Burma campaign memorial library

Material Information

Burma campaign memorial library a collection of books and papers about the war in Burma 1942-1945
Cover title:
Burma campaign memorial library descriptive catalogue and bibliography
Graham, Gordon
Cole, Frank
Place of Publication:
School of Oriental and African Studies
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
ix, 150


Subjects / Keywords:
World War, 1939-1945 -- Burma ( LCSH )
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Burma ( LCSH )
Burma -- History -- Japanese occupation, 1942-1945 ( LCSH )
Myanmar -- History -- Japanese occupation, 1942-1945
Temporal Coverage:
Japanese occupation, 1942-1945 ( 1942 - 1945 )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Myanmar
22 x 96

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
Copyright 2001, SOAS University of London.
Resource Identifier:
521166 ( ALEPH )


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Full Text
Descriptive Catalogue
and Bibliography

Burma Campaign
Memorial Library

Burma 1942-45
Blossoms fall to earth
The pagoda promises
That spring will follow

Burma Campaign
Memorial Library
A collection of books
and papers about the
War in Burma 1942-1945
Compiled by
Gordon Graham mc ma d univ Stirling and
Frank Cole fla
University of London
School of Oriental and African Studies
London 1999

© School of Oriental and African Studies
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London wcih oxg
First published 1999
ISBN o 7286 0305 5
Typesetting Margaret Mills
Design and Production Douglas Williamson
Printed by Redwood Books Ltd, Trowbridge

The idea of a Memorial Library on the Burma Campaign first
arose in 1995, when it was observed that there was no single
comprehensive collection of books on what had been the longest
continuous campaign of World War II. Would not such a
collection be a fitting memorial to the tragedy and heroism and
futility of war; a treasure house for the dwindling brotherhood
who had participated in the campaign; a resource for future
scholars and historians; and a measure of insurance that a
campaign overshadowed at the time by the vast events in Europe
and the Pacific, should not become a mere footnote to history?
As a first step, lists were obtained from the British National
Bibliography, Whitaker’s Cumulative Database, the Bodleian
Library and the Imperial War Museum. The Burma section of
A. G. Enser’s 1975 Subject Bibliography of Second World War
Books in English was consulted, as were specialized biblio-
graphies such as ‘English-Language Fiction about the War in
Burma’ compiled by Lewis Hill of the University of Hull. Lists
of books in personal libraries were volunteered. Authors’
bibliographies at the ends of their books were scanned. Privately
published books and unpublished manuscripts came to light.
So began what proved to be a four-year project, consisting
initially of pledges of books from personal libraries. Parting with
treasured books is hard, so those who did not feel ready to donate
their books in their lifetimes were invited to leave instructions
to their heirs. Such personal gifts and bequests are the largest
component of the Memorial Library. On the flyleaf of each
donated book is a bookplate giving the name and details of
service of the donor, who in some cases is also the author.
Soon the search, aided by networking among members of the
Burma Star Association and many reunion groups, became inter-
national. The war in Burma had involved the forces of many
nations. In addition to books published in Britain, which con-
stitute the majority of the collection, there are books from the
United States, India, Burma, Australia and Canada. There are

also a few books translated from Japanese into English, and a
start has been made, with the help of the All-Burma Veterans’
Association of Japan, in assembling a collection of Japanese
After two years of voluntary effort, it became clear that finance
was needed to complete the project. The Burma Campaign
Fellowship Group, which, since it was founded in 1990, has done
much to improve understanding between Japanese and British
veterans, made an application to the Great Britain Sasakawa
Foundation for funds, not only to buy books, but to contribute to
the installation and upkeep of the Fibrary.
To back this application, it was necessary first to find a
permanent home for the Fibrary, where it would be easily
accessible to present and future generations. An approach was
made to the Fibrary of the School of Oriental and African Studies
(SOAS), which is the premier centre for Asian studies in the UK
and has an historical connection with the war in Japan, since it
provided crash courses in the Japanese language during World
War II. The SOAS Fibrary not only agreed to house the Memorial
Fibrary as a discrete collection, but to integrate with it relevant
titles already in their collections.
After securing this generous help from the GB Sasakawa
Foundation and SOAS, a further two years were spent in tracking
down and purchasing rare titles, mainly through booksellers
specialising in military history. There was also substantial
correspondence with veterans of the Burma war in many parts of
the world. Valuable manuscripts which were in danger of oblivion
were uncovered. By early 1999, about 600 of the 750 titles in the
bibliography had been acquired, a sufficient number to justify the
transfer of the collection to SOAS and its public inauguration.
The launch of the Library is not the end of the project. Titles
still to be acquired will be added. Unrecorded titles will be
identified. New books are being written, and there will be more
books in the future. A library is a living thing. In the care of
skilled librarians it will last for hundreds of years. Its purpose is
not merely to store knowledge and impart information, but to
stimulate thought. Libraries are the vehicles which pass, from
generation to generation, the lessons learned, wisdom, experience,
and, less deliberately, insight into the follies of those who have

gone before. In the Burma Campaign Memorial Library, dealing,
as it does, with the subject of war, an infliction self-imposed by
humanity - which at the end of this stormy century shows no
signs of abating - there is plenty of folly to be pondered on. But
mainly it is a record of courage, stoicism, endurance and sacrifice.
May 1999

Prefatory notes
1 This publication is both a catalogue and a bibliography.
Asterisked titles have not been acquired as it goes to press,
(sc = soft cover : n.d. = no date)
2 Access to the Library is open to SOAS Library card holders
and is free to Burma veterans, on production of their
membership cards to the Burma Star Association or any
other veterans’ association.
3 When there is only one copy of a title in the Library, it may
not be borrowed, but can be consulted and studied in the
SOAS Special Collection Reading Room. Duplicate copies of
a title will normally be available for loan. It is anticipated
that as a result of future additions, the number of loan copies
will increase.
4 A list of books in the Japanese language is available on
request to SOAS.
5 The compilers will gratefully receive information about
inaccuracies and additions at the following address:
Burma Campaign Library Project, 5 Beechwood Drive,
Marlow, SL7 2DH.

Introduction v
A Official Histories i
B General Accounts 3
C The Japanese Invasion 6
D Arakan 10
E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay
and Rangoon 13
F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road
G The Chindits 22
H Clandestine Operations 27
I Civilian Burma 31
J The Gurkhas 3 8
K Unit and Formation Histories 40
L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries 49
M Personal Narratives 53
N Medical Services 63
O The Indian National Army 66
P Newspapers and Ephemera 70
Q Journals and Newsletters 72
R Pictorial Histories 73
S Verses, Essays and Letters 74
T The War at Sea 77
U The War in the Air 79
V Fiction 89
W Japanese books in English 98

Section A
Official Histories
Only government-sponsored publications dealing with the
whole Campaign are listed here. Other publications are
found under subject headings.
The War against Japan by S Woodburn Kirby and others
ai Vol I The loss of Singapore 5$>opp 1957
A2 Vol II India’s most dangerous hour 558pp 1958
A3 Vol III The decisive battles 578pp 1961
A4 Vol IV The re-conquest of Burma 583pp 1965
A5 *VolV The surrender of Japan 622pp 1969
HMSO illustrated maps
Appendices to the volumes contain orders of battle of own
and enemy forces, details of supply arrangements, statistics
of casualties, etc.
a 6 *Vol III by J M A Gwyer and J R M Butler June 1941 -
August 1942 4i6pp 1964
A7 *Vol IV by Michael Howard August 1942 - September 1943
798pp 1972
a8 * Vol V by John Ehrman August 1943 - September 1944
65ipp 1956
A9 *Vol VI by John Ehrman October 1944 - August 1945
438PP 1956
HMSO illustrated maps
aio *The Royal Indian Navy 1939 - 1945 by D J E Collins
aii * PRASAD, Bishenwar
Retreat from Burma 1941-1942 1953
A12 PRASAD, Bishenwar
Defence of India: Policy and plans 1963 278PP maps

Section A Official Histories
A13 "PRASAD, Bishenwar ed
Expansion of the Armed Forces and defence
ARAKAN OPERATIONS 1942-1945 1954
A15 PRASAD, Bishenwar ed
The Reconquest of Burma
Vol I June 1942-June 1944 467PP illustrated maps
ai6 PRASAD, Bishenwar ed
The Reconquest of Burma
Vol II June 1944-August 1945 539PP illustrated maps
ai7 *KHERA, PN
Technical Services: I.E.M.E. and Ordnance 1962
ai8 * GUPTA, SC
History of the Indian Air Force 1933-1945 1961
A19 MOUNTBATTEN, Louis, Vice-Admiral the Earl
Mountbatten of Burma
Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff by the
Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia
HMSO 1951 28opp maps
Contains list of commanders down to flotilla, brigade, group;
official reports
Plus edition published in India.
Combined Inter-Services Historical Section (India & Pakistan)
A20 * MOUNTBATTEN, Louis, Vice-Admiral the Earl
Mountbatten of Burma
Post-surrender tasks: Section E of the Report to the
Combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied
Commander South- East Asia, 1943-45
HMSO 1969 47pp maps
The contents of this section were withheld from the main
report when it was published in 1951 as being very
politically sensitive.

Section B
General Accounts
This section comprises overviews of the Campaign.
bi ALLEN, Louis
Burma: the longest war 1941-1945
Dent 1984 705PP illustrated maps
Dent 1986 705PP illustrated maps with corrections sc
A classic account
A Japanese translation in 3 volumes.
Campaign of the XIV Army 1944-1945
(476 Indian Printing Section) [1945]
b3 *AUCHINLECK, Field Marshal Sir Claude
Despatch: Operations in the Indo-Burma Theatre based on
India from June 21,1943 to November 15,1943.
(Supplement to the London Gazette April 27,1948 no 38274)
The Japanese offensive 1941-1943: an analytical study
New Delhi: Himalayan Books 1990 264PP sc
B5 "BOND Michelle
The Forgotten army: what were the lifestyles and
attitudes of the soldiers of the ‘Forgotten Army’ fighting in
Burma 1942-1945?
Unpublished typescript
b6 CALLAHAN, Raymond
Burma 1942-1945
Davis-Poynter 1978 i9opp map
b7 * CHANDRA, Anil
Indian Army triumphant in Burma 1941-1945
Atma Ram 1984
b 8 * CHAPHEKAR, Shankarrao G
A Brief study of the Burma Campaign 1943-1945 1955
Poona: Maharashta Militarization Board

Section B General Accounts
b9 DUPUY, Trevor N
Asiatic land battles: The Expansion of Japan in Asia
Franklin Watts 1963 68pp illustrated
A brief illustrated history, one of a series covering World
War II
bio ELLIOTT, Major General J G
A Roll of honour
Cassell 1965 394PP
Japanese offensive
Jalandhar: ABS publications 1990 291PP maps
Covers the period 1941-194 3
bi2 HICKEY, Michael
The unforgettable army: Slim’s XIVth Army in Burma
Spellmount 1992 3i8pp illustrated maps
Appendices list VCs awarded, order of battle etc
With the 14TH Army
Bombay: Thacker 1944 n6pp
Author was war correspondent on The Bombay Chronicle
The War in Burma
Methuen 1948 315PP
By a military observer
bi5 MASON, Philip
A Matter of honour: an account of the Indian Army and
its men
Cape 1974 58opp illustrated maps
bi6 MATTHEWS, Geoffrey
The Re-conquest of Burma 1943-1945
Gale & Polden 1966 115PP
A clear account written for Staff College entrants
SEAC Souvenir, Parts One and Two
HMSO 1945 i6ppand8pp illustrated maps (photocopies)

Section B General Accounts
Burma: retreat and reconquest
Poona: the author 1974 159PP maps
B19 SLIM, William, Field Marshal the Viscount
Defeat into Victory
Cassell 1956 587PP illustrated maps
Four Square 1958 448pp maps sc
Masterly account of the war in Burma 1942-1945
Battle for Burma
Batsford 1979 i9opp illustrated maps
B21 OWEN, Frank
The Campaign in Burma
HMSO 1946 175PP illustrated maps sc
Ferozepore: English Book Depot 1952 i86pp illustrated
Written by Frank Owen for the Central Office of Information
B22 WAGG, Alfred
A Million died: a story of war in the Far East
Nicholson & Watson 1943 i92pp
B23 WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount
Despatch: Operations in the India Command from January
1,1943 to June 2,1943 i6pp maps
(Supplement to the London Gazette April 20,1948 no 3 8266)
B24 *WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount
Speeches and messages India 1941-1943
New Delhi: Privately printed
B25 ^WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount
Speeches from October 26,1943 to March 21,1947
New Delhi: i52pp
Martial India
Eyre & Spottiswoode 1945 2oopp illustrated maps

Section C
The Japanese Invasion
Individual experiences of these events can be found under
Personal Narratives Section M.
ci BARNARD, Jack
The Hump: the greatest untold history of the war
Souvenir Press i960 i92pp illustrated
Retreat with Stilwell
New York: Knopf 1943 3^8pp map
Bombs over Burma
Melbourne: F W Cheshire 1944 26opp illustrated map
Trek back from Burma
India: Allahabad n.d. 33opp
c5 CAREW, Tim
The Longest retreat: the Burma Campaign 1942
Hamish Hamilton 1969 288pp illustrated maps
Mountain Battery
Devin Books 1983 246PP illustrated maps
Burma and the Japanese invader
Bombay: Thacker 1945 4I^PP
c8 DILLON, Terence
Rangoon to Kohima
Gloucester Regiment i48pp
C9 DORN, Frank
Walk out with Stilwell in Burma
New York: Thomas Y Crowell 1971 258PP illustrated maps

Section C The Japanese Invasion
cio DRAPER, Alfred
Dawns like thunder: the retreat from Burma 1942
Leo Cooper 1987 301 pp illustrated maps
All quiet on the Irrawaddy
New Horizon 1979 225PP illustrated
All hell on the Irrawaddy
Anchor Publications 1985 286pp illustrated
Retreat in the East
Harrap 1942 i9opp illustrated
C14 GARDINER, John Ronald (Ritchie)
Diary of a journey from Sumprabum to Margherita
by the Chaukkan Pass May-July 1942
Unpublished n.d. i88pp map (typescript)
ci 5 GRANT, Ian Lyall and TAMAYAMA
Burma 1942: the Japanese invasion - both sides tell the
story of a savage jungle war
Zampi Press 1999 35opp illustrated maps
Out of the Burma night: being the fantastic journey
through the wilderness of the Hukawng Valley ... at the time
of the Japanese invasion of Burma
Calcutta: Thacker & Spink 1944 164PP illustrated
ci7 * KNIGHT, Allan
Escape from the yellow peril: personal experiences of an
evacuee from Burma
India Allahabad: Kitab Mahal 1945 9ipp
Diamonds in the Dust
Kitabistan: Invasion 1942 49pp

Section C The Japanese Invasion
C19 LEASOR, James
The Marine from Mandalay
Leo Cooper 1991 i46pp
C20 LUNT, James
A Hell of a licking: the retreat from Burma 1941-1942
Collins 1986 318 pp illustrated maps
David & Charles 1986 319PP illustrated maps sc
C21 McCRAE, Alistair
Irrawaddy flotilla
James Paton 1978
C22 MacFETRIDGE, Charles
The Battle of Shwegyin May 10,1942
Unpublished 8pp typescript map
C23 MACKENZIE, Compton
Eastern epic Vol 1 September 1939 - March 1943: Defence
Chatto &c Windus 1951 646 pp maps
C24 MAINS, Tony
The Retreat from Burma: an intelligence officer’s
personal story
Foulsham 1973 152PP illustrated map
C25 MALGONKAR, Manohar
Distant drum
Bombay: Asia Publishing House i960 2.57PP
C26 * RUSSELL, Stanley F
Muddy exodus: a story of the evacuation of Burma 1942
Epworth 1943 64PP
C27 * SINGH, Bishan
Burma retreat
India: Kanpur: Vasuder Singh 1949
C28 SMYTH, John
Before the dawn: a story of two historic retreats
Cassell 1957 235PP illustrated maps
Dunkirk: 1940 Burma: 1942
Author commanded 17 Indian Division

Section C The Japanese Invasion
C29 STEWART, Adrian
The Underrated enemy: Britain’s War with Japan
December 1941 - May 1942
Kimber 1987 234PP illustrated maps
... and some fell by the wayside: an account of the North
Burma evacuation
Bombay: Orient Longmans 1950 i82pp illustrated map
C31 TINKER, Hugh
The India exodus from Burma 1942 in
Journal of South-East Asian Studies 1975
C32 TYSON, Geoffrey
Forgotten frontier
Calcutta: Targett 1945 illustrated maps
Tea planters of North-East India during the retreat
C3 3 * WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount
Despatch: Operation in the Eastern Theatre, based on
India, from March 1942 to December 31,1942
(Supplement to the London Gazette September 17, 1946
no 37728)
C34 WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount
Despatch: Operations in Burma from December 15,1941
to May 20,1942 (covering reports by Lieut-General
T J Hutton and General the Hon Sir Harold Alexander) 46pp
(Supplement to the London Gazette March 5,1948
no 38228)

Section D
Accounts of the Arakan front from 1942 to 1945.
References to Arakan experiences can be found in Sections
A, B, C, K, L and M.
History of the Arakan campaign 1944-1945
HQ XV Indian Corps [1946?]
The story of the 25TH Indian Division: the Arakan
Bombay: Government of India War Department n.d. 37pp
illustrated sc
Abakan assignment: the story of the 82nd West African
West Africa: P R Services n.d. 44pp illustrated map sc
West African Way: the story of the Burma Campaign
1943- 1945 5th Bn Gold Coast Regt
Privately published n.d. Various paginations map
The Jeep track: the story of the 81st West African Division
fighting on the Arakan front in Burma
Regency Press 1990 79pp
d6 " CLARKE, Michael S
Kaladan mortars: a walk on the knife edge
Woodfield Publishing 1994 93pp illustrated maps sc
A West African mortar battery in the Kaladan Valley
1944- 1945
D7 * EMMET, A Maitland
The Arakan campaign of the 25TH Indian Division
March 1944 - March 1945
1946 i3ipp

Section D Arakan
7TH Indian Field Regt Royal Indian Artillery: a
narrative 1943-1947
Privately published 1996 Various pagination illustrated
maps sc
7th and 26th Indian Divisions in Arakan
Burma 1943-1944: memories of the First Kaladan
Campaign 81st (West African) Division
Privately published 53pp illustrated map (photocopy) m/s
Burma 1944-1945: memories of the Second Kaladan
Campaign 5th (West African Brigade) 81st (West African)
Privately published 28pp illustrated map (photocopy) m/s
di 1 PHILLIPS, C E Lucas
The Raiders of Arakan
Heinemann 1971 i98pp illustrated maps
Royal Marines Commandoes, West African and V Force
activity 1943-1944
D12 STRAUBENZEE, Philip van
Desert, jungle and dale: a memoir
Pentland Press 1991 i4opp illustrated maps
Author was CO 1st Bn The Sierra Leone Regt 1944-1945
82nd (West African) Division
di3 SWYNNERTON, Charles R A
Brigade in the Arakan 1944-1945
2nd ed Lagos 1949 95PP maps
Author was the Brigade Commander
D14 TURNBULL, Patrick
The Battle of the Box
Ian Allan 1979 144PP illustrated maps
The decisive engagement

Section D Arakan
di5 WILMOT, Alec
The author 1998 i66pp illustrated sc
A Field Regiment in 26th Indian Division,
March 1944 - August 1945

Section E
Assam, Manipur and the advance to
Mandalay and Rangoon
ei ALLEN, Louis
Sittang the last battle: the end of the Japanese in Burma
July-August 1945
Military Book Society 1973 284PP illustrated maps
40TH Anniversary Battle of Kohima
Illustrated leaflet 8pp
e3 ATKINS, David
The Reluctant Major
Toat Press 1986 nopp illustrated map
RIASC Transport Company
e4 ATKINS, David
The Forgotten Major
Toat Press 1989 145PP illustrated maps
300 Indian GPT Company
The March on Delhi
Faber 1963 3O2pp illustrated maps
Dehradun: Netaji Publishing 1990
e6 BOND, Brian ed
Fallen stars: eleven studies of 20th century military
Brasseys (UK) 1991 272PP maps
Contains Mutaguchi Kenya and the invasion of India by
Louis Allen 25PP
E7 BOWER, Ursula Graham
Naga Path
Murray 1950 z6opp illustrated map

Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon
e8 CAMPBELL, Arthur
The Siege: a story from Kohima
Allen & Unwin 1956 2i2pp illustrated maps
Corgi 1957 25ipp maps sc
No ordinary men: the story of the battle of Kohima
Leo Cooper 1995 263PP illustrated maps
eio CROSS, J P
Jungle warfare: experiences and encounters
Guild Publishing 1989 222pp illustrated
ei 1 EVANS, Geoffrey and BRETT-JAMES
Imphal: a flower on lofty heights
Macmillan 1962 348pp illustrated maps
E12 FREER, Arthur F
Nunshigum: on the road to Mandalay
Pentland Press 1995 z6zpp maps
Tank action by 3rd Carabiniers north of Imphal
April 1944
E13 GIFFARD, General Sir George
Despatch: Operations in Burma and North East India
from November 16,1943 to June 22,1944 3ipp map
Maps for use with Army and Air Despatches of the Burma
(Supplement to the London Gazette March 13, 1951
no 39171)
E14 GIFFARD, General Sir George
Despatch: Operations in Assam and Burma June 23,1944
to November 12,1944 zypp map
(Supplement to the London Gazette March 30, 1951
no 39187)
On to Rangoon
Bombay: Claridge 1945

Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon
ei6 GRANT, Ian Lyall
Burma: the turning point: the seven battles on the Tiddim
Road ...
Zampi Press 1993 2-55PP illustrated maps
Operations of the 5TH Infantry Brigade, 2 Division, in
Assam March 30 - May 12,1944 with special reference to
the Battle of Kohima
Unpublished typescript n.d. 125PP
ei8 KENDALL, Bill
I was there! With the British 2nd Division
The author 6opp sc
The Battle for Kohima: the narrative of the 2nd Battalion
the Manchester Regiment, the Machine Gun battalion of the
British 2nd Division
Fleur de Lys Publishing 1995 i38pp illustrated maps sc
E20 *LEESE, General Sir Oliver
Despatch: Operations in Burma from November 12,1944
to August 15,1945
(Supplement to the London Gazette April 6,1951 no 39195)
E21 McCANN, John
Kohima - an historic village and other short stories
The author 4oipp illustrated sc
The author served in i/8th Lancashire Fusiliers
E22 McCANN, John
Echoes of Kohima
The author 1989 4i6pp illustrated sc
E23 * McCANN, John
Return to Kohima
The author 1993
E24 NEILD, Eric
Collection of papers, correspondence, extracts on the
Battle at Sangshak, 50th Indian Parachute Brigade etc

Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon
Springboard to victory: battle for Kohima
Heinemann 1966 242PP illustrated maps
Delhi: Army Publishers n.d.
E26 "ROONEY, David
Burma Victory: Imphal, Kohima and the Chindit issue
March 1944 to May 1945
Arms and Armour Press 1992 2o8pp illustrated maps
E27 SEAMAN, Harry
The Battle at Sangshak: Burma, March 1944
Leo Cooper 1989 i48pp illustrated maps
The prelude to Kohima
The Unsung Heroes: a personal account
The author 1995 98pp sc
E29 SWINSON, Arthur
Cassell 1966 275PP illustrated maps
Arrow Books 1968 32opp illustrated maps sc
E30 WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount
Confidential directive ‘To officers of India Command’
GHQ Delhi May 22, 1943 6pp typescript
E31 * WILSON, Richard C
The Imphal Shrimps
Chester: the author 1962
E32 * WILSON, Richard C
Tailpiece at Tamu
Chester: the author 1962

Section F
China-Burma-India Theatre
and the Burma Road
Concerns operations in North Burma and in China, mainly
by US and Chinese forces. Books on General Stilwell will be
found under Biographies Section L. ‘The Hump’ - air
transport between India, North Burma and China is
included in The War in the Air Section U.
fi ADAMSON, Iain
The Forgotten Men
Bell 1965 195PP
A British Commando training mission to China
Merrill’s Marauders
NY: Peducah Pub 1987 i22pp illustrated
F3 BAKER, Alan
Merrill’s Marauders
Pan/Ballantine 1972 i6opp illustrated maps sc
F4 BATES, Richard F
Memories of military service: a teenager in Burma
The author 1995 i78pp illustrated maps
f5 BELDEN, Jack
Still time to die
Gollanz 1945 2-88pp
f6 BONHAM, Frank
Burma rifles: a story of Merrill’s Marauders
New York: Crowell i960 26opp
f7 BRADLEY, Neville
The Old Burma Road: a journey on foot and muleback
Heinemann 1945 138PP illustrated

Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road
f8 CHAN, Won-loy
Burma: the untold story
Novato, CA: Presidio [1986?] 149PP illustrated
The Men of the Burma Road
Methuen 3rd ed 1942 88pp illustrated
fio *CHUONG, Tong-Guk
Burma-Yunnan victory in China’s 8th war 1945
fi 1 COE, Douglas
Burma Road
New York: Julian Messner 1946 i92pp illustrated map
Wrath in Burma: the uncensored story of General Stilwell
and international manoeuvres in the Far East
New York: Doubleday 1946 32opp illustrated maps
Defeat in the East: the mark of Mao Tse-tung on war
Oxford 1967 270PP
The Magic War: the battle for North Burma
New York: Scribner’s 1971 i8opp illustrated maps
fi 5 FISCHER, Edward
The Chancy war: winning in China, Burma and India in
World War Two
New York: Orion Books 1991 250PP illustrated maps
fi6 GEORGE, John B
Shots fired in anger: A rifleman’s view of the war in the
Pacific ...with Merrill’s Marauders
Washington DC National Rifle Association of America
2nd ed 1991 535PP illustrated maps
Book I Guadalcanal Book II Burma
fi7 *GEREN, Paul Francis
Burma diary

Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road
Deland, Florida: Everett/Edwards Presentation edition 1968
fi8 " GLASS, S A
Who stole my mule?
Maysville, Kentucky: Bell Enterprises [1985?]
An American with Northern Combat Command
fi9 "HERMAN, Leonard
Burma mission: Company D
Allentown, Pennsylvania: the author 1946
F20 " HIROSHI, Fowa
Japanese operations in the Hukawng Valley
USA: Military Review 1963
F21 HO, Yng-Ch’i
The Big Circle
New York: Exposition Press 1948 152PP
The role of Chinese forces in the Burmese Campaigns of the
Second World War
F22 HOYT, Edwin P
Merrill’s Marauders
Los Angeles: Pinnacle Books 1980 i48pp sc
F23 * HUNTER, Charles Newton
San Antonio, Texas: The Naylor Company 1963 2,33PP
illustrated maps
Galahad - the code name for the US long range penetration
group in CBI
F24 *KADEL, Bob
‘Where I came in’ in China-Burma-India
Paducah, Kentucky: Turner Publishing 1987
F25 *LAURET, Jean-Claude
Forces speciales en Birmanie: 1944 Les Mauradeurs de
Paris: Presses de la Cite 1986 285 illustrated map
In French

Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road
F26 OGBURN, Charlton
The Marauders
New York: Harper 1959 307PP illustrated map
Quality Book Club i960 319PP map
F27 PEERS, William and BRELIS
Behind the Burma Road
Robert Hale 1964 194PP illustrated maps
KC8 Burma
Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower University Press 1992
194PP illustrated map sc
KC8 was a CBI Air Warning Team
F29 * RANDOLPH, John H
Marsmen in Burma
Houston, Texas: the author 1946
The United States Army in World War II: China-Burma-
India Theater 3 volumes:
Stilwell’s Mission to China 44ipp
Stilwell’s Command problems 515PP
Time runs out in CBI 428pp
Washington DC: Office of the Chief of Military History:
Department of The Army 1953-1956-1959 illustrated maps
Burma Road: report of an address
China Society 1949
F32 SLATER, Robert
Guns through Arcady: Burma and the Burma Road
Sydney: Angus & Robertson 1941 239PP illustrated
A pre-war account to 1939
F33 SMITH, Nicol
Burma Road
Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill 1940 333PP

Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road
F34 * STILWELL, Joseph
The Campaign in Burma March/June 1942
F35 STILWELL, Joseph
The Stilwell papers, arranged and edited by Theodore H
MacDonald 1949 327PP illustrated maps
f36 ’’STILWELL, Joseph
History of the CBI Theatre
(Stilwell’s Personal File Bi 1942-1944) Scholarly Resources
F37 STOWE, Leland
They shall not sleep
New York: Knopf 1944 42.4PP
F38 TAN, Pei-Ying
The Building of the Burma Road
New York: McGraw-Hill 1945 204PP illustrated map
F39 TAYMAN, Nelson-Grant
Stilwell Road - land route to China i8pp illustrated sc
(Article in National Geographic Magazine Vol LXXXVII
no 6, June 1945)
F40 ’’TYSON, Geoffrey
Ramgarh ‘Now it can be told’
US Army: Ramgarh Training Center, CBI 1945
F41 ' TYSON, Geoffrey
American forces in action: Merrill’s Marauders
Center of Military History 1990
Merrill’s Marauders February - May 1944
Washington DC: War Department Historical Division
F43 ’’WILLIAMS, Robert P
One Man’s CBI

Section G
The Chindits
Biographies of Orde Wingate can be found in Section L.
Operation ‘Thursday’ Allied landings in N E Burma
Chindit operation in Burma
Rand Corporation 1943 19^3
A Chindit story
Souvenir Press 1954 163PP map
Panther 1958 158PP sc
G4 BID WELL, Shelford
The Chindit war: the campaign in Burma 1944
Hodder & Stoughton 1979 304PP illustrated maps
New York: Macmillan 1979
The standard account
Jungle, jungle, little Chindit
Hollis & Carter [1946?] 97pp illustrated
Wingate’s phantom army
Bombay: Thacker 1944 240PP illustrated map
Wingate adventure
Melbourne: F W Cheshire 1944 i88pp illustrated map
g8 BUTT, Paul Le
We too can die: tales of the Chindits
Robert Anscombe 1947 163PP

Section G The Chindits
G9 CALVERT, Michael
Prisoners of Hope
Cape 1952 303PP illustrated maps
Corgi Books 1973 32opp illustrated maps sc
(With a new postscript by the author)
gio CALVERT, Mike
Fighting mad
Airlife 1996 2o8pp illustrated
gii CALVERT, Michael
Chindits: long range penetration
Pan Ballantine n.d. 159PP illustrated maps sc
G12 CARFRAE, Charles
Chindit column
William Kimber 1985 194PP illustrated maps
7th Bn The Nigeria Regiment during the Second
Chindit operation
The Beginning of the end: a story about the
Chindits in Burma
Newton 1995 illustrated map
Major General O C Wingate dso: an appreciation ...
For private circulation 89pp sc
G15 CHINNERY, Philip D
March or die: the story of Wingate’s Chindits
Airlife 1997 256PP illustrated maps
gi6 DENNY, J H
Chindit indiscretion
Christopher Johnson 1956 256PP port maps
Panther 1956 sc
G17 FERGUSSON, Bernard
Beyond the Chindwin: being an account of the
adventures of Number Five Column of the Wingate
expedition into Burma 1943

Section G The Chindits
Collins 1945 255PP illustrated maps
Collins: St James’s Library series 1951 x 2
Anthony Mott: The War Library 1983
gi8 FERGUSSON, Bernard
The Wild green earth
Collins 1946 228pp maps
The author commanded 16th Brigade in the Second
Chindit operation
G19 HALLEY, David
With Wingate in Burma
Wm Hodge 1945 189PP map
Epic in Nagaland iopp
A Chindit operation 25PP
Unpublished n.d. sc
G21 HILL, George
Oh! To be a Chindit
Unpublished n.d. 52pp sc
G22 JAMES, Harold
Across the threshold of battle: behind Japanese
lines with Wingate’s Chindits Burma 1943
Book Guild 1993 250PP illustrated maps
G23 JAMES, Richard Rhodes
Sphere 1981 214PP maps sc
John Murray 1980 224PP illustrated maps
Sunbeams like swords
Hodder & Stoughton 1950 176PP
Safer than a known way: one man’s epic struggle against
Japanese and jungle
Popular Book Club 1958 248PP illustrated map

Section G The Chindits
gz6 MACKAY, Donald
A Padre with the Chindits
Reproduced from The Covenanter the Regimental Journal
of the Cameronians i960 13PP
To BLAZES WITH glory: a Chindit’s war
Edward Gaskell, The Lazarus Press 1995 475PP illustrated
G28 O’BRIEN, Terence
Out of the blue: a pilot with the Chindits
Collins 1984 272PP map
G29 ROLO, Charles J
Wingate’s raiders
Harrap 1946 199PP illustrated
Major-General Orde Wingate and the development
Manhattan, Kansas: MA/AH Publishing - Sunflower
University Press 1982 47ipp maps
G31 SHARPE, Philip
Book Guild 1995 273PP illustrated maps
G32 SHAW, James
The March out
Hart-Davis 1953 2o6pp illustrated map
G33 SHAW, Jesse
Special Force: a Chindit’s story
Alan Sutton 1986 271PP illustrated
12th Bn The Nigeria Regt during the Second Chindit
operation 1944
Wingate’s ADC Captain G H Borrow mc
Unpublished typescript 8pp n.d. sc

Section G The Chindits
G35 STIBBE, Philip
Return via Rangoon: a young Chindit survives the jungle
and Japanese captivity
Leo Cooper 1994 M7PP maP
No 5 Column 1943 Chindit operation
Unpublished 32pp n.d. maps
Author was Civil Affairs Officer 16 Inf Bde
Some views of the Wingate expeditions of 1943 and
1944 from the Japanese standpoint
Unpublished 1946 4pp
The result of interrogation of Japanese staff officers by
Major General Symes
G38 THOMAS, Lowell
Back to Mandalay
Shakespeare Head 1952 255PP illustrated
G39 THOMPSON, Robert
Make for the hills: memories of Far Eastern Wars
Leo Cooper 1989 233PP illustrated maps
An RAF officer in both Chindit operations
First seventy-six pages deal with Burma
G40 '"'THOMPSON, Robert and MEAD
Judgment on Wingate
Article Army Quarterly July 1978
G41 TO WILL, Bill
A Chindit’s chronicle
Privately published [1990?] 143PP
G42 * WHYTE, Desmond
A Trying Chindit
{British Medical Journal December 18-25, 1982 PP1776-9)
Chindit Column 76
Calcutta: Longmans 1945 137PP illustrated maps

Section H
Clandestine Operations
Secret operations conducted by irregular forces in enemy
hi "'ATHERTON, Louise
An introductory guide to the newly-released records of the
SOE in the Public Record Office 1997
H2 '"'GUAR, Dharmendra
Behind the enemy lines
New Delhi: Sterling 1975
British intelligence in the Second World War
Vol 5 by Michael Howard
HMSO 1990 271PP maps
pp 203-222 deal with the Far East 1942-1945
h4 BEAMISH, John
Burma drop
Elek Books 1958 illustrated map
Z force
h5 BOWEN, John
Undercover in the jungle
Kimber 1978 2o6pp illustrated maps
V force
Three years with the Chin levies
United Services Institution of India 17PP map
Photocopy of pamphlet
SOE in the Far East
Oxford University Press 1983 285PP illustrated map sc
Special Operations Executive

Section H Clandestine Operations
h8 DUNLOP, Richard
Behind Japanese lines with the OSS in Burma
Chicago: Rand McNally 1979 448pp illustrated maps
The CBI theatre
H9 EVANS, Lieut-General Sir Geoffrey
The Johnnies
Cassell 1964 231PP illustrated maps
Commissioned Forestry Officers leading Karens, Chins,
Kachins in Z force
Amiable assassins: the story of the Kachin guerrillas of
North Burma
Hale 1957 illustrated
The Battle for Naw Seng’s Kingdom: General Stilwell’s
North Burma campaign and its aftermath
Leo Cooper 1971 176PP illustrated maps
The Kachin Levies
H12 * GRAHAM, W Gordon
V Force history
GHQ New Delhi 1945
Jungle diary
Macmillan 1946 127PP illustrated
H14 HAMOND, Robert
The Flame of freedom: Corporal Pagani’s escape from the
railway of Death
Leo Cooper 1988
He reached Burma and joined the Karen resistance
Warfare in the enemy’s rear
Praeger 1963 23ipp maps
hi6 HILSMAN, Roger
American guerrilla: my war behind Japanese lines
Washington: Brassey’s (US) 1990 3oopp

Section H Clandestine Operations
H17 IWAICHI, Fujiwara
F Kikan: Japanese army intelligence operations in
Southeast Asia during World War II
Hong Kong: Heinemann Asia 1983 368pp illustrated maps
hi8 IRWIN, Anthony
Burmese outpost
Collins 1945 i6opp illustrated maps
V force in Arakan
H19 LEASOR, James
Boarding Party: The last action of the Calcutta Light Force
1st ed 1978
Heinemann 204PP
Sabotage of German ship anchored in Neutral waters on
West Coast of India
H20 MAINS, Tony
Field security: very ordinary intelligence
Picton 1992 i8ipp sc
H21 MOON, Thomas N and EIFLER
The Deadliest colonel
New York: Vantage Press 1975 342pp illustrated
Colonel Eifler commanded an office of Strategic Services
Detachment in Northern Burma
Grandfather Longlegs: the life and gallant death of
Major H P Seagrim gc dso mbe
Faber & Faber 1947 239PP illustrated map
Service with the Karen levies behind the Japanese lines
H23 O’BRIEN, Terence
The Moonlight war: the story of clandestine operations
in Southeast Asia 1944-1945
Collins 1987 363PP map
H24 STRIPP, Alan
Codebreaker in the Far East
Oxford University Press 1995 204PP illustrated map sc

Section H Clandestine Operations
The Forgotten one of SEAC and Force 136
A H Stockwell 1989 88pp

Section I
Civilian Burma
Books about Burma just before, during and after the
Japanese occupation.
Civil Affairs and Military Government Series -
British Military Administration in the Far East
by F S V Dennison
HMSO 1956 483PP maps
Pocket guide to Burma
Pamphlet 57PP
Burma Today Vol 11 No 8
Pamphlet i2pp
1 4 * APPLETON, George
Burma SPG (The War and after series)
1945 44pp illustrated
Author was Archdeacon of Rangoon and Director of Public
Relations Government of Burma, 1944-46. He summarises
the Japanese invasion and the recapture of Burma with
emphasis on the role of the Christian Church.
1 5 APPLETON, George
Buddism in Burma
Longmans 49pp Pamphlet
1 6 APPLETON, George
Burma Rice
Longmans 3^pp Pamphlet
1 7 APPLETON, George
Three Months Hard Labour
Burma Christian Literature Society 64PP Pamphlet

Section I Civilian Burma
i 8 ARNOLD, Sue
A Burmese legacy
Hodder & Stoughton 1996 2iopp map
Author visits her Anglo-Burmese family
1 9 AUCKLAND, R G compiler
Catalogue of leaflets dropped over Burmese
civilians 1942-1945 produced by Political Warfare
Directorate and SEAC
Leeds: Psywar 1991 8pp
1 10 BANERJEE, Anil Chandra
Annexation of Burma
A Mukherjee & Bros 1944 338pp
hi BA MAW, U
Breakthrough in Burma: memoirs of a revolution
New Haven: Yale University Press 1968 483PP ports maps
1 12 BAIRD-MURRAY, Maureen
A World overturned: a Burmese childhood 1933-1947
Constable 1997 i9opp illustrated map
113 BECKA, Jack
The National liberation movement in Burma during
the Japanese occupation period 1941-1945
Prague: Oriental Institute in Academia 1983 387PP
Calling to mind: being some account of the first hundred
years (1870-1970) of Steel Brothers & Company Limited
Pergamon 1975 151PP illustrated maps
Established in Rangoon, the company had extensive interests
in rice, oil and forestry
1 15 BRAUND, Harold
Distinctly I remember: a personal story of Burma
Australia: Mount Eliza: Wren Publishing 1972 z^6pp
illustrated maps
A civilian service with Steel Brothers and military service
with the Chin levies

Section I Civilian Burma
116 BURMA, Government of
Burma handbook
Simla: Government of India Press 1944 iz6pp maps
Burma during the Japanese occupation, authorized by
the Governor of Burma
Simla 1943-1944 2 vols maps
118 CHIT, MyoKhin
Three years under the Japs 1945
1945 46pp
London: Collins i7 1 20 COLLIS, Maurice
Last and first in Burma
Faber 1956 303PP illustrated
1 21 CORPE, Hilda R
Prisoner beyond the Chindwin
Arthur Barker 1955 158PP illustrated
How to speak Burmese
Thacker & Co Ltd 78pp
A Lost city in Burma
The Rampart Library No 48, Thacker 104PP
The Care & management of elephants in Burma
Steel Bros & Co 177PP illustrated
125 * FISCHER, Edward
Mission in Burma: Columban Fathers forty-three years in
Kachin Country
New York: The Seabury Press 1980 i7Opp illustrated map
Covers the work of the fifty-one Columban Fathers working

Section I Civilian Burma
as missionaries in Upper Burma 1936-1979 including
particularly their experiences of the War, OSS, etc.
1 26 FOUCAR, E C V
I Lived in Burma
Dobson 1956 272PP illustrated
A lawyer in Burma from 1922, during the Retreat, and
return to Burma after victory
1 27 FOUCAR, E C V
They reigned in Mandalay
Dobson 1946 165PP illustrated
1 28 GLASS, Leslie
The Changing of kings: memories of Burma 1934-1949
Peter Owen 1985 24ipp
1 29 GREENWOOD, Nicholas (compiler)
Shades of gold and green: anecdotes of colonial Burmah
New Delhi: Asian Educational Services 1998 307PP
illustrated map
Civilian Burma before the occupation
British Rule in Burma 1924-1942
Faber & Faber ioopp
Burma yesterday & tomorrow
The Rampart Library No 57 Thacker 94pp
132 *HEARSEY, May
Land of Chindits and rubies
M A Leverston-Allen 1982 22opp
Author is Anglo-Burmese and describes life before, during
and after the War in Burma.
133 *HIA, Pe
The Japanese occupation of Burma
Ithaca 1961

Section I Civilian Burma
I 34 INDIA Directorate of Army Education
Burma during the War 1945
i2pp sc
Current affairs pamphlet
1 3 5 JESSE, F Tennyson
The Story of Burma
Macmillan 1946 219PP illustrated maps
567BC to AD1945
1 36 LEWIS, Norman
Golden earth: travels in Burma
Jonathan Cape 1952 279PP illustrated map
1 37 McCRAE, Alistair (compiler)
Tales of Burma
James Paton 1981 i68pp illustrated map sc
Nine contributors
138 McENERY, John H
Epilogue in Burma 1945-1948: the military dimension of
British withdrawal
Spellmount 1990 i6opp illustrated map
139 MANNIN, Ethel
Land of the crested lion: a journey through modern
Jarrolds 1955 256PP illustrated map
1 40 MAYBURY, Maurice
Heaven-born in Burma
Folio Hadspen 1984-1986 3 volumes illustrated maps
Vol 1 The Daily round 184PP
Vol 2 Flight of the heaven-born i8opp
Vol 3 Swan-song of the heaven-born 244PP
The period 1939-1948
Burmese family
Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1962 2oopp

Section I Civilian Burma
The Forests of Burma
Longmans 66pp Pamphlet
143 NU, ThakinU
Burma under the Japanese: pictures and portraits
Macmillan 1954 i6opp illustrated
Author was Prime Minister 1947-1962
1 44 PEARN, B R
Burma Background
Longmans 44pp Pamphlet
145 RATTENBURY, Harold B
China-Burma vagabond
Travel Book Club 1948 28opp
146 RILLSTONE, Rev Thomas
... And behold we live
St Columban’s Mission Society 1 i4pp
A missionary’s experiences during the Japanese occupation
1 47 SEIN, Mamya
Oxford University Press 1943 32pp
148 * SMITH, Martin
Burma: insurgency and the politics of ethnicity
Zed Books 1991 492pp
149 SPATE, O H K
Burma setting
Longmans 34PP Pamphlet
The Hill peoples of Burma
Longmans jopp Pamphlet
1 51 TAYLOR, Robert H
Marxism and resistance in Burma 1942-1945: Thein Pe
Myint’s Wartime traveller
Athens: Ohio University Press 1984 326pp illustrated maps

Section I Civilian Burma
I 5 2 THEIN Pe Myint
What happened in Burma: the frank revelations of a
young Burmese revolutionary leader who escaped from
Burma to India
Allahabad: Kitabistan 1943
153 THOMPSON, Edward
Burmese Silver
Faber & Faber 1944 2i6pp
1 54 THORP, Ellen
Quiet Skies on Salween
Jonathan Cape,1945 175PP
1 5 5 TRAGER, Frank N ed
Burma: Japanese Military Administration selected
documents 1941-1945
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1971 279PP
156 TINKER, Hughed
Burma the struggle for independence 1944-1948
Documents from official and private sources
HMSO 1983-1984 2 volumes illustrated maps
Vol 1 From military occupation to civil government January 1,
1944 to August 31, 1946 1078 pp
Vol 2 From general strike to independence August 31,1946
to January 4, 1948 92ipp
A Pocket guide to Burma
United States; Special Service Division US Army Pamphlet
Guide for US servicemen
1 58 WINDSOR, Neville
Burma: land of my dreams
Jasmine Publications 1996 105PP sc
The impact of war on an Euro-Asian family

Section J
The Gurkhas
Books listed here are exclusively concerned with Gurkha
regiments. References to Gurkhas are found in many other
j i BICKERSTETH, Anthony Charles
ODTAA being extracts from the diary of an officer who
served with the 4/1 oth Gurkha Rifles in Manipur and Burma
Aberdeen University Press: Privately printed 1953 25 8pp
port maps
20 Indian Division
j 2 BISHOP, Edward
Better to die: the story of the Gurkhas
New English Library 1976 157PP illustrated maps
j3 FARWELL, Byron
The Gurkhas
New York: WW Norton 1990 317PP illustrated map sc
Historical records of the Sixth Gurkha Rifles Vol II
Gale & Polden 1955
j 5 GILMORE, Scott
A Connecticut Yankee in the 8th Gurkha Rifles: a
Burma memoir
Washington: Brassey’s 1995 3Oipp illustrated
The Story of Gurkha VCs
Gurkha Museum 1993
j7 *GYI,M
Gorkhali Ayo: Gurkha soldiers in the battle for Imphal as
told to Marty Kufus {Command May 16 - June 1992)

Section J The Gurkhas
j8 JAMES, Harold and SHEIL-SMALL
The Gurkhas
Stackpole 1965 291PP illustrated map
With the Gurkhas: India, Burma, Singapore, Malaya,
Indonesia 1940-1959
Pentland Press 1996 270PP illustrated
With 3rd/9th Gurkha Rifles in 77th Brigade (Chindits)
j 10 LUNT, James
Jai Sixth! The story of the 6th Q E O Gurkha Rifles
Leo Cooper 1994 239 pp illustrated maps
Battalions served in 19th Indian Division and with the
History of the 5TH Gorkha Rifles (Frontier Force)
Vol III 1858-1991
Shillong: the regiment 1991 317PP illustrated maps
Chapter 10 covers the campaign in Burma
Red Pompons: History of the 8th Gorkha Rifles
Privately Published 1993
j 13 SHEIL-SMALL, Denis
Green shadows: a Gurkha story
Kimber 1982 198PP illustrated map
History of the 2nd KEO Gurkha Rifles, the Sirmoor
Rifles Vol III 1921-1948
Gale & Polden 1952
The 9TH Gurkha Rifles Vol II1937-1947
Butler & Tanner 1953

Section K
Unit and Formation Histories
Regimental histories have been included in the Library if
battalions of the regiments played a substantial part in the
Burma Campaign. Other histories cover divisions or special
branches of the service.
The Bloody eleventh: history of the Devonshire Regiment
Vol III 1915-1969
Exeter: The Regiment 1995 7°4PP illustrated maps
Burma Campaign Chapter 20
History of 17TH Indian Division July 1941 - December
Calcutta 1946
The Black Cat Division: 17th Indian Division
New Delhi 1946
Dagger Division: story of the 19th Indian Division
Bombay: Government of India War Department n.d. 5opp
illustrated map
A Happy family: the story of the 20th Indian Division April
1942 - August 1945
New Delhi: Director of Public Relations GHQ n.d. 52pp
illustrated maps sc
The 23rd Indian Division
Government of India War Department

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
The Fighting Fifth: history of the Fifth Indian Division
Government of India: War Dept
Tiger head: the story of the 26th Indian Division
Government of India War Department
The History of the ist Battalion The Lincolnshire
Regiment in India, Arakan, Burma and Sumatra:
September 1939 to October 1946
The Regiment 1949 75PP illustrated maps sc
In 26th Indian Division
Operations of the ist and 2nd Battalions the Queen’s
Royal Regiment in Burma during World War II
The Queen’s Royal Surrey Regiment Museum 2nd ed 1991
42pp illustrated maps sc
7th Indian Division and Chindits
King George V’s Own Bengal Sappers and Miners
Officers Association: Unit Record 1939-1947
The Association i2opp
Lists of units, officers, awards, etc
North Rhodesia Regiment, 3RD Battalion Burma
Lusaka: Government printer 1946
The Royal West African Frontier Force: Farewell
Tattoo Arakan 19th September 1946
Unpublished pamphlet
Meet the West African Soldier
West Africa: General Headquarters n.d. 22pp (photocopy)
A brief introduction for members of HM’s Forces about to
serve in British West Africa

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
K15 BAKER, Richard
Burma post: a personal story of airmails and other activities
in the Burma campaign 1944-1945
Churchman Publishing 1989 i6opp map sc
Army postal services 4 Corps
ki6 BELL, AC
History of the Manchester Regiment, ist and 2nd
BATTALIONS 1922-1948
Sherratti954 574PP illustrated maps
Chapters 8 and 9 refer to Burma Campaign
ki7 * BETH AM Geoffrey and GEARY
The Golden galley: the story of the Second Punjab
Regiment 1761-1947
1956 343PP illustrated maps
ki8 BIRD WOOD, Lord
The Worcestershire Regiment 1922-1950
Gale & Polden 1952 317PP illustrated maps
7th Battalion in 2nd British Division
The Story of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment
Galago Publishing 1990 134PP illustrated
Keeping up with the hunt: 268th Indian Infantry Brigade
Privately published [1983 ?]
An independent brigade of XIVth Army
K21 BRETT-JAMES, Anthony
Ball of fire: the 5th Indian Division in the Second
World War
Gale & Polden 1951 495PP illustrated maps
K22 CAREW, Tim
The Royal Norfolk Regiment (The 9th Regiment of
Hamish Hamilton 1967 157PP illustrated
In 2nd British Division

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
Action in Burma 1942-1945
London 1984 230PP illustrated maps
21 st Mountain Regt RA in 17th Indian Division
The History of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps
J A Allen 1963 244PP illustrated maps
Chapters 6 and 7 cover India and Burma
K25 CLAYTON, Anthony
Forearmed: a history of the Intelligence Corps
Brassey’s (UK) 1993 illustrated
References to Burma in Chapter 10
K26 CONNOLLY, Malcolm L
3RD Carabiniers (Prince of Wales’s) Dragoon Guards
Second World War 1939-1945
Privately published 37pp illustrated sc
254th Armoured Brigade - Imphal, Mandalay, Irrawaddy
A Short illustrated history of the Second Division
HQ2DW1965 4opp illustrated sc
K28 DAS, Chand N
The Rajputana Rifles: brief history
New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1995 154PP illustrated
64TH Indian Infantry Brigade War History 1942-1946
Privately printed 1997 145PP ports maps sc
In 19th Indian Division
The Fighting cock: being the history of the 23rd Indian
Division 1942-1947
Gale &c Polden 1951

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
K31 * DUNCAN, W E and others
The Royal Artillery Commemorative book 1939-1945
Bell 1950 781 pp illustrated maps
The Story of the Burma Rifles
K3 3 FOSTER, Geoffry
36th Division: North Burma 1944-1945
Edson 1946 64PP illustrated maps
K34 * GLOVER, Michael
History of the Royal Welch Fusiliers
Leo Cooper 1989
K3 5 GODDEN, Rumer
Bengal journey: a story of the part played by women in the
province 1939-1945
Calcutta: Longmans 1945 i36pp illustrated
Sponsored by WVS (Bengal)
The History of the Indian Mountain Artillery
Gale & Polden 1957 485PP illustrated maps
Some letters from Burma: the story of the 25th Dragoons
at war
Parapress Ltd 1994 284PP illustrated maps
History of Lancashire Fusiliers
Sutton 1993
K39 HANLEY, Gerald
Monsoon Victory
Collins 1946 256pp illustrated
1 ith (East African) Division in the Kabaw Valley 1944
K40 HART, Peter
At the sharp end: from Le Paradis to Kohima 2nd Bn the
Royal Norfolk Regiment
Leo Cooper: Pen & Sword Books 1998 224pp illustrated maps

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
K41 HAVERS, Norman
March on ! An infantry battalion in England,
India and Burma
Square One 1991 284PP illustrated maps
2nd Bn the Dorsetshire Regiment in 2nd Division
The history of the Royal West African
Frontier Force
Gale & Polden 1964 555PP illustrated maps
81st and 82nd (West African) Divisions served in
Burma 1943-1945
K43 HILL, John
China dragons: a rifle company at war
Blandford 1991 192.PP illustrated maps
2nd Bn Royal Berkshires 1944-1945
K44 * HOMER, Harry
Published by the author
The RAF Regiment in Burma
K45 JOHNSON, E (compiler)
the Jat Regiment 1941-1946
Bangalore: Higginbothams 1947 86pp illustrated maps
K46 KARIM, Afsir
The story of the Indian Airborne troops
New Delhi: Lancer International 1993 394pp maps
K47 LANE, Arthur
Thanbazayat: Register of graves (3771)
No publication details or pagination. Lane 1995
The Thanbazayat war cemetery is forty miles from
k48 MacFETRIDGE, Charles H T and WARREN
Tales of the mountain gunners
Blackwood 1974 346pp illustrated maps

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
44 Commando: Achnacarry to the Arakan: a diary of
the commando at war, August 1943 to March 1947
Tom Donovan 1996 iyopp illustrated maps
History of the 130TH Field Regiment and its Burma
The author 1996 2i6pp maps sc
K51 MUIR, Augustus
The First of foot: the history of the Royal Scots (The
Royal Regiment)
R S History Committee 1961 52opp illustrated maps
In 14th Indian Division and 2nd Division: Arakan,
K52 NEILD, Eric
With Pegasus in India: the story of 153 Gurkha Parachute
Nashville: the Battery Press n.d. iiopp illustrated maps
K53 OBA, Sadao
The ‘Japanese’ war: London University’s WWII secret
teaching programme and the experts sent to help to beat
Japan; translated by Anne Kaneko
The Japan Library 1995 179PP illustrated maps
K54 PAGE, Malcolm
A History of the King’s African Rifles and East
African Forces
Leo Cooper 1998 317PP illustrated maps
nth East African Division, 22nd and 28th E A Brigades in
Burma (Chapter 8)
Sentinals of the North-East
New Delhi: Palit &c Palit 333PP illustrated maps
K56 PERKINS, Roger (compiler)
Regiments: regiments and corps of the British Empire and
Commonwealth 1758-1993: a critical bibliography of their
published histories
The author 1994 8o6pp

