Ahom-Assamese-English dictionary, compiled by Rai Sahib Golap Chandra Borua. Published under the authority of the Assam administration

Material Information

Ahom-Assamese-English dictionary, compiled by Rai Sahib Golap Chandra Borua. Published under the authority of the Assam administration
Barua, Golap Chandra ( Author, Primary )
Place of Publication:
[Assam government]
Printed at the Baptish Mission Press
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Tai (Other)
Physical Description:
xv, 327 p. -- 27 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Ahom language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot
Assamese language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot
English language -- Dictionaries -- Polyglot
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- India -- West Bengal -- Kolkata
एशिया -- भारत -- पश्चिम बंगाल -- कोलकाता
এছিয়া -- ভাৰত -- পশ্চিমবঙ্গ -- কলকাতা
এশিয়া -- ভারত -- পশ্চিমবঙ্গ -- কলকাতা


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VIAF (name authority) : Barua, Golap Chandra : URI
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This title is in the public domain under copyright legislation of India and the USA

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SOAS University of London
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ffiX UHSKtS 3 K ?t)EEN



Assistant Inspector of Schools, Assam Valley Circle.





it is gratifying to note that the Ahom-Assamese-English Dictionary has
after all been completed. The task was a tremendous one for a man of my
knowledge and ability. I had to do this work in addition to my own duties, as
a Deputy Inspector of Schools. It may, therefore, be easily imagined what
amount of extra labour I had to undergo. The ordinary duties of a Deputy
Inspector of Schools are multifarious. He can hardly have time enough at his
disposal to devote to other work, but as the Administration was pleased to entrust
to me the work of the compilation of the Dictionary, in addition to my own
duties, I had to take the burden on my shoulder, though it was very heavy. I
was given a clerk for six months to assist me in the work I put him to the
collection of words from Ahom manuscripts, which he did as far as practicable
within so short a time. I then applied myself to further collection of words in
consultation with a few Deodhais who could read Ahom and perform Deopujas.
Thus I was able, as far as I can believe, bo collect all the available words at the
present time. In arranging the words, I have, strictly, followed the Ahom order
of alphabets. Each Ahom word in Ahom character has been given first, then
the Part of Speech, pronunciation, both in Assamese and English equivalent
Shan words where possible, literal meanings of compound words and phrases, and
meanings both in Assamese and English in order. I have spared no pains to
make the book complete as far as possible. Here I would mention that I have
taken help from Dr. Griersons books entitled Notes on Ahoms and Ahom
Cosmogamy. As I have no knowledge of other Tai-languages, I have put down
in my book the equivalent Shan words from his books, I am, therefore, greatly
indebted to him for this.

In conclusion, I take the opportunity to expresss my gratefulness to the
Honourable P. R. T. Gurdon, C.S.I., I.A., Commissioner, Assam Valley Districts,
and the Honourable Rai Bahadur Phani Dhar Chaliha, retired E.A.C., for their
kind and valuable advice received from time to time.


It is an established fact that the Ahoms are the descendants of those Shans
who, under the leadership of their king Shukapha, migrated from
their religion. Maolung in the ancient kingdom of Pong, crossed the Patkai moun-
tains and entered the upper part of the Brahmaputra Valley in

1228 A.D. They gradually conquered the whole of the Assam Valley and ruled
the country for nearly 600 years. They are genuine Shans, both in their physical
type and their tribal language and written character. They called themselves
Tai (celestial origin), which is the name by which the Shans still designate them-
selves, and they maintained a fairly continuous intercourse with the inhabitants
of the original home until very recent times. They migrated to Assam before



the Tais were converted to Buddhism. They maintained their old religion and
language intact till the reign of Shudangpha alias Bamunikuar, which commenced
in 1397 A.D. This prince was brought up in his childhood at Habung by a
Brahmin family. When he was made king, he brought with him the Brahmin \
family with the image of the Hindu God, Lafchi Narayan, worshipped by them
and assigned the idol a place in fche inside of the royal palace. Gradually the
Hindu religion had an imperceptible hold on the Ahom kings. In 1654 A.D. when
Shutamla, alias Jayadhwaj Sinha, became king, he finally accepted Hindu religion
and became a disciple of the Auniati Gosain. Thus the decay of Ahom religion
commenced, and was complete in the reign of Rudra Singha, although the Deo-
dhais still perform their religious ceremonies according to their old customs.

Language.Ahom belongs to the same sub-group of the Tai language as
Khamti and Shan. Both of them are now live languages, while the Ahom is a
defunct one. It seems that the Ahoms maintained their own language for some
time after the conquest of Assam, but their number being comparatively small
and having to live, permanently, with people whose number was overwhelming,
they neglected their own language and accepted the language of the people they
conquered. Besides there is no mention in any history if they had brought with
them their wives and children. If they did, the number was very small. They
had, therefore, to take to wives women from amongst the conquered tribes. These
women were ignorant of the Ahom language, so their husbands found it
troublesome to interchange their thoughts with them, such being the case,
they were compelled to learn the language of their wives to make themselves

The Ahom alphabet is related to those of Khamti, Shan and Burmese. It
possesses signs for g, gh, j, jh, d, dh, b and bh which are wanting in Khamti and
Shan. It has no y, for which sound Khamti and Shan use the sign which Ahom
employs for j.

The following are characters of the Ahom alphabets:

W1 ka Hi * ra
VO ll kha w Hi la
1 nga W sha
R Hl na vi >^1 na
OA ft ta M Si ha
V *11 pa <5(1 a
VO *P1 pha 1 da
V Hl ba 51 dha
V Hl ma 9 Or HI ga
w ja Hl gha
VO 51 cha <51 bha
w ll tha HTI jha

These characters give no sound unless a vowel sign is added.



trowel sign which is a fulcrum for carrying the. other vowels,

th the consonants and considered as such. Using different signs
wels are formed and they are given below :

Ahom Vowels.





















Transcription and power.

b sometimes pronounced like the e in met.
Va u
e, as in met.
e, as the Sanskrit e.
o, as in often.
V&o~ u
vpf or viio' 'Sit'S ao (Dr. Grierson gives its pronunciation au, but this does not. give the sound W3 ).
eu, sometimes pronounced like ao. (Dr. Grierson gives its pronunciation as aii, but real pronunciation is either eu or ao).
ifc '5rt?f am
VKb <51 o a, as;the a in all.
oi, as in boil.



The first vowel practically gives no sound without any sign being added.
The second and third vowels give the same pronunciation and are freely inter-
changed at the present time.

No. 4 is pronounced both i and e.

The circle at the end of Nos. 11, 12, and 17 is dropped when the vowel is
medial, No. 11 then becomes the same as No 7. and No. 17 as No. 4. Nos. 6, 7, 11,
and 12 are very often interchanged. No. 12 when used with a consonant loses its
circle at the end and gives the sound of u and e ; as for example VC'S (mung) and
yolS (khen), respectively.

No. 14 has been written as
sound is so I have written it as ao.

No. 16 is considered as a vowel by the Ahoms. Although Dr. Grierson
has shewn it as a consonant, I have taken it as a vowel, because it actually forms
the function of a vowel.

Nos. 14 and 15 are often interchanged. The vowel No. 2 is added to the
consonant characters to give them their sounds. They are noted below :

Ahom Consonants.

Consonants. Transcription. Consonants. Transcription.
1 YU i Tl ka 13 dS', 31 ra
2 ^i <11 kha 14 wi la
3 $1 nga 15 ^i si sha
4 i sri na 16 Mii >^i na
5 0A i, ta 17 si ha
6 vi *ri pa 18 ¥i da
7 pha 19 Pl dha
8 v', or r i, ba 20 ?i or ll ga
9 v>, sri ma 21 Vi 3l gha,
10 wi ri ja 22 Vi 'Si bha
11 VO1-, 5l cha 23 Vi 311 jha



Vowel symbols can be attached to any consonants just as they are attached
to the vowel sign uVn (a) No. 1.

The consonant No. 16 has the power of nya, but at the end of a syllable it is
pronounced as n, and sometimes as y. Thus khen, much, is pronounced khen,
and uh, gladness, is pronounced uy.

In manuscript Nos. 4 and 18 are written almost the same, but the latter is
elongated at the end, thus (na), igi (da).

Nos. 8 and 9, v', (ba) and (ma) are often written alike, so it is very
difficult for one having no knowledge of Ahom to distinguish one from the other.
No. 8 is pronounced ba when initial and wa when final.

The letters wa, ra and la are often compounded with other consonants. In
such a case, wa becomes the vowel a (No. 18). Below I give a few examples of
compounds with r and 1:

(mra); a*' jT| (tra); vti O (kli).

Dr. Grierson in his note on Ahoms, see page 5, has made mention of a
letter Vn (Virama), but I have not come across any such letter in the Ahom
manuscripts. In its place I have given one, No. 24, called rulai. This is used
just at the beginning of any writing as we (Assamese Hindus) generally write
SriHari, Sri Ram, etc. Besides Virama, he has shown two other letters
mra and kli3 as consonants, but they are compound consonants, as given above.
I have therefore excluded them from the list of single consonants.

The following are the Ahom numerals :

1 /l C*l, leng 1
2 shang 2
3 tV sham 3
4 W A shi 8, 4
5 Ml ha 5
6 ruk 6
7 V chit % 7
8 Clfe, V pet 8
9 $ kao 9
10 iol fvt, ship 10


I have no knowledge of Khamti and Shan, but to show the affinity of the
Ahom language with other Tai languages, I put here the following extracts from



(< Like Khamti and Shan, Ahom belongs to the northern sub-group of Siamese-
Chinese languages. It bears somewhat of the same relationship to them that
Sanskrit does to Pali, but the relation is much closer. The most striking point
of resemblance between the two relationships is in the simplification of compound

Compound consonants are almost entirely wanting in Khamti and Shan.
Siamese occupies an intermediate position. Compound consonants are written,
but are not always pronounced. Sometimes instead of the second consonant
remaining unpronounced, a very short vowel (svara-bhakti) is inserted between
the two letters.

The following examples illustrate the way in which Ahom compound
consonants have become simplified :
Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.
khrang khang khang property.
khring khing body.
khriu khiu khiu tooth.
khrung khiing khung divide.
phrau phaii phaii who ?
phring phing be many.
phrum phum phum hair.
klai kai kai be-far.
klang kang kang middle.
klin (klen) kin kin drink.
compare kin kin kin eat.
Note that in Ahom, the words for ffeat and drink are distinct. In

Khamti and Shan they are the same. '

I now proceed to mention what other changes recur in the transition from

Ahom to the modern Tai languages.

1. As a rule the Ahom vowels are retained in Khamti and Shan. There

are very few exceptions, such as Ahom, Khrung, divide, Khamti and Shan
2. As regards consonants, the following changes occur
(a) Ahom b usually corresponds to Khamti or Shan w. Thus,
AJiom. Khamti. Shan. English.
ba wa wa say.
bai wai wai put.
ban wan wan day.
Sometimes it becomes m, thus,
Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.
blak mak mak flower.
ban man man or wan village.
ba maw or waw a youth.
bail maii maii a leaf,



In Shan the uneducated frequently pronounce m as b.

(6) Ahom d becomes Khamti and Shan n or 1, thus,

Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.
dai nai lai obtain.
dang hu-nang khu-lang nose.
dau nau lau star, Siamese dau.
di ni li good, Siamese di.
din lin ground, Siamesed in.
dip nip HP alive.
dun nun or lun liin moon, Siamese diien.

The difference between Khamti and Shan is not so great as it looks, for both
languages freely interchange n and 1. It will be noticed that Siamese retains
the d.

(c) Ahom h usually remains unchanged, but sometimes appears in Khamti
and Shan as ng. Thus Ahom, hu an animal of the ox species; Khamti and Shan
ngo ; Siamese, ngiia ; Shan also wo.

(d) Ahom j becomes Khamti and Shan y, thus,

Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.
jan yan ask.
jau yau yau completion,
ju or u yu abide.

(e) Ahom initial fi becomes Khamti and Shan y, thus,

Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.
fiang yang yang be.
niing ying ying female.

(/) In Khamti and Shan n and 1 are interchangeable. Hence we some-
times find an Ahom n represented by 1, as in Ahom niu, a finger; Khamti
liu ; Shan niu.

(g) Ahom r becomes h in Khamti and Shan. Thus,

Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.
rai hai hai lose.
rak hak compassion, Siamese rak.
rang hang hang a tail.
rang hang hang shout.
rau hau hau we, Siamese ran.
rik hik call, Siamese rik.
ro ho ho head, Siamese hua.
run him him house, Siamese riien.

It will be seen that Siamese usually retains the r.

In other respects the phonology of Ahom agrees very closely with those of

Khamti and Shan.




Ahom like the modern Tai languages undoubtedly used tones. Unfor-
tunately it is not now possible to say what tones were used with words.

Couplets and Compound Words.

As in other Siamese-Chinese languages the differentiation of words by tones
is helped out by the use of couplets. The system in its essence is thistwo
different words each with several different meanings, but possessing one meaning
in common, are joined together and the couplet thus formed has only the meaning
common to the two. For instance, take the word Kha and Phan. Kha amongst
its other significations means (1) a slave ; (2) fcut ; Phan amongst its other
significations, means (1) tfan order; (2) poor ; (3) sorrow ; (4) cut.
The Khan-Phan means cut and nothing else, because cut is the only mean-
ing common to its two members.

Other examples of such couplets are :
pai-ka, go-go, to go.

nung-tang, enclose-enclosure to place, to put on (clothes),
tang-lai, all-all, all.

miin-khen, rejoicing-rejoicing, happiness.

Sometimes in these couplets only one word has retained its meaning, while
in other words it has lost its meaning and has become a Ci shadow word , the
compound having only the meaning of the dominant word. Thus, we have pe-
nga, a goat, in which nga has no meaning in this connexion, while pe by itself
also means iC a goat. In some of these lost couplets, the second member still
retains a definite meaning, but has, so to speak, emptied itself of it in favour of
the dominant member, this is very commonly the case with words like dai, to
possess ; bai, place, and the like. Thus

ao, take, ao-dai, to take, to collect, bring,
heu, give, heu-dai, give, give out and out.

rai, lose, be lost; rai-dai, to lose altogether, to be lost altogether, to die.
hup, to collect; hup-bai, to store.

Another form which these couplets take is the juxtaposition of two words,
not of identical, but of similar meaning, the couplet giving the general significa-
tions of both. Thus, khrang, and large property; ling, cattle and small
property ; khrang-ling, property generally.

There are other couplets the members of which possess not even similar
but altogether different meanings, the resultant couplet having the signification
giving the combined meaning of the two. Thus, ban, day, sun ; tuk, fall; ban-
tuk, sunset, evening.


All pure Ahom words are monosyllables ; only words borrowed from foreign
languages are polysyllabic,



Every word without exception denotes, primarily, the ideal of something,
action or condition, such as a man, a tree, striking, going, sleep, death, etc.

Some of these words such, for instance, as tree can only perform the functions
of nouns substantive, or can only with difficulty be twisted into performing other
functions. Other words corresponding to what we call Verbal nouns are
capable of being easily used in other functions. Thus, if in Ahom we wish to
express the idea slept, we say sleep-completion, if we wish to express sleeps
we say sleep-existence, and if we wish to express will sleep we say
motion-towards sleep.

It will thus be seen that the process of declension and conjugation do not
properly occur in Ahom, nor can we divide the words into parts of speech. The
relation which in Aryan languages we indicate by these two processes of inflexion
are in Ahom indicated partly by the position of the various words in the
sentence, and partly by compounding words together.

We cannot, properly speaking, talk of nouns and verbs, we can only talk
of words performing the functions of nouns and verbs.

When inflexion is found by composition, most of the auxiliary words added
to the main words have a definite meaning, in some cases, however, these auxi-
liary words have lost their meanings as original words. In such cases we may
talk of these auxiliary words as performing the functions of suffixes or prefixes.

As to what function each word in a sentence performs that is determined
partly by custom.

In the following paragraphs the principal points of interest in Ahom
Grammar are discussed.


There does not seem to be any word which performs the function of a definite
article. When required a demonstrative pronoun can be used. For the indefinite
article, the numeral leng, one is employed. Thus, a man will be translated
into Ahom as kun-phu-leng which literally means person-male-one. The
interrogative indefinite pronoun (i phreu is used to mean a certain.


Gender.Ahom words when performing the functions of nouns have no
gender. When in the case of living creatures, it is required to distinguish sex,
this is done by compounding the main word with another word meaning male
or female. The words most commonly used with human beings are phu
for the masculine gender, and mi for the feminine. Thus, kun, a person;
kun-phU, person-male, man; kun-mi, person-female, woman. Other words
used are, lik, for the masculine and neng for the feminine. Examples are, kha,
slave; kha-lik, a male servant; kha-neng, a female servant. With nouns of
relationship man and neng are used. Thus po or po-man, a father; nang, a
younger brother or sister; nangman, a younger brother- nang-nang, a younger



In the case of irrational animals 44 thek indicates the male sex and me
the female, thus

ma-thek, horse, ma-me, mare,

hu-thek, bull, hu-me, cow.

In some instances, differences of genders is expressed by the use of different
words. Thus, po, father; me, mother.

Number.Usually the idea of plurality is inferred from the nature of the
sentence. If however it is necessary to express it, this is generally done by
prefixing the word 44 khao which is also used as the plural of the third personal
pronoun, meaning 44 they. Example of its use are, khao-kham-kula, servants;
khao-mun, rejoicings. Or some nouns of multitude, such as phrin^, a crowd, may
be added as in kun-phring, people. With numerals no sign of number is required.
Thus, Shang-kun, two persons,

Case.The relations of case are indicated by composition with some other
word or by position.

The nominative is either the bare form of the word, or else optionally take
the suffix ko. This ko gives a definite force to the nouns to which it is
attached. It is specially common with pronouns. Examples of nominative are

() without ko,

luk-ngi lat-kham, the younger son said.

() With ko

po-man-ko ren ak ma, the father came outside the house.

When a noun is the direct object of a sentence, that is to say, when it is in
the Accusative case, it takes no suffix or prefix. Thus, man-ko, hung ngin, he
sound hear, he heard a sound.

The accusative sometimes takes the suffix 44 mai. This is confined to
pronouns. The accusative sometimes precedes and sometimes follow the verb.

man ko hung ngin, he sound hear, he heard a sound.

nung tang khep tin-khao, put shoe foot on, put shoes on his feet.

The relationship of the Instrumental case is indicated prefixing tang, with.
Thus, tang khan (beat him) with a cudgel.

The relationship of the Dative case is indicated by prefixing the word 44 d,
meaning place, hence 44the place or object to which motion is directed. The
same word is use to form the future tense. Examples of the Dative are

ti po kao, to my father, ti man ren, to his house.

The relationship of the Ablative case is indicated by prefixing 44luk or
44 luk tarn, as in, luk po-leng, from a father.

The relationship of the genitive is indicated by the juxtaposition of the
governed and governing word, the governed word being placed last. Thus,
kip-khao, husk-rice, i. e. husk of rice.



The most usual way of expressing the Locative case is to employ the noun
by itself, leaving the meaning to be gathered from the context. Thus, nung^
tang mu chi-rap chap-khap-bai, put (on) hand a ring.

The Vocative case is formed by suffixing ai (which is always written ha).
Thus po-ai, 0, father.


In Ahom an adjective follows the word it qualifies. It thus occupies the
same position as a word in the Genitive. Examples are: mung-jao, country
distant, a far country.

ren-noi, house small, a small house.

Comparison,Comparison is formed with the word then or ken
(pronounced khen or ken), which means be better. The thing with which
comparison is made, is put in the ablative governed by luk. Thus, di, good;
khen di luk, better than.

The superlative is expressed by adding nam, many, or tang, all. Thus,
khen di nam, better (than) many; khen di nam nam, better (than) many
many; khen di tang nam, better (than) all many; all these meaning best.


The personal pronouns have different forms for the singular and for the plural.
They are as follows. From Griersons notes on Ahom, I give the Khamti, Shan,
and Siamese forms for the sake of comparison.

Ahom. Khamti and Shdn. Siamese. English.
kau kau ku I.
rau hau rau we.
mau mau mung thou.
shu shu su ye-
man man man he, she it.
khau or man-khan khan or man-khan khau they.

In the above, the suffix mai forms a genitive absolute, as in kao-mai,

A dependent genitive sometimes precedes and sometimes follows the
governing noun, thus, we have both po kao and kao po man, my father; luk
man mail, mail luk man, thy son.

The Demonstrative pronouns are nai, an nai, this, and nan, a nan, an-nan,
that. Examples are tam-nai, from this, then; mu-nai, time this, then- ti-nai,
place this, here; now; an-nan kham, that word; a-nan-tun, that tree. We have
also i-u for this and heu for that but they are always used as adjectives, and they
precede the word they qualify. Examples are i-u luk-man, this son ; heu-mung
ban, that country.

The Relative pronoun is pan-ku, meaning which. Thus, hu-me pan-ku, kao
khan jao, the cow which I bought.



Interrogative pronouns are phreu, who? and shang, ka shang, re, what?
Thus, lik-kha phreu, whose boy ? mau chu ka shang u, your name what is,
what is your name ?

Phreu appears as an Indefinite pronoun, as in phreu na-kip, a certain field ;
phreu bau, any one not, no one.

Ka-shang means how many in ka-shang pi, how many years ? Similarly
phreu kun-phring, what person multitude, how many persons ?


Conjugation When an Ahom word performs the function of a verb, it can,
as it stands, be used for any tense, mood or voice, thus

Present time.Phreu kun-phring dai khao, how many persons possess rice.

Past time.Man-ba, he said.

Future time.Kao po pai lao, I will go (pai) to (my) father (and) will say

Imperative.Mau kha-lik bai cham doin, thou servant keep (bai) with, keep
(me) with (thy) servants.

Infinitive.Kao bau pai-ka lak, I not went to steal (lak), I did not go to

Verbal noun.Bai sheu-hing-jao-o, (I) had performed watching (bai), I had

Past participle.Ba-ban (on) the said day, on the day referred to.

Active voice.Pan-ku luk-ko rai-dai man tang-lai kham, what son lost (rai-dai)
thy all gold, the son who lost all thy gold.

Passive voice.Man rai dai, he was lost.

Voice.It follows from the above that there is no formal distinction between
the active voice and the passive. The same word has either an active or a
passive signification according to the meaning required by the sentence. Thus,
take kao po, which means I beat, on the other hand, kao-mai po, means
beat me that is tosay I am beaten. Here there can be no doubt that the
latter sentence is to be construed passively, owing to kao mai being in the
Accusative case. But, if we take the example given above, man rai dai, it means
both: he lost and he was lost, and we can only gather that it is to be
construed passively because the general sense of the context requires it.

Mood and tense.As already said, the bare word itself can be used for any
tense, and is frequently so used, but when this would lead to ambiguity, the
accidents of mood and tense are expressed by the use of particles, the form of the
main word never undergoing any change. It cannot be said that these are
suffixed or prefixed to the word which performs the function of the verb, for they
are often separated from it. Thus take the sentence, po man pan kan tang lai
khrang-ling klang shang pi nang jao, the father begin-to-divide all property
between two elder sons, younger son complete, i.e. the father began to divide his



property between his elder and younger sons. Here the word performing the
function of a verb is pan-kan, divide-begin, and the particle indicating past time,
jao, is separated from it by six other words.

In fact, in Ahom, these particles do not give past, present or future time to
any particular word in the sentence, but to the sentence as a whole. The word
jao which I have called a particle of past time is really an independent word
whose root idea is completion.

In the same way other particles which give the idea of tense have their own
meanings. Thus, u, the particle of present time, means existence ; ka, another
particle of past time, means the place from which action starts; just as ti, the
particle of future time, means the place to which the action is proceeding. It
may be noted here that if in the same sentence there are many words performing
the functions of verbs all in the same tense, then only one tense particle is supplied
for all.

Subject to the above remarks, the relations of mood and tense can be
indicated in Ahom in the following ways :

The simple present takes no particle. It is always the word performing the
functions of a verb standing alone. Thus (po kao) ju (my father) lives.

The present definite is formed by adding u, remain after the word performing
the function of a verb, as in (man) nang u he is sitting.

The imperfect is formed by adding u-jao, i.e. the past tense of u, as in kao
po-u-jao, I was. striking.

The past tense is formed by adding either jao or ka, as in man ba jao, man-
ba-ka, he said. As explained above, jao is usually put at the end of a sentence
far away from the word performing the function of a verb, but ka is always
attached to it.

The perfect is formed by adding koi to the word performing the function of a
verb, dip-di-koi, has become alive and well. The perfect of u, remain, viz. u-ko
is often used instead of koi alone, as in khao-u-koi, has entered.

The pluperfect or Remote past is indicated by suffixing o to jao of the past as
in (man-ko-tang-khang-ling) kin-jao o (he) had eaten (all the property). A
combination of jao with the participal termination shi also gives the force of the
pluperfect, as in tai shi-jao, having died was, had died.

The future is indicated by prefixing ti to the word performing the function
of a verb, ti kao-ko ren man shangban pai, I will go to your house to-morrow.

Another form of the future is made by suffixing na, as in paika na, will go.

It is rare except with this verb. The ka in this example is not the ka of the
past tense. Ka is also a doublet of pai meaning go.

A past future is formed by combining a suffix of past time with the simple
future, thus ti po will strike; ti po jao, will have struck. Similarly with koi,
u-ti-koi, will have been. Both these forms may be translated, according to the
context, also as past subjunctives, I should strike, I should be.



The imperative, may optionally take the particle shi, thus bai or bai shi put.
The conditional mood is formed by shang or shang-ba with chang in the apo-
dosis, An example is,

man chang un (uy) cheu plang

he would (had been) glad

tang kip-khao

(his) belly (with) husks of rice.

It will be seen that the words performing the functions of verbs takes no
special particles to indicate mood.

shang'ba man-ko thun,
if he (had) filled

An indefinite participial force is given by suffixing shi. To give a past force
o may be added. Thus tai-shi, dying; pai-nai-shi, going unexpectedly; pai-shi-o,
gone. Often no suffix is added, as in ba-ban, said day, on the day referred to.
At the same time, it may be remembered that participles are only verbal
adjectives, and that it is just as easy for an Ahom word to perform the function
of an adjective as to perform that of a verb, it is stretching the terminology of
Indo-European grammar too far to talk of participles at all.

Similarly, it is useless to talk of Infinitives. The root word is of course
capable of performing the function of a verbal noun. Thus, lak means £f steal,
and must be translated to steal in kao ban-lak pai ka, I not to steal went, I
did not go to steal.

Causals, inceptives, potentials and continuatives are formed by compounding
with other.

Numbers and Persons.No word performing the function of a verb ever
changes its form for number of person. Both must be gathered from the context.


Words perform the function of adverbs, just as they do those of other parts
of speech. Most of them are compounds, and the meaning of the separate
members is not always very clear. Examples are :

mu-nai, time-now, then; khan-ma-cham, quick-come-swift, as soon as ;
na-kan-mu, previous-place-time, as usual; ma-lao-kin, ever, at any time.

The negative particles are bau and ma, not. The usual verb substantive is
u, be, but with bau, mi is used instead.

Most frequently, the force of an adverb is obtained by compounding the word
by performing the function of a verb with some other word which gives it the
necessary colour. Thus pai-go, nai, unexpectedness ; pai-nai (to) go unexpectedly.
So many others.

Prepositions and Postpositions.In Ahom there are no regular prepositions,
but in order to give the force of prepositions some words are put either before or
after the words they refer. Accordingly they may either be called prepositions
or postpositions. A few examples are given below

an, before ; an kao-mai, before me. bai-lang, on back, after.

ak, outside; ren ak, outside the house.

kan-pa, place-side, towards ; man-kan-pa, towards her.



There are some words performing the functions of conjunctions. The usual
word is cham which means and; sometimes Chang is written also. Cham
may occur almost anywhere in the sentence. Other words used with the same
meaning are ;

ba-an, why-front, and poi, excess, and poi-an, and before, and.
poi-lun-lang, again after back, and, moreover. Other words used as con-

junctions are:

Shang, Shang-ba, if; tu-ba, but; Chang indicates the apodosis of a
conditional sentence; Chu-chang-nai, because, therefore; to-lak, nevertheless,
pu-nang-nai, on account of this, in order that.


The only interjections are ai, suffixed to the Vocative case, and nik-cha, alas.
Ai is always written '5 (ha).

Order of Words.

In Ahom, rules as to the order of words are not strict. The order of a
simple sentence is usually, Subject, Object, Verb; of a noun and its adjective,
noun, adjective ; and of the possessive construction, governing word, governed.


The 19th July, 1916.





w' (^1, Ka).

Ahom words. Parts of Speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
yh Noun ka Ahom word (Shan and Khamti, ka, a crow).
vn' Verb ka Ahom word (Shan and Khamti, ka).
Yk'G Suffix ^1 ka Ahom word (Khamti, ka).
YE1 Past Parti- ciple. Ti ka Ahom word
yh' Preposition Tl ka Ahom word (Shan and Khamti, the same).
yh <7 wir . Noun ka-ke Ahom word (Khamti, the same).
YU Yl/ Noun ka-keu Ahom word
w { r9 Adverb .. ka-nai Ditto
YV1 cv\f 1 Adverb .. ka-teu Ditto
.. Noun ka-plao Ditto
w . Adjective ka-phrang .. Ditto
W1 J, VJM .. Noun ka-mut Ditto



FtMt. . \5t^[ I



ffe feltM *tt^

(3ffl CTO *rfc-Tl I
(?rk1 I

*ttU I


i ^W5! to I fehsfi^ TOlfe'l

^ltT% C^t^ I

-, <4^11

Ws<§t3 **t I

^t*d i

^*t Itft ^1 I


A crow ; a forehead ornament; pain;
hardship; a tether block, a piece of
wood tied to the neck of an animal.

To dance.

A suffix of the past tense; such as
pai-ka, went.


Gives a different meaning to a word
being placed as a prefix to it; at;
behind, after.

A pigeon.

The name of a lakni (year) of an Ahom
Taosinga. Kakeu is the 60th
lakni. According to Ahom calcula-
tion 60 years make one Taosinga.
Each year of a Taosinga is called
a lakni and has a separate name.

At this; now.


The name of the 50th year of an Ahom


The name of the 20th lakni or year of
an Ahom Taosinga.





Ahom Parts of speech. I Pronunciation. Derivation and explana-
words. Assamese. English. tion of phrases, etc.
w' tf . Noun ka-mao Ahom word
YU { ego Noun FMt'S ka-rao Ditto
YU VU i, % . Adverb .. ka-lang Ditto
YU { H'S . Interroga- tive pro- noun. ka-(shang) . Ahom word (Khamti and Shan, the same) (ka=measure, shang =know).
YY1 WF Noun ka-sheu Ahom word i
w Noun I Tl (fft) ka (long) i Ditto
W Verb 1 ka Ditto
Wl Adjective wivn Noun kak Ditto
W1YU Verb ^ft; kak Ditto
wivn Adjective c ! YUtf . i I i Noun M kang (but pro- nounced as klang). ; Ditto
YuS Verb ^t X kang Ditto
YuS Adjective t^ (T^S M ^cu) kang (but always pronounced klang). Ditto
YMlS Noun ^ts (f^ ft?) kwang (but pronounced as kang ). Ditto ..
YVJlS Adjective ) kwang (but pronounced kang). | Ditto



frf'f&ft 8 o*t ?rtf^ ^1 nft i

^fwft >8N
^ts i


fcMwft *l HtfiF I

c enK i

CTht; (Tl^ft^; *rl I
} RhIh fJprtsr i

frft5, Hffttfa ; I


FftM^t? ; Wt; ft5 Nfft Wl $3 I

Nft crffi i

5Ttr I

*rrfi5; CTftj Wl; 'Nftfft; j

c^Wtt l

$5fl } ^ftl I


The name of the 40th lakni or year of
an Ahom Taosinga.

The name of the 14th lakni or year
of a Taosinga.

Behind, after.

What ?

The name of the 30th lakni or year
of an Ahom Taosinga.

Things given to the parents of a girl
when wooing ; seedlings ; trade.

To measure ; to trade ; to go.

Sufficient; as much as.

A stick used in stirring anything while
cooking; a stirrup; a kind ,of size
made from paddy boiled in water and
applied to the warp in weaving.

To spin a muga cocoon.

Watery, tasteless.

A cross-bow; width, breadth; a poke
for beasts.

To hide, to conceal; to feel hatred.

A kind of basket; measure ; breadth;
size ; the corner of the mouth.

Hump-backed; curved, bending.



VHP Yvrp ]





1 Ahom words. | Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
WK Noun kan Ahom word
YY1K Verb kan Ditto
vnS Adjective kan Ditto
WK V'-, Verb kan-pa Ditto
VYKM Noun kat .. ; Ahom word (Shan and
Khamti the same).
YYKM Verb kat Ahom word
WIOA Adjective kat Ahom word (Shan and
Khamti the same).
r oO vncvA YKI Noun kat-kim Ahom word
r YKIOA YKI Noun (, YYW vS . Verb kat-man Ditto
Noun vft ?ffs kat-plao Ditto
VMCM -tfOA . Noun <* r VY1OA VD Noun yyiw dSor . Noun kat-rao Ditto
<-* ,r W1OA w Noun kat-sheu Ditto
YUP Noun ^tt! kap Ahom word (Shan kap=
the husk of maize).
YUP Verb kap Ahom word (Shan the
PIP PVP . Verb FtHt! kap-kup Ahom word

Assamese. English.
1^; j j } CTW 1 Sulphur ; fasting ; an expert woman ; a stem; a pole for carrying a burden ; a great man ; a place ; mutuality.
CWW I1^ *11 ; S 1 To sprain, to be bent, folded; to fall; to unite ; to slip ; to begin.
PTtH 1 Even, level.
1 To copulate.
Wfa 1 A market, a market-place.
To cut to pieces ; to get dust into boiled rice.
1 Hard, difficult.
1 A shop-keeper.
The name of the 36th year of an Ahom Taosinga.
wre i To bite the hand.
'sitc^fsr ktsfwfa nfti The name of the 26th year of an Ahom Taosinga.
STtf?R Hfr 1 The name of the 56th year of an Ahom Taosinga.
The name of the 16th lakni or year of an Ahom Taosinga.
The name of the 46th lakni or year of an Ahom Taosinga.
ktsf&'Sfa =rf=r i The name of the 6th lakni or year of an Ahom Taosinga.
CTTft ; <^ | A sheath of the plantain or palm tree or arum plant; a scale ; a round, flat body.
csrVd cs?t^l i To join, to unite; to bite.
^tf5 T; 1 Take by force ; to quarrel; to contend.






0 r

yviyvi J

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
WV 1? Noun kap-ngi Ahom word
r fi r YUP VOft . Noun ftfa-fti kap-mit Ditto
HID VCjf . Noun kap-cheu Ditto
w wS .. Noun kap-shan Ditto
HID Noun kap-shi Ditto
hid yi v . Noun kap-shi-nga. Ditto
o YYI Noun ftfa kam Ditto
YYI Verb ftft kam Ditto
YYI VO Verb fttft-ft kam-kha Ditto
V# Adverb .. fa ki Ditto (Khamti the same).
Y$ W Adverb .. ftp ki Ditto
YV9 Adverb .. fa-^ft ki-shai Ditto
Noun fa ki Ahom word
Y$ Verb fa ki Ditto
Y$ VUtf Noun fa-ft$s ki-lang Ditto
YYI TV'S Adjective fa-ftfa ki-lang Ditto
Y$YY1 > Noun fa Y$YU J kik Ditto
yV)yu > ftft
YY^YYI J Noun kik Ditto



fasffaft *Ttf> ^1 Hfa I

ftsfagft i >*t *rtfa i

fasftgR ^tfa ^1 ft5! I

Nft^t5! *>*t ftfa ft ^43 ft5! I

Nftft5! 8 fttfa ft ftft*! ft5! I

Nttft5! fasftgft ftfa ft ft5! I

; Oft5! ; fafti ; Clfafa I

ft ; ftft ft; Clftft ft ; {3Sf1 ft ; Otft
; fa ; I

X 7 X 7

Nti? ft\ i

faftR ; fa^l I

faft^ i

faftn ; fa^ftfa i

^T4 ^fa ; Jftft; '*tft ; I

ftft ; ; wsx; ^fiS I

S5^ I



Cftft ft I

To chase with a stick.


The name of the 51st lakni or year of
an Ahom Taosinga.

The name of the 11th lakni or year of
an Ahom Taosinga.

The name of the 1st lakni or year of an
Ahom Taosinga.

The name of the 21st lakni or year of
an Ahom Taosinga.

The name of the 41st lakni or year of
an Ahom Taosinga.

The name of the 31st lakni or year of
an Ahom (< Taosinga.

A small bundle; a basket holding five
seers of grain; harm, mischief; the
reed used for making pans.

To prohibit, to hinder; to give prop ;
to lean on; to commit a crime; to
lie down ; to be made.

To make up into bundles.

How much ; how many.

How many.

How far.

A bud; the calyx of a flower; a loom ;
displeasure, discontent.

To blossom; to flower; to swell; to
make a bundle.

Nearness; vicinity.

Near, close to.

A young hog.


vvip ]




A horn words Parts of Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
i speech Assamese. j English.
Wig Noun i 1 fare 5pl sitUs king, but pro- nounced kling. Ahom word
Wig Verb i fR^grs fare! Jpt site's king, but pro- nounced kling. Ditto
Wig Adjective I Wre^fWs ta? > king, but pro- n o u n c e d kling. Ditto
vn' . . Noun i i \ * kling-ka Ditto
W?g j Noun 1 1R srfUs king, but pro- n o u n c e d kling. Ditto
vtfg Wi£ j Verb 1 gF'S ^R sftUs king, but pro n o u n c e d kling. - i Ditto
Wig J Verb i I 1 kin Ahom word (Shan and Khamti the same) but in these languages kin means both eat and drink.
Wig Y&vi Verb fan? kit Ditto
v^cvi Hip \ Verb fW .. kit Ahom word (Shan, kit, to bite).
Wig 5 1 ^oun I dp Ahom word (Shan, the same).
Wig .. 5 f erb .. j I P Ahom word
Wig vmk<4v £ foun I h dp-ku-rip-kan Ditto
Wig -u^g foun .. b ip-phu-rip .. Ditto



; W |

7 7 X

'Slttfl I

Sf^1 I

J U*R ; (TtSRtft ; , <*ratq I ..

*f5 J &Fl C^RC^btfff I

^f5r^ i

CSjigxs ?|t V951 I

j Ttft I



Wffitt I


A protuberance caused by outgrowth of a
branch, an eye of a tree; a lamp.

To feign; to alloy; to spring off, to be
flung off.


A peacock.

A cup; an usage; a two-pronged con-
trivance used for raising or supporting
anything; the screwpine flower; a
cord used in tying up a beast to a
stake in the middle of a field for graz-

To forge ; to swell, as rice when boiled;
to nestle ; to assume.

To eat; to enjoy.

A keeper, one who keeps.

To scream out loudly.

To be caught by a twig; to pick up
paddy; to husk paddy with the teeth.

Husk, chaff ; a long narrow piece of split

To pick up.

A piece of split bamboo used in a build-

A piece of split bamboo used in a build-



[^6 yz,



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. i English.
Noun FP1-q -*11 X =X x kip-bung-kha Ahom word
Y< Noun kip-rip-nu . Ditto
Y^V <£ dSvYEp Noun kip-rai-ru-kan Ditto
YT? Verb PR kim Ahom word (Shan, kim, to take hold of, hold).
Wiv? Noun TT# VR kin but pro- n o u n c e d -ken. Ahom word (Shan, kin, to choke in the throat; very).
Verb S'W Ditto Ahom word
Adjective Ditto Ditto
ydvS Adverb . W Ditto . . Ditto
y^vS Verb ken-ken Ditto
MP Noun i ku Ditto
Yq Noun h ku Ditto
n Verb i ku Ditto
vn z/ Adjective i p ! ku Ditto
Yrtt(f . . Noun site kiiw but pro- n o u n c e d klu. ! Ditto
Yyft mV Adjective kiiw Ditto
Y^WI9 Noun ku-kai Ditto
Verb 1 ku-kho Ahom word (ku, to fear; kho, neck; i.e. to bend down the neck with fear).




i I


X 7 X ' X


OTf? I


W'I'R, NE5 I

Cl'M7 ; I

OSft< J J I


CWffl 5 $5fl ; <2tC5J^ I

Clt*l I

AtW5! 51 ; j 51 I


T\ I


A long piece of split bamboo used in
tying thatches of a building.

A piece of split bamboo used in a build-

A narrow long piece of bamboo used in
a building.

To rule; to enjoy the fruit of (a king-
dom) ; to take hold of, to hold.

Of good breed ; earnings ; an arrow; a
kind of watergrass; the sticking of
boiled rice in the throat; an intensive

To cut by folding.


How many; very.

To bind fast.

A worm; a long-necked earthen pot.

A torch; a bedstead; a forehead orna-

To fear.

Crooked; each, every.


To stare; to be afraid of; to cast an
oblique look.


An Ahom clan, known as n Guimela.

To droop down with fear.



[ Y*V W1

yvjr 'wiR J

















wiS tn



















Assamese. I



'Sfaw wts


TS 7^


Verb .. i
Noun w.

Noun .. ;







kuk (pronoun-
ced kuk).

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.


Ahom word



Ahom word (Shan, kuk,
a mane).

Ahom word

Ditto . Ditto




kung but pro-
n o u n c e d





Ahom word (Shan, the

Ahom word




I Ditto


kun Ditto
kun Ahom word (Shan, kun).
kun Ahom word
kun-khrang.. Ahom word (kun, a man, khrang, a temple; i.e. a temple man.


Ahom word (kun, a man,
na, a field, kin, to
enjoy, i.e. 11 one who
enjoys a field.




fftfs ft I

5 (Mft ftM gftl I

TS) ; CTft ; W Of^rl |

5J |

(TFWft; I

mTl I

*5^1 I


tsr I


M; i

*iM; ^srl i ..



A Hindu

The anus.

To raise and put a post in a hole.

An Abor, a hill tribe in Assam ; a mane.

A piece of stone on which anything is
ground; attempts of fowl to fight;
the act of showing excessive fondness.

To feed chickens; to mould; to take
into company.

A hole in a tree; canker of a tree; a

To praise.

A bow ; a spinning wheel; a shrimp.

To pounce.

Slightly curved.

The throat.

Light; fighting.

To make over oneself to another.

A man.

To swell; to be uprooted; to return, to
come back.

A person belonging to a temple ; a per-
son attached to the temple.

A cultivator.





Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
wbk . Noun 1 kun-plang .. Ahom word (kun,aman, plang, a knot, i.e. a knot man ).
mji v ( Noun r e YV1U V Noun kun mi Ahom word (kun, a man, mi, a female, i.e. a female man, i.e. a woman ).
YVRVX Verb kut Ahom word
Adjective kut Ahom word (Shan, kut, hypocritical).
Wfu Noun kup Ahom word (Shan, the same).
vrrp ; Noun kup Ahom word
wrG Verb SW t?R Ditto Ditto
wrO & Adjective s^ir vns Ditto Ditto
r GO r Noun i -sts .. kup-kling-dao Ahom word (kup, va-

cant, kling, a screw-
pine flower, dao, a
star, i.e. vacated by
screwpine flowerlike









kum, but pro-
n o u n c e d

kum du but
kum du.

kun but pro-
11 o u n c e d

Ahom word (kup, a
layer, ru, a head, i.e.
a layer of head).

Ahom word (Shan, kum,
to stoop).

Ahom word (kum, stoop
down, du, to see, i.e.
stoop downward and

Ahom word (Shan and
Khamti, the same).

Assamese. English.
^51 w 1 One who binds himself to serve another { in payment of a debt.
A fool; an ignorant person.
STt^t Sfl^ 1 A woman.
vr sfft 3tr i To slip from the hand ; to seize and keep.
Hypocritical; crooked, bent.
1 A wicker hat serving as an umbrella.
Wt I A layer.
s?M 1 - To fold.
srtrer sites? RiteM; Xfl I Pierced through; vacant.
5tH CTfi Kfr 1 The name of a place in Shan States.
Tt'QCltsTl 1 * 1 The skull.
CSR^ ; Cttfcll ; '5IW5 SR ; X 7 ' X 7 1 To discuss in a meeting; to assemble and consult; to gather; to collect; to lower; to droop down; to stoop.
51 1 To look down.
1 i A plantain.





Ahom Parts of Peon unciatio n . Derivation and explana- Meanings.
words. speech. Assamese. English. tion of phrases, etc. Assamese. English.
Verb SfSR TO kun but pro- ii o u n c e d kui. Ahom word 1 I To turn up dirt, to reveal secret mis- conduct.
wvS R Noun kui-nam Ditto 1 A kind of aquatic plant.
Noun ke Ditto Wl \5t3 1 The Assamese title of Barua ; a great man.
Verb C Adjective C <7YMr VdGr . Noun Noun w-? ke-chu ke-re Ditto Ditto '9CI 1 1 A quality ; an attribute. The armpit.
Vyni Verb v>4Lvvi Verb kek Ditto ; *11 i To sob ; to finish quickly; to take a sip of water.
Wli§ Noun keng Ditto Itft ; Sltfo 1 Sufficiency.
Wit'S Verb keng Ditto J CTW ; (TFtWl (7tfa3 ? 1 To suffice ; to measure ; to be of certain length.
witn Noun <7R ken Ditto ^FWfa | Tribute.
wtt; Verb (7^1 fcs C^T I ken, but pro- nounced fklen. Ditto ^<( ; ; CTtC5tTl *11 1 To drink ; to swallow ; to rub ; to sprain.
WlttM Verb (7FS ket Ditto *lftW; fetft 'srfiMtiT lft 1 To pounce down upon ; to remain stick- ing to something when dragged away.
Wllv Verb kep Ditto TO *Ftft 5t ; W 1 1 To take by force; to quarrel; to con- tend.
Wl9 Noun kai Ahom word (Shan, kai, a fowl). 11^1 ; TtDFl i C^Wft I A fowl; a bridge ; a hand rail. a
wi9 Verb .. i 1 i kai Ahom word (Shan, kai, to feel an itching sensation). ft ; 515; SRWl; <5(5; ft ; C*ll I To lay a bridge; to plaster; to wipe; to feel an itching sensation; to pre- vent from advancing by standing in the way; to surround; to stand in the way of ; to drive away.
wf Adjective kai Ahom word WF YtS^ 1 Elder.


|_ vn





Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
yh Adverb .. kai-kai Ahom word
YV? 6 Noun kai-nam Ahom word (kai, a fowl, nam, water, i.e. a water fowl).
D Noun ^-*TT'8 kai-lao Ahom word
wtoIk .. Noun kai-then Ahom word (kai, a fowl, then, jungle, i.e. a jungle fowl).
YH(f } wf 5 Noun W kao Ahom word (Shan, kao, a spider).
vnor | wf J Pronoun .. Ft'S kao Ahom word (Shan and Khamti, the same).
YY1(f > YVlf 5 Verb Tf'S kao Ahom word
YYl(f } vnf 5 Numeral .. Ft'S kao Ahom word (Shan and Khamti, the same).
YYI(f ) YYlf J Adjective Ft'S kao Ahom word
YYlf Y$0~ Noun ^f\g_f o r yyi Noun OR kem Ditto
wif Verb OR kern Ditto
YlV Noun R'S kiw Ditto
Verb kiw i Ditto


; 3RS| I


ora Ftft i


} CWl J ; 'Slf^ ; foR j J

*Rl I

it I

CTt?R, ^l H J ; tWTl I

a (^), HI

j ; (?l?1 ; CWl j *354 I



C5W1 3 |^?f I

^Wtfb W; Iff; ^ft;

Orf? ; I

*tt^5l j 55^*11 , <$ ll; ^1

tsrl ; SR ; ll I

7 7 X 7



All around; gradually.
A fisherman.

A kind of mat.
A jungle fowl.

A spider; an owl; the calf of the leg ;
injury; dew ; the weight of the body ;
the heart.

To remember; to swell; to mix together.

The number 9, nine.

Old; other ; not thoroughly ripe ; fresh ;

The lower part of the leg.

The cheek.

To become too salt; to finish eating.

A kind of bamboo lath ; a small conical
flower basket; a hint; an obstacle, a
misfortune; sin; a long stick with a
hook ; a needle; the cheek.

To taste; to feel an uneasy sensation in
the wind pipe ; to wear out the sharp
edge of a knife; to wind thread; to
surround, to prevent from advancing;
to go quickly.

