212. European officers are expected to satisfy the Resident by examination
witfiin one year after arrival in the Protectorate that they possess a good
colloquial knowledge of the Swahili language. This compulsory examination,
termed the Lower Standard Swahili Examination, will be oral, and the standard
required will be the possession by the officer of sufficient ability to dispense
with the services of a native interpreter in dealing with the ordinary business of
his office or court. Failure to pass this examination will in the ease of adminis-
trative cadets or probationary officers of the Police Department, debar them
from confirmation of their appointments. In the case of other officers' failure
to pass, increments of salary may, at the discretion of the British Resident,
be withheld, and their prospects of promotion will be adversely affected.
213. Nursing sisters who fail to pass the examination will not ordinarily
be re-engaged for a further tour of service.
214. A bonus of £50 may be granted to European officers of the permanent
staff who have been confirmed in their appointment and who qualify in either
of the following examinations, provided that they have previously obtained the
sanction of the Chief Secretary to study the particular language in which they
qualify, and provided that they have already passed the Lower Standard
Swahili Examination.
*The Higher Standard Swahili Examination:
Written papers will be set, and candidates will be expected to show a
thorough knowledge of the grammar and idiom of the language. This test in-
cludes an oral examination. The Swahili Examiners should be applied to for
advice as to publications which can most usefully be studied.
Examination in either of the following native languages:
The standard required will be the capacity to act as an efficient interpreter,
and the possession of a thorough knowledge of the language.
Each candidate for the Higher Standard Swahili, the Arabic and the Gujarati
examinations will be required to deposit the sum of Rs. 45, which will be
returned if the candidate is successful.
215. Officers of the Administrative and Police Departments are required to
pass an examination in law. In the case of Administrative cadets and pro-
bationary officers of the Police Department, failure to pass will debar them from
confirmation of their appointments.
Tn the case of officers whose appointments have already been confirmed,
increments of salary may be withheld at the discretion of the British Resident,
until they have passed the examination.
215a. Officers attending language examinations or the law examination
are allowed to draw travelling allowances under Section 162 while absent from
their stations but no allowance will be sanctioned in the case of officers present-
ing themselves on subsequent occasions after failure to qualify at the first
Note:This examination is compulsory in the case of Administration and
Police officers, and failure to pass before the completion of the second tour of
service will detrimentally affect their prospects of promotion. |