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1 digital image 9

“...torpedo crews, who edified his escort with a continual stream of navy yarns. After being handed cotton waste, we went down into the engine room and made a tour of inspection there. When we came up, the searchlight was shown to us. On th© bridge we saw the compass and signalling devices, after which we assembled on deck. Returning home to school we told the unfor- tunates who did not go what enjoyment they had missed and what an increased stock of knowledge was ours! CHILDREN'S SPECIAL SERVICE MISSION. August 5-12. The C. S. S. M. this summer was conducted along rather different lines from usual, occupying as it did only eight days. The first meeting, on Sunday, August 5th, was a lantern service. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the young people were divided into three groups, X, Y, Z, according to age. The Seniors met at the Pres- byterian School, where a large room was kindly lent to us by Miss Carter; the Middle Group usually met at “Moore’s Fort” (though for their Camp Fire Yarn...”
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“...held on the 22nd. of August and was attended by a large number, including all the scholars staying at the schools. The meeting commenced with the singing of a hymn, “Our God, our help in ages past’’, after which Mr. Coul- thard read the 145th. Psalm. Then Mr. McCarthy read the letter from the donors and made his speech, as given below: “The beautiful gates, which have been given to the Boys’ School, like all its other property, belong to the China Inland Mission, and a record of the gift with a plan of the gates is in the Headquarters of the Mission in Shanghai. But the care of these gates will devolve on the School and, in the name of the Boys' School, I accept with gratitude this timely and useful gift, and with it the responsibility for the due and proper care of the gates....”
3 digital image 39

“...of those who attended. 'OTJye ^issinuarg J3anb, plays’ J?rIwnL A previous number of the ‘Chefusian’ mentioned the revival of this ‘Band’, which has continued success- fully since its reorganization, most of the boys being mem- bers. The subscriptions have been toward the Leper Mis- sion. In this connection Mrs. Golden, who had once been on the Mission Staff in London, gave an interesting talk about the lives of two missionaries to the Lepers. Great interest has been aroused by the Leper Mission work, several magazines issued by the Mission being placed in the school library....”