Swift, rapid.









vflo kk











wrg w
YV$ t?
wr§ vug?

























Assamese. English.

*rtut i

'^<1 Vfra



^<1 Vfra


Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.




Ahom word


kva but pro-
no unced




kvak but pro-
nounc ed






kang but pro-








i kan




Ahom word (Shan, the

Ahom word













Wj fosKl i
3tft? I

; ftfcR I
ftt1 ; ; ?Tl I

'fWtl I

ft? I

*R1 rft i

(f*Tl ; I

ft^T j I

oft ft I

Tl^t I

raftfo, Wftt I

pft 5 ftn <75t*R ; I

Ct'fa ft ; Wftftft ; Slfttl I

j I


Very bright.

The cheek-bone.

A term of friendship to a Naga.

To prune ; to smooth.

A horn ; a water-pot, a pitcher ; lac.

To set fire to.



Overburnt rice.

To prune ; to bring into subjection.

A gun; a drum; a musical instrument.

To husk paddy ; to spread on a bamboo

A water animal.

Only; nothing but.

A gun.

A cannon.

A germ; a rafter ; cream; a pipe; a
tube; a load taken on one shoulder;
the front; a hard mass; a block;

To get worm ; to carry a thing suspend-
ed; to do ; to receive homage.

Good; nice.






Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
yy$ . . Noun i kan-tun .. Ahom word (kan, a germ, tun, a tree hence kan-tun = germ tree, i.e. origin).
Yvy; TJO1 wIyyi Noun kan-phra-phok Ahom word (kan, a mass, phra, a rock, phok, white, hence kan-p h r a-p h 6 k=a mass of white rock).
Yqp U01 vt>r Noun I I kan-pha-neu Ahom word (kan=good, pha=air, neu=great, hence kan-pha-neu= good and great air).
YYJP wS Wl Noun I kan-jan-pha Ahom word (k§,n=good, j an=glittering, pha =king; hence, kan- jan-pha=a good and glittering king).
YYJP W1 Noun kan-chung-pha i Ahom word (kan=good, chung=unmoved, pha = God, hence good and unmoved God).
YYlCVv D Verb kat j Ahom word (Shan, kat, embrace).
wry Noun kap Ahom word
A Verb A Adjective ^1 kam Ditto
Verb kay Ditto
A Verb koi Ditto
A Particle .. koi Ditto
A Adverb .. koi f Ditto
A i Verb kloi i Ditto I i i







ffM? Kfa, ^9^ JFt*R I


JR ; *rl ; Jft I

X 7 J


C^hD ; JRfl ; WR I


*ifa? Jfl i

Jfl ; W JR I

7 \ 7 7 \

fsRTR ttw 'Sl^s ^ I



A mass of white rock, Mount Meru.

The name of the Vayus, or air-gods.

The name of a deity, king of northern
quarter of heaven.

The good God.

To embrace ; to abandon; to go away
by force.

A fortnight; a simple woman.

To bend; to control; to bow.

To go idly, to go slowly.

To stay; to wait, to be finished; to

A suffix of the past or perfect tense.
Alone ; lonely ; only.

To go slowly.





k>{, (^ri, Kha).

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and Explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. ! English.
E5,' Noun i kha Ahom word (Shan, Khamti and Siamese kha=a slave; Shan, kha=thatching grass; Shan, kha-~= the thigh).
E5' Verb ti kha Ahom word
YUS W9 Noun kha-kang-lai ! i Ditto
vo, yyir wr yvir Verb VO WR Verb kha-phan . Ditto
W wg . Noun ¥l-*lt'Sx kha-lang Ditto
J 0 WYYl . Noun wj§ . Noun <11-^ kha-lung Ditto
vo^ yiAS v% W YU Verb VO VtfL Vt$ Noun kha- leng-lung Ditto
vo . Noun *I1(M|3x kha-neng Ditto
>0 ,7^9 Noun kha-dai Ditto
vox Noun <11 kha Ditto
VOYU Noun : VOYU Verb VOYU Adjective VO YU VO Adverb . khak-khrai . Ditto
VOYU VOR . Adjective vo§ . i I Noun


3^, j Ct3 5 ; V? ; CS I

Â¥l^ ; C*Tfa ; C33ft3M ; Wjsl I


Â¥tl> I
33t<1 I
5t¥3 I


PiWk ot i

^<13 CM51 I
umRr i

f*t3l I

?F3 ; ¥*11 3t^3 *131 ; fh^3f1 I

&Â¥tf*( *tt3 : 5MW13 I

X 2

f¥Wf*I fast*!; THSffH I

3Â¥i*n yf^cs i

HFst*I ; W I

Â¥t3 I

j English.


A domes tic} a slave ; thatching grass ;
the thigh ; the hand ; a mlechha.

To cut; to ask for something ; to search;
to censure ; to frighten.

. A tribe in Assam called Miri, a Miri.

. To fight hand to hand.

. To cut.

. A man of the Barahi caste.

. A male servant.

. The thigh.

. Bind very fast.

. The first layer of a thatched roof.

. A female servant.

. A ladder.

.. A stool, a seat.

.. i The lines on the palm of the hand; the

! son of a black man ; stillness.

. i To click with the tongue; to clear the

. I Solitary ; quiet; lonely.

, i In every division, everywhere.

. i Still; quiet and at peace.

Happiness ; a dam ; a loom ; a top ; the
trunk of the body; a stick thrown from
the hand ; the wicker basket; the side.



Y> VR <£ >, j



Ahom words. Parts ! of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. ! English.
V3§ Verb .. ; khang Ahom word
V3'S Adjective khang Ditto
R1 Adverb . VOR Noun *llH khan Ditto
VOR Verb . i khan Ahom word (Shan, khan
)OR VoAl . Adjective khan to Ahom word
VOR w.. Adverb . khan-ma-cham Ditto
VOOA Verb rtT> khat Ahom word (Shan, khat




'h wi wi


io r a? vi

K> aV
x> uot-vvi


vb VR eg'















khat-phuk ..






kham-phok .

; kham-man .



=to divide).

Ahom word



Ahom word (Shan and
Khamti, the same).

Ahom word








i Assamese. English.
fl A[j53Tt ; Wfa 1 Even, level; horizontal.
i Before, in presence of.
; TFHi J Ttf5 WFl } j 5[tsi4 } An axe; acute pain; a sickle; a weav- ing shuttle; two boats lashed to- gether ; rust; a fish spear; a word ; peace, a spur.
j ftl ' X 7 To neglect; to trade; to speak; to go quickly; to sprinkle holy water; to make haste ; to draw or fall down.
j fHrfa i Alone; solitary.
CrtHPtCSI I As soon as.
J ll J i To blame, to censure; to tear, to break asunder ; to divide into parts ; to be defeated ; to go, to proceed.
Cff5 1 To yoke.
*rw it*r j To make into selves.
FttiKj chTci } ; wi} , i. Cloth ; gold ; a word ; news ; evening ; a granary; a kind of musical instru- ment.
To lessen; to become evening ; to burst; to sting, to pierce.
Wl 5 W 1 A servant; a pious man.
1 The river Sobansiri.
fgcfl . . 'stfC^ST 1 A kite ; a slave ; an Ahom.
H 1 To learn to speak.
* 1 To happen.
1 A slave.



[ 13

Y>(V\ I



Ahom Parts of speech. Pronunciation.
words. Assamese. English.
13 < 3 0 C 13 Noun kham-deng .
9 Noun ft khi . .
9 VO Verb ft khi
9 9 9 I'O vu v Noun ft-ft-ft khi-li-mi
0 S' V0W1 Noun ft<^ m o rovn Verb W TO Ditto
13^ i Noun ft'Sx khing . ,
13g Adjective ft$ khing
13^ Noun ft\ ft 3ft SC5 khing but pro- n o u n c e d khring.
V3K 1 Ton y Noun PA khin
VOK * VOK 5 Verb PA khin
VOK > 9^ r VOK > Adjective PI3 khin
o r* VOAA i fi n ? VZOA ) Noun khit

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word


Ahom word (Shan, khi
=dung; ordure; khi
=distress, difficulty).

Ahom word




Ahom word (Shan,
khing (open) = ginger,
khing (medium) =a
chopping block on
which bhang is min



ftfeft fwi i

CTPA safstP I

ft£l, I



5 2t15 3tfft ft I

*$Sr1 3*3 I
5 ftiA I

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan,
khing=the body).

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, khin
=to be unlucky).

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, the


. 5ji, i

5 ftftft 5 3ft ; 3ft 331 3^3 31 3ftl I

Wl; 5^1 33ft 3Aj Stft CftSft ;
*33 S3 J C531 ;
T5^1 |^1 I

C3J |


A medicinal bitter root brought down
by the Mishmis (Captis Teeta).

A gold canopy, a gold tapestry.

Dung; ordure; a peacock; distress,

To get up, to rise.

A Doha ; a man of a hill tribe in Assam.

A guest; a spirit; worship; the river

To worship a god (Deva).

Ginger; a chopping block on which
bhang is minced.

Large, fat.

A canopy; the body.

Distress ; any injurious accident; a fence
raised across a stream to catch fish ;
a permanent work or event.

To strip off the rind of a tree or plant;
to smooth a post; to clear the feathers
(of a bird); to be ended; to suffer
from looseness of bowels ; to plant at
a vacant place; to leave behind.

Thinner than other parts, becoming
gradually thinner towards the end ;
ripe but hard ; not even ; unpractised.

A toad, a frog.





r o
| Y2QA

Ahom words. Parts i of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.

M } Verb khit Ahom word (Shan, khit =to raise one end up-
Noun khit-kin Ahom word, khit=a
! frog, kin=to eat, i.e. one who eats frog.

yiv 1 Noun khip Ahom word.
Verb f*l<3 khip Ditto
v§v Adjective khip Ditto
ySvS Noun f*l^3 khin but pro- Ditto
<[f*I 5itC5f nounced cf khen.
Verb Ditto Ditto
&& Adverb . '3W f?7/( Ditto Ditto
Verb khen-bai Ditto
n Noun 3P khu but pro- Ditto
I 1 ifih *rf Verb Ditto . Ditto
vftor 1 Noun si5 1T*I khu but pro- Ditto
VOo ) nounc ed khru.
vAf Verb Ditto Ditto
v& vfto" wft V&o~ . Noun khru-kang . Ditto


fiH ; 'Qftfo Tft? ; <71*11 ;

*lt#t tTl I


ttfoRt; fevM ; j <77t, C5<7ft1 I
bf ll I
<.W i

W ?t5t I

Wl *[*11 3 ;

7t^h( i

TfOFl 5 j I


7 X

fN ; I

0^1 ; C^jg |

twl 5 \5t\§<( |

^g I

^T-^fg I


To pull upwards; to raise one end up-
wards ; to throw with a stick ; to be

A frog-eater.

The shoulder-blade ; a shoe ; high land ;

To arrive at.


The spots in the moon.

To save; to be a friend; to hang; to
remain ; to be better.

Very, much.

To help.

A bridge; a wooden stand on which a
manuscript or a printed book is placed,
at the time of reading; a mortar in
which grain is pounded.

To fry ; to smile.

A beam ; a bunch ; a cluster ; a creeper ;
the sharp edge of a dao; leafless
trees; a kind of snare for birds;
length, size.

To obstruct a passage with thorns; to
happen ; to occur : to roll along.

Wet, great.

To remain continually in doubt.

A small beam placed between a main
post and a post at the eaves.

A small beam placed just above the
main beam.




[ R

VV1 ]



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
X}W Noun fa fa khuk (pro- nounced khuk. Ahom word.
k>S e? Noun ^fa 3R fa khung but pronounced khrung. Ditto
Verb s*Rh ifR Ditto Ditto
Noun fa5 fa fa khung but pronounced khrung. i Ditto
you Noun fa< fa fai Res i khun but pro- n o u n c e d khun. Ahom word (Shan khun, a king).
Verb 'SRH RR Ditto Ahom word
roS uoi ZS D *- Noun JHfa-Vl khun-khak- pha. Ditto
K Noun khun-ngu .. Ditto
l-op oa', . Noun khun-ta Ditto
1-OR 101 . . Noun khun-pha .. Ditto
K>J; PK Noun khun-ban . Ahom word (khun, a prince, ban, the sun).
TOtj TO. . Noun facfa-RR .. khun-theu- kham. Ahom word
K>js m Noun Khun-la Ditto



5Tt^; F'fa TtC^R OTRR1 (fafcl ; xf*I I ..

fat ; OStNl j NtSf^ fa ; <931 I

ww 't?r i


fafrl ; Cftfah I

W1 J faR< ; ^tfa ; j CTR ;

StfR &f }
fWTl 5 fall ; CfafaRl I

i os's R ^t opR

Wl Rtfa l

Ij3j I OS'S WR faft) OPR Wl

Rtfa I

fasR 3j3 I Os'S 5[fa§ ^t§t, OpR
wl 'srtf^n i



*33j | OS'S OfR
'Nffal I


A tadpole; a room with planked walls ;

Frost; a puddle; the highest part of
anything ; a castor-oil plant.

To divide or distribute equally.

A room.

A king; a prince; a priest; a kind of
water-worm; the hair on the body,
down; a high platform used for watch-
ing elephant; muddy water.

To mix together ; to reconcile ; to snore.

Fourth son of Khunlung. He was a
king of the country called Junlung or

Third son of Khunlung. He was a king
of Lamungtai.

Khunta was the sixth son of Khunlung.
He was a king of Ava, in Burma.

Khunpha was the second son of Khun-
lung and ruled the country called

Solar-race. The Buragohain family is
said to be descended from the sun.

The name of a deity.

Khunla was the fifth son of Khunlung
and ruled the country called Mung-



[V5R wjg













Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.







Noun khun-lung . Ahom word (khun, a prince, lung, elder).
w9 Noun khun-lai 1 Ahom word (khun, a prince, lai, younger).
Wlor . Noun khun-shu Ahom word (khun, a prince, shu, a tiger ; i.e. a prince tiger or a tiger prince).
Noun khut Ahom word
Verb khut Ahom word (Shan khut, to divide boiled rice).
Noun khut-ngi Ahom word
.. Noun *4>-fti> khut-mit Ditto
wf .. Noun khut-cheu . Ditto
TVH . Noun ^ft khut-shan .. Ditto
1# .. Noun khut-shi Ditto ..

(?4J544 (^4) 4tft I C'S 8So t4*5
SFfa 441 CTft 44ftt4 4tft 'ftft ^ft^4ft
'Nft5 4f1 ^9 I ttF 'tt44?

*14=11W4 ltft br F4ft I

4^4 wi 47? Cf*! 4f1

i ^ft 8 o 4ftj cstt 4^4

4ft I

J^Tt^ ^4 'SfaFF I Sfft

4ft ^ftCI4 4^4 gKft 4r1
ft I OS'S 8 o 4ftj C|5f qfa ^>1 ft I

J4-^, 1 C' 4t7ft4:4 4ftT

t. 4$4ftt 4ft1 I 4 4 4ft

4ftl Cwft 4fft I


t 4ft ; t ftp tW ; ft I

^f, fet'Qftsft 48 ltf> 41 4ft4 4ft I

Mt^ft '^tsftt4 8l ltfft1 4ftC^ft

4ft I

^C5^, 'SltCFft feftfBsft 8 TtfiP 41 4ftftft
4ft I

fet'Sftsft 8 41 4ftiftf4 4ft I

'NtC^ft M'8ftt4 18 ^Itft 4l 454ftf4
4ft I


Khunlung, the grandson of Lengdon
(Indra), came down from heaven to the
earth by means of an iron ladder, in
490 Saka era (or in 568 A.D.), and
arrived at Mungrimungram. He made
a city there and became king. In
course of time, his brother Khunlai
quarrelled with him for the kingdom.
He fled to Lengdon and according to
the advice of the latter came down
again and became king of the country
called Mungkhumungjao. He
reigned there for 40 years and then
went back to heaven.

Khunlai was the younger brother of
Khunlung. He came down from
heaven with Khunlung. He was first
made Jubaraj (a heir-apparent)
but he quarrelled with Khunlung and
made himself king of Mungrimung-
ram. He died having ruled the coun-
try for 70 years.

Khunshu was the 7th son of Khunlung.
He succeeded his father at Mung-
khu-mung-jao. He died after a
reign of 25 years.


To divide boiled rice; to scatter boiled
rice ; to dig ; to tear.

Khutngi, the 27th year or lakni of an
Ahom Taoshinga.

Khutmit, the 47th year or lakni of an
Ahom Taoshinga.

Khutcheu, the 37th lakni or year of an
Ahom Taoshinga.

The name of the 57th lakni or year of
an Ahom Taoshinga.

Khutshi, the 17th lakni or year of an
Ahom <( Taoshinga.



[ WW '

v/vf Y>K 0% OA R ]



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
KM vfc' . Noun ^-fF1 khut-shinga.. Ahom word
YQ> Noun T3 khup Ahom word (Shan khup, any cycle of time).
Verb rt khup Ahom word (Shan khup (closed), to kneel down ; khup (open), to have an ache, to bite).
ktG v9 Verb THfa khup-bai Ahom word (khup, to kneel down, bai, to place).
o Noun 5R khrum Ahom word (Shan khum, (closed), ladder).
o n, Verb khrum Ahom word (Shan khum, to itch).
Adjective 3R fal . . khrum for khum) Ahom word (Shan khum).
Noun 'fa IFF khun but pro- nounced khui Ahom word (Shan luk- khui).
Verb 'St^R tfU Ditto Ahom word
yn? Wo* .. Noun fa FT'S (^1 Ft'S) khui chao (or khrui-chao) Ditto
Verb Ct khe Ahom word (Shan khe (open), to deliver from a present evil).



^fF1, *itf> ^1 Kft I

*pSF I

'qt^t ; ^^1 ; fa j Ftft Fl I

^fa i

^<1; W1 I

fwl I

fatfa? i

ftf i


5|ft, fa j CWf^ I

f/Rj ^1 't? I

fa'S^^t I


Khutshinga, the 7th lakni or year of an
Ahom Taoshinga.

A fortnight.

To kneel down ; to have a painful bit
ing sensation in the joints; to be
finished ; to taste salt.

To sit kneeling down.

A pond ; a ladder.

To fall upside down ; to itch ; to rub.


A son-in-law.

To sigh ; to thrust or impel by the neck.

The wife of a fathers younger brother.

A river ; a casting net; asthma.

To enclose with a hedge ; to remove the
effect of the evil eye.

The Hindu styx.



[ r\ oR




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
/Yr o% &{, Noun khe-nam-ti-ma , Ahom word (khe = a river, nam = water, ti = a place, ma = to come, i.e. a river com- ing from a watery place).
t'/vf R Y o Noun khe-nam-shao. Ahom word (khe = a river, nam = water, shao=full, i.e,. a river full of water).
wr D Noun khe-nam-ti- lao. Ahom word (khe = a river, nam = water, ti = a place, lao to infatuate, i.e. a river from a beautiful place).
i Noun kho Ahom word (Shan kho, the neck ; kho, a pole with a hook to pull something).
Verb *1 kho Ahom word
An $0 . Noun kho-niu Ahom word (kho = a knot, a joint, niu = a finger, i.e. a finger- joint).
1 O1R .. Noun kho-tin Ahom j word (kho = a joint, tin = a leg, i.e. a leg-joint).


Assamese. English.
1 The river Dhansiri, in the Golaghat Sub- Division, in the Sibsagor District in Assam. The river Dikhau, in the Sibsagar Sub- Division, in the Sibsagar District.
mix 1
Wf The river Lohit, in Assam, a branch of the Brahmaputra.
C5U1 1 The Sessa river, in Assam.
1 The river Brahmaputra, in Assam.
5 ; Wt 1 The neck ; a hoe ; a pole with a hook to pull something ; a tie, a knot; a chap- ter, a division of a book.
To glitter ; to catch by the neck.
In company with, with.
The kunckles.
sftft 1 The thigh joint.




[ Vki vlo



r r *1

Ko or Ko J

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. i Derivation and explana- j tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
fto" . Noun m kho-mu Ahom word (kho = a joint, mu = a hand, i.e. a hand-joint).
kIvvi Noun khek Ahom word
q kIS Noun CR khen i Ahom word (Shan, khiin).
ftlS Verb khen 1 Ahom word (Shan, khun = to ascend).
vAcm Verb khet i Ahom word (Shan, khut = to overtake ; khut = to scratch).
Noun c*i*t khep Ahom word (Shan, khup (closed)).
iA£ Verb c*t^ khep Ahom word
k> Noun *tft *rft tft wr khai, pronoun- ced khrai. Ahom word (Shan, khai = an egg ; dirt).
io Verb '8^ HC io Adjective 'SWl VfTI Ditto Ahom word
Ioi Noun *fft-Â¥l khrai-pha Ditto
lol £ Noun kli ra i-p h a rung-kham. Ditto
lof or K> lof or k>o2 . Pronoun . *lfs khao Ahom word (Shan, khau = they, all).


Assamese. English.
1 The wrist.
| A kind of bamboo scoop used in catching fish
The name of a place called u Jakaisuk at Jhanji in the Sibsagor Sub-Divi- sion.

3fft, ft*11 1 Night.
j 8^ 1 To get up. to ascend; to return, to go back.
C*(ft *11 i C*(ft j *11 1 To chase ; to overtake; to be scratched.
A span.
1 To kindle fire by applying cotton or the like.
45 4^' j 4ft , ^ftUr i tWh 1 A buffalo ; an egg ; dirt; a cocoon ; soli- tude.
; (Al*t ; ^41 ft*[ ; CT4 ; 1 To roar ; to eject from the mouth ; to count; to join; to write ; not to leave ; to backbite.
j ; 4^1 1 Living alone ; sick, ill.
Wl 1 A king.
2tf^pftis*tft 444 onrsfa Wi i Khraipharungkham is the name of a deity.
5 4 ; ft? ; ; *HHI | Paddy; boiled rice; the heddle of a loom; a horn ; a boil; an earring ; yawning ; a kind of open closed bas- ket made of wood.
CY-sft^ft j WMl 1 They; all.



[ K>f or vo0r



^6 r i

X>0 J

A hom words. Parts of speech. j Pronun Assamese. CIATION. English. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
K>f or vorf. . Adjective Sit'S khao Ahom word (Shan, khaw = white).
vof or K>(f. . Verb sfts khao Ahom word (Shan,.khaw to enter; to shake).
vof or ko. . Preposition Sit'S khao Ahom word
yhi . Noun lt'S-^ khao-ko Ditto
r r X>0 YV1YY1 . Noun sit'S-^ khao-kak .. Ditto
K>f YWo~ Noun stt'S-'^t'S khao-kao Ditto
r o Noun S|f'3-s^ khao-nung .. Ditto
r Noun . i stT'-S-^ khao-tun Ditto
kUS .. Noun .. 1 sltS-f*R khao-pin Ditto
Vf VCM Noun . i s|TS-FTO-(3x . khao-bit-heng 1 Ditto
Hr VR Noun srts-^ khao mun .. Ditto
yS Noun I CR5 kheu Ahom word (Shan khaii = desire).
yS Verb .. 1 Cl^ kheu Ahom word
yS Adjective RIY kheu Ditto
r r vo w \ . Verb kheu-eheu-du. Ahom word (kheu = thought, cheu=heart, du = to see, i.e. to think in ones mind).
r Noun khriw Ahom word (Shan, khiw = a tooth).
r K>0 Verb khriw Ahom word
<-A <- K>o Adjective fa^ khriw Ditto


Assamese. English.
Stfl, ^1 . | White: nice.
^5fi j CTftl;. CRWR; FF; To put into; to enter; to shake; to nurse; to prepare a raft; to jump away; to consult.
| In, within.
SR fif 1 To grant a boon.
Rice not properly husked.
i Crushed or split chaff. Boiled Bara rice (it becomes soft when put in water).
The unbroken and coarser rice which re- mains on the sieve after sifting.
27 i i Broken rice.
WH 1 Barley.
Wt, 1 Rice frumentry.
} 1 Wish, desire; thought.
sR 1 To get over-sunned.
1 Good.
HY ''R 1 To think in ones mind.

life J W-SR*!;


25l-c7ti^tal j 5rt\ i

IwfafW , 2^ , 1

A stack of wood; a tooth ; sneezing ; a
kind of snare for birds ; a plank;
dark colour ; a putrid smell.

To smell putrid; to put food into the

Deep-dark, dark in colour ; full of dirt;
having the smell of raw fish or flesh.

K$ k ]





r Sc
L Ko

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
r VOo Adverb .. khriw Ahom word
ICO YH-tf Noun khriw-klang Ahom word (khriw = a tooth, klang = mid- dle, i.e. a middle tooth).
r r yoo cvw; Noun khriw-tun Ahom word (khriw = a tooth, tun = a root, i.e. a root-tooth).
r 9 K>o V Noun khriw pai . Ahom word (khriw = a tooth, pai = frontal).
r /a TOo cteOA . 0 Adjective khriw-rat Ahom word (khriw = a tooth, rat=fallen, i.e. fallen tooth or tooth- less).
K0W Noun khak Ahom word (Shan, khak = an enclosure for animal).
K^ K Noun khak-khan . Ahom word (khak = an enclosure, kham = a store, i.e. an enclosure to a store).
KpW VP'S . Noun khak-chang. . Ahom word (khak = an enclosure, chang = an elephant, i.e. an en- closure for elephant).
KW . Noun khak-dang . Ahom word (khak = an enclosure, dang = a nose, i.e. an enclosure to a nose).
Noun khrang Ahom word (Shan, khang = articles, spe- cially large articles).
nS Verb khrang Ahom word
K$ Adjective khrang Ditto
nS k£ . Noun khrang-khroi Ditto


t|\5 I

'<1 vffa I

Ws i





jtPk srfsj i

W ; ^1 , I

<5^ 5,^1 I

*Kt I



Yes, to say yes.

A middle tooth.

A grinder.

A frontal tooth.


i An enclosure for animal; a cow-house ;
; chrysalis, a cocoon.

A threshhold.

An enclosure for elephant; an elephant-

The cartilage of the nose.

Articles, property, specially large ar-
ticles ; anything thrown away; the
breadth of a cloth ; a temple ; a kind
of basket; a kind of water grass.

To be in disorder.


An alligator.



[nS wag



Ahom words. s Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
ng weg .. Noun khrang-ling Ahom word (khrang = goods, ling = cattle, i.e. goods and cattle).
K>d£ Noun khan Ahom word (Shan? khan = a club).
K>CR Verb khan Ahom word
V3qK Adjective khan Ditto
Noun khSt j Ditto
K>d0A Verb khat Ahom word (Shan^ khat = to be a knot).
nv Noun khap Ahom word
Verb khap Ditto
Noun khap-rang . Ditto
A> Noun kham Ditto
h>o . I Verb R kham Ditto
o z>D Adjective *Rs kham Ditto
o <"* VOoNR Noun R-RR kham-man Ditto
Noun 2!? khroi Ditto
K> Verb 21^ khroi Ditto
Adjective at khroi Ditto
K>^ i 1 Noun 2|^R khroin Ditto


Assamese. English.
Goods and chattels.
'NflR, ; RR ; j feWR CRRtR 1 . Duration of life, life ; mind; a hammer ; a club ; a bridle.
5R J To move.
CTHI ; 5R1 1 Muddy, turbid ; slightly putrid.
fWF 1 A teacher.
Rftij ft ; jRl ; Rtfe ; *R I To tie,, to bind; to tie a knot; to frighten; to select; to fall down from above.
j <$R1 ; j 1 A mortar; a small box; a weavers peg ; a circle, a ring.
RR SfTI 1 X7 To shut up.
rrr *rh51 A piece of board on a wall of an amphi- theatre.
RR1 ; fRCRUI fwi I A word ; a subject of talk or thought.
; CRfa 1 To become upside down ; to ask.
Hi Cropped.
CRH ^1 I The turning out correctly of something said ; the fulfilment of a prophecy.
fR3f, rcri 5 w cw 'nMI; c^Rl rri i The male organ; the narrow eaves of a house; a mistake made in weaving.
*rt*t i r,, u r II To be destroyed. Zigzag; dead.
; RRl 1
i A shark, a crocodile.



(!, Nga).




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. 1 English. i
Noun 1 (£T§) nga (short) .. i Ahom word (Shan, nga = the sesamum and its seed).
T^i Verb Ditto Ahom word (Shan, nga to aim at).
V Adjective 3*RH HCH Ditto .. i Ahom word
Noun $1 ( hRh ) nga (long) . I I Ahom word (Shan, nga ; = a tusk)
Noun t-1 I nga-nga ! Ahom word
Noun ngak Ditto
gw Verb ngak Ditto
& Noun R ngan Ditto
Noun ngap Ditto
IjV Verb <§t*t ngap Ditto
g Noun Rs ngam Ditto
g Verb R ngam i i Ahom wj|d (S h a n, ngam = to hatch, to incubate).
g Adjective tH ngam Ahom word.
if Noun fe ngi Ditto
if Adjective f ngi Ditto
if . Noun f-t3-RR , . ngi-ngao- kham. Ditto
if <4g i% .. Noun f-fHS-HR .. X ngi-ring-kham Ditto
gw Verb f^ ngik Ditto




W5l I

W; I

^5 i


fttRl. Yfflfwffr ?T| cq^rl b? Hl I
5 o^chR i

c*ff, C&CRI I

HI ; ctfl ft ; I

j CWl, cWl 5 CHtn I

''jWt ; j (RH *n I

Cfl I


^5fHH <1F5HR HR I


'NRrtT hr i




The sesamum and its seed ; the spikes
attached to a fish-trap.

To aim at.


Ivory; a tusk; a mole (on the body).

Many moles.


To rend asunder ; to go aside.

A cobra; a kind of disease (a form of

The tongs.

To be overburnt; to press down, to
lean ; to be defeated.

A hole ; a leaning or reclining pressure ;
a prop.

To cover the body from head to foot
with a cloth ; to hatch, to incubate ;
to warp (as a board).

Nice, handsome, beautiful.

The barking deer ; the youngest son of
a family.


The youngest son of God.

The younger son of Dakham. He is also
called Lengdon.

To strike.






Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc
Assamese. English.
o za 0 dS W . Verb ngik-ru-shi .. Ahom word
Verb ngin. Ahom word (Shan, ngin)
$? Verb ngin-ku Ahom word
15V Noun f<3 ngip Ditto
Noun $ ngu Ahom word (Shan, ngu =a snake)
< 5 Verb $ s ngu Ditto
Noun (§\§ ngung Ditto
) $ } Noun R ngun Ditto
Verb Sf ngup Ditto
vz Noun OS nge Ditto
Adjective C(§ ngne Ditto
gr Noun c I < f Verb $ ngaw Ditto
5 Noun ngek Ditto
$ ) M 5 Noun ngen Ahom word (Shan, ngun =silver)
$ h9 iZ 1 Noun ngen-hoi-shao- kho Ahom word
0 <" Loa Verb nget Ditto
l£G Verb G§^ ngep Ditto


w I

n i
vtWxt? i

3TM } |


; UftfW 5(1 j I

bR, 5ttf5Kl I

^5 wtf I

%l J ftwtt J eftll .; Ut^ 5 cfW i

Ctft J w, ^51 I


C<5H ; Vi ; 5 CTft I

tt^t HN I

i j ^,5 I


cst?rl i




To strike the head against something.
To hear.

To get frightened.

A kind of stand.

A snake, a serpent; the fifth son of a

A chasm.

To lay down a pole; to go with the
body bent; to break by trampling.

A chair.

Mutual pleasure.

To remain with the head raised.

A boundary; a well-doer, one who does
kindly action ; a stopper made of soft
materials, a cork; ashes ; a prop.

Even, straight; sincere; bowed, bent
(of the body).

A stick thrown from the hand.

To roar ; to peep through ; to grope for ;
to suck.

An imaginary water animal, a water

Silver; a skein of thread ; the gum; a

A necklace.

To aim at.

To break a piece of split bamboo.





Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
Noun ngai Ahom word
Verb <§t^ ngai Ditto
Adjective ngai Ahom word (Shan, ngai)
Verb ngai-shi Ahom word (ngai=a pair, shi = separate, i.e. to separate a pair)
z } Noun (St'S ngao Ahom word (Shan, ngaw =emitted brightness)
z ? 5 Verb ^s ngao Ahom word
Verb St'S ngao Ditto
-Zc % Noun Vs ngaw Ditto
l? ft Verb ngak Ahom word (Shan, ngak = to raise the head)
ft Noun ng an Ahom word
ft Adjective ngan Ditto
ftv Verb ngap Ditto
ft Verb
Assamese. English.
^1 ; CSrN 1 Lust; sexual desire ; a pair.
3^tC 3 1 To wish; to come suddenly or quickly into being.
^1 Easy.
ti§x I To separate a pair.
j c*tt331 A wild cat; a ray of light; light.
Ctt33 ft j VK 1 To emit brightness; to tear off.
ft 1 To manure.
1 Moss.
1 A eunuch.
'Qftt ft ftft otftf 51 I To thrust into; to look with the head raised.
1 A knoll; a hillock.
WW 1 Handsome.
IC^tft 3 ; J 0*11 1 To be afraid of; to be abstracted in thought with down drooping head; to sleep.
WU To swell, to be puffed up.



[ R i or rx

rs k: ]



R, (Hl, Na).

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
Ror ri . Noun na Ahom word (Shan, na =a rice field, face)
Verb na Ahom word
R WR t£. . Adverb . na-kan-man Ditto
m Particle .. Hl na (long) Ditto
m Adjective Hl (fbR) na (long) Ditto
RI Adverb .. Hl(fM) na (long) Ditto
RI Y^V Noun na kip Ahom word (na=a field, kip = to reserve, i.e. a reserved field)
RI Noun Hl-fjt X na-khring Ahom word
RI DOW Noun HPFFF na-phak Ditto
RYY) Noun Hff nak Ditto
RYW Verb Ht^ nak Ditto
RW Adjective Ht^ nak Ahom word (Shan, nak)
rS Noun Hts nang Ahom word (Shan, nang =a sister)
rS Verb Ht\ nang Ahom word (Shan, nang = to sit)
rS Adjective Ht X nang Ahom word
rS Adverb .. Ht X nang Ditto
rS yy\,y£ . Verb Ht. nang-ku-khao Ditto
R# YQ> Verb Ht- rS V$. . Verb Ht-^-?t .. X X nang-khroi- plang Ditto


Assamese. English.
*WtH ; HTtft, CHfH ; 35 ; 1 A rice field; disease; the mouth, face ; the front.
| i To return.
1 As usual. A suffix of the future.
^Tl 1
1 Thick, not thin.
1 Very, exceedingly.
C^tCHl Ffabl HHI Mfa I A reserved field.
HlV fA'SHj | . . The leg.
WH 1 The forehead.
&T 1 An otter.
ll ; *ltHifa Tft 1 i To be in difficulty; to shout falling in water.
1 I _ L . L I Heavy. A girl; a full nap ; skin.
Wl, J §>tH 1
ll 1 To sit; to be in distress or difficulty.
fnfbHl 1 Like.
J CTH ; TO 1 Thus; as; according to.
fat 1 To sit knee upon knee.
*ttfH To sit with one leg over the other in the Ahom fashion.






Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
Noun i nang-noi Ahom word
R§ t>R Verb n a n g b i n- khring Ditto
R'S ApI Woo" Verb nang-cho-kao- kao Ditto
r5 wB$ Noun nang-chang Ditto
RR Noun nan Ahom word (Shan, nan =to be long in doing)
RR Verb nan Ahom word
RR Pronoun nan Ditto
RR Noun Ht=T-C^ r* RV Verb nap Ahom word (Shan, nap = to count).
o R Noun nam Ahom word (Shan, nam = water).
0 R Adjective \ 1 nam Ahom word
o r' R RR Noun nam-khun .. Ahom word (nam = wa- ter, khun = muddy).
R R R1 Adverb .. nam-na Ahom word (nam = many, na = very).
0 0 R Noun S X nam-tang .. Ahom word (nam = water, tang = a pot, i.e. a water-pot).
R \VW V* . Noun nam-nuk-pu Ahom word
R 0% V'-, . Noun nam-ti-ma .. Ditto



Itft I


Eft I


X X ' X



tint ; I

^5 I
firf^ Hth I

sifaF |

^1?, I




A small prop placed at each end of the
upper beam.

To sit on the hams with the legs curled
up, to squat.

To sit stooping.

A prop placed at the middle of the
main beam and the upper beam and
on which the ridge pole of a house is

A daughter; lateness.

To quarrel.


The name of a princess.

To count; to thrust in; to stick up in
the ground.

Water ; vapour.


The river Dilih in the Sibsagor Sub-

The river Jhanji in the District of

Very much.

A water-pot.

A brush.

The river Dhansiri, in the Golaghat Sub-





[ r oft wr

L- D

9 r -i



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation.
Assamese. English.
o g r R OA w . Noun nam ti-lao .
R V^vuvu . Noun nam-pu-lak
R qw Noun nam-buk
o r' n r rpr, w . Verb nam-buk-lai i
0 r R PYM Noun nam-blak- rung
o er WR Noun nam-jin
5 W1 Wl . Noun nam-la-la .
3 Wt(f Vtq. Noun nam-shu-la
; H'o' Noun nam-shao
i . Noun nam-hoi-khe
i Noun nam-dao-phi
I Verb ft ni
) Adjective ft ni
1 Adverb .. ft ni
Noun ft-^1 ni-sha
Verb ft^ nik

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word


Ahom word (nam =
water, buk = mucus,
i.e. mucus water).

Ahom word (nam=
water, buk^-mucus,
lai = to flow).

Ahom word

Ahom word (nam =
water, jin=cold)

Ahom word

Ahom word (nam=
water, shu=a tiger,
la=true, i.e. a real

Ahom word (nam=
water, shao=clear,
i.e. clear water).

Ahom word (nam=
water, hoi=a shell,
khe=a river, i.e. a
river of shell).

Ahom word (nam=
water, dao = a star,
phi=a god, i.e. water
of etar-god).

Ahom word (Shan, ni=
to go, to be in debt).

Ahom word





Assamese. English.
srft i The river Lohit, a branch of the Brahma- putra.
| Ambrosia
(?f?H 1 The mucus of the nose.
c*I^h fa *ri i To flow mucus from the nose.
| The water of the Ganges.
CWl 1 The river Sessa.
wW, i The ocean, the sea.
i A shark, a crocodile.
1 The river, Dikhoo, in the District of Sibsagor.
The name of a stream called Samuk-
wasi i The river Brahmaputra in Assam.
To go away ; to be in debt.
i Over-ripe.
5? 1 Remote, far.
I Fathers elder brother.
Tt^t fa rl i To flow down the neck (of water in bathing).






r e


Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. J English.
e r , RW W . . Interjection 51 nik-cha Ahom word
H'S Noun ning Ditto
R Verb nim Ditto
Noun nin but pronounced nen Ahom word (Shan, to be hard, not pliant; to compress, crowd).
rM Verb opt <[pt Tf'5f nin but pro- nounced nen Ahom word (Shan, to be hard, not pliant; to compress, crowd).
RM* Adjective Ditto Ahom word
R& or Kor . Noun nu or nu Ahom (Shan, nu=a rat, nuw= flesh).
Kc, or k/ . Adjective Ditto Ahom word
1 or *8 Preposition 'SPPI VfW Ditto Ditto
RVD > tUWl $ Noun nuk Ahom word (Shan, nuk =a bird; dead).
Adjective nuk Ahom word
RYU YUR o Noun nuk-kan Ditto
RYU OA Noun nuk-tu Ditto
RYU wS . Noun nuk-jang Ditto
^yu wjS . Noun nuk-jung Ditto
ryu Wdyu . Noun nuk-chak .. Ditto
R cbR . Noun nuk-ren Ditto
RYU c£r . t? D Noun nuk-ran Ditto
r .9 r wi W Noun nuk-shai Ahom word (nuk=a bird, shai=sand, i.e. sand-bird).


Assamese. English.
Vs I Alas.
1 A kind of stand ; a kind of tray mounted on a leg.
To be dinted; to push with the elbow.
^1 I A kind of plant.
V ; CTfa ; CTUl <$ Si 1 To become compact; to bury in the earth; to walk with the breast elevated.
Mhv i Small in stature.
A rat, a mouse ; flesh ; race, lineage.
} cw^hri i White; over-ripe.
'Qfa 1 Up, above, on.
; V^> 1 A bird ; a bone.
W11 A kind of bird.
I A dove ; a pegion.
I A paddy bird.
VV I A peacock.
ckttTffl 1 A kind of bird.
s 1 A mythical bird, half bird, half man, on which Vishnu rides. He is the king of birds and descended from Kasyapa and Vinata one of the daughters of Daksha.
sft Sift 1 The wag tail.

ft 4


r o

V'r'I ]



Abom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
Noun nuk-dam i Ahom word nuk=a bird, dam=black, i.e. a black bird)
Noun nung Ahom word
i Verb i i nung Ditto
r KK s? i Noun nun Ditto
ROA Noun nut Ahom word (Shan, nut).
k/\ Verb nut Ahom word (Shan, nut).
r & } Noun 3^ nup Ahom word
RD Verb nup Ditto
0 R e- Noun nuffl Ahom word (Shan, num =udder).
Verb nui Ahom word
Noun nun but pro- nounced nui Ditto
I^v2 V3or . Verb sfa-ftfS nui-khriu . Ditto
Noun CT ne Ditto
dvf Verb CT ne Ditto
if Verb ! <7W nem Ditto
fan Noun no Ahom word (Shan, no= a sprout).


Assamese. English.
1 A kind of pheasant.
; fa *rt j ; fti^ i To stir, to shake, to move ; to go astray ; to happen ; to put on, to wear.
^rl ; 'tft ; 1 Cotton ; weariness ; verdigris.
1 A beard.
i To split a bamboo piece into strips by- bending one end.
\5tft fftfl 1 Beard-torn.
c^i vfft i A reddish fly, a kind of flying insect.
1 To bend.
srft? } rfaft, } (Mft i A handsome-looking man; the breast, udder; the hair on the breast.
Cftfa ft 1 To throw away.
CTftft^t 1 A kind of plant.
ftfa sfft ^1 srft I To sing songs in exchange, to sing songs against one another.
i A certain squirrel-like animal.
fftp, 'STftWfa 1 To give oneself to; to leak through (as the roof of a house); to push against.
To sew; to make a sort of sound by striking the arm; putting a hand on the armpit, to dint.
ft ; ; WaFI' ?ft ft wl 1 .
; CW1 1 A sprout, a shoot; a wen, a painless tumour.






Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
R I rIw 5 Noun (7^ nek Ahom word
$ Verb X neng Ditto
r Noun nai Ahom (Shan, nau= morning)
r Verb nai Ahom word
r Adjective nai Ditto
r Adverb .. nai Ditto
rw Adverb .. nai-eham Ditto
Ro' or Kr . o Noun HtS nao or naw. . Ahom word (Shan, nau = inside).
Ro~ or Kpr . Verb nao or naw.. Ahom word
Rr Noun oft neu Ditto
Rf Preposition oft neu Ditto
r K vw Noun neu-pak Ditto
Rr Wf Noun (.ft-CNS neu-cheu Ditto
? t?or Adverb .. ft^j niu Ditto
Ro~ wg . . Noun ftfe- t?or wp .. Noun niu-koi Ditto
o Noun ft^ niu-mu Ditto
Noun ft^-ft niu-chi Ditto
,$<~ r Ro Wj, Noun ft^-slts niu-thao Ditto
Kor^VOpr .. Noun ft&^M't'S . niu-ru-khao Ditto


Assamese. English.
cvft 1 A stitch in sewing.
*Ht 1 To shake.
ftK J ^rl sfa ^ ft ; i iftsfft ft J 1 To sew ; to speak; to reply ; to cough.
I This.
i Now.
Iflfwl ; tft'S 5 M ftftt'Q I Now ; next; thereupon.
^ift ; Mt 5 it, ; CEVl | A mistress, a paramour; a wife; inside ; chillness, coldness.
tf 'STft ; tf3fl ; CN51 ? I To raise and bring; to march; to be cold.
The inside.
ft's <3 I Inside, in, into.
1 The inside of the mouth.
The breast.
A finger; matted hair; any kind of pulse.
1 The same.
wrftft, i The middle finger.
ftWft, CWI Nt^ft 1 The little finger.
^ft Ul 1 To peep through, to look through a crevice.
'8Rtft 'sftft Nftft 1 The fore-finger.
1 The thumb.
Ntft ft^Tl 1 The knee-pan.



[ W



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
t?(f wV . Noun niu-lu Ahom word
KW Noun nak Ditto
Verb nak Ditto
uwi Adjective nak Ditto
Noun nang Ditto
^8 wr Noun R-^t'S nang-shao . Ahom word (Shan, nang = younger sister, shao = full-grown).
R0S . i Noun H-0W nang-neng Ahom word
Verb *R nan Ditto
RF Adjective nan Ditto
CM D ' Noun nan-ta Ditto
W wS .. Noun nan-jan Ditto
R0S Noun nan-dang .. Ditto
o n D Adjective R nam Ditto
9 D Adjective noi Ahom word (Shan, noi =to be small).




5 'srftst? 5 5

5 I

(TlW ; TtH j I


VF, ^1 J CltU, I

^0^5 jpjs |


CTCffHl W], ; CTW R fif j

ctm i

*R1 CVTf
JlfaR CStR 5 JFfa (35'QHl I



A miser.

The horn of a rhinoceros; sound sleep ;
delight, joy; the weight of anything;
a kind of evil spirit; a bone.

To measure ; to respect; to be delighted ;
to rot.


A lake, a pond; a younger brother or
sister ; the muscles of the lower part
of the leg.

An adult younger sister.

A younger sister.

To nurse (a child or a sick person); to
watch over; to sleep.


The eye-brow.

Nursing a child or a sick person.

The bridge of the nose.


Small; low; young.

oa ]





m'-, (fel, Ta)

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
OA' | 041 5 Noun ft ta Ahom word (Shan, ta =the eye ; a landing- place).
CV\' Verb ft ta Ahom word (Shan, ta= to smear).
04$ Adjective ta Ahom word
Noun ta-ken Ditto
OA^ Noun ta-khi Ahom word (ta=the eye, khi=excrement, i.e. excrement of the eye).
04' tj 14/ . Verb ta-nam-lai .. Ahom word (ta=the eye, nam=water, lai =to flow).
W'$0 .. Noun ta-niu Ahom word (ta=joint, niu=a finger, i.e. a finger-joint).
.. Adjective ta-plang Ahom word
04$ 1OV~ . Verb ta phip-phip Ditto
04$ -uSv t?/ Adjective ta-phip-nu .. Ditto
04 $ WK . . Adjective ta-chan Ditto
04 $ w Adjective ta chai Ditto
04 dg 04 $ -HU'S . Adjective Vi-ctss ta-leng Ahom word (ta=the eye, long=yellow, i.e. yellow-eyed).
04$ M Adjective ta-ham Ahom word
04 $ . . Adjective lM-C5(§ ta-deng Ahom word (ta=the eye, deng=red, i.e. red-eyed).



5$ ; J I

ftp j Csq J ; 5R1 WTl ;

sfPi. i


*it^t h 5H i


a?^1-u^rl i

'Sfo 5^t1 I

fan 5^1 I

<7H1 I
c^15^rl i



wi 5^n i


The eye; a bathing place on a river
bank, a landing place; a box; a
joint; a tooth.

To sow ; to rub oil, to anoint; to think ;
to amuse or play with a child ; to
teach young ones to walk.

Good, fine; excellent.

The eye-ball, the pupil.

Morbid secretions of the eye, discharge
from the eye.

To flow tears from the eye.

A joint of a finger, knuckle.

Having the white of the eye large.

To wink often and often.

Having the eyes kept upwards.

Having slanting eyes like those of cer-
tain animals.


