Burma campaign memorial library

Material Information

Burma campaign memorial library a collection of books and papers about the war in Burma 1942-1945
Cover title:
Burma campaign memorial library descriptive catalogue and bibliography
Graham, Gordon
Cole, Frank
Place of Publication:
School of Oriental and African Studies
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
ix, 150


Subjects / Keywords:
World War, 1939-1945 -- Burma ( LCSH )
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Burma ( LCSH )
Burma -- History -- Japanese occupation, 1942-1945 ( LCSH )
Myanmar -- History -- Japanese occupation, 1942-1945
Temporal Coverage:
Japanese occupation, 1942-1945 ( 1942 - 1945 )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Myanmar
22 x 96

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
Copyright 2001, SOAS University of London.
Resource Identifier:
521166 ( ALEPH )


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Full Text
(Additions since the 2nd edition of the Catalogue was published in 2001)
Mountbatten, Louis
Post surrender tasks: Section E of the Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff.
London: HMSO, 1969.
Blight, Gordon
The history of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1920-1947
London: Staples Press, 1953.
Swinson, Arthur
The generals of the Burma Campaign
(Photocopy of Purnell's part-work "History of the Second World War" Vol 6, no 14, pp2610-11.)
Allen, Louis
Japan: the years of triumph: from feudal isolation to Pacific empire.
London: BPC Unit 75, 1971.
Thompson, Julian
The Imperial War Museum book of the war in Burma, 1942-45: a vital contribution to victory in the Far East.
London: Sidgwick & Jackson; in association with the Imperial War Museum, 2002.
Bayly, Christopher
Forgotten armies: the fall of British Asia, 1941-1945.
London: Allen Lane, 2004.
Farquharson, Robert H.
For your tomorrow: Canadians and the Burma Campaign, 1941-1945.
Victoria B.C.: Trafford, 2004
Latimer, Jon
Burma: the forgotten war.
London: John Murray, 2004.
Abhyankar, M.G.
The war in Burma, 1943-45.
Dehra Dunn (India): Natraj Publishers, 1981.
War Office
Notes from theatres of war: No. 19: Burma, 1943/44.
London: War Office, 1945.
McCann, Nicola Jane
A study of the Torgotten armythe Burmese campaign 1942-45
Exeter: The author, [s.d.]
Hickey, Michael
The unforgettable army: Slim's XlVth army in Burma
Staplehusrt: Spellmount, 1998.

Lyman, Robert
Slim, master of war: Burma and the birth of modern warfare
London: Constable, 2004.
Thompson, Julian
The Imperial War Museum book of the war in Burma, 1942-1945: a vital contribution to victory in the Far East
London: Pan books, 2003.
Forgotten regiments: Regular and volunteer units of the British Far East / Barry Renfrew
Amersham [Bucks, England]: Terrier press, 2009.
Dunlop, Graham
Military economics, culture and logistics in the Burma Campaign 1942-5
London: Pickering & Chatto, 2009.
Thompson, Julian
Forgotten voices of Burma: the Second World War's forgotten conflict
London: Ebury, 2010.
Pearson, Michael
End game Burma 1945: Slim's masterstroke, Meiktila 1945
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2010.
Hookway, J. D.
M &R: a regimental history of the Sikh Light Infantry 1941-1947.
Bath: [J.D. Hookway?], 1999.
Young, Edward M.
Meiktila 1945: the battle to liberate Burma
Oxford: Osprey, c2004.
Dupuy, Trevor N. (Trevor Nevitt), 1916-1995.
Asiatic land battles: Allied victories in China and Burma.
London, |b E. Ward |c [1965].
Highlanders, Cameron
Flistorical records of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders [1909-62].
Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1952.
Lunt, James D.
The retreat from Burma, 1941-1942.
Newton, Abbot: David & Charles, 1989
Nemoto, Kei
Reconsidering the Japanese military occupation in Burma (1942-45)
Tokyo: ILCAA, 2007.

Edwards, Leslie
Kohima: the furthest battle: the story of the Japanese invasion of India in 1944 and the "British-Indian
Stroud, Gloucestershire: History Press, 2009.
Hamilton, John Andrew Lawrence
War bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma, 1943-1945: North Arakan, Kaladan, Mowdok, Tinma,
Myohaung, Chindits 1944, Burma, 1943-1945.
Wilby: Michael Russell, 2001.
Cos Divisional signals and DAA and QMG
81st (West African) Division: Signal and air supply reports 1944-1945.
[s.l]: [s.n., [s.d.].
Cherns, J.J.
Walk through the valley with 6 (West African) Brigade in Arakan 1943-1945; a personal memoir.
[s.l]: [The author], 2001.
Various authors
6th (West African) Infantry Brigade Newsletters: 13th November 1943-September 1945.
[s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.]
Major General C.G. Woolner
81st (West African) Division Report on campaign in Burma: Winter 1943-Spring 1944.
[s.l]: [s.n], [s.d]
Fadoyebo, Isaac
A stroke of unbelievable luck.
African Studies Program, Univ. of Wisconsin—Madison, 1999.
Poore, Philip B.
The first Kaladan Campaign.
[s.l.]: The author, [s.d.]
Gardner, A.W.
A/a gode A. W. Gardner.
London: Pen Press Publishers, 2003.
The Arakan Campaign, December 1944 - May 1945: the story of the 82nd West African Divisional Artillery
(Transcription). F. D. Cole, 2001.
Street, Robert.
The Siege of Kohima: the battle for Burma: once upon a wartime XIII. Hough on thr Hill, Lines. : Barny
Books, 2003.
Keane, Fergal.
Road of bones: the siege of Kohima 1944: the epic story of the last great stand of empire. London: Harper
Press, 2010.

Clark, R. K.
An account of the operations carried out in Assam, between 1st April and 1st July 1944, by the 2nd BN the
Manchester Regiment.
R.K.C., 1944.
King-Clark, Rex
Forward from Kohima: a Burma diary, November 1944-May1945.
Chippenham, Wiltshire: Antony Rowe Ltd., 2003.
Lyman, Robert.
Kohima 1944: the battle that saved India.
Oxford: Osprey, 2010.
Lyman, Robert
Japan's last bid for victory: the invasion of India, 1944.
[S.I.]: Pen & Sword, 2011.
Khate, Mekhrie
The battle of Kohima
ACLS Offset Press, 2007.
Horwood, Ian A.
The Japanese invasion of Assam 1944.
Manchester: Honours School of Politics and Mordern History, University of Mancheter, 1985.
Lyman, Robert
Imphal and Kohima, 1944: An introduction to the battles.
[UK: 2009]
Richards, L. F., 1915
The bloody battle at Sangshak.
Colchester, Dedham: |b The Old Stables, 1984.
Brough, Bill
To reason why ...
Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne: Hickory Tree Press, 2001.
Hay, John
On Big Flowery Hill: a soldier's journal of a secret mission into occupied China, 1942.
Reading: Two Rivers Press, 2000.
Webster, Donovan
The Burma Road: the epic story of one of World War ll's most remarkable endeavours.
London: Macmillan, 2004.
Merrill's Marauders.
Paducah, KY: Turner Pub. Co., 1987.

