Your search within this document for 'Iraq' resulted in five matching pages.

“...GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST INCORPORATING “ THE NEAR EAST AND INDIA.” T elegrams: Eastaprox, Westcent, London T elephone : Holborn 8254. A Weekly Review of the Politics, Commerce and Finance of Great Britain (including the British Empire), the Balkans, Turkey, Eqypt, the Sudan, Malta, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, India, Federated Malay States, China and Japan. General Editor : E. A. Mackenzie-Bell. Editorial Offices: “ GREAT BRITAIN & THE EAST,” 133/136, High Holborn, London, W.C.l. No. 1,491.—VOL LIII. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939. Established 1911 The aims of this Paper are : the the Promotion of British Trade; the East, and of aintenance of Peace ; the Safeguarding id the Interpretation of Great Britain le East to Great Britain (including th PRINCIPAL CONTENTS of our Imperial Communications ; (including the British Empire) to s British Empire). Page NOTES OF THE WEEK................... 477 LEADING ARTICLES— Italy and the Balkans........... 479 The...”

“...483 Great Britain and the East. December 21, 1939. ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL COMPANY, LTD. DETROLEUM PRODUCTS manufactured by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and its associated and subsidiary companies include Aviation and Motor Spirits, Kerosene, Vaporising Oil, White Spirit, Lubricating Oil, Gas Oil, Diesel Oil, and Fuel Oil. These products are marketed in the principal European countries and in Africa, Australia, Ceylon, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Sudan. BRITANNIC HOUSE, FINSBURY CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C.2...”

“...from the fashionable cult of Venezelos and to see the Royal standpoint from a sympathetic angle. He makes out a very good case for his personal opinion and his pages on the subject deserve careful attention from those who have been dazzled by Mr. Compton Mackenzie’s brilliance. Perhaps the most interesting part of the book concerns Vienna and Budapest just after the war, for the confused events of this period still require much clearing up. WHERE TO STAY IN THE EAST CYPRUS— Nicosia— GEORGE HOTEL IRAQ— Baghdad— RITZ HOTEL, Rashid Street PALESTINE— Jerusalem— AMERICAN COLONY HOSTEL HOTEL FAST, JERUSALEM A High Class Family Hotel j Patronised by British Officers and Officials Centrally situated, with every ‘ modern Comfort, and Renowned Cuisine. P.O.B. 529. Tel. Address : “ Fastotel.” Phone : 4334 Sir Thomas, like his life-long friend Sir Henry Wilson, has always had the courage of his own opinion. He has, too, his prejudices but does not often let them run away with him. He is always careful...”

“...shows that at the end of the present financial year there will be an excess of expenditure over revenue of approximately £132,000, and the gap between the two must be bridged. To do this taxation is necessary, and the Governor has decided not only to increase Custom and other duties, but also to impose rates on property to pay for services received, such as public lighting, water and drainage. IRAQI-EGYPTIAN RELATIONS (From Our Cairo Correspondent) In an otherwise dull atmosphere the visit of the Iraq Prime Minister, General Nuri-es-Said has aroused considerable interest. He has been entertained by the Egyptian Prime Minister, Aly Maher Pasha, and the British Ambassador, and has had conferences with both. So far nothing has been allowed to transpire with regard to these talks. But political circles understand that the main topic, certainly of the Nuri-Maher conversations, has been the situation created for the Palestinian exiles by the White Paper and the desire to find some formula for an...”

“...side of the foreigner’s life in Peking. BANQUE MISR Societe Anonyme Egyptienne Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Fund for Development of National Industries Carried Forward HEAD Branches and Offices THE BANK MISR £El,000,000 £E624,446 £E275,000 £E53,210 OFFICE: 151, Rue Emad El Dine, CAIRO. all over Egypt : Correspondents all over the world. OFFERS A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE MISR AIRLINES operated by MISR AIRWORK (S.A.E.) Regular air services in Egypt and between Egypt, Palestine, Cyprus, Syria and Iraq Travel by air Special Air Journeys arranged for any destination. MISR LINE (Societe MISR de Navigation Maritime) REGULAR FORTNIGHTLY SERVICES to and from ALEXANDRIA, GENOA AND MARSEILLES From Alexandria: December 28. From Marseilles: January 3, 1940. CAIRO : 151, Rue Emad el Dine. ALEXANDRIA : 14, Rue Fouad ler. SOCIETE MISR (D’Assurances Generales S.A.E.) Capital Fully Subscribed £E200,000. ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE. (LIFE FIRE ACCIDENT MARINE TRANSPORT FIDELITY MOTOR, Head Offices : 1 Midan Soliman...”