No. Title Date
1 Ahi teri : U Garaqa
2 Amendments to recent comparative and typological studies in Papuan languages in Australian New Guinea
3 Austronesian linguistics and intra-subgroup comparison
4 Comparative notes on the Austronesian languages of New Guinea
5 Errata : Conference on linguistic problems of the Indo-Pacific area (London : School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London : 1965 January 5-8)
6 Gilbertese, Samoan and English dictionary
7 Interpretation of archaic writing systems
8 Skip Navigation Links.
9 Migrations of the Malayopolynesians
10 Na mai halui haiwala ni riliunaina : Ulawa prayers
11 Notebooks of William Dawes (MS 41645 c & d) : short vocabularies of the language of Indigenous peoples of Van Diemen's Land, collected by the officers of the French frigates La Recherche and L'Espérance in 1793
12 Notes on the morphology and classification of Rarotongan full-words
13 Outlines of foreign missions
14 Phonological expansions in outlier Polynesia
15 Recent comparative and typological studies in Papuan languages in Australian New Guinea
16 Recent developments in Australian linguistics
17 Sentence patterns of twenty-six Philippine languages
18 Service of Holy Communion with helps for preparation and devotion : for use in the Diocese of Melanesia
19 Statistical Structure of the Proto-Austronesian Morph
20 Tekao ke, tekao ke : Diverses phrases