Squint eyed.




w9 ]





Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. j English.
Noun T>1 tra Ahom word
OAYVl Noun tak Ditto
OAVY1 Verb tak Ditto
OAVV1 £ Noun tak-nam Ditto
MW . Verb fa^TS^ tak-pang Ditto
MW vJto' MW ift Verb ^ft-^-fa^-ftx tak-lu-tak- pang Ditto
Verb tak-ip-tak . Ditto
M§ Noun fax tang Ahom word (Shan, tang =a road ; a stool).
M§ Verb fas tang Ahom word
mS Adjective fas X tang Ditto
mS Adverb .. fas^ tang Ditto
mS Preposition fax tang Ditto
m§ w . Adverb . fa w X tang ka Ditto
mS ttw mS k Adverb . fa-^-fa-5,h tang-buk- tang-nam Ahom word (tang=a road, buk=land, tang = a road, nam = wa- ter, i.e. land root and water root).
mS iom M Noun fas tang-ren-phat- tu Ahom word (tang=a road, ren=a house, phat=a bridge, tu= a door, i.e. a house on the way to a quarter).
mS w9 Adverb .. fas^lft tang-lai Ahom word (tang=all, lai=all).




j AINl ; ft? I

3, ; Wt ; faFtft 5th ; ^t^ I

R^ ; WfaS ? I


rtfts 5 ftfai si

ft5 j K^h1, ; ft
ffttft ; I

ft, ftftlft

(7H1 ft I

W*i1 ; ft? 51 .^1
; 5^ I

*h1 ; fare I

WMl |

*li:t Itftira i

fte i



A rupee.

A snail; a word; misery.

To become, to occur; to dry; to click
with the tongue against the palate ; to

The name of a clan called k< Panitola;
the name of a place called Panitola
in Dibrugarh.

To become ruined.

To be spent, expended.

To fall into destitution.

A road ; an enclosure; dew ; a stool ;
the soiah plant; an anvil; birdlime.

To pluck; to put, to place ; to plan, to
consult; to offer sacrifices in a row to
gods ; to put an enclosure.

All, whole ; other ; separate.

By means of ; in company with.

From ; with.


By land and by water.

A house in the gate-way.

All, the whole.





o f'-i




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronui Assamese. STCIATION. | English. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
CMR Noun tan Ahom word (Shan, tan =a long mark).
OAR Verb tan AJiom word (Shan, tan =to speak).
OAR Adjective tan Ahom word
OAR Adverb .. tan i Ahom word (Shan, tan =a place).
CM CM Verb ftn tat Ahom word
OAOA ' Noun i i ! tat-na-chang i Ahom word (tat = to cut, na = grass, chang =an elephant, i.e. to cut grass for an ele- phant, hence one who cuts grass for ele- phant).
AAV Noun tap Ahom word (Shan, the same).
OAV Verb tap Ahom word (Shan, tap =to rap).
CMp X>' . . Noun tap-kha Ahom word
o CM Noun tam Ahom word (Shan, tan =a place).
CM Verb tam Ahom word (Shan, tam =to pound).
o CM Adjective tam Ahom word (Shan, tam =to bend down).
o CM Adverb .. tam Ahom word
o o oa n Adverb . tam-nai Ditto
< CM Ko * Noun tam-nu Ahom word (tam = a place, nu=above, i.e. a place above).


Assamese. English.
J TjM } } 'SItH I Pleasure; a pole eight cubits in length, a measuring rod; a line, a long mark ; another place; pulling.
; ^5 Ctf ; I To call, to speak; to fill up a hole; to pull.
ftxt | Speechless.
CM TtS ; ; ^P ft ; ; I To cut thatching grass; to put in the sun; to transplant paddy seedlings; to fall upside down ; to split into thin strips (as a bamboo).
I One who cuts grass for elephant.
i The liver.
To beat with a hammer; to lessen; to be lessened; to leave without any punishment.
I The inside of the thigh.
3R 5 . jft I Intention ; will; a place.
j CEtWl J cw 1 To thump, to pound ; to drag along the ground; to burn.
VVI4 1 Low, not high.
I There.
Ml 1 Thereon; from this.
QM 1 Place above.



[ M Kjf

Ofa -1





oa r,o

OA tijT


AA'V? og'



6XA p

oa V Hl

a% <£$
cv? -JLr




or OAR


























Assamese. English.



fas fag fa'
fat AO?

'Sfa TfC<





tan (p r o-
nounced tai)


hi hx













tik but pro-






fa (fa

N. N





tit but pro-
nounced tet

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word ( tarn = a
place, nu=above, i.e.
a place above).


Ahom word



Ahom word (Shan, ti=^
a place).

Ahom word






Ahom word (Shan, tik
=to be split).

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, ting
=a harp, a cucumber).

Ahom word (Shan, ting
=to strike; to carry
on the head).

Ahom word





'Sfa I


fa j 5(t< |

fafa ffa ; fa J

tR I

fa} rstfat ^
fa fa

^ffal ; fas I

fa I


cfa I

^fa, i

fa 5 ; fat I

; cfa ; Cftfa ; fa I

fa ; ^)R Rn^ ; I

fa ; W! R ; Cfa ; fal ; feWsR I

|R 1

SfM fa ; CS'Sfa ; Wfa *R J
\fa I




Anything that gives pain to the body;
a thorn in the flesh.

To put on a turban; to walk with a

Of the same family.

A place ; a particle indicating the dative
case, and the future tense.

To peep through; to stand up;

Now ; here, place this.

The palate.

A tribe of men, the Kacharis.

A raised bed of earth, the floor.

The world.

To burst, to have a hole ; to be perfor-
ated ; to get torn, to crack ; to be split.

To measure land : to push ; to assemble;
to hide.

A lute, a harp; morality; a cucumber;
a chasm.

To strike with the fist; to put a cold
application on the head when ill; to
thrust; to weed; to raise the buttocks.

A foot.

To jump ; to act rashly ; to take shape.



r o r




Ahom words. Parts i of i speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. 1 i English.
0 O oaoa n Verb tet nam Ahom word
Verb tit Ahom word (Shan, tit= to conceal).
a OAV Verb tip Ahom word
CV? Verb fesf tim Ahom word (Shan, tim =to write, be full).
I 4 Noun £ tu or tuw . Ahom word (Shan, tu =a door, tuw=a body).
n Verb § tu Ahom word
£vfto~ . . Noun t tuw Ditto
OaIo~ Adjective tiiw Ditto
Noun tu-ngi Ditto
CV> OA Noun tu-ti Ditto
OA aft wlvn V Noun i tu-ti-phok . i Ahom word (tu=ani- mal, tu=place, phok =white).
wswS Noun ippfa tu-phan Ahom word
Noun ]j-fa§s tu-ching Ditto
Noun tu-chan Ditto
u Noun tu-ru-pak . Ditto
nn Noun tu-ham Ahom word (tu=ani- mal, ham=smell).
C0VM c? Noun tuk Ahom word


Assamese. English.
C^f^t 1 To draw water.
5 i To hide, to conceal; to assemble; to come together.
C5*t ; C5*t1 srRx; 1 To press; to compress; to retreat; to give up drinking, to become a teetotaler.
J J ; C^l ; I To write; to fill; to happen; to come to pass; to suck; to draw into the mouth.
A moth ; a road ; a slight notice, a clue.
T^lTl Ve>^ W I A door ; an animal; a body ; a hole ; a temple official; a numeral particle used in counting animals.
C51 ; 51 I X 7 X 7 7 To catch, to seize; to fall; to see.
A dwarf ; an animal.
I Ignorant.
eftll 1 A deer.
1 A screetch-owl.
The name of a Baragohain in the reign of Shushengpha alias Buddhiswarga- narayan.
1 A kind of deer with large branching horns.
Cshrt 5 5W I A ram.
I A mongoose.
1 A blunder, a mistake.
i X A musk.
1 Fatigue.



[ oa vn

r l

VYVl 0 J



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
Verb tuk Ahom word (Shan, tuk = to fall).
cvys Noun tung Ahom word (Shan, tung =a rice-plain).
aAj5 Verb tung Ahom word
Noun V§ -ft tung-khang. . Ditto
Noun tung-ren Ditto
OAR Noun h tun Ahom word (Shan, tun = a tree; a begin- ning ; lineage).
OaS Verb h tun Ahom word
oar ykivS o to t? Noun tun-kui Ahom word (tun = a tree, kui=aplantain).
(MR K>§ . . Noun tun-khrung.. Ahom word
OAR V&0~K> Noun tun-khru- kham Ditto
oar too U . Noun tun-bau-plu Ditto
Noun tun-ma-mu .. Ditto
oar hw . Noun tun-mak Ditto
oakr yw iolor Noun T^Kt^SF tun-mak-khru Ditto
r r nr MU VWl Noun tun-mak-bin Ditto
OAJ? VVKl Noun ^f-^-^tx .. tun-mak-lang Ditto
r r fr oAp vvn $ o Noun tun-mak-dao Ditto



rfv ^1 J f*tw1 ^1 ; ^1 I

SRfjf, *WR ; ; Crt^1 I

W1 i











\5R I


To fall; to become putrid ( of a dead
animal) ; to blow a horn; to sound a

A plain ; a kingdom ; a bamboo fish-
trap ; a beam or a support of a super-

To gather one end of a cloth into a bag
to receive something; to be restless,
to feel a suffocating sensation caused
by heat and want of fresh air; to
coax, to allure; to be praised by
ones mother.

A kind of prop called Haran, put
cross-wise upon the upper beam of a

A board which is placed cross-wise be-
tween two posts.

A tree ; origin ; beginning ; family, race,

To return, to come back.

A plantain tree.

A castor-oil plant.

A kind of plant.

A betel plant.

A nut-tree.

A kind of tree (Eugenia gambolana).

A brinjal plant.

A kind of lime tree.

A jackfruit tree.

An orange plant.




[ OAR tZ



Ahom words. ; | Parts J of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese." | English.
<- 9 OAp v Noun tun-mai Ahom word
Noun tun-mai-puk Ditto
(MK IV Noun tun-ja Ditto
w6 .. Noun tun-chang .. Ditto
Noun tun-rung Ditto
Noun tun-rung-dam Ditto
cva S vt/S . Noun tun-lung Ditto
oa£ vic5\ oav;' 5- O D Noun tun-nat-tang Ditto
OAOA . . Verb tut Ditto
Noun tup Ahom word (Shan, the same).
cvvu Verb tup Ahom word (Shan, tup- pik=to flap the wings, I tup=to fold double).
c- 0 r cvyp oSk . Noun tup-ren I Ahom word
Noun >r turn Ahom word (Shan, turn = a flower bud ; a fish-trap).
o cvy Verb turn Ahom word
o/yv$ . . Noun tun Ahom word (Shan, tun =a cover made of the leaves of the screw- pine ; a harmaphro- i dite).
cvyvS . . Adjective tun : Ahom word
Noun Ct> te Ahom word (Shan, te= a long elevation).
<7 (V\J . . Verb te Ahom word




c*i*i i



pffefa I


f*ffl ^1 ; CW I

CTfai; Ffnte e
w i

CWI ; CtfTfaft ; OlFH ; Wl I

CTt^ ; I

} I

W, *151 j ^f5Rl I

s 7 s


A bamboo plant.

The Bahbaria clan of the Ahom tribe.

A tobacco plant.

A kind of creeper.

The peepul tree.

The name of a place called Kaliabar
in the District of Nowgong.

A banian tree, the Indian fig tree (Ficus

A kind of palm tree.

To blow a horn; to sound a trumpet.
The gable end of a house.

To flap the wings; to wash cloth ; to
bend, to fold.

The gable end of a house.

Mud ; a flower bud ; the anus; a fish-

To fascinate ; to charm ; to boil food
without seasoning.

A tuskless male elephant; a kind of
basket cover ; a harmaphrodite.


Truth ; a dam, an embankment across a
rice field over which people pass.

To throw a clod or stone at anything
or any one; to set up ; to establish :
to be.





Ahom words. ) Parts of speech.
*/oAr OA V erb
r j Verb
o r Q 9 9 AA w V W Verb
V(W[ . , Adjective
Adverb .
Vcvvi UO Noun
a/ OAX WYV1 . Adverb .
OA(f D * * Verb
oaIyvi Noun
cvftwi . . Verb
Mg Noun
oaLr Noun

Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
te Ahom word
te-ti Ditto
C&X tem Ditto
1 tem-chi-mai- lai Ahom word (tem = to write, chi = paper, mai=to write, lai = a letter, i.e. to write a letter on paper).
to Ahom word (Shan, to= a hornet; the stump of a tree).
to Ahom word (Shan, to = to fight).
to Ahom word
to Ditto
to-phi Ditto
to-lak Ditto
taw Ditto
taw Ditto
tek Ditto
tek Ditto
teng Ahom word (Shan, tung = a deep place in a body of water).
X teng Ahom word (Shan, tun =to be awake).
f.w X X ten Ahom word



*151 I

WF1 Xt\l

faX ; C^tXl ; (3Â¥31 I
fM I

0x1 ; C^tCHl ; X ; 5 XJ1 OSftTI ; I


fXttX ; *1^ I

<4^X1 j Wf*t I


Wfa i

; PW I



&533I} wrx j ; x^x ?fx i

j *t5 ; felx; cxtxx fx I

^fX ; Xtt 5 XtSf^X I

xtx XI i

C5^, C5^>*rl I



To throw the shuttle from side to side
in weaving.

To write; to aim, to direct, to point;
to lose.

To write a letter.

A boundary ; a hornet; the heald or
heddle of a loom ; a copy ; the stump
of a tree ; a bush ; a battle.

To fight; to do.

Solitary ; alone, having no companion.
Now, present time ; nevertheless.

A whirlpool.


A conical ball of thread; a wart on a tree.
To copy.

A mole (the animal); satisfaction, plea-
sure ; a cloth girdle ; a buffalo plough.

To push ; to putrefy ; to drag ; to plough
wet land for the transplanting of rice.

A deep pool of water, the deepest part
of a river; an ass; public difficulty,
a general calamity effecting a whole

To be awake.

Liveliness, sensation, intelligence.




9 0 n




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. i Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
Verb ten Ahom word
oaIr Adverb . ten Ditto
oaIk win . Adverb . CE?*PC5R ten-len Ditto
oaIcv! . . Verb CTjTj ; tet Ahom word (Shan, tut).
oaId Verb ctM tep Ahom word
OA? Noun fet? tai Ahom word (Shan, tai = a shan; border, side, space near).
OA9 Verb tai Ahom word (Shan, tai = to die; to move along).
oa9 Adjective tai Ahom word
00? 9 e r OA 0AW1 Noun tai-tik Ahom word
OA9 OAJJ Noun tai-tup Ditto
oa9 VK Vi?1 Noun tai-ban-sheu- hu Ahom word (tai = an Ahom, ban=a village, sheu = to hold, hu= a cow, i.e. an Ahom who holds a cow).
OA9 eG Verb tai-ram Ahom word
OA9 VUVM , Noun tai-lik Ahom word (tai = to die, lik = a child).



5 W *11 \$l *11 ; *R^ cpfl .
X 7 X

l'tE'5 I

^5fa tt^s I


Wf ; J fftfc ; R |

; Wf1 ^11

*353 I

CWiW CThtl |

tfkl 'siW'r i

CThrl i

CSRl-*rfr I

CTfal I


To be torn (of a cloth) ; to sit down; to
be frightened; to be agitated, to
start; to try, to make efforts ; to as-
sume shape.

After that, afterwards.


To break wind.

To stamp with the foot.

An Ahom ; an associate ; a companion;
border, side ; nearness, space near.

To die ; to creep; to move on all fours.


A man fit to be dead and gone in youth
(a term of abuse).

An Ahom clan, called Pukhuriparia.

A man fit to be dead and gone at the
prime of life (a term of curse).

A circular piece of board placed round
the tup of a house.

An Ahom clan, called Garudharia.

To draggle at the heel (like the end of a

One fit to be dead and gone in child-
hood (a term of censure).



[ CM9 wvG viflo'

aV tVr "I

D _J



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc. i
Assamese. English.
OA w £ oa9 vdlcf Verb tai-lun-tai-lu Ahom word
OA9 V&f Noun T?t^-(?33^-C\5\§. . tai-neu-deng Ditto
OAf 0 Noun fef'S tao 1 Ahom word (Shan, tau = a gourd ; tor- toise; ashes).
a D Verb Txt' tao Ahom word
* Noun tao-khun-kum Ditto
r or Orf V3K W D Noun tao-khun-bing Ditto
f r er OA VOK W D 5/ Noun tao-khun-bin Ditto /
OAf YVntf 0 ' Noun tao-nga-klem Ditto
>Ao' O ' Noun St'3-S'l-^ tao-nga-shu Ditto
.. Noun tao-ngi Ditto
OA^ Noun tao-mit Ditto
OAfwr 0 Noun tao-cheu Ditto
Oar vuLor wV o Noun tao-lu-lu Ditto
oa^ wV iVtor D Noun tao-lu-shu . Ditto
OAr wS WI OA^ wlor WU Noun tao-lung-pha- tao-lu-lu Ditto
r s' os\ Wr 0 Noun tao-shan Ditto



ftf |

^tfi^ fcr? I

T& ; (TFfWl ll I

fet3pPR, I <4 tr


Tj'tSS'ffp' I OS'S >1/
=sr i

fetsT§> fefsgjp i oss b- ^fsrs


fetsf, 'os
fefsRg, W? s crtf^

Kfr I

^tS(^, T>tsf^t
HfSf I

Utfet^ptw I OS'S
W? >s oW I

Tjtsfe-fa 'Sftw I Os > 8

^ts^syl-^s^, 1

Wsb?'^ ssf ?i'O


To flee precipitately.

An Ahom clan called Rangachila.

A gourd; a stick, ashes: a tortoise ;
a line ; a mark, a bone.

To come back; to return; to arrive at
a place.

Taokhunkum was the son of Tao-
khunbin. He ruled for 8 years.

Taokhunbing was the son of Taonga-

Tao-khunbin was a son of Taongashu.
He reigned for 18 years.

Taongaklem was a son of Tao-lulu.

Taongashu was a brother of Tao-lulu.
He reigned for 8 years.

Taongi, the name of 39th lakni or year
of an Ahom Taoshinga.

Taomit, the name of 59th lakni or year
of an Ahom Taoshinga.

Tao-cheu, the name of the 49th lakni or
year of an Ahom Taoshinga.

Taolulu was a son of Chaotaipha. He
died after a rule of 19 years of his
fathers kingdom.

Taolushu was a brother of Taoshinga
and reigned for 14 years.

Taolu ngpha-taolulu was a son of Khung-
lung. He was king of Khenam-

Taoshan, the name of the 9th lakni or
year of an Ahom Taoshinga.




[ a{ v?




Ahom Parts of speech. Pronunciation. | Derivation and explana tion of phrases, etc.
words. i Assamese. i English.
0 Noun I X I : I tao-shi Ahom word
E? s . I Noun fey . tao-shi-nga . i i 1 Ditto
fr OA o o . ! Noun 1 taii . * Ditto
OAr ' a ; Noun teu Ahom word (Shan, taw =moss).
Verb 0^ teu Ahom word

! Verb
r r M w Verb
^rwg Noun
0/? Noun
oavki D Noun

. Adverb
£Mrioi .. (Noun

, teu-pha


Ahom (teu = below,
pha = sky or heaven,
i.e. places below and
in the sky).

Ahom word





Ahom word (Shan, tak
= a strip of bamboo).



I Verb


Ahom word



tang .. Ahom word (Shan,

tang = copper; the
belly ; to pour water

tang .. Ahom word (Shan, tang

= to recollect; to




-A I

43ER EiN, (W > >

orrt i

5 5 C*hTft 5 ; The heart; a wish; devotion, austeri-

! ties; moss ; land; earth, as distin-
; guished from heaven; a smiths
I bellow.

(?Tfa*Rl j (AlW I

. \9cy3 I

7 X

T5F1, W I

CTtcrfc ost v i

^rf^t; j gn, (5trl j grfa

C^rl ; ; CTW I

*Ug. iwd; j } i

ftnRl J J J S55fl srt\ 5

<>|1 EN I


! Taoshi, the name of the 29th lakni or
I year of an Ahom Taoshinga.


; Taoshinga, an Ahom era containing six-
| ty years, which is called a cycle ; the
j name of the 19th lakni or year of an
I Ahom Taoshinga ; Taoshinga was a
I son of Cliaotaipha, he ruled for 11
; years.


; A fault.

To wash for gold ; to melt iron.

Down, not up ; below, at the bottom.
Earth and heaven ; the universe.

To converse; to speak mutually; to

To fast.


To be bent; to suckle.

The Chutia tribe, a man of the Chutia

A balance ; a rattan ; a strip of bam-
boo ; one tola ; a numeral auxiliary
used with money.

To be woven ; to help ; to measure.

A plank ; brass ; the belly ; a water-
pot ; a pot.

To consider; to attend to ; to give a
blow; to strike ; to lock up ; to push,
to shove.






r &

1- D

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
IO ' Noun t i tang-kham .. Ahom word
K9 o Noun tang-noi Ahom word (tang=the 1 belly} noi = small).
a\^ Noun ! tang-lung .. Ahom word (tang= the i belly, lung=great).
D a Noun tan 1 ! Ahom word (Shan, tan 1 = to exceed; to be short).
OAR D Adjective i tan Ahom word
04 D Verb tarn ! Ahom word (Shan, tarn = crowd together).
Noun tam-kho Ahom word
D Noun tan Ditto
D Verb ! tan Ditto
OA9 D Noun toi .. i Ditto
Verb X toi .. i 1 Ditto





'3ft (?T5 I

5 j I

^§5f . $pj] f^rl I

CfrS ; CWTR SrN ; Wfa (Tfal ;

J x 7 7

CltcfeW ; ^51 (Tsffi ; I

cW&h i

^51 I

?h5 *l?f1 ; I


fin i


A wooden seat.

The abdomen.

The belly.

A town ; affection ; a piece; a measur-
ing rod ; a bundle of sticks.

Excellent; produced, born.

To peck ; to cast into water and drag
out (as a net) ; to throw off; to

To be dinted ; to darn ; to patch.

To assemble} to crowd together; to be
thirsty ; to seek company.

The crop.

A true or honest man.

To touch or strike with the hand; to
be in wrath.


To squeeze with the finger.






v^ (41, Pa).




words. speech. Assamese. English.
v'l Noun pa
v. Verb tfl pa
V! WK Verb pa-kan
V vf . Noun 2 . /pa-nang-bao
Noun pa-pi-bao
V $ Wo~ Noun tfl-tf'S pa-chao
I? > V$Y?1 . . Noun pa-lik
Vi . . Noun pa-lu-bao
DI Noun *n pa
VI Verb tfl pa
VI WR Verb pa-kan
VI TOW 1JR Noun pa-phak-din
VI ~§o Vi'S Noun TI-CT^-Sl . dx X i pa-meu-plung j
V<, Noun pla .. j
v^ Mb# WR Noun ?t1-^t -h .. x X pla-kang-chan
VJ1 Noun -\5l . X pla-kang-da
v wfcv .. Noun pla-kup
V^ Noun stMl pla-kha

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word (Shan .. pa=
a side; to suspend
from the shoulder).

Ahom word

Ahom word (pa ==-- to
copulate, kan = to

Ahom word








Ahom word (pa=abed,
phak-=vegetable, din
= land, earth, ice. a
bed of land vege-

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, pa=
a fish).

Ahom word






R ; 45p| ; R I

X X 2 X







5|1, rtf

i Ci's tf

Rffo I






A conical basket used by Nagas for carry-
ing a burden on the back ; half of
anything; a side.

To copulate ; to grage.

To copulate.

A younger sister.

An elder sister.

Fathers elder sister ; fathers elder bro-
thers wife.

A shepherd, a cowherd.

The wife of an elder brother.

A bed.

To accompany.

To have sexual intercourse with.

One who lives in Metekatali (a place in
the Sibsagar Sub-division).

Pameuplung was the eldest son of
Chaotailung. He was king of Mitthila
and ruled the country for 7 years.

A fish; the chief priest of a Hindu

A kind of fish, sal fish.

A kind of water insect.

A kind of fish.

A porpoise.

Ahom words. [ Parts ' of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc. Meanings.
Assamese. 1 I English.
Assamese. 1 English.
J o Noun pla-kham Ahom word *Ttg> 1 .. A kind of fish, li a mirika fish.
v n. Noun ?H-3Rs pla-khrum , Ditto qftul i A kind of fish, a gharia fish.
V vof Noun W-It'S pla-khao Ditto 5lt5 1 A kind of fish.
V v£ $>* . Noun ?Mt'3-SRs . pla-khao- khrum Ditto ! A kind of fish,
V K>f lZ yfS , Noun i pla-khao-shai dao Ditto 1 A kind of fish, called murathi in Assamese.
V % wS . Noun : pla-ngam-lang Ditto cnPral i A kind of fish, called neria in Assam- ese.
Noun pla-ngi Ditto W fS^fl I A kind of fish.
V R H>j? Noun pla-na-lung Ditto 1 A kind of fish.
Noun ?I1-^ pla-pu Ditto t . *RS srtfe I A kind of fish.
u! uw cw Noun pla-pak-rak.. Ditto i A kind of fish, a koi-fish.
D DoS . Noun pla-pang Ditto 1 A globe fish.
V', Vo Noun pla-poi Ditto A species of fish.
VJ,V', Noun 11-^1 pla-ba Ditto <|>5 I A kind of fish.
V v YM . . Noun pla-buk Ditto 5Tf5 I A kind of fish.
V1 vfi . Noun pla-but-dam Ditto $fwl I An eel.
V, VJM Vi, V? Noun pla-buk-ma- shai Ditto ^tf^l 5ft^ I A kind of fish, a boal fish.
.. Noun ?ri-M's pla-mao Ditto A kind of fish.
T?j W§ Noun X pla-ri-klang Ditto flK 5Jt^ 1 A kind of fish.
D Do . Noun pla-ri-pam .. Ditto 1 A kind of fish.
V > Noun pla-lum Ditto 5(t5 1 A kind of fish.
V i, VUVY1 YW(f Noun pla-lak-kao .. Ditto Wl 1 A kind of fish.
V\ WK Noun pla-lan Ditto tR i > A kind of fish.
P >V0r . Noun ?Tl-T^ pla-liu Ditto i * A kind of fish.




[ V VUo~ r




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. I Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
V m . . Noun i pla-liu-noi . Ahom word
Wk OAR Noun pla-shan-tan ! Ditto
D Wr wg Noun - 1 i pla-shan- ching Ditto !
V . Noun gflfa-Yf pla-shi-dang > Ditto
D^ Vv/'r Noun SN-CS-^ 1 pla-she-noi . Ditto
X>\VUI Noun gtl-CS-ft-^Tl .. pla-she-ri-la i Ditto
V fa . . Noun ?n-cs^ pla-sheu Ditto
J Noun i pla-duk-nan Ditto
D, J? Noun pla-duk-ri .. Ditto
vfag .. Noun ?I1-C5s pla-deng Ditto
vm Noun i Thf 1 pak Ditto
VW Verb IH pak Ditto i
VW Adjective II3 pak 1 Ditto
pw v9 Verb pak-bai Ditto
Dg Noun ftv pang 1 Ahom word (Shan, pang = spleen ; pang lai = a hare).
Dg Verb Tfx pang Ahom word 1
og I Adjective It X pang Ditto
vg >jR . . Noun ll -fat X x pang-din Ditto
DR Noun fft pan Ahom word (Shan, the same).
DR Verb i ll? pan Ahom word (Shan, pan = to rotate).
DK Ws Pronoun .. 1 1 IH-3 pan-ku Ahom word



rh? i

fatrffad 'fa-1 I

1 I


ifal sitS 1
f*rf srt^ |
fa^1 i

35} 3^ ffa^ *r; i

S ; 5^1 fal I

Pwl I

Th j HlN Ttl? I

"t?l is ; ^tft Is , CTlMH J ?Hft J Fffft ; Cff'S
7 X

'SU j ; 5FCT s 5 HI ft$s ths J farl (?H ;

cw I


ftft I

fai i

fa'faS j CT^I} 331 ; ; OTXgjI SI

ft I



., A kind of fish.

. A species of flat fish.

.. A kind of fish.

A kind of fish.

A kind of fish.

A kind of fish.

A kind of fish.

I A sheet-fish.

A kind of fish.

A kind of water insect.

The mouth ; the inside of the mouth;
the numeral 100 ; a pumpkin.

To become; to raise a post; to split
into halves.


To call; to name.

A hare; a fallow-deer; a mothan or
Indian bison ; a plain; the spleen;
high land ; an altar.

To break; to open; to untie ; to be-
come ruined ; to flee; to plan ; to
play at ghila ; a wen.


A man of the Miri tribes, the Miri tribe.
A kind of hemp plant, rhea.

To divide; to twist; to rotate; to hold,
to grasp ; to uphold ; to become cold.

Who, which.






Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Assamese. English.
W 1 Noun Tt]> pat
V<& Verb pat
W . 1 1 Noun pat-nui
1 Noun pat-tu
Noun pat-tu-lung,
o V Verb pam
v win Noun i pam-kan
J i Noun i pf Pi
Verb f*t Pi
Adjective Pi
yh9 Noun pi-kai
Noun Pt-HS pi-nang
Noun X pi-noi
Adverb .. pi-mu-mun
Noun pi-neng
J VIE Adverb . 1 1 pi-han

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, pat
= to cut with a slid-

j ing motion).



I Ahom word


Ahom word (Shan, pam
= to push away vio-

! Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, pi=

; a year ; an elder bro-
! ther or sister; the
wind instrument; a

plantain bud).

Ahom word (Shan, hi=

to be corpulent).

! Ahom word

| Ahom word (pi = a
brother, kai = elder).

Ahom word (pi = a
brother, nang =

| younger).

; Ahom word ( pi = a
brother, noi = young-


. i Ahom word


. I Ahom word (pi = year,
han = same).





5/4^ I









.. A gem.

.. To cut with a sliding motion ; to be in
a leaning posture ; to warm.

.. A certain plant; Jobs tear.

.. A door.

. The principal gate.

.. To kick ; to braid.

. i Means of livelihood.

An elder brother or sister; a horn, a
pipe (the wind instrument) ; a pain-
ters brush ; a pencil; a year ; a plan-
tain-bud ; a valitudinarian.

To become fat; to be corpulent; to

Fat; ill for a long time, suffering from
a chronic disease.

An elder brother.

A younger brother.

The youngest brother.

.. For years.

.. An elder sister.

. In the same year.



[ l5vri or

UK ulu X>K ]



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. I j Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
$vyi or pvvi Noun ftft pik Ahom word (pik and pik, both are used to denote the same meaning and pro- nounced as pik; Shan, 1 pik = a feather).
or -Jvyi Verb ftt^ pik Ahom word
e <* 0 VVY1 Ptf . D Noun pik-bang i Ahom word (pik = the ear, bang = a hole).
0 r UYFi VR . Noun pik-man Ahom word
G r s' VWI fR . Verb pik-man Ditto
irm 6^or . Noun pik-rii i Ahom word (pik = a year, rii = a hole).
ft 0 0 Uym vgdcwd Noun pik-lam-tam Ahom word
13S . . Noun pik-dang Ditto
Noun ftf sfti ping but pro- n 0 u n c e d 1 peng. Ahom word (Shan, ping = a leech; to love).
ymG Verb peng-kan .. Ahom word
Verb Ping Ditto
Adjective ftix ping Ditto
$5 or Verb ftft .J pin Ahom word (Shan, pin = to be, become ; to be turned back or over).
UK wlS .. i Noun fttt-GH pjn-klen Ahom word
1IK tfu Verb i pin-ngan Ditto
I?K KW Verb pin-nak Ditto
nr q r r VR VIR X>R Noun pin-pun-khan Ditto .


ftri C?7? fftlil TW I

'Nlfffa |

. Jjf? 9(t^ I
fWl I

5PH ^7) I

*rtft i

o>^, JRX C^n 5 ftfrl; osrftF ; vMft I



ft ; I

7 \



rfa sift, fift ftn
wfa i


feather ; a net; the ear.

To save money; to be free of gum.

An artificial hole in the ear for wearing

Disaffection, want of love.

To endure.

The ear-box.

A kind of ear ornament.

The petals of the nose (the fleshy
parts of the nose on each side of the

Affection, love; a cake; a leech; a

To love.

To roast on a spit; to worship the

White ; sufficient.

To be, to become; to make, to create ;
to be turned back or over ; to get ;

; A leper.

! To seek company, to join oneself to.
To be offended.






[ a;r V%

O '" o I ~1


Ahom words. Parts of .speech.
I pS pS w9 Noun
HR ..\ Noun
HR ; Adjective
$5 wr Noun
HR Hr . i Noun
PR VrbVYI . Adjective
or i., Numeral ..
O^o POA K : Noun
0 9 VGA WP i Numeral .
pCA Vl?P YVI^ Numeral ..
0 0 _ 9 o PCVA WP Numeral . i
i I ryp cyv1: Numeral .
Q 9 o POA wp w ; Numeral .

rfe I pit but pro- j

i pet I

Assamese. English.
pin-shan . ;
i pin-ak

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word






Ahom word (Shan, pit
= a duck).

. TO . : Ditto

. i Ditto

Ahom word (Shan, pet
= the number 8).

Ahom word

r/rg-^bT Ditto i pet-nam
crH^pFt'3.. ! pet-ship-kao
c^rS-fg^i-cig.. pet-ship-pet
1 pet-ship-chit



Ahom word ( pet = a
duck, nam = water,
i.e. a water duck).

Ahom word (pet =
eight, ship = ten).

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship=ten, kao
= nine).

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship = ten,
pet = eight).

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship = ten,
chit = seven).

Ahom word ( pet =
eighty, ship = ten,
ruk = six).


Assamese. English.
1 An abscess.
1 A kind of Diarrhoea.
CTRTR1 1 Spongy, yielding to pressure.
lbt5f i Leprosy.
wrl i A widower.
i Ripe.
RMt? 1 A duck.
1 The number 8.
1 Toothless.
*1 1 To come to regular form.
Tl'ift 1 A kind of wild duck.
'srtRt i The number eighty.
g'MGl I Eighty-nine.
'S&R 1 Eighty-eight.
*rbsR Eighty-seven.
^[R i Eighty-six.
c^R i .. ! Eighty-three.

Ahom word ( pet =
eighty, ship = ten,
sham = three).


r q 0 0






n oV 1

tz o 1

Ahom words. Parts of speech.
0 r' Poa Wp HZ i Numeral ..
I?w Numeral .
H?p Numeral . i
H?P HI i 1 I Numeral .
0 pcv\ o POA 0 POa W VU vtn Noun


Assamese. i English.
Cft-ftJ-ft . pet-ship-shi i
cft-ft^s. i pet-ship- shang !
i ; C'-ft-ftft-W I i pet-ship-it .
Cft-ft^l . j i pet-ship-ha ..
i pet-li
i pet-han
fts pit
pin but pro- no unc e d pen


Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship = ten,
shi = four).

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship = ten,
shang = two).

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship = ten, it
= one).

Ahom word ( pet =
eight, ship = ten, ha

! = five).

i Ahom word




! Ditto

f Ditto

; Ahom word (Sban,
i pen = a board).


CSfalRt I

ftp'll I


fttRl i


ftfttft i


'Sfh ft? , I

ft i








VVti K>

U, A









Ahom word

A teal.

A goose.

A crane.

A sticky substance, gum.

To pluck fruit; to admit, confess; to
. take.

A plank, a board ; a plate.

To prune ; to beg alms.










^fftn i

Ahom word (Shan,
pu = a grandfather;
a crab).

Ahom word



ft } I ;

The Vedas.

The rump, the buttocks, the outside of
the thigh.

A fallow deer, a barking deer; a crab ;
a grandfather.

ft I

To fall.

Very small thatch.

The name of a tortoise.





Ahom words. Parts i of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
u hl .. Noun pu-phi-shu . Ahom word
v wr Y- D Noun pu-thao Ditto
Noun pu-ai 1 Ditto
Noun i pu-oi Ditto
kor Noun pri Ditto
vU Verb t pii Ditto
VU Adjective pii Ditto
dU Adverb . i pii Ditto
dV r£ r .. Adverb . -Hi? . I j pii-nang-nai Ditto
vlor nS Adverb . ! pii-nan Ditto
Vio Noun rfib *I1C5I pu but pro- n o u n c e d plu. Ditto
tzyn Noun ; puk i j Ahom word (Shan, puk = scum).
P VV1 Verb 1 | puk . ' Ahom word (Shan, puk = to tie up the hair).
Noun pung Ahom word (Shan, the same).
vj? j Uv J Noun fas ?1$ ipi ^ifh pung butpro- n o u n c e d plung. Ahom word
iy$ ) is 5 Verb pung but pro- n o u n c e d j Cf plung. Ditto
RR, vji .. Noun pun Ditto
vJb . . Verb pun .. j Ditto
Us, Adjective pun Ditto



Wl I

srtft i


*Mhrl i

(xfctrt^-cttoflx} i

5FfaCcl I



flH I



. Puphisu, the name of a deity.

.. A great-grandfather.

. j A fathers sister.

A mothers sister.


. To go round and round over anything.
Fleshy ; corpulent.

. On account of.


In order that.

. Therefore.


; OT I

Ctt^S fcnl ; J j It ; ,



'srhrl i

*Wl ; WfT 5TN I

K341} CTtf^t j I

*11 I

ftofRt i

Part of a wrapper contracted into the
shape of a bag to receive something ;
foam, scum.

To tie up the hair; to fill up a hole, to
bury ; to flow; to climb ; to scatter
seeds ; to call; to sew ; to send.

A water-hole, a spring.

Half; a portion.

To bring or put down ; to throw away ;
to fling.

A secret council; a spell, a charm; a
person other than oneself.

To leave company.




[ v£,




Ahom words. | Parts i of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
v.S, v&S .. i Preposition zta pun i Ahom word
VO5 tlb . : Noun i pun-mung . Ahom word (pun = | foreign, mung=coun- I try)- I
O.S Noun pun Ahom word
iAS Pronoun pun Ditto
as Verb pun Ditto
viS Adjective pun Ditto
VIS H'S . ' Verb p un-shan i Ditto
Noun I *3J? put i Ditto
Verb i put i Ahom word (Shan, pun = to unloose).
Verb Pup Ahom word
o Noun pum I Ahom word (Shan, pung i na = a Brahmin). i
u, Adjective pum ! I Ahom word
Noun pum-na Ditto
vjS & Noun pui Ditto
Adjective pui Ahom word (Shan, Pun = to make soft by cooking; naked).
K . j Noun .. ! puiznam Ahom word



CT*t I

i i


fAfi G^Q^'t51 |



gfe^r, otW f? i

Wl ; ; $t*tl ; C5^ I

Ct^l, I

3W, ^5 I

t?1 I

151 ; ^?T5 ; Hf5$ I

ffc[ t£K?||S<| |

^TR ; Tl ; iftfa I




A foreign country.

An island; the world; the thigh of an

Other than oneself.

To wear (clothes); to turn the eyes

Not ones own.

To be in doubt.

A document ; a substitute

To get open,, to unloose; to scutch, as
cotton ; to change.

To gallop (of a horse), to ride rapidly.

A Brahmin; the entrails ; a kind of
covered bamboo basket; a stack, a


A Brahmin.

A small bamboo fish-trap.

Rotten; naked.

A kind of water-pot,

A goat; a raft, two boats tied together,
with a platform between; a long
piece of timber or bamboo, supporting
the root of a house.




Jtvn ]






dvr W .

^Vr K .

4vr <&r .





An .
An os? .

^VX VK .

An .


i of
i speech.

i Verb


j Noun










! Noun





' Noun


I Pronunciation.


1 Assamese. English.
| pe
cWtft pe-kang
et-isl pe-nga
C-f-U'S pe-chang
Ct-Cft pe-rem
eft pern
*f-5(ft po-man
eft plek
eft plek

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.


Ahom word (Shan, pe
= to conquer).

Ahom word











! Ahom word (Shan, po=
i a father).

Ahom word (Shan, po
= to beat).

Ahom word

Ahom word (po = to
beat, tai = to die,
i.e. to beat to death).


i Ahom word (po = a
father, man = he).

Ahom word

Ahom word (Shan, piik
= rind).

Ahom word


*Tl 5 5 §R I

^5^ I


xfrl wMfa I


'SR* I


w |



srfwt HPI ; 5fb !

x s x

fftsl I

ft I

^ftr i

wi ftfft i


To go behind; to get victory ; to con-

1 quer.

A transverse support of a roof resting
on the upper beam (Fulchati in

A transverse support of a roof resting
on the principal beam of a building.

* I A he-goat.

. A transverse support of a roof near to
one resting on the upper beam.

. ; A transverse support of a roof at the
eave of a house.

. The ridge pole of a house.

. I A transverse support near to one resting
on the principal beam.

.. |! To startle, to start or feel a sudden
I uneasy sensation.

, A father ; people at large ; the whole
body of people in a state ; a benedic-

i tion, blessing ; praise ; fame, renown.

. To beat; to speak, to say.


. The husband of a fathers sister.

. To beat to death ; to kill.

A father.

To bless.

Bark, peel, rind.

To worship ; to ooze out.




[ vlw I?



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc. Meanings.
Assamese. English. i Assamese. English.
Noun G^-fe plek-ngi i Ahom word Plekngi, the name of the 15th lakni or year, of an Ahom Taoshinga.
VLyu . Noun G^-Rt? i plek-mit Ditto tf5i i .. Plekmit, the name of the 35th lakni or year, of an Ahom Taoshinga.
VLvn wr . Noun C?%C5^ i plek-cheu . Ditto Plekcheu, the name of the 25th lakni or year, of an Ahom Taoshinga.
Noun j plek-shan . Ditto NTCLH fel sft?<§D 8 4*| HR 1 . Plekshan, the name of the 45th lakni or year of an Ahom Taoshinga.
a f' e Vivn w Noun plek-shi Ditto wfc?R ^rsf^BR sf HR i Plekshi, the name of the 5th lakni or year of an Ahom Taosinga.
Vtvw w l> Noun G^-T%-1 plek-shi-nga Ditto *>tRR ^tt?R a*r hr i .. Plekshinga, the name of the 55th lakni or year of an Ahom Taoshinga.
vlS Noun CG'S peng Ahom word (Shan, pung = pattern, example, rule). Htf^ ; f*R1 5 GftMl 1 Morality; instruction ; one suffering from elephantiasis.
VLS s Verb peng j Ahom word 1 To trample, to tread down.
Jtv . 1 Noun .. i c*h' i pep Ditto HRH ^5 1 A hole in which fishes live.
V9 Noun Itt pai Ditto v9 Verb Tt^ pai Ahom word (Shan, pai = to hang over; to run). ; CH41 IR 1 ! To go, to march ; to run away ; to bow low ; to exist.
9 j V VM, Verb pai-ka Ahom word i *Tl J Ml 1 To go ; to flee away.
9 V KR Verb pai-khan Ditto sr hRx i To run.
v9 V Verb pai-mi I Ditto I H^ 1 Not to be.
V9 Adverb .. 4T^ plai Ditto IfR 1 Thus.
Noun 9rtf^ SIT'S-' pao but pro- nounced plao. Ditto 1 An arrow.
v Adjective sir j plao i i Ahom word (Shan, paw). j 1 Empty ; vacant.



[ a/

uG w



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana
Assamese. tion of phrases, etc. English.
Noun i pau Ahom word (Shan, luk pau = a daughter-in- law).
Verb i pau Ahom word
vr Noun 1 pau Ditto
V Verb *rt^ pau Ditto
Df Adjective pau Ditto
iK Noun ftr? piw .. Ahom word (Shan, piw = a hole).
iK Verb ftr§ piw .. Ahom word (Shan, piw s =to decrease a little).
iK Adjective ftrs piw .. Ahom word
Vw Verb pak Ahom word (Shan, pak = to skin, to peel).
DcS Noun I St X X pang but pro- Ahom word (Shan, pang n o u n c e d = that part of any- plang. thing included be- tween two joints; one suffering from ele- phantiasis).
Verb St J ifti pang but pro- ; Ahom word (Shan, pang no unc ed ' = to be pierced), plang.
Adjective i *t St X x <[ft *tC5 pang but pro-, Ahom word n ounc ed plang. '
1 Noun St - DoS Ror Noun St -ftt^ plang-niu .. , Ditto
D$ lAor . ^oun ?t plang-nii ., Ditto
DcS W a\. . i Noun St-5ft-£ plang-cham-tu Ditto



x J x

. <1^ <|5i1 I

ft i ; Afgi ; tt ft i ^1 ft I

CfoFftR It. I

*d ; 5TR *i'l ; ^=rft ''R I

1WI j I

sq'n > csRit ftra ; Rftffl i

YR ; C9fY*rt XR^ ; 5 *lRRi ; I .

NW ; ft(R5^1 ; I

^|5?1 ; Wt j I


NT^ftH *TR I


?ht w

A daughter-in-law ; a sentinel.

To put on clothes ; to clothe ; to steal.

A poke for beast; blowing of wind.

I To pole; to blow with the mouth ; to
select; to curse ; to keep watch.

; Curved; uneven.

j The edge of the eyelid; an estate,
landed property; the sharp edge of
a dao ; a crabs hole.

To go late, to be late in going ; to sub-
side ; to be flung away.

Torn ; rent; thin bodied.

To return; to wrap a cloth round the
body; to skin, to peel.

That part of anything included between
two joints or knots, as in the arm or
, in a bamboo; one suffering from ele-
phantiasis ; selection; a rhetorical or

ornamental word ; a kind of bead.

J To consult; to consider ; to burst; to

Outspoken; simple, artless; clear,

The arm.

The part between two parts of a finger.

The calf of the hand.

A kind of creeper.



[ w

Vo HS Wtf ]



A ho m words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation ancl explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
vDn Verb i i pan Ahom word (Shan, pan = to clean cotton ; to put into the mouth).
Vt>w Noun pat Ahom word
Verb pat Ahom word (Shan, p&t = to rub ; to be short).
Vf><& Adjective pat Ahom word
o Vo Noun pam Ditto
o Vo Verb i pam Ahom word (Shan, pam = to reconcile).
VoWlS Noun pam-kan Ahom word
VoV Noun pap Ditto
VDvS Noun poi Ditto
Vo Noun poi Ahom word (Shan, mai).
Vo Verb poi Ditto
Vo Adverb . X poi .. > Ditto
Vo * Conjunction poi-an Ditto
Vo WJ? Conjunction poi-lun-lang Ditto




^1 ^4l ; 'R41 ; The afterbirth of a lower animal. i
; *n> 1 ; To rub ; to plaster. i
44l 1 Cropped.
J CTilW ; ; ti>4l 1 The palate ; the heel; a pillow, a bol- ster ; a short post to which a buffalo calf is tied.
T44 511 J ? a?1; ! To unite, to reconcile ; to be removed, i separate, off; to touch.
ftf44l I Means of livelihood.
544R1 I ! Living as a dependent in anothers house.
| A small bead.
4f^Sl 1 A thread, a twine, a string.
CT4 j fs 4 1 To open; to exceed, to be more.
CTftt? ; LR 41W 1 Again; then.
<51145 I i And. i
NT4 1 And, moreover.






to 1

101 H? vik Aoi ]



up (?P1, Ph;i)

Ahom ; Derivation and explana-
words. 01 speech. Assamese. 1 English. 1 tion of phrases, etc.
) Noun pha Ahom word (Shan, pha
f = a cloth ; the sky ;
a wall).
ID' 1 Verb ph a Ahom word (Shan, pha
Wt J =to split).
1O1, 1C1 .. Noun phra Ahom word
TO1 w/~ K>t(f Noun ip' pha-kao-khru Ditto
w: k w 1 D Noun pha-khi-man Ditto
1O1 10$ w$ Noun ¥l-SF -^T .. pha khrung- Ditto
0 OC lOl On Vpb Noun pha-tu-ching Ahom word (pha =
heaven, tu = a being,
ching = highest, i.e.
the highest being of
heaven, i.e. God, Al-
o oC wi cvy wh Noun pha-tu-ching- Ahom word (pha =
C' O phrang-hum heaven, tu =^a being,
ching = highest,
phrang = wide, hum
= renown, i.e. the
highest heavenly be-
ing of wide renown).
TDl 17K r9 Noun ; pha-bin-bai- Ahom word
! ram
1D1 ThM Noun i pha-but-rum- Ditto
,r I ' shang-dam
1D1 PU . Noun ; ?p1-^ ; pha-mu Ditto
1O1 -tf K IO . Noun pha-mlan- Ditto
j , kham
1D1 d6$ . . Noun pha-r&ng j Ditto i
1D1 VU9 n)L$ Noun -^fa- plia-lai-leng- Ditto
MR PlOl st " .". han-kho



Wl ; TtHft J j ; CTC j

grN ; Pm i

1m . . 5pt5T 1

X Z X 7

f*H; I

^$1 |

Mftl I



i______ ____________

A king ; cloth ; a garment; heaven ; the
sky; a wall, a partition ; God ; rock.

To split; to divide; to pierce.

A rock.

The name of a part of heaven.

A kind of plant.