Nesbit, Roy C.
The battle for Burma /
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2009.
Harry "Skittles" Hengshoon
Green hell: unconventional warfare in CBI.
Huntington Beach, Calif.: B & L Lithograph, c2000.
Robins, Fred C., 1908-1967.
Overseas diary: India and Burma, World War II /Fred C. Robins; arranged for publication with summary of
events in the China/Burma/India theater of operations by Ruby M. Robins.
Gainesville, Mo.: Rumaro Press, c1990.
James, Bill, 1916-
They sent me an invitation so I went to WWII.
Houston: Emerald Ink Pub., c1998.
Evans, Edward R., 1913-
Combat cameraman: China-Burma-India /by Edward R. Evans; pictures by 10th USAAF Combat Camera
Unit, China-Burma-India Theater.
Pittsburgh, Penn.: Dorrance Pub., c1996.
Glist, Lou, 1922-
China mail bag uncensored: letters from an American Gl in World War II China and India.
Houston Tex.: Emerald Ink Publ, 2000.
Kadel, Robert James, 1941-
"Where I came in-" in China, Burma, India.
Paducah, KY: Turner Pub. Co., c1986-c1998.
Mathew, P., |q (Peter, Major, MBE)
An account of an expedition to the Wat States, Burma, January to March 1946
Lindo, Jack
From Dingle to Delhi.
[s.l.]; [The author], 2001.
Bidwell, Shelford
The Chindit war: campaign in Burma, 1944.
London: Hodderand Stoughton, 1979.
Abbott, Gerry
Back to Mandalay: an inside view of Burma.
Bromley, Kent: Impact Books, 1990.
Richard Rhodes James
London: John Murray, 1980.

Fergusson, Bernard, Sir, 1911-1980
The wild green earth.
London: Collins, 1946.
Thorburn, Gordon
Jocks in the jungle: the Second Battalion of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment, the Black Watch and the
First Battalion of the 26th Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) as Chindits.
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2012.
Kelly, Desmond
Kelly's Burma campaign: letters from the Chin Hills.
London: Tiddim Press, 2003.
Barrett, Colin
Wings of an angel.
London: Minerva Press, 2001.
Annett, Roger
Drop zone Burma: adventures in allied air supply 1942-45 / Roger Annett.
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation, 2008.
Fowler, William
We gave our today: Burma 1941-45 /William Fowler.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2009.
Smith, E.D.
Valour: a history of the Gurkhas. Text by E.D. Smith' photographic material co-ordinated by M.H. Broadway.
Staplehurst, Kent: Spellmount, 1997.
Chant, Christopher
Gurkha: the illustrated history of an elite fighting force.
Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press; New York, NY: Distributed in the U.S. by Sterling Pub. Co., 1985.
Parker, John
The Gurkhas: the inside story of the world's most feared soldiers.
London: Headline, 1999.
Smith, E.D.
Johnny Gurkha: 'friends in the hills'.
London: Arrow Books, 1987.
L. J/20
Chappie, J. L.
The lineages and composition of Gurkha regiments in British service.
[Aldershot: Gurkha Museum], 2010.
Perret, Bryan
Tank tracks to Rangoon: the story of British armour in Burma.
London: Robert Hale, 1992.

Nicholls, Brian
The military mule in the British Army and Indian Army: an anthology.
[s.l.]: The authors, 2002.
Tallon, Lawrence Edward James
Recruitment and service in the colonial armed forces of Kenya during the second world war, with special
reference to the King's African Rifles.
London: the author, 2002.
Gillings, Murray
The shiny ninth: 9th Battalion the Royal Sussex regiment 1940-1946.
Sussex: The Pinwe Club, 1986.
Proudfoot, C.L.
History of the 16th Light Cavalry, Armoured Corps.
[Calcutta]: [Hooghly Print], [1976].
D'Souza, E.
A saga of service: 1st Battalion (Jangi Paltan): a history of the 1st Battalion: the Maratha Light Infantry Jangi
Paitan 1768to 1993.
Bombay: [The author], 1994.
Goodacre, Ray
With the fighting cock and the black cat in India and Burma: a history of 82nd anti-tank regiment (and 82nd
light anti-aircraft-anti-tank regiment) royal artillery, 1941-1945.
[s.l.]: the author, 2002.
Wilson, David
The sum of things.
Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2001.
Rogers, Les
656 Squadron chronicles: Volume one 1942-47 "the War years and beyond".
[s.l]: The author, [s.d.]
Marston, Daniel
Phoenix from the ashes: the Indian Army in the Burma Campaign.
Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003.
McMath, Frank
The jungle lay beneath.
[s.l.]: The author, [s.d.]
Molloy, T.R.
The Silchar track.
Ely: Melrose Books, 2006.
White, Steve
More wartime memories of the men who served with the 99th (R.B. Y) Field Regiment.
Leicestershire: Steve White, 1993.

How, G. W.
Diary of an infantry officer: Second World War; 1940-1946: the Buffs, the Royal East Kent Regiment.
Wellington: G.W. How, 2002.
Giles, A.F.
The history of 5 Bn the Gold Coast Regt. 1939-1945.
[s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.]
The history of 7th Batallion the Gold Coast Regiment.
[s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.]
History of the 1st Bn the Sierra Leone Regiment Royal West African Frontier Force 1939-1945.
[s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.]
Hill, John
Slim's Burma boys
Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2007.
A regiment at war: the Royal Scots (the Royal Regiment) 1939-45 (including the Canadian Scottish
Regiment) / editor, S. W. McBain.
Edinburgh: Pentland, 1988.
Unknown author
Chinese Chindits; being an informal account of some of the life of a wartime battalion.
[Aldershot, Eng., 1948]
Unknown author
Chinese Chindits; being an informal account of some of the life of a wartime battalion.
[Aldershot, Eng., 1948]
• Added as extra copy, as this copy contains some extra information of notes from the user of the time
including maps inserted to the book.
Vellacott-Jones, Kathleen
Ticket to Burma.
London: Shakespeare Head, [1952]
Esprit de Corps. March on!: The last campaign of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Foot
Account of operations of 33 Indian Corps.
N.p. [1944-1945]
Pennington, William
Pick up your parrots and monkeys: and fall in facing the boat.
London: Cassell, 2003.
Smyth, John George, Sir
London: Sidgwickand Jackson, 1979.

Sampson, Alf
Alf Sampson says—"Bless 'em all": pages from the diary of an unofficial war artist.
London: ISO Publications, 1990.
Doherty, Richard
Ireland's generals in the Second World War.
Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2004.
Lewin, Ronald
Slim, the standardbearer: a biography of Field-Marshal the Viscount Slim, KG, GCB, GCMG, GCVO, GBE,
London: Leo Cooper, 1976.
Windscheffel, Arthur
This is an account of some of my experience and thoughts during my service with 656 squadron from the
records I kept in my personal diaries: full version August 1943-January 1946.
[s.l.]: The author, [s.d.]
Brown, John Fergrieve
95 Guildford years / John Fergrieve Brown.
Leicester: Matador, 2008.
Lyman, Robert
The generals: from defeat to victory, leadership in Asia 1941-45/ Robert Lyman.
London: Constable, 2008.
Lynn, Vera
Some sunny day: my autobiography / Vera Lynn.
London: FlarperCollins, 2009.
Flawkins, Doreen
Drury Lane to Dimapur: wartime adventures of an actress
Wimborne Minster: Dovecote Press, 2009.
Ogden, Wilf
World War II, 1939-1945: Memories of my life during the Second World War from 1939 to 'De-mob' in 1946/
Wilf Ogden
Gibson, Jim
Nihil et nemo: Ellen Mooney Han nay, 1915-2009 /Jim Gibson
Glaswgow: 15 Whitelee Gate, Newton Mearns, 2009.
Tyler, Gerald
Leeds to Rangoon and back, with the 66th Leeds Rifles Heavy.....
North Yorkshire: Gerald E B Tyler, Shepherds Cottage, Winshaw, Chapel Le Dale, Ingleton, 2008.
Brian Aldiss.
The twinkling of an eye: or, My life as an Englishman /by Brian Aldiss.
London: Little, Brown, 1998.

