford ; and the Rev. I. Saunders, Rector of the Church of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, and St. Anne, Blackfriars; for conducting the devotional services;—to the Rev. Isaac Saunders and Churchwardens, for the use of that Church ; and to the several Ministers and Trustees, who kindly obliged the Society with the use of their respective Places of Worship, on the 11th, 12th, and 13th instant.
Donations anti Subscriptions
33b ©ttasuttr,
t&e Sbetretarfes, k
At the Mission-House, Austin Friars ;
follofofng 33anfecrs:
ail tfje Directors of tl>e £>ocletp.
It is requested that all Letters on the Business of the Society, be addressed to the Mission-House, No. 26, Austin Friars, London.
Blackburn, Rev. John. Broadfoot, Rev. William. Burder, Rev. George.
Burder, Rev. H. F. (A. M.) Campbell, Rev. John.
Clayton, Rev. J. Jun. (A. M.) Collison, Rev. George.
Curwen, Rev. Spedding.
Davies, Rev. John.
Davies, Rev. D. S.
Eccles, Rev. William.
Fletcher, Rev. Joseph, A. M. Harris, Rev. William, (LL. D.) Hunt, Rev. R. T.
Hyatt, Rev. John.
Lacey, Rev. Henry.
Lewis, Rev. Thomas.
Manuel, Rev. William, (D. D.) Marshall, Rev. John.
Morison, Rev. John, (A. M.) Orme, Rev. William.
Platt, Rev. W. F.
Rayson, Rev. Benjamin. Stratten, Rev. James.
Styles, Rev. John, (D. D.) Townsend, Rev. John.
Walford, Rev. William. Washbourn, Rev. Daniel.
Waugh, Rev. Alexander, (D. D.) Yockney, Rev. John.
Ballance, Mr. John.
Bateman, Mr. William.
Birnie, Mr. Alexander.
Dyer, Mr. John.
Emerson, Mr. James.
Everett, Mr. W. M.
Foulger, Mr. John.
Hankey, Mr. W. Alers.
Hayter, Mr. Thomas.
Haldane, Mr. Alexander. Holehouse, Mr. Charles. Houston, Mr. Samuel.
Langton, Mr. David.
Marten, Mr. R. H.
Muston, Mr. James.
Oldfield, Mr. T. B.
Pellatt, Mr. Thomas.
Racjley, Mr. John.
Reid, Mr. William.
Shrubsole, Mr. William.
A Steven, Mr. Robert.
Tarn, Mr. Joseph.
Townsend, Mr. William. Trueman, Mr. Joseph.
Walker, Mr. Thomas.
Alexander, Rev. J. Norwich Atkinson, Rev. C. Ipswich. Bennett, Rev. J. Rotherham. Boden, Rev. J. Sheffield.
Bogue, Rev. D. (D. D.) Gosport. Bottomley, Rev. S. Scarborough. Bradley, Rev. S. Manchester.
Brown, Rev. W. Enjield.
Bull, Rev. T. P. Newport Pagnel. Burder, Rev. J. Stroud.
Byron, Rev. B. Lincoln.
Cockin, Rev. J. Halifax. Coombs, Rev. J. A. Manchester. Craig, Rev. T. Booking.
Creak, Rev. A. Yarmouth. Charrier, Rev. P. S. Liverpool. Day, Rev. W. Bristol.
Douglas, Rev. A. Reading.
Durant, Rev. T. Poole.
Eagleton, Rev. J. Birmingham. East, Rev. T. Ditto.
Elliott, Rev. R. Devizes.
Finley, Rev. Mr. Tunbridge Wells. Foxell, Rev. J. Penzance.
Good, Rev. A. Launceston.
Goulty, Rev. J. N. Brighton. Greenwood, Rev. W. Motion. Griffin, Rev. J. Portsea.
Gunn, Rev. D. Christchurch. Hamilton, Rev. R. W. Leeds. Hammond, Rev. J. Handsworth. Hartley, Rev. R. Plymouth. Haynes, Rev. T. Boston.
Hillyard, Rev. S. Bedford. Hopkins, Rev. T. Linton.
Hudson, Rev. J. West Bromwich. Jack, Rev. A. Whitehaven. Jinkings, Rev. E. Maidstone. Kelly, Rev. J. Ashburton.
Kemp, Rev. W. Cheshunt. Leifchild, Rev. J. Bristol.
Lewis, Rev. J. Newport.
Luke, Rev. T. Taunton.
Maslen, Rev. C. Hertford.
Mather, Rev. J. Sheffield. Mattheson, Rev. J. Durham. Morell, Rev. T. Wymondley. Parsons, Rev. E. Leeds.
Parry, Rev. J. Chester.
Paterson, Rev. D. Alnwick.
Payne, Rev. G. (A. M.) Blackburn. Percy, Rev. S. Guilford.
Raffles, Rev. T. (LL. D.) Liverpool. Ralph, Rev. H. Liverpool.
Ray, Rev. J. M. Sudbury.
Reynolds, Rev. J. Romsey.
Roby, Rev. W. Manchester.
Rooker, Rev. S. Bideford.
Savill, Rev. J. Colchester.
Scott, Rev. W. Rowell.
Shaw, Rev. J. Ilkeston.
Sherman, Rev. J. Reading.
Sibree, Rev. J. Coventry.
Slatterie, Rev. J. Chatham.
Sleigh, Rev. S. Salisbury.
Stowell, Rev. W. H. North Shields. Thorpe, Rev. W. Bristol.
Tidman, Rev. A. Frome.
Towne, Rev. T. Royston. Towrrsend, Rev. G. Ramsgate. Ward, Rev. W. Stowmarket.
Webb, Rev. E. Leicester.
Wells, Rev. A. Coggeshati. Whittingham, Rev. R. Vicar of Potion. Whitridge, Rev. J. Oswestry. Young, Rev. G. (A. M.) Whitby. Ash, Mr. R. Bristol.
Ball, Mr. P. Mevagissey.
Bennet, Mr. G. late of Sheffield. Briggs, Mr. W. Hull.
Brightwell, Mr. T. Norwich. Brunton, Mr. W. Birmingham. Clapham, Mr. J. Jun. Leeds.
Cobb, Mr. F. W. Margate.
Cross, Mr. W. Chester.
Cunliffe, Mr. J. Blackburn.
Derry, Mr. R. Plymouth.
Fenwick, Mr. J. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Harbottle, Mr. T. Manchester. Heron, Mr. J. H. Ditto.
Hurry, Mr. N. Liverpool.
Ogborn, Mr. R. Bath.
Palmer, Mr. D. Yarmouth.
Pritchett, Mr. J. P. York.
Prust, Mr. S. Bristol.
Rawson, Mr. G. Leeds. Rawson, Mr. W. F. Sheffield. Ray, Mr. S. Ipswich.
Ring, Mr. T. Reading.
Rust, Mr. W. Hull. Stokes, Mr. B. Worcester. Willans, Mr. P. Leeds. Wimble, Mr. N. Lewes.
Bulmer, Rev. J. Haverfordwest. Elias, Rev. J. Anglesea.
Jones, Rev. O. Llanfair.
Jones, Rev. J. Tremador.
Lloyd, Rev. R. Beaumaris. Lloyd, Rev. S. Bala.
Morris, Rev. E. Cardiganshire.
Peter, Rev. D. Carmarthen. Richards, Rev. E. Tregaron. Williams, Rev. W. Wern. Williamson, Mr. W. Greenfeld. Davies, Mr. J. Vronheulog. Smith, Mr. R. Craig Avon.
Aikman, Rev. J. Edinburgh. Balmer, Rev. R. Berwick.
Belfrage, Rev. H. (D.D.) Falkirk. Brotherston, Rev. P. Dysart. Brown, Rev. J. Jun. Edinburgh. Brown, Rev. E. Inver'keithing. Dickson, Rev. D. (D.D.) Edinburgh. Duncan, Rev. A. Midcalder.
Gibb, Rev. J. Banff.
Gordon, Rev. R. (D.D.) Edinburgh. Jamieson, Rev. H. (D.D.) E.Linton. Johnston, Rev. Mr. Edinburgh. Kidston, Rev. W. Glasgow.
M'Gill, Professor, Glasgow. Mitchell, Rev. D. (D.D.) Anderston.
Murray, Rev. J. Aberdeen.
Muter, Rev. R. Glasgow.
Russell, Rev. D. Dundee.
Rankin, Rev. J. Paisley.
Smart, Rev. J. Stirling.
Thomson, Rev. J. Dundee. Willison, Rev. J. Forgandenny. Wardlaw, Rev. R. (D. D.) Glasgow. Wright, Rev. — D. D. Stirling. Carlile, Mr. W. Paisley.
Douglas, Mr. J. Cavers.
Ker, Mr. A. Greenock.
M‘Gavin, Mr. W. Glasgow. Mitchell, Mr. A. Glasgow.
Wilson, Mr. W. Greenock.
Bushe, Rev. W. Dublin.
Carlile, Rev. J. Dublin.
Carr, Rev. A. Belfast.
Cooper, Rev. W. Dublin.
Hanna, Rev. S. (D. D.) Belfast. Millar, Rev. T. Cookstown.
Stuart, Rev. D. Dublin.
Townley, Rev. J. (D.D.) Limerick. Ferrier, Mr. J. Dublin.
Hogan, Mr. W. C. Dublin.
Willans, Mr. O. Dublin.
The President of the Religious Society at Basle.
The President of the Missionary Society at Rotterdam.
The President of the Society for promoting the Gospel in Denmark. The President of the Paris Missionary Society.
Rev. Mark Wilks, Paris.
Mr. Bernardus Ledeboer, Rotterdam.
Rev. John Joenicke, Berlin.
Mr. Gilbert Vander Smissen, AUona.
Dr. Cleardo Naudi, Malta.
Rev. Francis Perrot, Jersey.
Rev. Clement Perrot, Guernsey.
The President of the Missionary Society in Connecticut.
The President of the Missionary Society in New York.
Rev. Dr. Mason, New York.
Rev. Dr. Romeyn, New York.
The President of the Board of Foreign Missions in Massachusetts. Mr. Robert Ralston, Philadelphia.
Sboutfi Africa-
Rev. John Philip, (D. D.) Cape Town.
Mr. Rynier Beck, Cape Town.
Mr. Kuyper, Stellenbosch.
Mr. De Lange, Roodesand.
jgefo SboutJ S25aks.
Rev. Samuel Marsden, (A. M.) Parramatta.
game Secretary.
tetent Secretary.
It is requested that all Letters on the Business of the Society, be sent to the Mission-House, Austin Friars, London.
Uondott ittigstonatg Society.
In commencing our Report of the Proceedings of the Society for the past year, it is highly gratifying to us to announce, that its missions are almost every where in a promising state ; that the disposition, both at home and abroad, to support them, is increasing * and that among the numerous instruments employed by the Society, in foreign parts and in ungenial climes, we are called upon to lament only two instances of mortality in the known records of the past year.*
These mercies, justly and devoutly appreciated, cannot fail to awaken in our breasts a spirit of gratitude and praise towards their Great Author, and to prove incitements to a more extensive surrender of time, property, and strength, on behalf of the pre-eminently important object that has convened us together this day.
We shall, in the first place, proceed to detail the principal Foreign Transactions of the Society, and, as usual, commence with the
Our highly-esteemed friends, who compose the Deputation to the South Seas, after attending the annual meeting of the Auxiliary Missionary Society at Otaheite, in May 1823, visited the several missionary stations on that island. From Otaheite they passed over to Eimeo, and afterwards visited Raivavai, Tubouai, and Rurutu ; at all which islands they found religion greatly prospering. They had purposed to visit the Marquesas, but were not able to execute their intention.
* Those of Mrs. Threlkeld and Mrs. Mundy, whose happy deaths have been recorded in the Society’s Monthly Chronicle. A Native Teacher deceased in India, must also be excepted.
On the 6th of May, 1824, they embarked at Eimeo, on board the Endeavour, Captain Dacre, for New South Wales. They first proceeded to the Leeward Islands. After continuing at Huahine about a fortnight, they sailed for Raiatea. Here they received on board Mr. Threlkeld and his eldest son, four Native Teachers, viz. two married, with their wives, and two single men, all members of the church at Tahaa. On the 3d of June they left Raiatea for Borabora, whence they finally sailed for the Colony, on the 7th of that month.
The Deputation, before their final departure from the islands, having first paid their official visits at the several stations, addressed a valedictory letter to the Missionaries, of which the following is a copy:—
Farewell-Letter addressed by the Deputation to all the Missionaries of both the Windward and Leeward Missions, on their leaving the Islands. *
Dear and much esteemed Friends and Brethren, May 1824.
Raviftg cmnpidted oi&ttfite&l visit to these highly “favoured islands, and to the various churches and congregations over which you preside as their pastors and ministers, and expecting to take our leave in a few days, to proceed to visit our brethren in other countries, we cannot take our final adieu without addressing to you a few lines.—When that great Society whom you and we serve, proposed to us this important undertaking, we found innumerable difficulties opposing a compliance with the duties which they proposed to devolve upon us. But God, at the same time, removed those interposing difficulties, and inclined our hearts to undertake so long a voyage, and to cotte and behold this strange sight. We had heard of this great change with our ears in our own favoured feounti'y, tt&d believed your report; but now our eyes have seen, and we rejoice with joy unspeakable, and unite with you, and with the Society, and with the whole Christian Church, in admiring and adoring that distinguishing and sovereign grace whose invincible energies have dethroned the powers of darkness, so long sovereign in these islands, and established the glorious throne of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, against which the gates of hell shall never, we trust, again prevail. While we unite to admire this stupendous work, and seek in vain for its parallel in the history of the world, let us also unite in ascribing all the glory to Him by whose power and love these islands have been rescued from the foulest thraldom, and brought under the equitable reign of the King of kings. Let the Society on which God has conferred this high honour—let the Missionaries, Who have been the favoured instruments of this work—let the whole universe of intelligent beings, who are spectators of this miracle of grace, unite in singing, ° Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name be all the glory?’
Extent of the Religious Change among the Natives.
It is true, however, that though wonders have been wrought by the preaching -of-the Gospel, end the power of the Spirit of God, every thing has not been
* The Deputation had some time previously addressed valedictory letters to the
brethren individually. See Report for 1824, page 4.
achieved that Christian Philanthropy is anxious to behold. Though all name the name of Jesus, all do not depart from iniquity: while the appearance of religion is seen in the mass of the people, there are many individuals who disregard its solemn sanctions. Many have the form of godliness, but it is to be feared they are strangers to its power. But be not discouraged, brethren. Where but a few years ago nothing but crime was to be seen, and that of the foulest nature that men in their worst state could commit, you are not to be surprised at the few crimes, and these generally of no great aggravation, which are still committed:—where all trifled with religion, be not surprised that some still treat it with neglect:—where all were cruel idolaters in practice, be not astonished that there are those who retain the world as an idol in their hearts:— where all were led captive by Satan at his will, be not disheartened because some are still willing to bear his yoke, and remain under his bondage. That arm which has been so signally revealed before your eyes, is sufficient to accomplish all you wish. While you feel that you are nothing, remember that God is all-sufficient. His past triumphs afford the pledge of future victories; and your past success should fill your minds with confidence, that all the strong-holds of sin and Satan shall fall before you. Is any thing too hard for the Lord?
Missionaries* Discharge of their Pastoral Duties,
Deeply convinced, as we are assured you are, that both the ability to preach the great truths of the Gospel with acceptance to God, and success in the conversion of sinners, and in building up the saints in their most holy faith, are owing alike to a divine influence, be it your daily prayer, both in private and in public, that He, with whom is the residue of the Spirit, would pour down that influence x upon you and your congregations in still greater effusion. While we have all
the confidence in you, brethren, that we ought to repose in mortal agency, and. feel assured that your best exertions will be still used to promote the work which has been commenced, yet we know well, that in so great a work human agency can avail nothing :—even a Paul might plant, and Apollos water, but God must give the increase. Give him no rest, and by importunate prayer seek for the more abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you and your people; and
He who giveth his Holy Spirit to them that ask, will not be deaf to your cries.
As God will never own any thing but his own pure and unadulterated truth, hold fast the form of sound words which you have been taught; and let the unsophisticated doctrines of divine revelation, studied with diligence and prayer, and delivered with fervent zeal and humble faith, be still presented to the people. These you have preached, and these God has honoured. Guard, brethren, against the witty inventions ;of men, and pursue the good old way. It has afforded us no common pleasure to perceive, that you hold alike the grand and distinguishing doctrines of the Gopel; and, confident of the sincerity of your piety, and beholding its fruits and effects in your lives, we calculate on no departure from the truth in your sermons, resting assured that you will continue to feed your flocks with wisdom and knowledge; and, by a constant, faithful, and luminous exhibition of the doctrines of the cross, in connexion with the law as a rule of moral conduct, you will commend yourselves to God as his faithful servants; and to men, as worthy of their love, esteem, and confidence: — exemplifying in your own spirits and deportment the great truths which you enforce upon others.
We have beheld with delight your numerous congregations, and your flourishing churches; and that air of holy seriousness, and reverential behaviour, which so well become the house of God, and characterize your several flocks, as
B 2
well as that decency of dress which is every where apparent: and we are persuaded you will continue to guard against every thing of a contrary nature, that all things may be done devoutly and in order, as becomes the house of God. We also approve of the method observed in conducting your various religious services, and the principles on which your several churches are established, and which we regard as both scriptural and adapted to the local circumstances of these islands. Using your best endeavours to ascertain the truth of the piety of those whom you admit to the Lord’s Table, to preserve the purity of your churches, a firm and vigilant discipline will be essentially necessary. With your greatest care, hypocrites and false professors will obtrude themselves into the church of God ; but a wise and scriptural discipline will detect and remove them, and prevent them from tarnishing the spiritual glory of your flourishing societies. A neglect of discipline will be followed by disunion, a declension of vital religion, a relinquishment of‘the distinguishing doctrines of the Gospel, confusion, and every evil work. That your discipline may be scriptural and beneficial, it must be impartial; and to be impartial, it must extend alike to all, whether chiefs or common people. Your have properly set a high scale of morals for those whom you admit to the ordinance of Baptism, but not more high than scriptural. Let not the terms of admission to this sacred institution be relaxed, while you faithfully urge a practical regard to its high obligations, and distinguish carefully between the profession of the Gospel, and an experimental acquaintance with its Saving power. Putting on Christ in this profession of his name, let them be made acquainted with the indispensable importance of having Christ formed in their hearts the hope of glory. In admitting persons to both the ordinance of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, avoid the two extremes of admitting them too soon, and detaining them as candidates too long.
Instruction of the Rising Generation.
There is nothing in the aspect of things, in these favoured islands, on which our minds dwell with more solicitude and anxiety, than the Btate of the rising generation. In a few years the children will take the places of their parents, and the Character of the profession of religion which they will make, will greatly depend upon the manner in which they are now educated, and the habits in which they are trained, While you pour into their opening minds that knowledge of which they are susceptible, it is of indispensable importance that they should be formed to habits of order and industry. Habits of diligence, and of regular application to business, both of body and of mind, are among the principal advantages of a good education: and unless such habits are formed in youth, mere knowledge will be of little avail in real life. That the children should apply to tbeir school-duties two or three hours at two different times of the day, and while at school be brought into habits of application and submission, appears to us as desirable as it is important. We are aware of the difficulties which are to â– be surmounted in accomplishing this object; but the advantages accruing would be so great and many, that we are assured you will see the importance of making a vigorous attempt, and extend the present system of education to the objects here mentioned. Your best exertions are due to this subject. In connexion with your own efforts, it is of high importance that the beneficial consequences of such an education should be constantly pointed out to the parents of the children, and that they should be urged to maintain a strict discipline over them at home. An union of your endeavours with those of the parents, may be expected to be productive of immediate consequences, highly beneficial, while remote posterities wilt not fail to participate the blessings.
Translation of the Scriptures, $c.
We see with delight so many catechisms and elementary books in the hands of the people, all of which contain the forms of sound words, and a lucid statement of the doctrines of the Sacred Oracles. But we especially rejoice that your industry and exertions have put into the hands of your flocks so many portions of the Word of God, and that so many more are in a state of forwardness; all of which, we doubt not, will prove to be faithful translations of the several Scriptures which they profess to be. We are anxious, dear brethren, that the eminent knowledge of this language, and the talents for translating the Scriptures into it which you possess, should be employed to the best possible advantage, before death removes you to your reward. We beg to suggest to your serious attention, whether some more efficient plan of co-operation in this great work might not be practicable ? The circumstances of your congregations—the anxiety of the people to posgpss the whole of the Sacred Oracles—and the sphere of their circulation, which is daily widening, by the conversion of other islands where the Tahitian language is spoken—all tend to show the great importance of an immediate version of the whole Scriptures.
Selection and Employment of Native Teachers. '
While we see with gratitude nearly all the inhabitants*of these islands brought under the means of Christian Instruction, and so many large congregations and churches provided with pious pastors, who are devoted to their great work, it is no small cause of congratulation, that many islands, at a distance from this groupe, have renounced idolatry, and embraced the Gospel, and are now supplied with Native Teachers. As there were not foreign Missionaries to meet their necessities, the plan which you have adopted was highly advisable; and from our knowledge of those persons whom you have sent from your churches, we are satisfied that they have been selected with judgment and caution, and are generally well adapted to the work assigned them. In all similar cases you will continue to use great prudence, and not appoint any to so high a situation, until their piety has been proved, and their prudence satisfactorily ascertained. It is of great importance that you should continue to watch over them with great circumspection; and whenever any of them may act inconsistently with their character either as Christians or Teachers, let them be immediately recalled. It would be well also to inform them, previously to their appointment, that this will be the case, whenever such impropriety occurs. Some have been authorized to administer the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; in such cases double vigilance and care are requisite. We beg to suggest to you, that as the demand for such persons may increase, it will be prudent to make yourselves intimately acquainted with all such persons in your congregations as appear eligible, to take them under a train of suitable instruction, and to appoint them to active situations as catechists and teachers in the schools, and visiters of the sick, &c. They will thus develop their principles and character, and enable you to form your judgments with greater accuracy, and to decide with more propriety on their piety, their talents, and their adaptation to such high avocations. Let such persons be always considered by their pastors, and the churches from which they go, as being still in connexion with them, and be a3 often visited as opportunities will allow.