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
K57 PERRETT, Bryan
Tank tracks to Rangoon: the story of British armour in
Robert Hale 1992 2-55PP illustrated maps sc
First published in 1978
K58 RISSIK, David
The DLI at war: the history of the Durham Light Infantry
DLI 1952 368pp illustrated maps
With 14th Indian Division in Arakan and 2nd British
Division Assam/Manipur
K59 ROBERTS, Michael R
Golden Arrow: the story of the 7th Indian Division in the
Second World War 1939-1945
Gale & Polden 1952 ^z6pp illustrated maps
The Rose and the arrow ...136th (1st West Lancashire)
Field Regt RA 1939-1946
136th Field Regt Old Comrades Ass 1986 338pp illustrated
maps sc
In 7th Indian Division
From pyramid to pagoda: the story of the West Yorkshire
Regiment (The Prince of Wales’s Own) in the war 1939-1945
and afterwards
1951 3o6pp ports maps
1 st and 2nd Battalions served in Burma
Burma story
Unpublished n.d. 3 2pp typescript
5th King’s African Rifles Kabaw Valley and Chindwin
September - December 1944
K63 *STEYN, Peter
The History of the Assam Regiment Vol 11941-1947
Calcutta: Orient Longmans 1959

Section K Unit and Formation Histories
k64 "SUGDEN, J P
Burma campaign: artillery of 19th (Indian) [Dagger]
The author
K65 "TAYLOR, Jeremy
The Devons
White Swan Press
k66 "TURNBULL, Patrick
History of the Twelfth Army from its formation on May
28,1945 to the end of operations September 1945
k67 " VERM A, S and ANAND
The Corps of Indian Engineers 1939-1947
Government of India Ministry of Defence Historical Section
k68 WAIT, Rex
My Burma campaign
Unpublished typescript 1998 6pp
18th Field Regt (SP) Royal Artillery
Straight on for Tokyo: the war history of the 2nd Bn the
Dorsetshire Regiment (54th Foot)
Gale & Polden 1948 444PP illustrated maps
In 2nd British Division Assam/Manipur
k7o * WHITE, Steve
More wartime memoirs
Privately printed
99th Field Regt RA in 2nd British Division
The Wasbies: the story of the Women’s Auxiliary Service
War Facts Press [1946] 8opp illustrated maps
Written by K.Vellacott Jones, 2nd Lt WAS(B) 1945-6
contains complete list of all members, 1942-1946

Section L
Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries
li BUCHAN, Alastair and VILLIERS
Twenty-five years 1919 -1944: Major Alastair Guy Spens
Campbell mc frgs
Alcuin Press 1950 99pp port map
L2 CALVERT, Michael
Ballantine Books 1973 i6opp illustrated maps sc
General Slim commanded XIV Army
Lord Wavell (1883-1941): a military biography
Hodder & Stoughton 1948 488pp illustrated maps
14 CONNELL, John
Wavell Supreme Commander 1941-1943
Collins 1969 317PP illustrated maps
His tenure as Commander (American, British, Dutch,
Australian area)
L5 EVANS, Geoffrey
Slim as military commander
Batsford 1969 239PP illustrated maps
l6 EVANS, Humphreys
Thimayya of India: a soldier’s life
New York: Harcourt Brace i960 307PP illustrated
The Trumpet in the hall 1930-1958
Collins 1970 maps
His military autobiography by a Chindit Brigade
l8 * HAWLEY, Dennis
The death of Wingate
Merlin Books 1994 34opp illustrated

Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries
l9 HAY, Alice
There was a man of genius, letters to my grandson, Orde
Jonathan Wingate
Spearman 1963 158PP illustrated
Wingate was the author’s son-in-law
lio HOUGH, Richard
Mountbatten: hero of our time
Weidenfeld 1980 3O2pp illustrated
li 1 LEWIN, Ronald
Slim the standard bearer: a biography of Field-Marshal
The Viscount Slim
Leo Cooper 1976 365PP illustrated maps
li 2 MAULE, Henry
Spearhead General: the epic story of General Sir Frank
Messervy and his men in Eritrea, North Africa and Burma
Odhams Press 1961 384PP illustrated maps
Messervy commanded 7th Indian Division
li3 MEAD, Peter
Orde Wingate and the historians
Merlin Books 2o6pp illustrated maps sc
L14 MOSLEY, Leonard
Gideon goes to war
New York: Scribners 1955 256PP illustrated
Life and campaigns of Wingate
li 5 * MOUNTBATTEN, Louis the Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Personal diary SACSEA 1943-1946 ed by Philip Ziegler
Collins 1988 37ipp illustrated maps
LI 6 * MURPHY, Ray
The last Viceroy: the life and times of Rear Admiral the
Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Jarrolds 1948 270PP illustrated
li7 NEWHALL, Sue Mayes
The Devil in god’s old man
New York: WW Norton 1969 253PP
Biography of the Burma Surgeon Gordon Seagrave

Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries
li 8 PALIT, DK
Major General A A Rudra: his service in three armies and
two World Wars
New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1997 364PP illustrated
Rudra 1896-1993 one of the first Indians to be granted a
King’s Commission. From 1943 he served on the staff at
GHQ dealing with the INA and other matters
Fighting general: the public and private campaigns of
General Sir Walter Walker
Collins 1973 28opp illustrated maps
Walter Walker commanded 4/8th Gurkhas in 7th Indian
L20 POWNALL, Sir Henry
Chief of Staff: the diaries of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry
Pownall; edited by Brian Bond
Leo Cooper
Vol 1 1933-1940 43ipp illustrated
Vol 2 1940-1944 234PP illustrated
Chief of Staff to Wavell and Mountbatten
L21 ROONEY, David
Mad Mike: a life of Michael Calvert
Leo Cooper 1997 2i9pp illustrated maps
The guerrilla expert and Chindit Brigadier
L22 ROONEY, David
Pan/Ballantine i6opp illustrated maps sc
L23 ROONEY, David
Wingate and the Chindits: redressing the balance
Arms & Armour Press 1994 256PP illustrated maps
L24 ROYLE, Trevor
Orde Wingate: irregular soldier
Weidenfield & Nicolson 1995 367PP illustrated
L25 SWINSON, Arthur
Four Samurai: a quartet of Japanese army commanders in
the Second World War

Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries
Hutchinson 1968 2,6zpp illustrated maps
Homma; Yamashita; Mutaguchi; Honda
L26 SYKES, Christopher
Orde Wingate
Collins 1959 575PP illustrated maps
Cleveland Ohio: World Publishing 1959 575PP illustrated
L27 TUCHMAN, Barbara W
Stilwell and the American experience in China
New York: Macmillan 1977 6^6pp illustrated maps
L28 TULLOCH, Derek
Wingate in peace and war; edited by Arthur Swinson
Macdonald 1972 3oopp port
L29 WAVELL, Archibald, Lield-Marshal the Viscount
Wavell the Viceroy’s journal; edited by Penderel Moon
Oxford University Press 1973 5^8pp illustrated map
L30 * WILKES, Lyall
Lesting-Lield Marshal
Book Guild 1991
The Prank Owen Story
Square One 1993 175PP
Elephant Bill
Hart Davis 1950 32opp illustrated maps
Penguin Books
‘OC Elephants’ XIVth Army
L3 3 ZIEGLER, Philip
Collins 1985

Section M
Personal Narratives
The books in this section are personal accounts of combat
experience. They cover every phase of the Campaign. Some
of these memoirs begin with service in the UK and include
accounts of travel in Africa and India on the way to Burma.
mi "'ADAMSON, Arthur
An Artillery OP in Burma
The author 1994
With 7th Indian Division
M2 ALLAN, James R
Personal papers
Notes on Allied Orders of Battle, the Japanese Armed Forces
etc etc
M3 ALLAN, James R
In the trade of war
Parapress Ltd 1994 194PP illustrated
With the Green Howards in Arakan
Japanese newspaper accounts of 1990 visit to Japan by
British veterans
M5 ARMSTRONG, Geoffrey
The Sparks fly upwards: an experience
Goodayi99i z^6pp illustrated maps
136th Field Regt RA - Arakan 1943 to victory in 7th Indian
m6 ARNOLD, Ralph
A Very quiet war
Hart-Davis 1962 i76pp
Deputy Director of Public Relations SEAC
M7 BEATON, Cecil
Far East
Batsford 1945 mpp illustrated

Section M Personal Narratives
Diary of a journey to Asia during the war with one chapter
on Assam and Burma
m8 BOULTON, Norman
Taffy’s war
Minerva Press 1997 69PP sc
Author served in Royal Artillery and Royal Signals
Towards the setting sun: an escape from the Thailand-
Burma railway 1943
Wellington NSW: J M Fuller 1984 i58pp illustrated maps
Mio BRETT-J AMES, Anthony
Report my signals
Hennel Locke 1948 36opp illustrated maps
A Signals Officer in 5 th Indian Division
Memories of the British Raj: a soldier in India
Johnson 1974 2o8pp illustrated map
Chapter 5 covers Burma
mu CAREW, Tim
All this and a medal too
Constable 1954 26ipp
Service in Royal Horse Guards, the Parachute Regiment and
in Burma with Gurkhas
The Lampi: a story about some gunners
Calcutta: Thacker Spink 1944 86pp illustrated maps
Road building from Lakhipur to Bishenpur
mi4 *CLARK, M
High endeavours: Miles and Beryl I Smeeton
Grafton 1991
mi 5 CLARKE, A E
Return to Singapore
Newton 1995 4^pp illustrated map sc
2nd Bn West Yorkshire Regt

Section M Personal Narratives
mi6 CLARKE, Fred
The Road to Spiderpore
Rocket Publishing 1995 172-pp
M17 CLIFFORD, Francis
Desperate journey
Hodder 1979 192-pp
Escape from Burma into China 1942
mi8 CLIFFORD, J Francis
The Hills of Bishenpur and The Advance into
Central Burma
Unpublished n.d. 15PP typescript
Author was in Northamptonshire Regiment
Then a soldier
Churchman 1985
From retreat to victory
The little men
Hale 1992 i86pp illustrated map sc
A platoon of 2nd Bn the Border Regiment
M21 COOPER, Raymond
‘B’ Company, 9TH Battalion The Border Regiment: one
man’s war in Burma 1942-1944
Dobson 1978 i52pp illustrated maps
17th Indian Division
M22 COOPER, William J
Desert Sand to jungle trail: one man’s war 1940-1946
Bookmarque 1997 192PP sc
A soldier in the Queen’s, 16th Brigade
From private to trooper, back to private
Pentland 1994
Irregular soldier
XB Publications 1993 z6zpp

Section M Personal Narratives
M25 DAVIS, Patrick
A Child at arms
Hutchinson 1970 258PP maps
In 4/8th Gurkha Rifles
Branch line to Burma
Macdonald 1958
M27 EVANS, Geoffrey
The Desert and the jungle
Kimber 1959 2o6pp illustrated maps
This account of five battles includes the Admin Box, Arakan
February 1944 and crossing of the Irrawaddy at Nyaungu
January - February 1945
Pipes, kukris and nips
Pentland Press 1991 149PP
M29 FRASER, George Macdonald
Quartered safe out here: a recollection of the war in
Harvill 1992 247PP
9th Bn The Border Regiment in 17th Indian Division
M30 GADSDON, Peter H
An Amateur at war
Privately published 9opp sc illustrated maps
The author served in 4/14th Punjab Regt 7th Indian Division
A Patriot’s boast
Stockwell 1975 210 pp
M32 "GORDON, Oliver L
Fight it out
Kimber 1957 238PP illustrated
M3 3 GRANT, Peter
A Highlander goes to war: a memoir 1939-1946
Pentland Press 1995 147PP
Author served in Q O Cameron Highlanders

Section M Personal Narratives
Reflections on a war Diary
Edited version of War Diary of 16th Field Regt Royal
Artillery 2nd British Division India and Burma 1942-1945
M3 5 HAYTER, Adrian
The Second step
Hodder & Stoughton 1962 223PP illustrated
Experiences in the Indian Army
M3 6 HEDLEY, John
Jungle Fighter, Chindit & SOE agent in Burma
Tom Donovan 1996 i48pp maps
The retreat, the second Chindit operation, Force 136
M3 7 HENSLOW, John
A Sapper in the Forgotten Army
The author 1986 26ipp illustrated maps
With 23rd Indian Division
M3 8 HISCOX, Norman G
Under two flags
Pentland Press 1997 i38pp illustrated maps
A signaller in a Field Regt from Tamu to Rangoon
M39 *HOWARTH Patrick
Special Operations
Routledge 1955
pp 210-23 The Great Elephant Trek by J H Williams
To stop a rising sun: reminiscences of war time in India
and Burma
Alan Sutton 1996 214PP
Contributions by numerous ex-service personnel
M41 HUNT, Gordon
One more RIVER
Collins 1965 255PP illustrated maps
Bhamo to China 1942

Section M Personal Narratives
M42 " JACK, Ian M
A soldier’s tale
Stanley Castle 1995 44PP map
Author served in 6/9th Jat Regiment
M43 " JONES, C B
Not forgetting the elephants
Book Guild 1983
A Soldier reminisces
Privately published n.d. 39pp
Service in 1st Bn Royal Welch Fusiliers
M45 JOWERS, John Edward
Getting my knees brown: the war diary ...
January 1,1943 - April 28,1946
Privately published 1997 185PP illustrated map sc
Service in 6th Indian Air Formation Signals
m46 * LOWRY, M A
An Infantry company in Arakan and Kohima
Gale & Polden 1950 146PP
M47 LYDALL, Edward
Enough of Action
Book Guild 252PP
M48 MacFETRIDGE, Charles H T
Unpublished 1998 6pp typescript
AA Defence of oil installations
M49 MACKENZIE, Compton
All over the place
Chatto & Windus 1949 292PP
The author’s diary of journeys made while writing Eastern Epic
Operation Rangoon Jail
Christopher Johnson 1954 2oipp illustrated
Colonel MacKenzie was taken prisoner at Sittang,
February 22, 1942

Section M Personal Narratives
The last of the dozen
Pentland Press 1996 184PP map
A soldier in the Royal Engineers
M52. McCLINTOCK, J Dewar
The Manipur Road
Brown, Watson n.d. 159PP sc
Prisoner’s bluff
Hart-Davis 1954 239PP ports map
Two German POWs escape from India and join the
Japanese forces in Arakan
Bugles and a tiger: a personal adventure
The Reprint Society 1957 (first published by
Michael Joseph 1956) 319PP
Pre-19 3 9 service in 2/4th POWs Gurkha Rifles
The Road past Mandalay: a personal narrative
New York: Harper 1961 34ipp illustrated
Service with Gurkhas and Chindits
Rangoon: U Kya Wohn 1974 15 8pp
Shots in the dark
London Magazine Editions 1974 i6opp
The author served in a Mountain Regiment RA
m58 * MITCHELL, Harold
Against the odds
The Book Guild 1990
6/15th Punjab Regt from Meiktila to victory

Section M Personal Narratives
A Fragment of life: the Burma episode
Avon Books 1996 253PP illustrated map
A tribute to the British infantrymen who fought in Burma
m6o NUNNELEY, John
Tales from the King’s African Rifles: a last flourish of
Askari Books 1998 22ipp illustrated maps
nth (East African) Division in the Kabaw Valley
m6i OATTS, L Balfour
The Jungle in arms
Kimber 1962 207PP map
Along O my old grey mule
Holden Publications 1996 68pp illustrated maps sc
RAVC officers on the care of mules in XIV Army
M63 "PEACOCK, Geraldine
The Life of a jungle walla: reminiscences in the life
of Lt Col E H Peacock dso mc
Stockwell 1958 134PP illustrated
Destination Rangoon
Gee & Son 1989 296pp
Melrose 1951 240PP illustrated
Cassell 1979 2,56pp illustrated
i/5th Punjabis in Arakan and 19th Indian Divisions
M67 RODGER, George
Red moon rising
Cresset press 1943 I27PP illustrated
By a war correspondent for Life

Section M Personal Narratives
m68 ' ROSE, D
Off the record: the life and letters of a
Black Watch Officer
Spellmount 1996
Emergency Sahib (of Queen’s, Sikhs and Dagger Division)
Leach 1992 159PP illustrated maps
The Dagger Division was 19th Indian Division
M70 " SHARP, Robin
The life of an ECO in India
Pentland 1994
When the mist was on the rice fields
Unpublished 199- i32pp illustrated maps
7/znd Punjab Regt in 7th Indian Division
M72 SHORT, Stanley W
On Burma’s eastern frontier
Marshall, Morgan & Scott 1945 144PP illustrated
A missionary’s story
M73 SLIM, William Field Marshal the Viscount
Unofficial history 1959
Cassell 251PP maps
‘Little battles and unimportant Skirmishes’ - the author
M74 SMEETON, Miles
Hart-Davis 1962 i92pp
Author commanded an Armoured Regiment
m75 * SMEETON, Miles
A Taste of the hills
Hart-Davis 1961 207PP illustrated
m76 SMITH, H C
Hostilities only: tales of an amateur soldier in
World War II
Privately published n.d. unpaged maps
In 4th Bn Royal West Kents

Section M Personal Narratives
M77 STREET, Robert
A Brummie in Burma
Barny Books ioopp illustrated maps sc
Author served in 4th Bn Royal West Kents at Kohima
m78 *SWEET-ESCOTT, Bickham
Baker Street irregular
Methuen 1965 278PP
A Soldier’s voyage of self-discovery
Auroville n.d. i82pp illustrated maps sc
The Indian Army and the King’s Enemies
312PP illustrated
One or two chapters on Burma
An Engineer in the war: bomb disposal, jungle, Sikhs
Onyx Publishing 1998 104PP illustrated sc
Sikh Engineer Battalion in XIVth Army
M82 UNIACKE, Richard John
Diary i6th Field Regt Royal Artillery India & Burma
June 1942 - November 1945
Typescript unpublished:
Version 1 annotations by B A T Hammond
Version 2 with marginal notes by D H Woodcock

Section N
Medical Services
Original reports on military medicine in India and
Burma during Second World War 1969
Cold hands: being the memoirs of a Scottish G P
Avon Books ioypp illustrated
n3 BATY, JohnA
Surgeon in the jungle war
Kimber 1979 i96pp illustrated
n4 BEAUMONT, Winifred
A Detail on the Burma front
BBC 1977 i6opp map
An Army nurse
N5 BOLTON, Angela
The maturing sun: an army nurse in India, 1942-1945
Imperial War Museum 1986 2i8pp illustrated maps
HMSO 1966 8oopp
The Army Medical Services: Vol V Burma
N7 EVANS, Sir Charles
A Doctor in XIVth Army: Burma 1944-1945
Leo Cooper 1998 198PP illustrated maps
Experiences in a Malaria Forward Treatment Unit and as
Regimental Medical officer in 20th Indian Division
n8 MAURICE, Dick
From cradle to war: my first three decades 1915-1945
The Book Guild 193PP maps
A doctor in XIV Army

Section N Medical Services
Pack up your medicines 1939-1947: an account of the
work of pharmacists in the services during the Second
World War
Purnvic Press 1998 414PP illustrated
Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the
Second World War 1939-45 - Medical Services
Medicine, Surgery and Pathology
Combined Inter-Services Historical Section India & Pakistan
1955 9o6pp illustrated
Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the
Second World War 1939-45 - Medical Services
Combined Inter Services Historical Section India & Pakistan
1953 679PP illustrated
World War II medical services: India Commonwealth
Sister Sahibs: the VADs with 14th Army 1944-1946
The Book Guild 1988 i68pp
A British nurse’s experiences 1944/45
Helen of Burma
Collins 1983 187PP illustrated
A hospital matron in pre-war and Japanese occupied Burma
N15 SEAGRAVE, Gordon S
Burma surgeon
WWNorton 1943 295PP illustrated
ni6 * SEAGRAVE, Gordon
The life of a Burma surgeon
i960 sc

Section N Medical Services
nx7 SEAGRAVE, Gordon
Burma surgeon returns
WW Norton 1946 z68pp illustrated maps
ni8 * STONE, J E
The United States Army Medical Service in combat in
India and Burma 1942-1945
Ann Arbor: Michigan University Microfilm International
N19 WILLSON, Leslie
A son of the Raj
Pentland Press 1996 184PP illustrated maps
The author served as a Medical Officer in 2 Division

Section O
The Indian National Army
Most of the literature about the INA originates in India.
This section also includes biographies of Subhas Chandra
A Forgotten army
New Delhi: National Committee for celebration of Golden
Jubilee of Provisional Government of Azad Hind 1993-1994
56pp illustrated map sc
02 ARSHAD, Raja Muhammad
The Retreat
Written in the Red Fort, Delhi October 1945 n.d.
03 BAKSHI, Akhil
The Road to freedom: travels through Singapore,
Malaysia, Burma and India in the footsteps of the Indian
National Army
New Delhi: Odyssey Books 1998 114PP illustrated maps
04 BHARGAVA, Moti Lal and GILL
Indian National Army: Secret Service
New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1988 136PP ports
o 5 BHARGAVA, Moti Lal
Indian National Army: Tokyo Cadets
New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1986 88pp illustrated
06 BOSE, Romen
A Will for freedom
New Delhi: All India INA Committee 1992 5opp
07 CORR, Gerard H
The War of the springing tigers
Osprey 1975 2oopp port

Section O The Indian National Army
08 DHILLON, Gurbakhsh Singh
From my bones: memoirs of the India National Army
(including 1945 Red Fort trial)
New Delhi: Aryan Books 1998 598pp illustrated
09 FAY, Peter Ward
The Forgotten army: India’s armed struggle for
University of Michigan Press 573PP illustrated maps sc
The India National Army: Second front of India
Meenakshi Prakashan 1969
on KHAN, Shahnawaz
My memories of INA and its Netaji
Delhi: Rajkamal Publications 1946 zy6pp illustrated
012 KIANI, Mohammad Zaman
India’s freedom struggle and the great INA
New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1994 268pp illustrated
013 LE BRA, Joyce
Jungle alliance: Japan and the INA
Singapore: Asia Pacific Press 1971
014 MAIKAP, Satish Chandra
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and India war of
Calcutta: Punashca 1998 374PP illustrated map
015 MAIKAP, Satish Chandra
Challenge to the Empire: a study of Netaji (Subhas
Chandra Bose)
New Delhi: Government of India 1993 144PP illustrated sc
016 * MANGAT, GS
Indian National Army: role of India’s stuggle for freedom
Gagan 1971

Section O The Indian National Army
From the diary of a freedom fighter
Madras: Kavungal Anat 1989 189PP sc
The last days of Netaji
New Delhi: All India INA Committee 1993 164PP
illustrated map
019 RAO, U Sunder
Reminiscences of an INA soldier
Mangalore: Sharada Press [1986?] 331PP
020 *ROY, PB
The Glory that is INA
Speegura library 1946
Subhas Chandra Bose
(Bengali text)
Japan and the Indian National Army
Delhi: Mounto Publishing House 1996 335PP
The Struggle in EastAsia 1945 66pp
The Men from Imphal by Abid Hasan Safrani 15pp
Calcutta: Netaji Research Bureau 2nd ed 1995 illustrated
024 THE ORACLE: a quarterly review of history, current affairs
and international relations
Calcutta: Netaji Research Bureau
Vol I no 1 Jan 1979; Vol I no 4; Vol II no 2; Vol VI no 1; Vol
VII no 3; Vol VIII no 1; Vol IX no 1; Vol XVI no 4; Vol XVIII
no 1 January, 1996
Vol XVIII no 1 contains complete list of contents 1979-1995.
Contents include documents, speeches and both political and
military articles

Section O The Indian National Army
025 *TOYE, Hugh
Springing tiger: a study of a revolutionary
Cassell 1959 258pp illustrated
Subhas Chandra Bose

Section P
Newspapers and Ephemera
i st Air Commando glides into harm’s way
D C Thomson 1962
4pp article from San Diego Union-Tribune February 27,
1994 (photocopy)
P2 MOUNTBATTEN, Louis the Earl Mountbatten of Burma
The Strategy of the South-East Asia Command: a
lecture given at the Royal United Service Institution
October 9,1946
i6pp map sc
SEAC Souvenir
p4 NORMAN, William
1942 8pp
With the 2nd Battalion in Burma in 1942 6pp and 3pp
Articles in The Iron Duke: the Regimental journal of the
Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. Spring 1992 Winter 1996
Spring 1997
D C Thomson 1962
2pp from The Victor no 74
(illustrated boys’ weekly comic)
Cochran’s Air Commandos
8pp article from Behind the lines (the journal of US Military
Special Operations) Festus Missouri 1994 illustrated
The First Air Commando
i2pp article from Aerospace Historian Manhattan, Kansas
1982 (photocopy)

Section P Newspapers and Ephemera
p8 :: SEARLE, Ronald
Forty drawings
Cambridge University Press 1946
Burma: a miracle in military achievement
SEAC [1945] 23pp illustrated maps sc
Written by Frank Owen for the Supreme Allied
pio SEAC
Laugh with SEAC n.d.
Calcutta: SACSEA i2opp sc
pi 1 SMYTH, John
The Long retreat: the first Burma campaign
Purnell 1967 (Vol 3 part 3 of part-work History of the
Second World War) i2pp illustrated map sc
pi2 VEVERS, Denis (compiler)
A collection of propaganda material, phrase books and
Japanese occupation currency.
Victory cartoons
Bombay: Thackers Publishers n.d. 7opp
From the India Command newspaper
P14 VICTORY IN BURMA: December 1944 - August 1945
Marshall Cavendish 1995 Issue 46 Volume 3 of part-work
Images of War 2opp illustrated map

Section Q
Journals and newsletters
MOM’s Words
Men of the Mohawk Squadrons Association quarterly
The journal of the Burma Star Association
No i 1951-
Various formats
No 1 1992-
Pukka Gen
Newsletter June 1993; March, June, October 1995; March
July 1996 Canada: Etobicoke, Ontario
Q5 KING, Dwight O
Magazine for former members of US Units in CBI
Theatre October 1996 - January 1999
The Basher Blabber
Fall 1993; Winter 1994; 1995 two issues 1996; 1997 S:
Reading, Pennsylvania

Section R
Pictorial Histories
They lived to tell the tale: personal reminiscences of
some of those who served in the Second World War Far
Eastern Campaigns.
The Corporation of London 1995 28pp illustrated map sc
R2 FORTY, George
XIV Army at war
Ian Allan 1987 144PP illustrated map
R3 LANE, Arthur
When you go home
A Lane Publication 1993 3iipp illustrated maps
Lists 22,602 British service men and women who died in
Malaya, Singapore and as prisoners of war
R4 MOSER, Don and others
Alexandria, Virginia: Time-life Books 1978 2o8pp
illustrated maps
R5 MOUNTBATTEN, Louis the Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Mountbatten: eighty years in pictures
Book Club Associates 1979 224PP illustrated
Supreme Allied Commander, South-East Asia
r6 SMURTHWAITE, David ed
The Forgotten war: The British Army in the Far East
National Army Museum 1992 zoypp illustrated maps

Section S
Verses, Essays and Letters
si ALLEN, Louis
Japan: The Reconciliation - Old Soldiers Never Die
A lecture presented to the Japan Society 26.4.90
52 BEAUMONT, Stuart
Flash points: verses of nostalgia
194 Squadron Association 1994 3ipp sc
53 BIRCH ALL, Stanley
Unpublished 14PP
Author served in 1st Bn Royal Welch Fusiliers
s4 BRANSON, Clive
British soldier in India: the letters of Clive Branson
Communist Party 1944 119PP illustrated sc
The author was a Troop Sgt Royal Armoured Corps when
killed in action February 25, 1944 at Ngakyedauk, Arakan.
Padre, pastor and poet: Revd Kenneth W Parkhurst mbe
hcf 1907-1987: an account of his life and ministry together
with a selection of his poetry and prose
Privately printed 1988 78pp illustrated sc
s6 DAVEY, Mary
Back to Burma for the love of John
Rathgar Press 1995 i58pp illustrated sc
A quest for Uncle John and a pilgrimage to Thanbyuzat war
cemetery in lower Burma
S7 DONE, John
6pp typescript
s8 GRAHAM, W Gordon
Return to a battlefield
Privately published 1994 6pp
Kohima: parallel English/Japanese text

