No. Title Date
1 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
2 MGur-hbum; or, Songs of Mi-la-ras-pa : selections on Khyi-ra-wa-mgon-po-rdo-rje and Kho-khom-rgyal-pos-mchod-pa
3 MGur-hbum; or, Songs of Mi-la-ras-pa : selections on Khyi-ra-wa-mgon-po-rdo-rje and Kho-khom-rgyal-pos-mchod-pa
4 略画式
5 人物略画式
6 乃木大将
7 Photograph, 'Female Prisoners in the Cangue'
8 Photograph, 'Cangue'd Prisoners'
9 Ikushima Kashiwagi in the role of a young samurai, wearing Kamishimo and long hakama
10 Seirō yūkun awase kagami
11 Three geisha carrying momiji branches, with yellow ground
12 Crane and chicks in a nest on a pine tree
13 Storehouse for treasure at Nikko
14 Yomei Mon (Great Gate) at Nikko
15 甲州矢立杉
16 Preliminary catalogue of the Japanese prints and other illustrations in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies
17 Preliminary list of Chinese woodblock prints in the SOAS Library