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“...some budding poets and essayists would have appeared in print. We hope to see more from H. Briscoe, D. Tull, B. Draffin, M. Earle and G. Briscoe. We should like to call attention of all friends of CHEFOO, to an admirable book of that name, just pub- lished, by the China Inland Mission, on the occasion of the Schools’ Jubilee. It is most attractively produced, the dark-blue cover adorned with a charming water-colour, framed in gold, the subject, the Bluff in sunset hues. Within the covers, you will find “All about Chefoo’’ the Past, the Present, and the Future, and you will not lav the book down until you come to the last word. In glassine wrapper. 2s. net. to be obtained at the Business Dept, of the China Inland Mission, 1531 Sinza Bd. Shanghai....”