Proposed Seminary (or College) for the Education of pious Natives for the Christian Ministry.
As it is hoped that a period will arrive when all the churches in these islands will be supplied with native pastors, and when it will be no longer necessary for
the Society to send them from England, we beg to remind “you, that it is the wish of the Society that a College should be established here, for the education of young men (natives) for the ministry ; and that so soon as a suitable number of young persons, of promising piety and talent, can be found, such College should be commenced. We therefore suggest that you all should keep this in mind, and endeavour to find such men, in your several congregations, and devote them to this great work. This is an object deserving your very serious and constant attention.
Contributions of the Natives for the Propagation of the Gospel.
When it is considered what vast sums of money have been expended upon these islands by the Society, in supporting this Mission for nearly thirty years, it will be admitted as highly reasonable, that now, having embraced the Gospel, the people should do all in their power, if not to reimburse the Society, at least to meet the present expenses of the Mission, that its funds may be devoted to the support of the Gospel in other parts of the heathen world. Justice to the Society, and love to the perishing heathen, claim this reasonable service. The Society receives with great satisfaction the noble contributions which are made from time to time; and thank you, dear brethren, and through you, your numerous flocks, for your united exertions, which have been so productive. Let this liberality be continued; and allow us to suggest, whether the subscriptions might not be increased? and if not increased, whether some other plan might not be acted upon to render the present subscriptions more productive, by affording greater security to the property subscribed ?
On Interference in the Political and Civil Affairs of the Islands.
Though it is the wish of the Society that the Missionaries whom it sends into the heathen world should not interfere with the politics of the countries where they may reside, yet as you have to instruct these people in all the institutions of civilized society, and have been called upon by them to assist in forming the several codes of laws under which we are happy to see them living, it is necessary that you should continue to explain to them their own laws; that you should watch against their falling into neglect, on the one hand, or being unjustly applied, on the other, until such time as the people become so thoroughly versed in their meaning and administration, as to render your assistance unnecessary. Kings and chiefs, whose modes of thinking and habits of acting were formed under the influence of a cruel despotism, will be liable to indulge in unjust aggression; while a people, trained to absolute submission, without being allowed to exercise either their own judgments or their own wills, are in danger of a pusillanimous'surrender of their just rights and liberties. But with your discreet and intelligent advice and assistance, to which the people are prepared to pay the greatest deference, both these descriptions of evils will be prevented, and the civil rights of both the rulers and of the ruled will be secured, and peace and harmony maintained. But, in all such cases, you will see it prudent never to interpose your advice or influence, but where you perceive that the alleged wrongs are likely to arise, and even then, with all due deference to the powers that be, and which are ordained of God.
Moral and Civil Changes accomplished.
While we see, with great satisfaction, all these islands living under just and humane laws, and blessed with all the institutions of the Gospel in full operation, we rejoice in beholding the progress which civilization has made in islands so
lately in the depths of barbarism, and the grossest superstition. That, in so short a period since the downfal of idolatry, so many of the people should have become acquainted with the arts of reading, writing, and arithmetic—so many excellent places of divine worship, and numerous comfortable dwelling-houses built, and articles of furniture made—such a complete change effected in the manners of the people, from gross sensuality to the greatest decency and good behaviour—a people degraded by crime below any other people upon the face of the earth, but now the most generally, and most consistent professors of Christianity of any nation under heaven. These are to ns facts so singular, that we ar© at a loss for words to express our gratitude to God, while we would encourage you, dear brethren, to proceed in your noble career with zeal and delight, aiming at still greater things—the entire extirpation of every remaining evil, and advancing your flocks to a still higher elevation on the scale of moral character, and in the ranks of civilized society.
School for the Education of the Children
That the school, which proposes to afford your dear children a suitable and useful education, should have commenced its operations before we Anally leave you, is to us highly satisfactory. We have assisted you in placing it on the best principles, and under the most useful and efficient regulations; and we commit it to your guardian care, trusting that you will watch over it with an attention and an assiduity, which shall ensure, under the divine blessing, those benefits which it proposes to confer upon your numerous families, and perhaps on children yet unborn. Accept of this institution as a proof of the Society’s affection for you, and its concern for the welfare of your rising fhmiliesa more con* vincing proof it could not give you.
Cotton Factory,
We deeply regret the occurrence of so many untoward circumstances, which have prevented the cotton factory from imparting its promised advantages to the people sooner. However, we are happy to see it now in such a state of progress as to be on the eve of commencing operations. This factory affords another proof that the Society feels the most lively concern for the temporal, as well as for the spiritual benefit of these people; and we can conceive of nothing which could promise more to advance the personal comfort, and general civilization of these islands, than this factory. But until the people actually taste the advantages, and participate the comforts resulting from it, which we hope will now be soon, it will be for you to encourage their hopes, and to stimulate their exertions, both in cultivating the raw material, and in learning to manufacture it into cloth, which will contribute greatly to their comfort, while it will be the means of increasing the food of these islands, by preventing the bread-fruit trees from being broken to make cloth, as at present.
Great and peculiar Responsibility of the Missionaries.
Never, brethren, were men placed in circumstances more important, more responsible, and more desirable than yours: and never did men more need divine wisdom, prudence, and circumspection than you. Not only the present, but future generations hang upon your decisions. In things both temporal and spiritual, the people, from the highest to the lowest, look to you for counsel, and instruction, and example. An error in judgment, or in conduct, affecting any point of importance, might be followed by results beyond calculation injurious. While you will feel the indispensable importance of constantly seeking that
* See article Eimeo, page 33.
wisdom which comes from above, and that aid which God only can afford, your united exertions, your mutual counsel, and your general co-operation, will, under the smiles of Heaven, realize the hopes which the Society and the Christian world entertain. While all eyes are upon you, be active, quit you like men, be strong. While we assure you of the continued and warm affection of the Society and of ourselves towards you, cherish towards that Society, in which we hope to participate, sentiments of the warmest Christian affection and friendship. We are one. Let brotherly love continue. And though far apart, let us be constantly present with each other in spirit, in holy Christian communion: let us be striving together for the faith of the Gospel, that for us to live may be Christ, and to die eternal gain.
Parting Words.
The period which we have spent with you, we reckon with the happiest of our lives; and we shall ever recollect it with the warmest gratitude to that God who kindly conferred this honour upon us. Accept our affectionate gratitude for every kind and friendly attention which we have received in your several families. Allow us to share your esteem and your affectionate prayers. We present our Christian love to our esteemed sisters, your dear partners in life. Assure them of our sense of obligation for every kindness we have received at their hands, and which will be long remembered, and of our sincere hope that they will continue to devote themselves to the great objects of their mission among 'the people with whom they dwell, and prove themselves helps meet for their husbands, while they give their attention to the training up of your numerous families in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
As we shall ever take the liveliest interest in the prosperity of this mission, and in the welfare of all our dear brethren and sisters who are employed in the great Redeemer’s cause here, you will allow us to calculate on the pleasure of often hearing from you by letter, that we may participate both your trials and your joys. Cultivate the spirit of strong Christian love among yourselves, and that union of heart and co-operation in ail your plans and exertions, which will ever strengthen your hands, and promise success in your work, while it will tend to establish the confidence of the Society in the wisdom of your operations.
Affectionately we commend you, and your partners, and families, and flocks, to God, and to the word of his grace, who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. We remain,
Bear Friends and Brethren,
Yours, with great esteem,
In the Bonds of the Gospel,
(Signed) Daniel Tverman.
George Bennet.
The following are copies of letters addressed by the Missionaries to the Deputation. The originals of the first two, one drawn up in Otaheite, and the other in Eimeo, were each of them signed on behalf of the whole body of Missionaries in both of those islands.
Bear.Friends and Brethren, Tahiti, April 29, 1824.
It is with feelings of much pleasure that we express our gratitude to you, both as individuals and as a Deputation from the Society to us. Your official visit to each of our stations gave us great satisfaction and delight, and will not soon be forgotten by us. Your counsel and advice we highly approve of, and trust
they will be attended with lasting benefit to us all, and likewise to the people of our charge.
We highly approve of all the measures you have adopted since you came amongst us, hut especially of the institution you have been the means of establishing for the education of our children. We hope that it will prove a lasting blessing to the Mission at large, and to the cause of God in these islands. We wish you ever to bear it and us in mind at a throne of grace ; we need your prayers, that our heavenly Father may continue to smile upon us, and vouchsafe his blessing to the institution you have so laudably set on foot.
You are about to return from these islands; the time draws nigh when you will leave us, and, perhaps, we never more shall see each other in this world: may it be our happiness to meet again in the upper and better world, where there is no parting. It is our united wish and prayer that God may go with you; and as he brought you in safety over the mighty deep to us, may he also conduct you safely back again to, the bosom of your dear friends, and to the Society you have the honour to represent, that you may tell them all the good things that you have heard and seen, which the Lord hath done in these islands.
We now cordially unite in thanking you, on your departure from us, for all your kindness to us, and for your official visit to these islands, and to our churches and congregations. We hope that the knowledge we have obtained of each other, since you came amongst us, will endear us to each other, so that we may’ henceforth love and pray for each other.
May our common Lord and Saviour go with you! Farewell !
We remain,
Your humble Servants in the Lord, ,
To the Rev. D. Tyerman (Signed) D. Darling,
and For the Brethren of the Windward
Geo. Bennet, Esq. Islands.
Roby’s Place, Island of Eimeo,
Dear and highly respected Gentlemen, May 6, 1824.
We cannot suffer you to depart from these islands, where we have so
long enjoyed the honour and happiness of your society, without addressing to you a few lines, expressive of our sentiments relative to your residence among: us, and our feelings and wishes towards you, now that you are about, to, leave us.
We are happy to say, that, after the lapse of more than thirty months, most of which time you have spent among us, in your friendly visits from station to station, and family to family, you have acted in a manner highly worthy of your official character; and, as Gentlemen and Christians, your, whole conversation among us has been in every respect edifying and acceptable. And now that we must part, we commend you affectionately to the protection of our heavenly Father, and earnestly pray, that the same Divine Providence which protected you in your voyage out to these islands, and while among them hitherto, may also preserve you on the voyage before you, and through your intended visitations, and on your return home; and that you may see still greater displays of divine power and grace, in the conversion of sinners to God, by the instrumentality of your Missionaries in those regions which you are about to visit, than you have witnessed in these islands. A large extent of ocean, far greater than that which you have already passed, and much of your
labour in your official capacity as a Deputation from the Society, is still before you, and the hour of danger and perplexity may yet arrive ; but God is all-sufficient. May the Angel of his presence tread the briny wave before you, and say, as to the sea of Galilee, “ Peace, be stilland to the troubled mind,
It is I, be not afraid.†And after having finished your intended visitation, may you be safely restored to your dear native land, your families, and fnends, and to that great and honourable Society that sent you forth.
We are, dear and highly respected Gentlemen,
With sentiments of the highest esteem,
Your most affectionate and obedient Servants in the Gospel, (Signed) William Henhy,
To the Rev. D. Tyerman, J. M. Orsmond,
and For the whole Body of the Missionaries at the
Geo. Bennet, Esq. Windward Stations.
Very dear and respected Sirs, Huahine, May 18, 1824.
Your very affectionate letter, dated May 7, 1824, I read with much pleasure, and return you my warmest expressions of gratitude for its very encouraging and acceptable contents, and will endeavour to attend, as far as
circumstances will allows -tolhemany important directions therein given.
We esteem it a very merciful providence which directed that it should be your lot to visit us in this distant part of the earth, to encourage and strengthen us in the work of the Lord. We reflect with pleasure on the many opportunities of enjoyment we have experienced in your acceptable company, whilst we conversed ,together on a Saviour’s love, and the conquests of his grace, as manifested in the field of missionary labour. We have beheld with pleasure the progressive improvement our people have made since you first touched at Huahine, and hesitate not to say, we believe it has been partly owing to your very acceptable visit, &c. &c. in the midst of us, and our people.
The many islands Which have embraced the Gospel, since your arrival at these islands, we have beheld with surprise and thankfulness, and doubt not but you will, with us, look upon the few years you have spent among the islands as by far the most important in the history of your lives, whilst you have been helpers together with God in enlarging that kingdom which shall endure for ever. We review with thankfulness the many advantages which have accrued from your visit both to ourselves as individuals, and to our dear children, &c. in the institution which has been formed, to prepare them for useful members of society. And now that Providence calls us to part for a few days, weeks, months, or years, may the flame of affection continue to burn, until we meet in that world where every one shall be rewarded according to his works.
We commend you to the care of Heaven during your long voyage, that you may be preserved to see greater things than you have hitherto seen; and, having finished your purposed journey, to meet again your friends and relatives in the flesh, and tell to the friends of missions what you have seen. With an affectionate farewell,
We remain, most affectionately,
To the Rev. D. Tyerman, Yours, &c.
and (Signed) Sarah Bartf.
Geo. Bennet, Esq. Charles Barff.
P. S.—We shall be always happy to hear from you.
Very dear Brethren,
Raiatea, June 2, 1824.
We have received your Farewell Letter addressed to us, the Missionaries of the Leeward Islands; we are obliged for the expressions of affectionate attachment it contains, and for the advice on various and important subjects it embraces. We are much gratified with the approbation you are pleased to express on the various plans we have adopted for the promotion of the great object we have in view—the constitution and management of our churches, &c. Allow us, dear brethren, to express our gratitude to God that jou were induced to accept the arduous and difficult work of a Deputation. We feel great pleasure in acknowledging the kind and ready attention you have paid to our various communications and representations; your exertions to promote our comfort and happiness will ever be remembered by us with gratitude. We sincerely and confidently hope that lasting benefits will accrue to the Society, to us and our families, and to the cause at large, by your seasonable visit.
We receive your affectionate congratulations on the prosperity that continues to attend our labours with peculiar pleasure, and would most sincerely and devoutly ascribe all the praise and glory to Him whose we are, and whom we
You are now, dear brethren, about to depart from these interesting islands, in which the arm of the Lori hath been made bare; we have enjoyed much real pleasure in your company, and it is with deep regret that we bid the final adieu.
We were aware of the numerous difficulties that a Deputation would have to contend with, the very critical circumstances in which it would be placed; that great wisdom and prudence to discharge its various and important duties Would be necessary. But allow us, very dear brethren, to express our unqualified approbation of the manner you have conducted yourselves to us, in your official and every other capacity.
Allow us also to express our gratitude for your kind and affectionate conversation, and our high estimation in which we hold you, for the zeal and discretion you have manifested on all occasions. We congratulate the Directors in their happy choice, and thank God that such an important undertaking is in the hands of those whose only object is the promotion of his glory.
We most affectionately commend you to God, and the power of his grace, and assure you of an interest in our daily supplications at the throne of mercy. Many dangers and difficulties are before you; a great part of your work is still to do. God will not leave you, or forsake you. Go on, dear brethren, in the strength of the Lord. He has wonderfully preserved you through various dangers ; he has blessed you with wisdom and grace to get thus far through your great work. Consider, in every respect, what great things he has done for you, and take courage. “ My grace is sufficient,†is the word of your Lord and Master; you will find it henceforth sufficient for you, as you have hitherto done. Our prayers will follow you all the way through. It will afford us much pleasure to hear from you from any part of the world where you may have opportunity to write. Wishing you, dear brethren, a safe voyage, and the enjoyment of the divine presence, we remain,
Your affectionate Brethren,
And fellow-labourers in the Gospel,
(Signed) Robert Bourne.
L. E. Threlkeld. J. Williams.
Geo. Platt.
To the Rev. D. Tyerman, and
Geo. Bennet, Esq.
The foregoing letters, which are alike honourable to the Deputation and the missionaries, could not fail to produce in the minds of each party the most lively satisfaction and gratitude; nor will they be read, we are persuaded, by any member of the Society, without pleasure of the highest and purest kind.
In relation to their departure, and the above valedictory correspondence, the Deputation write as follows :—
“ Immediately before leaving the Islands finally, we had an opportunity of paying a short visit to all the missionary stations, after our official visits had been completed; and we rejoice to say, that we left all the churches in entire peace and harmony, and favoured with great and growing prosperity. The number of communicants was rapidly increasing in the several churches, while not only the members of the churches, but also the baptized who had not yet been admitted to the Lord’s Table, were, generally speaking, conducting themselves with great propriety. There were, indeed, very few exceptions to this statement. No errors in doctrine had been suffered to appear; and all the brethren were not only sound in the faith, and regularly devoted to their great work, but held in high esteem by their several flocks, and enjoying great harmony and peace with each other, striving together for the faith of the Gospel.
“ We had not only the gratification of receiving from all of them private letters addressed to us individually, but also joint letters, unasked on our part, from them as distinct bodies of Missionaries of the Windward and Leeward Missions, including every individual Missionary. As we had endeavoured to discharge our duties with the greatest fidelity ever since our arrival among them, nothing could be more gratifying to our own feelings than the contents of these letters. We left all the brethren our warm and affectionate friends, and enjoy, we are persuaded, their entire confidence.â€
The Deputation had formed the design of touching at Harvey Islands on their voyage to the Colony, but were not able to accomplish it.
On the 15th of June they reached Mangeea; but, observing the barbarous appearance and manners of the natives, and recollecting their reprehensible behaviour when Mr. Williams and Mr. Bourne visited the island in 1823, did not venture to land.* The two Native Teachers appointed to that island were, however, put on shore, and kindly received by numerous natives who covered the beach. One of them afterwards returned to the vessel, and informed the Deputation, that, from the treatment
See Report for 1824, page 29.
they had received, neither of them entertained the least apprehension of danger.
Our friends then sailed for Mitiaro and Mautii, (or Maute,) but were unable to accomplish their object, in consequence of unfavourable weather. They, therefore, bent their course to Atui, which they reached on the 17th. In the Society’s Report of last year, it was stated, that the king of this island had renounced idolatry, and was resolved to employ his influence to introduce Christianity into Atui and his other islands, Mitiaro and Mautii. At Atui the Deputation found a large chapel built; but the people had been, for a considerable time, divided into two parties; viz. the worshippers of the true God and idolaters. A circumstance, however, happened a short time before their arrival, which produced a great change in this state of things. An open boat, belonging to Mr. Williams, of Raiatea, with a crew consisting of five natives, which for several months was supposed to have been lost at sea, arrived with the men safe at Atui. They had been driven out of their course by contrary winds, and were tossed about upon the ocean for six weeks, having only a few Vi-apples, cocoa-nuts, &c. on board, to sustain life. They were reduced at length to the greatest extremity, and for a whole week were supported by chewing the fibres of the cocoa-nut steeped in a little oil, which providentially they had with them in the boat. When they reached Atui, they were reduced to mere skeletons, and were unable to stand; but receiving from the Native Teachers settled there by Messrs. Bourne and Williams, and from the natives, the greatest possible attentions, they soon recovered their former strength and health.
The interposition of Divine Providence in favour of these men, and the impression produced thereby on the idolatrous party, had the effect of deciding them in favour of Christianity. The Raiateans trusted in Jehovah, and he saved them. When asked by the Deputation whether they did not despair of reaching any land, after being so long at sea, they replied, ‘ No, we prayed to God!’ “ Thus (observe our brethren) did God make this cala-
mity the means of the furtherance of the Gospel.â€
While the Deputation remained near the shores of this island, many of the natives came off to them in their canoes, and behaved themselves in their presence in the most becoming manner. The captains of two or three whalers, who had lately
touched at the island, had left written testimonials to the same effect. At Atui, the Deputation landed the Native Teachers and their wives intended for Mitiaro and Mautii.
On the 18th they left Atui for the island of Rarotonga, which they reached the following morning. The Native Teachers settled here, accompanied by some of the principal chiefs, soon came on board the Endeavour, and informed the Deputation, that the greater part of the people, with all the leading chiefs, had embraced Christianity, and that favourable expectations were entertained as to those who were still regarded as idolaters.
Of their reception, and the change effected in the character and manners of the natives of this island, the Deputation thus write :—
° The people here behaved in the most respectful and becoming manner during our stay, and all expressed the greatest joy on seeing us. Indeed, the change which has been operated in so short a time is almost beyond credibility, and requires nothing less than ocular demonstration to ensure entire belief. But a twelvemonth before our arrival, all these islanders were in the state in which we saw the Mangeeahs—savages ! but now gentle, honest, and well-behaved, keeping the Sabbath with the greatest strictness, and attending with diligence to all the institutions of the Gospel, the same as in the Tahitian Islands, and making rapid progress in the arts of civilized life. They are all of the same family and colour as the Tahitians, and speak the same language, and are not inferior to them in person. All these islands are populous. They were all in perfect peace, and have had no wars since the reception of the Gospel. What has God wrought 1 These nations have been born as in a day, and may now be ranked among the trophies of the Redeemer/'
A Chapel was building at Rarotonga, 600 feet in length.
Having accomplished their object in these islands,* the Deputation left Rarotonga on the 19th, and stood for New Zealand. In consequence of tempestuous weather, they were not able to reach that island until the 9th of July. They were then off the Bay of Islands, but were prevented by contrary winds from entering it, and were ultimately reduced to the necessity of casting anchor in the harbour of Whangorooa. This happened on the 15th of the same month. They immediately sent up their boat to the Wesleyan Missionary Establishment, which lies at the head of the bay, about twelve miles from the entrance of the harbour. As soon as they had cast anchor, several canoes came
* It does not appear that the Deputation visited Aitutake.
around the Endeavour, and many of the natives went on board her. The people behaved themselves well, and peaceably retired at sunset.