** [Unqualified item removed, the number to be used for a new item].
Bunnett, Ronald H.
Memoirs of Ronald H. Bunnett
Manuscripts sent by the author, October, 2009.
Miller, Russell
Uncle Bill: the authorised biography of Field Marshal Sir William Slim.
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2013.
Dudley, Ron
The road to Rangoon and back.
Abertillery: Old Bakehouse, 2007.
Maslen-Jones, Bob
Outrageous fortune Bob Maslen-Jones
Dunbeath Whittles 2006.
Berry, I. C.
War in Burma: One man's diary.
London: J. R. Berry, 2010.
Maitland, A. K.
Alexander Keith Maitland (1920-1963): Notes in his diary during World War Two in Burma
Perthshire: Nether Littlefold, Madderty, Crieff, 2013.
Mr B K Bowman : Diary of service with 66 Column, 6th Bn The Nigeria Regiment during the Second Chindit
operation 21 March 1944 - with a note by John A L Hamilton.
L/67 for new item, unqualified item removed, see above.
Soo Boi-Pa
Don't believe a word of it!: (a medical officer's picnics with a lost battalion).
[s.l.]: The author, [1999]
Carter, Norman E.
Outside for your prickly heat.
Kidderminster: The author, 2000.
Bunnett, Ronald Hooper
A short walk in the Chin Hills.
[s.l.]: The author, [1993]
Reunions 1950-2000.
[s.l.]: The authors, 1950-2000.
Brookes, Stephen
Through the jungle of death: a boy's escape from wartime Burma.
London: John Murray, 2001.

Gorman, Kenneth F.
And the rains came.
[s.l.]: [The author], [2001]
Griffiths, A.L.
Black cats and bush hats: Burma 1943-45 recalled with some laughter and some tears.
London: [The author], 1991
Newland, Dennis
What did you do in the War, Dad? : Military service in the 1939/1945 war.
[s.l.]: [The author], 2001
Vorley, J.S.
The road from Mandalay.
Windsor: Wilton 65, 2002
Lowry, Michael
Fighting through to Kohima: a memoir of war in India and Burma.
Barnsley: Leo Cooper, 2003.
Rayment, John Captain
Temporary gentlemen: 'Sapper' Field Company 81st Division Royal West African Frontier Force, Burma
Campaign, 1943-45.
Winchester: George Mann Publications, 2003.
Cattle, Tom
The road from Corfe to Kohima and beyond...: an autobiography.
[s.l.]: The author, [2002]
Llewellyn, K.
Them and us ...
[s.l.]: The author, 2003.
Macdonald, Denise
Ma ma hta: Burmese headwoman- 1940s.
Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 2001.
Tinsley, Terence
Stick and string.
London: Buckland, 1992.
Bryden, Bill
Shell-shcokedl: from Arakan to Mandalay (1942-1945).
Devon: Stockwell, 2004.
Smith, Donald
And all the trumpets.
London: Bles, 1954.

Grimsey, Ronald
Tobruk to Belsen via Burma: a soldier's story.
Stowmarket: Capella, 1987.
Bates, Thomas J.
A son of India.
Bangalore: Arc Publications, 2002.
Nicholls, C. G.
Blow the bridge: a true story leading up to the demolition of the Sittang Bridge and its aftermath.
London: Pen Press Publishers, 2005.
Bennett, John Cyril
The memoirs of a very fortunate man.
Herts: Rock Road Boooks Ltd, [s.d]
Taylor, Geoffrey
From Bow to Burma and back.
Ludlow: Merlin Unwin Books, 2005.
Browning, Roger
Great Tey to Rangoon: a farmer's story.
[s.l.]: Roger Browning, 2002.
Naydler, Merton
Young man, you'll never die.
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation, 2006.
Graham, Gordon
The trees are all young on Garrison Hill.
Charvil: Kohima Educational Trust, 2005.
Stevenson, James
A slice of life: 1935-1950.
[London? the author?], 2006.
Pearce, Charles H.
My other family.
[s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.]
Randle, John.
Battle tales from Burma/John Randle.
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2004.
Kennedy, Major-General Sir John
The business of war: the war narrative of Major-General Sir John Kennedy/edited and with a preface by
Bernard Fergusson.
London: Hutchinson, [c1957].

Mains, A. A.
A soldier with railways / by A. A. Mains.
Chippenham: Picton, 1994.
Donald Paulson
CBI in the raw: one hump pilot's story about the China/Burma/India Theater of WWII
Dodgeville, Wl: Inkwell Printers, c2005.
70 true stories of the Second World War.
London: Odhams Press, [195-?]
Malins, Philip
Acceptance speech by Philip Malins on receiving the Order of the rising sun, with gold and silver rays from
Ambassador Ebihara at 23 Kensington Palace Gardens.
[The author]: 2010.
MS. M/138
Ogden, W.
Memories of my life from 1939 to 1946 during the Second World War. 1939-1945; Return to Burma, 2005.
Heywood [Lancashire]: Short Street, c2005.
Woodcock, D. H.
For our tomorrows.
London: 1991.
Wilson-Haffenden, D. J.
Operation Exodus.
London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1957.
Hodson, James Lansdale, 1891-
War in the sun, by James Lansdale Hodson; being some account of a war correspondent's journeys,
meetings, and what was said to him in the Middle East, India, Burma and West Africa during 1941-2.
London, V. Gollancz ltd, 1942.
Cubbon, R. E.
Methodist, mad and married: a personal account of World War II.
Douglas, Isle of Man: Hospice Care, 1995.
R.E.S. Tanner and D.A. Tanner.
Burma 1942: memories of a retreat: the diary of Ralph Tanner, 2nd Battalion the King's Own Yorkshire Light
Stroud: History Press, 2009.
McLynn, Frank
The Burma campaign: disaster into triumph 1942-45.
London: Vintage Books 2011.
Fenton, James
The Forgotten Army A Burma Soldier's Story in Letters, Photographs and Sketches.
Fonthill Media 2012.

