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One new fire barrier 1| miles in length was made in Plantation
70, below Matilda. Hospital, Mount Kellet.
The total lengths of old barriers cleared before the dry season
amounted to miles in the New Territories, 17 miles in Hong-
kong and 5f miles at Fan Ling.
Bern oral of trees.
At Rhing Mun large numbers of Pinus Massoniana and other
native trees were removed at the request of the Public Works
Department to allow of road-building and other works ; in both
Hongkong and Kowloon the sale of land for building lots has
necessitated the removal of many thousands of trees
One very fine specimen of Bombax violaba,ricum had to be
sacrificed at "Jardine's Hill", Praya East, to allow of road
The usual removal of undergrowth as part of the campaign
against malaria was conducted throughout the whole year, the total
area cleared amounting to over 7,600,000 square feet while the total
area cleared for survey purpose by P.W.D. 7,000,000 square feet.
Nurseries, Agriculture, chi...”
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“...Tung AY a Hospital and Man Mo Temple.
Ordinances JSo. 1 of 1870, l\o. 9 of 1904 and So. 10 of 1908.
(Tables VII to XI)
41. The following is a list of the Directors for 1924:
Mu Chi-lung, Kwan Yik-chi,
Yik Kei-chau, Uen Man-chun,
An Long-hin, Chan Sui-ki,
Tang Shin-kin, Lau Yuk-wan,
Leung Ki-lio, Ho Tat-sang,
Lai Man-wai, Wong Tsui-chui,
Tong Hok-ting, Lam Lai-tin.
The following gentlemen were elected to form the Committee
for .1925 :
Ma Tsui-chin, Tse Yat-cho,
Mok Clnng-kong, Chan Tsun-nin,
Kong Siu-lui, Ng Tsang-lnk,
Fung Siu-wai, Chan Siu-hing,
Su Shan-nam, Clioa Po-iu,
JNg Fan-shiu. Chu Chik-man,
Kung Yeuk-man, Chan Fun-tin.
42. The year's work (1924) was carried out with the usual
efficiency and care. The chief event calling for special effort on.
the part of the Committee was the disastrous outbreak of floods in
Kwong Tung. The appeal for help was urgent, and as usual met
with generous response from the ("hiese of this Colony as well as
elsewhere. Over $400,000 was...”
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“...opium, originating
in Kwong Chow Wan, Wuchow, Kongmoon, Amoy and elsewhere.
Illicit prepared opium of lower quality was being retailed in the
Colony to opium divans at about $3 per tael. Haiphong ceased
to send Yunnan raw opium, but the trade was transferred to
Tun g Hing and the neighbouring Trench leased territory of
Kwong Chow Wan, where the opium was boiled in numerous manu-
factories and despatched to Hongkong almost daily by the
numerous small steamers which ply between that port and Hong-
The Hongkong Headquarters of one large Kwong Chow Wan
opium dealer was discovered, and one; of the employees convicted
of selling opium. Though no opium was actually discovered, the
books and documents when examined and explained gave such
conclusive evidence of opium dealing on a huge scale that the
defence had to admit that the business was that of dealing in
opium solely. The master of this firm, who absconded, was a
wealthy man owning considerable property in the Colony. The
firm has...”
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“...J, 10
Mr. N. L. Smith was in charge until March 5th; Mr. D. W.
Tratman from March 6th until May 7th; Mr. J. A. Fraser from
May 8th until October 16th., and Mr. W. Schofield from October
17th until the end of the year.
Mr. Leung Kong, 6th Grade clerk and shroff, was transferred
to the Police department on 1st July, and Mr. Ng Wah was
engaged to replace him on the same date. Mr. Yeung Ki Sau>.
5th Grade clerk, was promoted to the 4th Grade on October 1st.
The District Officer sitting as Police Magistrate heard during
the year 214 cases affecting 389 persons; 848 persons were con-
victed, 41 were discharged1 and 84 imprisoned. The following
table gives a comparison with 1922 and 1923.
