No. Title Date
1 آداب السلطنة
2 Batîs Pûtrîka : translated into English from the Telinga language [i.e. from a Telugu version of the 'Dvatrimsat-puttalika' or 'Tales of the Thirty-two Images']
3 O Oriente e a América : apontamentos sobre os usos e costumes dos povos da India portugueza comparados com os do Brazil ; memória apresentada à X sessão do Congresso Internacional dos Orientalistas
4 داستان احوال حواريان
5 Vocabulary, Portuguese, Hindustani and Persian
6 Arte bre da lingoa Iapoa da Arte grande da me lingoa, pera os que começam a aprer os primeiros principios della
7 Pate and the Portuguese colonisation-15th/16th century (MS 53507c)
8 History of Pate-17th century (MS 53507e)
9 Swahili Letters from Goa (MS 380699)
10 Swahili Letters from Goa (MS 380699)
11 Rudimenta linguae persicae
12 كتاب زبور
13 Vocabulary, Portuguese, Hindustani and Persian
14 Vocabulary, Portuguese, Hindustani and Persian
15 A volume containing: (1) 'Gramatica da lingoa bramana que corre na Ilha de Goa e sua Comarca' [A grammer of Konkani], in Portuguese]. (2) 'Sintaxis copiosis- sima na lingoa bramana e pollida' [i.e. Konkani], by Gaspar de São Miguel, in Portuguese. (3) 'Gramatica da lingoa Bramana [i.e. Konkani] ordenada pello p. Fr. Christorão de Jesus no anno de 1636', in Portuguese. (4) A short confessionary in Portuguese and Hindustani, attached to the inside of the cover.
16 Swahili Letters from Goa (MS 380699)