Section S Verses, Essays and Letters
Interview with Louis Allen: From Interrogator to
sio LEWIS, Alun
In the green tree
Allen & Unwin 1948 141PP
Selection of letters and short stories
si 1 LEWIS, Alun
Letters to my wife 1989 425PP edited by Gwen Lewis
Collected stories 1990 367PP
Collected poems 1994 2o6pp edited by Cary Archard
Seren (Poetry Wales Press)
Lewis served in the South Wales Borders, 3 6 Division and
died from an accidental gunshot wound at Bawli Bazaar,
Arakan, March 5, 1944
Chowkidar 1977-1997
British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia 9opp
Illustrated sc
BACSA exists for the preservation of cemeteries and
s 13 McEVOY, Patrick
Ballads of a black cat
Orrell Publications 1997 104PP illustrated map
Verse and prose: the Black Cat was divisional sign of 17th
Indian Division
S14 MOYNIHAN, Martin
Private paper 1998 17PP typescript
Notes and random thoughts
si5 MOYNIHAN, Martin
South of Fort Hertz: a tale in rhyme
Mitre Press 1956 164PP

Section S Verses, Essays and Letters
si6 NUNNELEY, John ed
Tales from the Burma Campaign 1942-1945
Burma Campaign Fellowship Group 1998 183PP
Sixty-one contributions by members of BCFG
S17 ROSS, Kathleen
Stars of Burma
Privately published poetry unpaged illustrated sc
s 18 SLIM, William, Field Marshal the Viscount
Courage, and other broadcasts
Cassell 1957 i86pp
Talks given in England, the US and Australia 1947-1957
519 SLIM, William, Field Marshal the Viscount
Campaign of the Fourteenth Army 1943-1944
Printed by 476 Indian Printing Section 14PP Maps
Pamphlet with photographs
520 STEVENSON, James
521 THWAITES, Hugh S
War memoirs of an amateur
MA Associates 1997 76pp illustrated sc
522 WATT, Matt
Unpublished poem Ms

Section T
The War at Sea
Although the number of titles dealing with purely naval
forces is small, there are references to the navy in the
accounts of the Arakan Campaign and also the landing at
Rangoon in 1945 in other sections.
UK Military Series The War at Sea by S W Roskill 1954
Vol 1 The Defensive 664PP illustrated maps
Vol 2 The Period of balance 523PP illustrated maps
Vol 3 The Offensive 5O2pp illustrated maps
Navy Historical Branch The War with Japan
HMSO 1955 6 volumes
Vol IV The South-East Asia operations ... 304PP illustrated
(separate folder of maps, Vols IV and V are bound together)
The results of the Naval Staff study
t3 BROWN, David ed
The British Pacific and East Indies Fleets 50TH
Anniversary ‘The Forgotten Fleets’
Liverpool: Brodie Publishing Ltd n8pp illustrated maps sc
Just out of sight
Minerva Press 1998 322pp illustrated sc
A submariner and ‘charioteer’ on offensive underwater
From Trombay to Changi’s a helluva way: the story of
the Arakan Coastal Forces
Arakan Coastal Forces Reunion Committee 1987 229PP
and appendices illustrated maps sc

Section T The War at Sea
The 13TH & 14TH Fairmile Flotillas in Burma
Chameleon Press 1989 213PP illustrated
The operations of the Arakan Coastal Forces
Bombay buccaneers: memories and reminiscences of
the Royal Indian Navy
BACSA 1986 267PP illustrated
t8 POWER, Admiral Sir Arthur
Despatch: Naval Operations in the Ramree Island area
Januaryi9 to January 22,1945 4PP maP
(Supplement to The London Gazette April 23, 1948
no 38269)
T9 SPURR, Russell
Let the tiger turn tail: Spurr’s war
Mainstream Publishing 1992 203PP illustrated
Adventures with Royal Indian Navy
tio WRIGHT, Bruce S
The Frogmen of Burma: the story of the Sea
Reconnaissance Unit
Kimber 1970 i7opp illustrated maps
A Royal Marine unit in Arakan at the Irrawaddy crossing

Section U
The War in the Air
ui * ACSEA, Air Staff HQ
AirTransport operations on the Burma front 1944
Wings of the Phoenix: the official story of the air war in
HMSO 1949 143PP illustrated maps
u3 *AYLING, Bob
Old leatherface of the Flying Tigers: the story of
General Chennault
Bobbs-Merrill 1945
The Flying carpet salesman
Privately published 1998 45PP illustrated maps sc
Biography of J A G Mason 99 and 194 Squadron RAF
u5 *BEAUCHAMP, Gerry
Mohawks over Burma
Shilton 1985 3iipp illustrated
u6 BOWYER, Chaz
Beaufighter at war
Ian Allan 1976 i6opp illustrated
One chapter on Burma
U7 BROWN, Atholl Sutherland
Silently into the midst of things: 177 Squadron RAF in
Burma - history and personal narratives
Book Guild 1997 258PP illustrated
Beaufighter interdiction of Japanese transport
Mission to Burma: the story of 177 Squadron
Blackburns of Bolton 1991 12.5PP illustrated map sc

Section U The War in the Air
U9 *CAIDIN, Martin
Zero fighter
Macdonald, 1970 i6opp illustrated map
uio CHINNERY, Philip D
Any time, any place: fifty years of the USAF Air
Commando and Special Operations Forces 1944-1994
Airlife 1994 303PP illustrated maps
Operations with the Chindits (Chapter 2)
un ' CHENNAULT, Anna
Chennault and the Flying Tigers
USA: Erikson
U12 * CHENNAULT, Claire Lee
Way of a fighter
USA: Thorvardson 1991
U13 * CHENNAULT, Claire Lee
Flying Tiger
U14 COLLIS, Geoffrey R
The Eagle soars
Pentland Press 1998 n6pp sc
273 (Spitfire) Squadron RAF in Arakan
U15 * COLLIS, Geoffrey R
The Tattered eagle
Pentland 1994
Hurricanes over Burma including The Memoirs of
Wing Commander ‘Bunny’ Stone, dfc
Grub Street 1995 357PP illustrated maps
The Flying ‘taxis’: 194 Squadron ‘C’ flight casualty
evacuation unit
Privately published 1998 92pp illustrated sc

Section U The War in the Air
ui8 COYLE, F Red
‘Canucks unlimited’: 436 Squadron history
Canada n.d. 93PP illustrated
RCAF Dakota Squadron
U19 * DUNLOP, Richard
Burma Air victory December 1943 - June 1945 (Eastern
Air Command)
Flying the hump in original World War II color
Motorbooks International 1995
U21 FORD, Daniel
Flying tigers: Claire Chennault and the American
Volunteer Group
Smithsonian Institution Press 1991 463PP map sc
U22 * FRANKS, Norman
First in the Indian skies
Life Publications 1991
U23 FRANKS, Norman L R
Hurricanes over the Arakan
Patrick Stephens 1989 237PP illustrated maps
U24 FRANKS, Norman L R
The Air battle of Imphal
Kimber 1985 223PP illustrated map
U25 FRANKS, Norman L R
Spitfires over the Arakan
Kimber 1988 231PP illustrated maps
U26 FRANKS, Norman and RICHEY
Fighter Pilot’s Summer
Grub Street 1993 248PP illustrated
U27 GOLDNEY, Frank Hammond
War diaries and memoirs
Australia: Hyde Park Press 155PP illustrated sc
117 Squadron RAF (Dakotas) from 1944

Section U The War in the Air
Burma Liberators: RCAF in SEAC
Canada: Next Level Press 1991 2 volumes 1155PP
illustrated sc
Flying Tigers: Chennault in China
Ballantine 1971 i6opp illustrated sc
U30 HEMINGWAY, Kenneth
Wings over Burma
Quality press 1944 190PP illustrated
17 (Fighter) Squadron
China Burma India
Waco, Texas, US: Texian Press 149PP
US Air Force bombing missions
With General Chennault: the story of the Flying Tigers
USA: Zenger 1980
U33 HUDSON, Lionel
The Rats of Rangoon: the inside story of the ‘fiasco’ that
took place at the end of the war in Burma
Leo Cooper 1987 230PP
Written by Air Force Officer
China, Burma, India
US: Turner Publishing Company 392pp illustrated
Collection of newsletters
U35 INNES, DavidJ
Beaufighters over Burma
Blandford Press 1985 i28pp illustrated maps
27 Squadron RAF
U36 JACOBS, Vivian K
The Woodpecker story, as told by members of No 136
(Fighter) Squadron RAF ‘The Woodpeckers’
Pentland press 1994 26ipp illustrated map

Section U The War in the Air
U37 JONES, Laurie
A Pilot’s story of flying in war and peace
Australia: privately printed 1996 259PP illustrated map
Part 1 covers air operations in Bay of Bengal
U38 KOENIG, William J
Over the hump: airlift to China
Pan/Ballantine 1972 i6opp illustrated sc
U39 LAL, Pratap Chandra
My years with the IAF
New Delhi: Lancer International 1986 39^pp
Chapter 3 covers his service with the India Air Force during
the Burma Campaign
U40 LAW WCed
Chinthe - Burma/India 1944-1945
Canada n.d. i66pp illustrated
435 RCAF Squadron (Dakota)
u4i *LOSONSKY, F S andTM
Flying Tiger: a crew chief’s story. The war diary of an
AVG crew chief
Schiffer 1996
Fire by order: recollections of service with 656 Air
Observation Post Squadron in Burma
Leo Cooper 1997 207PP illustrated maps
U43 MASON, Peter D
Nicolson, V C
Ashford: Geerings 1991 164PP illustrated
Nicolson served in 27 Squadron RAF in Burma
U44 MORRIS, Dickson G
Beyond the Irrawaddy and the Salween: RAF special
duty missions in the South-East Asia theatre of war
Australia: Mostly Unsung 1996 183PP illustrated sc

Section U The War in the Air
U45 MOXON, Oliver
Bitter Monsoon: the memoirs of a fighter pilot
Robert Hale 1955 192PP illustrated map
5 (Fighter Squadron) RAF
U46 NALTY, Bernard C
Tigers over Asia
New York: Elsevier-Dutton 1978 i82pp illustrated
The American Volunteer Group ‘The Flying Tigers’
U47 O’BRIEN, Terence
Chasing after danger: a combat pilot’s war over Europe
and the Far East 1939-1942
Collins 1990 264 pp
File of photocopies signals relating to Allied landings in
North East Burma 48pp
U49 O’REGAN, Harley
Notes on life on an Air Transport and Supply Squadron
during the Burma Campaign of World War II
Sydney: privately published n.d. i2opp
U50 "PAGE, Robert C and AITKEN
Air Command Doc
Ackerman 1945
Unarmed into battle: the story of the Air Observation
Picton, for the Army Air Corps 2nd ed 1986 183pp
illustrated maps
U52 " PARK, Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith
Despatch: Air operations in South-East Asia from June 1,
1944 to the re-occupation of Rangoon May 2,1945
(Supplement to The London Gazette April 6, 1951
no 39196)

Section U The War in the Air
U53 * PARRY, J F
Burma Volunteer Air Force 1940-1942
Privately published
U54 *PEIRSE, Air Vice Marshal Sir Richard
Despatch: Air operations in South-East Asia November 16,
1943 to May 31,1944 27PP map
(Supplement to The London Gazette March 13, 1951 no
u 5 5 * PISTOLE, Larry
The Pictorial history of the Flying tigers
Moss 1981
U56 PROBERT, Henry
The Forgotten Air Force: the Royal Air Force in the war
against Japan 1941-1945
Brassey’s 1995 38ipp illustrated maps
u57 *RAWLINSON, Peter
Calamity Jane: by Spitfire to India
The author
U58 ROSHOLT, Malcolm
Days of the Ching Pao: a photographic record of the
Flying Tigers - 14th Air Force in China in World War II
Appleton, Wisconsin: Rosholt House II 4th ed 1986 192PP
The RAF and the Far East War 1941-1945:
a symposium...
RAF Historical Society 1995 129PP illustrated maps
Various contributors on whom there are biographical notes
Forgotten skies: the story of the Air Forces in India and
Hutchinson 1945 i2-8pp illustrated maps
u6i * RUSSELL, Wilfred W
The Friendly firm: a history of 194 Squadron RAF
194 Squadron Wing Association 1972

Section U The War in the Air
Doubleday 1987
The Bamboo workshop: the history of the RAF repair
and salvage units India/Burma 1941-1946
Merlin Books 1995 213PP illustrated sc
U64 SCOTT, Robert Lee
Flying Tiger: Chennault of China
New York: Berkley Publishing i960 22opp sc
U65 SHORES, Christopher and others
Bloody shambles Vol 2 The defence of Sumatra to the
Fall of Burma
Grub Street 1993 494PP illustrated map
Comprehensive account of air operations
u66 SMITH, Peter
Airlife 1986
The Vultee Vengeance was a single-engined dive bomber
used by two squadrons of the Indian Air Force in Burma.
Flying the hump: memories of an air war
Texas: A & M University 1992 illustrated maps
u68 STEVENSON, Air Vice Marshal D F
Despatch: Air operations in Burma and the Bay of Bengal
January 1 to May 22,1942 2ipp
(Supplement to The London Gazette March 5, 1958 no
U69 STONES, Donald
Operation ‘Bograt’ from France to Burma
Spellmount Ltd 1990 i28pp illustrated
67 (Fighter) Squadron

Section U The War in the Air
Airborne over Burma
Published by the author 1988
62 Squadron with Dakotas
U71 SUTTON, Barry
Jungle Pilot
Macmillan 1946 134PP
Flying tigers
Bison Books 1990 8opp illustrated
Air supply in the Burma campaign
USAF History Division, Air University 1957
u74 THOMAS, J Helsdon
Wings over Burma
New Horizon 1984
Merlon 1991 9ipp illustrated maps sc
67 Fighter Squadron 1942-1944
Burma operations record 1952 (revised 1957)
ist Air Command Group Air Command and
Staff College
Air University Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
Student report 1986 96pp illustrated map m/s
u77 WHARTON, Ray
Photographs of aircraft in Air HQ (India)
Communications Squadron
u78 WHELAN, Russell
The Flying Tigers: the story of the American
Volunteer Group
New York: Viking 1942 224PP illustrated map

Section U The War in the Air
U79 WILLIAMS, Douglas
194 Squadron RAF ‘The Friendly Firm’
Merlin Books 1987 8opp illustrated sc
u8o WILLIAMS, Douglas
194 Squadron RAF
Various unpublished typescripts including an appreciation
of General Wingate zpp; RAF Dakota Training Unit SEAC
2pp; a brief history of 194 Squadron by Arthur Pearcy upp;

Full Text




IN MEMORY OF ALL WHO PARTICIPATED AND THE MANY WHO DIED BURMA 1942-45 Blossoms fall to earth The pagoda promises That spring will follow


Burma Campaign Memorial Library A collection of books and papers about the War in Burma 1942-1945 Compiled by Gordon Graham MC MA D UNIV STIRLING and Frank Cole FLA • SOAS Un~ of London School of Orienta l and African Studies London 1999


School of Oriental and African Studies Thornhaugh Street Russell Square London WCIH OXG First published 1999 ISBN O 7286 0305 5 T y p ese ttin g M arga r e t M ills De s ign and Production Douglas Williamson Printed b y Redwood Books Ltd , Trowbrid g e


Introduction THE IDEA of a Memorial Library on the Burma Campaign first arose in 199 5, when it was observed that there was no single comprehensive collection of books on what had been the longest continuous campaign of World War II . Would not such a collection be a fitting memorial to the tragedy and heroism and futility of war; a treasure house for the dwindling brotherhood who had participated in the campaign; a resource for future scholars and historians; and a measure of insurance that a campaign overshadowed at the time by the vast events in Europe and the Pacific, should not become a mere footnote to history? As a first step, lists were obtained from the British National Bibliography, Whitaker's Cumulative Database, the Bodleian Library and the Imperial War Museum. The Burma section of A . G. Enser's 1975 Subject Bibliography of Second World War Books in English was consulted, as were specialized biblio graphies such as 'English-Language Fiction about the War in Burma' compiled by Lewis Hill of the University of Hull. Lists of books in personal libraries were volunteered. Authors' bibliographies at the ends of their books were scanned. Privately published books and unpublished manuscripts came to light. So began what proved to be a four-year project, consisting initially of pledges of books from personal libraries. Parting with treasured books is hard, so those who did not feel ready to donate their books in their lifetimes were invited to leave instructions to their heirs. Such personal gifts and bequests are the largest component of the Memorial Library. On the flyleaf of each donated book is a bookplate giving the name and details of service of the donor, who in some cases is also the author. Soon the search, aided by networking among members of the Burma Star Asso cia tion and many reunion groups, became inter national. The war in Burma had involved the forces of many nations. In addition to books published in Britain, which con stitute the majority of the collection, there are books from the United States, India, Burma, Australia and Canada. There are v


Introduction also a few books translated from Japanese into English, and a start has been made, with the help of the All-Burma Veterans' Association of Japan, in assembling a collection of Japanese books. After two years of voluntary effort, it became clear that finance was needed to complete the project. The Burma Campaign Fellowship Group, which, since it was founded in 1990, has done much to improve understanding between Japanese and British veterans, made an application to the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation for funds, not only to buy books, but to contribute to the installation and upkeep of the Library. To back this application, it was necessary first to find a permanent home for the Library, where it would be easily accessible to present and future generations . An approach was made to the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), whi c h is the premier centre for Asian studies in the UK and has an historical connection with the war in Japan, s ince it provided crash courses in the Japanese language during World War II. The SOAS Library not only agreed to house the Memorial Library as a discrete collection, but to integrate with it relevant titles already in their collections. After securing this generous help from the GB Sasakawa Foundation and SOAS, a further two years were spent in tracking down and purchasing rare titles, mainly through booksellers specialising in military history. There was also substantial correspondence with veterans of the Burma war in many parts of the world. Valuable manuscripts which were in danger of oblivion were uncovered. By early 1999, about 600 of the 750 titles in the bibliography had been acquired, a sufficient number to justify the transfer of the collection to SOAS and its public inauguration. The launch of the Library is not the end of the project. Titles still to be acquired will be added. Unrecorded titles will be identified. New books are being written, and there will be more books in the future. A library is a living thing . In the care of skilled librarians it will last for hundreds of years. Its purpose is not merely to store knowledge and impart information, but to stimulate thought. Libraries are the vehicles which pass, from generation to generation, the lessons learned, wisdom, experience, and, less deliberately, in s ight into the follies of those who have VI


Introduction gone before. In the Burma Campaign Memorial Library, dealing, as it does, with the subject of war, an infliction self-imposed by humanity which at the end of this stormy century shows no signs of abating there is plenty of folly to be pondered on. But mainly it is a record of courage, stoicism, endurance and sacrifice. WGG May 1999 VII


Prefatory notes I This publication is both a catalogue and a bibliography. Asterisked titles have not been acquired as it goes to pre ss. (sc = soft cover: n.d. = no date) 2 Access to the Librar y is open to SOAS Library card holders and is free to Burma veterans, on production of their membership cards to the Burma Star Association or any other veter ans' a ssociation. 3 When th e r e is only one cop y of a title in th e Library, it ma y not be borrowed, but can be consulted and studied in the SOAS Special Collection Reading Room . Duplicate copies of a title will normally be available for loan. It is anticipated that as a result of future additions, the number of loan copies will increase. 4 A list of books in the Japanese language is a v aila ble o n request to SOAS. 5 The compilers will gratefully receive information about inaccuracies and additions at the following address: Burma Campaign Library Project, 5 Beechwood Drive, Marlow, SL7 2DH. VIII


Contents Introduction v A Official Histories r B General Accounts 3 C The Japanese Invasion 6 D Arakan ro E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon r 3 F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road 17 G The Chindits 22 H Clandestine Operations 27 I Civilian Burma 3 r J The Gurkhas 3 8 K Unit and Formation Histories 40 L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries 49 M Personal Narratives 53 N Medical Services 6 3 O The Indian National Army 66 P Newspapers and Ephemera 70 Q Journals and Newsletters 72 R Pictorial Histories 7 3 S Verses, Essays and Letters 74 T The War at Sea 77 U The War in the Air 79 V Fiction 89 W Japanese books in English 98 IX


Section A Official Histories Only government-sponsored publications dealing with the whole Campaign are listed here. Other publications are found under subject headings. HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR THE WAR AGAINST JAPAN bys Woodburn Kirby and others AI Val I The loss of Singapore 59opp 19 57 A2 Vo! II India's most dangerous hour 558pp 1958 A3 Vol III The decisive battles 578pp 1961 A4 Vol IV The re-conquest of Burm a 583pp 1965 A5 •fvol V The surrender of Japan 622pp 1969 HMSO illustrated maps Appendices to the v olumes contain orders of battle of own and enemy forces, details of supply arrangements, statistics of c a s ualties, etc . GRAND STRATEGY A6 *Vol III by JM A Gwyer and J RM Butler June 1941 August 1942 416pp 1964 A 7 *Vol IV by Michael Howard August 1942 -September 1943 798pp 197 2 A8 * V a l V b y J ohn Ehrman Augu s t 19 4 3 Septemb e r 1944 651pp 1 9 5 6 A9 •fVol VI by John Ehrman October 1944 -August 1945 438pp 1956 HMSO illustrated m aps OFFI C IAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARME D FORCES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR AIO •fTHE ROYAL INDIAN NAVY 1939 1945 b y DJ E Collins AI 1 * PRASAD, Bishenwar RETREAT FROM BURM A 19 4 1 19 4 2 1 953 AI 2 PRASAD, Bis h ~ nwar DEFENCE O F INDIA: POLIC Y AND PLANS 1 963 278pp m a p s I


Section A Official Histories A13 ,:PRASAD, Bishenwar ed EXPANSION OF THE ARMED FORCES AND DEFENCE ORGANIZATION 1956 A14 ,:MADAN ARAKAN OPERATIONS 1942-1945 1954 AI 5 PRASAD, Bishenwar ed THE RECONQUEST OF BURMA Vol I June 1942-June 1944 467pp illustrated maps A16 PRASAD, Bishenwar ed THE RECONQUEST OF BURMA Vol II June 1944-August 1945 539pp illustrated maps AI7 ''KHERA, PN TECHNICAL SERVICES: I.E.M.E. AND ORDNANCE 1962 AI8 ''GUPTA, SC HISTORY OF THE INDIAN AIR FORCE 1933-1945 1961 A19 MOUNTBATTEN, Louis, Vice-Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma REPORT TO THE COMBINED CHIEFS OF STAFF BY THE SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1943-1945 HMSO 1951 28opp maps Contains list of commanders down to flotilla, brigade, group; official reports Plus edition published in India. Combined Inter-Services Historical Section (India & Pakistan) A20 ''MOUNTBATTEN, Louis, Vice-Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma PosT-SURRENDER TASKS: Section E of the Report to the Combined Chiefs of Staff by the Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia, 1943-45 HMSO 1969 47pp maps The contents of this section were withheld from the main report when it was published in 19 5 1 as being very politically sensitive. 2


Section B General Accounts This section comprises overviews of the Campaign. B 1 ALLEN, Louis BURMA: THE LONGEST WAR 1941-1945 Dent 1984 705pp illustrated maps Dent 1986 705pp illustrated maps with corrections sc A classic account A Japanese translation in 3 volumes. B2 * ANONYMOUS CAMPAIGN OF THE XIV ARMY 1944-1945 (476 Indian Printing Section) [1945) B3 •:AUCHINLECK, Field Marshal Sir Claude DESPATCH: Operations in the Inda-Burma Theatre based on India from June 21, 1943 to November 15, 1943. {Supplement to the London Gazette April 27, 1948 no 38274) B4 BHONSIE, R K THE JAPANESE OFFENSIVE 1941-1943: an analytical study New Delhi: Himalaya n Books 1990 264pp sc B5 ~ -BOND Michelle THE FORGOTTEN ARMY: what were the lifestyles and attitudes of the soldiers of the 'Forgotten Army' fighting in Burma 1942-1945? Unpublished typescript B6 CALLAHAN, Raymond BURMA 1942-1945 Davis-Poynter 1978 19opp map B7 ,:-CHANDRA, Anil INDIAN ARMY TRIUMPHANT IN BURMA 1941-1945 Atma Ram 1984 B8 ~-cHAPHEKAR, Shankarrao G A BRIEF STUDY OF THE BURMA CAMPAIGN 1943-1945 1955 Poona: Maharashta Militarization Board 3


Section B General Accounts B9 DUPUY, Trevor N ASIATIC LAND BATTLES: The Expansion of Japan in Asia Franklin Watts 1963 68pp illustrated A brief illustrated history, one of a series covering World War II BIO ELLIOTT, Major General JG A ROLL OF HONOUR Cassell 1965 394pp B11 GURCHARAN, Maj JAPANESE OFFENSIVE Jalandhar: ABS publications 1990 291pp maps Covers the period 1941-1943 B12 HICKEY, Michael THE UNFORGETTABLE ARMY: Slim's XIVth Army in Burma Spellmount 1992 318pp illustrated maps Appendices list VCs awarded, order of battle etc B13 KARAKA, D F WITH THE 14TH ARMY Bomb ay: Thacker 1944 rr6pp Author was war correspondent on The Bombay Chron icl e B14 McKELVIE, Roy THE WAR IN BURMA Methuen 1948 315pp By a military observer B15 MASON, Philip A MATTER OF HONOUR: an account of the Indian Army and its men Cape 1974 58opp illustrated maps B16 MATTHEWS, Geoffrey TH E RE-CONQUEST OF BURMA 19 43-1945 Gal e & Polden 1966 115pp A clear account written for Staff College entrants B17 MINISTRY OF INFORMATION SEAC SouvENIR, PARTS ONE AND Two HMSO 1945 16pp and 8pp illustrated maps (photocopies) 4


Section B General Accounts B18 PALSOKAR, RD BURMA: RETREAT AND RECONQUEST Poona: the author 1974 159pp maps B19 SLIM, William, Field Marshal the Viscount DEFEAT INTO VICTORY Cassell 1956 587pp illustrated maps Four Square 1958 448pp maps sc Masterly account of the war in Burma 1942-1945 B20 SMITH, ED BATTLE FOR BURMA Batsford 1979 19opp illustrated maps B21 OWEN, Frank THE CAMPAIGN IN BURMA HMSO 1946 1 75pp illu strated maps sc Ferozepore: English Book Depot 1952 186pp illustrat e d maps Written by Frank Owen for the Central Office oflnformation B22 WAGG, Alfred A MILLION DIED: a story of war in the Far East Nicholson & Watson 1943 192pp B23 WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount DESPATCH: Operations in the India Command from January 1, 1943 to June 2, 1943 16pp maps (Supplement to the London Gazette April 20, 1948 no 3 8266) B24 ''WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount SPEECHES AND MESSAGES INDIA 1941-1943 New Delhi: Privately printed B25 * WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount SPEECHES from October 26, 1943 to March 21, 1947 New Delhi: 152pp B26 YEATS-BROWN, F MARTIAL INDIA Eyre & Spottis_woode 1945 20opp illustrated maps 5