1922. 1923. 1924.
No. of cases .......... 127 175 214
No. of persona affected ... 242 403 389*
No. of persons convicted ... 173 283 348
No. of persons discharged... 22 58 41
No. of persons imprisoned 47 62 84
Fines ................ ..$1,705.85 $2,739.21 $2...”
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“...between Wang Mun and Kong Mun by a gang o armed men who
travelled on the ship as passengers. Captain Willox, master of
the ship, and one Indian Guard, were killed, and two Indian
Guards were seriously wounded.
On the 2nd of January, 1921, the Norwegian Steamer Salen"'
was pirated in the Canton River about five miles from the Escape
Creek by a gang of about GO armed men who travelled on the ship
from Canton disguised as coal coolies. Property valued at £1,600
was taken away by the pirates. There were no casualties.
On the 23rd of March, 1924, the Steam Launch Kwong Shun
was pirated in Hongkong Harbour by a gang of armed men who
boarded the Launch as passengers at Sham Shui Po. The Launch
passengers and crew were taken to an unknown destination. The
launch subsequently returned to Hongkong, but a number of the
passengers were held for ranson in Chinese Territory for a con-
siderable time.
On the 11th April, 1924, an attempt was made again to pirate
the S.S. Tai Lee between Kong Mun and Wang Mun...”
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“...during the Ka Ngo Piracy,
(the two men were leaders) was reinstated in the rank of Police
Sergeant, commended by the Captain Supt. of Police, and granted
a reward of $50.00.
L. S. A. 13 Kirby during the routine search of the s.s. "Hanoi"
detected the presence of a number of passengers of an unusual
type. Later he found others in possession of loaded revolvers and
had the whole gang detained. He was granted a It.h Class Medal.
Detective L. S. 0. 237 Cheng Ivwong and Detective P. C. C.
368 Kong Shiu-hong during the routine search on s.s. Hydrangea
found arms concealed in a basket with false sides, being carried by
a passenger. The arms were well concealed and it was only by a
very careful search that they were discovered. During the
routine search on the s.s. Hanoi a few days previously, they
made the first discovery of one man in possession of arms, which
ultimately led to the arrest of the whole gang. They were granted
a 4th Class Medal each....”
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“...K 23
P. S. B. 230 Attn Mohamed was commended by the Capt.
Supt. of Police tor resource and zeal in the execution o his duty,
on the 20.9.24. P. S. B. 230, assisted by a number o P. C.s,
dispersed a large crowd o men who were making a hostile de-
monstration outside Pokiulam Police Station and his prompt action
prevented what might have been a serious affray.
P. S. C. 192 Kong Yee was commended by the Captain Supt.
o Police for good work done in effecting the arrest o a Chinese
male, who had committed several larcenies at the Peak. Defend-
ant was sentenced to (j months hard .labour.
P. C. 0. 368 Kong Shiu Hong was commended by the Captain
Supt. o Police for vigilance while on duty at Yaumati on
18.10.24, whereby he arrested one man who had stolen money and
jewellery to the value of .$.1,155 from No. 2 Tai Yuen Street,
Wanchai. Property recovered.
P. C. C. 579 Un Hang was commended by the Captain Supt.
of Police and granted a reward of $15 for alertness on duty on
4.10.24 when he arrested...”
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“...Table III.
Ship ¡mil
Name and Address of
s. Tni Lee, Size Yap S.S.
Steamer Salen ".
S./L Kw
Shai i
)ng Slum, Hongkong
Sui Po Kerry Coy.
Tunk No. T. 5122 H.
;.s. Tai
S/L Lee
ee, Sue Yap S.S. Coy.
On & two Lighters of
¡shine of Hongkong.
Place of Occurrence.
Between Wong Mini
and Kong Mun.
Canton Iliver : 5 miles
from Socape Creek.
Hongkong Iiarhour.
