No. Title Date
1 Sucesos de las islas Filipinas
2 Relacion de todo lo acaecido al galeon La Santíssima Trinidad, en este año de 1762, en que salio de este puerto de Cavite para el de Acapulco, con permisso de el vecindario, y por el real situ ado de est as islas philipin as: hasta que volvio a el de arribada, a loas ciento, y qu atro di as de navigacion; Hecha por un sugeto de los que iban empleados en dicho navio
3 Opium question
4 Chinese vindicated : or, Another view of the opium question : being in reply to a pamphlet, by Samuel Warren, Esq. F.R.S. barrister at law in the Middle Temple
5 Rupture with China and its causes : including the opium question and other important details : in a letter to Lord Viscount Palmerston, Secretary for Foreign Affairs
6 Is the war with China a just one?
7 Statement of claims of the British subjects interest in opium : surrendered to Captain Elliot at Canton for the Public Service
8 Facts and evidence relating to the opium trade with China
9 Is the war with China a just one?
10 Is the war with China a just one?
11 Some pros and cons of the opium question : with a few suggestions regarding British claims on China : "Ratione non ira."
12 Correct report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Sir James Graham's motion on the China trade, in the House of Commons, April 7, 1840 : with an appendix, containing resolutions on the China trade, moved in the House of Commons, June 13, 1833
13 Letter from William Milne, 15 to 28 July 1840, Macao
14 Letter from William Lockhart, 13 July 1840, Macao
15 Letter from William Lockhart and William Milne, 18 August 1840, Macao
16 Letter from Robert Morrison, 20 December 1840, Bogue Forts (near Hongkong)
17 Letter from William Milne, 05 December 1840, Macao
18 Letter from Benjamin Hobson, 09 November 1840, Macao
19 Letter from Benjamin Hobson, 20 January 1841, Macao
20 Letter from Benjamin Hobson, 10 June 1841, Macao