No. Title Date
1 清眞齋拜日期表
2 Chinese conversations
3 Inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade, etc.
4 An inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade
5 現代心理學 : Xian dai xin li xue
6 新春对联
7 Supplement to the International gleanings from Japan
8 Supplement to the International gleanings from Japan
9 Degrees of flooding and location of economic studies in the 1931 flooded areas in the Yangtze and Hwai River Valleys, China : form surveys made during November, 1931
10 Work of the National Flood Relief Commission of the national government of China, August, 1931-June, 1932
11 How "Manchukuo" was created
12 基督门
13 门徒受差
14 耶稣复活了
15 耶稣被钉
16 浪子之喻
17 藏珍之喻
18 认罪必要
19 有无生命
20 事故命革志同章玉吳