A half.

The supreme Deity ; God, Almighty.

The famous God.


Ol ^fa I

^b4 \^rl i


A cloth girdle.

The name of a deity.

The palm.

Brahma, the creator.


Wl5l |

A gorgeous edifice, a palace.
A necklace.




[ U01 wg vf




Ahom words. Parts of speech. j Pronunciation.
Assamese. English. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
IOI TV'S Noun > -CHI . pha-shang-pai 1 Ahom word
$ Noun ¥i-^rs c^ i pha-shang-din khun-neu - Ditto
iVtvi w' C&OA Noun 1 pha-shat-ka- rat i Ditto
wi V^v wg ^g u Noun G5 pha-slii-ip- shang-deng Ditto
D3I M . . Noun i pha-hum 1 Ditto
IOI a Noun ¥l-55J 1 i pha-ham Ditto
wt WT^W Noun pha-ham-bak Ditto . .*
wi H gg . , Noun 1 pha-ham-deng Ditto
TJOW Noun i phak Ahom word (Shan, phak =to send a present).
tow i Verb <(T TOW ! Adjective ¥f<£ phak Ditto
TOW WCM . Noun phak-kat Ditto
TOW vv >Y19 Noun phak-ki-kai. . Ditto
TOW W vyq Noun phak-ki-la .. Ditto
TOW vfl VI D Noun .. phak-ki-ham Ditto
K>W Wig wg Noun phak-kung- chang i Ditto
TOW WR Noun I phak-kun-mu Ditto
TOW W TOW WWW Noun phak-kut-kam Ditto
WW wcvn w§ fc? D Noun phak-kut- klang Ditto


Assamese. i English.
'5fHtsR 1 Phashangpau, a son of Dakham, a spirit.
The name of the eldest son of God. j
VfRsI 1 A blanket.
i The name of a deity.
W 1 A kind of tree.
1 Garlic.
1 A kind of vegetable.
1 ! Onion.
*rfa 5 J 'StWft ; W ; fcplHfa 5 ; 1 1 A vegetable; a bribe ; a scabbard; the embroidered end of a round pillow ; the bank of a river ; an army ; a side ; a present.
; Ht? 1 To leave off; to ram down, to press closely down; to mince, to chop.
H1 ; Smooth ; plain.
<1 A kind of potherb resembling the mus- tard plant.
I .. i 1 A kind of vegetable plant.
uft rfa 1 .J A kind of edible vegetable.
srfsral, 1 .. ! Coriander.
CTCSf1 I A kind of vegetable.
I . i A kind of plant.
Clrfbll 1 . J A species of fern used as a potherb.
^tH Cl? c&Om 1 .. A species of fern.



[row woa rjw wf




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc. Meanings.
Assamese. English.
Assamese. English.
ROW woa t^W w9 Noun phak-kut-nuk- koi Ahom word cirfw i A species of creeping fern.
ww w oa wr b> o Noun phak-kut-thao Ditto ciyfftl i A species of fern.
ROW W^OA vi^-g Noun phak-kut-lung Ditto ClrfUl 1 A species of fern.
ROW WfwS 0 Noun phak-kao-lang Ditto 5R 1 A kind of plant
ROW Wo§ . Noun phak-klang . Ditto CTStfa 1 A kind of vegetable.
ROW W9 . Noun phak-koi Ditto drfhn i A kind of plant.
ROW R ROW ($% (v/ Noun -feta .. phak nam .. Ditto A kind of water-plant. A kind of plant.
Noun phak-ting-tao Ditto
ROW CVA Wf fcr t> Noun phak-tum-kao Ditto 1 A species of potherb, a sort of basil.
ROW OAW & 0 ' Noun phak-tum-tak Ditto I A kind of plant.
ROW RW . Noun X X phak-pak Ditto i A pumpkin.
ROW P'S wS Noun XXX phak-pang- kang 1 Ditto *3b i A kind of potherb.
ROW P'S < Noun X x Ox phak-pang- ngu i Ditto i A kind of potherb.
1OW vt Noun F'fc'-ttS-CSS .. X X X phak-pang- deng Ditto ^1 jh i Red spinach.
ROW RO <£9 w9 Noun phak-pha-rai- kai 1 Ditto i A kind of plant.
ROW RO9 . 0 Noun i phak- phoi .. \ Ditto R^eiSlR | A kind of fern.
ROW RO9 Noun phak-phoi-din Ditto 1 A kind of fern.
ROW pj? . Noun phak-bun .. Ditto *IÂ¥1 1 . ! A kind of plant used as a vegetable.
ROW PoR . Noun phak-ban . Ditto ^1 The arum plant.
ROW PR . Noun 5Fft>-srft X X phak-man .. Ditto xgA i .J A kind of plant.
Rovvi r/yf yyo Noun phak-me-sheu Ditto 1 .. j A kind of potherb.

r r r 9 -r
wm WR V HR

*- t? 0



tZ ]



Ahom words. Parts of speech,
tow WR V9 Noun i
row wivu Noun
VOW w hr Noun
uovfi vtr$ . i I Noun i
r oC wyh wtf I Noun
WYYl Vv§ R Noun I
r o UOYG YUR R Noun
UOW Vt , i * ; Noun
Tjovri \ vf i Noun
i r o oc UOYR Noun
S' 0 UOYY1 1$ OA . Noun
VO'S Noun
. i Noun


, Assamese. English.
phak-chan- mai-dan
X X phak-thek i
X x x i phak-lap-din
! phak-lung .
-3R . ; phak-sheng- i khrum
X X X i phak-sheng- nam
i phak-sheng ban
, phak-in-nam
phak-hum .
phak-hum- khao
X x phak-hum- deng
X 'x phak-det
Hs X phang
Â¥t 1 x phang

Derivation and explana-
, tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word




i Ditto

I Ditto


i Ditto

i Ditto

! Ditto


I Ditto



Ahom word (Shan,
phang=to bury).

vo% i Adjective

uoS V9 ; Verb





Ahom word


Ahom word (phang=a
foreigner, phak =====

Ahom word


Assamese. English.
1 A kind of plant.
CEj^srt 1 A kind of potherb.
1 A kind of plant growing on marshy land.
^<3 1 A kind of edible root.
5R1 I The jute plant.
A kind of potherb.
falfrTCl 1 A kind of jute plant.
tw i A kind of potherb (convolvulus repens).
t*rl it? I A kind of plant used as a vegetable.
rfa i A kind of potherb.
1 A kind of potherb.
f^51 | A kind of plant.
faH J ^Ft^f j J TX^I W j ^lfN5l j J SR | A foreigner, a Bengali; a Musalman; a river bank; a false statement; a plant (Plumbago rosia); stubble of paddy; the after-birth of an inferior animal.
5 Ct'fa, C<^51 j NtWfaj NtTStJT | To cheat by imperfectly performing a work, to scamp ; to fill up a hole, to bury; to throw down violently; to draw a line.
Night-blind; matted, reticular.
'GW 1 Near, close to.
J 1 White foreigner; the English.
fff 1 To put into the grave.

IO 1$ p







|_ TOK

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. i English.
IXR Noun phan i Ahom word (Shan, phan
i = a dream; distress).
IXR Verb phan Ahom word (Shan, phan
=slice, pare)
IXK TO Noun phan-kham Ahom word (phan=an
order, sham=a word,
i.e. an order by word).
IXOA Noun *rlT> phat Ahom word
ixoa Verb phat Ahom word (Shan, phat
= to strike with a
sharp stroke; to sever).
IXOA Adjective phat Ahom word
IXOA Adverb .. VtT> phat Ditto
IXD Verb vft! phap Ditto
IX Noun vbi pham Ditto
IX Verb pham Ditto !
IX i Noun ft phi . ; i Ahom word (Shan, phi
i =a being superior to
man and inferior to the
; Brahmans, and having
its dwelling-place in
i one of the six inferior
i celestial regions; a
{ i boil, an ulcer).
IX 1 Verb fv phi Ahom word
a IX VK Noun f^ltH phi-man Ditto
. . Noun fv-T^t phi-dip Ditto


Assamese. English.

; UW I

5^5 W , 5 J ; Tt]> ; I .


*IW1, W jpfiJ 5t^C
vfttn i

f/FHl : ^ CSflX ; ; [5 I .

y 7 x 7 X ' \

ml I


Cfftl fesrfR
5 I

Ctnl ctft I

f i



An order; a command; a dream ; diffi-
culty, distress; sorrow : poverty ;
calumny against an absent person;
a kind of plant; seed kept for sowing.

. I To order ; to call; to do ; to create ; to
! cut; to sow broad-cast.

An order.

; 1 A bridge ; a place where traders assem-
ble for trade and for payment of
duty ; the striking of grass by an
elephant \ a joint; reproof.

. : To beat, to strike with a cane; to
pour syrup (into a pot) ; to cut a
leaf; to be sufficient; to fall; to read.


: Yet, nevertheless.


To strike with a hoe; to beat with a




' The part between two joints; a kind of
i aquatic grass ; the duck-weed.

! To remain in a compact body.

A god : a spirit, a ghost, a devil; a dis-
charge from the eye.

i To form into layers.

I A kind of headache which comes at

A large boil.







Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation.
Assamese. 1 English.
or or WYH, TOYK1 Noun phik
or 0 r UOYH, WW Verb phik
Noun phring
TcS Verb phring
fir ich Adjective phring
a r , r ICtf MtjV . Noun T3F-^I phring-shup
0r TOR Noun . i VH phin
0 r IDOA Noun Vet? phit
0 r TOOA Verb fat? phit
0 r TOOA Adjective tM? phit
0 r TOT? Verb Wf phip
GA' . . Noun phip-ta
WP OA \ R^ Noun phip-ta-nu ..
0 r , r TOD CV\' OA Noun phip-ta-teu ..
TO^ Noun phin but pro- n o u n c e d phen
TO^ Noun phu
Verb 1? phu

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word


Ahom word (Shan,
phing= former habit,
suffix of plurality).

Ahom word





Ahom word (Shan,
phit = to miss the
mark, be in error).

Ahom word (Shan, phit
=be pungent).

Ahom word




Ahom word (Shan, phin
=what is flat and

Ahom word (Shan, phu
=a man, a male).

Ahom word (Shan, phu
=to float).



feVl I

fR; 1

; ; W ^rl I

5 ffai 5 i




cws 5 *rri j i

; C5W I

ur tel i

5^t 'SlR tell

ur tell

^11} (Tit'tete ^ii

j ; ifa j i

'St ; <3^1 |

X '


A kind of high coarse grass.

To recognize ; to feed by ejecting from
the mouth, to feed from mouth to

A wooden stand on which religious
manuscripts are placed; a custom,
former habit; a suffix of plurality.

To throw off ; to make one swallow ;
live fire ; to be many.


The lips.

A cartwheel; a shelf ; a cotton gin; the
inside of the body.


To be offended; to find fault with ;
to offend the goddess of small-pox ;
to make a mistake in playing chess;
to sin; to be in error.

Cold, warmthless ; pungent; saltry.

To wink with the eye.

The eye-lid.

The upper eye-lid.

The lower eye-lid.

A layer; a flat piece of silver or gold.

A man ; a male; a husband ; in former

To float; to change shoulder, to ease
a burden on the shoulder.


L 5?


b- d J







to vn£ yt'S

tc^ .


Wl d§

Ug, -V YVir wj$


r- E

TO YV1S K> s cfo
D '

to yyie to

/ r







I Noun








i Noun


Assamese. English.

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.





' phu-kin-mung j Ahoni word (phu = a
male, kin = enjoy,
mung~a country, i.e.
one who administers
a country).

phu-kc Ahom word (phu = a

male, ke = great or

| i noble, i.e. a great or

! i noble male person).







Wlt3l I

Wl, W
i An officer entrusted with the adminis-
j tration of a particular part of Assam,
; in the reigns of Ahom kings.

Barua, a title of dignity.

' Ahom word (phu = a
' male, ke=great, kan
attached, ram = a

! sedan, i.e. a great
male person attached

' to a sedan).

! A h o m w o r d ( phu =
i a male, ke = great,
changshari = a phy-
sician, i.e. the chief

of the physicians).

Ahom word (phu = a
male, ke = great, noble,
lung great, i.e. a great
noble male person).

Ahom word (phu = a
male, kan = nice, i.e.
a nice male person).

phu-kan- Ahom ivord (phu = a

khari male person, kan =

nice, kha-ri = gun-


phu-kan-khu- Ahom word (phu-kan=
ang a nice male person,

khuang=the name of
a place in Dibrugurh).

phu-kan khe Ahom word (phu-kan=
a nice male person,
khe=%b net, i.e. a nice
i male person having

I the charge of fishing



wl i


wi i


isfffR i

Dolakasharia Barua, the head of a clan
of men whose duty was to walk on
either side of the state sedan chair.

The chief medical officer of Assam, dur-
ing Ahom Rajas time.

Barbarua, an officer under the Assam
king exercising the powers of civil and
session judge.

A title of dignity.

Khargharia phukan, the chief officer
having the charge of the royal arsen-
al, in the Ahom Rajas time.

! Khowang phukan, an officer of Ahom
j Rajas time, having the charge of
| Khowang, a place in Dibrugarh.

Jalbhari phukan, the chief officer of
the Aliom Rajas, who had the charge
of royal nets.






I w W1R oar &

L- D !b v

Ahom Parts of speech
, U0 WR £MK 1 D | Noun
D ' 1 Noun
I io ! Noun
i r i Noun i
w yur Noun
TO YY1R & D ' Noun I
W YMR Vvi D Noun i
r K> WR V h? 0 Noun
kum ib Z? D Noun i

10 W V D Noun


Assamese. ! English.
1 xSpl; phu kan-tun- rung-dam
phukan-pha- kut
phu-kan-phu- shan-ngin
phu-kan-bao I
phu-kan-bai- lung i
I ; phu-kan-ma- mu
phu-kan-mo- shai
phu-kan-jam- shu
phu-kan-ru ..
phu-kan-rai z dang
i . phu-kan-lung

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word (phu-kan=
a nice male person,
tun-rung-dam = Kali-

Ahom word (phu-
kan = a nice male
person, pha-kut = a
kind of fern, called

Ahom word (phu-kan=
a nice male person,
phu=a man, shan=
to cause to learn, ngin
=to learn, i.e. a nice
male person who dis-
poses judicial affairs).

Ahom word (phu-kan=
a nice male person}

Ahom word (phukan.
bailung = Bailung

Ahom word (phukan,
ma-mu=a nut).

' Ahom word (phukan,

! mo-shai=Deodhai).

! Ahom word (phukan,
! mau=new).

' Ahom word (phukan,
jam=to hold, shu=
a coat).

Ahom word (phukan, ru
=a boat).

Ahom word

Ahom word (phukan,





Kaliabaria phukan, an officer of rank of
the Ahom Rajas, who was next to
Salalgohain at Kaliabar.

CTfal I






Dhekial phukan, an officer of high rank
of the Ahom Rajas, who used to collect
revenues of Lower Assam under the
control of the Barphukan, the

Nyaisodha phukan, an officer of high
rank, who used to hear and decide
judicial matters in Ahom Rajas time.

Deka phukan, an officer of rank in the
Ahom Rajas time.

.. Bailung phukan.

Tamuli phukan, an officer of rank, who
had the charge of royal gardens of the
Ahom kings.

Deodhai phukan, the chief officer
amongst the Deodhais.

Naphukaia, a title of dignity.

Choladhara phukan, a title of dignity.

Naoshalia phukan, the chief officer of
the navy of the Ahom kings.

Raidangia phukan, a title of dignity.

Barphukan, the viceroy of the Ahom

ioLvt ]







w W1R Ti?


W WK lg



0 r

IO^ W1 <£uR








10^ tor . Verb
w^wS Noun


VO^cJSi) Mi,




TOV VliLo"















[ W 'ty

L Z/ D

Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. | English.
phu-kan-shi- ring Ahom word
phu-kan-doi Ahom word (phukan, doi=a hill).
<- : l phu-pha-ren 1 Ahom word (phu = a man, pha = to sepa- rate, ren=house, i.e. a man separated from his family).
phu-phan .. Ahom word
i phu-chang- khang Ditto
^1 phu-ra Ditto
phu-ra-ta-ra Ditto 1
Â¥ <\ phiiw Ditto

ftft's I


{ft *tfh




Chiringphukan, a title of dignity.






phiik but pro-
n o u n c e d

phuk but pro-
n o u n c e d






j Ahom word (Shan, to
i bind).

! Ahom word (Shan,
1 phiik gives the 2nd


Ahom word

ft I

*RÂ¥ft^ri fcR I
^tft ^tft 8
(Nt^f I

; 'SltWfal I

fa. ; *11 j fft Hl |. .


'St^fal I

ftfa I


; 5(t^Rl I

f*fa; 5 1

Parbatia phukan, an officer of rank who
had the charge of the hill tribes, in
the Assam Rajas time.

To tie tight.

The Gharfalia clan. The Ahom king,
Rudra Singha, selected out the stout
and strong men of each family and
formed an army of 40,000 strong ; as
these men were separated from their
families and made a new clan, they
were termed Gharfalias.

i To float on poverty ; to be destitute.

Phuchangkhang was a king of Kup-

i Phura, the name of a spirit.


A plank bored with many holes; a
rakshasa, a monster; as much of any
thing as can be clasped in the arms.

To slip; to go arm in arm; to burst (of



A mat.

To tie, to knit.

A kind of edible root; a bamboo fence
set up in a stream to intercept fish.

To learn ; to be white.




[ wlwi

tqM, ]



Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English. i
Adjective ^fa5 phuk but pro- n o u n c e d phok Ahom word
UO^ Noun -p " phrung Ahom word (Shan, phung=a collection).
ICrg Verb -p x phrung J Ahom word (Shan, phung = to fall off ; phak=to divide into two).
Noun phun Ahom word (Shan, phun=rain ; fuel; a four-legged platter or tray, specially for betel-nut).
Verb phun Ahom word
ton Adjective phun Ditto
w Noun ..' phun-pu Ditto
tots Noun .. 1 phun Ditto
IoIk Verb .J i phun Ahom word (Shan, phiin=to scatter).
Noun phut Ahom word
id oK Verb 1 1 phut Ahom word ( Shan, phut =to rise up suddenly).
Verb phup Ahom word
o Noun fa§ 5R phum but pronounced phrum Ahom word (Shan, phum=hair).
iqyS Noun ^£P fa^ phun but pro- n o u n c e d phui Ahom word (Shan, phun =the under-foliage of a tree).
ucryS Verb i phun but pro- n o u n c e d phui Ahom word

Assamese. English.
^tl 1 White:
^5 j rfa 1 A swarm.
*11 1 To be flung off; to divide into two parts ; to be renewed.
J ; W^t OTt? ; (Xtf ; 1 To revolt; to give the first binding to the edge (in basket work) ; to upturn.
(TTfaWfa 1 Gilted.
-Wt 1 Apiece of bamboo placed on tung- khang.
CWl 1 A metal plate used by Ahoms of rank.
; JT1 1 S'7 N To disperse a meeting.
'gY j

^Tl j erffl j |1 1 To boil; to feel nausea ; to be agitated (of a human being).
To split, to tear.
; f^t, rfa I Hair ; a crowd, a herd.
W ; <1 5 OTtW* ^1 1 The eaves of a house; shadow ; a piece of gold or silver.
^5 I To fly.



[ r


141 -

A horn words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. i Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
VC£% K Noun l^-ftft ! phui-nam .. Ahom word
^vor Noun CÂ¥ phe Ahom word (Shan, phe =a plate).
Verb i : CÂ¥ I phe Ahom word (Shan, phe i to spread ; to un- fold ; to be scattered).
Ajo'I Noun ¥ pho Ahom word
Ao'l Verb ¥ : pho ! Ahom w o r d (Shan, phaw=to roast). j i
-u$L% Noun phreng Ahom word (Shan, ; phiing = the honey- : bee).
Act'S Verb phreng . ; i Ahom word
uotiM Verb (Tift phet Ditto
w9 Noun phai Ahom word (Shan, fire ; a side ; a small dam).
AC9 Verb phai Ahom word
AC Adjective phai Ditto
AO Verb Mt phrai Ditto
Noun phau Ahom word (Shan, phau = a wish; phang = dust).
Verb phau Ahom word
1 Noun 5(t'S phao Ditto




fftft ^1, ''Sftjl (7^1 ;
<7ft; Sfft OT $ ftft *ftft 5 t ft!

<2ftft Tit |

$fhft ?fhs i

tft'S ft ; ^1 j ds 45ft ; W/5 ftf I

eft J H31 I

fwl i ftft , ^ift i

Cs^ft *11 I

^5 } 5ftft ; ; fcftft , ftft I

ft ; W'Sft^ I

C5ft1 I

ll ; 1ft J

ft$1, ft^l ; gftl I

ft5 I

^?ftftftl i


A kind of plant.

A plate ; a piece of plain cotton cloth ;
a wash-bowl; a piece of wood on
which bhang is minced.

To spread, to pervade ; to give birth to,
to bring forth ; to spread straw; to
unfold a load; to sun paddy; to
smooth with an adze; to blow with
the mouth.

Great creation.

An eel hole, an eel pit.

To roll in a green leaf and then to roast;
to roast; to move the legs backwards
and forwards in agony; to remain
for good, permanently.

Honey of bee ; stubble of paddy.

To spread as water on blotting paper ;
to distribute; to sweat, to perspire.

To be bent (of a dao).

Fire ; a high-land ; a layer ; a strong
person ; an embankment; a side.

To beckon ; to jump.


To go ; to walk.

A wish; dust.

To scatter about.

A housekeeper ; a wife.



[ TOo'




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. I English.
TOor Verb phao Ahom word
wr Noun phreu Ditto
TOf Pronoun .. phreu Ahom word (Shan, phaii =who).
wr Verb phreu Ahom word
TOr tf Adverb . phreu-nai .. Ditto
tx§or Noun phiw Ahom word (Shan, ph'iw = the fibrous outer bark of plants).
o r TOO Verb phiw i Ahomword (Shan, phiw = to put in order).
Too' Adjective phiw Ahom word
vSo'fo Noun phiw-kham.. I I Ahom word (phiw = a bracelet, kham=gold, i.e. gold bracelet).
or r TOO Ru Noun X phiw-nang .. : Ahom word
vodyvi Noun i phak .. ' Ahom word (Shan, phak = to be incapable of learning).
Tovn D Verb .. j phak Ahom word
TOVVI D Adjective , phak Ditto
wg Noun .. i phrang Ahomword (Shan, phrang=dust).
Verb phrang Ahom word
ixrg Adjective ( j phrang Ditto
i Noun .. i X phan .. Ditto




j (TFtCTl I

cWx i

Offerl i

W J fifafa J CUtU I

j 'Slfafal J 5^1 ^tf< *1;

Ufa C5fa I

f^fal I

Ctt'fa W i


J Cats? I

; ctwtfa11

; W)r1 I

J ; ^fa*! ; ; Wtt ;

*fafa<; I

WI, f^T I
. (^fal I


To be scattered about.

A certain, anybody.

Who ; any.

To burn.


A bracelet; a tick; the fibrous outer
barb of plants.

To clear up, to clear away, to put in
order; to vacate a place ; to speak
vehemently ; to take out water ; to be
in excess ; to scrape off the surface.

Slightly dry.


The upper or scarf skin.

An unskilled woman; a feast.

To sprinkle water on the body; to be

Ugly ; sappy, full of sap.

A cart; a guard ; a means of deliver-
ance ; delivery ; the act of saving or
delivering ; counsel; advice ; dust.

To rest; to support, to nourish} to take
care of a person.


A house ; a sip, the quantity drunk at
one gulp.




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
iccvi D Verb i phat Ahom word
VDV < o Verb phap Ditto
o TO D Noun , pham Ditto
o wD Verb pham Ditto
o TO D Adjective i pham Ditto
TOT? . . Verb fa^|3 fa^ p h o i n b u t- Ahom word (Shan, phoi
D I -x i 1 pronounced (phoi) =-to sprinkle).
w9 D Noun ¥ w9m> Noun phoifi Ditto



j ; fa fteh i ..

cFpt; |

5 I


w*rl 5 i

; CW I


To sew a border, to sew on a border;
i to make an elephant kneel down; to
I search minutely.

To run on all fours.

Morality; an example.

! To ramble, to wander ; to think.


! All; low and bushy (as shrubs).

To drizzle (of rain).

A mole (the black spot); a tumult.

One who fills up a hole.


vb J





Vi, (X Ba)

Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation . Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
v', Noun .. ba Ahom word (Shan, wa =for cubits).
vi, Verb ' ba Ahom word (Shan, wa).
v', Adverb . ^1 ba Ahom word
V $ VnR Conjunction ba-an Ditto i
n Noun ba (long) .. ! Ditto

' Verb




i Ahom word (Shan, wa
=to say).


xC, OAR V^f

n VYn .










ba-tan-neu ..




Ahom word



















Ahom word (Shan,
wang = to tear; to

Ahom word (Shan,

Ahom word (bang=
a prostitute, mung=
a country).

Ahom word (bang = a
prostitute, shao =
grown up).

Ahom word (Shan, wan
=the sun ; a day ; a



Wl , crk I


'5lt¥ I

CWI 5 CSftTftl I

; Hl i

^f^rsn, i

Ffoi I


^5 j I

ntt} ftbrsfh; rfsf j g^brl W i


tffa OTf I

c^Srl, I


A measuring rod, eight cubits in length ;
a string of a musical instrument; one
fathom, four cubits.

To say.



A bundle of hair ; a very poor man, one
who lives by drudgery.

To become mad ; to say, to speak.

Mad, crazy.

To pray earnestly.

The shoulder.

To weave ; to write.

A prostitute, a harlot; a kind of tare
that grows among autumn rice ; the
inside of a pipe ; a poor man.

To break; to copulate; to eat fish; to

Thin, light.

The country of the fairies.

A harlot, a grown-up prostitute.

The sun; a day; a village; a kind of
paddy ; a kind of cup.








Ahom words. Parts of speech. - - i Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. , i English.
UR Verb i ban Ahom word (Shan, wan ==to sow ; to beg).
r UK Adjective *rft ban Ahom word (Shan, wan =sweet, agreeable).
uk VKbvri . Noun ban-ak Ahom word (ban= the sun, ak=to rise).
vk yio Verb ban-khao .. Ahom word (ban = to sow ; khao = paddy, rice).
VK VO9. . Verb X ban-khao- khrai Ahom word
uk cvvm .. Noun 1 ban-tuk Ahom word (ban=the sun, tuk=to fall, i.e. the sun-fall).
uk wk . Verb 1 x x i ban-phan . ! Ahom word (ban = to sow, phan=seed).
Noun X 1 ban-ru Ahom word
UM Noun i bat I Ahom word (Shan, mat -a plea).
VM i Verb bat i Ahom word
um i Adverb .. bat Ditto
up Noun bap Ditto
up Verb bap Ditto
up Adjective bap Ditto
o u Adjective bam Ditto
G u Noun ft bi Ahom word (Shan, wl = a pan; a kind of comb; we=a cowry).
G u Verb ft bi Ahom word



CTWff j ft$>1 I

*2? I

fft i


ft *fal j *tf^T |


W4 I

Wft ; I

; Hf^ri nt? *n j *rw i

<^ft ; C^ftl I

CWft (Xftl ; 5J5J1 I

Wl ft ; I
w^rl i

Wwi |

5 I

§[pT I


To beg ; to sow ; to open.

Sweet; agreeable.

The east.

To sow paddy.

To sow paddy broad-cast (generally
under water).

Sunset; the west.

To sow seed.

A round spot on the body.

A kind of louse found on the body of a
dog; one time.

To become sore ; to get relief from ill-
ness ; to become convalescent; to

Once; yes.

A kind of fish trap; paddy ready to be

To rob ; to acknowledge subjugation.



A fan; a kind of comb ; a cowry.

To comb the hair ; to fear.



150 AHOMASSAMESE r p vu *- D
Ahom Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
words. Assamese. English.
0 0 O p wi vto . Noun ft-ftp-^ bi-ki-ham .. Ahom word
0 pwi Verb ft^ bik Ditto
vS Noun W X bing Ahom word (Shan, wing =a city).
Verb ft X bing Ahom word (Shan, wing =to be divided).
Noun ftsMs-cM X X K bing-tang-tet Ahom word
P'S W W1. I Noun fts bing-shi-la .. i Ditto
rS vtS .. Noun ft -?t X x bing-hang .. Ditto
pS Verb fM X bin Ahom word (Shan, win =to fly).
0<^ PR Adjective fan X bin Ahom word
0 POA Noun ftp bit Ahom word (Shan, wit =a fish-hook).
0 poa ! ; Verb 1 i 1 I 1 ftl> bit Ahom word (Shan, wit = to smooth with a knife).
0 POA i Adjective ftp bit Ahom word
V(>n X)§ W1 Noun ftMftpfl bit-thi-la Ditto
TOP Verb ftt! bip Ahom word (Shan, wip = to knead or press with the hands).
Noun X X bin but pro- n o u n c e d -ben. Ahom word (Shan, win =a bangle).
Verb ft^p^


^t1 ? j ft I

j oMrM> I

05'S^ftW : ftM5! R ; I

X ' X ' X


fR I


t I


5R j J tfa< Clft ; ftpl I

Tftt ftu ^1 } Cft ; *tftl Pt5 I

^rhr i

ft^ftRl, MM sift I

!W } <3tWtR I

CWffi ; C*MI I

X 7



An aromatic plant.

To be wearied ; to take on the neck ; to
give a child.

A town, a city ; a small potsherd.

To jump ; to divide, to distribute.

The mason-wasp (Sphinx asiatica).

Bezoar, a calculous concretion found in
the intestine of certain ruminant

A whitlow.

To fly ; to place aside, to place on one


Mind ; a fish-hook ; an ear of corn before
it shoots out of the culm ; a phial.

To scoop out water ; to move one of the
pieces in a game ; to soak ; to smooth
a narrow piece of bamboo.

Adorned with figures of flower (as a

Bitthila is the name of a place.

To press, to squeeze.

A bracelet a bangle; the end of a nut
to which the foot-stalk is attached.

To cast into water and drag out again
(as a net); to throw out.





Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. { English.
p^ Noun I I bu i Ahom word (Shan, wuw or muw = a water-lily).
pa. Verb bu Ahom word
K Adjective I bu Ditto
p^ Adverb .. 1 1 bu Ditto
0 c Adverb .. bu-khriw i Ditto
V Verb : bii l i Ditto
dV Noun biiw Ditto
tfk PYV1 Noun ; buk Ditto
c trg Noun bung Ahom word (Shan, wung = a worm).
vji Verb bung Ahom word
Adverb .. bung Ditto
vt; ' Noun bun Ahom word (Shan, mun=to sprout).
C' VK Verb bun Ahom word
'e* PR s> Adjective bun Ditto
PBS u .. Noun bun-hai Ditto
Noun but Ditto
p w & Verb but Ahom word (Shan, but =to raise).
Adjective but Ahom word
v^v Verb I9! bup Ahom word (Shan, wup =to beat).


Assamese. English.
Wl ; Wl 1 A lotus; a water-lily ; a bud; the seventh female child.
CÂ¥tfcl 1 To paint the forehead with sandak
i Blunt: dumb ; fat,
1 Not.
1 Not, yes.
W 1 To twist ; not to wipe face.
A wheel; disgust; muddy land.
srft? f*t i To poison fish.
Mucous discharge from the nose ; a dry road or path ; land.
Itfo ; ^lfl5 tfSt A narrow-necked basket for keeping fish ; a basket; outside ; a silk-worm ; a hogs den.
'SS-Wi 1 To remove night-soil.
1 Now.
Noon ; ones own man ; poison ; a rattan sprout.
; &IR 11 , ^5 Ft J To be perplexed; to be excited; to extend and arrange the warp previous to weaving.
i Mad.
i A kind of plant.
CftCrt^l 1 A disorder of the bowels.
To raise ; to last; to trample upon.
i Ftl I i Blind of one eye.
CWl : CTlWk H ; ll 1 To beat; to be agitated (as water) ; to be overcrowded.






Alio in ' Parts ! Of speech. Pronunciation. 1 i Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc. Meanings.
words. Assary --e. English. Assamese. English.
K i Verb 1*1 bum i Ahom word CMM d 1 i i To remain dumb.
TPM, : Noun i bui Ditto otRI W 1 Country liquor.
Verb bui Ditto clfal 1 To drag the end of a waist-cloth along the ground. i
<^1 5 Noun bo Ahom word (Shan, mo ; = a pit, a mine ; wo= i a dooly or palanquin). An occurrence ; a salt-mine ; a dooly or palanquin ; a sheet of water. i
rig i Noun j C/W^ i beng Ahom word CM^I'I i ; ! i A frying-pan; a kind of worm ; a large basket in which grain is stored.
Verb 1 i I \ beng Ditto cvMtv M, Mi To go swiftly.
T^K Noun ben Ditto j c5M vM I A kind of monkey ; a crooked word.
T&S Verb (/H ben Ditto Mt : CTfevfc Ml X 2 v To fall; to fell from a tree ; to be bent, distorted.
T^Lcva Noun .. CV> bet i Ditto ; CMM | The lines on the palm of the hand; a conical basket, used by hill people.
V9 ! Noun I bai Ahom word (Shan, wai =a cane, rattan). CVs j 1 A cane, a rattan; a place.
X? Verb bai Ahom word (Shan, wai =to place). t 1 To be aslant; to lay by, to put, to place.
X? Adjective Vtt bai Ahom word Mtft ; 1 Smooth, polished.
r XT . D i Noun Ms bao Ahom word (Shan, waw or maw=a youth). OSMl Wi j 1 A youth, a young unmarried man; company, companionship.
vr OD J Verb MS . ! bao Ahom word fMt d fan N ld 1 To stand still.
rf W1 TPo~ . ! Noun Noun Ms-vi bao-pha bau Ahom word (bao a youth, pha = a prince). Ahom word CSVl Wl 1 Vo Noun di baw or bau , Ditto A miser ; a hand-mill for grinding corn.
Vo' . i Verb d) baw or bau .. Ditto 1 To hold ; not to be.


W VK W ]



Ah om words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
Assamese. English.
ro Adverb . dfl baw or bau .. Ahom word (Shan, maw).
P(f Vto~ Noun d-. bau-plu Ahom word
vo rtw t?or v> Adverb , bau-that-bau- bai j Ditto I
r VO Noun biu Ditto
0 r Po Verb biu Ditto
*L Verb bak Ditto
vovn Noun blak Ahom word (Shan, mak).
<" o c VYM YGo . Noun blak-king .. Ahom word
s' e r o VYM AMV W Noun , blak-kip-lam Ditto
trm K> V . Noun 1 I blak-kham- pam Ditto
VpVM E> iyDH Noun blak-kham- shan Ditto
xrm e6cr . Noun blak-khe Ditto
pvu yoor Nojun ., ; blak-khao .. i Ditto
to yoor Vpr Noun 35Mf'S-(?i .. blak-khao-pe Ditto
vfi k>dr . i Noun isFMft blak-khan .. Ditto
I Vow -g . 1 Noun .. ! blak-ngam .. Ditto
! (T 0 ' Povn oaoa i j Noun blak-tet Ditto
P0W vw tft,{ Noun i b 1 a k p a t- miing Ditto
PIT. TP§ , Noun 3^>-*Ft PYV1 PR 0 Noun ! blak-bin Ditto
PAVl PR vn i Noun i j blak-man-kam Ditto , t


Assamese, ! English.
1 No, not.
i A betel leaf.
Incessantly, without stop,
srk i An athlete.
(Ts^ft Hl 1 To be bent.
^1 ; ft 1 To mean ; to speak, to tell; to explain,
1 A flower.
A screwpine flower.
1 A mushroom.
WfFi i The flower of a parasite plant, an orchid flower.
1 The marigold.
ft*l | A kind of flower.
| 1 White flower.
| ! A species of flower.
SRI 1 A flower garland.
sfleFft | A kind of jessamine.
1 A kind of flower of a reddish colour.
| A kind of flower. i
itfp'h 1 ! The flower of the tree produced at the churning of the ocean.
i A kind of flower.
| A kind of flower.
A kind of flower.



[ PHI OA ''




Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation. Derivation and explana- tion of phrases, etc.
i Assamese. i 1 English.
P YU v oa ' Noun i blak-mi-ta . Ahom word
PWi V D i Noun blak-mu i Ditto
trm wu <&v Noun X x P blak-chip-rip Ditto
PAM "Col'S . Noun ' X X blak-theng ,, Ditto
Noun blak-ran Ditto
rem D Noun ' X s i ! blak-ram Ditto
p vvi <3S VH Noun 3^-W pyu wLS . Noun p \ blak-leng Ditto
vA * Noun p p blak- s h e n g' pha Ditto
PYM . Noun blak-shen . Ditto
P0YM e£S Noun X \ blak-na-rang Ditto
Pc>YM i Noun 3 p yu yf\ . | Noun X blak-am Ditto
oA Noun blak-dam .. Ahom word (blak = flower, dam=black).
rrm % Noun X blak-di Ahom word
rw . Noun blak-deng ,. Ahom word (blak= flower, deng=red).
Noun bang Ahom word (Shan, miing=a dam across a river).
c ! Verb bang Ahom word
vcZ Adjective X bang Ditto



ortoM i

6^1 i

W^3 I




fml I

W5*bri bptf i



(?[^ I



3i§1 I

; C^I ;

5|T5r ; fBt ;


; Wl ? ; SR ; I


The holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) and
its leaf.

A lotus flower.

A kind of flower.

A kind of flower (flower of Mesna ferrea).

! A kind of wild flower.

A kind of yellow fragrant flower^ Ma-
chelia champaca (gamble).

A kind of flower.

A yellow flower.

A kind of flower, considered holy by the

An Ahom clan, known as Kapataha.

A kind of creeper and its flower.

A kind of plant.

A kind of flower,

A black flower.

A kind of fragrant flower.
A red flower.

The edge of an axe ; a favourite friend;
a dam across a river ; a net for catch-
ing deer ; a sprout; asthma ; soot; a
rope tied to the neck of an elephant;
a hole.

To spread an umbrella; to be king ;
to attend upon any one ; to pierce

Sooty; intelligent.






Ahom words. Parts of speech. Pronunciation.
Assamese. English.
Adjective bang-to
W1 Vl5w wi Noun bang-cha-lik- cha-khang
Noun I ban
r' tpor Verb ban
pr D Adjective ban
r pr w D Noun ban-teu
r 9 q PR VI Vo . D D Verb ! ban-hoi
POA D Adjective bat
Verb bap
0 Noun boi
9 K Verb boi
D Verb <(<£0 W b o i h (pro- nounced boi).

Derivation and explana-
tion of phrases, etc.

Ahom word


Ahom word (Shan, man
or wan).

Ahom word




Ahom word (Shan, mat
or wat=blind).

Ahom word


Ahom word (Shan, mam
=to bow down).

Ahom word



CTtsH Wrl I





OHl ; Wti I

J <^3 ^tf^I I


x 7 7 x 7 X




An iron ladder.

The kachu (arum) plant and its root.

To smell.

Flabby, pulpy.

The curved part of the gable end of a

To be fully ripe and full of juice..
Imperfect, not well developed ; blind.

To break ; to take by force, to pillage.


To pray ; to bow down ; to serve.

To join the hands; to pray ; to pay
regard to a person.




Full Text




Ahomsandtheirreligion.Preface.Itisgratifyingtonotethatthe'Ahom-Assamese-EnglishDictionaryhasafterallbeencompleted.Thetaskwasatremendousoneforamanofmyknowledgeandability.Ihadtodothisworkinadditiontomyownduties,asaDeputyInspectorof Schools.Itmay,therefore, be easilyimaginedwhatamountofextralabourIhadto undergo. 'I'heordinarydutiesofaDeputyInspectorof Schoolsaremultifarious.Hecanhardlyhavetimeenoughathisdisposal todevote to otherwork,butastheAdministration was pleased to entrusttometheworkofthecompilationoftheDictionary,inadditiontomyownduties,Ihadtotaketheburdenonmyshoulder,thoughitwasveryheavy.Iwasgivena clerk forsixmonthstoassistmeinthework.Iputhimtothecollection ofwordsfromAhommanuscripts,which hedidasfaraspracticablewithinsoshorta time. Ithenappliedmyselftofurthercollection ofwordsinconsultationwithafewDeodhaiswhocouldreadAhomandperformDeopujas,ThusIwas able, asfarasI.can believe, to collect alltheavailablewordsatthepresenttime.Inarrangingthewords, Ihave,strictly,followedtheAhomorderofalphabets.EachAhomwordinAhomcharacterhasbeengivenfirst,thenthePartofSpeech,pronunciation,bothinAssameseandEnglishequivalentShanwordswherepossible,literalmeaningsofcompoundwordsandphrases,andmeaningsbothinAssameseandEnglishin order.Ihavesparednopainstomakethebookcompleteasfaras possible.HereIwouldmentionthatIhavetakenhelpfromDr.Grierson'sbooksentitled"NotesonAhoms"and"AhomCosmogamy."AsIhaveno knowledge ofotherTai-Ianguages,IhaveputdowninmybooktheequivalentShanwordsfrom hisbooks,Iamvtherefore,greatlyindebtedtohimforthis. 1;0. conclusion, ItaketheopportunitytoexpresssmygratefulnesstotheHonourableP .. R.T.Gurdon,C.S.I., I.A.; Commissioner, Assam ValleyDistricts,andtheHonourableRaiBahadurPhaniDharChaliha,retired fortheirkindandvaluableadvicereceivedfromtimetotime.ABRIEFACCOUNTOF THE AHOMSANDTHEIRLANGUAGE.ItisanestablishedfactthattheAhomsarethedescendantsofthoseShanswho,undertheleadershipoftheirkingShukapha.,migratedfrom Maolung intheancientkingdomofPong,crossedthePatkaimoun...tainsandenteredtheupperpartoftheBrahmaputraValley in1228A.D.Theygraduallyconqneredthewhole oftheAssam Valleyandruledthecountryfornearly600 years.They aregenuineShans, intheirphysicaltypeandtheirtriballanguageandwrittencharacter.Theycalledthemselves Tai(celestial origin), which is the namebywhichtheShansstilldesignatethemselves,andtheymaintaineda fairlycontinuousintercoursewiththe.inhabitantsoftheoriginalhomeuntilveryrecenttimes.Theymigratedto Assam before


iiPREFACE.the Tais wereconvertedtoBuddhism.Theymaintainedtheiroldreligionandlanguageintacttillthereign ofShudangphaaliasBamunikuar,whichcommencedin1397A.D.Thisprincewasbroughtupinhis childhoodatHabungby a Brahminfamily.Whenhewasmadeking, hebroughtwithhimtheBrahmin.familywiththeimage oftheHinduGod,Lakhi Narayan,worshippedbythemandassignedtheidol a place in the inside oftheroyalpalace.GraduallytheHindureligionhadanimperceptibleholdontheAhom kings.In 1654 A.D. when Shutamla.,aliasJayadhwajSinha,became king, he finallyacceptedHindureligionandbecame a disciple oftheAuniatiGosain.Thusthedecayof Ahom religion commenced,andwas complete inthereignofRudraSingha,althoughtheDeodhaisstillperformtheirreligious ceremonies accordingtotheirold customs.Language.-Ahombelongstothesamesub-groupoftheTailanguage asKhamtiandShan.Bothofthemarenow live languages, whiletheAhom isadefunctone.ItseemsthattheAhomsmaintainedtheir languagefor sometimeaftertheconquestof Assam,buttheirnumberbeingcomparativelysmallandhavingto live,permanently,withpeople whosenumberwas overwhelming,theyneglectedtheirownlanguageandacceptedthelanguageofthepeople'theyconquered. Besidesthereisnomentioninan.yhistoryiftheyhadbroughtwiththemtheirwivesandchildren.If ,they did,thenumberwasverysmall.Theyhad,therefore, totaketo wives fromamongsttheconqueredtribes. These women wereignorantoftheAhom language, sotheirhusbandsfoundittroublesome"tointerchangetheirthoughtswiththem,suchbeing'thecase,theywere compelled tolearnthelanguageoftheirwivestomakethemselves comfortable.The Ahom alphabetisrelatedto those ofKhamti,ShanandBurmese.Itpossesses signs forg,gh,j,jh,d,dh, band bh whicharewantinginKhamtiandShan,Ithasnoy,for whichsoundKhamtiandShanusethe sign which Ahom employs forj.ThefollowingarecharactersoftheAhomalphabets:YYIkarakhal1J'1ilangaW sha t:1nana01\t;itaV1hau9f1pa1fta to pha\Sida1:1

PREFACE. Hi TheAhomvowel sign Wi' which isa fulcrum forcarryingtheothervowels, isreadalongwiththeconsonantsandconsidered assuch.Using different signstothis,othervowelsareformedandtheyaregivenbelow:AHOM VOWELS.123Vowels. 'Wi' .,Transcriptionandpower.4i,sometimespronouncedliketheein"met.',5 678910ue,asin"met." e, astheSanskrite.0,asin" often."11121314 15 )t}( or '5it'S ao(Dr. Grierson givesitspronunciationau,butthisdoesnot.givethesound" ").eu, sometimespronouncedlike.Hao."(Dr. Grierson givesitspronunciationasaii,but real pronunciationiseithereuor ao). 16171819 am in a, as.theainall. oi,asinboil.


ivPREFAOE.Thefirst vowelpracticallygives nosoundwithoutanysignbeingadded.Thesecondandthirdvowels givethesamepronunciationandarefreelyinterchangedatthepresenttime. No.4ispronouncedbothiande.Thecircle.attheendofNos.11,12,and17isdroppedwhenthevowel ismedial,No.11thenbecomesthesameasNo7.andNo.17 as No.4.Nos.6,7,11,and ..areveryofteninterchanged.No.12whenusedwitha consonant-losesitscircleabtheendandgivesthesoundof u ande;as forexample 17t (miing)and (khen), respectively. No.14hasbeenwrittenasc'au" byDr.Grierson,butitsactual...soundis" soIhavewrittenitas" ao." No.16isconsidered as a vowelbytheAhoms.AlthoughDr.Griersonhasshewnitasaconsonant,Ihavetakenitasa vowel,becauseitactuallyformsthefunctionofa vowel. Nos.14and15areofteninterchanged.ThevowelNo.'2isaddedtotheconsonantcharacterstogivethemtheirsounds.Theyarenotedbelow:/ AHOMCONSONANTS.-------------._---IIConsonants. 'I'ransoription.IConsonants. 1_ Transcription. -,I I

PREFACE.vVowel symbolscanbeattachedtoanyconsonantsjustastheyareattachedtothevowel sign "'Wt"(a) No.I.TheconsonantNo.16hasthepower ofnya,butattheendofa syllableitispronouncedasn,andsometimes asy.Thuskhefi,much,ispronouncedkhen,andufi,gladness, ispronounceduy.InmanuscriptNos.4and18arewrittenalmostthesame,butthelatteris elongatedattheend,thus t1 (na), 13 (da),Nos.8and9, '0 (ba)and lj (ma)areoftenwrittenalike, soitisverydifficult foronehavingno knowledge of Ahom to distinguish one fromtheother.No.8ispronounced ba wheninitialandwawhenfinal.Theletterswa, ra and la areoftencompoundedwithotherconsonants.Insucha case, wa becomesthevowel a (No.18).Below I give afew examples of compoundswithrandI:(mra}, (tra}; & (kli).Dr.Grierson inhisnoteon Ahoms, seepage5,hasmadementionofaletter (Virama),butIhavenotcome acrossanysuchletterinthe Ahom manuscripts.Initsplace Ihavegiven one, No. 24:, called rulai, This is usedjustatthebeginning ofanywriting aswe (Assamese Hindus) generallywritec'SriHari,""SriRam,"etc. Besides Viriima, hehasshown twootherletters mrii andkli,as consonants,buttheyarecompoundconsonants, as given above. Ihavetherefore excludedthemfromthelistof single consonants.ThefollowingaretheAhomnumerals:-1 !fl.('1\g" leng 12 shang 23 Wsham 34 ,,: shi8,45 )11ha(t, 56 t5 ruk 67 chit 78 mt pet 11', 8 9 kao 9 10lol ship 10JRELATIONSHIPOF AHOM TOKHAMTIAND SHAN. Ihaveno knowledge ofKhamtiandShan,buttoshowtheaffinity ofthe Ahom languagewithotherTailanguages, I put herethefollowingextractsfrom"Grierson's Note onAhoms."


viPREFACE. C, LikeKhamtiandShan, Ahom belongstothenorthernsub-groupof Siamese Chinese languages.It bears somewhatofthesamerelationshiptothemthatSanskritdoestoPali,buttherelationismuchcloser.Themoststrikingpointof resemblancebetweenthetworelationshipsisinthesimplification ofcompoundconsonants.CompoundconsonantsarealmostentirelywantinginKhamtiandShan,Siamese occupiesanintermediateposition.Compoundconsonantsarewritten,butarenotalwayspronounced.Sometimesinsteadofthesecondconsonant remaining unpronounced,averyshortvowel(svara-bhakti) .flower. village.ayouth.a leaf,man or wan Shiin,makmaworwawsu khang khingkhiukliiingphaiiphingphumkai kang kinkinkhiukhiingphaiimaiiThefollowingexamplesillustratethewayin which Ahom compoundconsonantshavebecome simplified:Ahom. Khamti. khrangkhang khringkhriukhrungphraiiphringphrumphumklaikai klangkang klin(klen)kincomparekinkinNotethatin Ahom, thewords forcceat"and"drink"KhamtiandShantheyarethesame. I now proceedtomentionwhatotherchangesrecurinthetransitionfrom Ahom tothemodern Tai languages.1.Asarulethe Ahom vowelsareretainedinKhamtiandShan,Thereareveryfew exceptions,suchas Ahom, Khrung,divide,KhamtiandShan cc Khiing."2.Asregardsconsonants,thefollowingchangesoccur:-(a) Ahom busuallycorrespondstoKhamtiorShanw.Thus, Ahom. Khamti.Shiin. English. bawa wa say.baiwaiwaiput. banwanwan day.Sometimesitbecomes m,thus, Ahom. Khamti.blak makbanman ha baii


PREFACE.InShantheuneducatedfrequently pronounce masb.(b) Ahom d becomesKhamtiandShannor1,thus, vi! English. ask. completion. abide. Ahom. Khamti. Shan. English.dainailai obtain. dang htt-nangkhu-lang nose.daunanJaustar,Siamesedau,di ni li good, Siamese diedinlin ground, Siamesed in. dip nip lip alive.dunnunorliinIiinmoony.Siamesediien.Thedifference betweenKhamtiandShan isnotsogreatasitlooks, forbothlanguages freely interchangenand1.Itwillbe noticedthatSiamese retainsthed. (0)Ahom h usually remains unchanged,butsometimes appears inKhambiandShan asng.Thus huan animal oftheox species;Khamti and. Shanngo;Siamese,ngua;Shanalsowo,(d) Ahom jbecomesKhamtiandShany,thus, Ahom. Khamti, Shan.janyan jauyauyauJUor ii yu(e)Ahom initialfibecomesKhamtiandShany,thus, Ahom. Khamti. ,Shan. English. fiangyang yang be.fiiingying ying female.(I)InKhamtiandShan nandIare interchangeable. Hencewesome times findan Ahom n represented by1,asin Ahom niu,a finger;Khamtiliu;Shanniu.(g) Ahom r becomeshin Khamti andShan. Ahom. Khiimti. Shan. rakhakranghang hangranghanghang ranhau hau rik hik rahoh6 runhunhiin Thus, English. lose. compassion, Siamese rake a tail. shout. lA..we,, Siamese rik. head, Siamese hua, house, Siameseriien,ItwillbeseenthatSiamese usually retainsther.Inotherrespectsthephonology of Ahom agreesveryclosely with those ofKhamtiandShan."


viiiPREFACE.TONES. Ahom likethemodern Tai languagesundoubtedlyusedtones.Unfortunatelyitisnotnowpossible to say whattoneswereused'withwords.COUPLETSANDCOMPOUNDWORDS.AsinotherSiamese-Chineselanguagesthedifferentiationofwordsbytonesishelpedoutbytheuseof couplets.Thesysteminitsessence isthis-twodifferentwordseachwithseveraldifferent meanings,butpossessingonemeaningin common" arejoinedtogetherandthecoupletthusformedhasonlythemeaningcommontothetwo.Forinstance,takethewordKhaandPhan,Khaamongstitsothersignificationsmeans(1)"aslave";(2)"cut";Phanamongstitsothersignifications,means(])'canorder";(2)"poor";(3)'csorrow"; (4) "cut."The'Khan-Phan'meanscutandnothingelse,becausecutistheonlymeaningcommontoitstwomembers.Otherexamplesofsuchcoupletsare:pai-ka,go-go,togo.nung-tang,enclose-enclosuretoplace,toputon (clothes). tang-Iai, all-all, all.miin-khen,rejoicing-rejoicing,happiness.Sometimesinthesecoupletsonlyonewordhasretaineditsmeaning,while inotherwordsithaslostitsmeaningandhasbecome ac,shadowword",thecompoundhavingonlythemeaningofthedominantword.Thus,wehavepenga,agoat,inwhichngahasnomeaninginthisconnexion, whilepebyitself alsomeans'c a goat."Insome oftheselostcouplets,thesecondmemberstillretainsa definite meaning,buthas,sotospeak,emptieditself ofitinfavourofthedominantmember,thisisverycommonlythecasewithwordslikedai,topossess;bai,place,andthelike.Thus-ao,take, totake,tocollect, bring.heu,give,heu-dai,give,giveoutandout. rai, lose,belost;rai-dai,tolosealtogether,tobelostaltogether,todie.hup,tocollect;hup-bai,to store.Anotherformwhichthesecoupletstakeisthe[uxbapositionoftwowords,notofidentical,butofsimilarmeaning,thecoupletgivingthegeneralsignificationsofboth. Thus, khrang,andlargeproperty;ling,cattleandsmallproperty;khrang-Iing,propertygenerally.Thereareothercoupletsthemembersofwhichpossessnotevensimilarbutaltoget.her differentmeanings,-theresultantcouplethavingthesignification givingthecombinedmeaningofthetwo.Thus, ban, day,sun;tuk,fall;bantuk,sunset,evening.INFLEXION.,Allpure Ahom wordsaremonosyllables;onlywordsborrowedfrom foreignlanguagesarepolysyllabic.