Early next morning, the vessel was surrounded by canoes of larger size, containing multitudes of people, and the deck of the Endeavour was shortly crowded. They brought on board articles for sale; but while some were disposing of their curiosities to the Deputation, others were engaged in stealing. Some were even so daring as to break open a trunk, and to carry away most of the apparel it contained. The Captain, indignant at these proceedings, ordered the deck to be cleared. In the confusion which now ensued, one of the natives fell overboard, which his countrymen rashly interpreted to be the effect of violence, and instantly rose upon the defenceless passengers and crew. Many of the natives had axes, and others spears; the rest furnished themselves with billets of fire-wood, and in a few seconds all were armed. They now raised their war-songs, accompanying them with the most horrid gesticulations. Their faces, already hideous from their tatauings, were rendered still more so by their anger,, The crew fled to the rigging, while the Deputation, their companions, and the Captain, penetrated with fear, awaited their doom on the quarter-deck. The savages surrounded them, and lifting up their weapons, prepared to strike, when the signal of death should be given. At one moment the Captain had four spears pointed at his breast. Dreadful as the apprehensions of our friends must now have been, they were, nevertheless, not a little aggravated by the recollection of the awful catastrophe of the ship Boyd, the wreck of which was within view.* In this state of indescribable horror and alarm they remained for about an hour and a half. But they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from all their fears. The boat which had been sent up to the Missionary Settlement the evening before, hove in sight, at the distance of a mile, and threw a ray of hope into their minds. The interval which passed from
* It was on the very spot where the Endeavour now lay at anchor, that the Boyd, Captain Thomson, was upwards of 15 years ago cut oft’ by the natives, and the Captain, and all the crew and passengers, with the exception of one woman, amounting in all to nearly 100 persons, killed and eaten by the savages.
this moment, until it came alongside the Endeavour, was one of the greatest anxiety. In the boat, to the inexpressible joy of our friends, were Mr. White, one of the missionaries, and George, a native chief of considerable power and influence, who, although fifteen years ago he had instigated the cutting off of the Boyd, was now instrumental to the deliverance and protection of our friends.
' They had no sooner learnt what had happened, than Mr. White addressed the people, while George, highly indignant, spoke to them with great vehemence on the evil of their conduct. He then cleared the deck; the people fled to their canoes, and a good understanding was restored.
So conspicuous and merciful an interposition of Divine Providence in favour of our excellent friends, when in circumstances of such imminent danger, will, we are persuaded, excite in the members of this Society no common feelings of gratitude and praise; while it will encourage them to persevere in earnest prayer that the same effectual protection may be extended over them during the remainder of their journey. “ It was indeed (say the Deputation) like life from the dead, and we began to sing of mercy as zvell as judgment, O zvhat shall we render to the Lord for all his goodness. Our extremity was his opportunity. The wrath of man was made to praise him, and the remainder he restrained. Never shall we forget this great deliverance.â€*
Having, by means of presents, induced the chief, George, to remain on board the Endeavour, during the whole of the time she remained in the harbour, our friends accompanied Mr. White to the missionary settlement. Here they were highly pleased with their affectionate reception by the missionaries, their truly missionary spirit, and the prospects of usefulness which are opening before him. They returned to the vessel the following morning, accompanied by two of the Wesleyan brethren, who kindly remained with them until their departure from the island, which took place the next day, without their having been again molested by the natives.
The voyage from New Zealand to Port Jackson is often per-
* A few days subsequent to this affair at Whangarooa, a boat's crew of six men, belonging to a vessel since arrived in the Colony, were cut off and killed, in another part of New Zealand.
formed in ten or twelve days, but our friends were five weeks on the passage, in consequence of unfavourable weather. They, however, at length arrived at Sydney, in health and safety, on the 19th of August.
Here they delivered the Society’s Letter of Introduction to His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane, the Governor, who received them with the greatest urbanity and kindness. His Excellency manifested a deep interest in their voyage, as well as in the South Sea Missions, to promote the prosperity of which he kindly offered to do whatever might be in his power. Our friends have subsequently received from His Excellency, and the other leading officers of the Government, the greatest possible attentions ; also from the Rev. Mr. Marsden, of Parramatta; the Rev. Messrs. Cowper and Hill, clergymen at Sydney; from the Rev. Messrs. Erskine, Leigh, Hutchinson, and the other Wesleyan Missionaries, and from private Christians in general,
We have already stated, that Mr. Threlkeld embarked with the Deputation in the Endeavour. His intention was to have proceeded to Europe by the first opportunity that might offer after his arrival in New South Wales. This destination has been, however, providentially changed, and it is now probable he will remain in that colony. The Deputation, from the time of their arrival at Sydney, had been painfully affected with the state of the aborigines of the country, and were anxious to excite a more powerful feeling on their behalf among the colonists, with the hope that a plan might be eventually set on foot for the benefit of some of the native tribes. His Excellency the Governor having officially requested the Deputation to communicate their views as to the best means of improving the condition of the aborigines, they transmitted to him a letter, in which, among other things, they strongly recommend, that “ an attempt should be made among some of the tribes which are the most stationary, by means of suitable missionaries, to teach them, through the medium of their own language, the great truths of the Gospel, as the most likely means of effecting both their conversion and their civilization.â€
This proposal was approved by His Excellency. The other members of the Government, as well as the ministers and others, of different religious denominations, concurred in the views of the Deputation, and all manifested a desire that an attempt
should be made without delay. His Excellency, it seems, had recently sent out to Moreton Bay * a Commission, for the purpose of surveying that vicinity, with a view to the formation of a settlement. From the report of this Commission, which was a favourable one, it appeared, that the population was very numerous, and composed of a finer race of people than those nearer Sydney. As it had been determined by the Government that the proposed settlement should be forthwith commenced, it seemed highly desirable that a missionary should accompany the settlers, as his presence and influence might tend to prevent the evils that might otherwise arise, (and which, in such cases, are too frequent,) from jealousies and clashing interests between them and the natives. But a difficulty occurred—where shall a suitable missionary be found ? Mr. Threlkeld having in the colony repaired the loss he had sustained in the islands, had abandoned his voyage to England, and intended to avail himself of the first favourable opportunity of returning, with Mrs. Threlkeld, to his station at Raiatea. It was natural that the Deputation, under the circumstances above described, should direct their attention to Mr. Threlkeld. They regarded him, both in respect to talent and experience in missionary work, as a very suitable person to undertake the object, and therefore determined to propose it to him. Mr. Threlkeld answered, that he was ready to go wherever the Deputation pleased, so that he might be enabled to render liimself useful as a missionary. This proposal was mentioned to the Governor, who approved thereof, and kindly offered to do all in his power to promote the object, and to contribute to the comfort of Mr. Threlkeld. It also met with similar approbation from the ministers and private Christians of different denominations at Sydney; so that every thing, in providence, concurred to convince the Deputation it was the will of God that Mr. Threlkeld should devote himself to the work of the Lord among the heathen in New South Wales.
Mr. Threlkeld accordingly expected to proceed, with the full sanction of the Governor, to Moreton Bay, about the beginning of the present year, accompanied by MiS. Threlkeld. The benefit
* Moreton Bay is situated on the east side of New Holland, north of Sydney, in Lat. 27.
of the aborigines is the principal object of Mr. Threlkeld’s mission ; but while acquiring their language, he will have an important sphere of labour among the settlers, as, for some time, there will be no other minister there.
The Deputation, during their visit in the colony, have been chiefly engaged in making, in conjunction with the Rev. Mr. Marsden, whose zeal in promoting the Society’s object in the South Seas is still undiminisbed, improved arrangements for the future management of the business of the Society, connected with its Missions in the islands. It was their intention to leave New South Wales for China, or Singapore, about the end of November.
The following missionaries have taken their departure to the South Sea Islands since the last Anniversary. Mr. George Pritchard, who, with Mrs. Pritchard, sailed on the 27th July, in the Foxhound, Captain Emments; having had a free passage to Otaheite kindly granted them by Alexander Birnie, Esq.; and Mr. Charles Pitman, who, with Mrs. Pitman, sailed in the Hugh Crawford, Captain Langdon, for New South Wales, on the 21st of November.
The usual returns from the South Seas have not been as yet received; so that we are unable, as formerly, to state the annual increase which has taken place at the several stations in the number of the baptized, members of churches, &c. &c. &c. The following are such particulars as the materials actually in our possession enable us to furnish of the progress of the Society’s missions in that part of the world.
Of the proceedings at the missionary stations of Matavai, (now called Waugh's Town,) and Papaoa, (now called Hankey-Town,'} we have received no intelligence subsequently to that inserted in the last Annual Report.
Wilks' Harbour.—Mr. Crook has removed, with his family, to a new missionary station in Taiarapu, in consequence of the proximity of Hankey-Town, where Mr. Nott labours, to his former station. Wilks’ Harbour has therefore, for the present at least, ceased to be the site of $ missionary’s residence.
c 2
District of Atehuru.
David Darling, Missionary.
The Deputation paid their official visit at this station in June and July 1823. The number of the baptized was then increased to 751, of whom 411 were adults ; that of candidates for baptism was 15. The church consisted of 50 members, and there were 10 candidates for communion. Since the above-mentioned date, several more have been admitted into the church, but no statement of the precise number of these has been received. Among the latter is a man named Maiohaa, who was formerly distinguished by taking the lead in acts of rebellion, and whose office it was to recite all the ancient speeches of war. “ But now (says Mr. Darling) he is evidently a man of peace—a great change has been effected in him by means of the Gospel; he gives proof that the Lord has turned him from the fierceness of the lion to the meekness of the lamb; and he now sits at the Saviour’s feet, learning the spiritual warfare.â€
During the past year, several of the members of Mr. Darling’s church have departed this life. Among these, he particularly notices three, whose minds, prior to their decease, appear to have been entirely engrossed with meditations concerning Christ and heavenly things. One of them, a man named Manu, had been formerly a member of the detestable Arreoi Society, and the recollection of sins committed by him during that period of his life, filled him with dismay. He, however, always obtained relief from faith in the Great Atonement, as the only ground of a sinner’s pardon. If at any time he alluded to the crimes of the Arreoi Society, and his mind became thus tranquillized, tears of godly sorrow were seen trickling down his cheeks. Although, from weakness of sight, he was unable to learn to read, he constantly attended the school, and by hearing others read, stored his memory with large portions of the Gospels. He had been a member of the church for several years. Towards the latter part of his life, he manifested increased spirituality of mind, and greater circumspection in his behaviour. He died suddenly, on the 5th of March, 1823; and, says Mr.Darling, “we doubt not that he is gone to the Lord Jesus, whom he loved with all his heart.â€
Mr. Darling also communicates the following pleasing evidence of the power of the Gospel. During the early part of last year, some mischievious persons having raised a report tending to excite war between the people inhabiting the districts of Atehuru and Pare, those of the former district, which is that where Mr. Darling labours, came to him, and declared, that they ivould not take up arms; that they would, not fight with their countrymen, as they had formerly done, as they had now received the Gospel of peace, and were become brethren in the Gospel. *
The church and congregation are in a flourishing state. “ The meetings (observe the Deputation) are all well attended, and the profiting of the people is apparent to all, both as it respects their knowledge of divine things, and their generally correct behaviour.â€
The schools, in July 1823, contained 126 boys and 121 girls. Forty-five natives perform the part of teachers in the schools, of whom 15 are women. The schools are superintended by the missionary.
The Deputation observe, that Mr. Darling conducts the business of the printing-office “ with an efficiency which is highly creditable both to his talents and his industry.†He is at present engaged in printing the Ten Epistles of St. Paul, translated into Taheitan by Mr. Davies, whose Grammar of that language, in English, he had previously printed. Copies of the latter work have been received in this country.
The Deputation experienced from the people at this station much kindness and hospitality. Among other proofs of their attention, a great feast was prepared, on which occasion many of the natives rose, and, in their own simple manner, expressed the pious feelings of their hearts. In reference to these, the Deputation observe—
“ During the day, we had many excellent speeches from various chiefs and others; and every one, in some part or other of his speech, adverted to the wonderful change and benefits that receiving the Word of God has produced; and then, in various ways, contrasting their former degraded with their present elevated and happy condition, and generally
* The Atehuruans, before the overthrow of idolatry, were notorious for violence, and “ had delighted in war and bloodshed for ages unknown.â€
closing with an exhortation to be grateful to God, and diligent to improve their great privileges.â€
The Deputation conclude their report of this station as follows :—
“ While Mr. Darling is thus usefully and successfully conducting the Windward Press, he is a diligent, useful, and highly-respected Minister and Pastor, having the confidence of all his missionary brethren, and the cordial esteem of his people.
“ In the substantial and very comfortable house which Mr. Darling has built for himself, we passed (in 1823) more than a month, with very great satisfaction to ourselves, enjoying the kind and edifying conversation of our respected friends, Mr. and Mrs. Darling, and receiving the most marked and friendly attentions both from them and their obliging and interesting people, in whose welfare we shall ever feel the most lively interest; and cannot cease to desire that God may pour down continually his special favours both on pastor and people in this favoured part of his inheritance.â€
HAWEIS-TOWN. District of Papara.
John Davies, ) Thomas Jones, 5
The Deputation paid their official visit at this station in the latter part of the year 1823; at which time, the number of the baptized was increased to 1,009, of whom 559 were adults, and 450 children. There were 13 candidates for baptism. The number of communicants has since increased to 160, and there are about 20 candidates. The congregation usually consists of from 1,200 to 1,500 persons. Of the adults under school-instruction, who read in the Gospels at the time the Deputation paid their official visit, the number was 450. About 100 more, who are less regular in their attendance, read Elementary Books. Many are able to write, and not a few have some acquaintance with arithmetic. In the children’s school were 90 boys and 110 girls. The schools are superintended by Mr. Davies. The number of marriages at this station amount to 70. No Native Teacher has been sent to any of the islands from the church at Haweis-Town, but several have expressed a desire to engage in the work.
“ We spent (say the Deputation) from 26th August (1823) to 20th of October at this station, and with great pleasure. Good order prevails in the church, in the congregations, in the schools, and in all the public meetings. We found the people kind and friendly. Mr. Davies is con-
stantly devoted to his work, and appears to be highly respected by his people. Wc were much pleased with his talents and intelligence. His heart appears to be in the work, to which he is entirely devoted. He is not only constantly present at all the meetings of the people, but is engaged in translating the Scriptures. The Gospel of Matthew, now printed and in the hands of the people, was translated by him, and is executed, we understand, with great correctness. The Gospel of Mark, and the Book of Psalms, he has long had translated, and ready for the press. Ten of the Epistles of Paul are in the press, and will soon be published, all translated by him. He has just compiled and published a Grammar of the Tahitian language, which is admitted to be very correct, and does him great credit. He has also an extensive Dictionary of the language. He has been always devoted to the schools, and the instruction of the people in reading, writing, &c.; and perhaps to no Missionary in these islands is the cause of religion more indebted than to Mr. Davies.
“ The spirit and conduct of the people here, their attention td the means of grace, and their progress in knowledge and in the arts of civilized life, afforded us great joy, and excited in our souls the most lively gratitude to that God whose grace and most merciful interposition on the behalf of these people are so singularly displayed. To Mr. and Mrs. Jones, at whose house we were kindly invited to take up our abode during our residence at this station, our best thanks are due, for their unwearied and affectionate attentions; and also to Mr. Davies, for his obliging conduct, and his readiness to impart to us information on all subjects which relate to these islands, With whose history and customs he is intimately acquainted."
In a postscript, the Deputation add—
“ By the latest information we have received, we learn that Messrs. Davies and Jones extend their exertions to the district of Papeuriri, the one or other of them constantly labouring there. They have under their immediate charge about 2,000 souls in both places."
Mr. Jones Jias commenced preaching in the Taheitan language; and, by letters dated some months later than the visit of the Deputation, it appears that a considerable revival of religion has taken place among the young people, as well as those of riper years. The conversation-meetings are crowded. The tours of the brethren in the neighbouring districts are attended with very useful results. In one of these districts, the people have commenced a place of worship, for the use of the missionaries when on their journies.
We deeply regret to state, that Mrs. Jones has been, for a long period, the subject of severe illness.
(Or, Mataoai,)
In Taiarapu, or smaller Peninsula.
(New Station.)
William Pascoe Crook, Missionary.
Mr. Crook left Wilks’ Harbour in October 1823, and settled here at the request of the inhabitants. They have built for him, and his numerous family, a commodious house. A temporary chapel has been erected, but this will be superseded, in due time, by a more substantial building. The congregation consists of about 500. Mr. Crook thus writes concerning his people, who, previously to his arrival, had not enjoyed the benefits of a resident missionary.
“ We are going on comfortably, and X hope successfully, at Taiarapu. Our number is continually increasing. We have 47 members in the church, and as many as 43 are candidates for the Lord’s Supper, and earnestly desire admittance. They all give a consistent account of themselves and of the ordinance, and nothing immoral has been laid to their charge; but we want something more decisive of piety in their character. In some things they seem to excel. They are very attentive to the Wprd of God, reading it continually, and searching after its meaning. This is their common topic of conversation. They also excel in prayer, and many of them possess an excellent gift; but they are deficient in diligence, and in compassion for others. God, I trust, who has wrought the former, will in his own time, and in the use of means, effect the other.
“ We have baptized at this new station 215, viz. 73 men, 70 women, 37 boys, and 35 girls. There are also 68 persons who had been previously baptized by myself and others. We have every prospect that we shall add greatly to their number, and that instruction, in general, will be attended to.â€
The school is in excellent condition, and the scholars have made great proficiency in reading and in learning the catechism. All the adults attend school every morning, and are making good progress. The two eldest daughters of Mr. Crook render essential service in the girls’ school.
Mr. Crook has long paid attention to the study of medicine, &c. and has been very useful in administering to the relief of numerous patients, some of whom come to him from re-
mote parts of Otaheite, and even from other islands. To aid his benevolent designs, the good people of Bogue’s Town.have resolved to build an hospital.
The Deputation, in reference to the state of the infant mission at this station, observe generally as follows :—
“ The same order of public services and means of improvement are in operation here weekly, as at the other places, the same decent appearance as to dress, and the same excellent moral discipline. We are highly pleased with our visit, and Mr. Crook’s prospects of usefulness, and cannot but rejoice in his removal from Wilks* Harbour here.â€
Station, Roby’s Place.
William Henry,
Elijah Armitage, Thomas Blossom,
Missionary. | Artisans.
Roby's Place.—The population of Eimeo is computed at about 1,000, among whom there is not a single idolater, and very few remain who have not been baptized. The Deputation paid their official visit to the station in this island in February 1824, and concerning the church and congregation at Roby’s Place thus write :—
ei The church that was organized here in 1820 has greatly increased, and now numbers among its communicants no fewer than 210, who appear to be truly pious and consistent professors of the Gospel, living in great peace and harmony with each other, while their spirit and deportment adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour. Often have we surrounded the Table of the Lord with this worthy flock with inexpressible delight, while we have assisted in the administration of the Holy Supper. Difference of clime and of colour from ourselves seemed but to endear these our Christian brethren and sisters the more to our hearts. So long as life lasts, we shall remember these sacred seasons, both with this and all the other churches in these islands, with the noblest feelings of Christian affection, while sorrow fills our hearts that we shall break bread and drink wine with them no more, till we shall drink it new in our Father’s kingdom. While we have reason to think well of the piety of the members of the church, a general air of seriousness was ever apparent in the whole congregation who crowd the place on Lord's days, and on other occasions ; and the greatest decency of dress is seen throughout among both sexes, many of whom dress in European clothing.â€
Mr. Henry, in a letter dated some months subsequently to the visit of the Deputation, thus writes :—
“ Although Satan and his emissaries have been and are still making strenuous efforts to impede the good work of the Lord, and to prop up his falling kingdom of darkness, and have been too successful in drawing away many to disgrace their profession of Christianity, by returning to folly and iniquity,* yet there is, I think, reason to believe, that real, vital religion, is upon the increase, more or less, at all the stations. There is scarcely a church-meeting at this station but some are added to the church, and) I believe, this is the case at most (if not of all) of the rest.â€
The school contains about 100 children—nearly an equal number of either sex. A considerable number of adults also attend school-instruction. Messrs. Armitage and Blossom, missionary artisans, render useful assistance in the schools.
Mrs. Henry meets the females belonging to the congregation, about sixty in number, every week, at her own house, for the purpose of improving them in scriptural and experimental knowledge.
The Deputation give a highly-pleasing testimony to the pastoral character and valuable missionary qualifications of Messrs. Henry and Platt, who have for several years co-operated at this station, in great harmony, as well as to the piety and worth of their excellent partners.
The annual meeting of the Eimeoan Branch of the Taheitan Auxiliary Missionary Society, in May last, was, as usual> highly interesting, and the subscriptions exceeded those of the preceding year. +
The cotton-factory, at the time the Deputation took their departure for the Colony, was nearly finished, and was expected soon to be in operation. The establishment has been placed under a system of regulations, adapted to the local circumstances of the islands. Messrs. Armitage and Blossom, who will have the immediate charge of the factory, are both of them provided with comfortable houses in its vicinity, which the natives have assisted them in erecting.
*• This is supposed to refer chiefly to the revival, among some of the jioung people, of the idolatrous custom of tatauiitg.
t No account has been received of the meeting of the Taheitan Society, ju May 1S24.
Station, Griffin-Town.
John Muggridge Orsmond, Missionary.
South Sea Academy.
Griffin-Toivn.—This place is situated on the south-east side of the island, in the district of Afareaitu, and is the same where the first printing-establishment in the islands -was commenced, under the direction of Mr. Ellis. Mr. Orsmond removed here from Borabora about twelve months ago, for the purpose of taking charge, with Mrs. Orsmond, of the South Sea Academy, an institution formed in March 1824, for the purpose of giving “ to the children of the Missionaries, both boys and girls, such an education as is calculated to prepare them to fill useful situations in future life/’ It has been formed in conformity to instructions given by the Directors to the Deputation, and will be supported at the expense of the Society.
Beside discharging the duties devolved upon him as conductor of the seminary, Mr. Orsmond will engage in preaching, and in such other missionary work as may be compatible with his immediate object. Some of the natives, who resided at Roby’s Place for the benefit of Christian ordinances and instruction, have accordingly removed to Griffin-Town, as being more contiguous to their respective districts and lands.