Moss, A.
A Piece of War: Memories from 1941-46.
[UK]: Vajra Press, 2011.
Fish, Brian
Words for weighing: essays and leaders.
[Brighton]: Indepenpress, c2012.
Jenner, Walter
Wally's war: Recollections of service with the 4th battlion queen's own royal West Kent regiment (1938-
Kent [England]: Walter Jenner, Iverness Suite, The Grand Folkestone, 2007.
Fitzpatrick, Gerald
Ditched in Burma: no Mandaiay, no Maymyo (79 survive) / Captain Gerald Fitzpatrick.
York: York Publ., 2012.
Grant, Enid.
Over my shoulder: The story of Lt. Enid D. C. Grant (nee Palmer), of the Burma Hospital Nursing Corps
working in India and Burma 1942 - 1945.
Enid D.C. Grant, 1998.
Russell, Stanley Farrant
Flight from Burma: Muddy exodus - An account of the evacuation from Upper Burma in May 1942, the
refugee trail from Myitkina through the Hukawng Valley to Shinbwiyang and over the Pangsau Pass in the
Naga Hills to Ledo, India: 18-20 thousand refugees died along the way.
[S.I.: s.n., ca. 1998]
King, William Collins
Building for victory: World War II in China, Burma, and India and the 1875th Engineer Aviation Battalion.
Lanham, Md.; Oxford: Taylor Trade Pub., 2004.
Hind, David.
Basher's War
Dixon, Donald Cassels Charles
Papers of Major D. C. C. Dixon, Royal Engineers
n.p., [193-7-1996]
Hoskins, Kenneth Thurston
Papers of Kenneth Thurston Hoskins
Evans, Charles
The forgotten army: a doctor's diary.
[s.l.]: The author, [s.d.]
Soep, Marion
Our sister sahib.
Greenock: New Vision, 2005.

Morgan, Margaret
A nursing sister in Burma.
[s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.]
Morgan, Margaret
Nursing: England to Burma 1940-1945
[s.l.]: [the author], [2006]
L.P I 24
Identification of units of the Japanese Army 1942; Battle drill for thinck jungle 1943; Phrase book
English/Roman/Urdu/Pocket guide to Burma/newspapers.
MS. P/25
VJ Commemorations 20 August 1995: A service of remembrance and commitment to mark the fiftieth
anniversary of the end of the Second World War, held in London 1995.
The Friendly Firm: Newsletter 1997 and 1999.
Diamond, Jon
Stilwell and the Chindits
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2014.
Boston and North Cambridgeshire Branch.
The Stars: anthology of poems.
Boston, Lines: Kay, 1990.
Ross, Kathleen.
Stars of Burma and poems on the theme of war.
Dorset: Natula Publications, 2005.
Powell, Janet
The Burma letters: lives in the letters of Tom and Vera Ashley.
Somerset: Running Fox, 2005
Fletcher, Florace.
The letters of Horace Fletcher: the Fletcher family.
Much Wenlock: RJL Smith & Associates, 2006
McEvoy Patrick G.
Soldier to sheperd.
Settle: Hudson History, 2001
McEvoy, Patrick G.
Home from the hill.
Settle: Hudson history, 2005
Powell, Anne.
Alun Lewis: a poet of consequence.
London: Cecil Woolf, 2005.

Cobley, Roger.
Poems by a fighter pilot 1939-1945.
[England]: 2000.
S/32 - S/57
• Items for these classmarks have been removed/suppressed from catalogue. These items are the
documents related to the founding of BCML, mainly correspondences between Gordon Graham and
his colleagues and friends between 1996 and 2001, and are kept in archival store, to be made
available to public in 2030.
Macdonald, Akiko
Reconciliation and the Future
Kotuku Sato and John L Grover
Graham, Gordon
Speech on occasion of hand-over of Burma Campaign Memorial Library to SOAS May 10, 2001
Oates, W. J.
The important part played by the Royal navy, Royal Indian Navy, and the Merchant Navy during the Arakan
campaign in Burma.
London: Burma Star Association, 2004.
Crabb, Brian James.
Beyond the call of duty: the story of British Commonwealth Service and mercantile women lost at sea during
the Second World War.
Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2006.
Haining, Peter
The banzai hunters: the forgotten armada of little ships that defeated the Japanese, 1944-45.
London: Robson, 2006.
Winton, John
Sink the Haguro!: The last destroyer action of the Second World War / John Winton ; with a foreword by Earl
London: Seeley, Service, 1979.
Edwards, Jack (Jack Albert)
Twenty-two hundred days to Pulo We: my education in the navy.
Ely: Melrose Books, 2005.
Costello, John
The Pacific war: grand strategy.
London: |b Pan, |c 1985.
Williams, Douglas
194 Squadron Royal Air Force: |b The friendly firm' /
[Second copy, containing signatures of the authors]
|c Douglas Williams; with foreword by Sir John Grandy.

Leicester, L. Anthony
Flights into the night: reminiscences of a World War Two RAF Wellington pilot.
Manchester: Crecy, 2000.
Van Wagner, R.D.
Anyplace, anytime, anywhere: the 1st Air Commandos in WWII.
Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub., 1998.
Smith, Peter Charles
Jungle dive-bombers at war.
London: Murray, 1987.
Caidin, Martin
The ragged, rugged warriors.
Toronto; London: Bantam, 1979.
Wittridge, A. H.
An evil boy.
Kettering: Wunjo Press, 2004.
Clinton, Colin
From Bradford to Burma and back.
Bradford: C. Clinton, 2005.
Pearson, Michael
The Burma air campaign 1941-1945.
Pen & Sword Aviation, 2006.
Warwick, Nigel W.M.
Constant vigilance: the RAF Regiment in the Burma Campaign
Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation, 2007.
Ethell, Jeffrey L.
Flying the hump: in original World War II color
St. Paul MN: Motorbooks International, 2004.
Flight Lt. McCormick
Certificates of qualification as first pilot/Flight Lt. McCormick
1942. Unpublished.
Hata, Ikuhiko, 1932-
Japanese Army Air Force fighter units and their aces, 1931-1945.
London: Grub Street, 2002.
Bennett, Albert
Spitfires over Burma: A forgotten squadron, a tribute.
Privately Printed., Kent, 2012.

Spencer, Dennis.
Looking backwards over Burma: wartime recollections of a RAF beaufighter navigator.
Bognor Regis, West Sussex: Woodfield, 2009.
Manwaring, Randle, 1912-
On the road to Mandalay.
Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Military, 2006.
Frances, Neil, |d 1951-
Ketchil: |b a New Zealand pilot's war in Asia and the Pacific / |c Neil Frances.
Masterton, N.Z.: |b Wairarapa Archive, |c2005.
Russell, Wilfrid.
The friendly firm: \b a history of 194 Squadron, RAF.
London: 194 Squadron, R.A.F. Association, 1972.
• Photocopy but contains signature of the author, possibly presented by the author to the Friends of
the BCML.
V. Fiction
Nimse, Gordon
The interpreter.
London: Robert Hale, 2006.
Davin, Dan
Night attack: short stories from the Second World War/chosen by Dan Davin.
Oxford [England]: Auckland [N.Z.]: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Aldiss, Brian
Forgotten life /Brian Aldiss.
London: Gollancz, 1988.
Graham, Gordon
Return to a battlefield.
Elliott, E.W.
Burma: the forgotten war
Bloomington, INU: Authorhlouse, c2005.
Sampson, Alf
Alf Sampson says- "Bless 'em all": |b pages from the diary of an unofficial war artist.
London: |b ISO Publications, 1990.
No records for these number on the online catalogue nor books on shelf.
To be used when new items received from donation of BCML's friends.
Stanley, John Berchman
Whisper flight; adventures of Lt. Bob Hilton, engineer, on a special glider mission in Burma.
New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1945.

