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“...the Schools on the occasion of its Jubilee. This sum has gone to the purchase of another raft, which now floats opposite the G.S. Bathing-shed. The reading of the letter given below was greeted with loud and prolonged applause and the opportunity is now taken of publicly thanking those who have so generously and thoughtfully contributed to a gift of such value and usefulness. June 15, 1931. R. F. Harris, Esqr., China Inland Mission Boys’ School, Chefoo. Dear Mr. Harris, In nearly every part of the world today the thoughts of hundreds of old scholars of the China Inland Mission Schools will revert back to the days of their youth and the happy years they spent in Chefoo. Apart from the occasion being the anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the Boys’ School, it is the fiftieth year since the schools were first established in Chefoo. As a token of their grateful indebtedness to their respective alma maters a number of old students have raised a fund with which to make a presentation...”
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“...37 The article below is from the pen of Mrs. Dansey Smith, who has been connected with the Schools for so many years. In 1881 the following notice appeared in the Magazine of the China Inland Mission, “Among the various Worfes we are proposing is that of a School for the children of missionaries and other foreign residents in China, and we trust that through it, the trial and expense of sending children home from China may in many cases be saved. ” That same year Mr. W. L. Elliston became the first headmaster, beginning with twelve boys and girls. In 1883 the boys and girls Were separated. THE MARCH OF THE YEARS N looking back over a period of fifty years—either in the life of a person or of an institution—it is natural to seek for signs of growth and progress. If these are found there will be encouragement for the future. The two mottoes of the C.I.M., Ebenezer and Jeho- vah- Jireh, receive abundant justification as we review the fifty years during which these schools have existed. From...”
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“...alterations, have served until this day, but as I write additions are being made to the Boys’ School, and there are rumours of fur- ther great changes and additions to the accommodation provided. It is possible now to have comforts and con- veniences which were unthought of in the early days. Then as to Staff. In the C.I.M. all types of workers are ‘missionaries in their own right’, so that mem- bers of the Staff are members of the Mission on the same footing as those who work in the interior. In the early days of the school the number of wok.eirs in the Mission was comparatively small, and it was often very difficult to find a sufficient supply of people to staff the schools. This meant that the members of the Staff were liable to be called upon for all kinds of work outside their teach- ing, such as sick-nursing, wardrobe-keeping, etc. Also in the Girls’ School, at least, the older girls got valuable training in many practical subjects not included in the curriculum. For instance, I cannot...”
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“...BURGESS. Margaret: Nursing, Melbourne. Jack, Has bought practice at Healesville, Vic. Irene, Attending Business College, Melbourne. COATES. Reginald, Farming, N.S.W. CONWAY. Gordon: Stanley: Phyllis: Engineering. ) . , , q Business. > ,T „ , , Teaching. J Kew ZealancL DAVIES. Kathleen: Nursing. Paul: Has taken finals in Accountancy. Business Still attending School. Brisbane, Queensland Isabel: Leona: DAVIES. Jock: New Zealand. EDGAR. Elsie: Leaves in August for Korea where she will take up Mission work. Huston: Business. / „ Gordon: > Adelaide, South Australia. EMBERY. Winifred: Resident Teacher, Ruyton Girls’ School, Melbourne. Eric: Business, Melbourne. ENTWISTLE. Alec: Business, Sale Vic. Handley: Business, Melbourne. Vic. GARDINER. Frier: Business, Studying Accountancy, Gee- long, Vic. Jean: Hopes to train in Geelong Hospital. GOULD. Athelstane: Auckland, N.Z. HARLOW. John: Farming. N.S.W. HERBERT. Beth: John: Passed Finals in Nursing, I „ . > Melbourne. Business. ; JAMIESON....”
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“...69 MATTHEWS. Joan: Still attending School, Sydney. MALCOLM. Ronald : University, Dunedin, N.Z. McIntyre. Herbert: Leaving for China in C.I.M. party in November. Ernest: Motor Mechanic, Brisbane, Queensland. Bruce: Business, Melbourne. McNEUR. Jean: Leaving in September for China under Canton Village Mission. PIKE. Douglas: Business, Sydney. Walter: Chemist, Melbourne. PLATT. Winifred: Norman. Business, Melbourne. PORTECUS. Ruth: Last year at Teachers’ College, Mel- bourne. Christine: Business, Melbourne. WATERS. Kitty: Stenographer in C.I.M. Office, Mel- bourne. WATERS. Mark: Farming, N.Z. WEBSTER. Constance: Nursing, Methodist Babies’ Home, Melbourne. YOUNG. Nessie: Teaching, Victoria. The Editors of this magazine: W. D. Thom,as and D. Landsborough. The G.S. Magazine Committee: K. Broomhallil and F. King. Photographic Competition: 1st Prize: G. Warren 2nd Prizes: 1 [ N. D. Smith i A. I). Smith...”