The School-House stands at the head of a fine bay, and at the mouth of a beautiful and extensive valley; and the Deputation are of opinion, a more eligible situation could not have been selected for the purpose. It is in length 130 feet by 40, and includes, beside separate school-rooms, suitable accommodar-tion for 40 girls and boys. The charge of its erection has been generously borne by the missionaries, who will also defray the expense of keeping it in repair.
Mr. and Mrs. Orsmond were unanimously chosen, by the missionaries, to take charge of the Seminary, and approved by the Deputation.
The female department of the establishment will be under the superintendence of Mrs. Orsmond.
Mr. Platt has removed to Borabora, to take charge of the mission in that island, formerly under the direction of Mr. Orsmond.
n 2
This ceremony was performed, in the district of Pare, Otaheite, on the 21st of April, 1824, on which occasion a great multitude of persons assembled from all the surrounding islands. A large stone platform was built for the purpose, 63 feet by 57, on the top of which the royal platform was erected. The members of the Royal Family, the Chiefs, the Judges, and Magistrates, together with the Deputation and the Missionaries, joined in the procession, which was conducted with great order. During the ceremony, the assembly were seated according to a prescribed arrangement, and presented a solemn and interesting spectacle. The young king was seated on his throne, in the centre of the platform, with a canopy over his head On a table immediately before him, was placed the crown ; on the right side of which was the Bible, and the Code of Laws on the left; also the vessel which contained the anointing oil. When the young king was asked, “ Do you promise to govern your people in justice and in mercy, agreeably to the Word of God and these laws ?†he replied, “ I do, God being my helper.†After the anointing, the crown was placed upon his head by Mr. Nott, who said, Pomare, I croivn thee King of Otaheite, Eimeo, fyc. Mr. Nott then pronounced a benediction to the following effect:—May God grant you prosperity, health, and length of days, and grace to rule in righteousness, and in the fear of the Lord; after which Mr.Darling, taking the Bible, addressed his Majesty as follows:— a King Pomare, we present to your Majesty this hook, the most valuable thing in the ivorld. Here is wisdom. This is the royal law. Here are the lively oracles of God. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this book, and keep, and do the things contained in it, for these are the words of eternal life, able to make you wise and happy in this ivorld, ndy, zvise unto salvation, and so, happy for evermore through faith in Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever. Amen.â€
After the coronation the assembly attended divine worship in the Royal Chapel. Thus closed the first Christian Coronation in this part of the world, during the whole of which, neither accident nor disturbance occurred to lessen the pleasure, or to interrupt the order of the ceremony. *
* The natives present, who had witnessed the coronation of the late King Pomare, the ceremonies of which were deeply stained with murder and impurity, powerfully felt the contrast to it afforded by the ceremony above recorded.
Station, Fare Harbour.
Charles Barff, Missionary.
The number admitted to baptism at this station continues to increase, and particularly from among those of the population who were formerly the least tractable. Such of them as persevere consistently in their Christian profession, when duly instructed, will be admitted to communion.
Some instances of relapse have excited a holy fear of sin in others.
The number in church-fellowship is between 200 and 300, whom Mr. Barff trusts are all pious.
Mr. Barff has prepared some catechisms for the press, and is copying out, for revision by his brethren, his Taheitan Version of the Prophecy of Isaiah. He is learning the art of printing.
The contributions of the Huahine Auxiliary Society, during the past year, have been liberal. .
The Code of Laws introduced at Huahine in 1823, has given great satisfaction.
Mrs. Barff, after suffering severe and imminently dangerous illness, has been mercifully restored to health, and has resumed her useful engagements in the Girls’ School.
Distant from Huahine, (to one of whose kings, Mahine, it is subject,) about 50 miles.
The mission in this island is under the immediate care of two Native Teachers sent there by the Church at Huahine. The Church in Maiaoiti, consisting of 33 members, all of whom are regarded as truly pious, is under the pastoral care of Mr. Barff, who visits them as often as his other engagements will allow; when he administers the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism. In his absence, the Teachers conduct the public worship, and explain the Scriptures to the people. They also superintend the schools, jvhich embrace, infants excepted, the whole population of the island, which consists of 210 souls.
A chapel has been built, 60 feet by 36, which is entirely the work of the natives. They have also built and furnished a house
30 THIRTT I’/K.ST REPORT. [1825.
for the accommodation of Mr. Barff, when on his occasional visits.
The Deputation could hear of no crimes in this island, and the Judges, as to criminal cases, were consequently without employment. They suppose a happier people than those of this island do not exist, and thus describe them and their island:—
“ This little island is a beautiful spot, and abounds in all the fruits common to these climes. The people are a fine race, well made, and of a remarkably light colour; many of them as fair as some of the English, especially the women, who are not much exposed to the sun.â€
Station, Vaoaara, called by the Missionaries the City of David.
John Williams, Missionary.
It is with great concern we record the death of Mrs. Threlkeld, late wife of Mr. Threlkeld, late missionary at this station. She departed this life on the 7th of March, 1824, after an illness of about two months. Mrs. Threlkeld possessed decided and exemplary piety, showed herself a “ suitable help-meet for a missionary in his numerous and important engagements,†and gained the affections of the natives by her kind behaviour and services?
Notwithstanding the great success which has in various respects attended the exertions of the brethren, who have been for several years stationed in this island, they have nevertheless met, especially during the years 1821-23 inclusive, with much opposition from a set of men, who, unwilling to submit to the yoke of Christianity, have both covertly and openly aimed to subvert it. It is lamentable to add, that the designs of these disorderly persons have been encouraged and promoted by captains of merchant vessels, belonging to England and America, though honourable exception is to be made in favour of others of their profession, who have appeared to feel that they were, in a sense, representatives of Christian countries, and whose conduct has drawn forth high commendation from the natives.
As to the disorderly natives above mentioned, we are happy to state, that towards the commencement of the last year a manifest change for the better began to take place in their conduct.
* An account of Mis. Tlirdkeld’s illness and death is inserted in the Society’s Quarterly Chronicle for July, IS25.
Between 200 and 300 of these men, among whom are some of those who were remarkably abandoned, have renounced their wicked courses, and have been since baptized. Of these, none have been separated from the Christian community (now consisting of about 800) to which they have united themselves, and only three or four others.
On the 1st of January, 1824, was held a general meeting of jtjie inhabitants of Raiatea, the object of which was ttf excite each other to “ love and good works †through the ensuing year. On. this occasion many of the natives delivered their sentiments with that artless simplicity, good sense, and unaffected piety, by which the public speeches of the natives had been usually distinguished.*
* Meeting of the Natives of the Island of Raiatea, on New Year’s Day, 1824.
On an elevated pavement, or platform, in the sea, originally intended for the site of a new house for King Tamatoa, tables were spread^ and filled with the natural productions of the island. Around these sat the baptized on neat sofas, of their own manufacture. Awnings of native cloth protected them from the sun. At a little distance behind them the rest of the inhabitants sat on the ground, according to their ancient custom. When the repast was ended, speeches were delivered by natives, of which the following is the substance :—
A native named Terearue stood up and said—“Friends, we are here assembled in unity and love. And why? because the Sun has risen upon us, and the darkness has fled away : let us now, therefore, be diligent in the light, and return no more to the work of darkness/'
Atihuta (a deacon) spoke as follows :—“ Brethren and sisters, we have arrived to another new year. Shall we increase ot decrease? (i. e. as a church.) If we increase, it will be well; but if we decrease, it will be bad^ Through the grace of God we are spared to ailotber year ; but let us remember the tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down. The fruitful tree alone is valued by its Lord/'
Tute said—“ We are now safe in the net. Let us not attempt to break its meshes, and so get out; for nothing but misery is outside. Let kings, and chiefs, and people be diligent, that our net may be drawn full of fishes."
Rehia stood up and said—“ Remember what the teacher said a few Sundays since: Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? No, by no means ; for the wages of sin is death. He that hath, to him shall be given, and that in abundance: let us, therefore, pray for activity in holiness, that we may cast away every evil custom and abominable thing, and become really holy to the Lord. Let us go forward, my friends, and not back ; and run the race, and God will give us a reward.â€
As Raiatea and Tahaa are enclosed within the same reef, it has been agreed by the missionaries of those islands to hold joint
Manaua, an old man, then rose, and spoke as follows:—“Friends and brethren, I have only a little speech to say. God says, 4 Hearken unto me.’ Do we? If we do, it is good indeed; if we do not, why is it? Does God forbid us? No. Does his Spirit? Does his word? No. Do his teachers? No. If we receive not his word, why do we not? Is it because we are forbidden? No. It is our own wicked hearts only that forbid us."
Timaurii, another deacon, thus addressed those who have not as yet come forward to, the Lord:—44 Friends, if you wish to do as wc do, it is well. Receive then the word of Gdd; learn to read it. Eat not the food alone that perishes, but seek also that which never perishes. Your bodies are clothed and neat, because wre are all in one land, and receive equally these blessings of the Gospel; but you are still separate from us: seek that you may not be thus separated at the last day."
Ahuriro then addressed the same class of persons as follows :— 44 Friends, you are now at the edge ; are you nearly in ? We are all of the earth, but God can make us all to be of heaven. The word of God will grow and increase. All of us are sinful creatures; there is only one refuge for us, Jesus; there is no other home for this clay. Then return to him, your only true home."
Atihuta havipg sat down, rose again, and addressed them as follows:—44 Brethren according to Adam’s flesh, when will ye be brethren in Christ? Remember the wages of sin is death. Do not wait until you are good, and think then to come for baptism; that is from the devil; but come as you are, for Christ came to save sinners, and he will make your hearts good. Whom will you choose this day ? Christ, or the wages of sin. The door of bis church is open ; come in."
Timauri rose a second time, and said—441 will conclude Atihuta’s speech, by saying, Yres, and the bride says, 4 Let him that is athirst come / and more than that, you all know this, and therefore come."
Another addressed the church, and observed, “ God says, 4 My son, give me thine heart/ Let us, therefore, give him our hearts, and our mouths too. Do not put a lock on your mouths; take it off, and speak for God."
Papaina walked forward and said—44 My heart, friends, does so rejoice, that I, who am no speaker, must speak; and this is what I say: I am most heartily glad to sec the king, chiefs, and people, all eating together with our teachers. Do not let us go back again to evil, but go forward to good. Now, behold, I who am no speaker have spoken, and this is all I have to say. My speech is ended."
Maiore observed—44 So it is with me. Five years have we now met together, and I have not spoken. I have been ashamed to speak ; but God has done away with that shame; and this is what I have to say: Let us be zealous in that which is right; give the glory to Jesus Christ, for he is the Author and Finisher of our faith."
annual meetings of their respective Auxiliary Societies alternately in each.
The meeting was held last year in Raiatea, on the 12th of May, on which occasion upwards of 2,000 persons were present. One of the deacons of the church commenced the service with reading and supplication; Mr.Bourne preached, and another deacon concluded with prayer. The public meeting was afterwards held in the open air, and many of the natives delivered speeches adapted to the occasion. From the respective reports read by the Secretary, it appeared that for the preceding year the contributions of the Raiatean Auxiliary Society amounted
Taataurupa, a person who was baptized on the preceding Lord’s day, spoke as follows:—“Listen to me, friends; I am bnt jnst come from the wilderness of the world to the kingdom of God, in which is nothing but goodness, both for body and soul. Behold our present employment, seated on seats, eating together of food upon tables, and salvation also for the soul provided for us ! It is good indeed!â€
Ahuriro stood forward again and said—“ It is a new year, let us have no more old heathen customs. Such women who in common go about without proper attire, and tome here dressed because we are all assembled, let them remember this is not right; God sees them always. It is not suitable to the word of God; it is no sign of their being born again.â€
Timauri.—“Friends, it is good to speak; let every man speak his speech, and if it is good we will attend to it. We are not commanded by our teachers to say so and so ; but we speak what we feel, it is npt from the teachers. Behold some, just admitted into the church, they rejoice and speak. Let us all encourage one another, that we may be still improving in all things, especially now we are going to our new city.â€
King Tamatoa arose and observed, that he was well pleased with all, both chiefs and people, on account of their diligence and activity; but let not their professions be like the bamboo, which, when lighted, blazes most furiously, but leaves no firebrand nor charcoal behind for future use I Let not their zeal be like it, kindled in a moment, give a great light for a season, and then expire, leaving nothing behind!
Messrs. Threlkeld and Williams afterwards each addressed the people.
The day was spent much to the satisfaction of all. The number of tables covered with food of various descriptions was about 400. The juice of the cocoa-nut constituted the only beverage. Every thing was conducted with great decorum, nor did one person of this large assenr blage behave disorderly. The speeches delivered by the natives, and their general behaviour, on this occasion, the brethren consider as pleasing evidences of the effect of the Gospel on their minds.
to 4,050 bamboos of oil, and those of the Tahaa Auxiliary to 2,416.*
* Annual Meetinq of the Auxiliary Societies of Raiatea and Tahaa, May 12, 1824.
After the service in the Chapel, the congregation retired to partake of the refreshments provided on the occasion. Tables were spread, and upwards of 2,000 of the natives, including children, were seated at them, on sofas, and screened from the sun by awnings of native cloth. Two persons, one at each end of the pavement on which the company were assembled, implored the divine blessing. Many animated speeches were delivered by natives, similar to those of new year's day, in which they endeavoured to animate each other to love and good works. The company afterwards returned to the Chapel, when the business of the two Societies was transacted, and several speeches delivered by natives. The Hymn, beginning, Blow ye the trumpet, blow! was sung with much pious animation, after which one of the members of the church prayed.
When the Secretaries had read the respective reports,
Tamatoa, the king of Raiatea, arose and delivered an address, with much energy, to the following effect:—“ Dear friends, this is the fifth year that we have met together at Raiatea for this good purpose. My heart is greatly rejoiced that Tahaa and Raiatea are united in so good a work. Our labour has not been in vain : lands that were in darkness have been enlightened by our instrumentality; idols have been scattered to the wind ; the word of God has been planted, has taken root, and grown; we behold its luxuriant appearance with pleasure. Surely we have been well paid for our labour: rejoice greatly. We have prayed for the spread of the Gospel ; it has spread. We have used the means’; they have been blessed. Let us continue to labour, till every land shall have teachers from God, to teach them the path of life. Our fame has spread greatly; let us act worthy of that fame. How disgusting to have fame, and not to be w’Ortliy of it! Our lamp has shone brilliantly; let us use the means, that it may continue to shine before men, that they may glorify our Father. We have become as a trunk from which many branches have sprung ; let us set a good example to all our branches, that we may be like a good trunk, whose branches are luxuriant. If we, the trunk, are evil, how can we expect that our branches will be otherwise ? But they will, they will go on, they will grow; and if we* who were first are not diligent, we shall soon be last. Then let us be diligent, friends ; let us not be tired in subscribing our little property; let us send teachers; let us continue to pray, and God will continue to bless us. Let us ourselves pot return back,lest Christ should say to us, as he said to Capernaum, ‘ Thou/ &c.â€*
Fenuapeho then arose, and spoke to the following effect:—“ Praise to
God well becomes us, dear friends ; but let it be heart-praise. Do what
* Matt. xi, 23.
The present settlement at Fcwaara is situated under a very high mountain. From this position have arisen serious incon-
we will for God, lie looks at the heart. We give our property for the spread of his Word ; do we give it with our heart, willingly, cheerfully, to the Lord ? His Word is to be great among the Gentiles, from the rising to the setting^of the sun. Consider what we were formerly ; now, how very happy we are in our circumstances and all that relates to us. The glory of God is resting upon us. Britain was the trunk from whence all this good has come to us. We knew nothing of societies formerly; now this new property, a Missionary Society, is seen amongst us. Praise God for his goodness, and labour that others may see and know as we do. We were dwelling in a dark house formerly, and did not know the evil and despicable things that were in that dark house. The lamp of light, the Word of God, has been brought, and we behold with dismay and disgust this and that. But stop: some are killing themselves this very day, while we are rejoicing. Some are strangling their children, while we are saving ours. Some are burning themselves in fire, while we are bathing in the cool waters of the Gospel. What shall we do? We have been told by our missionary this day, that God works by means: sending his Word is one means; sending his servants, another means; to effect which property must be given. This we have; this we can give. Prayer is another means in our power. Let us pray fervently. Let us not covet our property, but give it freely for so good a purpose; lest our prayers should condemn us, when we pray, * Send forth thy Word, make it grow/ and do not use the means. I’ll say no more, but let us all cleave to Jesus.â€
[The cause advocated by such men as Fenuapelio is well advocated; for he acts as he wishes others to act. He has eight or nine children; for every one of whom he gives, as well as for himself and wife, 5 bamboos each, and has done so for several years—amounting to 50, or more, bamboos of oil each year.]
After Fenuapeho had spoken, Mr. Bourne read a long and interesting letter from a Native Teacher, left at the island of Mautii.
Ahuristo, a chief from Otaheite, an intimate friend of the late king Poraare, and a very sensible man, arose and said, “ He had been at May Meetings at this place and that place, but thought he felt his heart more full of joy now than he ever did before. To hear and see the kings and chief persons advocate the cause of Christ is gratifying indeed. My compassion has been growing greatly towards those who are still in darkness—still killing themselves for Satan. Shall we sit still and do nothing? God could work without us; he said, Let there be light, and there was light; but lie pleases to work by us. Let us work, then, and give our property to assist the great Society in London in their great work. God the Father had work, God the Son had work, God the Spirit had work, in the redemption of souls; and shall God work, and we sit still? Shall Jesus pray, and we be silent? God has given us
veniences, not originally anticipated. Strong gusts of wind damage the houses; rain, from the attraction of the mountain,
strength, breath, and ability to work and pray, to assist and support his servants in their great work. Work, then, for Jesus Christ.â€
Faariri, from Tahaa, spoke for a short time, exhorting to liberality and cheerfulness in the good work.
Atitueta, one of the deacons, spoke as follows:—u We are told by Daniel, that God is to set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed. The four great kingdoms, where are they ? The Babylonish, the Persian, the Grecian, and even the Roman empire, compared to iron, where are they all ? The stone, the small stone, cut out of the mountain, is to fill the whole world. It is tilling the world. It is a kingdom thpt shall never be destroyed. Let us be concerned to assist in extending the limits of this excellent kingdom.†He concluded by a very apt application to each individual, that all might become subjects of this kingdom.
Itae, from Tahaa, spoke upon the excellency of the Gospel of Christ. “ What had been suffered by some from attachment to it? Shadrach, Meshecb, and Abednego, were cast into the furnace; and shall not we testify our attachment, by contributing to send it to others ? Consider how much was given by us formerly to Satan. Are there not some present who have given tni aha,*—many pigs, their five, their eight, their ten pigs at once to the Evil Spirit? Now we are only called upon to give five bamboos—our three balls or measures of arrow root. Let us give willingly, as unto the Lord.â€
Temauri, another of the deacons, arose, and after a few comparisons, tending to show that all sought means to accomplish their desired end, as the fisherman his net, hooks, baits, &c. proceeded—“ So will, those who love Christ. They will seek means to send his Gospel to other lands, that others may know Christ too. I have been seeking a name by which, to call this property thus subscribed and thus collected, and think it may be called, Property to seek out lost souls. Are not the souls of those living in darkness lost souls? And is not this property the mean#Ay which they obtain the light of life? It is the thought of lost souls that animates good people in their labours. They do not collect property for themselves; it is for lost souls. We give property for, every thing; if we want a canoe, we give property for it; if we want an axe, we give property for it; if we want a net, we give property for it; and are lost souls not worth giving property to obtain ? Think of lost souls, and work, while it is called dayâ€
Vahine Ume, of Tahaa, addressed the meeting, and compared the Society to a ship; prayer, to the sails; and the Spirit of God, to the wind. He exhorted to diligence and liberality, which (he sai
* Tui-aha is the name of a piece of sinnet passed through the nostrils of a dedicated pig.
falls inconveniently frequent, and not seldom inundates the village; while the sea, which is making serious encroachments,
Te Amo * arose, and said—“ My beloved brethren—but it is not I that have loved you; it is God that has loved us all. It is well for me to speak of the love of God—I who am so great a sinner against the king and against God. I am the chief of sinners ; but God has plucked me, I hope, as a brand from the burning. We talk of giving property to God; God is the Lord of it all. It is not we that give it to him, but he that has given it to us, together with hands and strength to work it. Let us, therefore, rejoice, and work for him with the hands he has given us. Angels are beholding us this day; they are all ministering spirits, (as we heard from our teacher last Sabbath,) and rejoice greatly, with wonder, at the work the Lord is doing."
Several other speeches were delivered, but the above are the principal. Mr. Williams afterwards read two letters received from the Taheitan Teachers at Aitutake, addressed to the people, and concluded with prayer.
The company then retired again to the pavement, where tea was provided for the same number of persons as had previously dined together. Many animated speeches were again delivered, and great delight was evident in every countenance of this large assembly. As the sun retired below the horizon, the company again returned to the Chapel, which was lighted up for an evening service. One of the deacons read the 2d chapter of Daniel, and engaged in prayer. Mr. Williams then preached from Rom, x. and part of 14th and 15th verses : How shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach except they be sent? Another of the deacons concluded with prayer.. Thus ended the fifth anniversary meeting, which Mr. Williams describes as one of holy joy.|
The day following the children of the schools, belonging to both stations, J had a feast. They were first assembled in the Chapel, where Mr. Bourne addressed, them. They afterwards walked, about 600 in number, to the pavement, where tables were spread a» on the preceding day. When the feast was ended, several of the eh^r boys delivered < short addresses, most of them founded on sermons they had heard. These speeches, which were unpremeditated, as. it was not previously known that the boys would; be called upon to» speak* were delivered with much fluency and propriety, and appeared to give peculiar pleasure to every one present. After partaking of further refreshment, (a substitute for
* Te Amo was formerly among the ring-leaders of a rebel-party, who have all
now submitted themselves to the authority of the king. They have also been
baptized, and acted ever since with great consistency. Many of them are candidates
for the Lord-s Supper. See page 30.
t It is proper to state, that Mr. Thrclkeld was absent, being on a visit to. the.