James, Harold (Harold Douglas)
Tales of the Gurkhas.
England: The Book Guild, 1995.
(See V/116-119 above, number for new items)
Tamayama, Kazuo
Railway men in the War/Kazuo Tamayama.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
Note: The classmarks of the archival items, which were transferred to the Archive Storage, have been
modified, with prefix MS and for the large size items the prefix L was replaced with MS. This list has been
updated accordingly.
Last updated: 10 April 2018

Full Text


1 BURMA CAMPAIGN MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOOKS (Additions since the 2nd edition of the Catalogue was published in 2001 ) A/20 Mountbatten, Louis Post surrender tasks: Section E of the Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff . London: HMSO, 1969. A/21 Blight, Gordon The history of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1920 1947 London: Staples Press, 1953. L.B/40 Swinson, Arthur The generals of the Burma Campaign (Photocopy of Purnell's part work "History of the Second World War" Vol 6, no 14, pp2610 11.) B/41 Alle n, Louis Japan: the years of triumph: from feudal isolation to Pacific empire. London: BPC Unit 75, 1971. B/42 Thompson, Julian The Imperial War Museum book of the war in Burma, 1942 45: a vital contribution to victory in the Far East. London: Sidgwick & Jackson; in association with the Imperial War Museum, 2002. B/43 Bayly, Christopher Forgotten armies: the fall of British Asia, 1941 1945. London: Allen Lane, 2004. B/44 Farquharson, Robert H. For your tomorrow: Canadians and the Burma Campaign, 1941 1945. Victoria B.C.: Trafford, 2004 B/45 Latimer, Jon Burma: the forgotten war. London: John Murray, 2004. B/46 Abhyankar, M.G. The war in Burma, 1943 45. Dehra Dunn (India): Natraj Publishers, 1981. B/47 War Office Notes from theatres of war: No. 19: Burma, 1943/44. London: War Office, 1945. B/48 McCann, Nicola Jane 45 Exeter: The author, [s.d.] B/49 Hickey, Michael The unfo rgettable army Staplehusrt: Spellmount, 1998.


2 B/50 Lyman, Robert Slim, master of war: Burma and the birth of modern warfare London: Constable, 2004. B/51 Thompson, Julian The Imperial War Museum book of the war in Burma, 1942 1945: a vital contribution to victory in the Far East London: Pan books, 2003. B/52 Forgotten regiments: Regular and volunteer units of the British Far East / Barry Renfrew Amersham [Bucks, England]: Terrier press, 2009. B/53 Dunlop, Graham Military economics, culture and logistics in the Burma Campaign 1942 5 London : Pickering & Chatto, 2009. B/54 Thompson, Julian Forgotten voices of Burma: the Second World War's forgotten conflict London: Ebury, 2010. B/55 Pearson, Michael End game Burma 1945: Slim's masterstroke, Meiktila 1945 Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2010. B/56 Hookway, J. D. M & R: a regimental history of the Sikh Light Infantry 1941 1947 . Bath: [J.D. Hookway?], 1999. B/57 Young, Edward M. Meiktila 1945: the battle to liberate Burma Ox ford : Osprey, c2004. B/58 Dupuy, Trevor N . ( Trevor Nevitt) , 1916 1995. Asiatic land battles: Allied victories in China and Burma. London, |b E. Ward |c [1965]. B/59 Highlanders, Cameron Historical records of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders [1909 62]. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1952. C/40 Lunt, James D. The retreat from Burma, 1941 1942. Newton, Abbot: David & Charles, 1989 C/41 Nemoto, Kei Reconsidering the Japanese military occupation in Burma (1942 45) Tokyo: ILCAA, 2007.


3 C/42 Edwards, Leslie Kohima: the furthest battle: the story of the Japanese invasion of India in 1944 and the "British Indian Thermopylae". Stroud, Gloucestershire: History Press, 2009. D/24 Hamilton, John Andrew Lawrence War bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma, 1943 1945: North Arakan, Kaladan, Mowdok, Tin ma , Myohaung, Chindits 1944, Burma, 1943 1945. Wilby: Michael Russell, 2001. D/25 Cos Divisional signals and DAA and QMG 81st (West African) Division: Signal and air supply reports 1944 1945 . [s.l]: [s.n., [s.d.]. D/26 Cherns, J.J. Walk through the valley with 6 (West African) Brigade in Arakan 1943 1945; a personal memoir. [s.l] : [The author], 2001. D/27 Various authors 6th (West African) Infantry Brigade Newsletters: 13th November 1943 September 1945. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.] D/28 Major General C.G. Woolner 81st (West African) Division Report on campaign in Burma: Winter 1943 Spring 1944. [s.l]: [s.n], [s.d] D/29 Fadoyebo, Isaac A stroke of unbelievable luck. African Studies Program, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, 1999. MS.D/30 Poo re, Philip B. The first Kaladan Campaign. [s.l.]: The author, [s.d.] D/31 Gardner, A.W. Na gode A.W. Gardner. London: Pen Press Publishers, 2003. L.D/32 The Arakan Campaign, December 1944 May 1945: the story of the 82nd West African Divisional Artillery (Transcription). F. D. Cole, 2001. E/54 Street, Robert. The Siege of Kohima: the battle for Burma: once upon a wartime XIII. Hough on thr Hill, Lincs. : Barny Boo ks, 2003. E/55 Keane, Fergal. Road of bones: the siege of Kohima 1944: the epic story of the last great stand of empire. London: Harper Press, 2010.


4 MS.E/56 Clark, R. K. An account of the operations carried out in Assam, between 1st April and 1st July 1944, by the 2nd BN the Manchester Regiment. R.K.C., 1944. L.E/57 King Clark, Rex Forward from Kohima: a Burma diary, November 1944 May1945. Chippenham, Wiltshire: Antony Rowe Ltd., 2003. E/58 Lyman, Robert. Kohima 1944: the battle that saved India. Oxford: Osprey, 2010. E/59 Lyman, Robert Japan's last bid for victory: the invasion of india, 1944. [S.l.] : Pen & Sword, 2011. E/60 Khate, Mekhrie The battle of Kohima ACLS Offset Press, 2007. L.E/61 Horwood, Ian A. The Japanese invasion of Assam 1944. Manchester: Honours School of Politics and Mordern History, University of Mancheter, 1985. MS.E/62 Lyman, Robert Imphal and Kohima, 1944 : An introduction to the battles. [UK : 2009] E/63 Richards, L. F. , 1915 The bloody battle at Sangshak. Colchester, Dedham: |b The Old Stables, 1984. F/59 Brough, Bill Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne: Hickory Tree Press, 2001. F/60 Hay, John occupied China, 1942 . Reading: Two Rivers Press, 2000. F/61 Webster, Donovan London: Macmillan, 2004. L.F/62 Paducah, KY: Turner Pub. Co., 1987.


