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“...266 A LEAF FROM THE PAST 'ia remember the good old days, when, unburdened by respon- & sibility, I wandered in a far-off mission-station with a large district free from all uproar at my disposal. Faint visions of those GOOD Old Days float before my eyes. But how and in what order should I set them down? A jumble of vague reminiscences would do no one any good. I see a large double house with an extensive lawn and garden bordered by a large orchard near which a broad but muddy river flows. Two dogs, a large pointer and a heavy mongrel gambol sportively in the shade of some tall mulberry trees. Seated in the branches are three children trilling “Three Blind Mice’’ at the top of their voices. The scene changes. The double house is still there; but one of the dogs has died. The Chinese decided that the tawny Rover was too heavy to allow of their burgling the house. No wonder that the dog went mad one day with the pain caused by the hairs of the bamboo leaf which was mixed with his focd and...”
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“...Graham for his recitations which were all the more remarkable as he had not rehearsed them for five years. The girls sang admirably two carols and the boys in the Lower School sang “Cherry Ripe” very well. From Notes by R.P.H. VALETE Boys. Fleischmann, Charles William: P.S. Sp. T. ‘24; B.S. W.T.’ 27; Ox. Jun. 2nd. Class Hons. ‘31; Sch. Cert. Hons. Dist. in Scrip. ‘33; Ho. Capt. Carey W.T. ‘33; Long Swims, 1 mile ’30, 2 mis, ‘32; 3rd. Crew Cap ’33; Jnr. Crew, ’33. Address, (pro tern.) China Inland Mission, Kunming, Yunnan. Weller Stanley Douglas Victor: P.S. Sp. T. ’25; B.S. W.T. ’27; Ox. Jun. 1st. Class Hons. Dist. Latin ’31; Sch. Cert. Hons. Dist. in Scrip, and Maths. ’33; Paton Ho. Capt. ’33; Long Swims, I mile ’30; 3 mis. ’33; Football 1st XI. ’33; Librarian, ’31-33; Choir, ’28—’33; Sec. Lit & Deb. Soc. ’32 Address. Lansdowne, Silkmore Lane, West Horsley, Surrey, England. Girls. B. Bird, M. Moffat, J. Nash, M. Price, I. Ward. G.S. Prefects M. Olesen, M. Smith, N. Kiehn, F. Alderson, I...”
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“...David Landsborough is hoping to have a holiday this summer in Scot- land, part of it being spent at the Varsities and Public Schools Scottish Camp, where he will meet Howard Joyce. Fraser Anderson has just graduated M.B., C.L.B., at Aberdeen, while Ralph Peill has done the same at Edinburgh. Hartiest congrats, to both! Joy Guinness, after spending a few weeks in April in England doing a little deputation work, is now back at the Bible Institute at Nogent sur Marne in France. She helps in the Mission work, which includes visiting and taking the children’s meetings. When she arrived there last September she spent the first month doing translation work. Esme Fletcher-Jones (now Mrs. Biddulph) quite unexpectedly met Howard Joyce a short time ago, and was, of course, gently persuaded to join the C.S.A. ! She is expecting to go out to Nigeria early next year to join her husband, who is in the Nigerian Administration Service. Her brother Aubrey is still living in Alderney (Channel Islands) and...”
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“...Gonder is in the Normal School. Gordon Hanna is working in connection with some Electrical Works. Elmore Hanna is with the Dominion Bank. David Hanna is a United Church Clergyman “out west.” Mary Nicoll is in her second year at Victoria College, University of Toronto. Aileen Andrew is at University College in the University of Toronto. Cathie Nicoll is Secretary to the Travelling Secretary of the Inter- Varsity Fellowship in Canada. She also does the secretarial work of the South Africa General Mission, and is connected with the Canadian Branch of the Crusaders....”
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“...Cecil Smith is living in Toronto. He edits a paper called “The Masses.” Olav Sorensen is in Wycliffe College, training to be a Prison Chaplain. Bob McCrae, who was at Wycliffe, is now in his first year at Victoria College, University of Toronto. Sheila Tull is teaching in a High School at Richmond Hill, just outside Toronto. Lorna Whitelaw is finishing her Senior Matric. at North Toronto Col- legiate. Rose Olsen was married last year to Mr. Ronald Bonner, who is working with the Toronto Jewish Mission. A DOUBLE CHEFOO WEDDING I'N TORONTO I Last Summer Harold Warren and Bruce Clinton were married to Doris and Phyllis Brown, respectively I Brian McCarthy was best man, Cathie Nicoll was bridesmaid, and Vivian Gonder and Walter Tyler were ushers. Josephine Cunningham is graduating this Summer as a trained nurse. Kathleen Hockman is married, and is going to live in Bay City, Illinois. Her husbands travels about preaching, and she helps him quite a bit. James Fiddler has returned to Chicago from...”