Deputation, who were at this time at the Windward Islands.
X Viz. Those of Raiatea and Tahaa.
has repeatedly destroyed the bridges. These circumstances retard the progress of civilization. It has been, therefore, determined by the chiefs and people, in full assembly, to form a new settlement on the opposite side of the island. Such arrangements have been made, with this view, as will tend to promote the moral improvement as well as social comfort of the people, together with their advance in industry and the cultivation of the useful arts. No house, in the proposed new town, is to contain more than one family.
Of the proceedings at the missionary stations at Tahaa, Borabora, and Maurua, 'with the exception that Mr. Bourne at the former island is printing the Books of Daniel, Ruth, and Esther, no intelligence has been received by the Directors during the past year.
Taheitan Version of the Scriptures.
Translations of the following portions of the Scriptures, in addition to those mentioned in the Report for last year,* are either finished or in a state of considerable forwardness: the two Books of Samuel; Esther; the Minor Prophets; the Gospel by Mark; the Epistle to the Romans; the tivo Epistles to the Corinthians; Hebrews; and the Epistles of John and Jude. m
On the subject of the Taheitan Version of the Scriptures the Deputation make the following observations
“ The translation of the Sacred Oracles is proceeding, upon the whole, nearly as rapidly as we could wish ; and in the course of a few years,
the whole, we trust, will be in the hands of the people........We
have done all we could to facilitate this great work, but a better plan than that in operation is not, perhaps, practicable. Respecting the fidelity of the translations which have been already made, it may be gratifying to the Directors to know, that we have read a great part of them, comparing them with the Original Greek, and we can assure them that
tea,) the children again assembled in the Chapel, where Mr. Williams delivered a short address, and concluded with prayer. They afterwards all retired to their respective homes, apparently much delighted.
Mr. Williams, contemplating this delightful spectacle, asks, in reference to the former horrid custom of infanticide, JFou/rZ one quarter of them have been in existence, if the Gospel of Christ had not been brought to these islands? and then answers his own question—ATo, the hands of their mothers would have been imbrued in their blood!
* See Report for 1824, page 35.
they are done with great skill and judgment: the inaccuracies were very few, and of little moment; and we much question whether a more faithful translation of the Scriptures was ever made into any language. The sense is generally given with great clearness and precision; and such is the copiousness of the Tahitian language, that it is generally sufficient, and but comparatively few foreign words are necessary to be introduced.â€
As to the catechisms, and other books printed in Taheitan, they write as follows:—
“ We have read over all the catechisms, and almost every thing that has been printed in the Tahitian language, and are highly gratified on perceiving that they contain nothing but doctrinal truths and moral principles of the most decided evangelical character. This is the case with all the hymns. The same remarks apply to all the sermons of the missionaries. Great, indeed, is the Truth, and in all things it is triumphant.â€
Public Libraries have been established both in the Windward and Leeward Islands, for the use of the missions of each groupe respectively. On this subject the Deputation write
“ A public permanent Library has been established at Tahiti, and
another at Tahaa, for the benefit of the missions......Many of the
books we had brought with us for our own use we have given to these institutions, and most of the philosophical instruments for the use of the school at Griffin-Town. We strongly recommend to the religious public to semi contributions of both books and philosophical apparatus for the use of these important institutions. There will be a library at the school for the benefit of the children, and contributions of suitable books to this library will be also of great importance.â€
The Libraries have been respectively placed under a Code of Regulations, which have been printed, with a Catalogue of the Books in the Windward library annexed.
In reference to the progress of instruction among the natives of the Georgian and Society Islands generally, the Deputation give the following satisfactory information:—
“ The whole population of all the islands may be considered as under school-instruction. The generality of the people read with a propriety and fluency seldom known among the common people of our own country. Nearly all, both children and adults, are acquainted with one or more catechisms. Their progress, indeed, in knowledge of scriptural and religious subjects, is truly extraordinary; and considered as congregations, their knowledge is not surpassed, and wc think not equalled, by congregations of the same magnitude in England. Multitudes can
write well, bo*th men and women ; and not a few are acquainted with the cdmmon rules of arithmetic.â€
Of the general state of the islands and the missions, they thus express themselves, on a calm retrospect, after they had arrived in the colony of New South Wales :—
“ On taking a minute and deliberate retrospect of the state of the Mission in the South Seas—the character and talents of both the brethren and their wives who are engaged in the work—the state of the churches and congregations, in both a spiritual and moral point of view—the condition of the schools, and the various religious and civil institutions now in full operation—the political state of the different islands, and the progressive improvements which the natives are making in the arts of civilized life—and the estimation in which the missionaries are held, both as pastors and friends—we find so little to deplore, and so much to admire, that our souls are filled with joy, while we exclaim—Blessed indeed are the people who are in such a case !—Let the whole earth be thus filled with the Redeemer’s glory !â€
No communications from the islands of Raivavai and Harvey Islands have been received by the Society, except those already detailed in the present article. Of the mission under Native Teachers, in the Paumotu Islands, no intelligence has been received during the past year. Of those sent to the Friendly and to Navigators’ Islands, no accounts whatever have as yet come to hand.
The Directors thankfully acknowledge two additional grants of paper by the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, of 500 teams each, for the printing of the Taheitan Version of the Scriptures.
Mr. Ellis has had, for several months, under his tuition, in the Sandwich Islands, eight Marquesan youths. They were expected to return home in August last, by which time he hoped they would be able to read well, and to write a little. He has composed for them a small spelling-book. With copies of this they will be furnished, together with an ample supply of books for their countrymen. They had expressed a desire that Mr. Ellis would accompany them, on their return to the Marquesas.
Stations, Hononooroo, &c.—Island ofWoahoo.
William Ellis, Missionary.
Auna, \
Taua, > Tabcitans, Teachers.
Tateta, j
Shortly after the last annual meeting of the Society, the king* and queen of the Sandwich Islands arrived in this country, accompanied by a numerous suite. The principal objects of the king, in visiting England, were, to see the country, to acquire a better knowledge of its government and laws, to acquaint himself more perfectly with the nature of commercial transactions, and to make arrangements with the British Government ’tending to promote the prosperity of the Sandwich Islands. His death, however, which was preceded by that of his queen, within six or seven weeks after his arrival in England, suddenly put an end to all his designs. The Directors could not but painfully feel these melancholy events, as the king had been always a steady friend to the missionaries in the Sandwich Islands, and for two years a zealous promoter of their undertakings, and as they were thereby prevented from waiting upon their Sandwich Majesties to express the grateful sense entertained by the Society of their kind attentions to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, as well as of their patronage of the missionaries in general.
The royal suite embarked, on their return to the Sandwich Islands, in his Majesty’s ship Blonde, Captain Lord Byron, in October last; the remains of their late majesties, which had hitherto lain in the cemetery of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, having been first removed on board the same vessel, that they might be conveyed to the land of their fathers.
Soon after his late Sandwich Majesty left Woahoo for this country, his people manifested a great desire for instruction, which is supposed to be partly attributable to the injunctions on the subject he left behind him, and to the powerful recommendation of Karaimoku, the prime minister, on whom he had devolved the charge of the government. The improvement of the people
* Tamehameha II. formerly called Riho-riho.
in reading and writing has been rapid. Many of them have also made good progress in arithmetic. “ So great (says Mr. Ellis) is their attention, that we never walk through the town without observing several passing along with their books in their hands/’
Many more schools have been established at Hononooroo and its vicinity, in which, including adults, upwards of 800 are instructed under 22 Native Teachers. At a public examination, held in the course of last year, 600 of them were present.
The attendance on public worship at Hononooroo on the Sabbath is uniformly good, and is improving on the week-days. In the month of June last the chapel was burnt down; but whether by accident or design is not known. The chiefs manifested great concern on the occasion, and immediately despatched men for materials to build a new one. Till this be completed, the public services are to be held in a commodious house belonging to one of the chiefs. A week-day service has been commenced at a considerable village called Waititi, situated about four miles from Hononooroo.
Conversation-meetings are held with the people, similar to those in the South Sea Islands, which are well attended, and are usually very interesting.
At Kairua, in Owhyhee, a commodious place of worship has been built. Here the Rev. Mr. Thurston, the American Missionary, labours with very favourable prospects.
Mr. Ellis is almost constantly engaged in giving instruction to the people, and alternately conducts the services at Hononooroo and Waititi.
An edition of about 2,000 Hymn-books has been printed, also an edition, comprising 3,000 copies, of the Owhyheean Spelling-book, enlarged, of which it is expected another will soon be necessary. Indeed, the demand for books, generally, is greater than can be met.
As the brethren take their evening walks, they derive high gratification from hearing the hymns of the Chapel and the lessons of the School recited by the people, instead of the monotonous sounds of their ceaseless pura, (or praise to their gods and departed heroes;) while the book, the slate, and the pen, are superseding games of chance, and other hurtful amusements, which formerly consumed much of the people’s time.
The power of true religion is manifested in the daily conduct
of many of the chiefs, as well as in that of the people. Several of them uniformly ask a blessing and return thanks at their meals, surrounded by their friends and domestics, who frequently amount to forty or fifty persons. They are also known to attend morning and evening to their devotions.
Kariamoku powerfully seconds the efforts made by the missionaries to promote the moral and religious improvement of the people. “He has prohibited drunkenness, shut up all houses for retailing spirituous liquors, and has enjoined on all classes attention to the means of instruction, and an observance of the Sabbath-day/' The effect of these measures has been considerable.
Mr. Ellis adds, that“ civilization and evangelization continue to advance in a most pleasing and encouraging manner, not only at Hononooroo, but at all the other mission-stations, formed in the different islands.â€
All the Taheitan Teachers have been very usefully employed. We are, however, concerned to state, that Auna has been obliged to suspend his labours in Woahoo, to accompany his wife on a voyage to the Society Islands, for the benefit of her health. Prior to his departure, the school amounted nearly to 100. Taua continues in the island of Maui. He lost a" valuable friend and patroness by the death of Keopuolani, mother of his late Sandwich majesty,* but is still countenanced and supported by her surviving husband and children. He renders effective aid at the American .mission-station at Lahaina, in that island, Tateta is at Kairua, in Owhyhee. He conducts himself well, and is very diligent. With commendable zeal he has commenced a translation of the Gospel by Luke from the Taheitan into Owhyheean, which the missionaries are of opinion will be found useful in preparing their own Version of the Scriptures.
A female Taheitan Teacher, named Taamotu, has for some time resided at the house of Mr. Ellis, but has been hitherto chiefly occupied in attending upon Mrs. Ellis, whose health, we are sorry to say, has sustained a serious relapse. Should it please Divine Providence again to restore Mrs. Ellis to health, Taamotu would be able to render considerable aid in conducting a school for native children.
* A “ Biographical Sketch†of this excellent woman, and true convert
to Christianity, has been drawn up by the missionaries, and will in due
time be given to the public. See Report for 1824, page 40.
F 2
Kariamoku continues to manifest very friendly dispositions towards Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. “ 1 feel (says Mr. E.) the greatest obligations to him for his uniform attention and kindness.â€
Taumarrii, * king (or principal chief) of the island of Tauoia,+ died in the beginning of last May, “ after giving evidence of faith in Jesus Christ, as the Great Redeemer of Sinners.â€
“ On the whole,†adds Mr. Ellis, “ the change taking place, and the work going on, is most encouraging, and calls for the sincerest thanks.’’^
Rev. Robert Morrison, D. D. Missionary.
Leang-A-Fa, Native Teacher.
Dr. Morrison, in compliance with the wish of the Directors, has postponed his return to China until the spring of the next year. He is assiduously endeavouring to promote the cultivation of the Chinese language and literature in this country, and has already commenced giving instruction to a few students with that view. Should this attempt of Dr. Morrison be crowned with success, it must be obvious that the facilities for eventually communicating to China the advantages of European learning and science, and the blessings of uncorrupted Christianity, will be greatly, and may be indefinitely, augmented.
Since Dr. Morrison’s arrival in England, he has circulated an Address “ to the British Public, interested in the Promotion of Christianity, Morals, and useful Knowledge, among the Heathen Nations,†in behalf of the “ Anglo-Chinese College,†of which he has the honour to be the Founder. To this Address is annexed a copy of the Laws and Statutes of that Institution, together with a List of Patrons, Trustees, and Officers. He has also published a small work, written in the dialogue form, for the use of schools, entitled China, and, more recently, a Sermon entitled, “ Regard to the Affairs of Others.â€
* Usually written Tamorree.
+ Ditto Atooi.
3 May lG.—We are concerned to state, that intelligence has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are on their passage (via America,) to this country, chiefly in consequence of the ill state of Mrs. Ellis's health.
From the first-mentioned publication we shall, under this head of our Report, extract a few passages, as they relate to existing facilities for prosecuting the Chinese Mission with a reasonable prospect of success, and, at the same time, furnish a satisfactory reply to the objections which may be supposed to arise against extensive missionary efforts in favour of China, from the present impracticability of preaching the Gospel within the limits of that empire.
“ The Gospel (says Dr. Morrison,) can be preached to Chinese, (if there were preachers,) where tens and hundreds of thousands of them dwell under Christian Protestant governments, and under Malayan governments, which do not interfere to prevent Christian instruction being given to Chinese. As a preliminary step, therefore, towards introducing Christianity to China, attention may be paid to these Chinese emigrants, towards whom there is, humanly speaking, nothing to prevent very considerable efforts from being made. In Java there is a very large population of Chinese; and in the British Settlements at Malacca, Pinang and Singapore, there are several thousands of Chinese ; and at Rhio, Borneo, and other places in the Archipelago, they are found in very considerable numbers. It is not a field for labour that is wanting, but reapers to enter into and labour in the field. There are Chinese families in Malacca, which have been there for more than half a century, living all the time under one or two Protestant governments, but the respective Protestant churches have never, till recently, used any means to convey to these people the knowledge of Divine Revelation. Were appropriate methods used to communicate Christian knowledge, it is fair to expect the blessing of the Almighty ; and it is not too much to hope, that those persons who thus receive Divine Truth out of China, would, on their return home to their native country, carry with them, and diffuse gradually, the knowledge they had received. The late Dr. Milne proved at Malacca, in reference to the Chinese, what has been proved almost everywhere else, that prejudices will give way to sincere benevolence, persevered in. The Chinese at Malacca now allow their sons to be taught the principles of the Christian religion; and were proper teachers to make the experiment, there is no reason to doubt that, gradually, they would allow their daughters also to receive instruction from Christian females. Chinese boys are, almost universally, taught to read; girls are not. Indeed, reading to a certain extent, may be truly considered as a common attainment throughout the whole of China, in the colonies, or rather in the resorts of Chinese emigrants, throughout the Archipelago ; also in Corea, Japan, Loochoo, and Cochin-China. This fact makes the press an important instrument, if it be well supplied with good Christian books, suited to the philosophical and popular modes of thinking and illustration in those regions, and tending, at the same time, to subvert the idolatry and superstition generally prevalent; introducing, instead thereof, scriptural ideas of the Almighty God, of Creation, of Providence, and of Redemption/'
James Humphreys, a
David Collie, > Missionaries.
Samuel Kidd, )
Station, Town of Malacca.
Mr. Samuel Kidd, appointed to this station, embarked on the 24th of last May, with Mrs. Kidd, and Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds, destined to Calcutta, on board the Pyramus, Captain Brodie, bound to Madras, where they arrived safe on the 30th of September. Both Messrs. Kidd and Edmonds strongly express the grateful sense they entertain of the kindness and urbanity manifested during the whole of the voyage towards themselves and their respective partners. They had public worship on board every Sabbath when the weather permitted, and were allowed to distribute tracts and copies of the Scriptures among the sailors. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd left Madras for Malacca on the 18th of October. On the 2d of November, they arrived at Pinang, where they had the pleasure of spending a few days with the missionaries in that island. On the 13th of November they left Pinang, and on the 21st arrived safe at Malacca.
Mr. Kidd, who during the voyage had directed his attention to Chinese, shortly after his arrival at his station, commenced the study of the Fokeen dialect of that language.
Native Schools.—Two more Chinese schools have been opened during the past year, one in Malacca, and the other at Bata-brandum, the largest Chinese settlement in the southern part of the Peninsula. The latter will be attended with no charge to the Society. The number of Chinese schools under the wing of the mission is now five ; in which are upwards of 200 children, who are all instructed in the Christian Religion.
Native Worship.—Mr. Collie continues to preach to the Chinese Congregation, and has commenced, a course of Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans. The service in the Chinese Temple is continued, and, frequently, a considerable number of Chinese attend.
Every effort of the brethren to collect a congregation of Chinese, in the villages, has hitherto failed.
A chaplain having arrived at Malacca, Mr. Humphreys has ceased to conduct the service in the settlement church.
The prospects of the mission with regard to the Malayan population have lately brightened, and the brethren are very desirous that a Missionary for this department should be sent out as soon as possible.
Printing Establishment.—An edition of the Chinese Version of the Scriptures is preparing for the British and Foreign Bible Society, of which the Old Testament has been printed. The New Testament is in the Press. The blocks for the Psalter and Liturgy of the Church of England, preparing for the Homily Society, are in progress. The late Dr. Milne’s Essay on the Soul, in Chinese, has been printed, also Notices of China, and a considerable part of a Memoir of Dr. Milne, by Dr. Morrison. The First Part of a System of Theology, &c., prepared by Dr. Morrison, and a tract On the Being of God, both in Chinese, have been copied for the cutters. Dr. Milne’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians, in the same language, is preparing for them. The Chinese Sheet-Tract continues to be published weekly.
Works prepared or in progress.—Pl Chinese translation of Dr. Brown’s small Catechism has been prepared by the five senior students in the Anglo-Chinese College. Mr. Collie is composing a small work in Chinese and English to assist such as are acquainted with one of those languages in the study of the other. It will consist of brief explanations of the leading doctrines of Revelation; familiar sentences on the common affairs of life; sentences extracted from Chinese colloquial books, and dialogues on geography and general history. Mr. Collie will endeavour to adapt it to the schools, as well as to common reading. Qn the suggestion of Dr. Morrison, he is also preparing a tract on the fundamental doctrines of Revelation, with marginal references to the Scriptures. This work is designed chiefly for the use of such Chinese as may embrace, or be desirous of understanding, the Christian Religion, and will be printed with metallic move-able types.
Distribution of the Scriptures and Tracts.—Numerous copies and portions of the Scriptures and Tracts, in Chinese, continue to be distributed on board trading vessels, by means of which they are dispersed abroad in the countries of China, Cochin-China, Siam, &c. In the early part- of last year, nearly 3,000
copies of the mission-books were sent to Cochin-China by government-vessels belonging to that country, and eagerly received by the natives. Several respectable individuals from that country have since applied at the Mission-House for certain books, the titles of which they presented in writing. This selection of particular works is supposed to evince that the books sent to Cochin-China have been read.
The brethren continue to visit the villages weekly, to distribute the Chinese Sheet-Tract, and converse with the people. The Sheet-Tract is approved by the Chinese, is inquired for by them, and is stuck up in some of their houses. The brethren are also encouraged by occasionally receiving applications for copies of the Scriptures, and by observing that the villagers, among whom they perambulate, when at Malacca, attend the Chinese service at the temple.
The mission publications are, in general, thankfully received, and an increasing desire exists among the people of all classes to obtain them.
During the past year the Mission-House has been put into a state of complete repair.
Anglo-Chinese College.
' The number of students is increased to twenty-six; exclusive of ten others, who attend the College in the evening only. They are, in general, diligent and successful in the prosecution of their studies. Some of the senior youths have executed translations of Chinese books into English, and of English books into Chinese, which do them credit.
Of the general spirit and conduct of the students, Mr. Collie, in a letter to the Directors, gives the following account.
“ The students, in general, cheerfully read and commit to memory our books ; and, when we go out to distribute tracts, or to speak to the people, they beg to be permitted to accompany and assist us. On these occasions, they never manifest the least indication of being ashamed of their connexion with us. On Thursday evenings, when we go to meet the people in the temple, we permit two or three of them to accompany us. They raise the tune, and thus in a heathen temple, and in the face of their heathen countrymen, they sing the praises of our God. These young men, in general, seem to regard us as their real friends, and manifest a disposition to consider the College as their home. Most of their leisure hours are spent with us. I observed with pleasure, during a late festival, which is kept in celebration of the Chinese New Year, that some of the students spent the greater part of the time about the College, and unless on one of
those days, which is kept as a great feast-day, they attended morning and evening worship with the greatest punctuality, which, as it was entirely left to their own choice, at least looks well. Several of them, when asked whether they had, on this occasion, joined with their friends in worshipping idols, declared they saw no good to be obtained by worshipping things which can neither hear nor answer their prayers, and they thought it better to worship the only living and true God. How far their hearts are really interested in their professions, I cannot presume to say. We endeavour to treat them as our children, and in most of them there seems to exist a correspondent respect towards us. Brethren, pray earnestly for these young men. Should it please our gracious God to bring them to the saving knowledge of the Gospel, what happy results might be expected from their labours. They are daily acquiring an acquaintance with the facts and doctrines of Divine Revelation, which, if followed by divine teaching, will qualify them for becoming most effective missionaries.’’
In relation to the Anglo-Chinese College, we extract from the Address of Dr. Morrison, noticed in the preceding article, the following passages ; as they contain, together with a statement of the immediate object and means of the Institution, and an exposition of the necessity for such establishment, important reasons for requiring from the public, in its behalf, extensive permanent support, some of which reasons forcibly appeal to philanthropists, to men of science and literature, and even to commercial men, as well as to the friends of Christian missions, as such.