Off Tung Head, Tai
Limg Hail.
About 9 miles from
Near Tai Nam Mci ii
Chinese Waters.
No. of Pirates.
Dialect Spoken.
! members of the
¡crew and 12
:0 men, Dialed
6 men, Hoklo.
10 men, Punti.
12 men, Punti.
40 men, Punti.
£1,000. 0. 0.
Not slated.
Not staled.
No. of Persons
I Capt. Willox and one Indian
, Guard killed and I wo Guards
: No Casualties, Pirales came on
boaiil at Canton disguised as
coal coolies,
j Pirates boarded as passengers at
Sham Sui Po.
j Pirates hoarded from a sailing...”
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-2.ith Jnne, S.S. Wai-
SOtli July, IS/!. Wni
?7th September,
25th October,
22nd November,
7th December, Lie. Fislif
Lie. Fish
S L Tan
S.S. Will
S/L Koa
Honj 1;
Place of Occurrence.
Hoi, Chinese owned. ¡ Mciir Tni Wo Han, i
I Chinese Waters.
Hung ol- Hongkong.
ng Junk No. I ll HY. | Off Ko Lan in Sheki
npted). ¡ distrin
On, Tung Fat S'L I Off Sai Ma Ling ii
ay. j Chinese. Waters.
Hoi, Chinese owned. At Oug Sung Kong ii
Chinese Waters.
Mo and Liml.K
, of i Ull' Shni Lam i
leiuig.shan Distric
; Junk No. 3140 HA. ; Oil' Ping Hoi, Chint
Estimated {
Value of No. of Persons
Property Kidnapped.
S" ,000.00 1 perso
. Pirates travelled as passengers
from Wu Chau.
Commandeered ly Chinese '
Troops. W
Pirates were in two Steam c
Launches, 2 members of |
Junk's crew -wounded.
No casualties.
1 member of the crow killed :i
I wounded.
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“...875 23.140 19.675 10.655 6.440 9.090 0.000 0.710 points. E by N Jffi by NT Eby N E SE SE by S E by S ESE E NE by E ENE NE by E miles p.h. 13.3 12.8 14.9 11.7 9.4 14.5 10.4 7.8 8.8 12.9 12.6 11.4
Mean or ) Total,... f 29.94 76.8 72.3 68.8 .77.0 70.0 168.8 98.57 E 11.7
The estimated population of the Colony at the middle of 1924
was as follow :
Non-Chinese Civil population............... 16,000
Chinese population :
City of Victoria (including the Peak)... 420,000
Villages of Hong Kong ......... 29,800
Kowloon (including New Kowloon) ... 180,000
New Territories (land)......... .. 85,000
Population afloat,.. ...... ...... 68,750
Total Chinese population ......... 783,550
Total Civil population............ 799,550...”
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“...M 38
This figure shows an increiise of 173,784 oyer that of the
census of 1921.
Immigration and Emigration.
The following figures show the flow of people to and from
Hong Kong aud Chinese territory by railway and river steamers
during the year 1924.
The terms immigrants and emigrants do not indicate the
numbers of persons proceeding to and returning from other
Immigrants. Emigrants.
By railway ............ 157,115 168,734
By river steamships ......1,279,605 1,257,163
1,436,710 1,425,897
The number of Births registered in 1924 is shown in the
following table with those for the year 1923 for comparison.
Malea. Females. Total.
1923 1924 1923 1924 1923 1924
Chinese 2,547 2,544 1,510 1,282 4,057 3,826
Non-Chinese ...... 185 168 172 i 149 357 317
Total... 2,732 ¡ 2,712 1 i 1 1 1,682 j i 1 1,431 4,414 4,143
This gives a general civil birth rate of 5.8 per 1,000 as
compared with 7.39 in 1923.
The birth rate amongst the Non-Chinese civil community
was 19.8 per...”