5 F/63 Nesbit, Roy C. The battle for Burma / Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2009. F/64 Harry "Skittles" Hengshoon Green hell: unconventional warfare in CBI . Huntington Beach, Calif.: B & L Lithograph, c2000. F/65 Robins, Fred C., 1908 1967. Overseas diary: India and Burma, World War II / Fred C. Robins; arranged for publication with summary of events in the China/Burma/India theater of operations by Ruby M. Robins . Gainesville, Mo.: Rumaro Press, c1990. F/66 James, Bill, 1916 They sent me an invitation so I went to WWII . Houston: Emerald Ink Pub., c1998. F/67 Evans, Edward R., 1913 Combat cameraman: China Burma India / by Edward R. Evans; pictures by 10th USAAF Combat Camera Unit, China Burma India Theater . Pittsburgh, Penn .: Dorrance P ub., c1996. L.F/68 Glist, Lou, 1922 China mailbag uncensored: letters from an American GI in World War II China and India . Houston Tex .: Emerald Ink Publ, 2000. L.F/69 Kadel, Robert James, 1941 "Where I came in -in China, Burma, India . Paducah, KY: Turner Pub. Co., c1986 c1998. MS.F/70 Mathew, P., |q (Peter, Major, MBE) An account of an expedition to the Wat States, Burma, January to March 1946 [n.d.] MS.G/56 Lindo, Jack From Dingle to Delhi. [s.l.]; [The author], 2001. G/57 Bidwell, Shelford The Chindit war: campaign in Burma, 1944. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1979. G/58 Abbott, Gerry Back to Mandalay: an inside view of Burma . Bromley, Kent: Impact Books, 1990. G/59 Richard Rhodes James Chindit . London: John Murray, 1980.


6 G/60 Fergusson, Bernard, Sir, 1911 1980 The wild green earth . London: Collins, 1946. G/61 Thorburn, Gordon Jocks in the jungle: the Second Battalion of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment, the Black Watch and the First Battalion of the 26th Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) as Chindits . Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2012. H/29 Kelly, Desmond . London: Tiddim Press, 2003. I/77 Barrett, Colin Wings of an angel . London: Minerva Press, 2001. I/78 Annett, Roger Drop zone Burma: adventures in allied air supply 1942 45 / Roger Annett. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation, 2008. I/79 Fowler, William We gave our today: Burma 1941 45 / William Fowler. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2009. J/16 Smith, E.D. ordinated by M.H. Broadway. Staplehurst, Kent: Spellmount, 1997. J/17 Chant, Christopher Gurkha: the illustrated history of an elite fighting force . Poole, Dorse t: Blandford Press; New York, NY: Distributed in the U.S. by Sterling Pub. Co., 1985. J/18 Parker, John . London: Headline, 1999. J/19 Smith, E.D. London: Arrow Books, 1987. L. J/20 Chapple, J. L. The lineages and composition of Gurkha regiments in British service. [ Aldershot: Gurkha Museum], 2010. K/113 Perret, Bryan Tank tracks to Rangoon: the story of British armour in Burma. London: Robert Hale , 1992.


7 MS.K/114 Nicholls, Brian The military mule in the British Army and Indian Army: an anthology. [s.l.]: The authors, 2002. MS.K/115 Tallon, Lawrence Edward James Recruitment and service in the colonial armed forces of Kenya during the second world war, with special . London: the author, 2002. K/116 Gillings, Murray The shiny ninth: 9th Battalion the Royal Sussex regiment 1940 1946 . Sussex: The Pinwe Club, 1986. K/117 Proudfoot, C.L. History of the 16th Light Cavalry, Armoured Corps. [Calcutta]: [Hooghly Print], [1976]. K/118 A saga of service: 1st Battalion (Jangi Paltan): a history of the 1st Battalion: the Maratha Light Infantry Jangi Paltan 1768to 1993. Bombay: [The author], 1994. K/11 9 Goodacre, Ray With the fighting cock and the black cat in India and Burma: a history of 82nd anti tank regiment (and 82nd light anti aircraft anti tank regiment) royal artillery, 1941 1945. [s.l.]: the author, 2002. K/120 Wilson, David The sum of thing s. Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2001. MS.K/121 Rogers, Les 656 Squadron chronicles: Volume one 1942 [s.l]: The author, [s.d.] K/122 Marston, Daniel Phoenix from the ashes: the Indian Army in the Burma Campaign. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003. MS.K/123 McMath, Frank The jungle lay beneath. [s.l.]: The author, [s.d.] K/124 Molloy, T.R. The Silchar track. Ely: Melrose Books, 2006. MS.K/125 White, Steve More wartime memories of the men who served with the 99th (R.B.Y) Field Regiment. Leicestershire: Steve White, 1993.


8 MS.K/126 How, G. W. Diary of an infantry officer: Second World War, 1940 1946: the Buffs, the Royal East Kent Regiment. Wellington: G.W. How, 2002. K/127 Giles, A.F. The history of 5 Bn the Gold Coast Regt. 1939 1945. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.] MS.K/128 Anonymous The history of 7th Batallion the Gold Coast Regiment. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.] K/129 Anonymous History of the 1st Bn the Sierra Leone Regiment Royal West African Frontier Force 193 9 1945. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.] K/130 Hill, John Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2007. K/131 A regiment at war: the Royal Scots (the Royal Regiment) 1939 45 (including the Canadian Scottish Regiment) / editor, S. W. McBain. Edinburgh: Pentland, 1988. K/132 Unknown author Chinese Chindits; being an informal account of some of the life of a wartime battalion. [Aldershot, Eng., 1948] K/132 Unknown author Chinese Chindits; being an informal account of some of the life of a wartime battalion. [Aldershot, Eng., 1948] Added as extra copy, as this copy contains some extra information of notes from the user of the time including maps inserted to the book. K/133 Vellacott Jones, Kathleen Ticket to Burma. London: Shakespeare Head, [1952] MS.K/134 Esprit de Corps. March on! : The last campaign of the Fifty Fourth Regiment of Foot MS.K/135 Account of operations of 33 Indian Corps . N.p. [1944 1945] L/52 Pennington, William Pick up your parrots and monkeys: and fall in facing the boat. London: Cassell, 2003. L/53 Smyth, John George, Sir Milestones. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1979.


9 L/54 Sampson, Alf Alf Sampson says London: ISO Publications, 1990. L/55 Doherty, Richard Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2004. L/56 Lewin, Ronald Slim, the standardbearer: a biography of Field Marshal the Viscount Slim, KG, GCB, GCMG, GCVO, GBE, DSO, MC London: Leo Cooper, 1976. MS.L/58 Winds cheffel, Arthur This is an account of some of my experience and thoughts during my service with 656 squadron from the records I kept in my personal diaries: full version August 1943 January 1946. [s.l.]: The author, [s.d.] L/59 Brown, John Fergrieve 95 G uildford years / John Fergrieve Brown. Leicester: Matador, 2008. L/60 Lyman, Robert The generals: from defeat to victory, leadership in Asia 1941 45 / Robert Lyman. London: Constable, 2008. L/61 Lynn, Vera Some sunny day: my autobiography / Vera Lynn. London: HarperCollins, 2009. L/62 Hawkins, Doreen Drury Lane to Dimapur: wartime adventures of an actress Wimborne Minster: Dovecote Press, 2009. MS.L/63 Ogden, Wilf World War II, 1939 1945 : Memories of my life during t he Second World War from 1939 to 'De mob' in 1946 / Wilf Ogden Unpublished. MS.L/64 Gibson, Jim Nihil et nemo: Ellen Mooney Hannay, 1915 2009 /Jim Gibson Glaswgow: 15 Whitelee Gate, Newton Mearns, 2009 . L/65 Tyler, Gerald Leeds to Rangoon and back, North Yorkshire: Gerald E B Tyler, Shepherds Cottage, Winshaw, Chapel Le Dale, Ingleton, 2008. L/66 Brian Aldiss. The twinkling of an eye: or, My life as an Englishman / by Brian Aldiss. London: Little, Brown, 1998.