“ This Institution is designed to promote the diffusion of Christianity in China, and amongst the several nations which speak or read the Chinese language, viz. Corea, Japan, the Loochoo Islands, and Cochin-China. The means consist in affording facilities to acquire the languages and literature of China and of Europe reciprocally. To Chinese students, the English language, the principles of the Christian Religion, and various branches of general knowledge, are communicated by European Professors, through the medium of the Chinese language; and to European students, missionaries, and others, the Chinese language, history, philosophy, and general literature, are taught by the aid of Native Professors. The Institution concentrates the moral apparatus necessary for raising up oral teachers, both natives and Europeans, and for gradually qualifying competent writers to expose pagan errors, and to state, and illustrate, and defend Christian truth. While the propagation of the principles of Divine Revelation is its final object, it is hopecl, that, by promoting the literary, intellectual, and amicable intercourse of Europe and Eastern Asia, the temporal happiness of man will be advanced.*
* The Institution is open to Missionaries of all Evangelical Denominations, and its statutes secure a daily attention to practical and devotional religion. Persona who may wish to acquire the Chinese language for commercial or scientific pur* poses, are likewise admissible.
“ The command of our blessed Saviour to his disciples, to proclaim the Gospel to every creature, is substantially obeyed by conveying Christian truth to the minds of men, by such means as are practicable, or most eligible, in different times and places. Before the art of printing was introduced, or in places where people could not read, oral preaching was the most efficient means of instructing the multitude; and where there are native preachers, it is still, perhaps, the most easy mode of conveying Christian knowledge to the many. But where printing is known, and the population is a reading people, the press, if well supplied with able writings, in the statement, illustration, and defence of truth, is a powerful instrument: and to supply it well, a Collegiate Institution, where the language, manners, mythology, and history—the modes of thinking and reasoning—can be easily acquired, is in the highest degree desirable. There Christian books can be transfused into the native language, and circulated amongst the people; and in such an Institution also, native schoolmasters, teachers, and preachers, are best prepared for their work.
In China, and the surrounding countries, there is a false philosophy prevalent, which being taken for granted as true, forms a ground-work to support the polytheism and superstition which exist, and which exclude the One true God from the worship of his creatures. On this false philosophy is also built the fabric of human merit, which occupies the place of the true Mediator between God and man, and supplies principles on which the social duties are taught, without any regard to the will of God as their rule, and so sever man from his Maker, and render him the mere creature of temporary and partial expediency. It is confessedly incumbent on Christians to endeavour to convey to the immense multitude of human beings to whom the Chinese language introduces them, the heaven-revealed way of Ihe pardon of sin, that they may be delivered- as well from the false hopes and fears which either elate or depress them ; that they may be brought to the true fear of God, and to an entire dependance upon the atonement of the Divine Saviour, and be renewed by the influences of God’s Holy Spirit/'*
The amount of subscriptions received in this country during the past year towards the support of the Anglo-Chinese College, is £.1,202. 16^. 6d.
By a late .arrangement with his majesty, the King of the Netherlands, the Settlement of Malacca has been again placed under the authority of Great Britain.
* For a more full account of the different systems of pagan religion and philosophy, prevalent in China, see a discourse by Dr. Morrison, entitled, The Knoivledge of Christ supremely Excellent, preached before the Society, on the day preceding that of its annual meeting, and since published.
C. H. Thomsen, Missionary.
Mr. Thomsen continues to prosecute diligently, and with encouragement, the Malayan branch of the mission at this station.
Christian Worship in Malay.—The Malayan Chapel was opened on the 27th of last July, when Mr. Thomsen preached, in English, from Acts xxiv. 14. Mr. Crawfurd, the Resident, his lady, and about twenty more of the European inhabitants, were present on this occasion.
Mr. Thomsen conducts three Malayan Services on the Sab* bath-day; two of them at the Chapel, and a third at a private dwelling-house, in another part of the town. In one of the services at the Chapel, is read the Liturgy of the Church of England, in Malay, a translation of which has been prepared by Mr. Thomsen, for the Prayer-Look and Homily Society. The usual attendance of Malays is between fifty and sixty.
Notwithstanding the liberal subscriptions made on the spot for the building of the chapel,* there still remains a debt of about £300, which Mr. Thomsen hopes friends in Europe will enable him to discharge.
Malayan Schools.—There are two schools for Malay children, under the superintendence of the mission; one for boys, and the other for girls. The former is supported by the Singapore Institution, and the latter by a separate fund established for the purpose.
Printing-Office.—During the past year have been printed a small Selection of Hymns for children, in English, and a Malayan Version of the same; also a Spelling-book, and a small System of Arithmetic, in Malay. The Malayan translation of the Liturgy is in course of printing.
Mr. Thomsen is assiduously employed in preparing other elementary books in Malay. He has commenced the study of Bugguese, in which language a tract has been prepared for the press.
* See Report for 1824, page 52.
G 2
Distribution of the Scriptures, fyc.—The distribution of the Scriptures, during the past year, has been considerable, that of tracts comparatively small.
Mr. Thomsen intends to form a Mission Library, and hopes to receive aid from the friends of the Society in Europe as well as in Asia.
No report of the Chinese Branch of the mission for the past year has been, as yet, received.
The buildings of the Singapore Institution are in progress.
Station, George Town.
Thomas Beighton, i ... .
, T ’ > Missionaries.
John Ince, )
The prospect of usefulness, at this station, has assumed, during the past year, a much more promising appearance.
Native Schools.—The number of schools is increased to seven; viz. two Chinese, four Malayan, and one Chinese and English. The latter was commenced on the 1st of March, 1824, and contains fifteen scholars, beside several adults. Of the number of scholars in the other schools, no returns for the past year have been as yet received.
Mission-Chape I.—This Chapel was opened on the 20th of last June. There were three services on the occasion: one early in the morning, in Chinese; another in the forenoon, in Malay; and a third in English, in the evening. The latter service was attended by a numerous and respectable congregation of European residents.*
From The Prince of Wales' Island Gazette of the 23d June, 1824, we transcribe the following particulars, relative to the opening of the Chapel, and the expenses incurred by its erection.
“ The New Mission Chapel in Farquhar Street was opened on Sunday evening last to a large and respectable congregation. The appearance of this neat and chaste edifice afforded the highest gratification to those pre-
* By the latest letters received from the brethren, it appears that the Chapel continues to he well attended,
sent who had contributed towards its erection; and the internal arrangement for comfort and convenience are such as excited equal admiration and satisfaction. Some of the niches in the Chapel contain appropriate passages from Scripture, in the English, Chinese, and Malayan languages; and the whole plan, building, and arrangement, is altogether creditable to the Reverend Gentleman under whose immediate superintendance it has been so successfully completed.
“ The service appointed for the evening was grand and solemn, particularly in the singing of the hymns, in which, it appeared, the whole congregation joined, and had a most pleasing effect. The sermon, preached by the Rev. Mr. Beighton, was taken from the last verse of the 60th chapter of Isaiah: A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time.â€
“ A Committee had assembled on the 18th instant to examine the building, accounts, &c.; and having been favoured with their report, we annex it herewith, for the satisfaction of all concerned.
“ Pinang, June 18, 1824.
“ We, the undersigned, having at the request of the Rev. Messrs. Thomas Beighton and John Ince surveyed and examined the Missionary Chapel erected in George Town of this island, under their superintendence, are of opinion that the same is constructed of good materials, and substantially built, and well finished in every respect.
“ By accounts submitted to and examined by us, the subscriptions received by these gentlemen amount to Sp. Dols. 3,266. 20.; and the dis? bursements on account of materials, workmanship, and furniture, to Sp. Dols. 4,943. 21J.; leaving a deficiency of funds of Sp. Dols. 1,676.91 j. borrowed on the expectation of subscriptions from Europe and future subscriptions in India. The several purchases of materials, and the contracts for the execution of the work, appear to us to have been made on moderate and reasonable terms ; and in our opinion it is very creditable to the attention and superintendence of Messrs. Beighton and Ince, that the Chapel has been completed for the sum which has been disbursed.
(Signed) D. Brown.
“ J. Rodyk.
“ F. Haliburton.â€
“ I can safely say the Chapel is constructed of good materials, substantially built, and extremely w ell finished in every respect, and is also very creditable to the attention of Messrs. Beighton and Ince.
(Signed) “ E. F. Day,
“ 2d Lieut. Bengal Artillery/*
“ Having examined the building and furniture, I am of the same opinion as Lieutenant Day, from constant employment iu building fot tw o years and a half past as engineer to the Government.
(Signed) “ G. Emy,
“ Lieut. Artillery/*
The missionaries have subsequently appealed, on behalf of the Chapel, to the liberality of the European Ladies in the island, who have kindly contributed the sum of Sp. Dols. 450. Notwithstanding, however, the liberal subscriptions of the inhabitants of Pinang, the vote of the Directors, and donations by individuals in this country, a debt of between £200. and £300. sterling, still remains, which the brethren hope the liberality of friends at home will speedily enable them to liquidate.*
The Directors avail themselves of the present opportunity to express, on behalf of the Society, their grateful sense of the liberal aid rendered on this occasion, by the late Governor, W. E. Phillips, Esq. and other respectable members of the Government, as well as by the ladies and gentlemen of the island generally. They also thankfully acknowledge a gift of land, immediately contiguous to the Chapel, kindly presented to the Society by John Anderson, Esq. of Pinang, in consequence of which valuable donation, the Chapel is now open to three roads.
Among the more respectable individuals, to whom the Society is indebted, for their kind support and countenance of the mission, the brethren particularly mention, beside the late Governor, Sir Ralph Rice, late Recorder, the Hon. John Macalister, Member of Council, recently deceased, and W. A. Clubley, Esq. Secretary to the Government. The Hon. Mr. Macalister had, for several years, zealously and liberally assisted the operations of the Society; and one of the last acts by which he testified his regard to it, was an order, that the usual fees, payable on the registering of the title-deeds of the Chapel in the Government-Office, should be remitted.
Works prepared for the Press, §c.—Mr. Beighton has prepared for the press, an improved edition, being the third, of his Malayan Scripture Catechism, to which additional prayers are annexed; also, in the same language, a tract on the Worth of the Soul, and Rules for conducting Native Schools. These
* A separate subscription has been opened for defraying the contingent expenses of the Chapel.
several works have been sent to Malacca to be printed. Mr. Beighton has in hand a small Malayan work on arithmetic.
During the past year, Messrs. Beighton and Ince have again visited the opposite coast of Quedah, which they describe as an inviting field for a Malayan mission. The population at Point Wellelsey is estimated at about 14,000. A. D. Maingy, Esq. the Resident, whose name we had formerly occasion to mention in connexion with the formation of native schools in that country, is zealously disposed to encourage and assist every prudent effort that may be made by the missionaries to promote the intellectual and moral culture of the people.
In consequence of the above-mentioned opening on the Quedah coast, the desirableness of devoting more time to itinerating, the increased missionary labours at George Town, and their own declining strength, the brethren sensibly feel the need of assistance. In concurrence with their wish, and from a conviction of the advancing importance of the station, the Directors have resolved to send out another missionary to Pinang, as soon as possible.
During the past year, Messrs. Beighton and Ince have been attacked by serious illness ; but we are happy to state, that they are both of them now in a state of convalescence. During these painful visitations, they again experienced the kindness of their valuable friend, David Brown, Esq. who, as well as Mrs. Brown, did all in his power to promote their restoration to health.
The late Governor, W. E. Phillips, Esq. has embarked for Europe, and is succeeded in the Government by the Hon. Robert Fullerton, whose patronage the Directors have, by a letter addressed to his Excellency, respectfully solicited in behalf of the Society’s missionaries in that island.
Station, Batavia.
W. H. M£dhurst, Missionary.
The sphere of useful labour at this station is widening, and the prospect of success assuming a more promising appearance.
Native Schools.—There are two Chinese schools immediately under the wing of the mission; one in Batavia, and one at
Tanabang; both of which, during the past year, have been carried on with more efficiency, and at less expense, than formerly. Mr. Medhurst has introduced into the former school a new course of instruction, the advantage of which has been evinced by the more rapid proficiency of the scholars.
The third school, mentioned in the Report of last year, situated in the town, is not entirely under the direction of the mission. The boys, however, commit to memory the Three Character Classic, which contains portions of religious truth. * The schoolmaster also appears favourably disposed towards Christianity. He has sent a copy of Dr. Morrison’s Version of the Scriptures to a relative, who resides in the province of Fuhkeen.
Mr. Medhurst observes, that few places appear to him more favourable to an extensive experiment for the improvement of Native Instruction than Batavia, but that to carry such design into effect, ample means must be afforded for securing an effective superintendence of the schools.
Native Services.—Worship in Chinese and Malay is statedly performed. In the Malayan Services, Mr. Medhurst continues to receive the friendly assistance of Mr. Deering. Each person in the congregation has a copy of the Scriptures before him, to refer to during the sermon.
A Bungalow Chapel has been built, by an European Gentleman M Batavia, in one of the Native Kampongs, chiefly inhabited by natives of the island of Bali, originally heathens, but recent converts to Mohammedanism. The people have attended more than twelve months, and the congregation is still increasing. This is understood to be the first attempt of the kind that has afforded promise of permanent success.
It may be proper to notice a peculiarity that has attended the present experiment. The proprietor of the ground on which the Chapel stands, previously made known his desire that the Malays would attend public worship there. It is presumed, that the interference of the Priests was in a measure cheeked, and the people proportionally encouraged, by this notice.
* See Report for 1824, page 57.
At a remote distance from Batavia, the influence of the Mohammedan Priesthood is considerably less than in that city and its vicinity, the priests being in proportion to the people scarcely one to a thousand. Were proprietors of lands situated in the country, therefore, to make a declaration similar to that above, mentioned, Mr. Medhurst is of opinion Malay congregations might be readily assembled on their estates.
With respect to the Malays who attend the Bungalow Chapel at Batavia, he adds, that some appear to him to have a sincere desire to listen to the truths of Christianity; but even should he be mistaken in this opinion, he cannot but regard it as “ a pleasing spectacle to see Mohammedans giving a voluntary attention to the preaching of the Gospel.â€
He statedly visits two villages inhabited by Malays professing the Christian Religion; one of them called Depok, situated about twenty miles to the south, and the other named Tugot, situated about twelve miles eastward of Batavia. On an average 30 persons attend, sometimes from 50 to 60. In these services, also, Mr. Deering kindly assists.
At Depok the people are able to read and consult the Scriptures, having been instructed by the schoolmaster of the place. This man has great merit. He himself studies the Bible with attention; and beside attending to his school, catechises, on alternate days, the men and women of the village. Thus all the inhabitants of the place have the opportunity of attaining knowledge in divine things, and present the interesting spectacle of a population illuminated by the light of Christianity, surrounded by the thick darkness of paganism.
English Preaching.—Mr. Medhurst continues his services, as usual, at the English Chapel, with no small encouragement. He speaks with satisfaction of the regular attendance of the: congregation, which has been, however, of late, somewhat diminished by removals, the marked seriousness of a considerable part of it, and of clearer and more enlarged views which many have acquired of divine truth.
The access to the chapel having been rendered very incommodious during the last rainy season, the congregation were kindly accommodated by the Dutch inhabitants with the use of a large school-room, where a service of their own is usually performed at an early hour of the Sabbath.
Dispensary.—Mr. Medhurst has, for some considerable time past, attended daily in the town, for the purpose of gratuitously dispensing medicines and communicating Christian Instruction to Chinese. Mr. Deering kindly accommodates him with a part of his warehouse, which he uses both as a study and a dispensary. A sign has been put up, intimating that an English Teacher will be found there, and that books and medicines are given away. The number of applicants in the course of the day averages from fifteen to twenty. The Chinese, at Batavia, have not been as yet induced statedly to attend Christian Worship.
Mr. Medhurst has occasionally visited the hospital and jail, to distribute books, and converse with the patients, but has hitherto met with little encouragement.
Works prepared or preparing for the Press.—Mr. Medhurst has compiled a new school-book, entitled, a The Child’s Primer,†which, like the “Three Character Classic,†is much liked by the boys. They are required to read and explain it in the colloquial idiom, and to translate it into Malay.
Mr. Medhurst has in hand a third school-book, which will consist of selections from the Book of Proverbs, thrown into sentences after the Chinese method, so as to resemble a Chinese Classic. It will be adapted, as far as possible, to Chinese Schools in general. He is likewise proceeding with the following works, in Chinese, left unfinished by Dr. Milne, viz. Scripture History and Tillage Sermons, which will be first printed as portions of the Chinese Magazine, and afterwards published separately.
Chinese Printing Office.—The business of this department engages much of Mr. Medhurst’s time. His attention, hitherto, has been chiefly occupied in the publication of the Chinese Magazine. This work is still conducted on the plan adopted by Dr. Milne, by the insertion, in each number, of sections of some approved work, which, by being ultimately separated from the rest of the Magazine, forms of itself a complete book.â€*
The number of copies of the Chinese Magazine, which had
* The respective blocks may be afterwards used in printing each work separately.
been printed at the Mission Press, on the 1st of September last, amounted to 36,550, of which about 24,000 had been distributed, chiefly at Batavia, and in the neighbouring towns; the rest had been forwarded to the other mission-stations of the Society east of the Ganges.
A short History of Java, chiefly compiled from the extensive and valuable work of Sir Stamford Raffles, and originally printed in the Chinese Magazine, has been lately collected, and published in a separate form. Of this work 500 copies were required for Singapore.
Of the 66 Child’s Primer†1,000 copies have been printed, and sent to Malacca, Pinang, and Singapore.
Distribution of Tracts, fyc.—The number of Tracts, including copies of the Chinese Magazine distributed, is very considerable ; and that the Chinese, in numerous instances, read the books put into their hands, there can be no doubt. “ I have seen, (says Mr. Medhurst,) the Chinese reading our tracts, and I have been questioned as to their purport in hundreds of instances.â€
The methods he adopts to excite a desire, or curiosity, to read the tracts deserves attention, and in many places, would doubtless admit of imitation.
“ I sometimes (says Mr. M.) go with a few tracts in my hand, into the market-place, where I sit down and read to those persons who may be about me, when immediately more gather round, and listen or look on, to whom I enlarge on the subject of the tract, and endeavour to press it home on their minds. At the conclusion I present them with a few copies thus explained, and always find them well received. Even the Malays, who on common occasions will not receive our books, when they hear them read, and perceive that their general tendency is to benefit mankind, solicit them as a favour.â€
Mr. Medhurst spent a part of the last year in the country, at a village called Buitenzorg, where he had retired with his family for the benefit of their health. At this place are about 2,000 Chinese, whom he occasionally visited, to converse with them, and distribute tracts.
He contemplates a voyage to the eastern parts of Java, to promote an extended circulation of the Chinese Magazine, and to distribute tracts.
Mr. Medhurst has commenced the study of Arabic, and occasionally discusses the question of Christianity and Mohamme-
danism, with Arabs and others, who have visited Mecca ; sometimes with the high priest himself, who resorts for arguments against the Christian religion to Sabat’s book.
Although he has much to encourage and animate him in his labours, he nevertheless meets with some things which, were they not viewed in the light of Revelation, might tend to abate his hopes and paralyze his efforts. Among others, he particularizes the inveterate and deeply-rooted character of the prejudices prevalent among the heathen. Of the Chinese settlers he observes, that “ they esteem nothing equal to what they have left behind in China, and if any of them are at all shaken in this opinion of their national superiority, the annual arrival of fresh emigrants from their native shores revives all their old impressions and strengthens their former prejudices.â€
With all this imagined superiority, they are, however, victims of the most absurd superstition. Of this Mr. Medhurst gives the following instances;—The head-man, or captain of the 2,000 Chinese at Buitenzorg, firmly believes that the success of the living depends on the situation of the graves of the dead ; and in one of their houses, he found a European picture, in a gilt frame, representing the late Scourge of Europe, to which the people offer incense, and pay their morning and evening vows !
Mr. Medhurst stands in great need of help, and the Directors have resolved to send out another missionary to this station as soon as they shall have it in their power. When this assistance arrives he hopes an effort will be made to convey religious knowledge to about 500,000 Malays, inhabiting the western part of Java, who speak the Sunda language. He observes that, on one estate only, access might be obtained, during the lifetime of the present proprietor, at least, to 40,000 persons. The Scriptures have not been hitherto translated into the Sunda language, nor have the people any written character of their own, but the Javanese character is commonly used among them.
Mr. Medhurst, during the past year, has received from the Dutch authorities full permission to reside in Netherland India, to prosecute his labours as a Christian Missionary, and to employ the printing-press for the purpose of printing tracts, &c., in Chinese, for the instruction of the people. For this privilege, (which he regards as equivalent to the freedom of the colony,) he is indebted to Major Stewart, and several British merchants resident at Batavia, who personally interested themselves with the Government for that purpose.
Station, Town of Amboyna.
Joseph Kam, Missionary.
In Mr. Kam’s school, including adults, are fifty-four scholars, who attend worship at his house before instruction commences.
During the twelve-months immediately preceding June, 1824, he baptized 107 persons, of both sexes, professed converts from heathenism.
Four Chinese, two men and two women, to whom the reading of Dr. Morrison’s Chinese Version of the Scriptures had been useful, have lately been baptized by Mr. Kam, and admitted into Christian fellowship. They are the first-fruits of Mr. Kam’s mission from among that people. This event has made a great impression on his congregation.
Every year he perceives more and more the importance of the mission printing-establishment, in which he now employs seven persons.
His Malayan translation of the Rev. Mr. Burder’s Village Sermons is advanced, as far as the fiftieth, and the printing to the fifth, of the series. A printed copy of the first sermon has been received by the author of the original work.
Mr. Kam has received the sum of 3,500 Java Rupees, or about £400, from the sale of Malay Bibles. He has received from the Netherlands Society, a supply of Psalm-books in the same language, copies of which the people are eager to obtain on payment of two rupees each. To those children in the school who make good progress in learning, they are given as reward-books.
Three more missionaries from the Netherland Society have arrived at Amboyna. On the other hand, we are concerned to state, that two of the missionaries previously sent out by that Society are lately deceased.
Mr. Kam states, that the natives of several of the nearest islands to the eastward of Amboyna, manifest a very earnest desire to receive Christian instruction.