PREFACE. Ix Everywordwithoutexception denotes, primarily,theideal of something,actionor condition, such asaman,atree,striking, going, sleep,death,etc. Some ofthesewords such, for instance, astreecanonly performthefunctions ofnounssubstantive,orcanonlywithdifficulty betwistedintoperformingotherfunctions.Otherwords corresponding towhatwecall"Verbalnouns"arecapable of being easily used inotherfunctions. Thus, ifin Ahom wewishtoexpresstheidea"slept,"wesaysleep-completion, ifwewishtoexpress"sleeps wesay and,ifwewishto express"willsleep" wesay" motion-towardssleep."Itwillthusbeseenthattheprocess of declensionandconjugation donotproperlyoccur in Ahom,not canwe dividethewordsintopartsof speech.Therelationwhich inAryanlanguages we indicate by thesetwoprocesses of inflexionarein Ahom indicated"partlybytheposition ofthevarious words inthesentence,andpartlybycompoundingwords together. Wecannot,properlyspeaking, "talkof nounsandverbs, wecanonlytalk of words performingthefunctions of nounsandverbs.Wheninflexion is found by composition,mostoftheauxiliary wordsaddedtothemainwordshavea definite meaning, insomecases, however, auxiliarywordshavelosttheirmeanings as original words.Insuch. cases wemaytalkof these auxiliary words as performingthefunctions ofsuffixesor prefixes. Astowhatfunctioneach"word ina sentence performsthatisdeterminedpartlybycustom.Inthefollowingparagraphstheprincipal points ofinterestin Ahom Grammararediscussed.ARTICLES.Theredoesnotseemtobeanyword which performsthefunction ofa definite article.Whenrequired ademonstrativepronouncanbe used.Fortheindefinite article, the 'numeral"]eng,"oneis .employed.Thus,amanwillbetranslatedinto Ahom as"kun-phu-leng"which literally means person-male-one.Theinterrogativeindefinitepronoun,(phreu"is used tomean"a certain."NOUNS.Gender.-Ahomwords when performingthefunctions of nounshavenogender.Wheninthecaseof living creatures,itis required to distinguish sex,thisis donebycompoundingthemainwordwithanotherword meaning"male"or"female."Thewordsmostcommonly usedwithhumanbeingsare"phu" for themasculine gender,and"mi"forthefeminine.Thus,kun,aperson;kun-phu,person-male,man;kun-mi, person-female, woman.Otherwords used are, lik,forthemasculineandfiengforthefeminine.Examplesare,kha,slave;kha-lik, a maleservant;kha-fieng, a femaleservant.Withnouns of relationship man andiiengareused.Thus.poorpc-man,afather; nang, ayoungerbrotherorsister; na.ngman, a youngerbrother; nang-fiang,. ayoungersister.


xPREFACE.Inthecase ofirrationalanimals"thek"indicatesthemalesexand"me"thefemale,thus-ma-thek,horse,ma-me,,bull,hu-me,cow.Insome instances, differences of genders is expressedbytheuseofdifferentwords.Thus;po,father;me,mother.Number.-Usuallytheideaofpluralityisinferredfromthenatureofthesentence.Ifhoweveritis necessary to expressit,thisis generallydonebyprefixingtheword" khao" whichisalsousedastheplural-ofthethirdpersonalpronoun,meaningccthey."Exampleofitsuse are,khao-kham-kula,servants;khao-mun,rejoicings. Or somenounsofmultitude,suchas a crowd,maybeaddedasinkun-phring,people.Withnumeralsno sign ofnumberisrequired.Thus,Bhang-kun,twopersons,Oa8e.-Therelationsofcaseareindicatedbycompositionwithsomeotherwordorbyposition.Thenominativeiseitherthebareformoftheword,orelseoptionallytakethesuffixccko."Thisko gives a definite force tothenounstowhichitisattached.Itis speciallycommonwithpronouns.Examplesofnominativeare-(a)withoutko,luk-ngilat-kham,theyoungerson said.(b)Withkopo-man-koren ak ma,thefathercameoutsidethehouse.Whenanounisthedirectobjectofasentence,thatisto whenitisintheAccusativecase,ittakesnosuffixor prefix.Thus,man-ko,hungngin, hesoundhear) heheardasound.Theaccusativesometimestakesthesuffix Thisis confinedtopronouns.Theaccusativesometimesprecedesandsometimes followtheverb.Thus-mankohungngin,hesoundhear,heheardasound.nung tang kheptin-khao,putshoefooton,putshoes onhis feet.Therelationship oftheInstrumentalcase isindicatedprefixing tang, with.Thus, tangkhan(beat him)witha cudgel.TherelationshipoftheDativecase isindicatedbyprefixingtheword"d,'meaningplace,hence"theplaceorobjectto whichmotionisdirected."Thesamewordis use; toformthefuturetense.ExamplesoftheDative are-tipokao,tomyfather,ti man ren, to his house.TherelationshipoftheAblativecase isindicated by prefixing"Iuk"or"luktarn,"asin,lukpo-leng, from afather.Therelationshipofthegenitiveisindicatedbythejuxtaposibionofthegovernedandgoverningword,thegovernedwordbeingplacedlast.Thus,kip-khao,husk..rice,i.6.huskof rice.


PREFACE. Xl maiimungthou.shusu ye. manman he,sheit.khanorman-khankhauthey.Themostusualwayof expressingtheLocativecaseistoemploythenounbyitself, leavingthemeaningtobegatheredfromthecontext.Thus,nung tangmu chi-rapchdp-khap-bai,put(on)handa ring.TheVocativecase is formedbysuffixing ai (which is alwayswritten ha). Thuspo-ai,0,father.AD'JECTIVE.In... i\hom anadjectivefollowstheworditqualifies.Itthusoccupiesthesameposition asawordintheGenitive.Examplesare:mung-jao,countrydistant,, house small, a small house.OOlnparison,-Comparisonis formedwiththeword"kheii"or"ken"(pronouncedkhenor ken), whichmeans"bebetter."Thethingwithwhichcomparisonis made, isputintheablativegovernedbyluk.Thus,di,good;khefi di luk) betterthan.Thesuperlativeis expressed byaddingnam,many,or tang, all.Thus,khefidinam,better(than)many;khendinamnam,better(than)manymany;khefidi tang nam,better(than) allmany;all thesemeaning"best." PRONOUNS.Thepersonalpronounshavedifferentforms forthesingularandfortheplural.Theyareasfollows.FromGrierson'snoteson Ahom, IgivetheKhamti,Shan,andSiamese forms forthesakeof comparison. Ahom. Khamti andSiamese.English.Shan,kaukau kfi I.rauhaurauwe.maiishii man khauorman-khanIntheabove,thesuffix"mai"forms agenitiveabsolute,asinkao-mai,mine."Adependentgenitive sometimes precedesandsometimes followsthegoverningnoun,thus,wehavebothpokaoandkaopo man, myfather;luk man maii, maiilukman"thyson.TheDemonstrativepronounsarenai, ar1 nai,this,andnan, a nan,an-nan,that.Examplesaretarn-nai, fromthis,then;mu-nai,timethis,then;ti-nai,placethis,here;now;an-nankham,thatword;a-nan-tun,thattree. Wehavealsoi-uforthisandheuforthatbuttheyare alwaysusedas adjectives,andthey thewordtheyqualify.Examplesarei-uInk-man,thisson;heu-mung ban, thatcountry.TheRelativepronounispan-ku,meaning"which.",Thus, hu-mepan-ku,kao khan jao,thecow which Ibought.


xiiPREFACE.Interrogativepronounsarephreu,who andshang, kit shang,re, what? Thus,lik-khaphreu,whose boy? mauchu kashang u,yournamewhatis,whatisyourname Phreuappearsasan Indefinite pronoun,asinphreuna-kip,acertainfield;phreubau,anyonenot,no one.Ka-shangmeans"howmany"inka-shangpi,howmanyyears Similarlyphrenkun-phring,whatpersonmultitude,howmanypersons VERBS. an Ahonl wordperformsthefunctionofaverb,itcan,asitstands,beusedforanytense, mood or voice,thus-Presenttime.-Phreukun-phringdaikhao,howmanypersons possess rice.Past time.-Man-ba, he said.Futuretime.-Kaopopailao,IwiJlgo(pai)to(my)father(and) willsay (lao ).lmperative.-Maukha-likbaichamdoifi,thouservantkeep (bai)with,keep (me) with(thy)servants.Infinitive.-Kaobaupai-kalak,Inotwenttosteal(lak),I'didnotgotosteal.Verbalnoun.-Baisheu-hing-jao-o ,(I)hadperformedwatching(bai},Ihadwatched.Past participle.-Ba-ban (on) thesaidday,onthedayreferred to.Activevoice.-Pan-kuluk-korai-dai man tang-Iaikham,whatsonlost(rai-dai)thyall gold,thesonwholostallthygold.Passive voice.-Man raidai, hewas lost.Voice.-Itfollowsfromtheabovethatthereisno formaldistinctionbetweentheactivevoiceandthepassive.Thesamewordhaseitheranactiveora passive signification accordingtothemeaningrequiredbythesentence.Thus,takekaopo,wllichmeans."Ibeat,"ontheotherhand,kao-maipo,means"beatme"thatisto.say"Iambeaten.'Heretherecanbenodoubtthatthelattersentenceistobeconstruedpassively,owing tokaomaibeing intheAccusativecase.But,ifwetaketheexamplegivenabove, manrai dai,itmeansboth:"helost"and"hewaslost,"andwecanonlygatherthatitistobeconstruedpassively becausethegeneral sense of the contextrequiresit.Moodandtense.-Asalreadysaid,thebareworditselfcanbe used foranytense,andisfrequentlyso used,butwhenthiswouldlead toambiguity,theaccidentsofmoodandtenseareexpressedbytheuseof particles,theformofthemainwordneverundergoinganychange.Itcannotbesaidthatthesearesuffixedorprefixedtothewordwhichperformsthefunctionoftheverb,fortheyareoftenseparatedfromit.Thustakethesentence, po manpan kan tang Iaikhrdng-lingklangshangpi nang [ao,thefatherbegin-to-divide allpropertybetweentwoeldersons,youngerson complete, thefatherbegantodividehis


PREFACE.xiiipropertybetweenhiselderandyoungersons.Herethewordperformingthefunctionofaverbis pan-lean, divide-begin,andtheparticleindicatingpasttime,[ao,isseparatedfromitbysixotherwords.Infact,in Ahom, theseparticlesdonotgivepast,presentorfuturetimetoanyparticularwordinthesentence,buttothesentenceasa whole.Theword jao whichIhavecalled aparticleofpasttimeis reallyanindependent'wordwhoserootideaiscompletion.Inthesamewayotherparticleswhich givetheideaoftensehavetheirownmeanings.Thus,u,theparticleofpresenttime,means"existence"; ka, anotherparticleofpasttime,meanstheplace from whichactionstarts;justasti,theparticleoffuturetime,meansthe"place"towhichtheactionis proceeding.Itmaybenotedherethatifinthesamesentencetherearemanywordsperformingthefunctions ofverbsallinthesametense,thenonlyonetenseparticleissuppliedfor all.Subjecttotheaboveremarks,therelationsofmoodandtensecanbeindicatedin Ahom inthefollowingways:-Thesimplepresenttakesnoparticle.Itisalwaysthewordperformingthefunctionsofaverbstandingalone.Thus(po kao)ju(myfather)lives. Thepresentdefinite is formedbyaddingu,remainafterthewordperformingthefunctionofa verb, asin (man) nanguheissitting.Theimperfectisformedbyaddingu-jao,i.e.thepasttenseofu,asinkaopo-u-jao, Iwas. striking.Thepasttenseisformedbyaddingeitherjaoor ka, asin man bajao, man ba-ka,he said. Asexplainedabove,jaois usuallyputat the endofasentence,farawayfromthewordperformingthefunction'ofaverb,butkaisalwaysattachedtoit.Theperfectisformedbyaddingkoitothewordperformingthefunctionofaverb,dip.. di-koi,hasbecome aliveandwell.Theperfectofu,remain,viz.u-koisoftenusedinsteadofkoialone, asinkhao-u-koi,hasentered.ThepluperfectorRemotepastisindicatedbysuffixing0to jao ofthepast as in (man-ko-tang-khang-ling)kin-jao0(he)hadeaten(alltheproperty).Acombinationofjaowiththeparticipalterminationshialso givestheforce ofthepluperfect,asin tai shi-jao,havingdiedwas,haddied.Thefutureisindicatedbyprefixing titothewordperformingthefunctionofaverb,tikao-koren man shangbanpai,Iwillgotoyourhouseto-morrow.Anotherform of the futureis.madebysuffixingna, as inpaikana,willgo.Itisrareexceptwiththisverb.The ka inthisexampleisnotthekaofthepasttense.Kais also adoubletof pai meaning'cgo." Apastfutureis formedbycombining suffixofpasttimewiththesimplefuture,thustipowillstrike;tipo jao, willhavestruck.Similarlywithkoi, u-ti-koi, willhavebeen.Boththeseformsmaybetranslated,according tothecontext? alsoas :past subjunctives,Ishould strike" Ishouldbe.


xivPREFACE.shang man-kothun,ifhe(had)filled cheu pldng glad The imperative,mayoptionallytaketheparticleshi,thusbaior bai shiput.Theconditionalmoodis formedbyshangorshang-bawithohang intheapo dosis,Anexampleis,-. man changiun(uy)he would(hadbeen) tang kip-khan(his) belly (with) husks ofrice.Itwillbe seenthatthewords performingthefunctions ofverbstakesno special particles toindicate mood. An indefiniteparticipialforce is givenbysuffixing shi,Togiveapastforce omaybe added.Thustai-shi,dying; pai-nai-shi, goingunexpectedly;pai-shi-o gone. Often nosuffixisadded,asinba-ban,saidday,onthedayreferredto.Atthesametime,itmayberememberedthatparticiplesareonlyverbaladjectives,andthatitisjustaseasyforan Ahom wordto performthefunction ofanadjectiveastoperformthatofa verb, ib isstretchingtheterminology oflndo-Europeangrammartoofartotalkof participlesatall. Similarly,itisuselesstotalkof Infinitives.Therootwordisof course capable of thefunction ofaverbalnoun. Thus, lakmeans cC steal,"andmustbetranslated"tosteal"inkaoban-Iakpai ka, Inotto stealwent,Ididnotgoto steal. Causals, inceptives,potentialsandcontinuativesareformedbycompoundingwithother. Numbers andPersons.-Nowordperformingthefunctionofaverbeverchangesitsformfornumberof person.Bothmustbegatheredfromthecontext.ADVERBS.Wordsperformthefunction ofadverbs,justastheydo those ofotherpartsof speech. Most ofthemarecompounds,andthemeaning oftheseparatemembers isnotalwaysveryclear.Examples.are:-mu-nai, time-now,then;khan-ma-cham,quick-come-swift, assoonas;na-kan-mu,previous-place-time, asusual;ma-lao-kin, ever,atanytime.Thenegativeparticles arebauandma,not.Theusualverbsubstantiveisu,be,butwithbau,miisusedinstead.Most frequently,theforceofanadverbisobtainedbycompoundingtheword,by performingthefunction ofa verbwithsomeotherwordwhich givesitthenecessary colour.Thuspai-go, nai,unexpectedness;pai-nai (to)gounexpectedly.Somanyothers.PrepositionsandPostpositions.-In Ahom therearenoregularprepositions,butinordertogivetheforceof prepositions some wordsareputeitherbefore orafterthe' wordstheyrefer. Accordinglytheymayeitherbe called prepositions -or postpositions. Afew examplesaregiven below:--an, before; an kao-mai, before bai-lang, onback,after. k, outside;ren k, outsidethehouse.kan-pa,place-side,towards;man-kan-pa,towardsher.


PREFACE. CoNJUNCTIONS. xvTherearesome words performing the functions ofconjunctions.Theusualword isohamwhich means"and"; sometimesChangiswrittenalso.Chammayoccuralmostanywhereinthesentence.Otherwordsusedwiththesamemeaningare:-ba-an,why-front, and poi, excess,andpoi-an,andbefore,and.poi-lun-lang,again after back,and,moreover.Otherwords used asconjunctionsare:-Shang,Shang-ba,if;tu-ba,but;Changindicatestheapodosis ofa conditionalsentence;Chu-ohang-nai,because,therefore;to-lak ,nevertheless.pu-nang-nai,onaccountof this, inorderthat.INTERJECTION.Theonlyinterjectionsareai, suffixed totheVocative case,andnik-cha,alas.Aiis alwayswritten (ha). ORDEROFWORDS.In Ahom, rules astotheorderof wordsare110tstrict.Theorderofa simple sentence is usually,Subject,Object,Verb;ofanounanditsadjective,noun,adjective;andofthepossessiveconstruction,governing word,governed.JORHAT,The19thJuly,1916. CHANDRABARUA.




AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY. )')1Ka).9ft"D\!) Asuffixofthepasttense;suchas C

4AIIOM-ASSAl\iESE-[ / r )')117D DICTIONARY.Assamese. English.MEANINGS. 80 IThenameofthe40thlaknioryearofanAhom"Taosiuga."Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc...Ahom ,,'ord IPartsiPRONUNCIATION.of1-----------------.i speech.IAssa.mese.IEnglish. I-N-ou-n---I-:-'lt'8 .. ka-m-a-o---I -----Aho111words. )11'17.J, DNoun.. ka-rao DittoThenameofthe14th"lakni"oryearofa" Taosinga.'-'ka-sheuka-lang ka (long) Astick.used instirringanythingwhilecooking;astirrup;akind .. ofsizemadefrompaddyboiled inwaterandappliedtothewarpin weaving.Thenameofthe30th "lakni "oryearofanAhom "Taosinga." Behind,after.Tomeasure;totrade;togo.I'Sufficient;asmuchas.IWhat Thingsgiventotheparentsofa girlwhenwooing;seedlings

7English.A shop-keeper,Even,level. Tocuttopieces; to getdustintoboiled rice.Thenameofthe56thyearofan Ahomc.'I'aosinga." Amarket,a market-place.Thenameofthe36thyearofan Ahom" 'I'aosinga."To copulate.Hard,difficult.Thenameofthe26thyearofanAhom"Taoeinga."To sprain, tobebent,folded;tofall; tounite;toslip;to begin. Tobitethehand.Thenameofthe16thlaknioryearofan Ahom "Taosinga." Thenameofthe46thlakni oryearof an Ahomcc'I'aosinga.' Asheathoftheplantainorpalmtreeorarumplant;ascale;around,flat body.Thenameofthe6thlaknioryearofanAhomcc'I'aosinga.'To join,tounite;to bite...Takebyforce; toquarrel;to contend.MEANINGS.ENGLISHDICTIONARY.Assamese. Sulphur;fasting;anexpertwoman;a c

8AHOM-ASSAMESEer])')1'YYlRNGIJIST-T DICTIONARY.9Near,closeto.Nearness;vicinity.Tochasewitha stick. Ayounghog. Abud;thecalyxofaflower;a loom ; displeasure,discontent.'1'0blossom;to flower;toswell;tomakeabundle.Howfar.Howlunch;howmany.Tomakeupintobundles.A smallbundle;abasketholding five seers ofgrain;harm,mischief;thereedusedformakingpans.Thenameofthe31stlaknioryearofanAhom" 'I'aosinga."Thenameofthe41stlaknioryearofanAhom Taosinga." Thenameofthe21stlaknioryearofanAhom "Taosinga."ThenameofthelstlaknioryearofanAhom "Taosinga." Thenameofthe11thlaknioryearofanAhom "Taosinga." Thenameofthe51stlaknioryearofanAhom "Taosinga."---------------------------------------------MEANINGS.English. Assamese. I I

10 A T-T01\'I-.A.SSAIVTESEENGLISI! DiCTIO'Nl\RY. 11------, --Noun..i -Rt5"@"&@ ., PRONUNCIATION.English.Tofeign;toalloy;tospringoff,tobe flungoff.Aprotuberancecausedbyoutgrowthofabranch,an"eye"ofatree;alamp.MEANINGS.----_ . -----------_. .__ . ---_ -_._ _.__ _ . .Assan1ese.. -----_ -------DittoI !Derivation andexplana-IEnglish.Ition of phrases, etc.king,but..Ahom nounced'cckling."Assamese.i! I king,butproi nounced"kling."Partsofspeech.VerbAhornwords.Adjective !f'jq r:0r-Noun YtV ..r: YY\)l1

. AIIOIVI-.ASS.LL\l\1.ESIi]ENGLISH DICrrIO}TARY .13 ----------Good-looking. Tocutbyfolding.Howmany;very.To-bindfast.Atorch;abedstead;aforeheadornament.Aworm;along-neckedearthenpot.Torule;toenjoythefruitof(a kingdom);totakeholdof,tohold.Anarrowlongpieceofbamboousedinabuilding.MEANINGS..Assamese.-----------------------------------------IEnglish. IApiece ofsplitbambooused ina building. i7l5f.i; Ofgoodbreed;earnings;anarrow;a C<{T5 Ikindofwatergrass;thestickingofboiledrice inthethroat;anintensiveparticle. I I t;R I I OO(f I,,DittoDittoDittoDittoDittoken-kenIDittokuDitto ku DittoPRONUNCIATION.Assamese. I DerivationandexplanaIJ' li1--,Itionofphrases,etc. ]81. I ., 1!kip-bung-khaIAhomwordIIkiprip-nu..IDittoIi kip-rai-ru-kanIDitto!Ahomword(Shan,kim,Itotakeholdof, hold).I "c

14 AiIOlV!-.ASSAM)jJs:InENGLISITDIC'rIONARY.15Ahomwords,Partsof speech.NounPRONUNCIATION.Assamese.IEnglish. Iku-laDerivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.AhomwordMEANINGS.Assamese. AHinduEnglish.Noun eku-Iunku-shao-shishao-ru,DittoDitto I -rr ITheanus.Toraiseandputapostinahole.Aman.Toswell;tobeuprooted;toreturn,tocomeback.Tomakeoveroneselftoanother.Light;fighting. Topounce.Slightlycurved.Thethroat.Topraise.AnAbor,a hilltribeinAssam;aInane.Aholeinatree;cankerofatree;asnake..Abow;aspinningwheel;ashrimp. I,Apersonbelongingtoatemple;aper-SOIlattachedtothetemple. I IApieceofstoneonwhichanythingisground;attemptsoffowltofight;theactofshowingexcessivefondness. I I I ... I C15fG15f1, Tofeedchickens;tomould;totake Iintocompany.i..kun-khrang.. Ahomword(kun,aman,khrang,atemple;i.e,"atempleman."NounNoun ..kukAhomword(Shall,kuk,amane).Noun.. ft(ft9JD?) .kuk(pronoun-Ahomwordcedkuk),Verb DittoDittoNoun ... kungDittoVerb ... kungDittoNoun.. "kungbutpro-Ahomword(Shan,the ...... nouncedsame). "kung."Verb DittoAhomwordAdjective DittoDittoNoun ... kung-khoDittoNoun kunDittoVerb kunDittoNoun kun Ahomword(Shan,kun).Verb kun AhomwordNounkun-na-kin..Ahomword(kun.aman,na,afield,kin,toenjoy,Le."onewhoenjoysafield."Acultivator.


16A.HOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.17Ahomwords,Partsof speech.PRONUNCIATION.Assarnese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese.MEANINGS.English.Onewhobinds.himselftoserveanotherinpaymentofadebt.Ahomword(kun,aman,plang,aknot,i.e."aknotman").I..Ikun-plang..Noun____ -'-1 1--..Noun..kunmaAhomword(kun.aman,ma,anass,i.e. "a.n assman").Afool;anignorantperson.Piercedthrough;vacant.Awickerhatserving as anumbrella.Alayer.To fold.ThenameofaplaceinShanStates.Awoman.Hypocritical;crooked,bent.To slipfromthehand;toseizeandkeep.Tolookdown...Theskull. Todiscussinameeting;toassemble Iandconsult;togather;tocollect;tolower;to droopdown;to stoop. I I -;rt9( I miST.. I I srtMI Ahomword(kup,vacant,kling,ascrewpineflower,dao,astar,i.e.vacatedbyscrewpineflowerlikestars).Ahomword(kup,alayer,ru,ahead,i.e, alayerofhead).Ahomword(Shan,kum,tostoop).DittoAhomword(kum,stoopdown,du,tosee,i.e.stoopdownwardandsee).AhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan,thesame).Ahomword(Shan,kut,hypocritical).AhomwordAhomword(kun,aman,mi,afemale,i.e."afemaleman,"i.e,c, a woman").kunmiIIIIkuti \ kuti !I kupiI

18AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICrrIONARY.19 .._-._-PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords.Partsofspeech. Assamese. English.Derivationandexplanationof phrases, etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English.kufibutpro-Ahomwordnounce d kui." VerbINounNOlillkui-namke DittoDittoi'Toturnupdirt,torevealsecretmis-conduct.Akindofaquaticplant.TheAssamesetitleofBarua;agreatman.VerbIAdjective ke keDitto Ditto N I IToopen:tountie;tospread.Old;crooked.

20A-HOlVI-ASSAMESEENGIJISHDICTIONARY.21English.MEANINGS.Assamese.------------------------------------------------------------------IDerivation and explana! tionof phrases, etc.PartsPRONUNCIATION.of ---------------------------------speech. Assamese. English.Ahomwords,-------------------------------------------AdverbNOUllkai-kaiIkai-namAhornwordAhomword(kai, afowl,nam,water,i.e,awaterfowl).

22AHOM-ASSAMESE===============---ENGLISHDICTIONAR"Y". 2:-l PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords,Partsofspeech. Assamese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese.MEANINGS._._---------------------------English.Adjective kiw-kiwAhomword-------------Verybright.NounNounkiw-nan r!;"l"li, ;iAgerm;arafter;cream;a pipe; a

24AHOM-A.SSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.25Origin.English.l\IEANINGS.Aesamese.i'Ahomword (kan, agerm,tun,atreehence"kan-tun"=germtree,i.e, origin).English.kan-tunPRONUNCIATION.Assamese,__ .Derivationandexplana-tion of phrases, etc.Partsof speech.INounAhom words,A massofwhiterock,MountMeru.Toembrace;toabandon;togoawaybyforce.Thenameofadeityj king ofnorthernquarterofheaven...ThenameoftheVayus, orair-gods...ThegoodGod.Ahomword(Shan, kat, embrace). kan-.jan-pha Ahomword(kan=good,jan=glittering,pha=king;hence, kan: jan-pha=a goodand : glitteringking).kan-ChUng-Phal Ahom word (kan=good,! chung=unmoved,pha.=God,hencegoodandunmovedGod) ... katkan-phra-phokl Ahomword (kan,a mass,phra,arock,phok,white,hence kan-p hr a-p h 0k=a, mass ofwhiterock). kan-pha-fieu : Ahomword(kan=good,pha=air,fieu-e-great,hence kan-pha-fieu= goodandgreatair)... Verb YYlF1.01 Noun W1 Noun '"1f1Wti1..01 NounNoun kap AhomwordAfortnight;a simple woman.Verb kam DittoTobend;tocontrol;tobow.AdjectiveVerbVerb kay koiDitto DittoDittoHump-backed.Togo idly, togoslowly. Tostay;towait,tobe finished ;to consume. w? eParticlekoiDittoAsuffixofthepastorperfecttense. m oAdverbVerb koi kloiDittoDittoAlone;lonely;only.Togo slowly.


2GAI-IOJVI--A.SS.AIVIESEENGLISl-IDIOTIONARY.27English.Adomestic -' aslave;thatchinggrass;thethigh;thehand;amlechha.IVIEANINGS.Assarnese.English. kha Assamese. I Parts ofspeech.NounAhom words, -------------_._---------------------PRONUNCIATION.I -.DerivationandExplanai tionof phrases, etc.I------------I i Ahomword(Shan,KhamtiandSiamese kba=a slave;ShanJ khft=thatching grass;Shan,kha=thethigh).A stool, aseat.Aladder.Still;quietandatpeace.Ineverydivision,everywhere.Solitary;quiet;lonely.Thelines onthepalmofthehand;thesonofablackman;stillness.AmanoftheBarahicaste.Thethigh.Afemaleservant.Bindveryfast.Thefirstlayerofathatchedroof. i To clickwiththetongue;toclearthe throat.Tocut.Tofighthandtohand.AtribeinAssamcalledMiri, aMiri.Tocut;toaskforsomething;tosearch;tocensure;tofrighten.\Amaleservant. 'll; Happiness; CL dam;aIoom;atop;thetrunkofthebodv; CL stickthrownfrom I \thehand;thewickerbasket;theside. I I ; Verb kha Abomword )itl Noun Ig .kha-kang-laiDitto Verb -

28.A.I-IOIVI-ASSAMESE-ENGLISI-IDICrrIONARY.29-.._----------------_._---------------------------------MEANINGS.Assamese. English.Before, in presence of.Even,level;horizontal.Tospeakwellof;tothrowsomething;toexcite; to bend.-------------------I

30 AIIOl\'I-i\.SSAlVIESEENGLISHDICTIONARY-.31English.AmedicinalbitterrootbroughtdownbytheMishmis(CaptisTeeta).MEANINGS. --._---------------------------------_._----------------------------------. --------------_._-----._------I Derivationandexplana-Itionofphrases,etc.I 1 1----IAhomword i kham-rung..Partsof speech.NounPRONUNCIArrION.I ---------:---------------_______ .1 Assamese,IEnglish.Ahomwords.Nounkham-deng..DittoAgoldcanopy, a. goldtapestry.Nounkhi : Ahomword(Shan,khi ; ===dungordure'khii =distr;ss, Dung;ordure; a peacock;distress,difficulty.VerbkhiAhomword Togetup,to rise. A A 8VUb' Nounkhi-Ii-rniDitto ADofla;amanofa hilltribeinAssam.Noun khikbutpro-nounced"khek."DittoAguest;aspirit;worship;theriverJhanji.o r Verb : NounDittokhingDittoAhomword(Shan,khing(open)==ginger,khing(medium)=achoppingblockonwhichbhangismin ced). I IToworshipagod(Deva).Ginger;achoppingblock onwhichbhangisminced.AdjectiveNounkhing khingbutpro

f59Jt!jt;'jC9f?fi; Topullupwards;toraiseoneendup9ft-ft Iwards;tothrowwithastick;tobewatery. IA frog-eater.Ahomwords,Partsof speech.VerbNounAHOM-ASSAMESE-PRONUNCIATION.Assamese.IEnglish., Ikhit ..khit-kinAhomword(Shan,khit=toraiseoneendupwards).Ahomword,khit-e-afrog,kin=toeat,Le.onewhoeatsfrog.Assamese.ENGLISIIDICTIONARY.MEANINGS.English.----------_._----------._-------------------33 } Noun Verb 1"'1) Adjective NounVerbAdverbVerbNoun khipIi khip khip khifibutpronounced"khen." Ditto Ditto khen-bai ":!fi" khubutproGltr.5t nounced"khru."Ahom word.DittoDitto DittoDittoDittoDittoDitto c

34A.HOM-.A.SSAMESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY.35 AhomPartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivationandexplana-of words. speech. Assamese.IEnglish. tionof phrases, etc.r:Noun -Rf-w;khuk Ahomword, .... (pronounced khuk." ..Noun. khungbutDitto pronounced" khrung." Assamese.MEANINGS.English. Atadpole;aroomwithplankedwalls;dirt.Frost;apuddle;thehighestpartofanything;acastor-oilplant...Verb. ..Ditto..Ditto..Noun. khung butDitto 9JD? pronounced"khrung."..Noun.. khirnbutpro-Ahomword(Shan nouncedkhun,aking). "khun." ITodivideordistributeequally.Aroom. ; Aking;aprince;apriest;akindofwater-worrn;thehaironthebody,down;ahighplatformusedforwatchingelephant;muddywater ..VerbDitto..AhomwordTomixtogether:toreconcile;tosnore. ("

36AHOM-ASSAMESE"lDNGLISHDiCTIONARY.37 Division. 89 Khutmit,the47thyearorlakniofan IAhom" 'I'aoshinga.'English.Todivideboiledrice;toscatterboiledrice;todig; to tear.Khutngi,the 27th yearorlakniofanAhom"'I'aoshinga."Thenameofthe57thlaknioryearofanAhom"Taoshinga."Khunlai was thevounzerbrotherofKhunlung. He"cani"e downfromheavenwithKhunlung.Hewas first made"Jubaraj"(aheir-apparent)buthequarrelledwithKhunlungandmadehimselfkingof'Mungrimung ram." Hediedhavingruledthecountryfor70years.Khunlung,thegrandsonofLengdon(Indra),camedownfromheaventotheearthbymeansofanironladder,in490 Saka era(orin568 A.D.), andarrivedatMungrimungram.Hemadeacitythereandbecameking.Incourseoftime,hisbrotherKhunlaiquarrelledwithhimforthekingdom.HefledtoLengdonandaccordingtotheadviceofthelattercamedownagainandbecamekingofthecountrycalled"Mungkhumungjao."Hereignedtherefor40yearsandthenwentbacktoheaven.MEANINGS.Assamese, ....-I


38 AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICrrIONARY.39PRONUNCIATION.Ahom words.Partsofspeech. Assamese. English.Derivationandexplanation of phrases, etc. Assamese. --------_._----------MEANINGS.English. l";vtJ15; Nounkhut-shinga..AhomwordKhutshinga,the7thlaknioryearofan .. Ahom"Taoshinga.'Noun khup..Verb.. khup..Verb.. khup-baiINOUIl khrum.Verb ..khrumAdjective (

40AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISII 41English.Theneck;ahoe;apolewithahooktopullsomething;atie,aknot;achapter,a division ofa book. Toglitter;tocatchbytheneck...TheSessariver,in Assam...Incompanywith,with...TheriverBrahmaputra,in Assam. .Thekunckles...Thethighjoint.MEANINGS.Assamese. TheriverDhansiri,intheGolaghatSubIDivision, intheSibsagorDistrictin Assam. TheriverLohit,in Assam, abranchof ItheBrahrnaputra. TheriverDikhau,intheSibsagarSubIDivision, intheSibsagarDistrict.AhomPartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivationandexplana-words,of Ition of phrases, etc. speech. Assamese. English..-----------_._------oA Noun. .khe-nam-ti-maAhomword(khe=ariver,nam=water,ti=aplace,ma=toIcome,i,e.arivercom-ingfrom awateryplace). tlv:Jrwr Noun. .khe-nam-shao.Ahomword(khe=a0river,nam=water,shao=full,i.e.ariverfull ofwater). vu) Noun. ..khe-nam-ti; Ahomword(khe=a0lao.Iriver,nam=water,ti=aplace,Iao=toinfatuate,i.e.ariverfromabeautifulplace). t/y:)r Noun. .khe-nam-jin,Ahomword(khe=a "" river,nam=water,jin=cold;i.e.ariverofcoldwater). clYJr"t3r Noun. khe-nam-dao-Ahomword(khe=aIphi.riverJnam -= water,dao=star,phi=agod,i.e.ariverofstar-god).I "'v:J1 .!Noun. .kho.Ahomword(Shankho,itheneck;kho,apoleIwithahooktopullsomething). tlYJ1 .Verb. .kho.Ahomword tIYJ1 .Adverb. .kho.Ditto tIYJltlri .Noun. .kho-niu.Ahomword(kho=aknot,ajoint,niu=a finger,i,e.a finger-joint). tlYJ1 .Noun. .kho-tin.AhoIDIword(kho=ajoint,tin.aleg,i.e.a leg-joint).6


43 Thewrist.English.--------------._-------l\1EANINGS.Assamese.r .'I/"'Io('J)':'0 or f'" Ahomword(kho==ajoint,mu=ahand,i.e.ahand-joint).kho-mu --------:,1PRONUNCIATION.11____, Deriva.t.ionandexplanaIEnglish.Itionof phrases, etc.I I i : '"Partsofspeech. Ahornwords. 4.2 NounkhekAhomwordAkind or bambooscoopusedincatchingfish khek-chk. Ahornword(khek=akindofbambooscoopusedincatchingfisho 'chak=acorner). 61Wsr;:rtr.;r ThenameofaplacecalledccJakaisuk" I.atJhanjiintheSibsagorSub-Divi-sion. Noun khen Verb khen Verb khetAhomw0rcl(8han,khiin).Ahomword(Shan,khiin=toascend).Ahomword(Shan,khiit=toovertake;khut=toscratch).Night.Togetup toascend;toreturn,togo back. Tochase;toovertake;tobescratched.khai,pronoun-Ahom worn (Shan,khaiced c; khrai.":==anegg;dirt). Noun Verb Noun 9fW

44Ai-roM-AsSAMESEor ENGLISHDICTIONARY. 45 English.--------------.-.._---_._-----_.MEANINGS.White;nice.Assamese. c$l1;0Sfi

46 AHOM-ASSAMESEENGLISI-IDICTIONARY.47 PRONUNCIATION.---------------------_._---------_.Ahomwords. J>arts ofspeech.AdverbNOUllNounNounAdjectiveAssamesc.English.IkhriwiIkhriw-klangIIIkhriw-tunkhriwpai..khriw-ratDerivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.AhomwordAhomword(khriw = a tooth, klang==middle,i.e.amiddletooth).Ahomword(khriw==atooth,tun==aroot,i.e.aroot-tooth).Ahomword(khriw === atooth,pai==fronta.l).JAhomword(khriw=a ,tooth, i.e.fallentoothortoothless).Assamese. MEANINGS.English.Yes,tosayyes.Amiddletooth.Agrinder.Afrontaltooth.Toothless.NounNounNouniINounINoun '. khak-khan.. khak-chang .. I khjik-dang....khrangAhomword(Shan, khak =anenclosureforanimal).Ahomword (khak =anenclosure,kharn === astore,i.e. an enclosuretoastore).IAhomword(khak=anenclosure,chang==anelephant,i.e.allenclosureforelephant).IAhomword(kh ak =anenclosure,dang === a nose, i.e.anenclosuretoanose).AhomW0rd(Shan,khang==articles,speciallylargearticles). 11'?1W?1 I,,,,,Anenclosureforanimal;acow-house;chrysalis,a c0900n. Athreshhold.Anenclosureforelephant;anelephantcatcher...Thecartilageofthenose.Articles,property,speciallylargearticles;anythingthrownaway;thebreadthofacloth;atemple;akindofbasket;akindofwatergrass. \Verb :1@"" ..khrangAhomword a'lt5( II IAdjective khrangDitto '-t" !Noun khriing-khroiDitto '

48 .AIIOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISIIDICTIONARY.49----------------Ateacher.Muddy,turbid;slightlyputrid.To move.TotieJtobind;totieaknot;tofrighten;toselect;tofalldownfromabove.MEANINGS.English.Goodsandchattels.Assamese. ; ; t;t[5'ft;r; I.Durationoflife,life;mind;ahammer;aclub;abridle. I ; I .

50 AI-IOIVI-ASSAJJ1:ESE--ENGLISHDIOTION.A.RY.51 Nga). -----------------------------.-----English. Assamese.English. ---------------_._----_ .' --_.-------.----_._-------_.--PnONUNCIATION.________1Derivationandexplana-tionofphrases,etc.Assa.mcse.Partsof speech.Ahorn words,Nounnga(short)..Ahomword(Shan, nga =thescsamumanditsseed). I,Thesesamumanditsseed;thespikesattachedtoafish-trap. Verb Ditto Adjective Ditto Noun (m

52 AHOM-ASSAMESEENGtISH DICTIONARY. 53 PRONUNCIATION.Aho111words,Partsofspeech.Assamese,English. Derivationandexplana tion of phrases, etc-Assamese.M.EANINGS.English. v{J Verb tIVerb 'Y\1 Verb tI' Noun Noun ...[ or Verb VerbNoun } Noun Vero NounAdjective ngik-ru-shinginngin-kungipngu ngii ngii ngungngunngupngeIngneAhomwordAhomword(Shan,ngin)AhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan,ngu=asnake) AhomwordDittoDittoDitto DittoDittoDitto ff1M I o;rn ITostriketheheadagainstsomething. To hear. 'I'ogetfrightened. Akindofstand.Asnake, aserpent;thefifth sonofa family. A chasm. Tolaydownapole;togowiththebodybent;tobreakbytrampling.A chair..'Mutualpleasure. Toremainwiththeheadraised.Aboundary;awell-doer, onewho doeskindlyaction;astoppermadeofsoftmaterials,acork;ashes;a prop.Even, straight; sincere;bowed,bent(ofthebody).Noun } Verb } Noun } Noun _.ngem ngaw ..ngekngenDittoDittoDittoAhomword(Shan, ngiin=silver) Astickthrownfromthehand.Toroar;to peepthrough;to gropefor;to suck. Animaginarywateranimal, awaternaga.Silver;askein ofthread;thegum;acarpenter. ),19wJ Noun 1/.... ngen-hoi-shaoAhomwordkhoA ))1/"" 'Verb VerbngetngepDitto Ditto'Toaimat.Tobreaka piece ofsplitbamboo.