Section C The Japanese Invasion Individual experiences of these events can be found under PERSONAL NARRATIVES Section M. c1 BARNARD, Jack THE HUMP: the greatest untold history of the war Souvenir Press 1960 192pp illustrated c2 BELDEN, Jack RETREAT WITH STILWELL New York: Knopf 1943 368pp map C3 BURCHETT, W G BOMBS OVER BURMA Melbourne: F W Cheshire 1944 26opp illustrated map C4 BURCHETT, W G TREK BACK FROM BURMA India: Allahabad n.d. 3 3opp c 5 CAREW, Tim THE LONGEST RETREAT: the Burma Campaign 1942 Hamish Hamilton 1969 288pp illustrated maps c6 CARMICHAEL, Pat RD MOUNTAIN BATTERY Devin Books 1983 246pp illustrated maps c7 CHRISTIAN, John L BURMA AND THE JAPANESE INVADER Bombay: Thacker 1945 418pp c8 DILLON, Terence RANGOON TO KOHIMA Gloucester Regiment 148pp c9 DORN, Frank WALK OUT WITH STILWELL IN BURMA New York: Thomas Y CrowellI971 258pp illustrated maps 6


Section C The Japanese Invasion crn DRAPER, Alfred DAWNS LIKE THUNDER: the retreat from Burma 1942 Leo Cooper 1987 3orpp illustrated maps err FINNERTY, John ALL QUIET ON THE IRRAWADDY New Horizon 1979 225pp illustrated cr2 FINNERTY, John ALL HELL ON THE IRRAWADDY Anchor Publications 1985 286pp illustrated er 3 GALLAGHER, 0 D RETREAT IN THE EAST Harrap 1942 r9opp illustrated c14 GARDINER, John Ronald (Ritchie) DIARY OF A JOURNEY FROM SUMPRABUM TO MARGHERITA BY THE CHAUKKAN PASS May-July 1942 Unpublished n.d. r88pp map (typescript) cr5 GRANT, Ian Lyall and TAMAYAMA BURMA 1942: THE JAPANESE INVASION both sides tell the story of a savage jungle war Zampi Press 1999 3 5opp illustrated maps cr6 GRIBBLE, RH OUT OF THE BURMA NIGHT: being the fantastic journey through the wilderness of the Hukawng Valley ... at the time of the Japanese invasion of Burma Calcutta: Thacker & Spink 1944 r64pp illustrated cr7 ,:-KNIGHT, Allan ESCAPE FROM THE YELLOW PERIL: personal experiences of an evacuee from Burma India Allahabad: Kitab Mahal 1945 9rpp cr8 LACKERSTEEN, D DIAMONDS IN THE OUST Kitabistan: Invasion 1942 49PP 7


Section C The Japanese Invasion c19 LEASOR, James THE MARINE FROM MANDALAY Leo Cooper 1991 146pp c20 LUNT, James A HELL OF A LICKING: the retreat from Burma 1941-1942 Collins 1986 318 pp illustrated maps David & Charles 1986 319pp illustrated maps sc c21 McCRAE, Alistair IRRAWADDY FLOTILLA James Paton 1978 c22 MacFETRIDGE, Charles THE BATTLE OF SHWEGYIN May 10, 1942 Unpublished 8pp typescript map c23 MACKENZIE, Compton EASTERN EPIC Vol I September 19 3 9 -March 194 3: Defence Chatto & Windus 1951 646 pp maps c24 MAINS, Tony THE RETREAT FROM BURMA: an intelligence officer's personal story Foulsham 1973 152pp illustrated map c25 MALGONKAR, Manohar DISTANT DRUM Bombay: Asia Publishing House 1960 257pp c26 *RUSSELL, Stanley F MUDDY EXODUS: a story of the evacuation of Burma 1942 Epworth 1943 64pp c27 *SINGH, Bishan BURMA RETREAT India: Kanpur: Vasuder Singh 1949 c28 SMYTH, John BEFORE THE DAWN: a story of two historic retreats Cassell 1957 235pp illustrated maps Dunkirk: 1940 Burma: 1942 Author commanded 17 Indian Division 8


Section C The Japanese Invasion c29 STEWART, Adrian THE UNDERRATED ENEMY: Britain's War with Japan December 1941 -May 1942 Kimber 1987 234pp illustrated maps qo TAINSH, AR ... AND SOME FELL BY THE WAYSIDE: an account of the North Burma evacuation Bombay: Orient Longmans 1950 182pp illustrated map C3 1 TINKER, Hugh THE INDIA EXODUS FROM BURMA 1942 in Journal of South-East Asian Studies 1975 q2 TYSON, Geoffrey FORGOTTEN FRONTIER Calcutta: Targett 194 5 illustrated maps Tea planters of North-East India during the retreat C3 3 *WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount DESPATCH: Operation in the Eastern Theatre, based on India, from March 1942 to December 31, 1942 (Supplement to the London Gazette September 17, 1946 no 37728) c34 WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount DESPATCH: Operations in Burma from December 15, 1941 to May 20, 1942 (covering reports by Lieut General T J Hutton and General the Hon Sir Harold Alexander) 46pp (Supplement to the London Gazette March 5, 1948 no 38228) 9


Section D Arakan Accounts of the Arakan front from I942 to I945 References to Arakan experiences can be found in Sections A, B, C, K, L and M . DI ,:-ANONYMOUS HISTORY OF THE ARAKAN CAMPAIGN I944-1945 HQ XV Indian Corps [1946?] 02 ANONYMOUS THE STORY OF THE 25TH INDIAN DIVISION: the Arakan campaign Bombay: Government of India War Department n.d. 3 7pp illustrated sc 03 ANONYMOUS A!,AKAN ASSIGNMENT: the story of the 82nd West African Division West Africa: PR Services n.d. 44pp illustrated map sc 04 BOWEN,CG WEST AFRICAN WAY: the story of the Burma Campaign 1943-1945 5th Bn Gold Coast Regt Privately published n.d. Various paginations map (photocopy) o 5 CATTANACH, John THE JEEP TRACK: the story of the 81st West African Division fighting on the Arakan front in Burma Regency Press 1990 79PP 06 ,:CLARKE, Michael S KALADAN MORTARS: a walk o n the knife edge Woodfield Publishing 1994 93pp illustrated maps sc A West African mortar b attery in the Kaladan Valley 1944-1945 07 ''EMMET, A Maitland THE ARAKAN CAMPAIGN OF THE 25TH INDIAN DIVISION March 1944 -March 1945 1946 131pp 10


Section D Arakan 08 FULLER, AR and LEWENDON 7TH INDIAN FIELD REGT ROYAL INDIAN ARTILLERY: a narrative 1943-1947 Privately published 1996 Various pagination illustrated maps sc 7th and 26th Indian Divisions in Arakan 09 JEFFREYS, P J BURMA 1943-1944: memories of the First Kaladan Campaign 8rst (West African) Division Privately published 53pp illustrated map (photocopy) m/s D IO JEFFREYS, p J BURMA 1944-1945: memories of the Second Kaladan Campaign 5th (West African Brigade) 8rst (West African) Division Privately published 28pp illustrated map (photocopy) m/s Dr r PHILLIPS, C E Lucas THE RAIDERS OF ARAKAN Heinemann 1971 r98pp illustrated maps Royal Marines Commandoes, West African and V Force activity 1943-1944 012 STRAUBENZEE, Philip van DESERT, JUNGLE AND DALE: A MEMOIR Pentland Press 1991 r4opp illustrated maps Author was CO rst Bn The Sierra Leone Regt 1944-1945 82nd (West African) Division 013 SWYNNERTON, Charles RA A SHORT HISTORY OF THE IST (WEST AFRICAN) INFANTRY BRIGADE IN THE ARAKAN 1944-1945 2nd ed Lagos 1949 95PP maps Author was the Brigade Commander 014 TURNBULL, Patrick THE BATTLE OF THE Box Ian Allan 1979 144pp illustrated maps The decisive engagement II


Section D Arakan 015 WILMOT, Alec 2 7TH RA -ONLY JUNGLE AND THE JAPANESE The author 1998 166pp illustrated sc A Field Regiment in 26th Indian Division, March 1944 -August 1945 12


Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon EI ALLEN, Louis SITTANG THE LAST BATTLE: the end of the Japanese in Burma July-August 1945 Military Book Society 1973 284pp illustrated maps E2 ANONYMOUS 40TH ANNIVERSARY BATTLE OF KOHIMA Illustrated leaflet 8pp E3 ATKINS, David THE RELUCTANT MAJOR Toat Press 1986 uopp illustrated map RIASC Transport Company E4 ATKINS, David THE FORGOTTEN MAJOR Toat Press 1989 145pp illustrated maps 300 Indian GPT Company E 5 BARKER, A J THE MARCH ON DELHI Faber 1963 302pp illustrated maps Dehradun: Netaji Publishing 1990 E6 BOND, Brian ed FALLEN STARS: eleven studies of 2oth century military disasters Brasseys (UK) 1991 272pp maps Contains Mutaguchi Renya and the invasion of India by Louis Allen 25pp E7 BOWER, Ursula Graham NAGAPATH Murray 19 50 26opp illustrated map


Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon E8 CAMPBELL, Arthur THE SIEGE: A STORY FROM KoHIMA Allen & Unwin 1956 2r2pp illustrated maps Corgi 1957 25rpp maps sc E9 COLVIN, John No ORDINARY MEN: the story of the battle of Kohima Leo Cooper 1995 263pp illustrated maps Ero CROSS, J P JUNGLE WARFARE: EXPERIENCES AND ENCOUNTERS Guild Publishing 1989 222pp illustrated Err EVANS, Geoffrey and BRETT-JAMES IMPHAL: A FLOWER ON LOFTY HEIGHTS Macmillan 1962 348pp illustrated maps Er2 FREER, Arthur F NUNSHIGUM: ON THE ROAD TO MANDALAY Pentland Press 1995 262pp maps Tank action by 3rd Carabiniers north of Imphal April 1944 Er3 GIFFARD, General Sir George DESPATCH: Operations in Burma and North East India from November 16, 1943 to June 22, 1944 3rpp map Maps for use with Army and Air Despatches of the Burma Campaign (Supplement to the London Gazette March 13, 1951 no 39171) Er4 GIFFARD, General Sir George DESPATCH: Operations in Assam and Burma June 23, 1944 to November 12, 1944 27pp map (Supplement to the London Gazette March 30, 1951 no 39187) Er 5 ,:-GOVERNMENT OF INDIA WAR DEPARTMENT ON TO RANGOON Bombay: Claridge 1945


Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon EI 6 GRANT, Ian Lyall BURMA: THE TURNING POINT: the seven battles on the Tiddim Road ... Zampi Press 1993 25 5pp illustrated maps EI? HAWKINS, v F s OPERATIONS OF THE 5TH INFANTRY BRIGADE, 2 DIVISION, in Assam March 30 -May 12, 1944 with special reference to the Battle of Kohima Unpublished typescript n.d. 125pp EI8 KENDALL, Bill I WAS THERE! WITH THE BRITISH 2ND DIVISION The author 6opp sc E19 KING-CLARK, R THE BATTLE FOR KoHIMA: the narrative of the 2nd Battalion the Manchester Regiment, the Machine Gun battalion of the British 2nd Division Fleur de Lys Publishing 1995 138pp illustrated maps sc E20 ~LEESE, General Sir Oliver DESPATCH: Operations in Burma from November 12, 1944 to August 15, 1945 (Supplement to the London Gazette April 6, 1951 no 3919 5) E21 McCANN, John KOHIMA -AN HISTORIC VILLAGE AND OTHER SHORT STORIES The author 401pp illustrated sc The author served in 1/8th Lancashire Fusiliers E22 McCANN, John EcHoEs OF KoHIMA The author 1989 416pp illustrated sc E 23 *McCANN,John RETURN To KoHIMA The author 1993 E24 NEILD, Eric COLLECTION of papers, correspondence, extracts on the BATTLE AT SANGSHAK, 5oth Indian Parachute Brigade etc


Section E Assam, Manipur and the advance to Mandalay and Rangoon E2 5 PHILLIPS, C E Lucas SPRINGBOARD TO VICTORY: battle for Kohima Heinemann 1966 242pp illustrated maps Delhi: Army Publishers n.d. E26 ''ROONEY, David BURMA VICTORY: Imphal, Kohima and the Chindit issue March 1944 to May 1945 Arms and Armour Press 1992 208pp illustrated maps E2 7 SEAMAN, Harry THE BATTLE AT SANGSHAK: Burma, March 1944 Leo Cooper 1989 148pp illustrated maps The prelude to Kohima E28 SMITH, W C THE UNSUNG HEROES: a personal account The author 199 5 98pp sc E29 SWINSON, Arthur Ko HI MA Cassell 1966 275pp illustrated maps Arrow Books 1968 32opp illustrated maps sc E30 WAVELL, Archibald, Field Marshal the Viscount CONFIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE 'To officers of India Command' GHQ Delhi May 22, 1943 6pp typescript EF ''WILSON, Richard C THE IMPHAL SHRIMPS Chester: the author 1962 E32 ''WILSON, Richard C TAILPIECE AT TAMU Chester: the author 1962 16


Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road Concerns operations in North Burma and in China, mainly by US and Chinese forces. Books on General Stilwell will be found under BIOGRAPHIES Section L. 'The Hump' -air transport between India, North Burma and China is included in THE WAR IN THE Am Section U. FI ADAMSON, lain THE FORGOTTEN MEN Bell 1965 195pp A British Commando training mission to China F2 ANONYMOUS MERRILL'S MARAUDERS NY: Peducah Pub 1987 122pp illustrated F3 BAKER, Alan MERRILL'S MARAUDERS Pan/Ballantine 1972 r6opp illustrated maps sc F4 BATES, Richard F MEMORIES OF MILITARY SERVICE: a teenager in Burma The author 199 5 178pp illustrated maps F5 BELDEN, Jack STILL TIME TO DIE Gollanz 1945 288pp F6 BONHAM, Frank BURMA RIFLES: a story of Merrill's Marauders New York: Crowell 1960 26opp F7 BRADLEY, Neville THE OLD BURMA ROAD: a journey on foot and muleback Heinemann 1945 138pp illustrated 1930 17


Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road F8 CHAN, Won-loy BURMA: THE UNTOLD STORY Novato, CA: Presidio [1986?] r49pp illustrated F9 CHIANG YEE THE MEN OF THE BURMA ROAD Methuen 3rd ed 1942 88pp illustrated Fro •CHUONG, Tong-Guk BURMA-YUNNAN VICTORY IN CHINA'S 8TH WAR 1945 Fr r COE, Douglas BURMA ROAD New York: Julian Messner 1946 r92pp illustrated map Fr2 ELDRIDGE, Fred WRATH IN BURMA: the uncensored story of General Stilwell and international manoeuvres in the Far East New York: Doubleday 1946 32opp illustrated maps FI3 ELLIOTT-BATEMAN, Michael DEFEAT IN THE EAST: the mark of Mao Tse-tung on war Oxford 1967 27opp Fr4 FELLOWES-GORDON, Ian THE MAGIC WAR: the battle for North Burma New York: Scribner's 1971 r8opp illustrated maps Fr 5 FISCHER, Edward THE CHANCY WAR: winning in China, Burma and India in World War Two New York: Orion Books 1991 25opp illustrated maps FI6 GEORGE,John B SHOTS FIRED IN ANGER: A rifleman's view of the war in the Pacific ... with Merrill's Marauders Washington DC National Rifle Association of America 2ndedr99r 535pp illustrated maps Book I Guadalcanal Book II Burma Fr7 ''GEREN, Paul Francis BURMA DIARY 18


Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road Deland, Florida: Everett/Edwards Presentation edition 1968 63pp FI8 ,:-GLASS, SA WHO STOLE MY MULE? Maysville, Kentucky : Bell Enterprises [1985?] An American with Northern Combat Command F19 ,:-HERMAN, Leonard BURMA MISSION: COMPANY D Allentown, Pennsylvania: the author 1946 F20 ,:-HIROSHI, Fowa JAPANESE OPERATIONS IN THE HUKAWNG VALLEY USA: Military Review 1963 F21 HO, Yng-Ch'i THE BIG CIRCLE New York: Exposition Press 1948 152pp The role of Chinese forces in the Burmese Campaigns of the Second World War F22 HOYT, Edwin P MERRILL'S MARAUDERS Los Angeles: Pinnacle Books 1980 148pp sc F23 ,:-HUNTER, Charles Newton GALAHAD San Antonio, Texas: The Naylor Company 1963 233pp illustrated maps Galahad-the code name for the US long range penetration group in CBI F24 ,:-KADEL, Bob 'WHERE I CAME IN' IN CHINA-BURMA-INDIA Paducah, Kentucky: Turner Publishing 1987 F25 '"LAURET, Jean-Claude FORCES SPECIALES EN BIRMANIE: 1944 Les Mauradeurs de Merrill Paris: Presses de l a Cite 1986 285 illustrated map In French 19


Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road F26 OGBURN, Charlton THE MARAUDERS New York: Harper 19 59 307pp illustrated map Quality Book Club 1960 319pp map F2 7 PEERS, William and BRELIS BEHIND THE BURMA ROAD Robert Hale 1964 194pp illustrated maps F28 PHILIPS, Bob KC8 BURMA Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower University Press 1992 194pp illustrated map sc KC8 was a CBI Air Warning Team F29 *RANDOLPH, John H MARSMEN IN BURMA Houston, T exas: the author 1946 F30 ROMANUS, Charles F and SUNDERLAND THE UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II: China-BurmaIndia Theater 3 volumes: Stilwell's Mission to China 441pp Stilwell's Command problems 515pp Time runs out in CBI 428pp Washington DC: Office of the Chief of Military History: Department of The Army 1953-1956-1959 illustrated maps F3 1 SAMSON, G BURMA ROAD: report of an address China Society 1949 F32 SLATER, Robert GUNS THROUGH ARCADY: Burma and the Burma Road Sydney: Angus & Robertson 1941 239pp illustrated A pre-war account to 1939 F3 3 SMITH, Nicol BuRMAROAD Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill 1940 333PP 20


Section F China-Burma-India Theatre and the Burma Road F34 ''STILWELL, Joseph THE CAMPAIGN IN BURMA MARCH/JUNE 1942 Unpublished F3 5 STILWELL, Joseph THE STILWELL PAPERS, arranged and edited by Theodore H White MacDonald 1949 327pp illustrated maps F36 ''STILWELL, Joseph HISTORY OF THE CBI THEATRE (Stilwell's Personal File B1 1942-1944) Scholarly Resources F3 7 STOWE, Leland THEY SHALL NOT SLEEP New York: Knopf 1944 424pp F3 8 TAN, Pei-Ying THE BUILDING OF THE BURMA ROAD New York: McGraw-Hill 1945 204pp illustrated map F39 TAYMAN, Nelson-Grant STILWELL ROAD LAND ROUTE TO CHINA 18pp illustrated sc (Article in National Geographic Maga z ine Vol LXXXVII no 6,June 1945) F40 ''TYSON, Geoffrey RAMGARH 'Now IT CAN BE TOLD' US Army: Ramgarh Training Center, CBI 1945 F41 ''TYSON, Geoffrey AMERICAN FORCES IN ACTION: MERRILL'S MARAUDERS Center of Military History 1990 F42 ' 'UNITED STATES WAR DEPARTMENT MERRILL's MARAUDERS February-May 1944 Washington DC: War Department Historical Division F43 , : -WILLIAMS, Robert P ONE MAN'S CBI Unpublished


Section G The Chindits Biographies of Orde Wingate can be found in Section L. Gr ''AIR MINISTRY OPERATION 'THURSDAY' Allied landings in NE Burma G2 ,:-ALISON, J R CHINDIT OPERATION IN BURMA Rand Corporation 1943 1963 G3 BAGGALEY, James A CHINDIT STORY Souvenir Press 1954 r63pp map Pantherr958 r58pp sc G4 BIDWELL, Shelford THE CHINDIT WAR: THE CAMPAIGN IN BURMA 1944 Hodder & Stoughton 1979 304pp illustrated maps New York: Macmillan 1979 The standard account G5 BOYLE, Patrick and MUSGRAVE-WOOD JUNGLE, JUNGLE, LITTLE CHINDIT Hollis & Carter [1946?] 97pp illustrated Humorous G6 BURCHETT, W G WINGATE'S PHANTOM ARMY Bombay: Thacker 1944 24opp illustrated map G7 BURCHETT, W G WINGATE ADVENTURE Melbourne: F W Cheshire 1944 r88pp illustrated map G8 BUTT, Paul Le WE TOO CAN DIE: TALES OF THE CHINDITS Robert Anscombe 1947 r63pp 22


G9 CALVERT, Michael PRISONERS OF HOPE Cape 1952 303pp illustrated maps Section G The Chindits Corgi Books 1973 3 2opp illustrated maps sc (With a new postscript by the author) Gm CALVERT, Mike FIGHTING MAD Airlife 1996 208pp illustrated GII CALVERT, Michael CHINDITS: LONG RANGE PENETRATION Pan Ballantine n.d. 159pp illustrated maps sc G 12 CARFRAE, Charles CHINDIT COLUMN William Kimber 19 8 5 194 pp illustrated maps 7th Bn The Nigeria Regiment during the Second Chindit operation G13 CHARGE, Des THE BEGINNING OF THE END: a story about the Chindits in Burma Newton 1995 illustrated map G14 CHINDITS O CA UK MAJOR GENERAL O C WINGATE DSO: an appreciation ... For private circulation 89pp sc G15 CHINNERY, Philip D MARCH OR DIE: the story of Wingate's Chindits Airlif e 1997 256pp illustrated maps Gl6 DENNY,J H CHINDIT INDISCRETION Christopher Johnson 1956 256pp port maps Panther 19 5 6 sc G17 FERGUSSON, Bernard BEYOND THE CHINDWIN: being an account of the adventures of Number Five Column of the Wingate expedition into Burma 194 3


Section G The Chindits Collins 1945 255pp illustrated maps Collins: StJames's Library series 1951 x 2 Anthony Mott: The War Library 1983 G18 FERGUSSON, Bernard THE WILD GREEN EARTH Collins 1946 228pp maps The author commanded 16th Brigade in the Second Chindit operation G19 HALLEY, David WITH WINGATE IN BURMA Wm Hodge 1945 189pp map G20 HASKINS, P C EPIC IN NAGALAND 1opp A CHINDIT OPERATION 25pp Unpublished n.d. sc G21 HILL, George OH! To BE A CHINDIT Unpublished n.d. 5 2pp sc G22 JAMES, Harold ACROSS THE THRESHOLD OF BATTLE: behind Japanese lines with Wingate's Chindits Burma 194 3 Book Guild 1993 25opp illustrated maps G23 JAMES, Richard Rhodes CHINDIT Sphere 1981 214pp maps sc John Murray 1980 224pp illustrated maps G24 JEFFREY, W F SUNBEAMS LIKE SWORDS Hodder & Stoughton 19 50 176pp G25 MACHORTON, Ian SAFER THAN A KNOWN WAY: one man's epic struggle against Japanese and jungle Popular Book Club 1958 248pp illustrated map 24


Section G The Chindits G26 MACKAY, Donald A PADRE WITH THE CHINDITS Reproduced from The Covenanter the Regimental Journal of the Cameronians 1960 13pp G27 MILNER,Joe To BLAZES WITH GLORY: a Chindit's war Edward Gaskell, The Lazarus Press 1995 475pp illustrated maps G28 O'BRIEN, Terence OuT OF THE BLUE: a pilot with the Chindits Collins 1984 272pp map G29 ROLO, Charles J WINGATE'S RAIDERS Harrap 1946 199pp illustrated G30 ROSSETTO, Luigi MAJOR-GENERAL 0RDE WINGATE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF LONG-RANGE PENETRATION Manhattan, Kansas: MA/AH Publishing-Sunflower University Press 1982 471pp maps G31 SHARPE, Philip To BE A CHINDIT Book Guild 1995 273pp illustrated maps G32 SHAW,James THE MARCH OUT Hart-Davis 19 5 3 206pp illustrated map G33 SHAW,Jesse SPECIAL FORCE: A CHINDIT'S STORY Alan Sutton 1986 271pp illustrated 12th Bn The Nigeria Regt during the Second Chindit operation 1944 G34 SHIRREFF, David WINGATE's ADC CAPTAIN G H BORROW MC Unpublished typescript 8pp n .d. sc


Section G The Chindits G3 5 STIBBE, Philip RETURN VIA RANGOON: a young Chindit survives the jungle and Japanese captivity Leo Cooper 1994 247pp map No 5 Column 1943 Chindit operation G36 SMYTHIES, BE DIARY Unpublished 3 2pp n.d. maps Author was Civil Affairs Officer 16 Inf Bde G3 7 SYMES, G W SOME VIEWS OF THE WINGATE EXPEDITIONS OF 1943 AND l 944 FROM THE JAPANESE STANDPOINT Unpublished 1946 4PP The result of interrogation of Japanese staff officers by Major General Symes G38 THOMAS , Lowell BACK TO MANDALAY Shakespeare Head 1952 255pp illustrated G39 THOMPSON, Robert MAKE FOR THE HILLS: memories of Far Eastern Wars Leo Cooper 1989 233pp illustrated maps An RAF officer in both Chindit operations First seventy-six pages deal with Burma G40 *THOMPSON, Robert and MEAD JUDGMENT ON WINGATE Article Army Quarterly July 1978 G41 TO WILL, Bill A CHINDIT's CHRONICLE Privately published [1990?] 143pp G42 ''WHYTE, Desmond A TRYING CHINDIT (British Medical Journal December 18-25, 1982 pp1776-9) G43 WILCOX, WA CHINDIT COLUMN 76 Calcutta: Longmans 1945 137pp illustrated maps


Section H Clandestine Operations Secret operations conducted by irregular forces in enemy country. HI * ATHERTON, Louise SOE: OPERATIONS IN THE FAR EAST An introductory guide to the newly-released records of the SOE in the Public Record Office 1997 H2 ,:GUAR, Dharmendra BEHIND THE ENEMY LINES New Delhi: Sterling 1975 H3 HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR British intelligence in the Second World War Vol 5 by Michael Howard HMSO 1990 271pp maps pp 203-222 deal with the Far East 1942-1945 H4 BEAMISH, John BURMA DROP Elek Books 1958 illustrated map Z force H5 BOWEN,John UNDERCOVER IN THE JUNGLE Kimber 1978 206pp illustrated maps V force H6 BRAUND, HEW THREE YEARS WITH THE CHIN LEVIES United Services Institution of India 17pp map Photocopy of pamphlet H 7 CRUICKSHANK, Charles SOE IN THE FAR EAST Oxford University Press 198 3 28 5pp illustrated map s c Special Operations Executive


Section H Clandestine Operations H8 DUNLOP, Richard BEHIND JAPANESE LINES WITH THE OSS IN BURMA Chicago: Rand McNally 1979 448pp illustrated maps The CBI theatre H9 EVANS, Lieut-General Sir Geoffrey THE JOHNNIES Cassell 1964 231pp illustrated maps Commissioned Forestry Officers leading Karens, Chins, Kachins in Z force HIO FELLOWES-GORDON, Ian AMIABLE ASSASSINS: the story of the Kachin guerrillas of North Burma Hale I 9 5 7 illustrated HI 1 FELLOWES-GORDON, Ian THE BATTLE FOR NAw SENG's KINGDOM: General Stilwell's North Burma campaign and its aftermath Leo Cooper 1971 176pp illustrated maps The Kachin Levies H12 *GRAHAM, W Gordon V FORCE HISTORY GHQ New Delhi 1945 H 1 3 GUTHRIE, D JUNGLE DIARY Macmillan 1946 127pp illustrated H14 HAMOND, Robert THE FLAME OF FREEDOM: Corporal Pagani's escape from the railway of Death Leo Cooper I 9 8 8 He reached Burma and joined the Karen resistance H15 HEILBRUNN, Otto WARFARE IN THE ENEMY'S REAR Praeger 1963 23 rpp maps HI6 HILSMAN, Roger AMERICAN GUERRILLA: my war behind Japanese lines Washington: Brassey's (US) 1990 3oopp