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“...Source of 1 Typhoid Paratyphoid Total
Notification 192$ 1924 1923 1924 1923 1924
G. C. H........ 48 62 10 9 58 71
T. W. H. 36 45 0 0 36 45
K. W. H. 6 6 0 0 6 6
V. G. H. 1 3 0 0 1 3
P. P............. 67 100 20 28 87 128
H. K. M. 101 25 0 0 I 101 25
K. M............ 13 7 0 0 j 13 7
G. C. H. means Government Civil Hospital,
T. W. H. means Tung Wa Hospital,
K. W. H. means Kwong Wa Hospital,
Y. G. H. means Victoria Gaol Hospital.
P. P. means private medical practitioners.
H. K. M. means Hong-Kong Public Mortuary.
K. M. means Kowloon Public Mortuary....”
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“...miles in
length was made in Plantation 7C, below Matilda Hospital,
Mount Kellet.
The total lengths of old barriers cleared before the dry season
amounted to 18J miles in the New Territories, 17 miles in
Hongkong and 5f miles at Fan Ling.
Hill fires were comparatively very few during the year,
numbering only 18 as compared with 79 in 1928, of these 5
occurred during the first quarter, 2 in the second, 1 in the third
and 10 in the fourth, the worst fire broke out in Plantation 5A
east of Little Hong Kong Old Village, where over 1,000 young-
Pines were destroyed.
On Tsing Ming Festival Day, no fires were reported, this
being due to recent light rains.
On October 7th the date of Chung Yeung Festival only two
small fires were reported, they were easily extinguished by the
*taff on fire-watching duty.
The thanks of the Department are due to the Secretary for
Chinese Affairs for the loan of 10 District Watchmen on both
festival days.
Thanks are also due to the Captain Superintendent of Police...”
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“...the roadside
planting throughout the Colony are raised here, later it is
proposed to establish another nursery on the Island, in order to
lessen the cost of transport and to avoid the carrying of young
trees over long journeys.
Little Hong Kong Nursery :The whole of the beds were
sown with Camphor seeds and over 5,000 young trees raised in
readiness for the replanting of the adjoining cleared area of
Little Hong Kong Forest.
The nursery is being enlarged each year, this is a work of
some difficulty owing to the hillv nature of the ground and the
amount of small boulders which have to be removed.
A pipe line has been laid to tap a hill stream and a system
of small tanks established, so far an abundant supply of water
has been obtained.
Little Hong Kong Forest:The clearing of the old timber
from this area which was commenced in 1922 has now been
completed; the majority of the large trees had been damaged
and broken by large forest creepers and the major portion of the
timber felled could...”
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“...towns :
business is too insistent, and leisure is too scarce: and material
things are sought without time to reflect that these are only a
materialout of which to build a life of goodness and beauty and
mutual understanding.
1. Staff.
I took charge of the Department on February 22nd in the
place of Mr. Irving, who then went on leave, after being iu
charge since April 80th, 1901, and retired on July 22nd.
Mr. de Martin was appointed an Inspector of English
Schools on January 1st.
Mr. Li King Hong was appointed an Inspector of Vernacular
Schools on February 20th.
Two new masters and eight new mistresses were appointed
from England, and three mistresses resigned.
At the end of the year the staff consisted of :
British. | Non-British. Total.
Men. Women. Men. Women.
Inspectors............. 3 j ¡ 3 ... 6
Sub-Inspectors....... I o ... 9
Teachers............... 23 50 103 34 215
Total............ 31 50 115 34 220
The above figures show an increase of 5 British and 12 Non-
British staff...”
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“..."entrance" examination to Class 3, Queen's College, showed
satisfactory results. All the entrants passed.
Games are confined to Volley-ball, Eootball and Swimming.
For the second year in succession the Volley-ball team has not
lost a single game, and it is again the holder of the Junior
Volley-ball shield. Swimming was taken up assiduously during
the warm season: launch picnics and train excursions have been,
for many years, a feature of our school life.
