A. A. These. Matlh a, these eyes. Sign of the possessive: matlh a gagw, his eyes. Sign of the imperative: a ba tie, let them come. Sign of the inter- rogative : a ba tsile ? have they come ? Aba. To give; to divide; jpass. abiwa, and aywa. Abaka. To divide, as with both hands; to squander. Abalana. To divide among each other. Abecwe. Ke abecwe, I am pre- sented with. Ba abecwe nama le madi, they are sharers of flesh and blood. Abe la. To divide for; to give to; to present with ; to distri- bute. Ablwa. To be made a partaker of. Abilwe. Perf. pass, of aba. Abiwa. Pass, of aba. Abola. To make a large open- ing ; to break open, as a house or wound. Abula. To flap the wings slowly, as vultures about to alight; to try to walk, as an infant. Acwa. To help those who have suffered loss; to make good a loss; to give to a needy per- son. Adile. Perf. of ala. Adilwe. Perf. pass, of ala. E adilwe dimati, it is floored with boards. Adima. To lend; to borrow. Adinwa. Pass, of adima. Aga. To put one thing to lean against another; to cause to lean. 0 aegile lomati, he has caused the plank to lean. Aegilwe. Secwal se aegilwe, the door is put to lean. Aegolola. To remove a leaning thing. Aga. To build. Agalana. To live together; to be neighbours. Agecwe. Built for. Agla = Bela. Lehoko ya kgosi le agla mosak, the chiefs word inspires trust. Aglla. To tarry with, or live with for a time, as when visit- ing ^ to edify. Aglelana. To be friendly with each other; to be at peace with each other. Go agllana le bna, to be on friendly terms with them. Agile. Perf. of aga. Ke agile na, I live with him. Agisa. To cause to build j to make peace. Agisantse. Perf. of agisanya. Agisanya. Go agisanya batho, to make people at peace with each other. Go agisanya batho le Modimo, to make men at peace with God. Ga ba agisanye, they are not at peace with each other. Go agisanya le Modimo, to be at peace with God. Agiwa. Pass, of aga. Agterelae. Tlhobol ea agterelae, a breech-loading rifle (hybrid). Ahe. Maina ahe ? which names ? AicwE=Aitse. Aila. To walk slowly, picking up ones feet with difficulty.