54 AHOM-ASSAMESlnENGLISHDIOTIONARY.55Tothrustinto;tolookwiththeheadraised.Awildcat;arayoflight;light. Tomanure.Moss. Aeunuch.Aknoll;a hillock. Toemitbrightness;totearoff. Towish;to comesuddenlyorquicklyintobeing.Easy.Handsome. Tobeafraidof;tobeabstractedinthoughtwithdowndroopinghead;to sleep. Toseparatea pair. Toswell,tobe puffed up.MEANINGS.Lust;sexualdesire;apair.English. W I I Assamese. ; I I aAhomPartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivation andexplana-ofwords,speech.Assamese.IEnglish. tionof phrases, etc. 9 Noun nga.iAhomword....?Verb ngaiDitto....?Adjective ngaiAhomword(Shan, ngai)... .Verb. .ngai-shi.Ahomword (ngai= pair,shi === separate,Le.toseparateapair)r } Noun. ngao .Ahomword(Shan,ngawr:0===emittedbrightness)r } Verb. ngao .Ahomword .r:0 Verb. ngao .Ditto.0. Noun .ngaw.Dittoo.00.r:Noun. .ngiw.Ditto.0. .Verb. ngak .Ahorn word (Shan, ngak 0==to raisethehead) INoun.. 0Ahomword..ngan.0 AdjectiveI 0Ditto..ngan..0I Verb0Ditto....ngap.. Verb 0Ditto.. .ngam. ... 0III


56AHOM-ASSAMESE-[ 11 or 111. ENGLISJIDICTIONARY.57 Na). English.Anotter.Theleg. Agirl;afullnap;skin.Theforehead.Asuffixofthefuture.Heavy.Thus;as;accordingto.Like.Tositkneeuponknee. TositwithonelegovertheotherintheAhomfashion.Thick,notthin.IVery,exceedingly.Areservedfield.ITobeindifficulty;toshoutfalling iniwater.Ii. Arice field; disease :themouth,face; I thefront. I IIToreturn.IAsusual...Tosit;tobeindistressordifficulty...Tokneeldown. l\IEANINOS. -_._------_._--------------------------Aesamese. 8 mCc1 I

58AHOM-.A.SSAMESE]JNGLISH DICTIONARY.59English.lVIEANINGS.Assarnese.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc. English.PRONUNCIATION.Assamese.I1---------------Partsof speech.Ahomwords,..NounI_.Inang-noi_.Ahomword!A smallpropplacedateachendoftheupperbeam.Verbn a ng-binkhringDittoTositonthehamswiththelegscurledup,tosquat.. nang-cho-kaokao DittoTositstooping. 11 ..Noun..nang-changDitto fj Apropplacedatthemiddleofthemainbeamandtheupperbeamandonwhichtheridge pole ofahouseisrested... .. nang-sheng dao ..Noun..'Verb..PronounNoun.. nan __[nan..nanAhomword(Shan,nan=tobelongin doing)AhomwordDittoDitto mtvr I IAdaughter;lateness. Toquarrel.That.Thenameofa princess. Verb.. nap Ahomword(Shan, nap ==tocount).Tocount;tothrustin;tostickupintheground.Noun..nam..Ahomword(Shan,nam==water).Water;vapour.Adjective.. [nam AhomwordMany..Noun...nam-khun..Ahomword(na.m ee water,khune.muddy).TheriverDilih intheSibsagorSubdivision.Noun nam-khe..Ahomword(nam==water,khe==a river)..TheriverJhanjiintheDistrictof Sibsagor...Adverb... ...nam-na..Ahomword (nam== many,naeevery).Verymuch....Noun.. '"" ...nam-tang..Ahomword(nam==water, tang ==apot,i.e.awater-pot)...Awater-pot.o t:"11uf:! Noun oil17 Noun.. ...nam-nuk-puAhomword.. ..nam-ti-ma..DittoAbrush.TheriverDhansiri,intheGolaghatSubdivision.


61English.TheriverI..ohit,abranchoftheBrahmaputra. ThlEANINGS. ------------_._-----------------------_.---ENGLISIIDICTIONARY. --------------------------Assamese. H ('" J [ 0 _6 r t1CV\vu oEnglish.namti-laoPRONUNCIATION.Assamese. I------------------!Derivationandexplanaitionofphrases,etc. I ---------iAhomwordPartsofspeech.NounAhom words.60NounNoun nam-pu-Iak narn-bukDittoAhomword(narn==water,buk==mucus,i.e.mucuswater).Ambrosia.Themucusofthenose.o ("' .?riUjl1lV Verb ,.. .0nam-buk-laiAhomword (nftm=== water,buk-s-mucus,lai == toflow)0..Toflowmucusfromthenose.o ert.4Wti NounNoun nam-blak-rung nam-jin " Ahomword1 1Ahomword(nam==water,jin=cold)ThewateroftheGanges...TheriverSessa.Toflowdowntheneck(ofwaterInbathing).Father'selderbrother.Remote,far.Theriver,Dikhoo,intheDistrictof Sibsagor. Togoaway;tobeindebt.Over-ripe.Thenameofa stream called"Samukjan."Theocean,the sea. IA shark, a crocodile...TheriverBrahmaputrain Assam. I I

62AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARYe 63 PRONUNOIATION.Ahomwords.Partsofspeech.Assarnese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese.MEANINGS.English.------------------Interjection 151 .NounVerbNounIVerbInik-cha "R@, ning ..j1nim f

65Akindofplant.Areddishfly,akindof flyinginsect.Ahandsome-looking man; thebreast,udder; the haironthebreast.Acertainsquirrel-likeanimal.Tosing songs inexchange,to sing songsagainstoneanother.To give;toleakthrough(astheroof ofahouse);topushagainst.Tobend.Beard-torn.Tothrowaway.Abeard.Tosplitabamboopieceintostrips by bendingoneend.Cotton;weariness;verdigris.English.Akindofpheasant.MEANINGS.ENGLISHDICTIONARYoAssa.mese. ffim I "Rl

66AHOM-ASSAMESEOrlJ110l"o ENGIJISHDICTIONARY.67------------------1-----------_---------............. English. Astitchin sewing.Thebreast.Theinside ofthemouth.Inside,in,into.This.Now;next;thereupon.Tosew;tospeak;toreply;tocough.Aday;aparticlesignifyingunexpectedness,A mistress, aparamour;awife;inside;chillness, coldness.Theinside. Now. To raiseandbring;tomaroh;tobe cold. A finger;mattedhair;anykindof pulse.Thesame.Themiddlefinger.Thelittlefinger. Topeepthrough,tolookthrougha crevice.Thering-finger.Thefore-finger.Thethumb.Theknee-pan.MEANINGS.Assamese. ; ; Rfirr\9 I @9f9fWt ; ; ; ctDi I I Pr ; G15M;fVf ; I !Toshake. I I I Si I I AhomPartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivation and explanaofwords,speech.Assamese.IEnglish. tion of phrases, etc.o r'}t1"YYl NounAhomword l1tW; .nek. 0:e Verb Ditto 11.. ...neng. .....l1? .Noun. .nai.Ahom(Shan, nau= morning) l1? .Verb. .nai.Ahomword l1? .Adjective nai.Ditto l1? .Adverb. .nai.Ditto. l1?W Adverb nai-chamDitto.. ... I:1cl or 1:11 ..Noun. .naoornaw..Ahomword(Shan,nau0:=inside). t16 or 1 Verb naoornaw..Ahomword 1:10 ... I1j .Noun. .neu.Ditto t1j .Preposition .neu.Ditto t11u-m .Noun .neu-pak.Ditto t1rw1 .Noun. .neu-cheu.Ditto. o.Noun. R@ .nju.Ditto. 0('" Adverb R@ niuDitto 110 ..... .Noun. .niu-klang.Ditto .....0('""WJ? Noun niu-koiDitto 110 0. ... .Verb. .niu-du.Ditto t:YcillLci .Noun. .niu-mu.Ditto. 0('"9 Noun R@-fS niu-chiDitto 110W ... .. 0('"TXJ.j Noun niu-thaoDitto lio0 ..... 0('" rNoun niu-ru-khaoDitto 1i0 .. ..


68AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.69PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords,Partsofspeech.Assarnese. __ ]Derivationandexplanation ofphrases,etc.English.Assamese,-------------_._--------------MEANINGS.English.NounNounniu-luAhomwordDitto ; ; I..1A miser. \5

70AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.71PRONUNCIATION.\Ahomwords.Partsofspeech. Assamese. English.Derivationandexplanation of phrases, etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English. s

72AIIOM-ASSAMESE[ 01\1--,' ENGLISI-IDICTIONARY.73 __ .PRONUNCIATION. .. __.._. __ ._-----------------_._----------------Ahomwords,Partsof speech. Assamese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.l\1EANINGS.Assamese. .._.._..._...._----_._---_..._-------English.Noun tra AhornwordArupee.NounVerbtaktakDitto Ditto ; <{Dr{; I . I," ',,Asnail;aword;misery.Tobecome,tooccur;todry;toclickwiththetongueagainstthepalate;tobreak.Noun..tak-namDitto I Thenameofaclancalled"T'anitole.":thenameofa place called"Panitola"inDibrugarh. M-m Verb MWlvJLci[ Verb tak-pang tak-lu-tak pang Ditto Ditto ; I -./\ Noun OA'\'YI; AdverbAdverb tang-Iai Ahomword(tang=all,lai=all),iAll,thewhole.I10


PRONUNOIATION.74Ahomwords,Partsofspeech.AHOM-ASSAMESE-Derivationandexplana-tionof phrases, etc.Assamese.ENGLISHDICTIONARY.MEANINGS.75English.-----------------Noun tan Ahomword(Shan, tan =alongmark).Pleasure;apoleeightcubitsinlength,ameasuringrod;a line, alongmark;anotherplace;pulling.r-Verb tanMHr Adjective tanMI1 r: t;q I Ml1 Adverb.. tan e:Verb tatMCN1 Ahomword(Shan, tan =tospeak).AhomwordAhomword(Shan, t5,n =aplace).Ahomword C'qilf; ; ; Tocall,tospeak;tofillupa Role; topull.Speechless.Elsewhere.Tocutthatchinggrass;toputinthesun;totransplantpaddyseedlings;tofallupsidedown;tosplitintothinstrips(asabamboo).rttt t-fia-changAhornworrl (tat =to MMwt; Nouncut, na ==grass,chang=anelephant,i.e.tocutgrassforanele-phant,henceonewho cuts grassforele-phant). ("" Noun st9jtap Ahomword(Shan,the MU same).r-Verb Ahomword(Shan, tapMU .. tap =torap). r tap-khaAhomword MU Noun M Noun tarn Ahomword(Shan, tan =aplace). M Verb ... tarn Ahomword(Shan,tarn=topound). M Adjective tarn Ahomword(Shan, tarn =tobenddown). M .Adverb tarn Ahomword '"119 Adverb tam-naiDitto M Noun tarn-nuAhomword (tam= aplace,nu-s-above,i.e.aplaceabove). 9f

  • PAGE 57

    ----------------,----------------77English.On.---_.--------il\IEANINGS. ENGLISHDICTIONARY.Assamesc. =::::=:======-=====-===-=======================================----===-=-:-.----------_... _-. __.. -----.PRONUNCIATION.AI-IOM---ASSAMESE-Partsofspeech.Derivation and oxplanaA" IE1htionof phrases, etc. 1 ng 18 .Preposition aplace,nu=above,i.e. aplaceabove).Ahomwords,76'I'oburst,tohaveahole;tobeperforated;togettorn,to crack; tobesplit.Araisedbedofearth, the. floor.Theworld,Atribeofmen,theKacharis. Now;here,placethis.Thepalate.Topeepthrough;tostand up: Above.Anythingthatgivespaintothebody;athornintheflesh. Cl Toputonaturban;towalkwithatorch. 15i ; I IOfthesamefamily. 11Aplace;aparticleindicatingthedative-,, case,andthefuturetense.DittoDittoDittoDitto Ditto DittoDittoAhomword(Shan, aplace).Ahornword .LL\.hOIll word(Shan,tik=to be split).ti tai-ra Dittoti-bamtikbutpronounced tek"ti-nai t.i ti-mi-shati-punti-ren tarn-nuDitto tan (pr0-Ahornword 9JD? nouncedtai) @
    PAGE 58

    -----------------====---------78PRONUNCIATION.79English.---.-----------.__.-----------------_._--------MEANINGS.ENGLISI-IDICTIONARY.Assamese.Dcrivation and explanationof phrases) etc.English.AI-IOM-ASSAMESE-Assamese, Partsofspeech.Aho111words, --_._--Amusk.Akindofdeerwithlargebranchinghorns.Ablunder,amistake.ThenameofaBaragohaininthereignofShushengphaaliasBuddhiswarganarayan.Adwarf;ananimal,Ignorant.Tocatch,toseize;tofall;tosee.Amoth;aroad;aslightnotice,a clue. Todrawwater.Tohide,toconceal;toassemble;tocometogether0Aram.IIAmongoose.Adeer.IA screetch-owl. Topress;tocompress;toretreat;togiveupdrinking,tobecomeateetotaler.!Towrite;tofill;tohappen;tocometopass;tosuck;todrawintothemouth...Fatigue. '1<1 cD!151 I-,, .; ; Adoor; an animal:a body; ahole;a II a.numeralparticleusedIncountinganimals. I IDittoDittoDittoDittoAhomwordAhomword(Shan,tit=toconceal).AhomwordDittoDittoDittoAhom word (Shan,tu=adoor,tuw=abody).Ahomword(Shan,tim=towrite, he full).Ahomword(Shan,tin,asmallkindofhornet),AhomwordAhomword(tu==animal,tu==place,phok=white).Ahomword i Ahomword(tn==ani-Imal,ham=smell).Abomwordtetnamtittu-chingtu-phantu-ru-paktu-ohantu-ham."/tuk I .. ft VerbVerbNounNoun gt"" Verb 11;4C\l\U tip00Verb C\I\ tim Noun lGl$ CA"tin butpro-<, "9JD? nounced M "ten." t/} Noun tuortuw (V\ Verb tu oAl
    PAGE 59

    80AHOM-ASSAMESERNGLIST-I 81English.MEANINGS.Assamese.IDerivationand tionofphrases,etc. English.PRONUNCIATION.Assarneso.Partsofspeech.Ahomwords. -;------_----..:_-------------------------VerbNountuktungAhomword(Shan,tuk == tofall).Ahomword(Shan,tung=arice-plain). Tofall;tobecomeputrid(ofadeadanimal);toblow ahorn;tosoundatrumpet.Aplain;akingdom;abamboofishtrap;abeamorasupportofasuperstructure.VerbtungAhornword (
    PAGE 60

    82 A.I-IOM -A.SSA.MESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.83PRONUNCIATION.Ahornwords.PartsofRpeech. Assarnese.I--IEnglish. i Derivationandexplanat.ionofphrases,etc.MEANINGS.Assamese.-----... ----------1----English. r'9 Noun MJ117 r:I)r-Noun M171'....\'\1CV\f;,E10; Noun MEwB Noun ol\E-8 Noun MEcB ..Noun '::/vv.g Noun '::/ rM{J Noun CV\t1 o0r:Verb 0/\0/\r' Noun -, "k4 :tun-maiAhomwordLun-mai-pukDittotun-jaDittotun-ehangDittotun-rungDittotun-rung-damDittotun-lungDitto tun-nat-tang DittotutDittotupAhomword(Shan,thesame). I I I I -MW1
    PAGE 61

    84 A.HOM-ASSAIVIESEENGLISHDICTIONARY.85PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords.Partsof speech.Adverb.. Assamese.English.teDerivationandexplanationof phrases,etc...AhomwordAssamese.MEANINGS.Verily.English.te-tiDittoTothrowtheshuttlefrom side to side in ; C:srt9Ji;t:sr I..Aboundary;ahornet;thehealdorheddleofaloom;acopy;thestumpofatree;abush;abattle.Noun tern tern -chi-mai lai DittoAhomword(tem=towrite,chi=paper)mai===towrite) lai ===aletter,i.e.towritealetteronpaper).Ahomword(Shan,to=ahornet:thestumpofatree). citQl ; I ITowrite;to aim, todirect,topoint;tolose. Towritealetter.Verb.. 1; Adjective 1; Adverb T; Noun ..totototo-phiAhomword(Shan,to===to fight).AhomwordDittoDitto a.....-l", ; ITofight;todo.Solitary;alone,havingnocompanion.Now,presenttime;nevertheless. A whirlpool. c1Mlw-m ..Adverbr:Noun 01\0D r:Verb Mo D O/\t){1 Noun (vfLm Verb M1B NounIto-IakI taw tektektengDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,tung===a deepplaceinabodyofwater). ; ; ; INevertheless. A conicalballofthread;awartonatree. Tocopy_Amole(theanimal);satisfaction,pleasure;aclothgirdle;a buffalo plough. Topush;toputrefy;todrag;toploughwetlandforthetransplantingof rice. A deep pool ofwater,thedeepestpartofariver;anass;public difficulty, a generalcalamityeffecting a wholecountry.Verb..NountengtenAhomword'(Shan, tun ===tobe awake).AhomwordITobeawake.Liveliness, sensation, intelligence .

    PAGE 62

    PAGE 63

    88AI-IO lVI-AR S 1VIE S E..-..ENGLISI-I DIOTIONARY.89 ---_._------------.PRONUNCIATION. ==============--=============-=='-=-=-==-----------------------------------English.Tofleeprecipitately.lVIEANINGS.Assamesc,Derivationaridexplanationof phrases, etc. English.Assarnese.Partsof speech.IIVerbAhomwords.Tocomeback;toreturn;toarriveataplace.Agourd;astick)ashes;atortoise;aline; a mark)abone.AnAho111clancalled"Rangachila."TaokhunbingwasthesonofTaongaklem. 17' 'I'aokhunkumwasthesonofTaokhunbin.Heruledfor8years. I I IDittoDittoIDittoI i Ahomw0rd(Sh a n,!tau=agourd;tor-Itoise;ashes).IAhomwordtao-khun-bing .,tao tai-fieu-deng T;T"8til 0.. ..tao-khun-kumVerbNounNOllnNoun {)I\r orr-0N 0/\0"Y'.}'1 oun ()I\r o ..tao-khun-bin ';)17 'I'ao-khunbinwasasonofTaongashu.Hereignedfor18years.TaongaklemwasasonofTao-Iulu.Taongi,thenameof39thlaknioryearofanAhom'I'aoshinga. 17' Taongashuwasabrotherof 'I'ao-lulu.Hereignedfor8years. Ft I I I I I i71M<{i I/DittoDittoDitto Ditto tao-ngitao-nga-shutao-nga-klem NounNounNounNounNounNoun..tao-mit..tao-cheuDittoDitto ?lM
    PAGE 64

    90AHOlVI-.A.SS.A.. lVIESE-DICTIONARY.91English.MEANINGS. Assamese.----------.----------------------Taoshi,thenameofthe29thlaknior IyearofanAhornTaoshinga, Taoshinga,anAhorneracontainingsix') ;tyyears,whichiscalledacycle; th-e nameofthe19thlaknioryearofan 15'1df;1''Z
    PAGE 65

    -------------------------:-----------1_---,--------------_.93Thecrop. Awoodenseat.Theabdomen.Totouchorstrikewiththehand;tobeinwrath.Atrueorhonestman.English.Ambrosia.Atown;affection; a. piece;ameasur..ingrod;abundleof sticks. To assemble,tocrowdtogether;tobethirsty;toseekcompany.Excellent;produced,born.Thebelly. Tosqueezewiththefinger. Tobedinted;todarn;topatch. ------------------_._--------.--Topeck;tocastintowateranddragout(asanet);tothrowoff;tofatten.ENGLISHDICTIONARY.MEANINGS. -------_._---================--====================================================-====-============ Assarnese. fVfm I I 1G4 I ; ; I ; G'lt5( ; I 1r5i I ; ; m I92 [ =----===---=.:---=--------AhomPartsPRONUNCIATION.ofDerivationandexplana-words. speech.tionofphrases,etc. L Assamcse.English.I (,\1\ IINoun f;\tang-khttJm .0AhomwordD ""GV\Bl:1') Noun Ito.Ahomword(tang=theDD -..r ang-noibelly,noi==small). ("' r Noun ; tang-lung Ahomword (tang= the ""belly,lung=great). C' Noun tan(N'\t:1 Ahomword(Shan, tan D"=toexceed;tobeshort).r-Adjective stanCV\t1 Ahomword0r:Verb tat Ahomword(Shan, C\!lO/\tat 0=tostrike,asa ser-pentinbiting;tothrowdowninto). r Verb tapMoD Ahomword0Verb tan1 Ahomword(Shan, tarn0/\ D=crowdtogether). oA Noun tam-khoAhornwordD Noun tafi Ditto0-, Verb tafi Ditto0 .....0/\9 Noun ItoiDittoD-, 01\9 Verb toiDitto0 I IIIi_

    PAGE 66

    94AHOM-ASSAMESEDICTIONARY. 95 -----------PnoNUNCIATION.Ahomwords.Partsof speech. Assamese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases, etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English.Noun -.----_._-------------',Ahomword(Shan'. pa= aside;tosuspendfromtheshoulder).A conicalbasketusedbyNagasforcarryingaburdenontheback;halfofanything;a side. I IParneuplungwasthe s?n .of "I I Chaotallung. HewaskmgofMitthilaIandruledthecountryfor7years. iu; Verb 41Ipa Ahomword U)'YlE IVerb 1i-
    PAGE 67

    96A.HOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.97_._-----------------._._---------------"'------------_._._------------------'._-------------_ .._----------------------------PRONUNCIATION.Akindoffish.MEANINGS.-._--.---------_ ... -------------------------------------y-----Assamese.IEnglish... -------------..__._-----_ .. -----------_._-----------I i Akindoffish,"amirikafish."I '
    PAGE 68

    98 AHOM-ASSAl\IESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.99 -----English. Akindoffish. Akindoffish. Akindoffish. A species of flat fish. Akindoffish. Akindoffish. A sheet-fish. Akindoffish. Akindofwaterinsect.Themouth;theinside ofthemouth;thenumeral100;apumpkin...Akindoffish.MEANINGS.Assamese. I I I l_._ ..-._--------._--_._--------, IDittoiiDitto i pla-shi-dangpla-she-noi..Dittop la-sh e-ri -la Dittopla-sheuDittopla-duk-nanDittopla-duk-riDittopla-dengDitto pak DittoPRONUNCIATION.Assamese._._--_.._---IDerivationandexplana---Itionofphrases,etc.English. I : I '-------------"1"--------------------1-----------------! pla-liu-noi..IAhomword Ipla-shan-tanIDittoI ..Ipla-shan"..... I!ching ..... ---------AhomPartswords,of speech.J0r: ? Noun 1).,11)0t:1o 1);wGOAE Noun u;wE Noun r:Noun U., ult:1? Noun., 0 ')"wrc Noun u;wr Noun Vt1-E Noun ('8 Noun V;1:3YVlcioB Noun U')151.r-Noun UY\'l1)Verb pak DittoTobecome;to raise apost;tosplitintohalves.-----------------------------------------Who,which.Regular.To call; toname.AmanoftheMiritribes,theMiritribe.Akindofhempplant,rhea.Todivide;totwist;torotate;to hold, tograsp;touphold;tobecome cold. ; ; ; ; ; st9J"H;9Jt@..... IAhare;afallow-deer;amothanorIndianbison;aplain;thespleen;highland;analtar. ; 9J?f1;..... ; Na11 Tobreak;toopen;tountie;to beIIcomeruined;to flee; toplan;toplayatghila;awen.IRich.DittoDitto Ditto DittoAhomword(Shan,thesame).Ahomword(Shan,pan=torotate).AhomwordAhomword(Shan, pang =spleen; pang lai=ahare).Ahomword pak pak-bai pang III_IpangII ipang Ipang-dinII pan IIII_ : pan,I IIpan-ku i I ..... II l iiI I "i I ..... I 19/tig -,I 9jM,-f\s;l, II I-,i 19jq VerbNoun VYY1 Adjective um-if Verb uB Adjective B9('Noun V131:1 r-Noun Ut1 r-Verb Ut:1 ..r-Pronoun.. 1)1:1

    PAGE 69

    100AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.101English.Agem. Tocutwitha slidingmotion';tobeinaleaningposture;towarm.l\1EANINGS.Assamese,Ahomword(Shan, pat==to cutwithaslidingmotion).Ahomword Derivation andexplanationofphrases,etc. pat ---------I .\ 9fWpat I-,I !9fffl \ Partsofspeech.VerbNounAhomwords.--------------_ ......._._---_._..---------------------_ .. -------_.--_._---------Noun pat-nulr-Noun pat-tu 1)01\('" r:Noun pat-tu-lung.. 1)01\U Verb 9Jq parnAhomwordDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,parn == topushawayviolently). I ; IAcertainplant;Job'stear.Adoor.Theprincipalgate. i Tokick;tobraid.Nounpam-kanAhomwordMeans of livelihood. AU81) NounVerbpiAhomword(ShanJpi=ayear;anelderbrotherorsister;thewindinstrument;aplantainbud). Ahomword(Shan,hi=Itobecorpulent). :
    PAGE 70

    Theear-box. Toendure.103Akindofearornament.Disaffection,wantof love.Thepetalsofthenose(thefleshypartsofthenose oneachside ofthenostrils) Tosavemoney;tobefreeofgum.English.AnartificialholeintheearforwearingIornament.IAfeather;anet;theear.MEANINGS.ENGLISHDICTIONARY. 'fft I I t;00Noun ; pik-Iam-tdmAhomword 1jYY1WoMD Noun pik-dangDitto ....., Noun pingbutpro-Ahomword(Shan,ping '1tt5f' nounce di=aleech;to love). "peng."Affection,love;acake;aleech;agoat.I Verb Verbpeng-kanpingAhomwordDitto I N ; ITo love. Toroastonaspit;to worshipthedead.AdjectiveVerbpingpinDittoAhomword(Shan,pin = tobe,become;tobeturnedbackorover). White; sufficient. Tobe,tobecome;tomake,tocreate;tobeturnedbackorover;toget;may.NounVerbVerbNoun pin-klenpin-nganpin-nak \ pin-pun-khan!AhomwordDittoDittoDitto '1st I 9ft
    PAGE 71

    105English.Spongy,yieldingtopressure.Leprosy.An abscess.Ripe.Aduck. AkindofDiarrhoea.A widower. J\1EANINGS. ENGLISHDIOTIONARY.Assamese., etc.... Ahomword(Sha.n,pit==aduck).English.AHOMASSAl\IESE.Assamese.PRONUNCIATION. pin-rung .... 'pin-rung ,-Cl%" pin-shun pinak ffG pitbutpro9fD? n0uncecl"pet"104Ah0111 Parts words.ofspeech. uEl1Bvi Noun orB Noun V1:1"orI Adjective V1:1'"!erf!" r'Noun 1)1:1",lJW1JEwE Noun -JE-rn,m Adjective UM NounToothless.Akindof wildduck. To come toregularform.Thenumbereighty.Eighty-nine...Thenumber8. DittoAhomwordAhomword(Shan,pet == thenumber R). Dittopet-shipIDitto,Ditto:pet-namNumeral.. VM or m'l Numeral.. tYM Adjective UM Verb -J r-0Noun 0/\t:1 Ahomword(pet=aduck,nam=water,i.e.awaterduck).IAhomword(peteight,ship=ten). 1Ju Numeral.. pet-ship-kaoAhomword(pet = eight,ship-e-ten ,kao=nine). wuUM Numeral.. pet-ship-petAhomword(pet=eight,ship == ten,pet=eight)...Eighty-eight.Eighty-three.'.Eighty-six...Eighty-seven.L4Ahomword(pet==eight,ship=ten,chit=seven).Ahomword(pet=eighty,ship=ten,ruk=six).!.!eighty,ship=ten,_____1sham=three).._----IIiIIiI 1JM",Y};! Numeral.. pet-ship-rukI

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    -====================-=== .._---------_.-."-" 106A HOl\i--ASSAMESE------------_.----"_._"---------_._-----ENGLISH DICTION.L1.-RY. 107PRONUNOIATION.Aho111words, Parts ofspeech.Assarnese.English.Derivat.ionandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese. MEANINGS. English. VMvtJ-G Numeral.. (pet == eight,ship===ten,shi === four)..,Eighty-four. VM Numeral.. .!pet-ship shang Ahornword(pet == eight,shipten, shang== two)...Eighty-two. 1JM,,:{) Numeral.. .. i pet-ship-it..Ahornword(pet=eight,ship = ten,it = one). .',ship===ten, ha ===five).,.Eighty-five. pin butpro... Ahornword(8han,nouncedpen===aboard)."pen"Topluckfruit;toadmit, confess; to i take.Aplank J aboard;aplate.Astickysubstance,gum.Ateal.Agoose. Acrane. I I \5ltl>1 IDitto Ditt.o DittoDittoAhomwordpitpet-lipitIIpet-hanIIpet-clangI 0("'8 Noun DOlll1) or-r:Noun UM'\111 r:r:Noun VCV\151:)8('" Noun DO/\8r Verb 1)0/\ NounVerb "C;>f9{" Ditto 9rW'l..m:; AhomwordToprune;tobegalms.-------------------------vt ))Noun pen-ka-kaDitto V)')1')') o ("' NounDitto pen-kha Noun 9.( ..puAhornword(Shan,pu=agrandfather;acrab). Verb puAhomword Noun pu-khaDittor ('" INoun pu-tao-khangDitto OI\D .I I l!l1;1 ITheVedas.Therump,thebuttocks,theoutsideofthethigh.A fallow deer, abarkingdeer;acrab;agrandfather.To fall.Verysmallthatch. _I_The__ ..

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    108AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGIJISHDICTIONARY.109-------------------..---------------,.._------------_._------'---------.------------------_.. _------_.------------_._-_._-------_._--English.Betel.Inorderthat.Therefore.Onaccountof.Fleshy;corpulent,Amother'ssister.Puphisu,thenameofadeity. i Togoroundandroundoveranything. Cause. Agreat-grandfather.\Afather'ssister.lVIEANINGS. ; I I I Assamese. I I I IDittoDittoDitto DittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDeriva.tionandexplanationofphrases,etc.Ahomword t pubutprod--....?]ij
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    110A.HOlVI-ASSAMESE--ENGLISHDICTIONARY.IIIAforeigncountry.Beyond.MEANINGS.Assamesc.English. Derivationand explanationofphrases,etc.Ahornword(pun = foreign,mung=country).IAhomwordEnglish.----r-------------1------------------Ii punIIipun-mungIIPRONUNOIATION.Assamesc.Parteof speech.Preposition : NounAhornwords,Noun piinAhomwordAnisland;theworld;thethighofananimal.Pronoun Verb piin piin DittoDitto ; IOtherthanoneself. Towear(clothes);toturn the eyesback.Adjective pun DittoNotone'sown.Verb Noun Verb piin-shanput putDitto DittoAhomword(Shan,pun==tounloose). I vr-Mi7f ; \Tobeindoubt.Adocument; DJ substitute.Togetopen) tounloose; to scutch,ascotton;tochange.Verb Noun ipuppumAhomwordAhomword(Shan,pung na= aBrahmin). fvr I . \5t9ri I, To gallop (ofahorse),toriderapidly.ABrahmin;theentrails;akindofcoveredbamboobasket;astack,arick. :Adjective pumAhornwordPot-bellied.pum-naDittoABrahmin.Noun ,puiDitto .A. smallbamboofish-trap.Adjective puiAhomword(Shan,Pun==tomakesoftbycooking;naked).Rotten;naked.pui-namAhomwordAkindofwater-pot"Noun C'9f -"peAhomword(Shan,pe==agoat;araft)..A.goat;araft,twoboatstiedtogether,withaplatformbetween;a long piece oftimberorbamboo,supportingtherootofa house.

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    112AHOM-ASSAMESE-----------------------------------------------------------------------._-------.---._------------------. ENGLISHDIC'rIONARY.113PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords.Partsof speech. Assamese. English. Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese.MEANINGS.English.!VerbpeAhomword(Shan,pe = toconquer).Togobehind;togetviatory;to conquer. "'u r ..Noun c:9f-
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    115Morality;instruction;onesufferingfromelephantiasis.Plekcheu,thenameofthe 2fith laknioryear,ofanAhomTaoshinga.Plekshi,thenameofthe5thlaknioryearofanAhom'I'aosinga,Plekshan,thenameofthe45thlaknioryearofanAhom'I'aoshinga.Plekshinga,thenameofthe55thlaknioryearofanAhomTaoshinga.Plekngi,thenameofthe15thlaknioryear,ofanAhomTaoshinga.Plekmit,thenameofthe35thlaknioryear,ofanAhomTaoshinga. MEANINGS. ASSan1GSe.English. .p[J ENGLISHDIC'rIONARY.Derivationand expln.n:t tionofphrases)etc.Ahomword(Shall,pung=pattern,examplerule).English.plek-mitDittoplek-ngi.. s:Ahomwordplek-cheuDittoplek-shanDittoplek-shiI) UNCIATION.AHOM--ASSA_MESE-Assarnese.114-AhomPartswords,ofspeech. ut"Yl1 Noun vty{1 Noun vlmvt/' Noun v'l-mwE Noun Noun iNoun! 1,fL, Noun Verb.. peng .. I 1Jl{j Noun : IpepI 1)9 Noun pai 1)9 ..Verb pai,AhomwordDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,pai==tohangover;torun). ITotrample,totreaddown.A hole inwhichfishes live, : Akindoftree(theTamariaindica);front.Togo,tomarch;torunaway;tobowlow;toexist. 1)9'YY1 Verb pai-ka 1)' Verb. pai-khan 1." Verb pai-mi 1)' Adverb plai1)[ Noun ?fi\S : pao butpro1f'19f?:l? nounced"plao."AhomwordDitto i Ditto! j. iDittoDittoTogo;tofleeaway.Torun.Not tobe.Thus. An arrow.iplaoAdjecnive..11Ahomwordpaw). --------------'-(Shan,Empty;vacant. -----------------------------.--

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    116AHOM--ASSAMESE-[ 1,t" ENGLISHDICTIONARY.117-------.------------.. ---..A:-\ ho111PartePRONUNCIA'l'ION.ofwords.speech.Assamose.English.-----_ .. _------1" Noun pan uf' VerbI C9f1i pau! ",j Noun pan .rVerb 9J%pauu rAdjective pan"r-Jci Noun Pl\VDerivationand explanaLionofphrases,etc.Ahornword (8h8.1) inkpail= (1 daughter-inlaw).AhomwordDittoDit.toDittoAhomword(Shan, plVv =ahole).Assamesc. I ; I I English.Adaughter-in-law;asentinel.Toputonclothes;toclothe;tosteal.Apokeforbeast;blowing of wind."'I'opole;to blowwiththemouth;to, select; tocurse;tokeepwatch.Curved;uneven. : Theedge oftheeyelid" an estate,I J slandedproperty;thesharpedgeofadao;acrab'shole. er1)0 Verb plWAdjective piwVerb ?f
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    118.AHOM-ASSAMESE119-----------------1-----------------------------------English.i! I Tocleancotton;tocausetopass!through;toputintothemouth i(as food).MEANINGS.-_._----------_._------_.. _-------.-._--. -----._--_._.. _-------------Assamese.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Ahomword(Shan, pan== tocleancotton;toputintothemouth).. ipan PuoxUNCIATION.Pa.rtsofspeech.IIIiI Assamese.--rEllglish. --------------.---------i----------:-------------VerbAhomwords,NounVerbAhomwordAhornword(Shan, pat =torub; tobe short).iITheafterbirthofaloweranimal.iI:Torub;toplaster.i AdjectiveNoun, patpaUl AhomwordDittoiiCropped. i ,Thepa.late ;theheel;a pillow, abol-ster; a shortposttowhicha buffalo calf is tied. VerbAhomword(Shan,pam=toreconcile). Tounite,toreconcile;toberemoved,separate,off;totouch.NounAhomwordMeansoflivelihood.VerbAsmallbead.Toopen;to exceed, tobemore,LivingasadependentInanother'shouse. ...t\ thread, a twine, a string.Again;then, i And.I And,moreover.. I
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    120AHOM-.A.SSAMESE-ENGLISII 121 ---------.-----------------------. ---_.------------------------------------------_.---------------_._._--.---------------_._-----------English.Arock.!Akindofplant.Ahalf. Tosplit;todivide;topierce.The ofapartofheaven...ThesuprerneDeity;God,Almighty.i ; i Aking;cloth;agarment; heaven; theIsky;a wall, apartition;God;rock. Assamese.--------------------------_._--------------_."----.__._--_._-----------_._--.._----.----------DittoDittoDitto"Derivationandexplanationof phrases.etc.Ahomword(Shan ,pha=acloth;thesky;awall),Ahomword (Shu,n, pha=tosplit).Ahomword ..\.hom word(ph a =heaven,tu==a being,ching= highest, i.e.thehighestbeingofheaven,i.e. God, Almighty).Part.sPRONUNOlATION.Ahomofwords, 8peech. Assamose.English. } Noun .. pha1,01w;} Verb
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    122AHOM-ASSAMESE-:ENGLISI-IDIOTIONARY.123 ------------------------_._--------------------------1:---------------------+PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords,Partsofspeech.Assamese.English.------------.------Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc. ---------------------MEANINGS.Assamese.---------------------.-.--1 -------!English. kindof tree.The nameof a, deity.Akindofvegetable.Phashangpau, a son ofDakham,aspirit.Onion. ThenameoftheeldestsonofGod...A blanket.15<1S"; Avegetable;abribe;ascabbard; the ; Iembroideredendofaroundpillow;thehankofariver;anarmy;aside;apresent. I Ipha-shang-pauAhomword ,,pha-shang-din-Ditto khun-fieu ..pha-shat-kaDitto ""-rat -pha-shi-ip-Ditto "-" shang-deng pha-humDitto pha-hamDitto pha-ham-bdkDitto pha-ham-dengDitto -,I
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    124 ENGLISHDICTIONARY.125PRONUNCIArrION.Assamese.AhomPartswords.Iofispeech.---------'--------1.._.__English. I Derivation-an; Itionofphrases,etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English.NounI phak-kut-nuk-AhomwordkoiAspecies of creepingfern.Nounphak-kut-thaophak-kut-lungDittoDittoA species of fern.Aspecies offern.DittoAkindofplantNounphak-klang..Ditto IAkindofvegetable.Akindofplant.A species of potherb,asortofbasil.Akindofplant.Akindofwater-plant.Akindofplant. I Ditto Ditto Dittophak-koiphak-tum-kaoDitto : phak-tum-tak"Dittophaknam..I .. phak-ting-tao! NounNoun "tOmMYYlr Noun 0 t"",..lOYYI'U)'Yl Nounphak-pakDittoDittoApumpkin.Akindofpotherb.phak-pangnguDittoAkindofpotherb. t"" t""W'YYI'Ut Noun ..phak-pang" " dengDittoRedspinach. phak-pha-raikaiDittoAkindofplant.Akindofplant.Akindof fern.Akindofpotherb.Akindof fern. Akindof plant usedasavegetable..Thearumplant.DittoDittoDittophak-ban i Ditto i! phak-maniDittophak-me-sheuIDittophakphoi m-
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    126 ENGLISHDICTIONARY.127----------.------------------------------------------------------------_._=====-----------------English.Akindofplant.Akindofpotherb.IIAkindofplantgrowingonmarshyland.MEANINGS.Assamese.DittoDittoDerivationand explana tionofphrases,etc.phak-thekPRONUNCIATION. ..phak-lap-din " -,Assamese, English. Ahomword i"""imai-dan INounPartsof speech.NounNounAhomwords.e:r?wm'Vt?Dt117r13Dl:1wm Noun r phak-lung..DittoAkindof edibleroot.Noun phak-sheng"" khrumDittoThejuteplant.Noun .phak-shengnamDittoAkindofpotherb.Noun I :banDittoAkindofjuteplant.Noun Wy}1 Noun i """ I : phak-in-narnphak-hum,.phak-humkhaoDittoDittoDittoIIAkindofpotherb(convolvulusrepens).Akindofplantusedasavegetable.Akindofpotherb.Noun phak-humdengDittoAkindofpotherb.Nounphak-detDittoAkindofplant.Noun phang Ditto ;
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    128AHOIVI-ASSAMESE9 0r:l 10Fil'TC}LIS}IDICTTOl':TAR,-Y.129 English.Anorder;acommand;adream;difficulty,distress;sorrow:poverty;calumnyagainstanabsentperson; akind ofplant;seedkeptfor sowing.Toorder;tocall;todo;tocreate;tocut;to sow broad-cast.IVIEANINGS.Assarnose.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Ahomword(Shan,phan == adream;distress). Ahomword(Shan,phan=slice,pare) phanphan Verb--ispeech.IAssamese,English.-----1------NounI I \ Nounphan-kharnAhomword(phane--anorder, word,Le.anorderbyword).Anorder.Noun.,phatAhomword
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    130 ATIOM-ASSAlVIESE---'"TDNGLISI-I DICTIONARY'.-131---._---_.-.__ _---PRONUNCIATION.Ahorn words,Partsof speech. Assamese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases etc.Assamese. MEA:NINGS. English.NounVerb phikphikAhomwordDitto SWi I fu1.; IAkindofhighcoarse grass. Torecognize;tofeedbyejectingfromthemouth,to feedfrommouthtomouth. me,S1i ; '<1tlSe,'$jj;rrqi Tobeoffended;tofindfaultwibh; ; '15[1 Ito offendthegoddess ofsmall-pox; .....,......, tomakeamistakeinplayingchess;tosin;tobein error. 8("Noun phringAhomword(Shan, Wt' .. ...... phing==formerhabit,Isuffixofplurality). 8("Verbr:phringIAhornword "tOt'Br@ <, A("Adjective phringDitto <, 8("r:Noun fu@...... phring-shupDitto 'Wt'8("Noun phinDitto WH 8 ("Noun phitDitto "tOMN...... 8 ("Verb phitAhomword(Shan, WeN' phit==tomissthemark,beinerror). I ; ; ; IAwoodenstandon which religiousmanuscriptsareplaced;acustom,formerhabit';asuffixofplurality.Tothrowoff;tomakeoneswallow;livefire;tobemany.Near.Thelips. Acartwheel;ashelf;acottongin;theinside ofthebody.Pungency.Adjective..phitAhomword(Shan,phit==bepungent).Cold,warmthless;pungent;saltry. phifibutpro-Ahomword(Shan,phifi n0unced=whatisflatand 'W'r9fW "phen"hard).Alayer;aflatpiece of silver or gold.Thelower Towinkwit.htheeye.Theeye-lid. Theuppereye-lid.phip-ta-teu..Dittophip-ta-nuDittophip-taDittophipAhomword 8("Verb W1)u3{JOA; Noun OA)t1 Noun ') {)OA();\r Noun 'NounNounphuAhomword(Shan,phu=aman,a male). Aman;amale;ahusband;informertimes.Verb.. ..phuAhomword(Shan,phu=tofloat). Tofloat;tochangeshoulder,toease aburdenontheshoulder.-_._-----_._------_._-------------

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    AJIOIVI-ASSA1\1ESE-ENGLISHDIC'l'IONARY-.J33.--------._------_._-------------------------._---.--------------------_..---._--------------------PRONUNOIATION.English.MEANINGS.II ._---,iIAn officerentrustedwiththeadministration ofaparticularpartofAssam,inthereignsofAhomkings.Assamese.iDerivat.ion and explanationof phrases: etc.English.iiphu-kiumungAhornword(phu== a. male,kin==enjoy,mung-eacountry,i.e.onewhoadministersacountry). 1\SSa,l118SG. Partsofspeech.NounAhornwords. phu-keAhoruword(phu==amale,ke == greator noble, i.e.agreatornoblemaleperson).Barua,atitleofdignity. l..Oc/'llr Noun ; phu-ke-kanram'AhOlTIword(phu==aImale,ke==great,knriattached, ram ==asedan,i.e. agreatmalepersonattachedtoasedan).DolakashariaBarua,theheadofaclanofmenwhosedutywastowalkoneithersideofthestatesedanchair. Le,,",'"VllrwB"'W1 Nouniiphu-kc-chang,Ah0111\V0rcl(phu==sharia male, ke=great,changshari=aphysician,i.e.thechiefofthephysiciana).Thechiefmedicalofficer ofAssamdur-ingAhomRaja'stime.'phu-kc-lungAhomword(phu=amale, ke:=great, noble,lunggreat,i.e.agreatnoblemaleperson).Barbarua,anofficerundertheAssamkingexercisingthepowersofcivilandsessionjudge.Noun:NounI!phu-kanphu-kankhariphu-kan-khu--.0 nug Ahomword(phu==amale, kan ==nice, i.e. a nicemaleperson).Ahornword(phu==amaleperson,kan=::nice,kha-ri === gunpowder).Abomword(phu-kan-eanicemaleperson,khuang==thenameofaplaceinDibrugurh).Atitleofdignity.Kharghariaphukan,thechiefofficerhavingthechargeoftheroyalarsenal,intheAhomRaja'stime.Khowangphukan, 8111 officer ofAhomRaja'stime,havingthechargeofKhowang,aplaceinDibrugarh.phu-kan Ahomword(phu-kan==anicemaleperson,khe "a net,i.e.anicemalepersonhavingthechargeof fishingnet). -Ialbhariphukan,thechiefofficer of ItheAhomRajas,whohadthechargeofroyalnets. -..._-----------._----------:......------_._--------------------

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    134AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISJIDICTIONARY.135Ahomwords,Partsof speech.\PRONUNCIATION.I.------.-------------------------1Derivationandexplana-. Assamese.'English.tionofphrases,etc.Assarnese. l\fEANINGS. English. 'WIoE Noun wDE phukan-tunrung-damphukan-phakutI phu-kan-phushan-nginAhomword(phu-kan-eanicemaleperson,tun-rung-dam-e-Kaliabar).Ahomword(phu kan =anicemaleperson,pha-kut=akindoffern,called"Dhekia").Ahomword(phu-kan=anicemaleperson,phu=aman, shan= tocausetolearn,ngin=tolearn,i.e.anicemalepersonwhodisposesjudicialaffairs).Kaliabariaphukan,anofficerofrankoftheAhomRajas,whowasnextto"Salalgohain"atKaliabar.Dhekialphukan,anofficerofhighrankoftheAhomRajas)whousedtocollectrevenuesofLowerAssamunderthecontroloftheBarphukanJthe.viceroy. l INyaisodhaphukan,anofficerofhighrank)whoused to hearanddecidejudicialmatters in AhomRaja'stime. 1.0lJ9D r: I # iiNounphu-kan-baoAhoIDword(phu-kane-.anicemalepersonJbao=young). phu-kan-bai-Ahomword(phukan,lung : ba.ilung=BaiIungclan).Dekaphukan,anofficer ofrankintheAhomRaja'stime...Bailungphukan,Noun,phu-kan-ma i muAhomword(phukan,ma-mu-e-anut).Tamuliphukan,anofficerofrank,whohadthechargeofroyalgardensoftheAhomkings. "171 Noun :::;t 0 w9 s. ..phu-kan-rno-shaiAhomword(phukan,mo-shai=Deodhai).Deodhaiphukan,thechief officeramongsttheDeodhais.NounNoun .phu-kan-mauAhomword(phukan, mau=new). phu-kan-jam-IAhomword(phukan,shu jam=to hold,shu=acoat).Naphukau,atitleofdignity.Choladharaphukan,atitleofdignity.NounINounI IINounIphu-kan-ru..phu-kan-raidangphu-kan-lungAhomword(phukan,ru=aboat).AhomwordAhomword(phukjin,lung=great).Naoshaliaphukan,thechief officerofthenavyoftheAhomkings.iRaidangiaphukan,atitleofdignity. I Barphukan,theviceroyoftheAhomkings.