10 L/67 ** [ Unqualified item removed, the number to be used for a new item ]. MS.L/68 Bunnett, Ronald H. Memoirs of Ronald H. Bunnett Manuscripts sent by the author, October, 2009. L/69 Miller, Russell Uncle Bill: the authorised biography of Field Marshal Sir William Slim. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2013. L/70 Dudley, Ron The r oad to Rangoon and back . Abertillery: Old Bakehouse, 2007. L/71 Maslen Jones, Bob Outrageous fortune Bob Maslen Jones Dunbeath Whittles 2006. MS.L/72 Berry, I. C. War in Burma: One man's diary. London: J. R. Berry, 2010. MS.L/73 Maitland, A. K. Alexander Keith Maitland (1920 1963): Notes in his diary during World War Two in Burma Perthshire: Nether Littlefold, Madderty, Crieff, 2013. MS.L/74 Mr B K Bowman : Diary of service with 66 Column, 6th Bn The Nigeria Regiment during the Second Chindit operation 21 March 1944 with a note by John A L Hamilton. L/67 for new item, unqualified item removed, see above . M/105 Soo Boi Pa [s.l.]: The author, [1999] MS.M/106 Carter, Norman E. Outside for your prickly heat. Kidderminster: The author, 2000. MS.M/107 Bunnett, Ronald Hooper A short walk in the Chin Hills . [s.l.]: The author, [1993] MS.M/108 Reunions 1950 2000. [s.l.]: The authors, 1950 2000. M/109 Brookes, Stephen London: John Murray, 2001.


11 M/110 Gorman, Kenneth F. And the rains came. [s.l.]: [The author], [2001] M/111 Griffiths, A.L. Black cats and bush hats: Burma 1943 45 recalled with some laughter and some tears. London: [The author], 1991 MS.M/112 Newland, Dennis What did you do in the War, Dad? : Military service in the 1939/1945 war. [s.l.]: [The author], 2001 M/113 Vorley, J.S. The road from Mandalay. Windsor: Wilton 65, 2002 M/114 Lowry, Michael Fighting through to Kohima: a memoir of war in India and Burma. Barnsley: Leo Cooper, 2003. M/115 Rayment, John Captain Company 81st Division Royal West African Frontier Force, Burma Campaign, 1943 45. Winchester: George Mann Publications, 2003. MS.M/116 Cattle, Tom [s .l.]: The author, [2002] M/117 Llewellyn, K. [s.l.]: The author, 2003. M/118 Macdonald, Denise Ma ma hta: Burmese headwoman 1940s . Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 2001. M/119 Tinsley, Terence Stick and string. London: Buckland, 1992. M/120 Bryden, Bill Shell shcoked!: from Arakan to Mandalay (1942 1945). Devon: Stockwell, 2004. M/121 Smith, Donald And all the trumpets. London: Bles, 1954.


12 M/122 Grimsey, Ronald Stowmarket: Capella, 1987. M/123 Bates, Thomas J. A son of India. Bangalore: Arc Publications, 2002. M/124 Nicholls, C. G. Blow the bridge: a true story leading up to the demolition of the Sittang Bridge and its aftermath. London: Pen Press Publishers, 2005. M/125 Bennett, John Cyril The memoirs of a very fortunate man. Herts: Rock Road Boooks Ltd, [s.d] M/126 Taylor, Geoffrey From Bow to Burma and back. Ludlow: Merlin Unwin Books, 2005. M/127 Browning, Roger [s.l.]: Roger Browning, 2002. M/128 Naydler, Merton Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation, 2006. M/129 Graham, Gordon The trees are all young on Garrison Hill. Charvil: Kohima Educational Trust, 2005. M/130 Stevenson, James A slice of life: 1935 1950. [London ? the author?], 2006. MS.M/131 Pearce, Charles H. My other family. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.] M/132 Randle, John. Battle tales from Burma/ John Randle. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2004. M/133 Kennedy, Major General Sir John The business of war: the war narrative of Major General Sir John Kennedy / edited and with a preface by Bernard Fergusson. London: Hutchinson, [c1957].


13 M/134 Mains, A. A. A soldier with railways / by A. A. Mains. Chippenham: Picton, 1994. M/135 Donald Paulson CBI in the raw: one hump pilot's story about the China/Burma/India Theater of WWII Dodgeville, WI: Inkwell Printers, c2005. M/136 70 true stories of the Second World War. London: Odhams Press, [195 ?] MS.M/137 Malins, Philip Acceptance speech by Philip Malins on receiving the Order of the rising sun, with gold and silver rays from Ambassador Ebihara at 23 Kensington Palace Gardens. [The author]: 2010. MS. M/138 Ogden, W. Memories of my life from 1939 to 1946 during the Second World War. 1939 1945; Return to Burma, 2005. Heywood [Lancashire ]: Short Street, c2005. MS.M/139 Woodcock, D. H. For our tomorrows. London: 1991. M/140 Wilson Haffenden, D. J. Operation Exodus. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1957. M/141 Hodson, Ja mes Lansdale, 1891 War in the sun, by James Lansdale Hodson; being some account of a war correspondent's journeys, meetings, and what was said to him in the Middle East, India, Burma and West Africa during 1941 2. London, V. Gollancz ltd, 1942. M/142 Cub bon, R. E. Methodist, mad and married: a personal account of World War II. Douglas, Isle of Man: Hospice Care, 1995. M/143 R.E.S. Tanner and D.A. Tanner. Burma 1942: memories of a retreat: the diary of Ralph Tanner, 2nd Battalion the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Stroud: History Press, 2009. M/144 McLynn, Frank The Burma campaign: disaster into triumph 1942 45. London: Vintage Books 2011. M/145 Fenton, James The Forgotten Army A Bu rma Soldier's Story in Letters, Photographs and Sketches. Fonthill Media 2012.


14 M/146 Moss, A. A Piece of War: Memories from 1941 46. [UK ]: Vajra Press, 2011. M/147 Fish, Brian Words for weighing: essays and leaders. [Brighton ]: Indepenpress, c2012. MS.M/148 Jenner, Walter Wally's war: Recollections of service with the 4th battlion queen's own royal West Kent regiment (1938 1946). Kent [England ]: Walter Jenner, Iverness Suite, T he Grand Folkestone, 2007. M/149 Fitzpatrick, Gerald Ditched in Burma: no Mandalay, no Maymyo (79 survive) / Captain Gerald Fitzpatrick. York: York Publ., 2012. M/150 Grant, Enid. Over my shoulder: The story of Lt. Enid D. C. Grant (nee Palmer), of the Burma Hospital Nursing Corps working in India and Burma 1942 1945. Enid D.C. Grant, 1998. M/151 Russell, Stanley Farrant Flight from Burma: Muddy exodus An account of the evacuation from Upper Burma in May 1942, the refugee trail from Myitkina through the Hukawng Valley to Shinbwiyang and over the Pangsau Pass in the Naga Hills to Ledo, India: 18 20 thousand refugees died along the way. [S.l .: s.n., ca. 1998] M/152 King, William Collins Building for victory: World War II in China, Burma, and India and the 1875 th Engineer Aviation Battalion. Lanham, Md .; Oxford: Taylor Trade Pub., 2004. MS.M/153 Hind, David. Basher's War MS.M/154 Dixon, Donald Cassels Charles Papers of Major D.C.C. Dixon, Royal Engineers n.p., [193 ? 1996] MS.M/155 Hoskins, Kenneth Thurston Papers of Kenneth Thurston Hoskins MS.N/23 Evans, Charles [s.l.]: The author, [s.d.] N/24 Soep, Marion Our sister sahib. Greenock: New Vision, 2005.