Section H Clandestine Operations H17 IWAICHI, Fujiwara F KrKAN: JAPANESE ARMY INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS IN SouTHEAST AsIA DURING WoRLD WAR II Hong Kong: Heinemann Asia 1983 368pp illustrated maps HI8 IRWIN, Anthony BURMESE OUTPOST Collins 1945 16opp illustrated maps V force in Arakan H19 LEASOR, James BOARDING PARTY: The last action of the Calcutta Light Force lSt ed 1978 Heinemann 204 pp Sabotage of German ship anchored in Neutral waters on West Coast of India H2o MAINS, Tony FIELD SECURITY: VERY ORDINARY INTELLIGENCE Picton 1992 181pp sc H21 MOON, Thomas N and EIFLER THE DEADLIEST COLONEL New York: Vantage Press 1975 342pp illustrated Colonel Eifler commanded an office of Strategic Services Detachment in Northern Burma H22 MORRISON, Ian GRANDFATHER LONG LEGS: the life and gallant death of Major HP Seagrim GC DSO MBE Faber & Faber 1947 239pp illustrated map Service with the Karen levies behind the Japanese lines H23 O'BRIEN, Terence THE MOONLIGHT WAR: the story of clandestine operations in Southeast Asia 1944-1945 Collins 1987 363pp map H24 STRIPP, Alan CODEBREAKER IN THE FAR EAST Oxford University Press 1995 204pp illustrate d map sc 29


Section H Clandestine Operations H25 TAYLOR, C G THE FORGOTTEN ONE OF SEAC AND FORCE 13 6 AH Stockwell 1989 88pp


Section I Civilian Burma Books about Burma just before, during and after the Japanese occupation. I 1 ,:-HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR CIVIL AFFAIRS AND MILITARY GOVERNMENT SERIES -BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION IN THE FAR EAST 1943-1946 by F S V Dennison HMSO 1956 483pp maps I 2 ANONYMOUS POCKET GUIDE TO BURMA Pamphlet 57pp I 3 ANONYMOUS BURMA TODAY Vol 11 No 8 Pamphlet 12pp 14 '~APPLETON, George BURMA SPG (The War and after series) 1945 44PP illustrated Author was Archdeacon of Rangoon and Director of Public Relations Government of Burma, 1944-46. He summarises the Japanese invasion and the recapture of Burma with emphasis on the role of the Christian Church. 1 5 APPLETON, George BUDDISM IN BURMA Longmans 49pp Pamphle t I 6 APPLETON, George BURMA RICE Longmans 3 2pp Pamphlet I 7 APPLETON, George THREE MONTHS HARD LABOUR Burma Christian Literature Society 64pp Pamphlet


Section I Civilian Burma I 8 ARNOLD, Sue A BURMESE LEGACY Hodder & Stoughton 1996 2ropp map Author visits her Anglo-Burmese family I 9 AUCKLAND, R G compiler CATALOGUE OF LEAFLETS DROPPED OVER BURMESE CIVILIANS 1942-1945 produced by Political Warfare Directorate and SEAC Leeds: Psywar 1991 8pp I ro BANERJEE, Anil Chandra ANNEXATION OF BURMA A Mukherjee & Bros 1944 338pp I II BA MAW, u BREAKTHROUGH IN BURMA: memoirs of a revolution 1939-1944 New Haven: Yale University Press 1968 483pp ports maps I 12 BAIRD-MURRAY, Maureen A WORLD OVERTURNED: a Burmese childhood 1933-1947 Constable 1997 19opp illustrated map I 1 3 BECKA, Jack THE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT IN BURMA DURING THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION PERIOD 1941-r945 Prague: Oriental Institute in Academia 198 3 3 87pp I I4 BRAUND, HEW CALLING TO MIND: being some account of the first hundred years (r870-r970} of Steel Brothers & Company Limited Pergamon r975 rppp illustrated maps Established in Rangoon, the company had extensive interests in rice, oil and forestry I r 5 BRAUND, Harold DISTINCTLY I REMEMBER: a p ersonal story of Burma Australia: Mount Eliza: Wren Publishing r972 296pp illustrated maps A civilian service with Steel Brothers and military service with the Chin levies 32


I 16 BURMA, Government of BURMA HANDBOOK Section I Civilian Burma Simla: Government of India Press 1944 126pp maps I 17 BURMA INTELLIGENCE BUREAU BURMA DURING THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION, authorized by the Governor of Burma Simla 1943-1944 2 vols maps I 18 CHIT, Myo Khin THREE YEARS UNDER THEJAPS 1945 1945 46pp I 19 CHRISTIAN, John L BURMA London: Collins 176pp I 20 COLLIS, Maurice LAST AND FIRST IN BURMA Faber 1956 303pp illustrated 1 21 CORPE, Hilda R PRISONER BEYOND THE CHINDWIN Arthur Barker 19 5 5 15 8pp illustrated 122 EVACUEE How TO SPEAK BURMESE Thacker & Co Ltd 78pp 1 23 FERGUSSON, D H A LOST CITY IN BURMA The Rampart Library No 48, Thacker rn4pp 1 24 FERRIER, A J THE CARE & MANAGEMENT OF ELEPHANTS IN BURMA Steel Bras & Co 177pp illustrated I 25 ,;FISCHER, Edward MISSION IN BURMA: Columban Fathers forty-three years in Kachin Country New York: The Seabury Press 1980 17opp illustrated map Covers the work of the fifty-one Columban Fathers working 33


Section I Civilian Burma as missionaries in Upper Burma 1936-1979 including particularly their experiences of the War, OSS, etc. I 26 FOUCAR, E CV I LIVED IN BURMA Dobson 1956 272pp illustrated A lawyer in Burma from 1922, during the Retreat, and return to Burma after victory I 27 FOUCAR, EC V THEY REIGNED IN MANDALAY Dobson 1946 165pp illustrated I 28 GLASS, Leslie THE CHANGING OF KINGS: memories of Burma 1934-1949 Peter Owen 198 5 241pp I 29 GREENWOOD, Nicholas (compiler) SHADES OF GOLD AND GREEN: anecdotes of colonial Burmah 1886-1948 New Delhi: Asian Educational Services 1998 307pp illustrated map Civilian Burma before the occupation 1 30 HARVEY, GE BRITISH RULE IN BURMA 1924-1942 Faber & Faber roopp I 3 1 HASKINS, F BURMA YESTERDAY & TOMORROW The Rampart Library No 57 Thacker 94pp I 3 2 *HEARSEY, May LAND OF CHINDITS AND RUBIES MA Leverston-Allen 1982 22opp Author is Anglo-Burmese and describes life before, during and after the War in Burma. 1 3 3 ''HIA, Pe THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF BURMA Ithaca 1961 34


I 34 INDIA Directorate of Army Education BURMA DURING THE WAR 1945 12pp SC Current affairs pamphlet I 3 5 JESSE, F Tennyson THE STORY OF BURMA Section I Civilian Burma Macmillan 1946 2r9pp illustrated maps 567BC to AD1945 I 3 6 LEWIS, Norman GOLDEN EARTH: travels in Burma Jonathan Cape 1952 279pp illustrated map I 37 McCRAE, Alistair (compiler) TALES OF BURMA James Paton 1981 168pp illustrated map sc Nine contributors I 38 McENERY, John H EPILOGUE IN BURMA 1945-1948: the military dimension of British withdrawal Spellmount 1990 r6opp illustrated map I 39 MANNIN, Ethel LAND OF THE CRESTED LION: a journey through modern Burma Jarrolds 1955 256pp illustrated map I 40 MAYBURY, Maurice HEAVEN-BORN IN BURMA Folio Hadspen 1984-1986 3 volumes illustrated maps Vol 1 The Daily round 184pp Vol 2 Flight of the heaven-born 18opp Vol 3 Swan-song of the heaven-born 244pp The period 1939-1948 I 41 MI MI KHAING BURMESE FAMILY Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1962 2oopp illustrated 35


Section I Civilian Burma I 42 MOREHEAD, FT THE FORESTS OF BURMA Longmans 66pp Pamphlet I 43 NU, Thakin U BURMA UNDER THE JAPANESE: pictures and portraits Macmillan 19 5 4 16opp illustrated Author was Prime Minister 1947-1962 I 44 PEARN, BR BURMA BACKGROUND Longmans 44pp Pamphlet I 45 RATTENBURY, Harold B CHINA-BURMA VAGABOND Travel Book Club 1948 28opp I 46 RILLSTONE, Rev Thomas .. . AND BEHOLD WE LIVE St Columban's Mission Society 114pp A missionary's experiences during the Japanese occupation I 4 7 SEIN, Mamya BURMA Oxford University Press 1943 32pp Pamphlet I 48 ''SMITH, Martin BURMA: INSURGENCY AND THE POLITICS OF ETHNICITY Zed Books 1991 492pp I 49 SPATE, 0 HK BURMA SETTING Longmans 34pp Pamphlet 1 50 STEVENSON, H N C THE HILL PEOPLES OF BURMA Longmans 5opp Pamphlet I 51 TAYLOR, Robert H MARXISM AND RESISTANCE IN BURMA 1942-1945: Thein Pe Myint's Wartime traveller Athens: Ohio University Press 1984 326pp illustrated maps


Section I Civilian Burma I 52 THEIN Pe Myint WHAT HAPPENED IN BURMA: the frank revelations of a young Burmese revolutionary leader who escaped from Burma to India Allahabad: Kitabistan 1943 I 53 THOMPSON, Edward BURMESE SILVER Faber & Faber 1944 216pp I 54 THORP, Ellen QUIET SKIES ON SALWEEN Jonathan Cape,1945 175pp I 55 TRAGER, Frank Ned BURMA: Japanese Military Administration selected documents 1941-1945 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1971 279pp I 5 6 TINKER, Hugh ed BURMA THE STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE 1944-1948 Documents from official and private sources HMSO 1983-1984 2 volumes illustrated maps Vol 1 From military occupation to c ivil government January 1 , 1944 to August 31, 1946 1078 pp Vol 2 From general strike to independence August 31, 1946 to January 4, 1948 921pp I 57 UNITED STATES ARMY A POCKET GUIDE TO BURMA United States: Special Service Division US Army Pamphlet Guide for US servicemen I 58 WINDSOR, Neville BURMA: LAND OF MY DREAMS Jasmine Publications 1996 ro5pp sc The impact of war on an Euro-Asian family 37


Section J The Gurkhas Books listed here are exclusively concerned with Gurkha regiments. References to Gurkhas are found in many other sections. Jr BICKERSTETH, Anthony Charles ODTAA being extracts from the diary of an officer who served with the 4/roTH Gurkha Rifles in Manipur and Burma Aberdeen University Press: Privately printed r 9 5 3 2 5 8pp port maps 20 Indian Division J2 BISHOP, Edward BETTER TO DIE: the story of the Gurkhas New English Library 1976 r57pp illustrated maps 13 FARWELL, Byron THE GURKHAS New York: WW Norton 1990 3 r7pp illustrated map sc 14 '' GIBBS, H R K HISTORI CAL RECORDS OF THE SIXTH GURKHA RIFLES Vol II 1919-1948 Gale & Polden r 9 5 5 J 5 GILMORE, Scott A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN THE 8TH GURKHA RIFLES: a Burma memoir Washington: Brassey's 1995 3orpp illustrated J6 ' '.GUPTA, SC THE STORY oF GURKHA VCs Gurkha Museum 1993 1 7 * GYI, M GoRKHALI AYO: Gurkha soldiers in the battle for Imphal as told to Marty Kufus (Command May r6 June 1992)


J8 JAMES, Harold and SHEIL-SMALL THE GURKHAS Stackpole 1965 291pp illustrated map 19 LEATHART, Scott Section J The Gurkhas WITH THE GuRKHAS: India, Burma, Singapore, Malaya, Indonesia 1940-1959 Pentland Press 199 6 2 7opp illustrated With 3rd/9th Gurkha Rifles in 77th Brigade (Chindits) Jro LUNT,James ]AI SIXTH! The story of the 6th Q E O Gurkha Rifles 1817-1994 Leo Cooper 1994 239 pp illustrated maps Battalions served in 19th Indian Division and with the Chindits JII PALSOKAR, RD HISTORY OF THE 5TH GORKHA RIFLES (FRONTIER FORCE) Vol III 1858-1991 Shillong: the regiment 1991 317pp illustrated maps Chapter 10 covers the campaign in Burma J12 PALSOKAR, RD RED POMPONS: History of the 8th Gorkha Rifles Privately Published 1993 J 1 3 SHEIL-SMALL, Denis GREEN SHADOWS: a Gutkha story Kimber 1982 198pp illustrate d map JI4 *STEVENS, GR HISTORY OF THE 2ND K E O GURKHA RIFLES, THE SIRMOOR RIFLES Vol III 1921-1948 Gale & Pol den 19 5 2 J15 '>STEVENS, GR THE 9TH GURKHA RIFLES Vol II 1937-1947 Butler & Tanner 1953 39


Section K Unit and Formation Histories Regimental histories have been included in the Library if battalions of the regiments played a substantial part in the Burma Campaign. Other histories cover divisions or special branches of the service. K1 AGGETT, W J P THE BLOODY ELEVENTH: history of the Devonshire Regiment Vol III 1915-1969 Exeter: The Regiment 1995 704pp illustrated maps Burma Campaign Chapter 20 K2 * ANONYMOUS HISTORY OF 17TH INDIAN DIVISION July 1941 December 1945 Calcutta 1946 K3 '~ ANONYMOUS THE BLACK CAT D1v1s10N: 17th Indian Division New Delhi 1946 K4 ANONYMOUS (SPOTTISWOODE) DAGGER DIVISION: story of the 19th Indian Division Bombay: Government of India War Department n.d. 5opp illustrated map (photocopy) K5 ANONYMOUS A HAPPY FAMILY: the story of the 2oth Indian Division April 1942-August 1945 New Delhi: Director of Public Relations GHQ n.d. 5 2pp illustrated maps sc K6 * ANONYMOUS THE 23RD INDIAN DIVISION Government of India War Department


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K7 * ANONYMOUS THE FIGHTING FIFTH: history of the Fifth Indian Division Government of India: War Dept K8 ,; ANONYMOUS TIGER HEAD: the story of the 26thlndian Division Government of India War Department K9 ANONYMOUS THE HISTORY OF THE I ST BATTALION THE LINCOLNSHIRE REGIMENT IN INDIA, ARAKAN, BURMA AND SUMATRA: September 1939 to October 1946 The Regiment 1949 75pp illustrated maps sc In 26th Indian Division KIO ANONYMOUS OPERATIONS OF THE !ST AND 2ND BATTALIONS THE QUEEN'S ROYAL REGIMENT IN BURMA DURING WORLD WAR II The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment Museum 2nd ed 1991 42pp illustrated maps sc 7th Indian Division and Chindits KI I ANONYMOUS KING GEORGE V's OwN BENGAL SAPPERS AND MINERS OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: Unit Record 1939-1947 The Association r 20pp Lists of units, officers, awards, etc Kr 2 ,; ANONYMOUS NORTH RHODESIA REGIM ENT, 3RD BATTALION BURMA 1945-1946 Lusaka: Government printer 1946 KI 3 ANONYMOUS THE ROYAL WEST AFRICAN FRONTIER FORCE: Farewell Tattoo Arakan 19th September 1946 Unpublished pamphlet KJ4 ANONYMOUS MEET THE WEST AFRICAN SOLDIER West Africa: General Headquarters n .d. 22pp (photocopy) A brief introduction for members of HM's Forces about to serve in British West Africa 41


Section K Unit and Formation Histories KI 5 BAKER, Richard BURMA POST: a personal story of airmails and other activities in the Burma campaign 1944-1945 Churchman Publishing 1989 16opp map sc Army postal services 4 Corps KI6 BELL, AC HISTORY OF THE MANCHESTER REGIMENT, lST AND 2ND BATTALIONS 1922-1948 Sherratt 1954 574pp illustrated maps Chapters 8 and 9 refer to Burma Campaign K17 ''BETHAM Geoffrey and GEARY THE GOLDEN GALLEY: the story of the Second Punjab Regiment 1761-1947 1956 343PP illustrated maps K18 BIRDWOOD, Lord THE WORCESTERSHIRE REGIMENT 1922-19 50 Gale & Polden 1952 317pp illustrated maps 7th Battalion in 2nd British Division KI9 BRELSFORD, WV THE STORY OF THE NORTHERN RHODESIA REGIMENT Gala go Publishing 19 90 1 34 pp illustrated K20 BURNETT, F T KEEPING UP WITH THE HUNT: 268th Indian Infantry Brigade Privately published (1983 ?] An independent brigade of XIVth Army K21 BRETT-JAMES, Anthony BALL OF FIRE: the 5th Indian Division in the Second World War Gale & Polden 1951 495pp illustrated maps K22 CAREW, Tim THE ROYAL NORFOLK REGIMENT (The 9th Regiment of Foot) Hamish Hamilton 1967 157pp illustrated In 2nd British Division 42


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K23 CHAPLIN, J B ACTION IN BURMA 1942-1945 London 1984 23opp illustrated maps 21st Mountain Regt RA in 17th Indian Division K24 CLABBY, J THE HISTORY OF THE ROYAL ARMY VETERINARY CORPS 1919-1961 JA Allen 1963 244pp illustrated maps Chapters 6 and 7 cover India and Burma K25 CLAYTON, Anthony FOREARMED: A HISTORY OF THE INTELLIGENCE CORPS Brassey's (UK) 1993 illustrated References to Burma in Chapter 10 K26 CONNOLLY, Malcolm L 3RD CARABINIERS (PRINCE oFWALEs's) DRAGOON GuARDS Second World War 1939-1945 Privately published 3 7pp illustrated sc 254th Armoured Brigade -Imphal, Mandalay, Irrawaddy K27 CONNORS,BP A SHORT ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE SECOND DIVISION 1809-1965 HQ 2 Div 1965 4opp illustrated sc K28 DAS, Chand N THE RAJPUTANA RIFLES: BRIEF HISTORY New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 199 5 154pp illustrated maps K29 DAVIES, EH C 64TH INDIAN INFANTRY BRIGADE WAR HISTORY 1942-1946 Privately printed 1997 145pp ports maps SC In 19th Indian Division K30 DOULTON, A J F THE FIGHTING COCK: being the history of the 23rd Indian Division 1942-1947 Gale & Polden 1951 43


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K3 1 *DUNCAN, WE and others THE ROYAL ARTILLERY COMMEMORATIVE BOOK 1939-1945 Bell 1950 781pp illustrated maps K3 2 *ENRIQUES, CM THE STORY OF THE BURMA RIFLES K3 3 FOSTER, Geoffry 36TH DIVISION: NORTH BURMA 1944-1945 Edson 1946 64pp illustrated maps K34 *GLOVER, Michael HISTORY OF THE ROYAL WELCH FUSILIERS Leo Cooper 19 8 9 K3 5 GODDEN, Rumer BENGAL JOURNEY: a story of the part played by women in the provmce 1939-1945 Calcutta: Longmans 1945 136pp illustrated Sponsored by WVS (Bengal) K3 6 GRAHAM, CAL THE HISTORY OF THE INDIAN MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY Gale & Polden 1957 485pp illustrated maps K37 GROUNDS, Tom SOME LETTERS FROM BURMA: the story of the 2 5th Dragoons at war Parapress Ltd 1994 284pp illustrated maps K38 *HALLAM HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE FUSILIERS Sutton 1993 K39 HANLEY, Gerald MONSOON VICTORY Collins 1946 256pp illustrated nth (East African) Division in the Kabaw Valley 1944 K40 HART, Peter AT THE SHARP END: from Le Paradis to Kohima 2nd Bn the Royal Norfolk Regiment Leo Cooper: Pen & Sword Books 1998 224pp illustrated maps 44


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K41 HAVERS, Norman MARCH ON! An infantry battalion in England, India and Burma Square One 1992 284pp illustrated maps 2nd Bn the Dorsetshire Regiment in 2nd Division K42 *HAYWOOD, AH Wand CLARKE THE HISTORY OF THE ROYAL WEST AFRICAN FRONTIER FORCE Gale & Polden 1964 5 5 5pp illustrated maps 81st and 82nd (West African) Divisions served in Burma 1943-1 945 K4 3 HILL, John CHINA DRAGONS: A RIFLE COMPANY AT WAR Blandford 1991 192pp illustrated maps 2nd Bn Royal Berkshires 1944-1945 K44 *HOMER, Harry No TIGERS IN THE JUNGLE Published by the author The RAF Regiment in Burma K45 JOHNSON, E ( c ompiler) A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE MACHINE GUN BATTALION, THE ]AT REGIMENT 1941-1946 Bangalore: Higginbothams 1947 86pp illustrated maps K46 KARIM , Afsir THE STORY O F THE INDIAN AIRBORNE TROOP S New Delhi: Lancer Intern a tional 1 993 394pp m a ps K47 LANE, Arthur THANBAZAYAT: REGISTER OF GRAVES (3771) No publication details or pagination . Lane 19 9 5 The Thanbazayat war cemetery is forty mil e s fr o m Moulmein K48 MacFETRIDGE, Charles H T and WARREN TALES OF THE MOUNTAIN GUNNERS Blackwood 1974 346pp illustrated maps 45


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K49 MACKENZIE, Tony 44 COMMANDO: AcHNACARRY TO THE ARAKAN: a diary of the commando at war, August 1943 to March 1947 Tom Donovan 1996 17opp illustrated maps K50 McCLEOD D HISTORY OF THE I}OTH FIELD REGIMENT AND ITS BURMA CAMPAIGNS The author 1996 216pp maps sc K5I MUIR, Augustus THE FIRST OF FOOT: the history of the Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) R S History Committee 1961 52opp illustrated maps In 14th Indian Division and 2nd Division: Arakan, Assam/Manipur K52 NEILD, Eric WITH PEGASUS IN INDIA: the story of I 5 3 Gurkha Parachute Battalion Nashville: the Battery Press n.d. I rnpp illustrated maps K53 OBA, Sadao THE 'JAPANESE' WAR: London University's WWII secret teaching programme and the experts sent to help to beat Japan; translated by Anne Kaneko The Japan Library 199 5 179pp illustrated maps K54 PAGE, Malcolm A HISTORY OF THE KING'S AFRICAN RIFLES AND EAST AFRICAN FORCES Leo Cooper 1998 317pp illustrated maps I 1th East African Division, 22nd and 28th EA Brigades in Burma (Chapter 8) K5 5 PALIT, DK SENTINALS OF THE NORTH-EAST New Delhi: Palit & Palit 333pp illustrated maps K56 PERKINS, Roger (compiler) REGIMENTS: regiments and corps of the British Empire and Commonwealth 17 5 8-199 3: a critical bibliography of their published histories The author 1994 8o6pp


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K57 PERRETT, Bryan TANK TRACKS TO RANGOON: the story of British armour in Burma Robert Hale 1992 25 5pp illustrated maps sc First published in 1978 K 5 8 RISSIK, David THE DLI AT WAR: the history of the Durham Light Infantry 1939-1945 DLI 19 5 2 3 68pp illustrated maps With 14th Indian Division in Arakan and 2nd British Division Assam/Manipur K59 ROBERTS, Michael R GOLDEN ARROW: the story of the 7th Indian Division in the Second World War 1939-1945 Gale & Polden 1952 326pp illustrated maps K6o ROBERTSON, G W THE RosE AND THE ARROW ... 136th (1st West Lancashire) Field Regt RA 1939-1946 136th Field Regt Old Comrades Ass 1986 338pp illustrated maps sc In 7th Indian Division K61 SANDES, E W C FROM PYRAMID TO PAGODA: the story of the West Yorkshire Regiment (The Prince ofWales's Own) in the war 1939-1945 and afterwards 1951 306pp ports maps 1st and 2nd Battalions served in Burma K62 SHIRREFF, David BURMA STORY Unpublished n.d. 32pp typescript 5th King's African Rifles Kabaw Valley and Chindwin September December 1944 K63 *STEYN, Peter THE HISTORY OFTHEASSAM REGIMENTVol I 1941-1947 Calcutta: Orient Longmans 19 5 9 47


Section K Unit and Formation Histories K64 ''SUGDEN,JP BURMA CAMPAIGN: artillery of 19th (Indian) [Dagger] Division The author K6 5 ''TAYLOR, Jeremy THEDEVONS White Swan Press K66 ,:-TURNBULL, Patrick HISTOR Y OF THE TWELFTH ARMY from its formation on May 28, 1945 to the end of operations September 1945 K67 ''VERMA, S and ANAND THE CORPS OF INDIAN ENGINEERS 1939-1947 Government of India Ministry of Defence Historical Section 1974 K68 WAIT, Rex MY BURMA CAMPAIGN Unpublished typescript 1998 6pp 18th Field Regt (SP) Royal Artillery K69 WHITE, 0 G W STRAIGHT ON FOR TOKYO: the war history of the 2nd Bn the Dorsetshire Regiment (54th Foot) Gale & Polden 1948 444pp illustrated maps In 2nd British Division Assam/Manipur K70 ''WHITE, Steve MORE WARTIME MEMOIRS Privately printed 99th Field Regt RA in 2nd British Division K71 ''WOMEN'S AUXILIARY SERVICE (Burma) THE WASBIES: the story of the Women's Auxiliary Service (Burma) War Facts Press [1946] 8opp illustrated maps Written by K . Vellacott Jones, 2nd Lt WAS(B) 194 5-6 contains complete list of all members, 1942-1946


Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries LI BUCHAN, Alastair and VILLIERS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 1919 -1944: Major Alastair Guy Spens Campbell MC FRGS Alcuin Press 19 50 99pp port map L2 CALVERT, Michael SLIM Ballantine Books 1973 16opp illustrated maps sc General Slim commanded XIV Army L3 COLLINS, R J LORD WAVELL (1883-1941): a military biography Hodder & Stoughton 1948 488pp illustrated maps L4 CONNELL, John WAVELL SUPREME COMMANDER 1941-1943 Collins 1969 317pp illustrated maps His tenure as Commander (American, British, Dutch, Australian area) L5 EVANS, Geoffrey SLIM AS MILITARY COMMANDER Batsford 1969 239pp illustrated maps L6 EVANS, Humphreys THIMAYYA OF INDIA: a soldier's life New York: Harcourt Brace 1960 307pp illustrated L7 FERGUSSON, Bernard THE TRUMPET IN THE HALL 1930-1958 Collins 1970 maps His military autobiography by a Chindit Brigade Commander L8 ~ HAWLEY, Dennis THE DEATH OF WINGATE Merlin Books 1994 34opp illustrated 49


Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries L9 HAY, Alice THERE WAS A MAN OF GENIUS, letters to my grandson, Orde Jonathan Wingate Spearman 1963 158pp illustrated Wingate was the author's son-in-law LIO HOUGH, Richard MOUNTBATTEN: HERO OF OUR TIME Weidenfeld 1980 302pp illustrated LI r LEWIN, Ronald SLIM THE STANDARD BEARER: a biography of Field-Marshal The Viscount Slim Leo Cooper 1976 365pp illustrated maps Lr2 MAULE, Henry SPEARHEAD GENERAL: the epic story of General Sir Frank Messervy and his men in Eritrea, North Africa and Burma Odhams Press 1961 384pp illustrated maps Messervy commanded 7th Indian Division LI3 MEAD, Peter 0RDE WINGATE AND THE HISTORIANS Merlin Books 206pp illustrated maps sc u4 MOSLEY, Leonard GIDEON GOES TO WAR New York: Scribners 19 5 5 256pp illustrated Life and campaigns of Wingate LI5 ''MOUNTBATTEN, Louis the Earl Mountbatten of Burma PERSONAL DIARY SACSEA 1943-1946 e d by Philip Ziegler Collins 1988 37rpp illustrated maps u6 ''MURPHY, Ray THE LAST VICEROY: the life and times of Rear Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma Jarrolds 1948 27opp illustrated u7 NEWHALL, Sue Mayes THE DEVIL IN GOD'S OLD MAN New York: WW Norton 1969 25 3PP Biography of the Burma Surgeon Gordon Seagrave 50


Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries u8 PALIT, DK MAJOR GENERAL A A RUDRA: his service in three armies and two World Wars New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1997 364pp illustrated Rudra 1896-1993 one of the first Indians to be granted a King's Commission. From 1943 he served on the staff at GHQ dealing with the INA and other matters u9 POCOCK, Tom FIGHTING GENERAL: the public and private campaigns of General Sir Walter Walker Collins 1973 28opp illustrated maps Walter Walker commanded 4/8th Gurkhas in 7th Indian Division L20 POWNALL, Sir Henry CHIEF OF STAFF: the diaries of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall; edited by Brian Bond Leo Cooper Vol 1 1933-1940 43IPP illustrated Vol 2 1940-1944 234pp illustrated Chief of Staff to Wavell and Mountbatten L21 ROONEY, David MAD MIKE: A LIFE OF MICHAEL CALVERT Leo Cooper 1997 219pp illustrated maps The guerrilla expert and Chindit Brigadier L22 ROONEY, David STILWELL Pan/Ballantine 16opp illustrated maps sc L23 ROONEY , David WINGATE AND THE CHINDITS: redressing the balance Arms & Armour Press 1994 256pp illustr ated maps L24 ROYLE, Trevor 0RDE WINGATE: IRREGULAR SOLDIER Weidenfield & Nicolson 199 5 3 67pp illustrated L25 SWINSON, Arthur FouR SAMURAI: a quartet of Japanese army commanders in the Second World War


Section L Autobiographies, Biographies and Diaries Hutchinson 1968 262pp illustrated maps Homma; Yamashita; Mutaguchi; Honda L26 SYKES, Christopher 0RDE WINGATE Collins 19 59 57 5pp illustrated maps Cleveland Ohio: World Publishing 1959 575pp illustrated maps L27 TUCHMAN, Barbara W STILWELL AND THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN CHINA 19rr-1945 New York: Macmillan 1977 636pp illustrated maps L28 TULLOCH, Derek WINGATE IN PEACE AND WAR; edited b y Arthur Swinson Macdonald 1972 3oopp port L29 WAVELL, Archibald, Field-Marshal the Viscount WAVELL THE VICEROY'S JOURNAL; edited by Penderel Moon Oxford University Press 1973 528pp illustrated map L30 ''WILKES, Lyall FESTING-FIELD MARSHAL Book Guild 1991 L 3 1 WILLIAMS, Gron THE FRANK OWEN STORY Square One 1993 175pp L 3 2 WILLIAMS, J H ELEPHANT BILL Hart Davis 19 50 3 2opp illustrated maps Penguin Books 'OC Elephants' XIVth Army L3 3 ZIEGLER, Philip MOUNTBATTEN Collins 198 5 52


Section M Personal Narratives The books in this section are personal accounts of combat experience. They cover every phase of the Campaign. Some of these memoirs begin with service in the UK and include accounts of travel in Africa and India on the way to Burma. MI '' ADAMSON, Arthur AN ARTILLERY OP IN BURMA The author 1994 With 7th Indian Division M2 ALLAN,James R PERSONAL PAPERS Notes on Allied Orders of Battle, the Japanese Armed Forces etc etc M3 ALLAN,James R IN THE TRADE OF WAR Parapress Ltd 1994 194pp illustrated With the Green Howards in Arakan M4 ANONYMOUS JAPANESE NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS OF I 990 VISIT TO JAPAN BY BRITISH VETERANS M5 ARMSTRONG, Geoffrey THE SPARKS FLY UPWARDS: an experience Gooday 1991 236pp illustrated maps 13 6th Field Regt RA -Arakan 194 3 to victory in 7th Indian Division M6 ARNOLD, Ralph A VERY QUIET WAR Hart-Davis 1962 176pp Deputy Director of Public Relations SEAC M7 BEATON, Cecil FAR EAST Batsford 194 5 II I pp illustrated 53


Section M Personal Narratives Diary of a journey to Asia during the war with one chapter on Assam and Burma M8 BOULTON, Norman TAFFY'S WAR Minerva Press 1997 69pp sc Author served in Royal Artillery and Royal Signals M9 BRADLEY, James TOWARDS THE SETTING SUN: an escape from the ThailandBurma railway 1943 Wellington NSW: JM Fuller 1984 158pp illustrated maps MIO BRETT-JAMES, Anthony REPORT MY SIGNALS Henne! Locke 1948 36opp illustrated maps A Signals Officer in 5th Indian Division MII BRISTOW, R CB MEMORIES OF THE BRITISH RAJ: a soldier in India Johnson 1974 208pp illustrated map Chapter 5 covers Burma MI 2 CAREW, Tim ALL THIS AND A MEDAL TOO Constable 1954 261pp Service in Royal Horse Guards, the Parachute Regiment and in Burma with Gurkhas MI 3 CHAPMAN, GP THE LAMPI: a story about some gunners Calcutta: Thacker Spink 1944 86pp illustrated maps Road building from Lakhipur to Bishenpur M14 ''CLARK,M HIGH ENDEAVOURS: Miles and Beryl I Smeeton Grafton 1991 M15 CLARKE, A E RETURN TO SINGAPORE Newton 1995 46pp illustrated map sc 2nd Bn West Yorkshire Regt 54


M16 CLARKE, Fred THE ROAD TO SPIDERPORE Rocket Publishing 1995 172pp M17 CLIFFORD, Francis DESPERATE JOURNEY Hodder 1979 192pp Section M Personal Narratives Escape from Burma into China 1942 M18 CLIFFORD, J Francis THE HILLS OF BISHENPUR AND THE ADVANCE INTO CENTRAL BURMA Unpublished n.d. 15pp typescript Author was in Northamptonshire Regiment Ml9 ,:-coLLISTER, Peter THEN A SOLDIER Churchman 198 5 From retreat to victory M20 COOPER, KW THE LITTLE MEN Hale 1992 186pp illustrated map sc A platoon of md Bn the Border Regiment M21 COOPER, Raymond 'B' COMPANY, 9TH BATTALION THE BORDER REGIMENT: one man's war in Burma 1942-1944 Dobson 1978 152pp illustrated maps 17th Indian Division M22 COOPER, William] DESERT SAND TO JUNGLE TRAIL: one man's war 1940-1946 Bookmarque 1997 192pp sc A soldier in the Queen's, 16th Brigade M23 ,:-couLTHARD, G FROM PRIVATE TO TROOPER, BACK TO PRIVATE Pentland 1994 M24 ,:-CROSBY, MGM IRREGULAR SOLDIER XB Publications 1993 262pp 55


Section M Personal Narratives M25 DAVIS, Patrick A CHILD AT ARMS Hutchinson 1970 258pp maps In 4/8th Gurkha Rifles M26 DURNFORD-SLATER, John BRANCH LINE TO BURMA Macdonald 1 9 5 8 M27 EVANS, Geoffrey THE DESERT AND THE JUNGLE Kimber 19 59 206pp illustrated maps This account of five battles includes the Admin Box, Arakan February 1944 and crossing of the Irrawaddy at Nyaungu January-February 1945 M28 FORTEATH, GM PIPES, KUKRIS AND NIPS Pentland Press 1991 149pp M29 FRASER, George Macdonald QUARTERED SAFE OUT HERE: a recollection of the war in Burma Harvill 1992 247pp 9th Bn The Border Regiment in 17th Indian Division M30 GADSDON, Peter H AN AMATEUR AT WAR Privately published 9opp sc illustrated maps The author served in 4/r4th Punjab Regt 7th Indian Division M31 GORDINE, ET C A PATRIOT'S BOAST Stockwell 197 5 2 ro pp M32 • :GORDON, Oliver L FIGHT IT OUT Kimber 1957 238pp illustrate d M33 GRANT, Peter A HIGHLANDER GOES TO WAR: a memoir 1939-1946 Pentland Press 199 5 14 7PP Author served in Q O Cameron Highlanders 56


Section M Person a l Narratives M34 HAMMOND,BA T REFLECTIONS ON A WAR DIARY Edited version of War Diary of 16th Field Regt Royal Artillery 2nd British Division India and Burma 1942-1945 M 3 5 HAYTER, Adrian THE SECOND STEP Hodder & Stoughton 1962 223pp illustrated Experiences in the Indian Army M36 HEDLEY,John JUNGLE FIGHTER, CHINDIT & SOE AGEN T IN BURMA 1941-1945 Tom Donovan 1996 148pp maps The retreat, the second Chindit operation, Force 13 6 M37 HENSLOW, John A SAPPER IN THE FORGOTTEN ARMY The author 1986 261pp illustrated maps With 2 vd Indian Division M38 HISCOX, Norman G UNDER TWO FLAGS Pentland Press 1997 138pp illustrated maps A signaller in a Field Regt from Tamu to Rangoon M39 ''HOWARTH Patrick SPECIAL OPERATIONS Routledge 19 5 5 pp 210-23 The Great Elephant Trek by J H Williams M40 HUMPHREYS, Roy To STOP A RISING SUN: reminiscences of war time in India and Burma Alan Sutton 1996 2r4pp Contributions by numerous exserv i ce personnel M41 HUNT, Gordon ONE MORE RIVER Collins1965 255pp illustrated maps Bhamo to China 1942 57


Section M Personal Narratives M42 ,:"JACK, Ian M A SOLDIER'S TALE Stanley Castle 1995 44pp map Author served in 6/9th Jat Regiment M43 ,:"JONES, CB NOT FORGETTING THE ELEPHANTS Book Guild 19 8 3 M44 JONES, W H A SOLDIER REMINISCES Privately published n.d. 39pp Service in 1st Bn Royal Welch Fusiliers M45 JOWERS, John Edward GETTING MY KNEES BROWN: the war diary ... January 1, 1943 -April 28, 1946 Privately published 1997 185pp illustrated map sc Service in 6th Indian Air Formation Signals M46 ,:-LOWRY, MA AN INFANTRY COMPANY IN ARAKAN AND KOHIMA Gale & Polden 1950 146pp M4 7 LYDALL, Edward ENOUGH OF ACTION Book Guild 252pp M48 MacFETRIDGE, Charles H T How THE MILITARY CAME TO DIG BO I, UPPER ASSAM IN 1941 Unpublished 1998 6pp typescript AA Defence of oil installations M49 MACKENZIE, Compton ALL OVER THE PLACE Chatto & Windus 1949 292pp The author's diary of journeys made while writing Eastern Epic M 50 MACKENZIE, K P OPERATION RANGOON JAIL Christopher Johnson 1 9 5 4 201 pp illustrated Colonel MacKenzie was taken prisoner at Sittang, February 22, 1942


MF MACKAY,RR THE LAST OF THE DOZEN Pentland Press 1996 184pp map A soldier in the Royal Engineers M52 McCLINTOCK,J Dewar THE MANIPUR ROAD Brown, Watson n.d. 159pp sc M53 MAGENER, Rolf PRISONER'S BLUFF Section M Personal Narratives Hart-Davis 19 54 239pp ports map Two German POWs escape from India and join the Japanese forces in Arakan M 5 4 MASTERS, John BUGLES AND A TIGER: a personal adventure The Reprint Society 1957 (first published by Michael Joseph 19 56) 3l9PP Pre-1939 service in 2/4th POWs Gurkha Rifles M5 5 MASTERS, John THE ROAD PAST MANDALAY: a personal narrative New York: Harper 1961 341pp illustrated Service with Gurkhas and Chindits M56 MAUNG-MAUNG U To A SOLDIER SON Rangoon: UKya Wahn 1974 158pp M57 MELLORS,] SHOTS IN THE DARK London Magazine Editions 1974 16opp The author served in a Mountain Regiment RA M 5 8 , : MITCHELL, Harold AGAINST THE ODDS The Book Guild 1990 6/J 5th Punjab Regt from Meiktila to victory 59


Section M Personal Narratives M59 MUNN,A W A FRAGMENT OF LIFE: THE BURMA EPISODE Avon Books 1996 253pp illustrated map A tribute to the British infantrymen who fought in Burma M6o NUNNELEY, John TALES FROM THE KING'S AFRICAN RIFLES: a last flourish of empire Askari Books 1998 221pp illustrated maps 1 rth (East African) Division in the Kabaw Valley M61 OATTS, L Balfour THE JUNGLE IN ARMS Kimber 1962 207pp map M62 PARKINSON, J D and HORNBY ALONG O MY OLD GREY MULE Holden Publications 1996 68pp illustrated m aps sc RAVC officers on the care of mules in XIV Army M63 ,:-PEACOCK, Geraldine THE LIFE OF A JUNGLE WALLA: reminiscences in the life of Lt Col EH Peacock DSO M C Stockwell 1958 134pp illustrated M64 , : -PICKFORD, SC S DESTINATION RANGOON Gee & Son 1989 296pp M65 ''-POTTER,] D No TIME FOR BREAKFAST: M EMOIRS Melrose 1 9 5 1 24opp illustra t e d M66 PRENDERGAST, John PRENDER'S PROGRESS: A SOLDIER IN INDI A 1931 -1947 Cassell 1979 256pp illustrated 1 / 5th Punja bis in Arakan and 19th India n Divisions M67 RODGER, George RED MOON RISING Cresset press 194 3 12 7pp illustrated By a war correspondent for Life 60


Section M Personal Narratives M68 ''.ROSE, D OFF THE RECORD: the life and letters of a Black Watch Officer Spellmount 1996 M69 SCHLAEFLI, Robin EMERGENCY SAHIB (of Queen's, Sikhs and Dagger Division) Leach 1992 159pp illustrated maps The Dagger Division was 19th Indian Div ision M70 ' ' SHARP, Robi n TH E LIFE OF AN ECO IN INDIA Pentland 1994 M 7 1 SHIPSTER, John WHEN THE MIST WAS ON THE RICE FIELDS Unpublished 199-132pp illustrated maps 7/2nd Punjab Regt in 7th India n Div i sion M72 SHORT, Stanley W ON BURMA'S EASTERN FRONTIER Marshall, Morgan & Scott 1945 144pp illustrated A missionary's story M73 SLIM, William Field Marshal the Viscount UNOFFICIAL HISTORY 19 59 Cassell 251pp maps 'Little battles and unimportant Skirmishes ' the author M 7 4 SMEETON, Miles A CHANGE OF JUNGLES H art-Davis 1962 192pp Author comm ande d an Armoured Regiment M75 ,;SMEETON, Miles A TASTE OF THE HILLS Hart-Davis 1961 2 07pp illustrated M76 SMITH, H C HOSTILITIES ONLY: tales of an amat eur soldi e r in World War II Privately published n.d. unpaged maps In 4th Bn Royal West Kents 61


Section M Personal Narratives M77 STREET, Robert A BRUMMIE IN BURMA Barny Books rnopp illustrated maps sc Author served in 4th Bn Royal West Kents at Kohima M78 ,:-SWEET-ESCOTT, Bickham BAKER STREET IRREGULAR Methuen 1965 278pp M79 TEWARI, K K A SOLDIER'S VOYAGE OF SELF-DISCOVERY Auroville n.d. 182pp illustrated maps sc M8o TRENCH, CC THE INDIAN ARMY AND THE KING'S ENEMIES 312pp illustrated One or two chapters on Burma M81 TURNER, AS AN ENGINEER IN THE WAR: bomb disposal, jungle, Sikhs Onyx Publishing 1998 104pp illustrated sc Sikh Engineer Battalion in XIVth Army M82 UNIACKE, Richard John DIARY 16TH FIELD REGT ROYAL ARTILLERY INDIA & BURMA June 1942 -November 1945 Typescript unpublished: Version 1 annotations by B AT Hammond Version 2 with marginal notes by D H Woodcock


Section N Medical Services Nr ,:-UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ORIGINAL REPORTS ON MILITARY MEDICINE IN INDIA AND BURMA DURING SECOND WORLD WAR 1969 N2 ASHFORD-BROWN, William Hay COLD HANDS: being the memoirs of a Scottish GP Avon Books ro7pp illustrated N3 BATY, John A SURGEON IN THE JUNGLE WAR Kimber 1979 196pp illustrated N4 BEAUMONT, Winifred A DETAIL ON THE BURMA FRONT BBC 1977 16opp map An Army nurse N5 BOLTON, Angela THE MATURING SUN: an army nurse in India, 1942-1945 Imperial War Museum 1986 218pp illustrated maps N6 CREW,FAE HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR MEDICAL SERVICES HMSO 1966 8oopp The Army Medical Services: Vo! V Burma N7 EVANS, Sir Charles A DOCTOR IN XIVTH ARMY: BURMA 1944-1945 Leo Cooper 1998 198pp illustrated maps Experiences in a Malaria Forward Treatment Unit and as Regimental Medical officer in 2oth Indian Division N8 MAURICE, Dick FROM CRADLE TO WAR: my first three decades 1915-1945 The Book Guild 193pp maps A doctor in XIV Army


Section N Medical Services N9 HAMMOND, CV PACK UP YOUR MEDICINES 1939-1947= an account of the work of pharmacists in the services during the Second World War Purnvic Press 1998 414pp illustrated NIO PRASAD, B OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARMED FORCES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1939-45 -Medical Services Medicine, Surgery and Pathology Combined Inter-Services Historical Section India & Pakistan I 9 5 5 906pp illustrated NI I PRASAD, B OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE INDIAN ARMED FORCES IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1939-45 -Medical Services Administration Combined Inter Services Historical Section India & Pakistan I 9 5 3 679pp illustrated NI2 ,:-RAINA, B L WORLD WAR II MEDICAL SERVICES: INDIA Commonwealth 1990 N13 ROBERTSON, Marian SISTER SAHIBS: the VADs with 14th Army 1944-1946 The Book Guild 1988 168pp A British nurse's experiences 1944/45 N14 RODRIGUEZ, Helen HELEN OF BURMA Collins 1983 187pp illustrated A hospital matron in pre-war and Japanese occupied Burma NI 5 SEAGRAVE, Gordon S BURMA SURGEON WW Norton 1943 295pp illustrated N16 ,:-SEAGRAVE, Gordon THE LIFE OF A BURMA SURGEON 1960 SC


N17 SEAGRAVE, Gordon BURMA SURGEON RETURNS Section N Medical Ser v ices WW Norton 1946 268pp illustrated maps NI8 •:STONE, J E THE UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE IN COMBAT IN INDIA AND BURMA 1942-1945 Ann Arbor: Michigan University Microfilm International 1986 N19 WILLSON, L es lie A SON OF THE RAJ Pentland Press 1996 184pp illustrated maps The author served as a Medical Officer in 2 Division


Section O The Indian National Army Most of the literature about the INA originates in India. This section also includes biographies of Subhas Chandra Bose. or ANONYMOUS A FORGOTTEN ARMY New Delhi: National Committee for celebration of Golden Jubilee of Provisional Government of Azad Hind 1993-1994 56pp illustrated map sc 02 ARSHAD, Raja Muhammad THE RETREAT Written in the Red Fort, Delhi October r 94 5 n.d. o 3 BAKSHI, Akhil THE ROAD TO FREEDOM: travels through Singapore, Malaysia, Burma and India in the footsteps of the Indian National Army New Delhi: Odyssey Books 1998 I 14pp illustrated maps 04 BHARGAVA, Moti Lal and GILL INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY: SECRET SERVICE New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1988 r36pp ports 05 BHARGAVA, Moti Lal INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY: TOKYO CADETS New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1986 88pp illustrated 06 BOSE, Romeo A WILL FOR FREEDOM New Delhi: All India INA Committee 1992 5opp 07 CORR, Gerard H THE WAR OF THE SPRINGING TIGERS Osprey 1975 20opp port 66


Section O The Indian National Army 08 DHILLON, Gurbakhsh Singh FROM MY BONES: memoirs of the India National Army (including 1945 Red Fort trial) New Delhi: Aryan Books 1998 598pp illustrated 09 FAY, Peter Ward THE FORGOTTEN ARMY: India's armed struggle for independence University of Michigan Press 573pp illustrated maps sc OIO ''GHOSH, K K THE INDIA NATIONAL ARMY: Second front of India independence Meenakshi Prakashan 1969 OII KHAN, Shahnawaz MY MEMORIES OF INA AND ITS NETAJI Delhi: Rajkamal Publications 1946 296pp illustrated 012 KIANI, Mohammad Zaman INDIA'S FREEDOM STRUGGLE AND THE GREAT INA New Delhi: Reliance Publishing 1994 268pp illustrated maps 013 LE BRA, Joyce JUNGLE ALLIANCE: Japan and the INA Singapore: Asia Pacific Press 1971 014 MAIKAP, Satish Chandra NETAJI SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE AND INDIA WAR OF INDEPENDENCE Calcutta: Punashca 1998 374pp illustrated map 015 MAIKAP, Satish Chandra CHALLENGE TO THE EMPIRE: a study of Netaji (Subhas Chandra Bose) New Delhi: Government oflndia 1993 144pp illustrated sc 016 ' ' .MANGAT, GS INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY: role of India's stuggle for freedom Gagan 1971


Section O The Indian National Army 017 MENON, KA K FROM THE DIARY OF A FREEDOM FIGHTER Madras: Kavungal Anat 1989 189pp sc 018 PANDIT, H N THE LAST DAYS OF NETAJI New Delhi: All India INA Committee 1993 164pp illustrated map 019 RAO, U Sunder REMINISCENCES OF AN INA SOLDIER Mangalore: Sharada Press [1986?] 33IPP 020 ''ROY, PB THE GLORY THAT IS INA Speegura library 1946 021 SARKER, BK SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE (Bengali text) 022 SAREEN, T R JAPAN AND THE INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY Delhi: Mounto Publishing House 1996 335PP 023 THIVY,JohnA&SAFRANI THE STRUGGLE IN EAST ASIA 1945 66pp THE MEN FROM IMPHAL by Abid Hasan Safrani 15pp Calcutta: Netaji Research Bureau 2nd ed 199 5 illustrated 024 THE ORACLE: a quarterly review of his t o ry, current affairs and international rel ations C alcutta: Netaji Research Bureau V o l I no 1 Jan 1979; Vol I no 4; Vol II n o 2; Vol VI no 1; Vol VII n o 3; Vol VIII no 1; Vol I X no 1; Vol XVI no 4; Vol XVIII no 1 January, 1996 Vol XVIII no 1 contains compl ete list of contents 1979-199 5. Contents include documents, speec h es and both political and military articles 68


S ec ti o n O The Indian Natio n a l Army 025 ,:-TOYE, Hugh SPRINGING TIGER: a study of a revolutionary Cassell r 9 5 9 2 5 8 pp illustrated Subhas Chandra Bose


Section P Newspapers and Ephemera PI '~CRUMPLER Hugh 1st Air Commando glides into harm's way DC Thomson 1962 4 pp article from San Diego UnionTribune February 2 7, 1994 (photocopy) P2 MOUNTBATTEN, Louis the Earl Mountbatten of Burma THE STRATEGY OF THE SOUTH-EAST ASIA COMMAND: a lecture given at the Royal United Service Institution October 9, 1946 16pp map sc P3 MISCELLANEOUS NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS AND ISSUES 1945 SEAC Souvenir P4 NORMAN, William 50 YEARS AGO: THE BATTLE OF SITTANG FEBRUARY 16-23, 1942 8pp WITH THE 2ND BATTALION IN BURMA IN 1942 6pp and 3pp Articles in The Iron Duke: the Regimental journal of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Spring 1992 Winter 1996 Spring 1997 P5 THE SACRIFICE OF CAPTAIN RANDLE DC Thomson 1962 2pp from The Victor no 74 (illustrated boys' weekly comic) P6 ' ~ROBINSON, DK Cochran's Air Commandos 8pp article from Behind the lines (the journal of US Military Special Operations) Festus Missouri 1994 illustrated P7 ROSSETTO, Luigi THE FIRST AIR COMMANDO 12pp article from Aerospace Historian Manhattan, Kansas 1982 (photocopy) 70


P8 * SEARLE, Ronald FORTY DRAWINGS Section P Newspapers and Ephemera Cambridge University Press 1946 P9 SOUTH-EAST ASIA COMMAND BURMA: A MIRACLE IN MILITARY ACHIEVEMENT SEAC [1945] 23pp illustrated maps sc Written by Frank Owen for the Supreme Allied Commander PIO SEAC LAUGH WITH SEAC n.d. Calcutta: SACSEA 12opp sc Cartoons Prr SMYTH, John THE LONG RETREAT: the first Burma campaign Purnell 1967 (Vol 3 part 3 of part-work History of the Second World War) r2pp illustrated map sc Pr2 VEVERS, Denis (compiler) A COLLECTION of propaganda material, phrase books and Japanese occupation currency. P13 VICTORY VICTORY CARTOONS Bombay: Thackers Publishers n.d. 7opp From the India Command newspaper Pr4 VICTORY IN BURMA: December 1944 -August 19 45 Marshall Cavendish 199 5 Issue 46 Volume 3 of part-work Imag es of War 20pp illustrated map 71


Section Q Journals and newsletters QI ANONYMOUS MOM'sWoRos Men of the Mohawk Squadrons Association quarterly newsletter Q2 BURMA STAR ASSOCIATION DEKHO! The journal of the Burma Star Association NoII95IVarious formats Q3 BURMA CAMPAIGN FELLOWSHIP GROUP NEWSLETTER No I I992A5 Q4 425-436 BURMA SQUADRONS ASSOCIATION PUKKA GEN Newsletter June I993; March, June, October I99 5; March, July I996 Canada: Etobicoke, Ontario A4 Q5 KING, Dwight O MAGAZINE FOR FORMER MEMBERS OF US UNITS IN CBI THEATRE October I996 -January I999 Q6 FIRST AIR COMMANDO ASSOCIATION THE BASHER BLABBER Fall I993; Winter I994; I995 two issues I996; I997 S: Reading, Pennsylvania A4 72


Section R Pictorial Histories R1 CORPORATION OF LONDON THEY LIVED TO TELL THE TALE: personal reminiscences of some of those who served in the Second World War Far Eastern Campaigns. The Corporation of London 199 5 28pp illustrated map sc R2 FORTY, George XIV ARMY AT WAR Ian Allan 1987 144pp illustrated map R3 LANE, Arthur WHEN YOU GO HOME A Lane Publication 199 3 311pp illustrated maps Lists 22,602 British service men and women who died in Malaya, Singapore and as prisoners of war R4 MOSER, Don and others CHINA-BURMA-INDIA Alexandria, Virginia: Time-life Books 19 7 8 208pp illustrated maps R5 MOUNTBATTEN, Louis the Earl Mountbatten of Burma MOUNTBATTEN: EIGHTY YEARS IN PICTURES Book Club Associates 1979 224pp illustrated Supreme Allied Commander, South-East Asia R6 SMURTHWAITE, David ed THE FORGOTTEN WAR: The British Army in the Far East 1941-1945 Nationa l Army Museum 1992 207pp illustrated maps 73


Section S Verses, Essays and Letters s 1 ALLEN, Louis JAPAN: THE RECONCILIATION OLD SOLDIERS NEVER DIE A lecture presented to the Japan Society 26-4-90 s2 BEAUMONT, Stuart FLASH POINTS: VERSES OF NOSTALGIA 194 Squadron Association 1994 31pp sc s3 BIRCHALL, Stanley POEMS Unpublished 14pp Author served in 1st Bn Royal Welch Fusiliers s4 BRANSON, Clive BRITISH SOLDIER IN INDIA: the letters of Clive Branson Communist Party 1944 119pp illustrated sc The author was a Troop Sgt Royal Armoured Corps when killed in action February 25, 1944 at Ngakyedauk, Arakan. s 5 CALVER, D H PADRE, PASTOR AND POET: Revd Kenneth w Parkhurst MBE HCF 1907-1987: an account of his life and ministry together with a selection of his poetry and prose Privately printed 1988 78pp illustrated sc s6 DAVEY, Mary BACK TO BURMA FOR THE LOVE OFjOHN Rathgar Press 1995 158pp illustrated sc A quest for Uncle John and a pilgrimage to Thanbyuzat war cemetery in lower Burma s7 DONE, John POEMS 6pp typescript s8 GRAHAM, W Gordon RETURN TO A BA TILEFIELD Privately published 1994 6pp Kohima: parallel English/Japanese text 74