Under the able leadership of Scout-master Kong, assisted
by assistant Scout-inasters Lam and Lau, good scout work has
been done. Successful camps were held at Sai Wan, Taipo
Market, Telegraph Bay, Pinewood, and Tsin Wan. ^...”
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“...0 012
During the Tsing Ming holidays a number of scouts were
involved in a motor-bus collision, on the Castle Peak Road,
while proceeding to camp at Un Long. Three were injured-one
fatally. The accident, which cast a gloom over scouting,
evoked world-wide sympathy. A special letter of commendation,
addressed to Scout Master Kong, for devotion to duty and
endurance under great trial and distress, was received from the
Chief Scout, Sir Robert Baden Powell.
On the whole, the health of the school has been good: two
cases of Diphtheria occurredone amongst the Staff. Numerous
minor cases were treated at the Western Dispensary, the
Government Civil and the Ho Miu Ling Hospitals.
The school continues to serve as the "Practising School"
for the University.
During the year a Scholarship, to be called the "Chan Shek
Shan Scholarship" and available in Class 3 from the end of
1925, was endowed by the late Mr. Chan Shek Shan.
Yaumati School.The Maximum Enrolment was 292 (271
in 1923).
The Average...”
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“...The total number of pupils
from Glass 5 downwards is 2890 and that from Class 4 upwards
Night Schools.22 schools closed and 45 new ones opened,
leaving a total of 99 schools in existence on December 3.1st.
The total enrolment is 2213, and the average attendance 1(346.
Inspection.Mr. Eorrest, who was in charge of English
Private Schools was transferred in May and was succeeded by
Mr. Purcell who came to us from the Singapore Government for
a short period. After his departure Mr. Li King Hong took
charge of these schools, as from June 15th. Each school has
been visited at least once, and the Night Schools, with the help
of the sup-inspector, have been inspected twice or three times
during the year.
Day Schools are comparatively more regularly managed than
Night Schools, a great number of the latter being attended
chiefly by workmen who wish to pick up some English words to
help them in their work, while the larger ones are mostly carried
on in. connection with Day Schools and serve...”
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“...of the
old ones closed. 18 schools were transferred to the Subsidy
List, but 3 were transferred from that list to this. The number
of Non-Subsidized Schools is now 78.
AttendanceThe total enrolment in Subsidized Schools is
3175 including 279 girls, and the average attendance is 2540.
The number in Non-Subsidized Schools is 1646 (126 girls) and
the average attendance is 1258. The Saikung English School
has an enrolment of 31.
StaffWhen I was absent on leave from March to September,
Mr. Li King Hong in the earlier part, and later Messrs. Lau
Man Kui and Wong Kwok Fong, took charge of the New
Territory work. Each school was visited at least once by an
Inspector and several times by a Sub-Inspector.
Y. P. LAW,
Inspector of Vernacular Schools, N.T....”
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“...Table V,-
Subsidised Schools,
24 Lun Fat Street ......................
326 Nathan Road .......................
96 Prava East
303-5 Reclamation Street ............
394 Shanghai Street ...................
122 Shaukiwan, West .................
171 Temple Street .....................
38 Cooke Street ......!.................
Little Hong Kong ......................
34 Pak Hoh Street .....................
Aberdeen Baptist Church ............
.114 Aplichau .............................
Bonham Road, (Lai Yin) ...........
95 High Street ..........................
K'city. 155 Sheung Street ...........
,, 50 Saigon Road .............
', Ma Tau Wai ..................
Boys Girls Total Enrolment Average Total
Atten- dance Subsidy paid
25 25 20 360
34 7 41 30 860
42 42 38 ! ! 360
22 106 128 120 360
5 54 59 48 360
22 81 103 77 360
41 4 45 40 360
37 ! 37 1 35 300
19 4 23 i 19 300
10 28 38 34 300
18 14 32 i 29 240
47 47...”