15 MS.N/25 Morgan, Margaret A nursing sister in Burma. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [s.d.] N/26 Morgan, Margaret Nursing: England to Burma 1940 1945 [s.l.]: [the author], [2006] L.P / 24 Identification of units of the Japanese Army 1942; Battle drill for thinck jungle 1943; Phrase book English/Roman/Urdu/Pocket guide to Burma/newspapers. MS. P/25 VJ Commemorations 20 August 1995: A service of remembrance and commitment to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War, held in London 1995. L.Q/8 The Friendly Firm: Newsletter 1997 and 1999. R/8 Diamond, Jon Stilwell and the Chindits Barnsley: Pen & Sword Militar y, 2014. S/24 Boston and North Cambridgeshire Branch. The Stars: anthology of poems. Boston, Lincs: Kay, 1990. S/25 Ross, Kathleen. Stars of Burma and poems on the theme of war. Dorset: Natula Publications, 2005. S/26 Powell, Janet The Burma letters: lives in the letters of Tom and Vera Ashley. Somerset: Running Fox, 2005 S/27 Fletcher, Horace. The letters of Horace Fletcher: the Fletcher family. Much Wenlock: RJL Smith & Associates, 2006 S/28 McEvoy Patrick G. Soldier to sheperd. Settle: Hudson History, 2001 S/29 McEvoy, Patrick G. Home from the hill. Settle: Hudson history, 2005 S/30 Powell, Anne. Alun Lewis: a poet of consequence. London: Cecil Woolf, 2005.


16 S/31 Cobley, Roger. Poems by a fighter pilot 1939 1945 . [England]: 2000. S/32 S/57 Items for these classmarks have been removed/suppressed from catalogue. These items are the documents related to the founding of BCML, mainly correspondences between Gordon Graham and his colleagues an d friends between 1996 and 2001, and are ke pt in archival store, to be made available to public in 2030. MS.S/58 Macdonald, Akiko Reconciliation and the Future MS.S/59 Kotuku Sato and John L Grover MS.S/60 Graham, Gordon Speech on occasion of hand over of Burma Campaign Memorial Library to SOAS May 10, 2001 MS.T/14 Oates, W. J. The important part played by the Royal navy, Royal Indian Navy, and the Merchant Navy during the Arakan campaign in Burma. London: Burma Star Association, 2004. T/15 Crabb, Brian James. Beyond the call of duty: the story of British Commonwealth Service and mercantile women lost at sea during the Second World War. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2006. T/16 Haining, Peter The banzai hunters: the forgotten armada of little ships that defeated the Japanese, 1944 45. London: Rob son, 2006. T/17 Winton, John Sink the Haguro! : The last destroyer action of the Second World War / John Winton ; with a foreword by Earl Mountbatten. London: Seeley, Service, 1979. T/18 Edwards, Jack (Jack Albert) Twenty two hundred days to Pulo We: my education in the navy. Ely: Melrose Books, 2005. T/19 Costello, John The Pacific war: grand strategy. London: |b Pan, |c 1985. U/79 Williams, Douglas 194 Squadron Royal Air Force: |b 'The friendly firm' / |c Douglas Williams; with foreword by Sir Jo hn Grandy. [ Second copy, conta ining signatures of the authors]


17 U/104 Leicester, L. Anthony Flights into the night: reminiscences of a World War Two RAF Wellington pilot . Manchester: Crecy, 2000. U/105 Van Wagner, R.D. Any place, anytime , anywhere : the 1st Air Commandos in WWII . Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub., 1998. U/106 Smith, Peter Charles Jungle dive bombers at war . London: Murray, 1987. U/107 Caidin, Martin The ragged, rugged warriors. Toronto; London: Bantam, 1979. U/108 Wittridge, A. H. An evil boy. Kettering: Wunjo Press, 2004. U/109 Clinton, Colin From Bradford to Burma and back. Bradford: C. Clinton, 2005. U/110 Pearson, Michael The Burma air campaign 1941 1945. Pen & Sword Aviation, 2006. U/111 Warwick, Nigel W.M. Constant vigilance: the RAF Regiment in the Burma Campaign Barnsley: Pen & Sword Aviation, 2007. U/112 Ethell, Jeffrey L. Flying the hump: in original World War II color St. Paul MN: Motorbooks International, 2004. U/113 Flight Lt. McCormick Certificates of qualification as first pilot /Flight Lt. McCormick 1942. Unpublished . U/114 Hata, Ikuhiko, 1932 Japanese Army Air Force fighter units and their aces, 1931 1945. London: Grub Street, 2002. L.U/115 Bennett, Albert Spitfires over Burma: A forgotten squadron, a tribut e. Privately Printed., Kent, 2012.


18 U/116 Spencer, Dennis. Looking backwards over Burma: wartime recollections of a RAF beaufighter navigator. Bognor Regis, West Sussex: Woodfield, 2009. U/117 Manwaring, Randle, 1912 On the road to Mandalay. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Military, 2006. U/118 Frances, Neil, |d 1951 Ketchil: |b a New Zealand pilot's war in Asia and the Pacific / |c Neil Frances. Masterton, N.Z .: |b Wairarapa Archive, |c 2005. L.U/119 Russell, Wilfrid. The friendly firm: |b a history of 194 Squadron, RAF. London: 194 Squadron, R.A.F. Association, 1972. Photocopy but contains signature of the author, possibly presented by the author to the Friends of the BCML. V. Fiction V/110 Nimse, Gordon The interpreter. London: Robert Hale, 2006. V/111 Davin, Dan Night attack: short stories from the Second World War / chosen by Dan Davin. Oxford [England ]: Auckland [N.Z. ]: Oxford University Press, 1989. V/112 Aldiss,Brian Forgotten life / Brian Aldiss. London: Gollancz, 1988. V / 113 Graham, Gordon Return to a battlefield. 1994. V/114 Elliott, E.W. Burma: the forgotten war Bloomington, INU: AuthorHouse, c2005. L.V/115 Sampson, Alf Alf Sampson says -"Bless 'em all" : |b pages from the diary of an unofficial war artist. London: |b ISO Publications, 1990. V/116 119?? No records for these number on the online catalogue nor books on shelf . V/120 Stanley, John Berchman Whisper flight; adventures of Lt. Bob Hilton, engineer, on a special glider mission in Burma. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1945.


19 V/121 James, Harold (Harold Douglas) Tales of the Gurkhas. England: The Book Guild, 1995. ( See V/116 119 above, number for new items) W / 15 Tamayama, Kazuo Railwaymen in the War / Kazuo Tamayama. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Note : The classmarks of the archival items, which were transferred to the Archive Storage, have been modified, with prefix MS and for the large size items the prefix L was re placed with MS. This list has been updated accordingly. Last updated: 10 April 2018