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“...some budding poets and essayists would have appeared in print. We hope to see more from H. Briscoe, D. Tull, B. Draffin, M. Earle and G. Briscoe. We should like to call attention of all friends of CHEFOO, to an admirable book of that name, just pub- lished, by the China Inland Mission, on the occasion of the Schools’ Jubilee. It is most attractively produced, the dark-blue cover adorned with a charming water-colour, framed in gold, the subject, the Bluff in sunset hues. Within the covers, you will find “All about Chefoo’’ the Past, the Present, and the Future, and you will not lav the book down until you come to the last word. In glassine wrapper. 2s. net. to be obtained at the Business Dept, of the China Inland Mission, 1531 Sinza Bd. Shanghai....”
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“...embarked upon a University career, after Spending a year with various families in Germlany, and the Summer Vacation on a walking tour in the Tyrol, and attending an Inter- national Peace Conference in Holland. Katie Graham left Malta on April 17, and travelled through Egypt and Palestine. She has now joined the Ranyard Mission for District Nursing in London. Joy Guinness has taken up work in the C.A.W.G. Horace Hunt is Director of Hunt, Barnard and Co., Ltd., Print- ers and Binders. Chefoo 1896-1900. He reminds his contemporaries that he is “the boy who built the boat.” He still owns two boats, and would like a few more. Miss R. Jeffery is still working in the Mildmay Mission to the Jews. Harold Judd, when asked for news of himself (!) writes: “My third daughter, Alison, has qualified M.B., B.S. (Lond.) with dis- tinction. and has been appointed Senior House Surgeon in the Royal Free Hospital. My bov Godfrey has passed his Natural Science at Cambridge with 3rd class honours, and is spending...”
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“...Certificate Mary Preedy has started her fourth year of nursing at St. Thomas’s Hospital, and sat for her Final State examination in October. She came out in “A” division, and was 23rd out of. 60 Congrats ! Clarence Preedy is still a “clerical officer” in Queen Anne's Bounty, Civil Service. Violet Polhill is at Durdham College of Domestic Science St. Leonards. Miss Florence Reid is in charge of work among Old Age Pen- sioners at Berger Hall. During the summer she visited her sister at the Thonon Mission in Savoy. Arthur Smith is doing an Arts Course at the Edinburgh Uni- versity. Freda Shipway has been teaching for three years at the Avon- dale Boys’ Prep. School in Clifton. She teaches general subjects to the lowest form. Keith Stevenson is in Cairo for the B. & F.B.S., and with Len Goold helped at the C.S.S.M. at Alexandria last July. Mr. Stooke is still Minister of the Victoria Park Baptist Church, Bristol. He writes to say that Mrs. Stooke is still in hos- pital, and has been laid aside...”
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“...China in the Canton Village Mission. Alison Pike has been designated to Kweichow. Gordon Aldis, Henry Guinness, Raymond Joyce, Arnold Lea, and Percy Moore, landed in Shanghai on October 30th, and are now at the C.I.M. Training Home at Anking. Three of them left the ship at Marseilles, and did a lightning trip through Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Na- ples and Pompeii, rejoining the party at Naples. Writing from Colombo, one of them said, “I am enjoying every minute of the time.” We hope they could all have said as much. The Jubilee Number of the ‘‘Chefusian” contains much that is of interest to old Chefooites, but space will not permit of quotations of any length and to condense too much from its pages would spoil the flavour; so get a copy. AUSTRALASIA. Jean Lyness, after a year in Switzerland, has gone to New Zealand with Elspeth and David. Mr. and Mrs. Lyness and their family are settling in Auckland. Elsie Edgar has gone to Korea under the Australian Presby- terian Mission. Ruth Porteous writes from...”
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“...90 only one at a time, but there are three or four who are hoping to go ... t Ina Trudinger is Teaching in a mission school for Chinese in New Britain.” Of Ruth herself we hear from other sources that she is through College. Three subscribers to the Chefusian have left Australasia for missionary service:- Jean McNeur in the Canton Village Mission, Elsie Edgar to Korea in the Australian Presbyterian Mission, and Herbert McIntyre in the C.I.M. Nessie Young leaves with her parents for Scotland in January, but hopes later to return to China. Doris Embery has arrived in Melbourne, since the last report was sent in. She also has started nursing in the Methodist Babies’ Home. Both she and Connie Webster enjoy the work very much. Jean Gardiner has forsaken her nursing for the less beaten paths of pharmacy, which course she will take in Melbourne. Frank Stuckey is teaching in a Higher Elementary School in Victoria. Winnie Embery has completed one of the two years course at the Melbourne Bible Institute...”
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“...College, Wooster, Ohio, where she is in her second year. We hear that her favourite pastime is “trailing on a horse’s back through the forest, and then camping out in a clearing”—but in spite of all the fun she, tod, longs for the sight of a Chefoo face, and is going to try to visit Josephine before going North from her holiday in Shenandoah Na- tional Forest, Virginia. Lois and Eloise Glass have graduated, and are entering the South Western Baptist Theological Seminary in preparation for the Mission Field. Kenneth Taylor paid another visit to England during the sum- mer. The following news comes from Ruth Hewett, in Victoria, British Columbia: Mary Portway is in training in the Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, having started in September, 1930. and has now been joined by Hope Hewett. Kenneth and Colburn Luttrell are in the University of British Columbia. Maybeth Judd is at the Three Hills Bible School, Alberta. Conyers Hewett passed his Surveyors’ examination last April, so now is a British...”