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    136 ENGLISI-IDICTIONARY..137Ah0111words.Parts of speech.Noun and _.1.English. Itionofphrases,etc.-----,I phu-kan-shii AhomwordringAssamese.MEANINGS.English. i Chiringphukan,atitleofdignity.Nounphu-kan-doiAhomword(phukan,doi=al1ill).IParbatiaphukan,anofficer ofrankwho I hadthechargeofthehilltribes,inItheAssamRaja'stime.VerbNounphu-khatphu-pha-renAhomwordAho111word(phu=aman,pha==toseparate,ren=house,i.e. amanseparatedfromhisfamily). C
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    138AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISI-IDICTIONAI{Y.139English.MEANINGS.Assamese,English.PRONUNCIArrroN.Assamese.I----------------1 Derivation andexplanationof phrases,etc.Partsofspeech.Ahomwords...-1-----------------Adjective phukbutpro-Ahomword. '1tt5t n0unced"ph6k" White" .NounphrungAhomword (Shan. phung=acollection).Aswarm,VerbNoun.. phrungJIIphunAhomW0rd(Sh an, phung=to falloff; phak:==to divideintotwo).Ahomw0rd(Sh a n,phiin=rain;fuel;afour-legged platter ortray,speciallyforbetel-nut). Tobe flungoff;todivideintotwoparts;toberenewed.Fire-wood,fuel;rain;onewhorevolts,aninsurgent;alongnarrowpieceofsplitbamboo;aplatterortraymountedonaleg.IVerb ,phunAdjective .. !phun Noun ,phun-pu Noun Iphiin Verb phiin G, -,I ; Noun phutVerb<,phut Verb phupAhomwordDittoDitto DittoAhomw0rd(Sh a n,phiin=toscatter).AhomwordAhomword(Shan,phut=toriseupsuddenly).Ahomword I I l:..'" ; ; @liM I Torevolt;togivethefirstbindingtotheedge(inbasketwork);toupturn.Gilted.ApieceofbambooplacedonC'tung.khang.'AmetalplateusedbyAhomsofrank.Todisperseameeting.An evilspirit;aghost;nausea.Toboil;tofeelnausea;tobeagitated(ofahumanbeing).Tosplit,totear.Noun phumbutAhd(SI\<{"\{:f omworian, pronouncedphum-e-hair)."phrum"..Hair;acrowd,aherd.NounVerbI phufibutpro-Ahomword(Shan,phun n0unced=theunder-foliageof "phui"atree). phufibutpro-Ahomword '9fW
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    140AHOM-ASSAMESElOt] ENGLISHDICTIONARY.141 Aplate;a piece ofplaincottoncloth;awash-bowl;apiece of wood onwhich"bhang"is minced. Aneel hole, aneelpit.Greatcreation.To roll illagreenleafandthentoroast;toroast;tomovethelegsbackwardsandforwards inagony;toremainfor good,permanently.Tospread,topervade;to givebirthto, .tobringforth;tospreadstraw;tounfoldaload;tosunpaddy;tosmoothwithanadze;toblowwiththemouth.English.MEANINGS.Akindofplant.Assamese. I *tft ; ; 5f4m ; I ; ; ; $ I ... ",0-.. I N ; ; ; IAhomword (Shan, phaw==toroast).!i i Ahomword (phe == toigivebirthto,lung=!great;i.e.greatcreaI tion).! iiI Ahomwordphephephopho ; Ih. : pui-nam..phe-lung. c

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    143English.1---..\ To bescatteredabout.iIAcertain,anybody.Who;any.MEANINGS.ENGLISH DICTIONARYll Assamese. [wci DittoDerivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.AhomwordAhomword(Shan,phau=who).English. phao phreuphreuPRONUNCIATION.AIIOM-ASSAMESE-VerbNounPronoun.. : Ahomwords,Parts--1------ofI______________________------s---p-eech.1Assamese.I! -------------------=-----============================= 142VerbAdverbNounphrenphreu-naiphiwIAhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan,phiw == thefibrousouterbarkofplants). csts I,,Toburn.When.Abracelet;atick;thefibrousouterbarkofplants. 0("Wo ..VerbAh0IDW0rd(Sh a n,phiw = toputin order). ; '1R1 ; C5t1Z ITo clearup,to clearaway,toputinorder;tovacateaplace;tospeakvehementlv;to take outwater'tobe inexcess; ., to scrape offthesurface. Acart;aguard;ameansof deliver1f.! Iance;delivery;theactofsavingordelivering;counsel;advice;dust.Ahouse;a sip,thequantitydrunkatone gulp.Wide..Torest;tosupport,tonourishJtotakecareofa person. An unskilled wornan ;a feast.Ugly;sappy,fullofsap.Theupper OF scarf skin. Tosprinklewateronthebody;tobedriven.Gold-bracelet.Slightlydry. I I Adjective N@ phiwAhomword -vBri'.1-J Noun N@-*t phiw-kham..Ahomword(phiw =abracelet,kham=gold,i.e.goldbracelet). Noun phiw-nangAhomword Noun phkWoYY1 :Ahomword(Shan, phdk I=tobeincapableoflearning).r-Verb :phdklX)Yl1 .. AhomwordDr-Adjective phakwm DittoD Noun phrang.Ahomword(Shan,D phrang=dust). Verb .3f\f; ..phrangAhomwordD .. Adjective IphrangDittoD Noun IhODitto ot:i Ipan _________1________ .___ 1__ ._.__________________-------------

    PAGE 91

    144i\lIOMASSAl\iESE--ENGLISIIDICTIONARY.145-----------------------------------------.. _-----------------------I------------------------VerbEnglish.MEANINGS. __ __ 1 ; ; C ; I ; I ITorunonall fours.Morality;anexample.Toramble,towander;tothink.All;lowandbushy(asshrubs).To drizzle (ofrain).Amole(theblackspot);atumult.Onewhofillsupa hole. ---------,--------19

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    146AHOM-ASSAMESEENGLISII DICTIONARY-.147English.And. To say. A measuring rod, eight cubitsinlength;astringofamusicalinstrument;onefathom,fourcubits.Why.Abundleofhair;averypoorman)onewho livesbydrudgery.Toweave;to write.! 1 Mad, crazy. Toprayearnestly.Theshoulder...To becomemad;to say, to. speak.MEANINGS.Assamese. ; ; 1ft:sr ; IIAprostitute,aharlot;akindoftarethatgrowsamongautumnrice;theinside ofapipe;apoorman. 0ftDi ; I I I "DittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoAhomwordAhomword(Shan, wa =tosay).AhomwordAhomword(Shan,wa).Ahomword(Shan, wa ==forcubits).Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc. English. bangIba I! \ba I1I ba-tan-lieu \ba-mik.,\bak1 ........ __ ... -.--..----.----.,IIII iba i Iba i : ba-anIba(long)PRONUNCIATION.\\-Assamese...
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    i48AHOM-ASSAMESE-J] ENGLISHDICTIONARY.149 -----------_......_------------------------------------------------------_._--.--.------------------------------_.. English.Tosowpaddybroad-cast(generallyunderwater).Tobeg;tosow;to open.Sweet;agreeable. .Theeast...Tosowpaddy.MEANINGS.Assamese.PRONUNCIATION.! i Derivationandexplana--itionof phrases) etc. Assamese.English.Ii I1 .. ban IAhomword(Shan,wan I=sweet,agreeable). ban-k ..1\Ahomword (ban== theIsun, k.=to rise)...ban-khao.,'I'Ahomword (ban =toIsow; khao ==paddy,Irice). ball -kh a 0-AhomwordkhraiPartsof speech.NounAdjectiveIVerb..VerbAhomwords,.. ban-tukAhomword(ban=thesun,tuk==tofall, i.e.thesun-fall).Sunset;thewest.Once;yes. Akindoffishtrap;paddyreadytobe husked. Afan;akindofcomb;a cowry. Torob;to acknowledgesubjugation.Uneven. To becomesore; to getrelief from illness;tobecomeconvalescent;to praise.Aroundspotonthebody.Akindoflousefoundonthebodyof-adog;one time...Tosow seed. ; I ;
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    Assamese.151English. Anaromaticplant.Tojump;todivide,todistribute.ITobewearied;totakeontheneck;to I give a child. Atown,acity;asmallpotsherd.:Themason-wasp(Sphinxasiatica).IBezoar, a calculousconcretionfoundintheintestineofcertainruminant.animals.ENGLISHDICTIONARY.MEANINGS.--------------------------------I ; a, ; N I150AHOM-ASSAMESEWl AhomPartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivationandexplanaof words. speech.Assamese,English. tionof phrases, etc. ---_. -----------.-.--. :--------------880 Noun bi-ki-hamAhomword lJ'\'l1V\ 0 8 Verb bikDitto UYYl NounI f{@ bingAhomword(Shan,wing ,=a city). Verb.. bingAhomword(Shan,wing =tobedivided). oAiM Noun Ibing-tang-tetAhomword , -, vs?Wl .Noun bing-shi-Ia..Ditto Noun bing-hangDitto ,...... Verb binAhomword(Shan,win tHi =tofly). Adjective binAhomword Ut1erNoun bitAhomword(Shan,wit 1:101\ =afish-hook). 8 Verb ..bitAhornword(Shall,wit UO!\ ..=tosmoothwithaknife). er i Adjective ..bitAhomword UOI\T!JcMclWl Noun bit-thi-laDitto Verb bipAhomword(Shan wip=tokneadorpresswiththehands). Noun "binbutpro-Ahomword(Shan,win.. nounced=abangle)."ben." Verb lQ3, binbutpro-Ahomword.. 1["9tc5f Inounced'cben." @'?,; IA whitlow. Tofly;toplaceaside,toplaceonone Aslant.Mind;afish-hook;anearofcornbeforeIitshootsoutoftheculm ;a phial.To scoopoutwater;tomoveoneofthepieces inagame;tosoak;tosmoothanarrowpieceofbamboo.Adornedwithfigures of flower (asacloth).Bitthilaisthenameofa place. To press,tosqueeze. Abracelet,abangle;theendofanuttowhichthefoot-stalkisattached.To .castintowateranddragoutagain(asanet);tothrowout.

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    153English.Mucousdischargefromthenose;adryroadorpath;land. Blunt; dUIUb;fat.Noon;one'sownman;poison;arattansprout.Awheel;disgust;muddyland. Not, yes.Alotus;awater-Iily;abud;theseventhfemalechild. To twist;nottowipeIace. 'I'opainttheforeheadwithsandal.Now.Anarrow-neckedbasketfor keeping fish; abasket;outside;a silk-worm ;ahog'sden.Not.To remove night-soil. Tobeperplexed;tobeexcited;toextendandarrangethewarpprevioustoweaving.Akindofplant.Mad. Adisorderofthebowels,Blindofoneeye. Toraise;tolast;totrampleupon.Tobeat;tobe agitated (aswater};to be overcrowded...'I'opoisonfish.Assamese. ENGLISI-f Dlc'rIONA.RY" MEANINGS. ---------.-------.----_.-----------------I cit1;i ; c
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    154.A.H0 1V[--ASSA.1VIESE---U6 ]" ENGIJISI-I DICTIONARY .. 155PRONUNCIArrION.Ahoinwords.Partsofspeech.Assa.r .... English.Assamese.MEANINGS.English. Verb Noun I VerbbUlTIbui bui i AhomwordDitto"Ditto Qjt
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    15G .A.l-IOl\f-ASSAl\lESE-ENGLISHDICrrIONARYG157 ---... -._--.--------------_ .. -------------_.-English.Incessantly,withoutstop.Ii Abetelleaf. i --.-------Ii No,not.MEANINGS.Assamese.-----------------------------.----------_.._---------------_._-------------------------Ahomword (Shan, maw).Ahomwordbau-that-bau-Dittobai I ibaworbau .IIIbau-pIu c
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    ]58AI-IOlVI-A.SSAMESE-ENGLISH 159 ------------------------------------------------------------1---------'----.-----.------AhPartsPRONUNCIATION.0111words, of,-----------------1----Ispeech.IASSal118se.English. ------------1 _i ------------------Derivationandexplana .. tion of phrases, etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English.I Noun! blak-nli-ta ..AhomwordTheholybasil(Ocimumsanctum) andits leaf.NounAkindof flower (flower ofMesnaIerrea).Akindof flower.Alotusflower.DittoDitto Dittoblak-nlU blak-theng"blak-chip-rip fu"Vf-f(Q"VI ......<, -, ("I"Oo'Wl iNounr: A r-0r: bo'YYIW1Jll Noun 1/-rotB oNoun : blak-ranDit.toA kind ofwildflower. Noun iblak-ram DittoAkindofyellowfragrant flower" Macheliachampaca(gamble).NounbI a k-r aInl{lang-ka DittoAkindof flower.Nounblak-Ieng bll{sheng.. pha DittoDitto IAyellowflower.Akindof flower,consideredholybytheDeodhais, ('" 0('"1?oYnWI:11/DYYtB NounNoun @...... blak-shen; blak fia-rang DittoDitto I IAnAhomclan,knownasKapataha.Akindofcreeperanditsflower.Noun blak-fia-dang DittoAkindofplant.Noun Noun blak-amblak-dam IDittoIIAh0mW0rd(bldk=flower,dam-e-black).Akindof flower. Ablackflower. '
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    160.AHOlVI-ASSAMESE--ENGI.JISHDICTIONARY.161---_._--_._---------------_._---------------------------. --------_._-----_._-----------'---_._--_.Ahomwords.Partsofspeech.iEnglish.Assamese,l\iEANINGS.English. ..;Ml .,IAdjectiveNounVerbbang-to -15i--M
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    162AHOM-ASSAlVIESEr"\.....J ILv,ENGLISI-IDICTIONA_RY.163PRONUNCIATION. I ma (should be pronounced"abrupt" whenitdenotes a fox, andwhenahorse"long."MEANINGS.An ass; anegativeparticle.English...Adog;ahorse;afox. -------------------:-----------_._---_. mM I ,,Assamese.Ahomword(Shan, fila ==adog; a horse;mu-lin-e-a fox).Derivationandexplanationof phrases, etc. English.II-..:ma i Assamese.Partsofspeech.Noun[...NounAhomwords, 171 171 Verb ma Aho111word 'ITocome;tovoidexcrement. 1710/\\j; Noun !ma-ta-paDItto A kind of wildpepper.i 171 Noun Ima-puDitto 9J
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    164:AHOM-ASSAl\'lESEENGLISHDICTIONARY.165 ---------.----_._--------_._------------------------English.,I/----_.._.------! AneggfruitIIIAkindof fruit.IThetomato.iIAkindof egg-fruit.I i Thebitterfruitofakindofcreeper!(Momordicachuratia),IAkindoffruit.IMEANINGS....Assamese.DittoDittoDitto DittoDittoDerivationandexplauationof phrases, etc. English.mak-khru111khao.m a k-khruthao-leng.ill it k-khrumkhrai.111 a k-khrulung.mak-khru-tunill a k-khru-Aho111wordkhao.PRONUNCIATION.Assamese,Partsofspeech.Ahornwords. r o?N l1YYll'" roun 0/\E ,NOUIl 17m ..Noun v ill a kning....'-"name DittoIAn edibleroot.m a k-phitphiin.DittoAkindofplant. 17-1,01..B ..Noun .... -, '-l <,mak-pho-Iungmak-phrengDittoDittoThefruitofakindof creeper. Akindofsourfruit.mak-mo-mangDittoA mango. 17yY117vYt NounNounNounNounNoun "" makmaiDittomak-thoiDittomale-rungDittomak-langDitto mak-]angDittodang. I I IAtendersproutofa cane. A wildnut.Akindof wildfruitofbittertaste.Ajackfruit.Kaliabor,thenameofaplacein Now gongDistrict.NounNounNounmak-oi-laiDittomak-huDittomangDittoAkindof fruit.Thethornapple.Animaginaryevilspiritsupposedto live onfish.Verbmang,Ah0ID \V 0rd(8 hall, mang=some;tobethin).To pokeat;tobreakbypokingat;to be unfolded.

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    166AHOM-ASSAMESEe r] 17W1 ENGLISIIDICTIONARY.167---------------------------_._------_._-English. IVIEANINGS. Assamese,-------------------------------------------Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.English.PRONUNCIATION. r IIIAssarnese. ---------_._--.------1------------------_-_-----------_ Partsof speech.Ahomwords,Adjective Noun man AhomwordAhomword(Shan, man ==aroot;oil;gain).Other;stout,fat. ; ; --Rsi7f ; m: Aro.ot,asweetpotato;oil,grease: 4Gf1f Igam;amole;apleonasticparticlesaidto givetheideaofrespect,addedtomalenounsofrelationship. t:' Pronoun.. -=-Prs <,He;she;it. man Ahomword(Shan,the same).r:Adjective Ahomword Stout,fat. man17E Noun man-ngaDitto Oil. 17E')"ti1 Noun man-noDitto \5lt'j, IAkindof wildroot. 17l!J'P Noun man-mu-shaiDitto I;An ediblerootofawaterplant. 17E Noun man-longDitto IAkindof wildplant. r-Noun j{@ Ahomword(Shan, mat ; ,f5 Noun Ditto IAbamboofish-trap. 171)map r-Verb Ditto To rob. 1:71)map17 Noun mam Ditto ; IBoiledrice;a miser. Noun fir nuAhomword(Shall, me ; ; ; ; ; ;Afemale;awife;abear;thedhutura=a female), m: Iorthornapple;astringof beads; a female suffixusedwithhumanbeingsandthelike. Verb fiT -miAhomword. INottobe;nottomix. Adjective fir miDitto Good;like.I Adverb fir-1;t@, mi-tangDitto All. Wl Noun mi-chaDitto IA fan. Noun mi-angIDitto IAnantidotefor poison. ImikI Ignorant.Adjective .. 1 Ditto I .------------------.---. _._----.__

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    168AI-IOM-ASSAMESEENGJ--IISH DICTIONARY. 169 ------------------------------------------------------!1'0 smell,i I i Other. !jAknife;arainbowintheeast.i Toshampoo,to squeezewiththefingers.Lightning.English. iI i III IIITurmeric;akindofworm. i l\1EANINGS.Assamese. \!3
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    170 AIIOlVI-ASS.A.MESE---ENGljISH DICTIONARY.171.------._---------------------_.._-------------------_.-----English.Akindofarum.Toattire,toclothe;toask;tobe ceremoniouslyunclean,tohavemonthlycourse.Veryquickly. Aca,p, a hat;akindofarum;dirtof rice. Akindofwildarumplant.Acountry,akingdom,theworld.Mungklang,thenameofacountry.Tothatchahouse; t5 hum,tobuzz;toabuse,toreproach.Thenameofaplaceinheaven.Thenameofthe24thlaknioryearofanAhom" Taoshinga..'Down-stream,thecountrylowerdownariver.Thenameofthe14thIakniofanAhom"'I'aoshinga."To tease.Theabodeof gods.MEANINGS. -_ .. -------------------.-_.. ,------i I IAssamese. I I "'" 8 !DittoDittoDittoDitto.DittoAhomword Aholn word (Shan, mung=theworld).Derivationand explana tionof phrases etcAhomwordAhomword(Shan,muk===akindofarum).mung-plaoDittomung-keuDittomung-khoDittomung-kho Ditto AdverbNounNounNounVerbmung-phi..Ah0illW0rd(Shan,mung == country,phi==agod). Parts PRONUNCIATION.of,-_... ------------1-.. -... ------. ___ 1 _..Noun..I ..ImukIVerbI ImukI i Imuk-phuIimuk-lai'.ImimgIiImungImungIImung-klangIImung-kleng-Ikhru.IAhornwords, 17t'YY1r Noun !J..r-JLc/YJl Noun rlLBclYJl .Verb 17tBvr Noun 0 17'lB ..INoun.. I yyrg INoun 1:11,B'YYllB Noun cfLBlfLM ..Noun "171-817[ Noun -0811)1 Noun lflB ..Noun -,IDung-mut..Ahomwordmung-rnaoDitto!mung-thi-laDittomung-rao..Ditto I IThenameofthe44thlakniofan.Ahom 'I'aoshinga." '!'he nameof the 4thlakniofanAhomccTaoshinga.'Mungthila,thenameofacountry.Thenameofthe34thlakniofanAhom ( ,'I'aoshinga;"

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    172 AHOM-ASSriMESEENGLISHDICTIONARY.173-----------,-iII \ Munglung,thenameof a country.iEnglish.I -_._--/! Mungrimungram,thenameofacountry. i MEANINGS.Assamese.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.AhomwordAhomword(mung=country,ri = lonely,mung-e-country, ram deserted,lonely,i.e. alonelyanddesertedcountry).English.mung-Iung111Ung-Timung-rarn.-PRONUNCIATION.Assamese.Partsofspeech.Noun.Noun ...t.\..h0111 words, mung-IurnDittomung-Ia.iDittomung-sheu Ditto I I 18 IMunglum,thenameofacountry.Munglai,thenameofacountry.Mungsheu,thenameofthe54thlakniofanAhom"Taoshinga." Noun b 111UnDitto I Virtue;thewildsilkworm;lot, fate. 'tiE Verb munDittoTosprout;toempty;tobe surprised. W Noun t:i mun-shumDittoAkindof vegetable. NounmiinAhomword(Shan,miin =ten thousand).Acart;tenthousand;pasttime;rejoicing. liLE IVerbiImiinAhomword(Shan,miin=tobe toopentheeye; mUll.,=: tobehappy).Toslip;tobehappy. Adjectivemiin.xhomwordSlippery. litEi Toopentheeyes. l7.M Noun mlen-ta-du..DittomutAhomword(Shan,mut=anant). 51 ITolookwiththeeyesopen.Anant;aneel. 11.M Verb e mutAhomword(Shan,mut=toclear)...To clear) toclean;toslip..mut-kanAhomword..Tocoincide.Verb. mupDitto.Tobewavy;tobeundulated.

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    174-----------_.-i\.IIOM-ASSAMESE------=--=--=-----------=ENGLISHDICTIONARY.175PRONUNCIATION. 1\110111 words,Partsof speech. .. Derivationandexplana-11SSall1ese.English.tionofphrases,etc., Imufi pr:-if Asabovemiifi,pronounced"mui"or"muy."Asabovemen-ta-rilung. mememe-kan me-a momo-plangme-shammo-shaiAhomwordDitto DittoDittoDittoAhomword(Shan ,me=toputin order).AhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan ,mo ::=to knowhowtodoathing,be skilled in;anearthencooking-pot).AhomwordDittoDitto I I..Tobedevastated.:to devastate. Dew.Tojump.Barmajindar,a title. Amother;a feminine suffix .employedwithirrationalanimal. Tobeat,tostrike;togetclearedor cleaned, to mend.; togivea clue. Tofeel affection. Afather'ssister. ABailung,apriestlycasteofAhoms,!Nounmo-hungmekDittoDittoAmohan,anAhompriestlycaste.{IAmosquito.

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    176AI-IOM-ASSAMESE--ENGLISHDICTIONARY.177 ------------:..------------------------------------------------Aho111words.Partsofspeech.AdjectiveVerbNounPRONUNCIATION--------------------------ASSa111ese.English--\._-------I mek1 "iI metmai I Derivationandexplana-Itionofphrases,etc. I-IAhomword i DittoiAhomword(Shan,mai != abamboo;wood,atree).MEANINGS.--------------------------I------_E_iJ_ng_l_is_h_o _IIgnorant.ITo tame a wildanimal;toreconcile. ; Abamboo;mischief,damage;apole; ; Iasuffixwhichdenotesanycaseexceptthenominative;wood, atree.Toburn;towrite;toweed.Aclub-man;a stool. Toextort;tobecomepaleorbloodless;topraise.Unabletoutterarticulatesounds,tonguetied;corpulent;light,notheavy.Akindofbraceletwornbymen.Agoldstool. Apotter.Akindofant.Maolung,thenameofaplace.New.Thou. I ,", ; J I I I IDittoDitto DittoDittoDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,maii=thou). i Ahomwordmaii maiimao-kbammaomaomai-mo mai-tan-khanDittokham. mai-tan-khan DittomaiAhomword !\ maoAdjectiveVerb Noun Noun -,-,-,Noun Noun iVerb : Adjective Noun Noun Pronoun .. 171 oNounmaii-puDittoAwife'seldersister. or17 Noun miwbutalso '1D? pronounced'cmleo."DittoAcat. .i Noun... Ahomword(Shan, nlak =acloud). o. Acloud. It. IVerb.. mak Ahomword(Shan, mak= tobedim-sightedfromeye). 5' Todazzletheeyes.------------------INoun. omangAhomword ------------------23 :, Astake,a peg.

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    178AIIOlYl-ASSAMESE ------170 ENGLISIIDIOTIONARYo179MEANINGS.-0-----------------------1----------------------------------------------_._-----_ ... Wildsick-worm;apillow;trustconfidence;thernulberry; Brahn,{a, thecreator;thearumplant. Lt\. kindofarumplant._Akindofarumplant.Akindofarumplant.AkindofarU111plant.AkindofarU111plant.Akindofarumplant.Intelligent D Anegg.Agoldenegg.Quality.Fatigue.Towalkina solemnmanner.Thehairoftheprivateparts.Tobetired;tobeexhausted.Totiethebody.Pride;haughtiness.Tospeak.Assamese.English. ; ; ; ; I I J9tt-n I I I
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    180AI-IOM-ASSAMESEENGLISI-IDIOTIONARY.181 wJa) English. '1'0 quit;tobefree;toprevent,toprohibit.II.MEANINGS.Assamese.---------------------------------------.--.-_._._-----------------------------PRONUNOIATION. ID' t.icl1_______1.Ion expana-IEI ,hItionofphrases,etc.Assamese. IS.I word(Shan, yii,= tohavedonewith).Partsofspeech.VerbAhomwords,Agrandmothsr j medicine;tobaccoToprohibit,IBenigrass(PaniCUITlclactylon),IGreat-grandmother.."IThegoddess oflearning.'.Difficulty,trouble,miserysorrow ... '. J ; ; ITo rrepare forcooking;totakeimpression ;towashvegetableforcooking, C!<\t, ; ; CO'f'1tR IA of.plantainorthelike;anythingwhite:glue;arow,aline'standinginaconnectedrow.' \Sf1ja Ahomword(Shan, ya ==agrandmother). ja-phetAhomword ja-thaoDitto ja-Ian-kha-Ian Ditto ......-
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    182 AI-IOlVI---ASSAIVIESE-0(-) J 'U) _183--------_._-_.--------=----=---=---=-=--=---=------_._------------_._----------.-------.---PRONUNCIATION.English.Tostrikeagainstsomethingwiththefootinwalking.MEANINGS.Aesarnoso.Toglitter,todazzle;toplaster;tobedivided into manylumps;tostrikewiththe foot againstsomething.DittoDerivation andexplana tionof phrases, etc. ,. AhomwordjapEnglish... jiLt Assamese,II Partsafspeech.VerbVerbAhomwords,Nounjam i Ahornword(Shan, yfJJl11 =respect,time). r;;T;t(f Ahusband'selderbrother;bell-metal,, "'l\,. , abell;amoment;onebornaftertwo,athirdchild.VerbAdjectiveNoun 1W
    PAGE 111

    184.A.HOlVI-ASSAMESEWdJ ENGLISI-Iurcrroxxnv.185Toweed;toputathingoutsidethehouse togetitbedewed. Mighty.! .A ..sproutoftheplantain-treedressed forfood;anuglyperson.Amodel, asample, an ideal;abrown...eyedwoman.Apeacock;roarofwater.Toejectfromthemouth.Tostart,tofeelasuddenuneasy sensa tion. Tobedinted;tostandstill. Torun,toproceedrunning.Apattern.Tobecomeapattern;to be created.To praise. Tostretchoutthehand;to becomecold;torUD.IForever. Tospinthread;tobe severed from arow;tocausetofalloff.IThehandrailofanarrowbridge;aIparticledenotingthepasttenseofaverb;fibre, filament. Toremain,tostay;tolive.MEANINGS.----------------_.-------_._------.-.Assamese...IEnglish.Inthebeginning;inoldentimes. I -rr;(!1[
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    186AHOM-A.SSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.187---_.---_ ..------_._------PRONUNCIATION ::"J. rre:Adjective B1t'8 w,wo' wo wrWlJ Noun o0 0(' Noun wo.vj6 Verb e:Verb WDO r-Noun WYl1Sf
    PAGE 113

    188AHOl\i-ASSAMESE[w ENGLISH DICTIONAl{,Y. 1.89 110(51, Cha)--------------w110 Noun PRONUNCIATION. 51 IchaI .cha-Iik-eha" ,khang English.An iron ladder.Rough;thick;bad,ill;notcome,unarrived.MEANINGS.Assamese.-----------_._--------AhomwordDerivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.1Ah0mW0rd(Shan,chae.rough,bad).English. Assamese.Partsof\speech. } \AdjectiveAhomwords.VerbNoun chitkchang AhomW0rd(Sh a n, ohake--toknowwell).1IAhomword(Shan,chang === anelephant,ascale;averbalparticle,denotingpresenttime). ; ; ;
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    190AItOM-ASSAMESEI LENGLISH DICTIONAR,Tv 191_._------.---_.._.__._-----------------------._--------_._------_.._-----PRONUNCIATION. chat English. --------------------MEANINGS.i ,Amanlivingatthehouseofawomanwhokeepshim)amanwholivesatthehouseofanotherasadependant;abambooforkwhichisusedforthrowingpieces ofturmeric,etc.,onthedayoftheBaisakhBihu.Assamese,Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.AhomwordEnglish. Assamese.Partsofspeech.NounAhomwords. Verh chatwu Noun 5t'1 chapr-Verb chap wv DittoDittoAh0IDW0rd(Shan, chap toperchonabranch). '5t9J ; @f
    PAGE 115

    192AIIOM-ASSAMESEwtri] ENGLISHDICTION 193English. .i\1.EANINGS. Assamese.English.PRONUNCIATION.____ \ Derivationandexplana-tionof phrases, etc. Assamese.Partsof speech. Ahom words. }}} Noun fu@ chingAhomword "Verb ..chingDittoNoun : ..chinAhomword(Shan,chin=aBuddha). ; (oN3151;. Avagabond; a curse affecting awhole Ikingdom;thehighestlayeror division. fu
    PAGE 116

    194: A.H()l\tI-ASSi\.MESE--:mNGLIS.f-I DJarrIONA.RY.195PRONUNCIATION.IDerivationandcxplana-....... ...-------...-._--! tionofphrases,etc.Assa.mese.English.chu-chang-naiAhomword---".---..--..-._.---------------_._._------------------------------------------Alargebox;akindofiguana.Tosetonadog. 'Thetopofakindofgrass (SacChal'U111 spontaneunl). Thrice,threetimes. i Because;therefore.Assamose. i English. --... -.-----... .. -------.---.. --.. --_ ... -.. --..----I---... ------------.. ..----------------! MEANINGS.-------------.---_..---------_._-------------..-----_._--------,---------------._--------------------------. "151
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    1n6AIIOl\{--ASS}.A..M.ESE-w' ]197---------------------------------------------------r/vorY'ttcf' e.NounEnglish.MEANINGS.Assamese. r.r I Abhoipur,thenameofaplaceinthe ISibsagarDistrict,intheSibsazarSub-division. \::) English.che-khruPRONUNCIATION. : ___ -!'iDel:i vationandexplana------.---------------------Itionofphrases,etc.I --.-1-----------------------IAhornwordi\Partsofspeech.Ahornwords...che-chingDittoOrnaments. t/vorJ-tB Noun ..che-rung : Ahomword(che === .. ..... town,rung=apeepultree). Wr Adverb che-chem \ Ahomworde. cl OrNoun cho-renDitto Wl",t1 c1Wal Noun '5 choDitto wt-m Noun chekDitto -vt1Ln; Verb chekDitto vtfLt Noun 05'0 chengAhomword(8h it 11,a ..... femaleattendant). IVerb chengAhomword-, : Noun cheng-nang ... Ahomword(cheng=aI "femaleattendant,nang=agirl). r:r: r Noun CS\;,-(;?l-fir ch e 11g-nang-Ahomword(cheng=a 1tVLt:i-r;uQ pau-phi.femaleattendant, 1..0 nang===a girl,pau==toattend,phi=agod). Noun chenAhomword wtE Verb echenDitto wtE Adjective .. ehcll s:Ahomword(Shan tu be clear,pure,bright). wlE Advere chenAhomword w9 chaiAhomword(8h ft 11,a\masculinesuffix). ...-----------...----_._I I ; I C'lttf IAhataguri,thenameof CL placeintheSibsagarDistrict,inGolaghatSub-division.iAll.Anampitheatre. : Anearthencooking-pot.Aturban;aropefortyingcattle.Tocomenear,to approach.Afemaleattendant;a god.Nottobelate,nottodelay.Afemaleslave. Amaid-servantattachedtoatemple.Creation;thenumber32; establishment;acause.Toask. Verybeautiful.Inanydirection.Aman,.amale;amalechild;amas...culine suffix.

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    198AHOlVI-ASSAMESE-[ vo'> ----------------------------ENGLISHDlcrrIONARY. -----------------199 English. ITocomeintouse;tobreak;tocause bebroken;tostrikethethighswithopenhandsataquarrel.lVIEANINGS.Assamese.English..' i chaiAssa.mese.Partsofspeech.\VerbAhomwords. _____ -....._-i-.-------_.-----------_.-----_..---_.--_._--------;--------_._--------------[I)RONUNCIATION.I ______.-----__ .!Derivationandexplana-Itionof phrases,etc.____.1II i Ahornword(Shall, to use). } Noun chao AhomW0rd(S hall, chaw=owner).A god,adeity;amasteranowner:aking;agreatman; Verb chao AhomwordToboilrice;toprornise;tohappensuddenly.Onewhohadthechargeofroyalfowls. Great; supernatural.Atitleofdignitv,theBanrukia-Gohainhadchargeoftheterritorycalled Banruk." I was_a son ofChaokhunjao. ([ II-Iereigned at Mungkhu-mungjaofor15years.. ; I I I !ChaokhunjaowasasonofChao-shen)(t II HereignedatMungkhu-mung Jao for15years.DittoDittoDittoDittoDitto..ohao-khun-jao \ : 5i'8-
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    200AHOM-.A.SSA.MESE---ENGLISHDICrrrONARYc201English.MEANINGS.Assamese. IIIThelordofthunder.iI I BuraGohain,theprimeministeroftheIAssamRajas.Anofficer ofhighrankwhohadthechargeofthesalt-mineatMahang,duringAssam Raja's time.-I IChaotail.ung asonof (t Iandkingof Maolung.Hereignedfori15years..ITheheavenlyking;a king.iIiIIChaophaphnnklangjeng-kldngraiwas a.! great-grandsonofKhunlai.Aho111word(chao==agod,aking,pha==heaven). ------------------.-. _.-----_._-----IDerivationandexplana---: tionofphrases,etc.---1--------------English.chao-phaPRONUNCIATION.Assamese, ..:chao-tai-IungAhomwordPartsof speech.Noun WdW1 r-Noun ch a 0.'ph aAhomword UH1j phan-klang-e: w't jeng-klang' rai. I)Wd1-cl Noun chaopha-phetDit.tor:rl:iL e:Noun ot <,ohao-phrang-Ahomword(chao ==aWo"lOot; mung.god,phrang = wide,mung=country,i.e. a godofawidecountry). Wdc1"tJlm Noun ..ohao-bo-klang,Ahomword D <, Iwords.I---------_._--------.._;:--".. I WoM iNoun ., Chao-ohangbunwasasonofTaolulu I rt IandakingofMaolung.Hereignedfor15years. Wd '""'001 Noun ..chao-bo-ngenDitto Noun chao-marangDittoki. wr Noun ch a 0-mung..Dittoshao-la. W1WrlW Noun chao-jiAhomword(ch a 0 = great,ji=granary). -diE Noun 15f'8-15t a 0-chang-Ahomwordbun.SadiyakhoaGohainhadthechargeofSadiyaduringAssam Raja's time.MarangikhoaGohain,anofficer ofhighrank.SalalGohainhadthechargeofDarrang.Ahighofficer.Atreasurer,astore-keeper. .chao-changlieu.Chao-ohangfieuwasasonofChaochangbun.Noun wdi\T oun 15t&-T5,t,S chao-changjao.DittoDitto Chao-changjaowasasonofChao .. changI Ibun.Hereignedfor15years.Hehadnoissue. J I I __ -------------------_._----------------------_.----26

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    202AI-IOIV[--ASSAMESE--ENGLISHDICTIONARY.203Ahomwords.Partsofspeech. ---------1PRONUNCIArrIONI 1 1 -----________________I andexplana! Assamese. 1__ of ...__l15t -,chao-ching-IAhomword lung,IAssamese.l\iEANINGS._._-..-._---I Englisk----/---i Atitleofdignity,chao-thaolung.i ; Ahomword(Chao===a god)thao=old,lung=great,i.e.agreat old god). :Oneofthethree great. councillors ofAhomkings.Nounchao-ru-changAhomword(Ch a 0 == great,ru=head,chang===eIep11ant,i.e.agreatelephanthead).AnAhomclanattached to theservicesofthethreegreatcouncillors,theBuragahain,theBurgahainandBarpatraGohain. Noun ..chao-leng-iAhomword "" sheng.r:0 Noun chao-sham-ruDitto WoW ... .G. chao-sheng...lung.Ahomword (Chao =agod,sheng=holy,lung=great,Le.agreatholygod). I I IThelordoflight. Chaoshamru wasasonofDakham.He was drowned.Oneofthethreegreatcouncillorsof the Ahomkings.I ch a 0 n S ha i-Ditto phun-fi0iDoL W6 Nounr: 9 rWo111 Noun o . .chao-shenchao Ahomword I ChaoshenchaowasasonofKhunshu. );;JI;' HeruledthecountryMungkhuMung jao for19years.Thenameofadeity...Thelordofsunbeam. Chao-Ijap wasthesonofKhunlai.HediedrulingthecountryMungrimungramfor40years.Hehadnoissue.HeintroducedtheAhomeracalledIjepiIakni, 1!?1!Chao-ai-mokhamjang, descendedfrom I thelineof.Khunshu.Hesucceeded ) 0
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    205English. To copulate. Tothink,toreflect;tosay"yes."Theheart,themind;anambassador;a messenger.Tobe unwilling toenjoysexual pleasure. Toreturnbeing unwilling toenjoysexualpleasure.Acorner;rawprovisionssuppliedtoaguest. Togoquickly;tobedisordered;tobehavepiously Tobereluctantto copulate.Swiftness;a saddle. To scoop, totakeahandfuloutofalargequantity.Thecorner oftheeye. i Onesideof anything.I ..ITodance;toIsmooth withanaxe. i Nice,beautiful.IAn Ahom clan called Barukial.I!Toboilanything;to free fromalkali;!tocutto pieces; to spread.MEANINGS.ENGL1SHDICTIONARY.Assamese.

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    206AHOM-ASSAMESEENl1LISH DICTIONARY207----------------------------------------English.Brimful;sincere, honest, pure.To search. Vicinity. Toassemble;toaccompany;totake cOlupany; toload(asagun);tosweep.Assamesc.l\1.EANINGS.---------------------=----=----=---------------_._-----------------_._--------------_._-------: I IDittoDitto Ditto ch am iPRONUNCIAr.rION.I' ___ __Derivationandexplana-Assamese.English. tion of phrases, etc.-----1------------------------;--------------------_I i AhomwordAhomPartsof words. speech.r-Verb WcVDry r:Adjective 159JWD))wD Noun wD Verb AdjectivechamI I Ditto-Io Adverb cham-doinDitto l!l"C'
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    208AHOM-ASSAMESE-------.--_._---ENGLISI-I DIO'I'!()NARY.209PartsPRONUNCIATION.of i------speech.IAssamese.English. -----:..._----------j-----------_._----------IINoun !tha Ahomwords.VerbVerbINoun..VerbNoun tha '..thak thang thang _. than Derivationandexplana-tionof phrases, etc.AhomwordAhomword(Shan,tha=toshave;towait).Ahomword(Shan, to hew).Ahomword(Shan,a hole intheground)...AhomwordAhomword (Shan, astable,coal),Assamese. I ; IMEANINGS.English.Asofawithboxesunderneath.i i: Toshave;towait.Tobecutbyarazor;tohew,tocutwithadao.,Ahole intheground;anironinstru.. mentfordigging;aspring;aslice)abit. Toattainanobject;topourout,to spill.Acowshedenclosedwithplanks;aclothgirdle;a livecoal;a than (orroll) ofcloth. ?
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    210 A.HOIVI-ASSAlVIESE-lnNGLISH DICTIONARY.211PRONUNCIATION.bham...phrai..AhomwordAhomwords, Wv:P Partsofspeech.NounAssamese,English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.l\iEANINGS.Assamese.IEnglish. --------------------I I Thenameofaplacecalled Suffrai intheSibsagarSub-division.NounNounNounVerh tham-a-mii tham-am-ai ..tham-am-noi than butpronounced"thai.'DittoDittoDittoDittoAplough.Akindofmedicinalherb.:Akindofmedicinalherb.iToopen;tochangeleaves(asatree).Noun Adjective N Verb Noun Verb Noun Verb thithithikthingthingthinthinDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoAflowerorleafbud;abamboofishtrap.Thick,dense. Totearwitha lancet.A field;akindofornamentwornontheneck;athinplank.Toalterone'sspeech.Athrone.Topunish.Nounthin-rung-Ahomword(Shan,thinkham.=athrone,rung=bright,kham=gold).Aglitteringgoldthrone...Verb.. ..Noun Verb Noun Verb Verb l
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    212-----_._---AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.213-------------------------------AhomParts\--Derivationandexplana-of ---------words,speech. \ Assamese.\English.tionofphrases,etc.I---1-----..1thungrt o Ahomword INouniir:IVerb t@, thungDitto r-r:INoun thunAhomword(Shan,thun t:tJ(,t:1,t:lJ I===time).!r:e: i Verb thun:Ahomword(Shan,thun ttJ(,t1,"'OJt/t:1 ..I===aharrow).iIr:e: AdjectiveI thunAhomword ttJ"l1, 'ttJt/l1itOt/i Noun thum Ditto Verb thumDitto AdjectiveithumDitto iIDW Verb thum-1um-Ditto khrai, Verb " thufibutproi Ditto wt/ :nounce d. cc thui." "Ch Adjective ttQ3 thufibutpro-Ditto b" \ 1.M9Jf$"<\ nonnced"thui.' wJY3:cM Verb thui-cheu-detDitto c/-roJ'lerbthe Ahomword(Shan,thu=toslice). ",I W1 Verb.. thoAhomword(Shan,tho.=topropelbypush-ing). J'-Hr Noun tho-khriuAhomword ttJlno .. clWol Noun thwoDitto w'L-m Noun thekDittoI w'Ly}; IiVerh thek Ditto III I ttJ'LY{; ..!Noun ..thok-chang..Ditto-------_.._.._------iI------_.-------------Assamese. ; I I ; I I I IMEANINGS.English"Awallet,abag.Toputtosilence;toclosethefist.Aplough;lime. Toplough;tofill.Full,complete.Apiece offish;abag,asmallbag. Tosink;tosubmerge.Hot.Tobecomeill...Touproot.Very.Tobeveryangry.Tocut(asmeatorfish). Topushwithastick;tosing songalternatelyasamanandawoman.Akindoftree.Apuntingpole. Amale(used asa suffix denotingthemasculine gender). Totouchthebankofariver;tocome incontactwith;toarriveat.IAmaleelephant.II,

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    ENfJLISH MEANINGS.215 ------------Assamese. ------.. _._--_._---English.Quickness...Toarriveat.Aforest;thebottomofa sleepingplatform. ThenkhanlwasasonofDakham,king IoflVlungthilaandfatherofKhunlungandKhunlai.A ploughshare.
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    216 AHOM-ASSAlVIESEENGLISHDICTIONARY.217 PRONUNCIATION.English.Anarbitratoramongstthepeople oftheKacharitribe.MEANINGS.Assamese. English. Itionofphrases,etc. IAhomwordthao-manAssames e.Partsof speech.NounAho111,vords.Akindof creepingplant.Bargohain(also called'I'haomunglung).Salalgohain, 'anofficer'ofhighrank.Astrong,good-lookingperson.ITosmoothfromoneendtotheothertokick;to whistle. '_____..IToempty;tobeaslant. I I I ThaoruruwasthesecondBuragoha.n0\ )-<017'150f<[)S"ilf.q ItheAhomkings.HewasBuragohain Ifrom1268to1293A.D. ; ; -rr ITo fill; tofling;to reinforce.Abud. Thaomuklinglungmangraiwasthefirst I BuragohainoftheAhomkings.He 15"il'f9f'fiH-
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    218AHOM--ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.219PRONUNCIATION.---_._-----. __..------_ .. Ahom words.Partsof speech. Assamese. English.Derivationandexplana"tion ofphrases,etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English. .... .. thk-ka-jakAhomword ka. .Verb.. thang Ditto..Toretreat. c
    PAGE 129

    220AHOM-ASSAMESERa). ENGLISHDICTIONARY.221PRONUNCIATION.Aho111words,Parts'ofspeech. Assamese. English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English.Noun !ra Ahomword (Shan, ha ==anepidemic). ; ; ; ; ; IIllness;sickness; along piece of wood orbamboohorizontallyplacedforhangingclotheson;difficulty; misfortune;apersonoftheChutiatribe;anepidemic. ..Verb ra'Ah0l11word(Shall, ha=, ashower). ri Adjective ra Ahomword, m iNoun l'ak Ahomword(Shan,hakJ=affection,a root). ll1 Verb.. ..rakAhomword(Shan,hak=tobreak). yy.. Verb ..rak..kanAhomword(rak=love, kan=tobegin, i.e,tobegintolove).Torainheavily.Ill,sick;much,Affection,love;a root.a.Tobreak;towet...To love. rak-kan-peng-Ahomword(rak==love, kan.kan==tobegin,peng== affection, k a n == begin, i.e.toshow excessive love). To show excessive love.Noun rang Ahomword(Shan,hang=anest;atail;appearance,form). 5f1 ; ; ; ; Thebodyofaman;adeadbody(ofa ; Imanoranimal);askeleton;a"bird'snest;thecastor-oiltree;atail;animage, aform;consultation. Verb rang I..rang-kanAhomwordAhomword(r a ng = consultation, kan=to begin,i.e,to beginconsultation).To causetobelaid,toestablish;to raisethefloorofa house.Toconsult. VerbAhomword(rang==consultation,k a 11==to begin,plang_ void,kan=tobegin, i.e,to beginconsultationin void)...Toconsultsecretly.

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    222AHOlVI-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.223PRONUNCIATION.Adjective MEANINGS.Assamese. \ English.---------.------I..ITolaythatchinggrassinbundlesat i thetopoftheroof ofa house. \!5
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    225English. Astone,arock;aplea.Aplankplacedperpendicularlyonanotherplank.Topress, to pinch.Ahail-stone .A border.Aboil;a hailstone.Alist. Toendure. Tostrikewitha stick. Athousand.Tocausea religiousceremonytobeperformed,Atick.Thelobe oftheear. Topress;toextortbypressure.Theeye-lashes. Oblique.Sulphateof copper,bluevitriol...Tocall.MEANINGS.Assamese.sra. (Jf\S. Thehead;ahedge;araft;ahole;an c!".' , ; '171 ; ; ; '
    PAGE 132

    Thenorth.227English.Before.Theknee.Toleak;to know.TheDuimunishil,tworocks inthemiddleoftheBrahmaputranearBishvanath,ABara,anofficerovertwentymenoftheAssamRajas.AHazarika;anofficeroveronethousandmen.A"Cowlick,"atuftof'h,airturnedupovertheforehead.Saikia;anofficeroveronehundredmen.iIITheliver.MEANINGS.ENGLISH :QICTIONARY. Assamese,--------_._--------I ;
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    228AI-IOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.229English.MEANINGS.Assamese,------1-------Toboil;toputas cargointoaboat;tobe;to shine.Derivationandexplanationof phrases, etc.Ahomword(ShaD,hung=toboil;toshine).rungVerb Ahottl words, 1PartsiPRONUNCIATION.of\---------------------Assamese. English. _-------7---AdjectiveNounrungrung-mutAhomwordDitto b-1f IBright.Rungmut,thenameofthe8thlakniof an Ahom Taoshinga.NounNounNoun Noon i, : Noun i Noun Ii, Verbrung-sheurung-macrung-plaorung-kenrung-raorunrunDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoAhom word (Shan, hun). Ahomword(Shan,hun=tocallout). I 6;1"5 ,. ; I ....'......... Rungsheu,thenameofthe18thlakniofanAhom 'I'aoshinga.Rungmao,thenameofthe28thlakniofanAhom Taoshinga, Rungplao,thenameofthe38thlakniofanAhom 'I'acshinga. Rungkeu,thename ofthe48thlankiofanAhom 'I'aoshinga.Rungrao,thenameofthe58thlakniofanAhom 'I'aoshinga. An offshoot...ITo cry, toweep;togrow;toscrape;tobe wrinkled, toshrink;toshootout.VerbNounVerbrun-pinrutrutAhom wordDittoAhomword(Shan,rut=topull ortightenarope;tothrowwater). ; ITo weave.Astyontheeye:a bambootray...Toprune;to pull ortightenarope;to beagitated(of water).INoun fUpAhomword Ahandful,afist. VerbNoun..rup..rumAhom word (Shan,hup=togathertogether). Ahom word (Shan,hum=acover)...Togathertogether.IAknotinwood;ascheme, acraftyscheme;a cover...Verb.. IrumAhomword 19ft"fi1G15fG15f1; Totrampleupon;tocover;totillthe I .... ground;tomilk;tounite,toassemble.

