No. Title Date
1 Act for constituting a corporation, for better ordering and managing the police of the town and parish of Kingston, and for other purposes relative to the parish of Kingston, with proper and adequate powers; as confirmed by his Majesty in Council, the 28th June 1802
2 Handbook for magistrates
3 Interview with Amina Naccache
4 Skip Navigation Links.
5 Skip Navigation Links.
6 Skip Navigation Links.
7 Skip Navigation Links.
8 Skip Navigation Links.
9 Interview with Lina
10 Interview with Mai Saleh
11 Interview with Rabab El Mahdi
12 Skip Navigation Links.
13 Interview with Sally Zohny
14 Interview with Salma Nagy
15 Photograph, 'Police Station, Singapore'
16 Policemen at Irkutsk
17 Russian policeman
18 Stanbol Efendi Commissaire de police