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1 digital image 7

“...of the B.S. and G.S. alternately, and will be shown by the etching of the editing school above the Editorial. Before leaving this subject we would like to express a- hope, which we know is reciprocated by all, that what was said of Johnson may never be said of the Chefusian: ‘‘Who now reads Johnson, if he pleases still ’Tis but for dormitive or sleeping pill”. The Northern and Southern parties arrived at School in time for the Opening Service which was taken by Dr. Brown of the Presbyterian Mission. The Hongkong party managed to arrive in time for the first Register Holiday....”
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“...alike in his work and play. Added years brought with them a deepening of character, and an increasing confidence, in him, so that in 1898 when the boys moved over to the new building, he became the Senipr of the first four Prefects appointed in the Boys’ School. In this position he set a high standard in what was manifestly qne of difficulty. The promise of his early days was amply fulfilled in later years. The son of one of the earliest missionaries in Shantung, he was led to devote himself to Mission Work, feeling called especially to its educational side. His pre- paration for this was thorough, and he has left a lasting testimony to his efficiency in connection with his work' in the Chinese College at Hwanghsien. His address at the opening Service in May 1927 on Luke TI. 52. will not soon be forgotten, especially his ar- resting question “WhAt kind of a man does God like?” The exhibition at the close of the Summer Term will also be remembered, because of his manly words; giving, one felt...”