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    230AHOM'-ASSAlVIESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.231.. \ What.Torape;tospeakillofanother.Aborder.To tickle a personunderthearmpit,Uneven,undulating.Apalacewitharaisedplatform;lateness;along time,manydays.Late.A house,abuilding. Malice,enmity.Tobeatadistance.Totakeforcertain,to consider as settled...Weakandstuntedin growth.I.Anetforcatchingpigeons;akindoflouse;akindof mite.Assamese. ; I rn<:mi:?ft0'Ji;
    PAGE 135

    232 ENGLISI! 233English. ._4 MEANINGS.Assamess. _----__---------0---------------------_.__ ._-----------_.._----English.PRONUNOIATION.Assamese.I 1---------.-----1 Derivationandexplana tion of phrases,etc.Partsof speech. Ahom words. -'---------.Verb.. .. rai ..AhomwordToleave,toabandon;tolose;to shine; toglitter.AdjectiveNoun.. .. rai ..rai-ngi..Ahomword (811an,ha =bad)...AhomwordLiabletotax;bent;confirmedinvalid;poor;bad.Raingi,thenameofthe3rdlakniofanAhom Taoshinga.? Noun.. Noun..rai-mit..rai-cheuDittoDittoRaimit,thenameofthe13thlakniofanAhomTaoshinga.Raicheu,thenameofthe23rdlakniof an Ahom'I'aoshinga. ? Noun.. .. rai-shan ..rai-shiDitto DittoRaishan,thenameofthe33rdlakniofanAhom'I'aoshinga.Thenameofthe53rdlakniofanAhom'I'aoshinga. roD QJ Noun.. (J:::)Wl', \:11 Verb..rai-shi-nga.. .. rai-dai DittoDittoRaishinga,thenameofthe43rdlakniofanAhom'I'aoshinga.To lose; todie .. Noun.. ..rao..Ahomword(Shall,haw=.alouse;ahandrail;ayawn). '8t"1;'t"f$; Alouse;thesky;arib; a handrail; ;
    PAGE 136

    234AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISII DICTION...L\.RY. 235 --_.-------... -.--------------------------PRONUNCIATION.Ahomworda, Parts ofspeech.------! AssameseEnglish.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese. m oBD("'o\.),}'1 VerbNounNounVerbAdjectiveNoun IiI
    PAGE 137

    236AI-lOM Wl ENGLISIIDICTIONARY 4 237 w;La) I------PartsPRONUNelATION. J Derivation and explana-Ahomof words, speech. j Assainese. English. \tionofphrases,etc. --------------------I W1 Noun la! Ahomword l1J lV1 Verb r.,ila Ditto l1J W1 Adjective! r.,ila Ditto l1Jl)111 Noun ql-
    PAGE 138

    238 ENGLISIIDICTIONARYo239 ======================-=====================-==========----_._-------_.... A person oftheMiritribe.English.Thebackofthepalm.IAvulture.MEANINGS.Assamese.DittoDittoDerivationandexplanation of phrases,etc0AhomwordEnglish.lang-din lang-taI/lang-lll UIPRONUNCIATION.Assamese. I Ispeech, i IiNoun I !NounAhomwords.NounlanAhomword(Shan, lan ==agrandchild)0Morality; a grandson.VerbAdjective lan laD AhomwordAhomword(Shan,lan==to lop). Toprune;tofly;toreturn;todigest.Havingno foliage orbranches;pruned.Adverb.. Numeral.. Clt-:l, lanAhomwordDittoOf former times. Onelac.NounIan-tai-rnungDitto 199\<[Cc!i1!
    PAGE 139

    240AIIOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTION.ARYo241-------------_.-------------PRONUNCIATION. I\1:EANINGS. Ahomwords.Partsof speech.\\-Assamese. English.Derivationandexplanationof phrases, etc.Assamose.-_._--_. __ .._-------English. Noun.. lik Noun lik-kha 1JJ9 Noun lik-phai Noun ling ...Graduallythinner. ; ; ; -M'bf ; IAmonkey;afisherman,amanofthefishingcaste;light,notdark;themaleorgan;cattle.Iron;paper;abook;apill(inmedi cine). '1G11;To remainatadistance;totakeinex
    PAGE 140

    242 A ROM --,0:\[l1f ENGLISHDICrrIONARY. Aho111words.\I ,PartsofIspeech.INounVerbPRONUNCIATION.limAhom wordDittoAssamese.MEANINGS.An arrow. To run.English.Noun w... .Verh VUt,wB ..Noun.NounIu..Iulu-phaug In DittoAhom word(Shan,togive as religious act). Ahom word(lu=toflee,phang=aforeigner). Ahom word An elderbrother'swife;ariiron instrumentfor digging. nr\St@ Toberuined;togiveasa religiousact;,, " Itotearintwopieces;tobreak;tocancel;toflee.AMusalman. ; ; ; ; ITheshraddhaceremony;aweaver'sIshuttle;anarm(thelimb);thespurIofacock;anenclosure. Verb..liiDittoTo become reconciled; tobeatthehead, totakeprecedence; to suck, to enclose.INounNounlu-nailukDittoAhomword(Shan,luk=achild;a room).Afather'ssister. I'Achild;.aroom;abud;aboy wh?se -IfatherISunknown;asuffix denotingItheablativecase. VerbNounIukluk-khringAhom wordDittoTo kindle a fire; tohappen.Awallwithopeningshavinginterstices like net-work. ('" 9W'YY1 oVerbNounNouni : luk-ngin-diI.Ditto... luk-noi Ahomword(luk ---:achild;noi=theyoungest)...luk-phu-ai..Ahom word(luk achild,phu=male, ai =theeldest). ; I C9fi ITo ride inasedanchair;tosay.Theyoungestsonofa family.Theeldest sonofafamily..Ink-manINounI wfi ..INoun luk-leng________1-------\---------------Ahomword(Iuk=achild ; man =he). Ahom word C9fi, I ASOD. IA walled room.

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    244AHOM-ASSAMESEEl'IGLISH DICTIONARY.245PRONUNCIATION. ---_-._------=--=.:--=::;-=-=--===========::;:====.--------------------_... _--.-. _.------.------------------------_._-----------------------=------]3jnglish. i -------------------------------Adaughter.MEANINGS.Assamese.Ahomword(Iuk=a child,fieng=fen1ale).Derivationandexplana..tionofphrases,eta.English.luk-fiengAssamese.AhomPartsofwords,Ispeech.!-------; wit ..INoun i Verb,'IlungIAhomword(Shan,lung==tocomedown). \5ltR ; ; 1lt
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    246 AiIOl\l--ASSAIVIESE-ENGLISH DIOTIONARYg 247 :-===-----===-----------------Ahomwords.Partsofspeech.____' .. Assamese.l\iEANINGS.English.VerbNounVerb Iuile leAhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan,le=tolick). \Slt'8:sf I Clft9fi I ITo lean. : Thecork ofanoil-pot. Tolick;towipe dry. c1wr1)9 Adverb.. Ie-pai-Ie-ma 17; NounNoun &. le-phang o. :10 AhomwordDittoAhom word (Shan, 10=aspindle-fullofcotton).Backwardsandforwards. 5(fui; IAMusalman,alVIuhammadan. ; 9ftbTt ; ; ; I..A iron spike orpin;aspindle fullofcotton;thejointoftwoforkedbranches;awinestrainer;a person oftheAbor tribe...To select. Topourout;tocastanimage;tore...proach. Bangles (onthearm) or anklets. Yellow;sprightly,lively.Theindefinite article, a, an. Lengdan,thelord oftheearth.Notfresh, slightlyputrifiedTobe slightlypurified;tomake,toconstruct.Blood. Afterwards,after...ThenumberI.Rough.
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    248AIIOM-ASSAMESElDNGLISH DIC1'IO.NA-RY.249English...Anisland earth. Anislandcountry.An island. lVfEANINGS. Manyfold.Alineonapalm.Alineona finger.Again.Toflow,aswater;tomingle;tochase;tocomeagain.Many;all;stout,fat;variegated.Aletter;paper;abook;saliva;a line.Assamese.II-------------I-H-o-t.---------_._-----------------._---------------?ft'S9fRt; I .. Spirituousliquor;wine;aplacefor ". keepingfowls;astake;astatementtoaddressasuperior. I'Tospeak;toinfatuate;torot;tofishwithabaitedhook,toangle;tofrighten;tosoothe,tocauseto cease fromcrying.--------------------------------------------------_..._-IPartsPRONUNCIATION.AhomIDerivationandexplana-Iof j-------------------1words. J speech. Assamese.English.tionofphrases,etc.----------"Y0tM Adjective letAhomword wl-G Noun lepDitto vutu Noun lep-mungAhomword(lep=an island, mung=R, country). wtv Noun lep-dinAhomword(Iep=an "" island,din=anearth). vu9 Noun lai Ahornword(Shan, lai =a book). D) Verb lal Ahomword(Shall, laiw ==to mingle). vu? Adjective li1i Ahomword (Shan,lai =variegated). w9! Adverb lai Ahomword vu? Noun Iai-niwAhomword(lai=aline,niw=afinger). vtI Noun .Iai-mu i Ahomword(lai==a line,mu=apalmorhand), vtIwE Adverb lai-chanAhomword w[ Noun laoAhomword(Shantlaw c=wine; aplaceforkeepingfowls). V\)r Verb.. Gli"s .IaoAhomword(Shan,law !) ==tocoax)..Noun.Verb .. j liw..liw..AhomwordAhomword(Shan,liw == toturnroundthehead).Awickergrain-basket;apaternalaunt;anotchatthetopofapole;akindofplant.To lookbehind.Adjective liwAhomword(Shan,liw=asinglething). Cunning;one-sided,incliningtooneside;pointed;alone. .32

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    250 AJ-IOM-ASSA1Vl.IDSE--[ w0_WoENGJJISH DICTIONARY.251Anudder;theheart.Akindofplant.Akindof plant. To skin,tostripoffthepeel orrind;tofrighten;totransform. 1\IEANINGS. Assamese._._-------------------------.-________J _DittoAhomword(Shall, lak=t.o stripoff the peel orrind;tofrighten).DittoDerivation and explana-----------itionofphrases,etc.Assamese.English.i-_.._.-'_----------__------1 [ I iliw-kham I Ahomword, Ir> r> i liw-nginNoun Noun ilak !Verb r.,"
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    252AHOM-ASSAMESElTINGLISH DICTIONARY.253PRONUNCIATION..,! Himt..:-\ h0111words.Partsof speech.Verb. Assamese.English .Derivationandexplanationof phrases, etc. AhomwordAssamese .MEANINGS.English.Tobe suspended.NounVerb Verblam-khoIDittoIIII fi(pr0-!Ahomword (Shan, lufinouncedIOi)! -,-to swim).1i fi (proIAhomwordnouncedloi)!Thebackoftheneck. To swim.Tojoincompanywith;toswim.----------------------i L.._.._. _

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    254AHOM-ASSAl\iESE--ENGLISHDIOTIONARY.255------------------------------._---------_._-._----------------------------------------------------Aslipper; a singlebamboousedasaladderinclimbingtrees;well-being;sorrow.English"MEANINGS.Assamese.------------------------Ahomword(Shan,hsa=a singlebamboousedasaladderinclimbingtrees;wellbeing). shaPRONUNCIATION.i.. __________ Derivationandexplana-E 1 htionofphrases,etc. IS.Assamese.AhomPartswords,ofspeech. w;,wl Noun ; .; Thepestleofarice-huskingpedal;a Iwasherman;amat;aplace;theproper.placeforanything;acrowd,amultitude. w;,Wl ..Verb.. shaWl Adjective shaW\til Verb sha-na Wlrol Noun sha-tha wl; Noun sha.. ramw1,) Verb sha.rap0 Noun shak . I AhomwordDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,hsak=apestle;towashbybeating). ; I
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    256AHOM-ASS.A.MESEENG-LISI-I DIOTIO:tT-ARY-o 257PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords,Partsof speech. Assamese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assamese. NIEANINGS. English. Noun: Verb shanAhomwordAh0m.word(Shan,.. hsan:=to shake).Aclothgirdle. Toshake;tobescattered;tothrowoff;toweave, ME NOUll "'rot' Noun Noun shun-tanShall-theshatAhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan,hsat=tostrike). ; I IAterrace,acourtyard.iAgoddess;thedivinemothers, A rod. Verb ..shatAhomword(Shan,hsat=tobe crowded). 5911 I..To collect. WU Noun WV Verb W Noun shap shapsham AhomwordDittoDitto I
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    258 AIIOlVI---ASSAMESE---ENGLISI-IDICTION Al{,Y. 259 -\--Parts i PRONUNOIATION.Iofi\ speech.IAssamese.English.I Numeral ..I sham-ship-it! '<" <,<, I i Thenumber3].I ; : Thetoothofarake;asuffixgivinga Af
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    260 AI-IO,l.\I'-ll.SSAMESEENG,LISH DlcrrIONA.I{Y. 261PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords,Partsofspeech.Assamese.English. Derivationandexplanationof phrases) etc.Assamese,MEANINGS.English.NounshingAhomwordSarasvati,thegoddessoflearning;voice,sound)aword.NounshingbutPl'O-'Dittonounced"sheng."Arayoflight. -UfB, Verb WE shingAllal11worcl(Shun,Ihsing=tospeak).i Adjective shengIAhomwordI Numeral.. shengIDitto W1W1 Noun, Ditto I I ,",fffm ITospeak;toclear;torubgentlywiththehand,tostrake.Holy.Tenthousand. ShengkamphaisthethirdsonofGod.He has thechargeofeightlacsofthunder. ShengohophaphakhamisthesecondsonofGod.Heisthekingofserpents. J'rVllWt Noun sheng-kopha wB'Y"wlWl Noun fir@,sheng-pho-laB9 rmg-gam wB"Y"1/01W1 Noun shengcho-pha wol pha-kham M Noun 'sheng-rat 01JBwB Noun sheng-Iung boB rNoun sheng-dao wlSo0'""At"" Noun shin I. DittoDittoDittoDittoDittoDittoAhomword (Sh2\Jn, hsin=apetticoat; a religiousduty). I I I I I \5lt
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    262 AI-IOlVI-.ASSAMJiJSEENGLISHDICTIONARY,English.Onelac,onehundredthousand.Thenumbereleven.Thenumbersixteen.Thenumberfifteen. To transfix, to impale.Thenumber nineteen" Thenumbertwelve. --. -------Thenumberseventeen.Seventimes.Thenumberfourteen,Teninnumber.Thenumbereighteen.The number thirteen. .Thenumber ten. MEANINGS. --------------------------------------Assamese. -----__L___ __ ------_._-------------------Ahomword(Shan, hsip I c::= thenumberten).i IIAhom word (Shan ,hsip==to impale),Ahomword IDitto Ditto IDitto IDitto IDitto C. SI....B(""WU Ahomwords,. -----------------:..._------_.----_ .. _--._------_._-._._---_._-------Toshout.Thesand-martin.Straight,even,level. Tobesuccessful;tofeelsorrow;tocometoterms,toconsent;toac knowledgeallegiance;to wish.------------- Verygood,veryimportant;over-sunned(of rice). I ; I CDta,i;rfN'ti;a,t\5; Atiger;a piece ofclothspreadundera ; Iseat;acoat;gift;arrival;gain;awish;astitchin sewing.DittoDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,hsuw=straight).Ahomword (Shall, hsiiw=atiger;tospreadamat;hsu-earrival),Ahomwordshenshenshuor shiiwshuor shiiw shu-shiiwshen-mun Verb Adjective Noun "Wti,w'L
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    264.AJIOlVI ASSAMESE._--ENGLISHDIOTIONARY.265--0 ----.----PRONUNCIATION.English.MEANINGS'.Aasamese.i!Derivationandexplana-Itionofphrases,etc.English.Assamese,Ahomwords. ----------------------l---Parts!ofi----speech.Pronoun.. IshiiwI ; Ahomword(Shan,hsuw.===you).You.VerbNounNouni!shiiwIshiiw-nekshiiw-Iao : AhomwordDittoDitto IToproceedforwardslowly indarkness,feelingtheground with thefeet. Astitchinsewing. Akindofcake.shu-ka-pha..Ahomword(shu = atiger;ka==come;pha=heaven;i.e,atigerfromheaven). wt
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    268.AHOM-ASSAMESEENGLISH DICTIONARY. 269 English.MEANINGS.Assamese. I 809 Shujangphawastheeldestsonofthe @a IkingShudangpha.Heascendedthethronein1407A.D"anddied in1422A.D. I ShupatphawasasonofShu-Chaopha. 'l IHesucceeded hisfatherandruledMaolung for27years. ShupatphawasasonofPhuohangkhang, Ithekingof Taipang. I ShuphakphawasasonofthekIng m Shujangpha,Heascendedthethrone Iin1422A.D.,anddied in 1439 A.D. I Shubinphawastheeldestsonofthe kingShuteupha,Heruledhisfather's Ikingdomfrom1281to 1293 A.D.
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    270 ARO-ASSAMESEENGLISHDICTIONA.RY.271 I. 8 Shulipphawas.theeldest sonof Shuhao1pha,He reigned for41years. I ShushenphawasasonofShuphakpha. IHereigned from1439to1488A.D. ShurdmphaaliasBhagaRajaascended Ithethronein1649,anddied in 1652 A.D. I Shuohaopha wastheeldest sonofthe Iking Shuhenpha,Hediedaftera reign of32years.English.------------MEANINGS. Assamese,i I Shuanphawas80nof Shupatpha. He 15ft'(., Iruledthecountry Maolung for23years.
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    I <.!1'{381717 ShutanphawassonofShushenpha.He \5li
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    274AHOM 11)J--tI:275 Ahedge;thegroundroundahouse; EL high place. High.English.MEANINGS.--------------------------.Assamese.English.shung..shunPRONUNCIATION.Assamese.\1 .\Derivationandexplana-Itionofphrases,etc.I -----,------\------------\Ahomw0rd(Sh a n,ihsung==high).Ahomword(Shan,hsun==anenclosure for cultivation).Partsofspeech.AdjectiveAho111words,Verb.. ..shunAhomword(Shan,hsun==totripandfallprostrate). ITotripandfallprostrate;topatchaclothwiththread;toreturn.Noun.. ..shunAhomword(Shall,hsun==agarden).Agarden;moneysavedupfroma longtime. ; ; \5t?fArMIf Toraise;totakeoutwaterwithabasIket;toseparatethecoarsefromthefiner, asofgrain,etc.,byshakinginabasket. YVLE Noun JvwE Noun r-0 ("" Noun WO(""(;' Noun w"CV\, .. w; ..Verb 1 (""("" AdjectiveI .. Noun r-Verb .. shun-kunshun-rushun-liwshut..shutshutshup .. shupAhomwordDittoDittoAhomword(Shan,hsut==acurtain).Ahomword(Shan,hsut==tobeended).AhomwordAhomword(Shan,hsup==themouth).Ahomword I Therumporbuttocks.Thetopofthehead.Thechin.Acurtain;sufficiency...Tobe ended. Sufficient.Themouth. l5tcq
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    276 .AfIOTv.r -ASSAMESEENGLISH DICTIONARY. 277 English.To pin, topeg;tounfastenabarattachedtosomething;toeructate;to excite. To envy. Oblique,slanting;cloudy.Akindofhog.IISour.IiTributeMEANINGS.Assamese. I I ; IAhomword(Shan,hsum=sour).DittoAhom word (Shall,hse -==to thrustin;a bolt, a crossbar).DittoDittoDerivationandexplana..tionof phrases,etc.As above Asaboveshe sheshum " shun butproAhomword nouncedshui.IPRONUNCIA'l'ION. English.AhomPartswords,ofspeech. I W IAdjective II wva INoun I ; Verb Adjective c1wr Noun c1wr Verb c1Wl Noun sho c1Wl Verb sho "'Wl* Noun sho-kharn wtWJ Noun shek wl-m Verb.. sh8k Noun sheng Ahom wordDittoDittoAhom word (Shan, hsiik==abattle).AhomwordIIIAhomW0rd(Sh a n, hsimg ashed;hsing=agem). ; I N ; i Acomplainant;a complaint. Tobakeearthenvesseltohardenthemtocomplain..,A complaint. Fighting,abattle.Tosleepaftermoving totheheadendofabed. An outsidesittingroom;agem. Verb sheng Ahom w0rd CS h it n,hsiing==to hide). 'I. To hide, to speak. AdjectiveNounshengshaiAhomwordAhom word(Shan,hsai=arope;sand). Holy.Theentrailsofa fish; athread,arope;sand;theappearanceofa rainbow intheeast;a radish" Verb..shaiAhom word(Shan,hsai==to rinse apot;toliquidatedebt).Topress;to rinseapot;topush;to liquidate. . J shaiAdjective__________ 'Ahom word

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    278AHOM-ASSAlVIESEw[wJ ENGLISHDICTIONARY.279English.Thenavel. Asacredthreadofgold.Distant.Thenameofadeity.Threadofair,Vayus.IMEANINGS.-------------_ ... __ ._----_ .. _-_.._-_..._._... _--. ,..-..... ... _-Assamese.PtPRONUNCIATION.Iar.s Derivationandexplana-ofh ------E-Il-g11.St........ -!tionofphrases,etc.speec.L. i ssalnese. i j----i Ishai-kham-anIAhomwordI "I I shai-niIDittoI shai-niIDittoI sh a i-pha-IDittoI phren-lung-I"ngam.Ishai-cheng-11Ahomword(sh it i == 11lung.thread;clleng=a imung=country;i.e.Ithreadofair,the: Vayus).Ahomwords.I ,,,,,p.* .INouni w9i Noun vl) Adjective 1-1;9WlwJ Noun is Thenumbertwenty. Topuntaboat;toremaininoneplace, Itostop,totarry,todwell;tomoisten;<,, ,toshampoo the bodyto relievepain;tobemouldy;toenter. w9",IcrWl Noun shai-re-pha-!Ahomword shang-dam, wr:W6 Noun shao Ahomword(Shan ,hsaw=ayoungunmarriedwoman;aprop). J Numeral.. shao Ahomword wo,Woj Verb shaoAhomword(Shan,hsaw wo,Wo= to dwell).I I ..TheanothernameofLengdan.Ayoungunmarriedwoman;apost,a pillar,aprop. wr:W6 Adjective shaoAhomword wfVYlJNumeral, shao-kaoDitto0 w[ Verb shao-khoDitto vi'(Y\6 Noun shao-toDittoD wf Noun shao-pangDitto wf"M Numeral.. shao-petDitto wr0('"0 Numeral.. shao-chitDittoo WOI\wfcm Numeral.. shao-rukDitto Numeral.. shao-lengDitto 11'[14 Numeral.. shao-shamDitto ----_ .. _----------_.. .------------------; I I I it"
    PAGE 159

    280Ahom words.Partsof speech.AHOM-ASSAMESE-PRONUNCIATION.I.----... i------------.----------Derivationandexplana .. Assamese,English.tionofphrases,etc. Assamese. DICTIONARYol\iEANINGS.English.281---.-------.-1------_-'::--_----------.----Numeral.. wrl" Numeral.. w[vP{ Verb wrl1fwr INouni shao-shi shao-shang..shao-sheu..shao-ai-shacngi.AhomwordDittoDittoDittoThenumberfourteen.Thenumbertwelve.Tohold.Apostatthelowerpartof no roof just abovetheeaves.VerbsheuAhomword(hsaii=toinsert).'I'otakeaway;toenter;to insert.wjwjwj"1.01 AdjectiveVerbNounjNounVerbVerbNoun..sheu.Ahomword(Shan,hsaii=clear).sheu-hengAhomwordsheu-linDittoshemDittoshemDittoshem-joDitto shiubutpro..Ahomword(Shan,hsiw Inounced=achisel)."sheu." I I I I I ; ITransparent,clear.Touse)tomakeuseof.Akindofplay.Apatch.Topin.Nottothink;tobe wit.houtanxiety.Army;achisel. vtJcf ..Verb AsaboveAhomword ;
    PAGE 160

    282AHOIVI-ASSAMESE----ENGLISHDICTION.ARY.283 EngliRh. MEANINGS.Assamese. English.PRONUNCIATION.Assamese. ___________-:-1Derivationandexplana-tionofphrases,etc.Partsof speech.Ahomwords, -----------------'-------1----------------___----------Verb Numeral.. shangshang Ahomword(Shan, glitter).Ahomw0rd(hsang=thenumbertwo). Toglitter;to giveoutlight;to illuminate.Thenumbertwo. shang-shao..AhomwordNumeral.. kao, ng-shaopet.DittoThenumberforty-eight.Numeral.. ,.... shang-ahaochit.DittoThenumberforty-seven. ..ruk.DittoThenumberforty-six.Numeral). shang-shao leng.iishang-shao sham. DittoDittoThenumberforty-one.Thenumber forty-three. Thenumberforty-four.Thenumberforty-two.DittoDittoshang-shao-shi shang-shao shang,NumeralNumeral..shang-shao-haDittoThenumberforty-five.NounVerb shan .. shan Ditto Ditto mi ; Cotton;a kind" ofbamboofish-trap;adress. To cause tolearn;toteach;touseajakai(abambooscoop used incatchingfish)inwatertocatchfish;to .applytheweightofthebody;totakeahandfuloutofaheap";tobringtotermsandcatchholdof;tosmooth,tohew.AdjectiveVerb shanshat Ditto Diito Pregnant.Toburn;tospread;tobe noisedabroad.

    PAGE 161

    AHOM-ASSAMESEEN"GLISH nrcrtoxxnv.285 Assamese.Ahomwords.Partsofspeech.PRONUNCIATION.!______ I Der!vation andexplana-E 1 htionofphrases,]8.Assamese.MEANINGS.English.Verb Adjective Noun Verb Wo Adjective Wo Adverb ","V1; Noun !IhO1sapII shap IIshamIiI sham IiII l sham i Shall1shoiAhornwordDittoAhom word (Shan,hsam=ricefrumentry).AhomwordDittoDittoAhomword(Shall,hsai=arope;sand). ; I ; ; ; ; IToplayfalse,tricksandfalsehood.Brimful.Thingssufficient foronemeal;rice frumentry.To supply' regularly;tocollect;totransplantpaddyseedlings;toclean, as grain.Green;notpure,vile.Intotal,inall. A long pole "vi thahookattheendusedforseizingandpullinganything;betelpepper;immaturejack-fruit;astirrup;akindofornament;thehairontheneck,mane;aside. Verb..Verb.. __ i__...shoi..shoifiAhomword(Shan,shoi ==to slice).Ahomword ; ; I..Topokewiththefinger;topullsomethingwith a. hookedstick;toshakewithastick.Tocutintosmallpieces .

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    286 AHOM-ASSAM]JS]J-" ENGLISH DICTIONAR17 ". 287Assamese. English.MEANINGS.Assamese.i------------------------PRONUNCIATION.1. __ ....---.---.-------.--------Derivationandexplana...English. tion of phrases, etc.Partsof speech. Ahomwords.Akindof creeper.Acertainmedicinalherb.Akindof grass. Acertaincreeper. Ambrosia.Acertaintree(Mechilusadoratissima).Thepoppy,itsseed vessel,Akindof poisonousplant.Akindof grass.Hemp.Akindof creepingplantused for medicinalpurpose.Akindof wildplant.Akindof grass. Akindofplant.Akindofplant.Onion.Akindofsharp-edgedgrass.IWheat.Akindof grass growinginwater. ; ; ; ; IMedicine;grass;opium;aforest;higherlayer.I ; ; fishes; tocatchfish while coming inashoal;tostart.Ahomword(Shan, ya =medicine,grass;ya-Iam=opium)..Ahomword na fi akao-ka-hitDitto fia-khat-shai Ditto-, fia-dukDitto fia-pu-lakDitto fia-plang--phai Ditto lQ3i-
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    290 ATI01\T-----.ASS.Al\JESRENGLISHDICTIONARY.291_.__ .. _------------------.._----_.---_._.-------.-.---------.----------._-.--.. _-_._------PRONUNCIATION.Ahoruwords. Part.s of NounAssamese. English.fiuncrt1 IDerivationandexplanationofphrases, etc.! Aho111word(Shall,ynug =a mosquito).Assamese.MEANINGS.II EnQ:lish. I <-J ----jIAmosquito;displeasure. -..) r: NounC\\nut Ahomword(Sha.n 1 nut=abeard).. \9tf$ IA Noun t' Verb fiumfium : Ahorn word (Shan,yUll1I=aClU111pof bushes).IAhomword(Shan,yUlll=toS111i1e).Abush;apair...Tosmile ;tobebarren. Verb fiuiAhornwordTofeelthehandsandfeetasleep. Verb.0 ('_.Jq(' Verb vt)&-'\11 11{)l,YY1 fiofiekDittoDitto I ITocharm;tobend.Topatchwiththread;tofeela sullenresentmentatanaffront. Yf,:B,),1)1... NounfiengAhomword(Shan,yiug=awoman),
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    292AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISH llICTIONARY.293English.MEANINGS.Assamese. English.------------------I _PRONUNCIATION. _______ Derivationandexplana-tionof phrases, etc.Assamese.Partsofspeech.Ahom words. oNounNounVerbAdjectiveNounNoun! I I I ifiat II 0I .InamII! '" 0Inam iI,..,: noy,fioiAhomword(Shan, yat) AhomwordAhomword(Shall, yam=:to dye).AhomwordDittoDitto I I IAyoungleafnotyetopened. Falsehood. Tocolour orbecoloured.False. Drizzlingrain.Threshedpaddy;akindoffly(naga jhili) .

    PAGE 166

    294 AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGT-JISfI DICTIONARY.295Araisedbambooplatform.Thenumber5.Aninterjectionoh! Tocleanvegetablewithwater.Tofeelhatred.Notdense,havinginterstices.Ahousewitharaisedplankedplatform.Alargestonepot.Agoose;akshattriya;awarrior. : Vapour.,.Tocurse;tohappen...Tosee.MEANINGS.Assamese. ...__ .. _---_.--_.__ .. --_..._------_._--._-.. _--------, ----..._----"-----_... _-------.. ---_._._------------------_.. _---.----.. _._---------------_.-.----51 I Ift1f\1 ; I I \1Ha).._-------------------------_._-----...L\h 0IIIPartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivationandexplana-of words, speech.Assamese.!English.tionof phrases) etc.INounI ha-I-----------\1 ; \11 Ahomword \1\11 Numeral.. ha Ahomword(Shall,ha). \1; Interjection (pronoun asha (pr0-Ahomword .:nouncedai), "11YVlj Numeral.. ha-ship-kao..Ditto D iI V11WU Numeral.. .. \ ha-ship-pet..DittoI 1111-JJ{) Numeral.. ha-ship-chit..Ditto \11vY; Numeral.. ha-ship-ruk..Ditto I 'Vil""{Jw Numeral.. ha-ship-shamDitto \1lviJ Numeral.. !ha-ship-shi.DittoI 9('" Numeral.. ha-ship-shangDitto \1111'1) ..........'\111"1l Numeral.. ha-ship-ha ..Ditto \11 Numeral.. ha-ship-itDittor-Verb hak Ditto 1f1Y\'l r-Noun hang Ditto .....t"" Verb hang Ditto \1Y;("" Adjective ....."hang Aho111word(Shan,hang 1111' =tobe wideapart). l"" 0 ('" Noun hang-ren : Ahomword ...t:i .. ,.....i I ("" I Noun han Ahomword (Shall,han =agoose).r-Verb han Ahomword(S h an, ),1t;1 ..han). YiE1:39 Verb han-daiAhom word rI Noun hat Ditto I J _.._------------

    PAGE 167

    296 ENGLISIIDICTIONARY. 297 ----------------,---._-----------------------------"----------PRONUNCIATION.-----------------------------1------------------Ahomwords,i--.._-------..-Partsofspeech. Assamese.English.---------------------Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc. Assamese.MEANINGS.English. i Verb-aiNounI ha,thap Ahomword(Shan,hit).AhomwordTodryupor become shallow,Immaturecorn. Verb hap Ahomword (Shall, hap ==to shutup).Toshutup.NounVerbNounVerb Verb Verb ham ham hi hi hi-fikm "hing ..........9fCl? Ahom word DittoAhomword(Shan,hi).AhomwordDittoAhomword(Shall, hing) I \5tW I ; I ..... IConclusion. Tobeat;tobeinexcess;to becomedustyordirty.Thefemaleorgan.Tobealittleaslant;tobe brimful. Tothrowdownbyforce;tobreakbythrowingdownviolently. Todry.Adjective Noun AsabovehingAhomwordAhomword(Shan,hing=asmalltinklingbellattachedto something;hin=a wildcat). 9fRt ; ; c
    PAGE 168

    298 ENGLISHDICTIONARY.299English.MEANINGS.Assamese.Deri vat-ion and exp Ianationof phrases, etc.English. l'RONUNCIA'I'ION. Assamese.i ---).-------------Ahornwords. -.-------.-..----.--.. _.---.-._ .... f-.. Partsof speech. hifihuL pro nounced."hen."Ahoiuword(Sha.n, hili).Tolookupwards. lVerb hen-duAhomword 'Vlt: Noun hu Ahomword(Shan,'VU\Vornguw), "\r1 :Verb.. ..huAhomword ,!:. Tocastanobliquelook. An animal ofthebovine species, a cow. ,Tomakefacesat;tobristle ,tohavethehairerect;tothrow'thebodyforwardwiththearmsextended,as inswimming.VerbNounhukhungDittoAhomword (Shall, hung=tobecelebrated). .; ; ; ITo sob.Fame:relationship;a noise, asound;news.Noun.. hunAhomwordAnidol;thereflectedpictureofathinginaneye.AdjectivehunAhomword(Shall,hun). I "'7 rinkled.!11Unkh a m-Ahomwordngam.Thenameofadeity.Togoaway;tocomparewith;tobepure; to selectout.Dittohut.. Verb.NounAdjectiveNounVerbVerbNounVerb i hup huphup-baihumhumhum.DittoAhomword(Shan,hup=tocollect).AhomwordDittoDittoDitto 'ft51 IApiece.Toholdbygrasping;togathertogether,tocollect;toplunder.Tostore.Aslap. : Tocover,tospread.I Wide-spread. .A I'I'o ask againtotake;topressathinguponone;tosigh;toseeuncovered.DittoDittohufibutpro...nounced"hui.",As above... NOUll,IIVerb _J___I __

    PAGE 169

    300AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.301English.MEANINGS.---------------------------------------Assamese. English.PRONUNCIATION.Assamese. IDerivationandexplana-tionofphrases,etc.Partsof speech.Ahomwords.Nounhui-biAhomword..Thelowerextremityofthesternum.AdjectiveNounhehaAhomword(Shan,ha).Ahomword(Shan,ho=a palace).NottameJsaid ofananimal.Alarge building, apalace;adwelling;greatwantofrain.Verb NounVerb hohekhengAhomword(Shan, ho). Ahomword(Shan.Jiiik). Ahomword I 5fi
    PAGE 170

    302A.110 1\'1 -.t\SSAlVIESEENGLISIInIC'11ION.ARY.----------_.-----... ... PRONUNCIATION., hk Ripe.English.Nottothink.Grey-hair. Togiveoutandout..Toplayacertaingame,-MEANINGS.Assamesc I I 9f
    PAGE 171

    304 [l11l ENGLISIIDICTIONARY.305------"'-'-------------------------=================================== --------English.Amother'sfather.To untie, to open.IWide.I"ApersonoftheMishmi tribe.MEANINGS.Assamese. .--------------------------------------,----. I filfWfl DittoDerivationandexplanationof phrases)etc.I IAhom wordIDittoIIIDittoEnglish. a-ka PRONUNCIATION.Assamese.----------------------NounAdjective VerbIParts1 IINouniAhomwords,a-ka-mi-liDitto Aperson oftheDaflatribe.Pronoun.. Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Adjective Noun Noun a-nan a-nikapet _0a-rang a-ki-ana ..thaoa-ik iLkang Ditto DittoDittoDittoDittoDitto Ditto DittoDittoThat.IExtrememisery. Offence, crime, fault. Virtue,virtuousact.Thehumble-bee. Agrandmother.Faultless.Happinessof mind."Awash-bowl:ancestralproperty;anyproperty.Adjective ang Ahomword(Shan,tointend),Wished or expected.ang-kaAhom word Ability, power.Noun an DittoAsaddle.Verb \5lt;{,an Ahom word (Shan, anc= tocount). To count.Preposition an Ahom word Before,infront.Conjunction PrepositionI '5li"it-'il1 IPronoun.,I '5lt1.-0lR,an annaan-nan.Ditto Ditto DittoAnd. I i Before,infront. -__IThat.39

    PAGE 172

    Thebody;8)largewaterpot;asmallearthenpot;aprop.307Acrocodile.Theyoungestofseveral.Akindofmedicinal-plant.This. Tocharm;to deceive. Tobargain.One.Full.Ayoke;hope,reliance.Thecurvedpartofthenose. Akindofmedicinalplant.Towashthebody.Thethirdchild ofafamily;akindo-fmedicinalplant.Tolean.Anearthquake.To falldownwhenripe. A sinew ;a crocodile. Tostrikewiththefinger,toproduceasoundbystrikingagainstahardthing,torap;toprepareadocument.MEANINGS.Togetasuddenstrainonthewaist.English. "JDNGLtSfI DICTIONARY'. I I I IAssamese, I ; I I I PlCif ; I306AHOM-ASSAlVIESE-[ ..._--------PartsPRONUNCIATION.Derivationandexplana..Ahomof-------------------tion of phrases, etc. words. speech. Assamese. English.I )11M Verb i at Ahomword I IAhomword(Shun,ap). -iv Verb lap1ft Noun am Ahomword 1ft Verb amDitto1ft Adjective am Ditto 1ft Noun am-nam-dangDitto -, "-1ftJUl Verb am-poDitto0Noun am-shu-laDitto 111VVl 1ft1:19 Noun.t S am-noiDitto p'Ol Noun am-a!Ditto J Noun So Ahomword(Shan,i=a younggirl;ii=tobetheyoungest). J Numeral.. So Ahomword Pronoun. i-uDitto JJ; Noun ikAhomword(Shan, lk= a yoke). JB Noun<,ing Ahomword(Shan,ing =aglazedpot). JB ..Verb ingAhomword(Shan,ing=tolean). WlE Verb ing-kanAhomword "-....JB Noun ingshanDitto "-" Noun inAhomword(Shan,in=a sinew). Verb ..itAhomword.... -------._-----------

    PAGE 173

    308AHOM-ASSAMESEENGLISH: DICrrIONARY. 309 PRONUNCIATION.--------------IAhomwords.Partsofspeech.NounAssamese,I.__lIPIEnglish.Assamese.---------------.-----_.-MEANINGS.English.Theside ofahill;a small coveredbamboobasket.VerbNounNounVerb @ Adjective Particle Particle @-
    PAGE 174

    310AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDIC'rIONARY.311AhomPartsIPRONUNCIATION.words. of1 -Derivationandexplana-______speech. tionofphrases, etc. i-------i--------------------------MEANINGS.Happinessofmind.Toeructate;to sigh.------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------Assamese,IEnglish.----------------------------------------------------------------------1-----------\St5j"<{;Ofo'{<{ IIFatigue;happinessofmind. ;
    PAGE 175

    312AI-IOM--ASSAl\IESEr,:J ("' ... )11"t01Wt:1 ENGLISH 313 ------------------------------------------.-------PRONUNCIATION. wE Noun ),{ INoun I \4',),{ Verb.. IEnglish.I __.. ._. .. IAiphalan,theeldestsonofLengdan.IAnuncle(father'sbrother).II i Totake;toliquifymetals;tocatchfish.whiletheyadvanceina shoal.MEANINGS.Assamese.aoorawEnglish...1aipha-Ian.. ao orawAssamese.Partsofspeech.Ahomwords. Verb ao-ma ),{ Verb f9fi{-fir ao-pin-mi ),{# Verb ao-mi wcf Noun '5ft'S-5t'S ao-chao Verb ao-dni NounI iuI -Rfm I 1 ; ITo bring. Tomakeawife, Tomarry.Anuncle'(fa.ther'syoungerbrother).To fetch.Theseedofakindof creepingplantusedbychildrenasmarblesinplay;akindofparasiticplant. Verb ,,6 NounI 1%nl ..Noun 1%-wl VerbI 1%m Adjective vnWl Noun v1%-m17vYJWl Noun iuiu-ru.. k ak-nuk ak-mak-cha Ahomword(Shan, ak= thebrain).Ahomword(Shan, k= toappear).AhomwordDittoiAh0mword (k =toI appear; mak= seed;cha=disease). Tofillthebody. Temple, theflatportionofeitherside oftheheadabovethecheekbone.Thebrain;outside. To comeoub,toappear)to rise(ofheavenlybody);totakeout.One'sown,Marrow. Small-pox. VerboangAhomwordTomoveanything;to shake.Nouno_ang-mangDittoWaterinwhichricehasbeenboiled,congea.40

    PAGE 176

    314 1\]10lVr---A.SS.AlVIES-E}-ENGLISHDICTIONARY.315 -------------------------1. _l)RONUNCIATION.-----------------Ahomwords,Partso speech. ParticleVerbAssamese,oanoanEnglish.',IDerivationandexplana-It.ionofphrases,etc.I IAhomwordAhomword(Shan,tocomeinfront). xt
    PAGE 177

    316AHOM--ASSAMESE-ENGLISHDIOTIONARY.317 --------.---------------------_-;r-_-_---_--_=---.=---...:.....::::------:-------------------------------PRONUNCIATION.AhomPartswords, ofIspeech. ----------r-----------13;,131 NounAssarnese. da English.Derivationandexplana..tionofphrases,etc.AhomwordAssamese.MEANINGS.English.Abundleof clothes. 13;. Verb 131 Verbr-: Nounr-Verb da da dang dang DittoDittoAhomword(Shan, khiilang ee thenose).Ahomword(Shan,lang=tobe affectedwithwhite spots onthe skin): Tobiteasaserpent;totakeonthelap. To strike. Alatch;a longshield;thenose. Tobe affectedwithwhitespotsontheskin ;to sound.Adjective Noun ;Noun 'Et\g,-fi1@ Noun Verb i iI Verb dang dang-rudang-Iiu dan ..dan.. dat AhomwordDittoDittoDittoDittoiAhomword(Shan,lat). c9ft;{1 ISpotted.Thenostrils.Thetopofthenose. A club, aheavystick;aknave,a viIJain. To escapebypushingaside;togostraight.Tomakestraight.Noun i VerbNoun..Noun..r"'idapdap-keudap-plaoAhomwordAhomword(Shan,lap=toputoutafire;tobedark).AhomwordDitto I ; \5ttC'1inr ; IAbambooor wooden door-bar. Toputoutafire;toomitlight.Thenameofthe12thlakniofanAhom'I'aoshinga.Thenameofthe2ndlakniofanAhom"Taoshinga." (" ("131) Noun---_._----dap-mutIdap-rnaoI.IIiDittoDittoThenameofthe32ndlakniofanAhom'I'aoshinga.Thenameofthe52ndlakniofanAhom'I'aoshinga.

    PAGE 178

    318AHOM-ASSAMESE-ENGI.JISHDICTIONA.RY. 319 PRONUNCIATION.Ahomwords,Partsofspeech.Assamese.English.Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.Assameso. l\IEANINGS. English. -----------_._--------Red; bo-wed, bent.Good. Bile. I The ofthe42ndlakniofanAhomI Taoslunga. IThenameofthe22ndlakniofanAhomIT-hi-Iaosrmga,IIThespiritofadeadperson.j i ITodiveinto.iiBlack. ; IAhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan, laIn =theguardianspiritofafamily).Ahomword(Shan, lam). Ahomword(Shan, lam). Ahomword(Shan,li).Ahomword(Shan,li).dap-oheu.. dam.. dap-rao dam darnr-di T\5 di fu@ dingbutpro-Ahomword(Shall,ling q-ro<{c,1t5f n0Unced=tobred;having 'cdeng."onesidehigherthantheother).NounNOUllNoun Verb Adjective Noun Adjective Adjective 0Noun' din-kam YY1 -, ". YYlr Noun fu;{-
    PAGE 179

    320AHOM--ASSAMESE---321 v: NounEnglish.Thefirstmonth(Bahag)comprisingpartof AprilandMay;thesixthmonthofanAhomyear.Thetenthmonth(Magh) comprIsIngpartofJanuaryandFebruary;thethirdmonthofanAhomyear.Theeleventh1110nth(Fagun)comprisingpartofFebruaryandMarch;the fourth monthofanAhomyear,MEANINGS.Assamese.DittoDitto..din-shiPRONUNCIATION.Assamese. English. din-ruk------------1Derivationandexplana-itionofphrases,etc.i ------!Ahomword.. Idin-sham-,-,.. Partsof speech.[Noun 1 !NounAhomwords. .. I Noun..din-shipDittoThefifth1110nth(Bhadu)comprisingpartofAugustandSeptember;thetenthmonthof an Ahomyear. ,J-G ..:NounDittoTheseventhmonth (I(ati) comprisingpartofOctober and November;thetwelfthmonthofanAhomyear. din.-ship-it.. .................. Ditto ; IThesixthmonth(Ahiu)comprisingpartofSeptemberandOctober;theeleventhmonth,ofanAhomyear.Noun.. din-ha DittoThetwelfthmonth(Chat)comprisingpartofMarchandApril;thefifthmonthofanAhomyear.NounditDittoLandnotunderwater;pressure.Noun ditbutproGlte?f n0uneed "det."DittoAnger. difibutpro-Ahomword(Shan,Iifi). nounced"den." duAhomword(Shan,lu), dukAhomword(Shan,Iuk). duk-kang i AhomwordI duk-khang..DittoVerb Adjective Noun Verbr:e:Noun 15JY1,15Jl1f""t""j Noun 13Wt Noun t:dipIdipAhomword(Shan,lip).Ahomword ; sf) I ITobe alive.Living,havinglife. Aboundary.Tosee, to behold.Abone.Thejaw.Arib. 41

    PAGE 180

    322 ,\110IV!---r\.SS ANIES 323--_.---------._-----_ .. _-_.-._---------_....._----.English.Akindofant.Acrowd;foundationwork.Theback-bone.Theneck-Lone.. The breast-bone.IJungle;alowfield; leprosy. l\'lEANINGS. Assarnese.IDerivationandcxplana-!tion of phrases, etc.i_I 40 ._English. dung-tap-ta Ahomwordduk-cheu Ditto duk-pam-khoIDittodunDittodungAhomword (Shall, lung=jung!e).duk-pe-lang.;AhomwordPRONUNCIATION.Assamese PartsofIIAhomIwords,Iispeech.-.----------1-------------12'lYJ...;UJ11)-E INoun.. DD';):)1 INounIINounI 15B,I Noun bt..I OAoDCM; I'Noun l'l''t:1, Nounr: r-Verb l3, Noun .... Verb l;'t/ Noun ')/YfJJ Noun JYfJr Verb c1YfJl Nounn t!'"R., e-Velb 'Yl1,lS vn.. ot!'" Noun <, ol' Noun -,() ('" Adjective, 15? Noun lS? Verb.. r 'r Noun 130 ,YfJOr 0Noun 1301515r Noun dutdumdumduide dec.idodekdendendetdai dai dao dao-damdeuAhomword(Shall,Iuk).AhomwordDittoDittoDittoDittoDitto DittoAhomword(Shan,Iiin).AhomwordDittoAhomword(Shan, lai= silk).Ahomword(Shan, lai= to possess).Ahomword (Shan, law).AhomwordDitto \5T9l I I I ; ?!tlDf I I Tosuck.A scabbard. Tosmell.Vapour.Akindofanimal,To1110vethewaistbackwardandforward;to cleanse.Anoffshoot.Tostrikewiththeopenhand;toteachtoread.Themoon.Thesun'slightorray.Hot.Thread.Toget,topossess; tohear;toput.upsidedown.Astar.Akindofthornycreeper.Adeva,a god.________________ 4 --------- __ ._-.------

    PAGE 181

    324 AHOM-At:)SAMESE-ENGLISHDIOTIONARY.325 -:-=-----------PRONUNCIATION.MEANINGS.Assamese.---------.-.-._---------------------\-------------------------------------------English.Derivationandexplanationof phrases,etc.English.Assamese.Partsof speech...Ahomwords, 13 AdjectiveAhomword(Shan,Iiw=single).Havingnocompanion,Toshave.(witharazor);tofrightenwithasuddenangryvoice.Highland,landnotliabletoinundation.ASOIl'Sordaughter'sfather-in-law,Ahomword(Shall,lang). dndang Ahomword (Shan,lan=u, mound). dafi butpro-Ahomword G1tC5f n0unced ". doi."VerbNounNoun 13't:19 Nou]} doiAhomword(Shan, loi==:; 0'0amountain). Adverbdoii I IAhomword INoun doiAhomword(Shan,Inn ; '15f ; I 0 =with). wD Adverb. doi-chamAhomword I "; Amountainorhill;work.With.Ahill;company;thespurofa cock,..Togetherwith. ..

    PAGE 182

    326AHOM-ASSAMESE-"'i(t1I,Dha) ENGI .. ISIIDICTION.ARY.327-----------------_ ... _.=Ahornwords, Parts ofspeech.1, VerbPRONUNCIATION. ------,---------Derivationandexplanationofphrases,etc.AhornwordAssamese.MEANINGS.English.---------------------------------\. Tothreaten;toreprove;to strike.THEEND.------_.---------------------------------------------------Calcutta :-Printed at theBaptistMissionPress.

    PAGE 4

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