A Dutch clergyman, deputed from Batavia to inspect the state of the churches in the Moluccas, has arrived at Amboyna. The captain of the vessel that conveyed him, who is acquainted with English, gave Mr. Kam copies of the Gospels, &c., in
Taheitan, and received from him, in return, books in Malay and English, containing accounts of the progress of the missionary cause.
Captain Duperry, of the La Coquille, French corvette, who visited Otaheite in 1823, touched at Amboyna on his return, and confirmed the intelligence Mr. Kam had previously received of the progress of Christianity and civilization in the South Sea Islands.
Samuel Trawin, â– >
James Hill, > Missionaries.
Joseph Bradley Warden, 5
George Gogerly, Superintendent of the Printing-Establishment.
Union Chapel.—The services are well attended. The church increases in number, and, the brethren hope, also in piety. The Sabbath School is in a prosperous state, and likely to prove very beneficial to the rising generation, and a valuable auxiliary in promoting the objects of the mission. All the young persons who are in church-communion assist in the Sabbath School.
Mr. James Hill is diligent in the discharge of his pastoral duties, and appears to be well suited to the sacred office which, in compliance with the desire of his brethren, he has undertaken.
During the past year, a commodious dwelling-house has been erected near the Chapel, as a residence for the minister.
The debt contracted by the erection of a vestry and schoolroom, for the use of Union Chapel, amounted to about 1,780 S. Rs. Towards its liquidation, Messrs. De Courcy * and Black, of Cutcha Cotta, have presented a donation of S. R. 1,000, or about £100 sterling.
Mrs. Hill contemplates taking under her tuition a few young
* It will gratify not a few readers of this Report to be informed, that this gentleman is a nephew of the late Rev. Richard De Courcy, Vicar of St. Alkmonds, Shrewsbury.
ladies, and to appropriate the profits of her little seminary to the support, for three years, of one or two missionary students, who study under Mr. Hill’s direction.
Bengalee preaching is continued at the Bungalow Chapel, and the school is still under the superintendence of Mrs. Warden.
A Bungalow Chapel has been erected for divine worship in the native language, on the main road of Bhobaneepore. It was opened by the missionaries on the 20th March, 1823, when a solemn and delightful impression appears to have been made on a numerous audience. Services are statedly held here on Sabbath, Monday, and Friday evenings, and the number of natives who attend is truly encouraging. Of the Native School at Bhobaneepore no report has been received during the past year.
The Bengalee worship, which was formerly conducted in the school-room of Union Chapel, has been transferred to a Bungalow Chapel, erected on the premises of Mr. Lindeman, who is well known to many of the members of the Society as one of its oldest friends. It is surrounded by a large native population, and the services have been much more numerously attended than they were at Union Chapel. A Native School has been formed here.
The attention of the natives to the preaching of the Gospel, in the public ways, as well as in the several Bungalow Chapels, is extremely pleasing. Services in Bengalee have been commenced at the houses of two of the members of the church at Union Chapel, the attendance on which is encouraging.
A Mission-House, erected for this station, was entered by Mr. M. Hill, in February 1823. In August following, a small bungalow was opened for a Native Female School. The expense of the building was partly defrayed by the liberality of respectable individuals, and partly by the Bengal Auxiliary Society. On the 25th of October a large bungalow was opened as a school for the education of native boys in Bengalee and English, and also for native preaching. The school presented a very encou-
raging appearance. Most of the scholars were sons of respectable families in the neighbourhood. The expense of the building was defrayed by the exertions of a gentleman in the neighbourhood, and of the ladies of the Female Branch of the Bengal Auxiliary Society. The inhabitants also of several adjacent villages had requested Mr. Hill to establish schools, and it was his intention to comply with their applications; but in consequence of the subjoined letter, received from the Rev. Daniel Corrie, written by him as a member of the Calcutta Diocesan Committee, it was thought advisable by the missionaries to relinquish the station.
“ My dear Sir, Calcutta, November 27, 1823.
“ I am sore you will receive the communication I am about to make to you in the spirit in which it is intended.
“ The field of missionary labour in this country is large enough for all the missionaries of the various Societies at present in the country, without interfering with each other. The differences which subsist between them as to the mode of conducting their labours, however well understood among ourselves, are not understood by the natives, and would, I apprehend, were they prominently brought before them, serve in many cases as a hindrance to the accomplishment of the object we all aim at. On this account, and on this alone, I am requested to communicate with you on the subject of your relinquishing your station at Tally Gunge to the missionary lately appointed to take charge of the Diocesan Committee s Schools in that quarter* When you some time ago offered to superintend the Committee's school near your house, you were, I think, informed that the reason for declining your offer was, that we w ere expecting a missionary to arrive who would take charge of that, and of the other schools of the Committee in your neighbourhood. A missionary has now arrived, and will enter on the superintendence of these schools. If you will kindly consult the friends with whom you act, and it should be agreed to accede to our wishes, the expense your Society has been at in the erection of buildings at Tally Gunge will be cheerfully reimbursed by the Diocesan Committee; of course time will be allowed for your finding another suitable abode ; and I need scarcely add, that the same principle of noninterference with the proceedings of your Society, in respect to any missionary stations already formed among the heathen, will be exercised by the Committee on any opportunity they may have of extending their labours away from large cities.
“ I am,
“ My dear Sir,
To the “ Your's sincerely,
Rev. M. Hill. (Signed) “ Pan. Corrie.â€
“ Rev. and dear Sir, “ December —, 1823.
“ Allow me to apologize for the delay in acknowledging your’s of the 27th November, which, however, on my part, has been unavoidable, being absent from home.
“ My brethren in the mission have embraced the first opportunity of considering the proposal made to them by the Diocesan Committee, and in reply have authorized me to say, that we desire to cherish nothing more ardently than a spirit of peace and unanimity with all that love the Lord Jesus Christ; that the appearance of an opposite disposition would be painful to us, and therefore we accept the proposal contained in your letter, namely, to resign the missionary station at Tally Gunge to the Diocesan Committee, under the consideration of the expenses, &c. incurred by the erection of the buildings at Tally Gunge, being reimbursed to the Bengal Auxiliary Missionary Society by the Diocesan Committee.
“ I am,
“ Rev. and dear Sir,
“ Your’s sincerely,
To the Rev. D. Cdrrie. (Signed) “ M. Hill."
Mr. M. Hill having thus vacated the station at Tally Gunge, in compliance with the wish of the Diocesan Committee, it was deemed proper, after due deliberation, by his brethren of the mission, in which determination he himself fully concurred, that he should remove to Berhamporb, in the vicinity of the city of Moorshedabad, province of Bengal, under which head the further proceedings of Mr. Micaiah Hili will be communicated.
Mr. Trawin is diligently employed at this station, the prospects of which are becoming daily more interesting and encouraging.
A Chapel has been erected for public worship (49 feet by 30). The estimate is 4,000 Sicca Rupees, or about £400, nearly the whole of which sum has been subscribed. *
A Seminary is about to be established for the more advanced boys selected from the Native Schools, to whom it may be desirable to afford the means of more liberal education, to fit them for becoming teachers, and eventually, should they cordially embrace Christianity, regular preachers of the Gospel to their countrymen.
David Dale, Esq. of Jessore, whose late highly-respected father was a generous benefactor of the Society, has liberally
* See Appendix—Contributions received Abroad. H
contributed towards the liquidation of the expenses of the Chapel, and likewise to the promotion of the Seminary, in which he takes a very lively interest.
No report for the past year of the two native boys’ schools, at this station, has been, as yet, received. The native girls’ school, superintended by Mrs. Trawin, is increased in number, and the attendance, though fluctuating, is more regular than formerly. The expense of this school is defrayed by ladies who have kindly interested themselves in its welfare.
A school for native boys, and another for girls, have been commenced at Chitlah, a village situated a few miles from Kidderpore. ®
At Howalee, a village near Chitlah, a native girls’ school has been commenced, called the Irvine Female School. This school has been established at the request, and will be supported by the liberality, of the “ Irvine Female Bible Society.â€
A native boys’ school has been opened at Bealbab, a large village situated about three miles south of Kidderpore, under circumstances of extraordinary promise. The village, which is very populous, is situated in the midst of several other villages, and is inhabited chiefly by Brahmins. One of these, a respectable and wealthy individual, named Haldam, has publicly countenanced the school, and of the 100 boys which compose it, has himself been instrumental in placing 80 under instruction.
A Sabbath Adult School has been commenced, composed of the workmen of a gentleman at Kidderpore. They have regularly attended several Sundays, and submit to be catechised. The attendance has in one instance reached 60. The example afforded by this school, which the brethren represent as an experiment in the East Indies, might probably be imitated with advantage in Europe.
The weekly meetings for religious conversation and prayer at this station are found equally interesting and profitable. It was at one of these meetings, that the Hindoo Convert, Ramhurree, received his first serious impressions. *
It is proposed to receive Ramhurree into the service of the mission. A gentleman at Kidderpore has engaged to support
* In the Report for 1824, (page 62,) Ramhurree is inadvertently confounded with an aged Brahmin, who has embraced Christianity, and who Js one of the first-fruits of Mr. Trawin’s ministry.
him while prosecuting a course of study under the direction of Mr. Trawin. During this time he will enter gradually on his labours, by catechising children, and instructing his countrymen. The wife of Ramhurree has commenced learning to read, and, it is hoped, will eventually make herself useful in the female department of the mission.
Respecting the schools in this vicinity, we quote, with pleasure, the following passage from the Report of the Committee of the Bengal Auxiliary Missionary Society for 1824.
“ The schools at Kidderpore and at Chitlah (observe the Committee) afford striking instances of the good effects which result from the religious instruction of youth. It almost invariably disposes the parents to respect the missionaries, and consequently to receive their admonitions with attention. The children of these schools are regularly catechised before service, whenever the Chapel is opened for divine worship; and we believe the explanatory observations, made on these occasions, have not only tended to ground the pupils in the Christian Faith, but have also proved of great advantage to the adult hearers. The boys in^he first classes have repeatedly read through the. Gospels, can give account of the leading facts, and have committed some of the parables to memory. One boy, receiving the Pentateuch as a loan, read twenty-two chapters in about two days ; and the principal events were so impressed upon his memory, that he recited nearly the whole of them as they stand recorded."
The Directors observe, with satisfaction, the attention paid at the Calcutta stations to Native Female Instruction, convinced as they are, that the intellectual and moral improvement of this portion of the population is of the highest importance to the ultimate success of missionary efforts in all heathen countries, but more particularly in Hindoostan. The missionaries at this station have drawn up and printed an appeal to the Ladies of Great Britain upon this interesting topic, which we hope to have an opportunity of laying before the public.
Printing-Office.—No report of this establishment for the past year has been received.
Distribution of Tracts, fyc.—No specific enumeration of tracts put into circulation appears in any of the communications from this station, received by the Directors during the past year. The following observations of the Committee of the Bengal Auxiliary Society, however, present considerable encouragement to prosecute with activity this important branch of missionary labour.
“ The avidity of the natives (observe the Committee) to obtain tracts, is a pleasing proof that a gradual desire to become acquainted with this new religion is arising in their minds. Though in many cases they may have been sought from improper motives, yet that is not always the case, may appear from the trouble which it has frequently cost them to obtain tracts, in coming the distance of two, four, and six miles for this purpose.â€
Itinerancies.—In the summer of 1823, Mr. Trawin performed a tour in Bengal, for the purpose of conversing with the natives on religious subjects, preaching, and distributing tracts. Many interesting circumstances occurred during the same, some of which have been published in extracts from his Journal, inserted in the Appendix to the Report of the Bengal Auxiliary Society for 1824. The importance of the subject to which it relates, induces us to extract from that Journal the following passage:—
June 25.—“ Arrived at Cutdia Cotta, the residence of our esteemed friend A. B. Esq. Spent much of the forenoon in making necessary inquiries respecting the adjacent'villages, in the most populous of which, I hope, by the divine blessing, to make known the unsearchable riches of Christ. Mr. B/s factory is situated on the banks of the Cutdia Cotta Creek, which joins the Dakka River, about 80 miles N. E. of Calcutta, and lies contiguous to many populous villages. It is a central situation, and commands (I understand) thirteen Indigo Factories, within eight miles circumference. In these establishments, thousands of natives obtain constant employment; and would, I have no doubt, regularly attend Christian Instruction, were suitable Bengalee Chapels erected, and a missionary stationed among them. At each of these factories Christian Schools might also be established, for the religious instruction of both sexes. I have been exceedingly gratified by witnessing the commencement of this at Cutdia Cotta. Mr. B. has begun a school for Christian Instruction at one of his factories. * There are about 28 or 30 scholars who regularly attend ; several of them are fine stout lads, 15 or 16 years of age, who would have passed their days on earth without knowing the
* The following passage, extracted from the Report of the Bengal Auxiliary Society, relates to the origin of the school at Cutdia Cotta:—
Messrs. De Courcy and Black, of Cutdia Cotta, solicitous that the heathen around them, many of whom are in their employ, should be furnished with the means of salvation, applied to the Committee of the Bengal Auxiliary Missionary Society, for information on The best method of establishing and conducting schools. They were supplied with suitable elementary books, and they have since established a school in their vicinity, and defrayed all the expenses connected with it.’ Your Committee feel happy to record this instance of Christian philanthropy, and hope the example will be emulated by many whose circumstances are equally auspicious to the promulgation of the Gospel.â€
alphabet of their vernacular tongue, had not this institution been opened to them. It is most sincerely to be wished, that all gentlemen of the Indigo Establishments would follow the example of Mr. B., in sowing the seed of moral and religious instruction in the minds of those youths who are growing up to plough and sow in their plantations. Thus, by a small monthly expenditure, not exceeding Ten Rupees, the children of their dependants might receive a course of instruction, tending, by the blessing of God, to qualify them for the discharge of all personal and relative duties here, and to fit them for the ineffable joys of heaven hereafter.’*
This suggestion of Mr. Trawin is obviously, in the present state of Hindoostan, of great importance; and we cordially hope, that it will receive the attention which it so well deserves from the gentlemen connected with the Indigo and other European Establishments in India, that at length 'the respective portions of the Hindoo population, in the midst of which they are situated, may form so many distinct Christian communities. The formation also of adult schools, composed of the workmen belonging to such establishments, like that lately established at Kidderpore, might, by the divine blessing, greatly contribute to promote this desirable event.
In December of the same year, Mr. Trawin, accompanied by his brethren Messrs. Hill and Warden, proceeded as far as Gour, the ancient capital of Bengal. At some of the places visited in the course of this journey, the people remembered the illustrations used by the brethren in conversations on a former tour, and requested that one of their number might remain among them, as a missionary.
Mr. Warden is assiduously pursuing the study of the language, and preaches, in his turn, at Union Chapel. He superintends several schools, and has much public business, connected with the general object of the mission, on his hands; being now Secretary and Librarian to the Calcutta Religious Tract Society, as well as ^Secretary to the Christian School Society.
Towards the last-mentioned institution, the Directors, during the past year, have voted the sum of ^100.*
During the past year, the out-door labours of the brethren have been materially interrupted by violent rains, and the pre-
See Report for 1824, page 61.
valence of a fever which produced remarkably debilitating effects; for several weeks the churches and chapels of Calcutta were nearly empty; and it was with great difficulty the brethren who attempted to conduct public worship, were able to proceed through the services.
Bengal Auxiliary Missionary Society.—The direct contributions to this Society, whose exertions have been so laudable, and which have yielded from year to year most efficient support to the Calcutta Mission, amounted, for the year ending
31st December, 1823, to...................S.R. 3,313 8 6
Calcutta Ladies’ Branch Society.................818 4 0
Chinsurah ditto........................ 557 0 0
The Committee have voted the sum of S. R. 500 to the Calcutta Religious Tract Society, together with ail the publications in their possession, adapted to distribution by that Society*
Mr. and Miss Piffard, who have been for several months pursuing the study of Bengalee, under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Townley and Mr. Pearson, are expected to embark for Calcutta in the course of a few days. They will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Ray, who have been some time in this country for the benefit of their health, on their return to India.
The Rev. Mr. Townley, in compliance with the request of the Directors, has consented to postpone, for a year, his return to India, in order to assist in preparing teachers, who will remain, as such, in this country, and in the formation of other permanent arrangements for securing to missionaries destined to the East Indies, prior to their embarkation, instruction in therianguages of the stations to which they may be respectively appointed, as well as, generally, in such appropriate branches of oriental learning as may qualify them for becoming more extensively useful as missionaries.
Mr. Townley, since his arrival in England, has published a Reply to the Letters of the Abbe Dubois “ On the State of Christianity in India.â€
George Mundy, I MissiQnaries John Edmonds, ^iisswuaries-
Mr. John Edmonds, from the Seminary at Gosport, appointed to this station, embarked, as already stated,* with Mrs. Edmonds, and Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, destined to Malacca, in the Pyramus, Captain Brodie, on the 24th of last May, and, together with his companions, arrived safe at Madras on the 30th of September. On the 17th of October they left Madras for Calcutta, where they arrived on the 11th November.
They shortly after proceeded to Chinsurah, to the great joy of Mr. Mundy, who greatly required aid in the business of the mission, and was deeply suffering from the loss of Mrs. Mundy, who, we regret to state, had departed this life, after a short HE ness, on the 30th of the preceding July.
The exemplary piety of Mrs. Mundy, her usefulness in the mission, her consistent conduct, and her amiable manners, bespeak the loss sustained by her husband, the Society, the circle of friends in which she moved, and by the community at large.f
A petition having been presented to His Excellency, the Governor of Chinsurah, for permission to erect a monument to the memory of Mrs. Mundy, he signified the same in a communication of which the following is a copy.
“ The Governor taking into consideration that Mrs. Mandy, having always shown herself a friend to the Netherland youth in this settlement where she taught both by her precept and her exemplary life—
“ The Governor taking further and especially into consideration, that Mrs. Mundy having at all times shown herself a friend to. the^poor native girls of this settlement, to whom she imparted, to the utmost of her.powef, and most disinterestedly, instruction in such things as tended to promote their temporal, and more particularly their spiritual welfare, endeavouring thereby to promote in this heathen land, religion, virtue, and good morals—thinks it highly proper that the memory of so worthy a person be held in honour, and therefore the Governor with pleasure grants the request of the Petitioners, and by this confers leave to the gentlemen concerned, to erect a monument in the burial-place of this Colony, free of the usual tax.â€
Native Schools.—On the departure of Mr. Pearson for'Europe, the superintendence of the schools supported by the Bengal Go-
* See art. Malacca, page 46.
t See Particulars of the Life, &c., of Mrs. Mundy, in the Society’s
Missionary Chronicle.
vernment devolved on Mr. Mundy. According to the report of their progress, submitted to the Government, under date of the 2d March, 1824, the number then in operation was 24, the number of scholars on the books 2,804, and the average attendance about 2,400, as will more fully appear from the following schedule.
Native Schools under the superintendence of the Mission, supported by the Bengal Government.
1. Nichaite . 100 85
2. Bhatpara . 150 . 120
3. Hooghly 120 . 90
4. Bibeerhaut . . 110 . 100
5. Atpare 105 90
6. Mankunda 160 . 125
7. Ca’amdelpore. 120 . 100
8. Naja 90 80
9. Halichar . 150 . 120
10. Kansberia . 130 . 105
11. Bansberia 120 . 100
12. Kachrapara . . 115 95
13. Trivicree : . 140 . . 120
14. Taypare . 110 . 100
15. Saugung 90 75
16. Chayda . . 120 . 105
17. Seemra 100 90
18. Guptipara 110 95
19. Badayachi 110 . 100
20. Sadagachi . 100 90
21. (1) Omibika . . 125 . 112
22. (2) Ditto 95 84
23. Ger 120 . 110
24. Santipore 114 . 105
Total on the Books, 2,804 Total in Attendance, 2,396
Mr. Mundy, with the permission of the Government, has built a boat for the purpose of facilitating his visits to the schools situated on the banks of the Hooghly.
The number of boys in those schools, which are solely under the direction of the mission, has considerably increased, in consequence of the adoption of an improved arrangement. Their progress Mr. Mundy describes as highly encouraging, and their acquaintance with the Scriptures as “truly delightful.†With
such gratifying proofs before him of the beneficial effects produced by the schools, he deeeply laments that the want of funds alone should prevent him from complying with the applications he is frequently receiving for the establishment of more.
Mr. Mundy has devoted himself with very commendable assiduity to the business of this department, and there is reason to believe no schools of this description in Bengal are in a state of greater forwardness than those under his direction.
An additional school-room for native boys has been erected during the past year, which has been since given up to the Dutch. It appears, that His Excellency, the Governor, held in his hands a deposit for the support of schools in Chinsurah exclusively, and as the Society’s schools occupied all the spare ground within the limits of the town, His Excellency would not have been able legally to appropriate the same, unless the recently erected school-house had been placed at his disposal. The school itself will be conducted under the superintendence of the Rev. Mr. Lacroix, the pious missionary of the Netherland Society.
An additional native female school has been commenced, which contains about 60 girls. A school-room is building for it, which will accommodate from 15 to 20 more than that number. In both of the female schools Christian Catechisms and other religious books are used.
At two of the stations where boys’ schools are established, small schools for native females have been commenced, in which the number of girls under instruction is about sixteen.
English Worship.—The European congregation has been much reduced, in consequence of many families having left the Settlement. A weekly prayer-meeting is held, and Mr. Mundy has reason to hope that his people are, in general, advancing in piety. An European youth, who has received religious impressions, and wishes to devote himself to missionary service, has been placed under the care of Mr. James Hill at Calcutta. Another promising youth has since offered himself for the same service.
Native Services.—Mr. Mundy continues to preach to the natives, but during the cold season they will not attend evening services. Opportunities frequently occur of addressing the people in the villages, when on his inspecting visits to the
schools. The benefit derived by their children from the schools, appears tohave checked among the natives the spirit of gainsaying, and to have given to the missionary an influence which may eventually prove favourable to the success of the Gospel. Mr. Mundy, solicitous to improve, as far as possible, these advantages, has increased the number of his inspecting visits, which are greatly expedited by his having a boat entirely at his own disposal. When he has examined the scholars, he distributes tracts among the people, and afterwards addresses them on religious subjects.