Section S Verses, Essays and Letters s9 JAPAN DIGEST INTERVIEW WITH Louis ALLEN: From Interrogator to Interpreter s10 LEWIS, Alun IN THE GREEN TREE Allen & Unwin 1948 141pp Selection of letters and short stories SII LEWIS, Alun LETTERS TO MY WIFE 1989 425pp edited by Gwen Lewis COLLECTED STORIES 1990 367pp COLLECTED POEMS 1994 206pp edited by Cary Archard Seren (Poetry Wales Press) Lewis served in the South Wales Borders, 3 6 Division and died from an accidental gunshot wound at Bawli Bazaar, Arakan, March 5, 1944 s12 LLEWELLYN -JONES, Dr Rosie CHOWKIDAR 1977-1997 British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia 9opp Illustrated sc BA CSA exists for the preservation of cemeteries and memorials s13 McEVOY, Patrick BALLADS OF A BLACK CAT Orrell Publications 1997 104pp illustrated map Verse and prose: the Black Cat was divisional sign of 17th Indian Division s 14 MOYNIHAN, Martin BURMA Private paper 1998 17pp typescript Notes and random thoughts s15 MOYNIHAN, Martin SouTH O F FoRT HERTZ: a tale in rhyme Mitre Press 19 5 6 1 64 pp


Section S Verses, Essays and Letters s16 NUNNELEY,Johned TALES FROM THE BURMA CAMPAIGN 1942-1945 Burma Campaign Fellowship Group 1998 183pp Sixty-one contributions by members of BCFG s17 ROSS, Kathleen STARS OF BURMA Privately published poetry unpaged illustrated sc s18 SLIM, William, Field Marshal the Viscount COURAGE, AND OTHER BROADCASTS Cassell 1957 186pp Talks given in England, the US and Australia 1947-1957 s 19 SLIM, William, Field Marshal the Viscount CAMPAIGN OF THE FOURTEENTH ARMY 1943-1944 Printed by 476 Indian Printing Section 14pp Maps Pamphlet with photographs s20 STEVENSON, James Two POEMS s21 THWAITES, Hugh S WAR MEMOIRS OF AN AMATEUR MA Associates 1997 76pp illustrated sc s22 WATT, Matt KOH IMA Unpublished poem Ms


Section T The War at Sea Although the number of titles dealing with purely naval forces is small, there are references to the navy in the accounts of the Arakan Campaign and also the landing at Rangoon in 1945 in other sections. TI ''HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR UK Military Series The War at Sea by SW Roskill 19 54 Vol 1 The Defensive 664pp illustrated maps Vol 2 The Period of balance 523pp illustrated maps Vol 3 The Offensive 502pp illustrated maps T2 ''MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Navy Historical Branch The War with Japan HMSO 19 5 5 6 volumes Vol IV The South-East Asia operations ... 304pp illustrated (separate folder of maps, Vols IV and V are bound together) The results of the Naval Staff study T3 BROWN, David ed THE BRITISH PACIFIC AND EAST INDIES FLEETS 50TH ANNIVERSARY 'THE FORGOTTEN FLEETS' Liverpool: Brodie Publishing Ltd 118pp illustrated maps sc T4 ELDRIDGE,AWC JusT OUT OF SIGHT Minerva Press 1998 322pp illustrated sc A submariner and 'charioteer' on offensive underwater vehicles T5 GOULDEN, 0 A FROM TROMBAY TO CHANGI's A HELLUVA WAY: the story of the Arakan Coastal Forces Arakan Coastal Forces Reunion Committee 1987 229pp and appendices illustrated maps sc 77


Section T The War at Sea T6 GOULDEN, 0 A THE I3TH & 14TH FAIRMILE FLOTILLAS IN BURMA Chameleon Press 1989 213pp illustrated The operations of the Arakan Coastal Forces T7 HASTINGS, DJ BOMBAY BUCCANEERS: memories and reminiscences of the Royal Indian Navy BACSA 1986 267pp illustrated T8 POWER, Admiral Sir Arthur DESPATCH: Naval Operations in the Ramree Island area January19 to January 22, 1945 4PP map (Supplement to The London Gazette April 23, 1948 0038269) T9 SPURR, Russell LET THE TIGER TURN TAIL: SPURR'S WAR Mainstream Publishing 1992 203pp illustrated Adventures with Royal Indian Navy no WRIGHT, Bruce S THE FROGMEN OF BURMA: the story of the Sea Reconnaissance Unit Kimber 1970 17opp illustrated maps A Royal Marine unit in Arakan at the Irrawaddy crossing


Section U The War in the Air u1 '' ACSEA, Air Staff HQ AIR TRANSPORT OPERATIONS ON THE BURMA FRONT 1944 u2 AIR MINISTRY WINGS OF THE PHOENIX: the official story of the air war in Burma HMSO 1949 143pp illustrated maps u3 ,:-AYLING, Bob OLD LEATHERFACE OF THE FLYING TIGERS: the story of General Chennault Bobbs-Merrill 1945 u4 BATES, AS TH E FLYING CARPET SALESMAN Privately published 1998 45pp illustrated maps sc Biography of JAG Mason 99 and 194 Squadron RAF u5 *BEAUCHAMP, Gerry MOHAWKS OVER BURMA Shilton 1985 3npp illustrated u6 BOWYER, Chaz BEAUFIGHTER AT WAR Ian Allan 1976 16opp illustrated One chapter on Burma u7 BROWN, Atholl Sutherland SILENTLY INTO THE MIDST OF THINGS: 177 Squadron RAF in Burma -history and personal narratives Book Guild 1997 258pp illustrated Beaufighter interdiction of Japanese transport u8 BURTON, F H MISSION TO BURMA: the story of 177 Squadron Blackburns o f Bolton 1991 125pp illustrated map sc 79


Section U The War in the Air u9 •'CAIDIN, Martin ZERO FIGHTER Macdonald, 1970 16opp illustrated map u 10 CHINNERY, Philip D ANY TIME, ANY PLACE: fifty years of the USAF Air Commando and Special Operations Forces 1944-1994 Airlife 1994 303pp illustrated maps Operations with the Chindits (Chapter 2) u11 •'CHENNAULT, Anna CHENNAULT AND THE FLYING TIGERS USA: Erikson u12 *CHENNAULT, Claire Lee WAY OF A FIGHTER USA: Thorvardson 1991 u13 *CHENNAULT, Claire Lee FLYING TIGER Putnam u14 COLLIS, Geoffrey R THE EAGLE SOARS Pentland Press 1998 u6pp sc 273 (Spitfire) Squadron RAF in Arakan u15 *COLLIS, Geoffrey R THE TATTERED EAGLE Pentland 1994 u16 COTTON, MC HURRICANES OVER BURMA including The Memoirs of. Wing Commander 'Bunny' Stone, DFC Grub Street 1995 357pp illustrated maps u17 COURT, PR THE FLYING 'TAXIS': 194 Squadron 'C' flight casualty evacuation unit Privately published 1998 92pp illu strated sc 80


Section U The War in the Air u18 COYLE, FR ed 'CANUCKS UNLIMITED': 436 Squadron history Canada n.d. 93pp illustrated RCAF Dakota Squadron u19 ''DUNLOP, Richard BURMA Arn VICTORY DECEMBER 1943 -JUNE 1945 (Eastern Air Command) u20 *ETHELL, J and DOWNIE FLYING THE HUMP IN ORIGINAL WORLD WAR II COLOR Motor books International 199 5 u21 FORD, Daniel FLYING TIGERS: Claire Chennault and the American Volunteer Group Smithsonian Institution Press 1991 463pp map sc u22 ''FRANKS, Norman FIRST IN THE INDIAN SKIES Life Publications 1991 u23 FRANKS, Norma n L R HURRICANES OVER THE ARAKAN Patrick Stephens 1989 237pp illustrated maps u24 FRANKS, Norman L R THE Arn BATTLE OF IMPHAL Kimber 1985 223pp illustrated map u25 FRANKS, Norman L R SPITFIRES OVER THE ARAKAN Kimber 1988 231pp illustrated maps u26 FRANKS, Norman and RICHEY FIGHTER PILOT'S SUMMER Grub Street 1993 248pp illustrated u27 GOLDNEY, Frank Hammond WAR DIARIES AND MEMOIRS Australia: Hyde Park Press 15 5pp illustrated sc 117 Squadron RAF (Dakotas) from 1944 81


Section U The War in the Air u28 GWYNNE-TIMOTHY, John R W BURMA LIBERATORS: RCAF IN SEAC Canada: Next Level Press 1991 2 volumes 115 5pp illustrated sc u29 HEIFERMAN, Ron FLYING TIGERS: CHENNAULT IN CHINA Ballantine 1971 16opp illustrated sc u30 HEMINGWAY, Kenneth WINGS OVER BURMA Quality press 1944 19opp illustrated 17 (Fighter) Squadron u31 HENDERSON, Lt Col W CHINA BURMA INDIA Waco, Texas, US: Texian Press 149pp US Air Force bombing missions u32 ,;HOTZ, RB WITH GENERAL CHENNAULT: the story of the Flying Tigers USA: Zenger 1980 u3 3 HUDSON, Lionel TH E RATS OF RANGOON: the inside story of the 'fiasco' that took place a t the end of the war in Burma Leo Cooper 1987 23opp Written by Air Force Officer u34 HUMP PILOTS ASSOCIATION CHINA, BURMA, INDIA US: Turner Publishing Company 392pp illustrated Collection of newsletters u35 INNES, David] BEAUFIGHTERS OVER BURMA Blandford Press 1985 128pp illustrated maps 2 7 Squadron RAF u36 JACOBS, Vivian K THE WOODPECKER STORY, as told by members of No 13 6 (Fig hter) Squadron RAF 'The Woodpeckers' Pentland press 1994 261pp illustrated map


Section U The War in the Air u3 7 JONES, Laurie A PILOT'S STORY OF FLYING IN WAR AND PEACE Australia: privately printed 1996 259pp illustrated map Part 1 covers air operations in Bay of Bengal u3 8 KOENIG, William J OVER THE HUMP: AIRLIFT TO CHINA Pan/Ballantine 1972 16opp illustrated sc u39 LAL, Pratap Chandra MY YEARS WITH THE IAF New Delhi: Lancer International 1986 396pp Chapter 3 covers his service with the India Air Force during the Burma Campaign u40 LAWWCed CHINTHEBURMA!INDIA 1944-1945 Canada n.d. 166pp illustrated 435 RCAF Squadron (Dakota) u41 ''LOSONSKY, F Sand TM FLYING TIGER: A CREW CHIEF'S STORY. The war diary of an AVG crew chief Schiff er 199 6 u42 MASLEN-JONES, E W FIRE BY ORDER: recollections of service with 6 5 6 Air Observation Post Squadron in Burma Leo Cooper 1997 207pp illustrated maps u43 MASON, Peter D NICOLSON, V C Ashford: Geerings 1991 164pp illustrated Nicolson served in 2 7 Squadron RAF in Burma u44 MORRIS, Dickson G BEYOND THE IRRAWADDY AND THE SALWEEN: RAF special duty missions in the South-East Asia theatre of war 1944-1945 Australia: Mostly Unsung 1996 183pp illustrated sc


Section U The War in the Air u45 MOXON, Oliver BITTER MONSOON: the memoirs of a fighter pilot Robert Hale 1955 192pp illustrated map 5 (Fighter Squadron) RAF u46 NALTY, Bernard C TIGERS OVER ASIA New York: Elsevier-Dutton 1978 182pp illustrated The American Volunteer Group 'The Fl y ing Tigers' u47 O'BRIEN, Terence CHASING AFTER DANGER: a combat pilot's war over Europe and the Far East 1939-1942 Collins 1990 264 pp u48 OPERATION THURSDAY FILE OF PHOTOCOPIES signals relating to Allied landings in North East Burma 48pp u49 O'REGAN, Harley Norns on life on an Air Transport and Supply Squadron during the Burma Campaign of World War II Sydney: privately published n.d. 120pp u50 *P AGE, Robert C and AITKEN AIR COMMAND Doc Ackerman 1945 u 5 1 PARHAM, HJ and BELFIELD UNARMED INTO BATTLE: the story of the Air Observation Post Picton, for the Army Air Corps 20d ed 1986 183pp illustrated maps u52 ' ' PARK, Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith DESPATCH: Air operations in South-East Asia from June 1, 1944 to the re-occupation of Rangoon May 2, 1945 (Supplement to Th e London Gazette April 6, 1951 no 39196)


Section U The War in the Air u53 ''PARRY,J F BURMA VOLUNTEER AIR FORCE 1940-1942 Privately published u54 ''PEIRSE, Air Vice Marshal Sir Richard DESPATCH: Air operations in South-East Asia November 16, 1943 to May 31, 1944 27pp map (Supplement to The London Gazette March 13, 1951 no 39173) u 5 5 ''PISTOLE, Larry THE PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE FLYING TIGERS Moss 1981 u56 PROBERT, Henry THE FORGOTTEN AIR FORCE: the Royal Air Force in the war against Japan 1941-1945 Brassey's 1995 381pp illustrated maps u57 *RAWLINSON, Peter CALAMITY JANE: BY SPITFIRE TO INDIA The author u58 ROSHOLT, Malcolm DAYS OF THE CHING PAO: a photographic record of the Flying Tigers 14th Air Force in China in World War II Appleton, Wisconsin: Rosholt House II 4th ed 1986 192pp illustrated u59 ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE RAF AND THE FAR EAST WAR 1941-1945: a symposmm ... RAF Historical Society 199 5 129pp illustrated maps Various contributors on whom there are biographical notes u6o RUSSELL, WW FORGOTTEN SKIES: the story of the Air Forces in India and Burma Hutchinson 1945 128pp illustr ated maps u61 ''RUSSELL, Wilfred W THE FRIENDLY FIRM: a history of 194 Squadron RAF 194 Squadron Wing Association 1972 85


Section U The War in the Air u62 ''SAMSON,] CHENNAULT Doubleday 1987 u63 SANSOME, R S THE BAMBOO WORKSHOP: the history of the RAF repair and salvage units India/Burma 1941-1946 Merlin Books 1995 213pp illustrated sc u64 SCOTT, Robert Lee FLYING TIGER: CHENNAULT OF CHINA New York: Berkley Publishing 1960 22opp sc u6 5 SHORES, Christopher and others BLOODY SHAMBLES Vol 2 The defence of Sumatra to the Fall of Burma Grub Street 1993 494pp illustrated map Comprehensive account of air operations u66 SMITH, Peter VENGEANCE Airlif e 1 9 8 6 The Vultee Vengeance was a single-engined dive bomber used by two squadrons of the Indian Air Force in Burma. u67 SPENCER, Otha C FLYING THE HUMP: memories of an air war Texas: A & M University 1992 illustrated maps u68 STEVENSON, Air Vice Marshal D F DESPATCH: Air operations in Burma and the Bay of Bengal January 1 to May 22, 1942 21pp (Supplement to The London Gazette March 5, 19 5 8 no 38229) u69 STONES, Donald OPERATION 'BOGRAT' FROM FRANCE TO BURMA Spellmount Ltd 1990 128pp illustrated 67 (Fighter) Squadron 86


u70 SUTCLIFFE, D H AIRBORNE OVER BURMA Published by the author 1988 62 Squadron with Dakotas u71 SUTTON, Barry JUNGLE PILOT Macmillan 1946 r34pp u72 ~-szusCIKIEWICZ, P FLYING TIGERS Section U The War in the Air Bison Books 1990 Sopp illustrated u73 ''TAYLOR, Joe G AIR SUPPLY IN THE BURMA CAMPAIGN USAF History Division, Air University 19 57 u74 THOMAS, J Helsdon WINGS OVER BURMA New Horizon 1984 Merlon 1991 91pp illustrated maps sc 67 Fighter Squadron 1942-1944 u75 *UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCE BURMA OPERATIONS RECORD 19 52 (revised 19 57) u76 VAN WAGNER, RD lST AIR COMMAND GROUP AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE Air University Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama Student report 1986 96pp illustrated map m/s u77 WHARTON, Ray PHOTOGRAPHS OF AIRCRAFT IN AIR HQ (INDIA) COMMUNICATIONS SQUADRON u78 WHELAN, Russell THE FLYING TIGERS: the story of the American Volunteer Group New York: Viking 1942 224pp illustrated map

PAGE 100

Section U The War in the Air u79 WILLIAMS, Douglas 194 SQUADRON RAF 'THE FRIENDLY FIRM' Merlin Books 1987 8opp illustrated sc u8o WILLIAMS, Douglas 194 SQUADRON RAF Various unpublished typescripts including an appreciation of General Wingate 2pp; RAF Dakota Training Unit SEAC 2pp; a brief history of 194 Squadron by Arthur Pearcy 11 pp; etc 88

PAGE 101

Section V Fiction vr ALDISS, Brian W A SOLDIER ERECT, OR FURTHER ADVENTURES OF THE HAND-REARED BOY Corgi Books 1974 222pp SC v2 ALEXANDER, K THE FoRGOTIEN ARMY Regular Publications 1996 16opp sc v3 ANDREWS, Laurie W OF LESSER RENOWN Cassell 19 5 8 264 pp v4 ANDREWS, Laurie W THE PATROL Corgi 1972 172pp v5 * ANDREWS, Laurie W TATIERED BATIALION Cassell 1957 223pp v6 ANDREWS, Laurie W DEATH MARCH Corgi 1960 286pp sc v7 * BAILLIE, Peter CHINDWIN MONSOON Brown Watson 1958 155pp sc v8 BARDEN, Stanley THE GOLDEN ROCK OF KYAIK -TIYO United Writers 1997 262 pp Book Two of the Burma Ruby Series v9 BATES,HE THE PURPLE PLAIN MichaelJoseph 1947 224pp

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Section V Fiction VIO BATES, HE THE JACARANDA TREE Michael Joseph 1949 223pp VII BAXTER, Walter LOOK DOWN IN MERCY Heinemann 19 51 288pp v12 BAXTER, Walter THE IMAGE AND THE SEARCH H ei nemann 1953 332pp VI 3 BELL, Gerard SIDESHOW Corgi Books 2 5 I pp sc v14 '' BLACK, Dorothy FANTASTIC JOURNE Y Cassell 1944 191pp v15 BLANKENSHIP, William D TIGER TEN N ew York: Putnam 252 pp v16 ,: BRADDON, Russell END OF A HATE Cassell 1958 201pp Incorporating Song of war: a short story v17 BRADDON, Russell SONG OF WAR Mis v18 ,:BRELIS, Dean THE MISSION Cons tabl e 1959 18opp v19 ''BRENDON, George THE CHARM OF MAMBAS Heinemann I 9 5 9 2 79PP 90

PAGE 103

v20 ''BROOKES, April FOLLOW YOUR STAR Ward Lock 1956 r9opp v21 BUCK, Pearl S THE PROMISE Section V Fiction Moyer Bell, Wakefield, Rhode Island, USA reprinted 1997 248pp Methuen 1944 v22 BUTTERWORTH, Sidney THREE RIVERS TO GLORY Hutchinson 1956 224pp v23 •CAREW, Tim MAN FORMAN Constable 19 5 5 23opp v24 CHAMALES, Tom T NEVER so FEW New York: Scribners 19 57 499PP v25 CHANG, CT BURMA ROAD Singapore: Malaysia Publications Ltd 1964 198pp v26 CLIFFORD, Francis A BATTLE IS FOUGHT TO BE WON Pan 1960 125pp sc v27 CLIFFORD, Francis HONOUR THE SHRINE Transworld 1960 19pp sc V28 CLIFFORD, J F KAMIKAHSE (DIVINE TEMPEST) Private paper n.d . 23pp typescript Fiction based on service in Burma 1944-1945 JFC v29 CONWAY, P THE PALINDROME Dakers 19 5 1 222pp 91

PAGE 104

Section V Fiction v30 *COOPER, Brian VAN LANGEREN GIRL Heinemann 1960 222pp v31 CROOK, William FOUR DAYS Eyre Methuen 1979 172pp v3 2 CRUMPLER, Gus H UNDER THE BURMESE PAGODA Point Lookout, Missouri: The School of the Ozarks Press 1975 148pp v33 CRUTTWELL, Patrick A KIND OF FIGHTING JM Dent 1959 2 7 2pp v34 *DONALDSON, D H THE LONE CHINDIT Hale 1967 19opp v35 *ELDER, Raiheart AFTER MY OWN FASHION Longmans Green 1949 239pp v36 EYRE, Donald C FOXES HAVE HOLES Hale 1948 287pp v37 FENN, Charles THE GOLDEN RULE OF GENERAL WONG Arthur Barker 1960 15opp v38 FINLAY, Bernard BAMBOO HELL Peter Haddock 1980 158pp sc v39 FORSTER, Roy THE FLUTE OF AsoKA Eyre & Spottiswoode 19 5 5 272pp 92

PAGE 105

v40 FORSYTH,RA SQUADRON WILL MOVE Macmillan 1947 3npp v41 FRIEND, John THE LONG TREK Muller 1957 187pp v 4 2 * GILLESPIE, Leslie THE MAN FROM MADURA Boardman 1952 255pp v43 GORDON,John W WINGS FROM BURMA TO THE HIMALAYAS Memphis: Global Press 1987 265pp v44 *GRIFFIN, Sercombe BURMA ROAD CALLING! Harrap 1943 206pp v 4 5 HANLEY, Gerald SEE YOU IN YASUKUNI Collins 1969 224pp v46 HORSLEY, D LIVING DEAD Brown Watson i959 157pp sc v47 JACKSON, I K STRIKING FORCE Trojan [1965?] no pagination sc v48 *JOHNS, WE Section V Fiction BIGG LES AND THE LOST SOVEREIGNS Brockhampton Press 1964 164pp Junior fiction v49 JOHNSTON, GH DEATH TAKES SMALL BITES Gollancz 1948 199pp v50 JOHNSTON, Jack PATROL OF THE DEAD Arthur Barker 1955 239pp 93

PAGE 106

Secti o n V Fiction v51 LEASOR, James NOTHING TO REPORT Viking 195 5 254pp sc v 5 2 > f MAD DOCK, Reginald B ONE MORE RIVER Nelson 1963 156pp illustrated v53 MANNIN, Ethel THE LIVING LOTUS New York: Putna m 195 6 255pp v54 MARKS,J M AYO GURKHA! OUP 197 1 189pp illustrated map Junior Fiction v5 5 M ASON, Ri c h ard THE WIND CANNOT READ Hodder & Stoughton 1946 296pp v 5 6 MILLER, Lee O ASSIGNMEN T : BURMA N e w York: B elmont Tower Boo k s 176pp sc v57 MOISEIWITSCH, Maurice YESTERDAY' S ENEMY Transworld 158pp sc v58 MOXON, Oliver AFTER T H E M O NSOON Robert Hale 1 9 58 1 6opp v59 MOXON, Oliver THE L A S T M O NSOON E l m field P ress 1957 17 4 pp v6o 'fMUCHA,Jiri SCORCHED CROP Hogarth Press 194 9 271pp 9 4

PAGE 107

v61 NATHANSON, EM THE DIRTY DISTANT WAR New York: Viking 1987 484pp v62 PARTINGTON, Norman THE GATES OF THE KYSAN Harrap 1971 27opp v63 ''PHILLIPS, JA PAGODA Bodley Head 19 5 3 15 5PP v64 ''PUGH, Marshall THE CHANCER Hutchinson 1959 199pp v65 RENNIE, DJ PENETRATION FORCE John Spencer 1959 157pp sc v66 RICHARDS, CJ WIND OVER FOWLMERE AND OTHER STORIES Winchester: Warren & Sons 1953 217pp v67 '' ROLAND, Paul K 'BANZAI' John Spencer 1959 159pp sc v68 ~ ROSS, Kenneth RICKY & Co Arn COMMANDOS Cambridge University Press 1947 162pp Junior Fiction v69 * RUTHIN, Margaret JUNGLE NURSE Dobson 1960 19opp Junior fiction v70 SAUL, John Ralston THE N EXT BES T THING Grafton Books 1986 241pp 95 Section V Fiction

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Section V Fiction v71 *SCOTT,J M WHERE THE RIVER BENDS Heinemann 1962 249pp v72 SCOTT, Paul JOHNNY SAHIB Granada 1979 208pp sc v73 SCOTT, Paul THE MARK OF THE WARRIOR Granada 1979 188pp sc v74 SHUTE, Nevil THE CHEQUER BOARD Heinemann 1947 278pp v75 SIBLEY,John You'n WALK TO MANDALAY Cape 1960 253pp v76 STANFORD, J K LAST CHUKKER Faber & Faber 1941 76pp illustrated v77 STANFORD, J K REVERIE OF Qu-HAI AND OTHER STORIES Blackwood 1951 332pp v78 STERN,D FRANCIS Hammond 150 255pp v79 ''STUART, Vivian LIFE IS DESTINY Robert Hale 1958 192pp v8o TARMEY, Martin WHEN YOU GO HOME: the bloody battle of Kohima Ridge Corgi 1975 32opp sc

PAGE 109

v81 TAYLOR, Thomas BORN OF WAR McGraw-Hill 1988 45opp A novel based on Wingate v82 ,;TURNBULL, Patrick LIKE AN ABOMINABLE BRANCH Hurst & Blackett 1947 188pp v8 3 TURNBULL, Patrick THE LAST OF MEN Hutchinson 1960 223pp v84 TURNBULL, Patrick ONE BULLET FOR THE GENERAL Collins 1969 224pp v85 *WAKEFORD , LH andJARMEY BROWN MEN'S JUNGLE E J Arnold 1951 128pp illustrated v86 *WALLACE, J H A WALK IN THE FOREST Brown Watson 159pp sc 97 Section V Fiction

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Section W Japanese books in English Only books translated or written originally in English are included in this section. There will be a separate catalogue at a later date of books in Japanese. WI AIDI, Yugi PRISONER OF THE BRITISH Cresset Press 1966 202pp w2 BARKER,AJ JAPANESE ARMY HANDBOOK 1939-1945 Ian Allan 1979 128pp illustrated w3 HAYASHI, Saburo with COOX KOGUN: THE JAPANESE ARMY IN THE PACIFIC WAR USA : Marine Corps Ass 1959 245pp illustrated maps sc w4 HIRAKUBO, Masao and others THE JAPANESE SOLDIER Papers given at seminar organized by the Burma Campaign Fellowship Group 1996 22pp w5 * ISOBE, Tokuo IRRAWADDY SHORE AND THE MEIKTILA OPERATION Japan 1998 w6 NISHIJI, Yasumasa 'THOSE FORSAKEN BY GOD' : the retreat from Imphal The author 14pp sc w7 TAKEYAMA, Michio HARP OF BURMA Rutland Vermont: CE Tuttle 1966 132pp sc w8 TAMAYAMA, Kazuo JAPANESE SOLDIERS OF THE BURMA CAMPAIGN Book One Janua r y -March 1942 The author 42pp illustrated m a p

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w9 ''TATSURO, lzumiya THE MINAMI ORGAN U Soe Myint 1981 Section W Japanese books in English wro US Department of the Army Office of the Chief of Military History BURMA OPERATIONS RECORD: 28th Army Ops in Akyab area 1958 2ro pp maps sc r 5th Army Ops in Imphal area and withdrawal to North Burma 1957 r89pp maps sc Prepared by Japanese staff officers an d commanders wr r US War Department: Military Intelligence Service SOLDIER'S GUIDE TO THE JAPANESE ARMY Washington DC 1944 r82pp illustrated sc w12 WADA , Manabu DRIFTING DOWN THE CHINDWIN The author 2 7pp sc 99

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Addenda 100