A spot of ground has been obtained, through the intervention of Mr. Overbeck, in a very eligible situation, on which a native chapel and school-room have been recently erected.
Mr. Mundy is compiling, in Bengalee, a General Outline of Ancient History. As nothing of this kind has been hitherto attempted, the boys in the schools have no idea of authentic history. It is his intention to interweave into it as large a portion of sacred history as may comport with his plan, and is not without hope that his little work will be found useful in the schools.
The following suggestion of Mr. Mundy seems to deserve attention, viz. that missions to the heathen inhabiting countries where Europeans reside, are much more likely to prove effective if the mission station be fixed at a short distance from the European Settlement. He observes, that natives who dwell in or near such settlements, are, in general, more depraved than others, while the missionary is himself exposed, in such situations, to the operation of causes wdiich are likely to impair the energy and spirit of the missionary character.
Mr. Pearson, whose health, during his visit to this country, has experienced considerable amendment, is expected shortly to embark for India. It is probable, that on his arrival at Chinsu-rah, he will again resume the superintendence of the native schools under the patronage of the Bengal Government.
(New Station.)
Micaiah Hill, Missionary.
We have already mentioned, under the article Calcutta, the removal of Mr. Micaiah Hill to this station. He has fixed his residence in the vicinity of an extensive Bazar, and within a short distance of four other Bazars. He calculates that a circle of two miles drawn around him would include a population of about 20,000 natives.
After encountering considerable opposition from the natives, he has succeeded in establishing six schools on the Indigenous Plan. Of these, four are for the children of- Hindoos, and the other two for those of Mohammedans. The latter are conducted by Persian Moonshees.
Mrs. Hill, after overcoming similar difficulties, has succeeded in establishing a native female school, and purposes opening ^others when she has procured suitable teachers. She has called her school after her native place, Newcastle School.
Mrs. Hill has appealed, in behalf of Schools for Native Female Education, to the European residents at the station, and not without success.
Should Mr. Hill be assisted with adequate school-funds, he purposes making an attempt to establish a line of Native Schools throughout the adjacent city of Moorshedabad, which extends about eight miles along both sides of the Cossimbazar River, f A sum has been voted by the Directors, towards enabling Mr. Hill to carry into effect this important design. J
The brethren at Calcutta state, that another missionary is greatly wanted at Berhampore.
* Berhampore is situated in the vicinity of Moorsbedabad, a city in Bengal, situated in N. Lat. 24° IT, and E. Long. 88° 15', distant about 120 miles of Calcutta.
t The Cossimbazar, or Bhagirally, river, united with the Jellinghy, forms the Hooghly or Calcutta river.
t A native school can be supported for about £25, an indigenous ditto for about £10, per annum.
Matthew Thomson Adam, Missionary.
Mr. Adam continues to be usefully engaged in preparing and publishing school-books and other useful works ; in superintending schools; conversing with the natives; distributing tracts, and in preaching the Gospel to an European Congregation.
A commodious Chapel, lately built by subscription, chiefly through the exertions of persons holding inferior stations in the army, who formerly attended the ministry of Mr. Adam at his private house, has been vested in the Society by the subscribers, who include many of the respectable European residents at the station. Mr. Adam now preaches statedly at this Chapel, on Sabbath and Tuesday evenings. He is attempting to form a school in connexion with it, but finds it difficult to induce the parents to send their children.
Native Schools.—The attendance at the schools in the Kashee-poor and Habeebpoor districts has greatly increased; and it has been, in consequence, found necessary to procure for the latter a larger school-room. In one of these schools three teachers are employed; one for the elements of Sanscrit, and Hindee classes, in the Naguree character; one for classes in Persian; and one for the Keithee character, used in the native mode of keeping accounts. In the other, there is one teacher for classes in the Keithee and Naguree characters only. The publications of the Calcutta Book Society are read in both schools. Some of the boys are reading a Collection of Divine Sayings, in Hin-doostanee, printed by the Church Missionary Society; and it is the intention of Mr. Adam to introduce the Scriptures into all the classes.
Of the state of the schools in the Cantonment, during the past year, no report has been as yet received.
Mr. Adam’s Address to the Inhabitants of Benares has been printed at the Calcutta Mission-Press, and is in circulation. His Catechism for Children is in course of printing.
He has translated into Hinduwee Mr. Pearson’s “ Substance of Dr. Bell’s Instruction for modelling and conducting Schools,†published by the Calcutta Christian School-Book Society ; also another of that Society’s publications, entitled the “O o pudesh
Cutha,†or More Tales of History.†The first-mentioned translation has been printed at Calcutta.
Mr. Adam’s Hinduwee Tract, entitled a Commentary on the Ten Commandments, has been gratuitously translated into Persian, in a poetical form, by a native who has volunteered in this service. The Rev. Mr. Adlington, of the Church Missionary Society, has kindly undertaken to correct this Version, after which it will be printed as a tract, and circulated.
Mr. Adam purposes forming a small Religious Library, which will include other useful books, particularly works treating of the history, religion, manners, and literature of the nations of the East; and he will be happy to receive donations of books from friends in this country in aid of this object.
The formidable obstacles which present themselves, at this station, as being the great centre of Brahminical Idolatry, peculiarly requires, on the part of the missionary, an unceasing exercise of faith in the promises of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. We quote the following observations of Mr. Adam, inserted in the Report of the Bengal Auxiliary Society, as affording a transcript of his feelings on a survey of this great city, almost wholly given to idolatry, and of the multitudes who resort there, with a lie in their right-hand, to spend the last remnant of their days, cherishing hopes which nothing but the deepest infatuation, or most inveterate superstition, could inspire :—
“ Benares (says Mr. A.) exhibits in full operation some of the worst principles of Hindoo superstition. It is a holy place, and said to possess such wonderful sanctity, that all who die within its prescribed boundaries are certain, in consequence of this, of obtaining an immediate entrance into heaven. The number of persons who resort to it annually from all quarters of the country, to partake of its holiness, or to finish their career of folly and impiety within its hallowed precincts, is exceedingly great. That a people under the influence of such a principle—destructive as it is of all moral obligation, as well as adapted to lull the mind into a stupid and destructive security respecting the momentous concerns of eternity— should despise “ the Gospel of the grace of God,†and exhortations to enter in at the strait gate, and to walk in the narrow way that leadeth into life, is, though a distressingly affecting consideration, yet nothing but what might be expected. The Gospel offers its invaluable blessings to the “poor in spirit,†but they fancy themselves “ rich and increased in goods, and having need of nothing.†The Saviour is a Saviour to them who feel themselves lost; but they fancy themselves already at the “ gate of heaven,†and certain of obtaining an easy ad-
mission through it. Add to this, the awful wickedness of their lives, occasioned or fostered by the local superstitions, and it will easily be perceived that Benares presents many and peculiar obstacles both to missionary exertions and to the reception of the S<**iour. Amid such a population, it is a great blessing to dwell in peace and safety, and to do any thing that may lead, though the effects may b remote, to the important and happy object we have in view.â€
No friend of missions, we are persuaded, can read the foregoing observations, without feeling an earnest desire, that the utmost exertions which the Society is capable of making to disseminate Christian Knowledge, should be put forth in this part of India. Benares may justly be regarded as one of the strongest holds of Satan in that region of the globe; and it is surely proper, that correspondent efforts should be made to effect the spiritual demolition of that citadel of error—that emporium of idolatry and superstition. It is, indeed, very undesirable that the Society should, at any of its stations in the East, have no more than one missionary, but it is peculiarly so at so important a station as Benares. Where only one missionary labours, it is sufficiently obvious, that in case of serious and protracted illness, the operations of the mission must be in a great measure suspended, and in case of death, that the mission itself must become extinct.
In order to supply the existing necessity at Benares, the Directors have repeatedly appealed to the Christian Public, through the medium of the Society’s Monthly Chronicle, in the hope that they might receive offers, from ministers and others, on the principle of limited service; but they are deeply concerned to state, that those appeals have not been as yet attended with the desired effect. They trust, however, that their hopes will eventually be realized, and in the mean time have authorized Mr. Adam to look out for a suitable person in the country, to assist him in the formation and superintendence of schools.
Edmund Crisp,
James Massie, ( Missionaries.
William Taylor, J
Teruchelroy, Native Teacher.
John Nimmo, Native Assistant.
Mr. William Taylor arrived with his companions, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, safe at Madras, on the 22d of May. The kind
* attentions of Captain Driver were unremitted during the whole of the voyage. Divine worship was performed statedly on board, except when the weather proved unfavourable. The brethren were allowed to distribute tracts, and every facility was afforded by Captain Driver to enable them to make themselves in other respects useful to the sailors.
Central School.—Of this seminary, instituted for the preparation of promising native youths of good talents, for the office of
$ schoolmaster, the Tamil department is under the direction of Mr. Crisp, and the English department under that of Mr. Massie.
It has been judged desirable that the native youths educated in the central school should be chiefly such as have no heathen connexions at Madras; as it has been found that the influence exerted by friends on the spot tends to counteract the efforts of the missionaries for their benefit. Letters have been accordingly sent to the stations in the interior, requesting the brethren to select, from their respective schools, suitable youths for the object, and, if the consent of their parents can be obtained, to send them forthwith to the seminary at Madras.
Beside the central school, there are at present twelve other schools, containing on an average 30 boys each. These schools are not in an equally flourishing 6tate. In several of them, however, the progress of the children is very encouraging. The school at Triplicane, is wholly composed of children of the Brahmin caste. Two of the schools are situated at distances of 15 and 20 miles from Madras.
Tamil reading has been lately introduced into the charity-school in Black Town.
The want of Tamil elementary books being great, Mr. Crisp
purposes devoting a portion of his time to the preparation of such works.
Native Preaching.—The services at Persewaukum chapel are continued as formerly.
During the past year several favourable and unexpected opportunities of addressing the natives were afforded, in consequence of the prevalent distress resulting from the failure of the harvest. Mr. Taylor having been appointed Secretary to the Fepery and Persewaukum Funds for the Relief of distressed Natives, took an active part in their distribution. About 1,000 usually attended to receive assistance. On these occasions they were sometimes addressed, in a body, by Mr. Taylor, and sometimes in companies of about 500 each, by himself and John Nimmo, the native teacher.
The most favourable opportunities, however, for addressing the natives, are the seasons of examining and catechising the children in the schools. On such occasions, the missionary is surrounded by people, who patiently listen to the reading and exposition of the Scriptures and Catechisms, whom no persuasives would induce to attend the preaching of the Gospel in a place of worship.
English Worship.—The services at the Chapel in Black Town, and at Persewaukum, alternately conducted by the missionaries, are more numerously attended than formerly.
Messrs. Crisp and Massie, during the past year, have successively visited Bangalore, the former for the recovery of health. During their, absence, the Tamil department of the mission, and the superintendence of the schools, devolved on Mr. Taylor.
The Annual Meeting of the Madras Auxiliary Missionary Society was held on the 15th of June, and attended with its usual interest and harmony. The collections, from various causes, of which some were only temporary, were considerably less than those of the preceding anniversary, but the produce of the contributions for the year, exceeded that of the former year.
On a general view of the mission, it appears that there are increasing openings for the circulation of Christian knowledge, and that the brethren are daily coming more and more into communication with the heathen around them.
John Nimmo, and the Catechist Teruchelroy, are assiduous in the discharge of their respective duties in the mission, and are very useful.
John Gordon, )
James Dawson, i x
Native Schools.—The number of schools at this station is increased to 8, and that of children under instruction to about 2/0. Several attempts have been made to establish a female native school without success. A school lately formed, in which the girls are taught English and Teloogoo, as well as to work at their needle, affords some promise. Christian instruction is inviolably adhered to in all the schools.
The Christian School, formerly under the care of the Rev. Mr. Church, (which is included in the above enumeration,) is now under the superintendence of the mission. It contains between 60 and 70 scholars, many of whom are the children of Roman Catholics. The brethren hope, that some of the youths in this school will, at some future time, prove useful assistants in conveying the Gospel to the heathen.
Native Services.—A few of the natives who attend the preaching of the Gospel appear to have profited by it. Their advance in Christian knowledge and improvement in conduct are encouraging. One of the brethren statedly meets them for religious conversation, and endeavours to fortify their minds against the attacks of adversaries.
English Services.— Of these, there are six; two on the Sabbath-day, and four on week-days. The family-worship of the missionaries is open to any who choose to attend.
Among the Europeans are some who appear decided in the cause of Christ, and many of them manifest an improved feeling as regards the support of the mission.
While the prospects of the mission continue to brighten, there is here unquestionable proof of paganism being on the decline. The car of Juggernaut, at Eizagapatam, which seems to have fallen greatly in public estimation, did not make its appearance last year. Its three images were offered the missionaries for 10 pagodas. The Brahmins, indeed, appear to support Hinduism merely to support themselves, since, in other respects, they are as indifferent to its interests as they are ignorant of it as a system. They evidently feel their inferiority
in argument with the missionaries, and stand confounded at the poverty of theii; own dogmas when contrasted with Christianity. Nevertheless, so blended are their interests with the existence of Hinduism, that they continue externally to oppose the truth, the force of which they are compelled to feel.
We lament to state, that Mr. Dawson has been again visited with long and severe indisposition. Mr. Gordon has, in consequence, suffered interruption with his Teloogoo Version of the Old Testament.
John Howell, Missionary.
During the last year, Mr. Howell visited Madras, for the purpose of receiving ordination to the Christian ministry. He was at the same time specially designated to the office of missionary to the heathen. This interesting service, of which an account has been published in the Society’s Monthly Chronicle, took place on the 29th of September.*
Native Schools.—There are at this station four schools, of which three are Teloogoo and one Malabar. The latter is chiefly intended for the native servants belonging to the European gentlemen of the station. There is also a Hindoostanee school under the superintendence of the mission, conducted by a Protestant schoolmaster from Tranquebar, which is wholly supported by respectable, individuals, chiefly resident at Cuddapah.f
In some of the schools, the progress of the children has afforded much satisfaction. Beside catechisms and prayers, adapted to their years, they have committed to memory considerable portions of the Gospel by Matthew.
Of the native girls’ school no report for the past year has been, as yet, received.
The contributions on the spot in support of the schools for the half-year ending 31st December, 1824, amount to nearly £60 sterling.
Native Preaching.—The native services, including one in the jail, are increased to four. Mr. Howell has commenced a lecture on the week-days, and is proceeding through the Acts of
* See Missionary Chronicle for April 1825.
t See Report for 1824, page 73, note.
the Apostles. The congregation has increased from 30 or 40 to nearly 200. About 160 have been baptized by Mr. Howell, and a church has been formed, consisting of 10 members. In reference to this subject, he thus writes :—
“ In my last communication, I stated my intention to baptize two or three adults, but since then the Lord,has so disposed the hearts of the people, (who, it would appear, were for a long season “ halting between two opinions,") as to cause households to forsake their lying vanities, by turning from darkness to light, and from the Kingdom of Satan to the Kingdom of his dear Son, as will appear from the list of baptisms which I have the pleasure to transmit for the information of the Directors, whose hearts, at this intelligence, will, I know, rejoice with thanksgiving and praise. The number baptized by me, is 74 men, 25 women, 40 boys, and 21 girls; and with those baptized previously to my coming here, viz. 26 persons, make a total of 119 adults, and 67 children. Although all be not savingly converted to God, yet I have been induced to baptize them, as having nominally embraced Christianity; and, I trust, under the stated preaching of the Gospel, and the power of the Holy Spirit, they will be savingly impressed. A regular church has been formed consisting of 10 communicants or members, (6 men and 4 women.) I have appointed three respectable and pious natives to assist me as deacons, whose names are Paul Border, Paul Bogue, and Philip George, the former of whom is also a catechist."
One of the converted Hindoos, of the silversmith caste, who has given satisfactory proof of steadfastness in his Christian profession, displays an uncommon anxiety for the salvation of his countrymen, especially his relatives. To some of the latter, who reside at a considerable distance, he has written letters, exhorting them to abandon the unmeaning Hindoo services, and embrace Christianity.
A Christian tillage is about to be erected, to afford those natives who have embraced the Gospel, an opportunity of living near each other, for the more convenient participation in Christian ordinances and instruction. The erection of a native chapel, by subscription, is contemplated.
Distribution of Scriptures and Tracts.—During last year, Mr. Howell performed a missionary tour of about 100 miles in circuit, chiefly in the Dhoor district. At every place he visited, the natives came in crowds to hear him preach. He distributed, in the course of his journey, about 500 tracts, and several copies of the New Testament, which were received with great eagerness
k 2
and apparent pleasure by the people. Beside these, he has distributed numerous copies of portions of the Scriptures and tracts to prisoners in Cuddapah jail and others, and to those .natives from the country who have occasionally called upon him at his own house.
Mr. Howell is engaged in translating from the Tamil, into Teloogoo, a Scripture History, compiled by one of the former missionaries at Tranquebar. He has continued to enjoy the patronage and assistance of many highly respectable European residents at the station, among whom is the Hon. G. J. Waters, late Judge at Cuddapah, and J. W. Russell, Esq., who have laid him, as well as the Society, under peculiar obligations.
Joseph Taylor, Missionary.
Ryadass, Native Teacher,
Native Schools,—During the past year three ^nore schools have been formed, making seven, in which nearly 200 children are instructed in Christian knowledge and useful learning. The following is a schedule of the schools :—
No. of Children.
Belgaum—contains . . . . . . 25'
School at Shawpore . . . •. pMahratta Schools—children of
Gawnapore . .... . > the Brahmin, Merchant, and
Nundhaguddy . . . . . . . .. 38 ( . Weaver Castes,
Bedee ........
' Tamil Schools — children of
Lascar Lines . . 21 ' ) Artillery Seapoys, and of
The Camp at the Koul Bazar . ... 25 ' \ Pareahs belonging to camp-followers.
In the above schools are taught readings writing, and arithmetic. The books, &c. read and committed to memory, are Dr. Watts’s Catechisms, tracts, and select portions of Scripture. The schools are supported partly by the funds of the Society and by the Belgaum Association, and, partly by subscriptions for the express purpose.
The children attend regularly, all circumstances considered; but until their parents cease to require their presence at the numerous Hindoo festivals and other ceremonies, a due degree of regularity in their attendance cannot reasonably be expected.
Few instances have occurred of children being removed from the schools because of the religious instruction imparted in them. At Nundhaguddy, a village about twelve miles distant from Belgaum, objections were raised on the ground that Christian books were used in the school; but when the people were given to understand, that, at so remote a distance, a school could not be supported on any other condition, their objections were heard of no more.
On this subject of the frequent premature removal of the children from the schools, the Committee of the Belgaum Association, in their Report for 1824, remark as follows:—
Ci Several of the most promising children have been removed from the Belgaum and Shawpore schools by their parents, in consequence of their services being required to assist in obtaining a subsistence for their families.
“ This, (viz. the premature removal of the children from the schools,) though discouraging, is a circumstance of frequent occurrence in similar establishments in this country. The parents in general being in low circumstances, jas soon as their children can perform any manual labour, they are glad to avail themselves of their services ; besides, having been illiterately brought up themselves,r hey are not able to appreciate, nor do they desire any greater education for their children, than an ability to read a note and cast up accounts. It is, however, hoped, that what these children have learnt will not easily be eradicated from their minds. They have been led to know and acknowledge that the prevailing superstitions and idolatrous practices in this country are unreasonable, and cannot be acceptable to God. They have been taught what the sacred Scriptures reveal of the state of man by nature, and the way of salvation through Jesus Christ; the hearts of some seemed to be impressed with the importance of divine things, and they have professed their hope and desire to be saved by the Gospel. Though now for a season the seed which has thus been sown may seem unproductive, yet in due time we may hope, by the blessing of Him who hath said, “ My word shall not return unto me void," that it will spring up and bring forth fruit in various degrees to the divine glory, and thus compensate for all the labour which has been taken, and expense which has been incurred, towards this object. The number of children in all the schools is 185, but the number which attend on an average is 150, who are daily taught, besides reading, writing, and accounts, in the principles of the Christian religion."
English School.—This school is situated in the Fort, but it is under the superintendence of the missionary. It was established for the children of non-commissioned officers and other
Europeans stationed there; but native children are also admissible. The parents pay a small sum monthly towards defraying the expenses of the school.
Native Worship.—Mr. Taylor conducts the Canarese Services at Shawpore, as usual, on which occasions he expounds the Scriptures. He has procured a Collection of Hymns in Mahratta, and hopes, after a while, to introduce singing into the religious services of the mission.
Ryadass continues to be very diligent and useful. Almost every other evening be reads the Scriptures to some Hindoos of Uhe Weaver Caste, prays, and converses with them upon religious subjects. He also occasionally visits the families of other Hindoos who attend the native services, and introduces religious conversation. Among the advantages resulting from the employment of pious Native Teachers, Mr. Taylor mentions the following, in connexion with these visits of Ryadass; viz. that were he himself to pursue a similar plan, he should have to contend with difficulties that the Native Teacher does not experience, since some members of the families, thus visited, entertain objections to Christianity, merely as the Religion of Whites.
Seven Hindoos, viz. two Brahmins, and five of the tribe Ut-takaro, are candidates for baptism.
We lament to state, that some recent local circumstances have operated to reduce the attendance on the native services; but, it is hoped, this effect will be only temporary.
Distribution of the Scriptures and Tracts.—The distribution of the Scriptures and Tracts is considerable. Of those in Mahratta, a greater number has been dispersed than in any former year. The demand for the Scriptures is increasing among the Roman Catholics at Goa, who show a much more liberal spirit than their forefathers. Several of the priests, and many belonging to the lower classes, have been supplied with copies. On this subject, the Committee of the Belgaum Association make the following remarks :—
“ The disposition thus manifested to receive and read the Scriptures, appears to the Committee a most encouraging token, that the time is not very remote, when a pleasing revolution will be effected in the spiritual